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## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""BibKnowledge URL handler."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
from invenio.webinterface_handler import wash_urlargd, WebInterfaceDirectory
from invenio import bibknowledgeadmin
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG
class WebInterfaceBibKnowledgePages(WebInterfaceDirectory):
""" Handle /kb/ etc set of pages."""
extrapath = ""
def __init__(self, extrapath=""):
self.extrapath = extrapath
def _lookup(self, component, path):
"""This handler parses dynamic URLs (/kb, /kb/export, /kb/upload etc)."""
return WebInterfaceBibKnowledgePages(component), path
def __call__(self, req, form):
"""Serve the page in the given language."""
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'kb': (int, -1),
'search': (str, ''), #what to search in the rules
'descriptiontoo': (int, 0), #search descriptions, too
'action': (str, ''), #delete/new/attributes/update_attributes/add_mapping/edit_mapping/dynamic_update
'chosen_option': (str, ''), #for the 'really delete' dialog
'sortby': (str, ''), #sort rules by key or value
'startat': (int, 0), #sort rules by key or value
'name': (str, ''), #name in new/rename operations
'description': (str, ''), #description in new/rename operations
'mapFrom': (str, ''), 'mapTo': (str, ''), #mappings
'forcetype': (str, ''), #force mapping
'replacements': (str, ''), #needed for overlapping mappings
'save_mapping': (str, ''), #type of edit_mapping
'delete_mapping': (str, ''), #type of edit_mapping
'field': (str, ''), #for dynamic kbs
'expression': (str, ''), #for dynamic kbs
'collection': (str, ''), #for dynamic kbs
'kbname': (str, ''), #for exporting
'format': (str, ''), #for exporting
'term': (str, ''), #for exporting to JQuery UI
'kbtype': (str, '')})
ln = argd['ln']
kb = argd['kb']
search = argd['search']
descriptiontoo = argd['descriptiontoo']
action = argd['action']
chosen_option = argd['chosen_option']
name = argd['name']
description = argd['description']
sortby = argd['sortby']
startat = argd['startat']
mapFrom = argd['mapFrom']
mapTo = argd['mapTo']
kbtype = argd['kbtype']
field = argd['field']
expression = argd['expression']
collection = argd['collection']
forcetype = argd['forcetype']
replacements = argd['replacements']
save_mapping = argd['save_mapping']
delete_mapping = argd['delete_mapping']
kbname = argd['kbname']
format = argd['format']
term = argd['term']
req.argd = argd #needed by some lower level modules
#check upload
if self.extrapath == "upload":
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_upload(req, kb=kb, ln=ln)
#check if this is "export"
if self.extrapath == "export":
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_export(req, kbname=kbname, format=format, ln=ln, searchvalue=term)
#first check if this is a specific action
if action == "new":
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_add(req, kbtype=kbtype, sortby=sortby, ln=ln)
if action == "attributes":
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_show_attributes(req, kb=kb, ln=ln)
if action == "update_attributes":
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_update_attributes(req, kb=kb, name=name, description=description, ln=ln)
if action == "delete":
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_delete(req, kb=kb, ln=ln, chosen_option=chosen_option)
if action == "add_mapping":
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_add_mapping(req, kb=kb, ln=ln, mapFrom=mapFrom, mapTo=mapTo, forcetype=forcetype, replacements=replacements, kb_type=kbtype)
if action == "edit_mapping":
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_edit_mapping(req, kb=kb, key=mapFrom, mapFrom=mapFrom, mapTo=mapTo, update=save_mapping, delete=delete_mapping, sortby=sortby, ln=ln)
if action == "dynamic_update":
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_dynamic_update(req, kb_id=kb, ln=ln, field=field, expression=expression, collection=collection)
#then, check if this is a "list all" or "show kb" request..
if (kb > -1):
return bibknowledgeadmin.kb_show(req, ln=ln, sortby=sortby, startat=startat, kb=kb, search=search)
return bibknowledgeadmin.index(req, ln=ln, search=search, descriptiontoo=descriptiontoo)
index = __call__

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