. "ERROR:</SPAN> Unable to conduct a query on the "
. "<EM>sbmFIELDDESC</EM> table of " . DOCS_DATABASE . ".<BR>Please"
. " inform system administrator.</P>\n");
} // END else
} // END function fabricateElementDetsFormEDS()
function displayPage()
global $doctype,$update,$changeType,$val,$rows,$cols,$cookie,$alephcode,$marccode,$type,$size,$maxlength,$fidesc,$name,$subname,$pageNumber,$nPgs,$caller,$modifytext;
# Conduct a test to see if this is the first call to this page, or a
# recursive call whereby the user is attempting to update the
# element descriptions details
# In this case, this is a call to update the Element description.
# Therefore, update it, and redirect the "pageDetsEDS.php" page.
$updtStr = "UPDATE sbmFIELDDESC SET ";
# determine what kind of element we are
# actually updating here, as we only need to amend certain fields