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## $Id$
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""WebSubmit interface for the management of referees."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
## import interesting modules:
import types
import re
from invenio.config import \
cdslang, \
cdsname, \
images, \
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, Error
from invenio.access_control_engine import acc_authorize_action
from invenio.access_control_admin import \
acc_delete_user_role, \
acc_get_role_id, \
acc_add_role, \
acc_add_role_action_arguments, \
acc_add_argument, \
acc_get_user_roles, \
acc_add_user_role, \
acc_get_action_id, \
acc_get_all_roles, \
from invenio.webpage import page, create_error_box
from invenio.webuser import getUid, get_email, list_registered_users, page_not_authorized
from invenio.messages import wash_language
def index(req, c=cdsname, ln=cdslang, todo="", id="", doctype="",
categ="", addusers="", warningText="", role=""):
"""Main entry point for the management of referees."""
ln = wash_language(ln)
# get user ID:
uid = getUid(req)
except Error, e:
return errorMsg(e.value, req)
(auth_code, auth_message) = acc_authorize_action(req, "cfgwebsubmit", verbose=0)
if auth_code != 0:
## user is not authorised to use WebSubmit Admin:
return page_not_authorized(req=req, text=auth_message)
# request for deleting a user
if todo == "deleteuser":
acc_delete_user_role(id, name_role=role)
# request for adding user(s)
if todo == "adduser":
role = "referee_%s_%s" % (doctype, categ[1])
roleId = acc_get_role_id(role)
# if the role does not exists, we create it
if roleId == 0:
if acc_add_role(role, "referees for document type %s category %s" % (doctype, categ[1])) == 0:
return errorMsg("Cannot create referee role", req)
roleId = acc_get_role_id(role)
# if the action does not exist, we create it
actionId = acc_get_action_id("referee")
if actionId == 0:
if acc_add_action("referee", "", "no", ("doctype","categ")) == 0:
return errorMsg("Cannot create action 'referee'", req)
actionId = acc_get_action_id("referee")
#create arguments
arg1Id = acc_add_argument("doctype", doctype)
arg2Id = acc_add_argument("categ", categ[1])
# then link the role with the action
if acc_add_role_action_arguments(roleId, actionId, -1, 0, 0, [arg1Id, arg2Id]) == 0:
return errorMsg("Cannot link role with action", req)
roleId = acc_get_role_id(role)
# For each id in the array
if isinstance(addusers, types.ListType):
for adduser in addusers:
# First check whether this id is not already associated with this rule
myRoles = acc_get_user_roles(adduser)
if not roleId in myRoles:
# Actually add the role to the user
acc_add_user_role(adduser, roleId)
warningText = '<span style="color:#f00">Sorry... This user is already a referee for this category.</span>'
# First check whether this id is not already associated with this rule
myRoles = acc_get_user_roles(addusers)
if not roleId in myRoles:
# Actually add the role to the user
acc_add_user_role(addusers, roleId)
warningText = '<span style="color:#f00">Sorry... This user is already a referee for this category.</span>'
return page(title="websubmit admin - referee selection",
body=displayRefereesPage(doctype, warningText),
def displayRefereesPage(doctype, warningText):
"""Output the list of refeeres as well as the controls to add/remove them"""
t = ""
if doctype in ['', '*']:
doctype = '*'
docname = "all catalogues"
res = run_sql("SELECT * FROM sbmDOCTYPE WHERE sdocname=%s", (doctype,))
docname = res[0][0]
t += warningText
t += """
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="todo" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="role" value="" />
<!-- Role: referee -->
<table><tr><td valign="top">""" % doctype
# call the function to display the table containing the list of associated emails
t += displayUserTable(doctype)
t += """
<td valign="top">"""
# call the function to display the form allowing the manager to add new users
t += displayAddUser(doctype)
end_url = "%s/admin/websubmit/" % (weburl, doctype)
if doctype in ['', '*']:
end_url = "%s/admin/websubmit/" % weburl
t += """
<!-- End submissionuser rule -->
<a href="%s">Finished</a>
</form>""" % end_url
return t
def displayUserTable(doctype):
"""Display the list of referees for the given doctype, as well as
the control to remove them"""
t = ""
# start displaying the table which will contain the list of email addresses.
t += """
<table class="searchbox">
<th class="portalboxheader" colspan="2">Referees</th>
roles = acc_get_all_roles()
referees = {}
for role in roles:
role_name = role[1]
role_id = role[0]
if re.match("^referee_%s_" % doctype, role_name):
# Try to retrieve the referee's email from the referee's database
if acc_get_role_users(role_id) is not None:
referees[role_name] = acc_get_role_users(role_id)
if len(referees) == 0:
t += '<tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><img src="%s/noway.gif" height="16px" width="16px" alt="Empty"/></td></tr>' % images
i = 0
for role in referees.keys():
categ = re.match("referee_%s_(.*)" % doctype, role).group(1)
res = run_sql("SELECT lname FROM sbmCATEGORIES WHERE sname=%s and doctype=%s", (categ, doctype,))
if len(res) > 0:
categname = "Referee(s) for category: %s" % res[0][0]
categname = "General Referee(s)"
t += '<tr><td colspan="2"><small><b>%s</b> </small></td></tr>' % categname
for referee in referees[role]:
if int(i/2) == i/2:
bgcolor = "#eeeeee"
bgcolor = "#dddddd"
t += '<tr bgcolor="%s">' % bgcolor
t += '<td align="right"><small>'
t += referee[1]
t += '</small></td>'
t += '''<td><a href="" onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this referee?')){document.forms[0].todo.value='deleteuser';document.forms[0].id.value='%s';document.forms[0].role.value='%s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;}else{return false;}">''' % (referee[0], role)
t += '<img src="%s/iconcross.gif" border="0" alt="Remove" /></a>' % images
t += '</td>'
t += '</tr>'
i += 1
# close table
t += "</table>"
return t
def displayAddUser(doctype):
"""Display controls for adding users"""
t = ""
# start displaying the table which will contain the add form
t += """
<table class="searchbox" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">Add</th>
users = list_registered_users()
if len(users) < 20:
numrows = len(users)
numrows = 20
t += '<select multiple="multiple" name="addusers" size="%s">' % numrows
for user in users:
if user[1] != "":
t += '<option value="%s">%s</option>' % (user[0], user[1])
t += '</select><br/>'
t += '<select name="categ">'
t += '<option value="*">All categories</option>'
res = run_sql("select lname,sname FROM sbmCATEGORIES WHERE doctype=%s ORDER BY lname", (doctype,))
for row in res:
t += '<option value="%s">%s</option>' % (row[1], row[0])
t += '</select><br/>'
t += '''<input class="adminbutton" type="button" onclick="document.forms[0].todo.value='adduser';document.forms[0].submit();" value="ADD" />'''
t += '</td></tr></table>'
return t
def errorMsg(title, req, uid, c=cdsname, ln=cdslang):
"""Prints the error page."""
return page(title="error",
body = create_error_box(req, title=title,verbose=0, ln=ln),
description="%s - Internal Error" % c,
keywords="%s, Internal Error" % c,

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