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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## $Id$
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" Error handling library """
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import traceback
import os
import sys
import time
from cStringIO import StringIO
from invenio.config import cdslang, logdir, alertengineemail, adminemail, supportemail, cdsname, weburl
from invenio.miscutil_config import CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES
from invenio.urlutils import wash_url_argument
from invenio.messages import wash_language, gettext_set_language
from invenio.dateutils import convert_datestruct_to_datetext
def get_client_info(req):
Returns a dictionary with client information
@param req: mod_python request
return \
{ 'host' : req.hostname,
'url' : req.unparsed_uri,
'time' : convert_datestruct_to_datetext(time.localtime()),
'browser' : req.headers_in.has_key('User-Agent') and req.headers_in['User-Agent'] or "N/A",
'client_ip' : req.connection.remote_ip
return {}
def get_pretty_wide_client_info(req):
"""Return in a pretty way all the avilable information about the current
if req:
from invenio.webuser import collect_user_info
user_info = collect_user_info(req)
keys = user_info.keys()
max_key = max([len(key) for key in keys])
ret = ""
fmt = "%% %is: %%s\n" % max_key
for key in keys:
ret += fmt % (key, user_info[key])
return ret
return "No client information available"
def get_tracestack():
If an exception has been caught, return the system tracestack or else return tracestack of what is currently in the stack
if traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]):
delimiter = "\n"
tracestack_pretty = "Traceback: \n%s" % delimiter.join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]))
tracestack = traceback.extract_stack()[:-1] #force traceback except for this call
tracestack_pretty = "%sForced traceback (most recent call last)" % (' '*4,)
for trace_tuple in tracestack:
tracestack_pretty += """
File "%(file)s", line %(line)s, in %(function)s
%(text)s""" % \
{ 'file' : trace_tuple[0],
'line' : trace_tuple[1],
'function' : trace_tuple[2],
'text' : trace_tuple[3] is not None and str(trace_tuple[3]) or ""
return tracestack_pretty
def register_exception(force_stack=False, stream='error', req=None, prefix='', suffix='', alert_admin=False):
log error exception to invenio.err and warning exception to invenio.log
errors will be logged with client information (if req is given)
@param force_stack: when True stack is always printed, while when False,
stack is printed only whenever the Exception type is not containing the
word Invenio
@param stream: 'error' or 'warning'
@param req = mod_python request
@param prefix a message to be printed before the exception in
the log
@param suffix a message to be printed before the exception in
the log
@param alert_admin wethever to send the exception to the administrator via email
@return 1 if successfully wrote to stream, 0 if not
## Let's extract exception information
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
if exc_info[0]:
## We found an exception.
## We want to extract the name of the Exception
exc_name = exc_info[0].__name__
exc_value = str(exc_info[1])
## Let's record when and where and what
www_data = "%(time)s -> %(name)s: %(value)s" % {
'time' : time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
'name' : exc_name,
'value' : exc_value
## Let's retrieve contextual user related info, if any
client_data = get_pretty_wide_client_info(req)
except Exception, e:
client_data = "Error in retrieving contextual information: %s" % e
## Let's extract the traceback
if not exc_name.startswith('Invenio') or force_stack:
## We put a large traceback only if requested
## or the Exception is not an Invenio one.
tracestack = traceback.extract_stack()[-5:-2]
tracestack_data = "%sForced traceback (most recent call last)" % (' '*4,)
for trace_tuple in tracestack:
tracestack_data += """
File "%(file)s", line %(line)s, in %(function)s
%(text)s""" % \
{ 'file' : trace_tuple[0],
'line' : trace_tuple[1],
'function' : trace_tuple[2],
'text' : trace_tuple[3] is not None and str(trace_tuple[3]) or ""
tracestack_data = ""
exception_data = StringIO()
## Let's print the exception (and the traceback)
traceback.print_exception(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2], None, exception_data)
exception_data = exception_data.getvalue()
log_stream = StringIO()
email_stream = StringIO()
## If a prefix was requested let's print it
if prefix:
print >> log_stream, prefix
print >> email_stream, prefix
print >> email_stream, "The following problem occurred on %s" % weburl
print >> email_stream, ">>> Registered exception"
print >> log_stream, www_data
print >> email_stream, www_data
print >> email_stream, ">>> User details"
print >> log_stream, client_data
print >> email_stream, client_data
print >> email_stream, ">>> Traceback details"
if tracestack_data:
print >> log_stream, tracestack_data
print >> email_stream, tracestack_data
print >> log_stream, exception_data
print >> email_stream, exception_data
## If a suffix was requested let's print it
if suffix:
print >> log_stream, suffix
print >> email_stream, suffix
log_text = log_stream.getvalue()
email_text = email_stream.getvalue()
## Preparing the exception dump
stream = stream=='error' and 'err' or 'log'
## We now have the whole trace
written_to_log = False
## Let's try to write into the log.
open(os.path.join(logdir, 'invenio.' + stream), 'a').write(log_text)
written_to_log = True
if alert_admin or not written_to_log:
## If requested or if it's impossible to write in the log
from invenio.mailutils import send_email
send_email(adminemail, adminemail, subject='Registered exception at %s' % weburl, content=email_text)
return 1
return 0
except Exception, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error in registering exception to '%s': '%s'" % (logdir + '/invenio.' + stream, e)
return 0
def register_errors(errors_or_warnings_list, stream, req=None):
log errors to invenio.err and warnings to invenio.log
errors will be logged with client information (if req is given) and a tracestack
warnings will be logged with just the warning message
@param errors_or_warnings_list: list of tuples (err_name, err_msg)
err_name = ERR_ + %(module_directory_name)s + _ + %(error_name)s #ALL CAPS
err_name must be stored in file: module_directory_name +
as the key for dict with name: CFG_ + %(module_directory_name)s + _ERROR_MESSAGES
@param stream: 'error' or 'warning'
@param req = mod_python request
@return tuple integer 1 if successfully wrote to stream, integer 0 if not
will append another error to errors_list if unsuccessful
client_info_dict = ""
if stream == "error":
# call the stack trace now
tracestack_pretty = get_tracestack()
# if req is given, get client info
if req:
client_info_dict = get_client_info(req)
if client_info_dict:
client_info = \
'''URL: http://%(host)s%(url)s
Browser: %(browser)s
Client: %(client_ip)s''' % client_info_dict
client_info = "No client information available"
client_info = "No client information available"
# check arguments
errors_or_warnings_list = wash_url_argument(errors_or_warnings_list, 'list')
stream = wash_url_argument(stream, 'str')
for etuple in errors_or_warnings_list:
etuple = wash_url_argument(etuple, 'tuple')
# check stream arg for presence of [error,warning]; when none, add error and default to warning
if stream == 'error':
stream = 'err'
elif stream == 'warning':
stream = 'log'
stream = 'log'
errors_or_warnings_list.append((error, eval(CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[error])% stream))
# update log_errors
stream_location = os.path.join(logdir, '/invenio.' + stream)
errors = ''
for etuple in errors_or_warnings_list:
errors += "%s%s : %s \n " % (' '*4*7+' ', etuple[0], etuple[1])
errors += "%s%s \n " % (' '*4*7+' ', etuple)
if errors:
errors = errors[(4*7+1):-3] # get rid of begining spaces and last '\n'
msg = """
%(time)s --> %(errors)s%(error_file)s""" % \
{ 'time' : client_info_dict and client_info_dict['time'] or time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
'errors' : errors,
'error_file' : stream=='err' and "\n%s%s\n%s\n" % (' '*4, client_info, tracestack_pretty) or ""
stream_to_write = open(stream_location, 'a+')
return_value = 1
except :
errors_or_warnings_list.append((error, CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[error] % stream_location))
return_value = 0
return return_value
def get_msg_associated_to_code(err_code, stream='error'):
Returns string of code
@param code: error or warning code
@param stream: 'error' or 'warning'
@return tuple (err_code, formatted_message)
err_code = wash_url_argument(err_code, 'str')
stream = wash_url_argument(stream, 'str')
module_directory_name = err_code.split('_')[1].lower()
module_config = module_directory_name + '_config'
module_dict_name = "CFG_" + module_directory_name.upper() + "_%s_MESSAGES" % stream.upper()
module = __import__(module_config, globals(), locals(), [module_dict_name])
module_dict = getattr(module, module_dict_name)
err_msg = module_dict[err_code]
except ImportError:
err_msg = CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[error] % (err_code,
err_code = error
except AttributeError:
err_msg = CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[error] % (err_code,
err_code = error
except KeyError:
err_msg = CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[error] % (err_code,
module_config + '.' + module_dict_name)
err_code = error
err_msg = CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[error] % err_code
err_code = error
return (err_code, err_msg)
def get_msgs_for_code_list(code_list, stream='error', ln=cdslang):
@param code_list: list of tuples [(err_name, arg1, ..., argN), ...]
err_name = ERR_ + %(module_directory_name)s + _ + %(error_name)s #ALL CAPS
err_name must be stored in file: module_directory_name +
as the key for dict with name: CFG_ + %(module_directory_name)s + _ERROR_MESSAGES
For warnings, same thing except:
err_name can begin with either 'ERR' or 'WRN'
dict name ends with _warning_messages
@param stream: 'error' or 'warning'
@return list of tuples of length 2 [('ERR_...', err_msg), ...]
if code_list empty, will return None.
if errors retrieving error messages, will append an error to the list
ln = wash_language(ln)
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = []
if type(code_list) is None:
return None
code_list = wash_url_argument(code_list, 'list')
stream = wash_url_argument(stream, 'str')
for code_tuple in code_list:
if not(type(code_tuple) is tuple):
code_tuple = (code_tuple,)
nb_tuple_args = len(code_tuple) - 1
err_code = code_tuple[0]
if stream == 'error' and not err_code.startswith('ERR'):
out.append((error, eval(CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[error])))
elif stream == 'warning' and not (err_code.startswith('ERR') or err_code.startswith('WRN')):
out.append((error, eval(CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[error])))
(new_err_code, err_msg) = get_msg_associated_to_code(err_code, stream)
if err_msg[:2] == '_(' and err_msg[-1] == ')':
# err_msg is internationalized
err_msg = eval(err_msg)
nb_msg_args = err_msg.count('%') - err_msg.count('%%')
parsing_error = ""
if new_err_code != err_code or nb_msg_args == 0:
# undefined_error or immediately displayable error
out.append((new_err_code, err_msg))
if nb_msg_args == nb_tuple_args:
err_msg = err_msg % code_tuple[1:]
elif nb_msg_args < nb_tuple_args:
err_msg = err_msg % code_tuple[1:nb_msg_args+1]
parsing_error_message = eval(CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[parsing_error])
parsing_error_message %= code_tuple[0]
elif nb_msg_args > nb_tuple_args:
code_tuple = list(code_tuple)
for dummy in range(nb_msg_args - nb_tuple_args):
code_tuple = tuple(code_tuple)
err_msg = err_msg % code_tuple[1:]
parsing_error_message = eval(CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[parsing_error])
parsing_error_message %= code_tuple[0]
parsing_error_message = eval(CFG_MISCUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGES[parsing_error])
parsing_error_message %= code_tuple[0]
out.append((err_code, err_msg))
if parsing_error:
out.append((parsing_error, parsing_error_message))
if not(out):
out = None
return out
def send_error_report_to_admin(header, url, time_msg,
browser, client, error,
sys_error, traceback_msg):
Sends an email to the admin with client info and tracestack
from_addr = '%s Alert Engine <%s>' % (cdsname, alertengineemail)
to_addr = adminemail
body = """
The following error was seen by a user and sent to you.
Please see the %(logdir)s/invenio.err for traceback details.""" % \
{ 'header' : header,
'url' : url,
'time' : time_msg,
'browser' : browser,
'client' : client,
'error' : error,
'sys_error' : sys_error,
'traceback' : traceback_msg,
'logdir' : logdir,
'contact' : "Please contact %s quoting the following information:" % (supportemail,) #! is support email always cds?
from invenio.mailutils import send_email
send_email(from_addr, to_addr, subject="Error notification", content=body)

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