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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""External collection 'core' file.
Perform search, database access."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import cgi
import sys
from copy import copy
if sys.hexversion < 0x2040000:
# pylint: disable=W0622
from sets import Set as set
# pylint: enable=W0622
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, OperationalError
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
from invenio.websearch_external_collections_config import CFG_EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT
from invenio.websearch_external_collections_searcher import external_collections_dictionary
from invenio.websearch_external_collections_getter import HTTPAsyncPageGetter, async_download
from invenio.websearch_external_collections_templates import print_results, print_timeout
from invenio.websearch_external_collections_utils import get_collection_id, get_collection_descendants, \
warning, get_verbose_print
import invenio.template
# Global variables
template = invenio.template.load('websearch_external_collections')
external_collections_state = None
dico_collection_external_searches = None
dico_collection_seealso = None
#dico_collection_external_searches = {}
#dico_collection_seealso = {}
def print_external_results_overview(req, current_collection, pattern_list, field,
external_collection, verbosity_level=0, lang=CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Print the external collection overview box. Return the selected external collections and parsed query"""
from invenio.search_engine import create_basic_search_units
assert req
vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'External collection (print_external_results_overview): ', verbosity_level)
pattern = bind_patterns(pattern_list)
vprint(3, 'pattern = ' + pattern)
if not pattern:
return (None, None, None, None)
basic_search_units = create_basic_search_units(None, pattern, field)
vprint(3, 'basic_search_units = ' + str(basic_search_units))
(search_engines, seealso_engines) = select_external_engines(current_collection, external_collection)
vprint(3, 'search_engines = ' + str(search_engines))
vprint(3, 'seealso_engines = ' + str(seealso_engines))
search_engines_list = external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(search_engines)
vprint(3, 'search_engines_list (sorted) : ' + str(search_engines_list))
html = template.external_collection_overview(lang, search_engines_list)
return (search_engines, seealso_engines, pattern, basic_search_units)
def perform_external_collection_search(req, current_collection, pattern_list, field,
external_collection, verbosity_level=0, lang=CFG_SITE_LANG, selected_external_collections_infos=None):
"""Search external collection and print the seealso box."""
vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'External collection: ', verbosity_level)
if selected_external_collections_infos:
(search_engines, seealso_engines, pattern, basic_search_units) = selected_external_collections_infos
(search_engines, seealso_engines, pattern, basic_search_units) = print_external_results_overview(req,
current_collection, pattern_list, field, external_collection, verbosity_level, lang)
if not pattern:
do_external_search(req, lang, vprint, basic_search_units, search_engines)
create_seealso_box(req, lang, vprint, basic_search_units, seealso_engines, pattern)
vprint(3, 'end')
def bind_patterns(pattern_list):
"""Combine a list of patterns in an unique pattern.
pattern_list[0] should be the standart search pattern,
pattern_list[1:] are advanced search patterns."""
# just in case an empty list is fed to this function
if pattern_list[0]:
return pattern_list[0]
except IndexError:
return None
pattern = ""
for pattern_part in pattern_list[1:]:
if pattern_part:
pattern += " " + pattern_part
return pattern.strip()
# See also box
def create_seealso_box(req, lang, vprint, basic_search_units=None, seealso_engines=None, query=''):
"Create the box that proposes links to other useful search engines like Google."
vprint(3, 'Create seealso box')
seealso_engines_list = external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(seealso_engines)
vprint(3, 'seealso_engines_list = ' + str(seealso_engines_list))
links = build_seealso_links(basic_search_units, seealso_engines_list, req, lang, query)
html = template.external_collection_seealso_box(lang, links)
def build_seealso_links(basic_search_units, seealso_engines, req, lang, query):
"""Build the links for the see also box."""
_ = gettext_set_language(lang)
links = []
for engine in seealso_engines:
url = engine.build_search_url(basic_search_units, req.args, lang)
if url:
links.append('<a class="google" href="%(url)s">%(query)s %(text_in)s %(name)s</a>' % \
{'url': cgi.escape(url),
'query': cgi.escape(query),
'text_in': _('in'),
'name': _(})
return links
# Selection
def select_external_engines(collection_name, selected_external_searches):
"""Build a tuple of two sets. The first one is the list of engine to use for an external search and the
second one is for the seealso box."""
collection_id = get_collection_id(collection_name)
if not collection_id:
return (None, None)
if not type(selected_external_searches) is list:
selected_external_searches = [selected_external_searches]
seealso_engines = set()
search_engines = set()
if dico_collection_seealso.has_key(collection_id):
seealso_engines = copy(dico_collection_seealso[collection_id])
if dico_collection_external_searches.has_key(collection_id):
seealso_engines = seealso_engines.union(dico_collection_external_searches[collection_id])
for ext_search_name in selected_external_searches:
if external_collections_dictionary.has_key(ext_search_name):
engine = external_collections_dictionary[ext_search_name]
if engine.parser:
warning('select_external_engines: %(ext_search_name)s unknown.' % locals())
seealso_engines = seealso_engines.difference(search_engines)
return (search_engines, seealso_engines)
# Search
def do_external_search(req, lang, vprint, basic_search_units, search_engines):
"""Make the external search."""
_ = gettext_set_language(lang)
vprint(3, 'beginning external search')
engines_list = []
for engine in search_engines:
url = engine.build_search_url(basic_search_units, req.args, lang)
if url:
engines_list.append([url, engine])
pagegetters_list = [HTTPAsyncPageGetter(engine[0]) for engine in engines_list]
def finished(pagegetter, data, current_time):
"""Function called, each time the download of a web page finish.
Will parse and print the results of this page."""
print_results(req, lang, pagegetter, data, current_time)
finished_list = async_download(pagegetters_list, finished, engines_list, CFG_EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_TIMEOUT)
for (finished, engine) in zip(finished_list, engines_list):
if not finished:
url = engine[0]
name = engine[1].name
print_timeout(req, lang, engine[1], name, url)
# Database management
def external_collection_load_states():
global external_collections_state, dico_collection_external_searches, dico_collection_seealso
external_collections_state = {}
dico_collection_external_searches = {}
dico_collection_seealso = {}
query = "SELECT collection_externalcollection.id_collection, collection_externalcollection.type, FROM collection_externalcollection, externalcollection WHERE collection_externalcollection.id_externalcollection =;"
results = run_sql(query)
except OperationalError:
results = None
if results:
for result in results:
collection_id = int(result[0])
search_type = int(result[1])
engine_name = result[2]
if not external_collections_dictionary.has_key(engine_name):
warning("No search engine : " + engine_name)
engine = external_collections_dictionary[engine_name]
if not external_collections_state.has_key(collection_id):
external_collections_state[collection_id] = {}
col_states = external_collections_state[collection_id]
col_states[engine] = search_type
dictionary = None
if search_type == 1:
dictionary = dico_collection_seealso
if search_type in [2, 3]:
dictionary = dico_collection_external_searches
if dictionary is None:
if not dictionary.has_key(collection_id):
dictionary[collection_id] = set()
engine_set = dictionary[collection_id]
def external_collection_get_state(external_collection, collection_id):
if not external_collections_state.has_key(collection_id):
return 0
col_states = external_collections_state[collection_id]
if not col_states.has_key(external_collection):
return 0
return col_states[external_collection]
def external_collection_get_update_state_list(external_collection, collection_id, state, recurse=False):
changes = []
if external_collection_get_state(external_collection, collection_id) != state:
changes = ['(%(collection_id)d, %(id_externalcollection)d, %(state)d)' %
{'collection_id': collection_id, 'id_externalcollection': external_collection_getid(external_collection), 'state': state}]
if not recurse:
return changes
for descendant_id in get_collection_descendants(collection_id):
changes += external_collection_get_update_state_list(external_collection, descendant_id, state)
return changes
def external_collection_apply_changes(changes_list):
if not changes_list:
sql_values = ", ".join(changes_list)
sql = 'INSERT INTO collection_externalcollection (id_collection, id_externalcollection, type) VALUES ' + sql_values + 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE type=VALUES(type);'
# Misc functions
def external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(engines_set):
"""Return a list of sorted (by name) search engines."""
engines_list = [engine for engine in engines_set]
engines_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(,
return engines_list
# External search ID
def external_collection_getid(external_collection):
"""Return the id of an external_collection. Will create a new entry in DB if needed."""
if external_collection.__dict__.has_key('id'):
query = 'SELECT id FROM externalcollection WHERE name="%(name)s";' % {'name':}
results = run_sql(query)
if not results:
query = 'INSERT INTO externalcollection (name) VALUES ("%(name)s");' % {'name':}
return external_collection_getid(external_collection) = results[0][0]
def get_external_collection_engine(external_collection_name):
"""Return the external collection engine given its name"""
if external_collections_dictionary.has_key(external_collection_name):
return external_collections_dictionary[external_collection_name]
return None
# Load db infos if it's not already done.
if external_collections_state is None:
# Hosted Collections related functions (the following functions should eventually be regrouped as above)
# These functions could eventually be placed into there own file, ex.
def calculate_hosted_collections_results(req, pattern_list, field, hosted_collections, verbosity_level=0,
"""Ruturn a list of the various results for a every hosted collection organized in tuples"""
# normally, the following should be checked before even running this function so the following line could be removed
if not hosted_collections: return (None, None)
vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'Hosted collections: ', verbosity_level)
vprint(3, 'pattern_list = ' + str(pattern_list) + ', field = ' + str(field))
# firstly we calculate the search parameters, i.e. the actual hosted search engines and the basic search units
(hosted_search_engines, basic_search_units) = \
# in case something went wrong with the above calculation just return None
# however, once we run this function no fail should be expected here
# UPDATE : let search go on even there are no basic search units (an empty pattern_list and field)
#if basic_search_units == None or len(hosted_search_engines) == 0: return (None, None)
if len(hosted_search_engines) == 0: return (None, None)
# finally return the list of tuples with the results
return do_calculate_hosted_collections_results(req, lang, vprint, verbosity_level, basic_search_units, hosted_search_engines, timeout)
vprint(3, 'end')
def calculate_hosted_collections_search_params(req,
"""Calculate the searching parameters for the selected hosted collections
i.e. the actual hosted search engines and the basic search units"""
from invenio.search_engine import create_basic_search_units
assert req
vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'Hosted collections (calculate_hosted_collections_search_params): ', verbosity_level)
pattern = bind_patterns(pattern_list)
vprint(3, 'pattern = ' + pattern)
# if for any strange reason there is no pattern, just return
# UPDATE : let search go on even there is no pattern (an empty pattern_list and field)
#if not pattern: return (None, None)
# calculate the basic search units
basic_search_units = create_basic_search_units(None, pattern, field)
vprint(3, 'basic_search_units = ' + str(basic_search_units))
# calculate the set of hosted search engines
hosted_search_engines = select_hosted_search_engines(hosted_collections)
vprint(3, 'hosted_search_engines = ' + str(hosted_search_engines))
# no need really to print out a sorted list of the hosted search engines, is there? I'll leave this commented out
#hosted_search_engines_list = external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(hosted_search_engines)
#vprint(3, 'hosted_search_engines_list (sorted) : ' + str(hosted_search_engines_list))
return (hosted_search_engines, basic_search_units)
def select_hosted_search_engines(selected_hosted_collections):
"""Build the set of engines to be used for the hosted collections"""
if not type(selected_hosted_collections) is list:
selected_hosted_collections = [selected_hosted_collections]
hosted_search_engines = set()
for hosted_collection_name in selected_hosted_collections:
if external_collections_dictionary.has_key(hosted_collection_name):
engine = external_collections_dictionary[hosted_collection_name]
# the hosted collection cannot present its results unless it has a parser implemented
if engine.parser:
warning('select_hosted_search_engines: %(hosted_collection_name)s unknown.' % locals())
return hosted_search_engines
def do_calculate_hosted_collections_results(req, lang, vprint, verbosity_level, basic_search_units, hosted_search_engines,
"""Actually search the hosted collections and return their results and information in a list of tuples.
One tuple for each hosted collection. Handles timeouts"""
_ = gettext_set_language(lang)
if not vprint:
vprint = get_verbose_print(req, 'Hosted collections (calculate_hosted_collections_search_params): ', verbosity_level)
# defining vprint at this moment probably means we'll just run this one function at this time, therefore the "verbose"
# end hosted search string will not be printed (it is normally printed by the initial calculate function)
# Therefore, either define a flag here to print it by the end of this function or redefine the whole "verbose"
# printing logic of the above functions
vprint(3, 'beginning hosted search')
# list to hold the hosted search engines and their respective search urls
engines_list = []
# list to hold the non timed out results
results_list = []
# list to hold all the results
full_results_list = []
# list to hold all the timeouts
timeout_list = []
# in case this is an engine-only list
if type(hosted_search_engines) is set:
for engine in hosted_search_engines:
url = engine.build_search_url(basic_search_units, req.args, lang)
if url:
engines_list.append([url, engine])
# in case we are iterating a pre calculated url+engine list
elif type(hosted_search_engines) is list:
for engine in hosted_search_engines:
# in both the above cases we end up with a [[search url], [engine]] kind of list
# create the list of search urls to be handed to the asynchronous getter
pagegetters_list = [HTTPAsyncPageGetter(engine[0]) for engine in engines_list]
# function to be run on every result
def finished(pagegetter, data, current_time):
"""Function called, each time the download of a web page finish.
Will parse and print the results of this page."""
# each pagegetter that didn't timeout is added to this list
results_list.append((pagegetter, data, current_time))
# run the asynchronous getter
finished_list = async_download(pagegetters_list, finished, engines_list, timeout)
# create the complete list of tuples, one for each hosted collection, with the results and other information,
# including those that timed out
for (finished, engine) in zip(finished_list, engines_list): #finished_and_engines_list:
if finished:
for result in results_list:
if result[1] == engine:
# the engine is fed the results, it will be parsed later, at printing time
engine[1].parser.parse_and_get_results(result[0].data, feedonly=True)
## the list contains:
## * the engine itself: [ search url], [engine]
## * the parsed number of found results
## * the fetching time
(engine, engine[1].parser.parse_num_results(), result[2])
elif not finished:
## the list contains:
## * the engine itself: [search url], [engine]
return (full_results_list, timeout_list)

Event Timeline