Page MenuHomec4science
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File Metadata

Thu, Oct 3, 09:48

## $Id$
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import urllib
import time
import cgi
import gettext
import string
import locale
import re
import operator
import os
from invenio.config import \
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
from invenio.dateutils import convert_datetext_to_dategui
from invenio.webmessage_mailutils import email_quoted_txt2html
from invenio.htmlutils import escape_html
class Template:
# Parameters allowed in the web interface for fetching files
files_default_urlargd = {
'version': (str, ""), # version "" means "latest"
'docname': (str, ""), # the docname (optional)
'format' : (str, "") # the format
def tmpl_submit_home_page(self, ln, catalogues):
The content of the home page of the submit engine
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'catalogues' *string* - The HTML code for the catalogues list
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript1.2">
var allLoaded = 1;
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(document_types)s:</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<br />
<br /><br />
<table width="100%%">
<td width="50%%" class="narrowsearchboxbody">
<form method="get" action="/submit">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
</table>""" % {
'document_types' : _("Document types available for submission"),
'please_select' : _("Please select the type of document you want to submit"),
'catalogues' : catalogues,
'ln' : ln,
def tmpl_submit_home_catalog_no_content(self, ln):
The content of the home page of submit in case no doctypes are available
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = "<h3>" + _("No document types available.") + "</h3>\n"
return out
def tmpl_submit_home_catalogs(self, ln, catalogs):
Produces the catalogs' list HTML code
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'catalogs' *array* - The catalogs of documents, each one a hash with the properties:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
- 'sons' - sub-catalogs
- 'docs' - the contained document types, in the form:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
There is at least one catalog
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# import pprint
# out = "<pre>" + pprint.pformat(catalogs)
out = ""
for catalog in catalogs:
out += "\n<ul>"
out += self.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_sub(ln, catalog)
out += "\n</ul>\n"
return out
def tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_sub(self, ln, catalog):
Recursive function that produces a catalog's HTML display
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'catalog' *array* - A catalog of documents, with the properties:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
- 'sons' - sub-catalogs
- 'docs' - the contained document types, in the form:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if catalog['level'] == 1:
out = "<li><font size=\"+1\"><strong>%s</strong></font>\n" % catalog['name']
if catalog['level'] == 2:
out = "<li>%s\n" % catalog['name']
if catalog['level'] > 2:
out = "<li>%s\n" % catalog['name']
if len(catalog['docs']) or len(catalog['sons']):
out += "<ul>\n"
if len(catalog['docs']) != 0:
for row in catalog['docs']:
out += self.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_doctype(ln, row)
if len(catalog['sons']) != 0:
for row in catalog['sons']:
out += self.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_sub(ln, row)
if len(catalog['docs']) or len(catalog['sons']):
out += "</ul></li>"
out += "</li>"
return out
def tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_doctype(self, ln, doc):
Recursive function that produces a catalog's HTML display
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doc' *array* - A catalog of documents, with the properties:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """<li><a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].doctype.value='%(id)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(name)s</a></li>""" % doc
def tmpl_action_page(self, ln, uid, guest, pid, now, doctype,
description, docfulldesc, snameCateg,
lnameCateg, actionShortDesc, indir,
Recursive function that produces a catalog's HTML display
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'guest' *boolean* - If the user is logged in or not
- 'pid' *string* - The current process id
- 'now' *string* - The current time (security control features)
- 'doctype' *string* - The selected doctype
- 'description' *string* - The description of the doctype
- 'docfulldesc' *string* - The title text of the page
- 'snameCateg' *array* - The short names of all the categories of documents
- 'lnameCateg' *array* - The long names of all the categories of documents
- 'actionShortDesc' *array* - The short names (codes) for the different actions
- 'indir' *array* - The directories for each of the actions
- 'statustext' *array* - The names of the different action buttons
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = ""
out += """
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var checked = 0;
function tester() {
if (guest):
out += "alert(\"%(please_login_js)s\");return false;\n" % {
'please_login_js' : _("Please log in first.") + '\\n' + _("Use the top-right menu to log in.")
out += """
if (checked == 0) {
alert ("%(select_cat)s");
return false;
} else {
return true;
function clicked() {
function selectdoctype(nb) {
document.forms[0].act.value = docname[nb];
<form method="get" action="/submit">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="indir" />
<input type="hidden" name="access" value="%(now)i_%(pid)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="act" />
<input type="hidden" name="startPg" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="mainmenu" value="/submit?doctype=%(doctype)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(docfulldesc)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">%(description)s
<br />
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var nbimg = document.images.length + 1;
<br />
<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr valign="top">
""" % {
'select_cat' : _("Please select a category"),
'doctype' : doctype,
'now' : now,
'pid' : pid,
'docfulldesc' : docfulldesc,
'description' : description,
'ln' : ln,
if len(snameCateg) :
out += """<td align="right">"""
for i in range(0, len(snameCateg)):
out += """<label for="combo%(shortname)s">%(longname)s</label><input type="radio" name="combo%(doctype)s" id="combo%(shortname)s" value="%(shortname)s" onclick="clicked();" />&nbsp;<br />""" % {
'longname' : lnameCateg[i],
'doctype' : doctype,
'shortname' : snameCateg[i],
out += "</td>"
out += "<script>checked=1;</script>"
out += """<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
#display list of actions
for i in range(0,len(actionShortDesc)):
out += """<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" value="%(status)s" onclick="if (tester()) { document.forms[0].indir.value='%(indir)s';document.forms[0].act.value='%(act)s';document.forms[0].submit();}; return false;" /><br />""" % {
'status' : statustext[i],
'indir' : indir[i],
'act' : actionShortDesc[i]
out += """ </td></tr></table>
<br />"""
if len(snameCateg) :
out += """<strong class="headline">%(notice)s:</strong><br />
%(select_cat)s""" % {
'notice' : _("Notice"),
'select_cat' : _("Select a category and then click on an action button."),
out += """
<br /><br />
<form action="/submit"><hr />
<font color="black"><small>%(continue_explain)s</small></font>
<table border="0" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" width="100%%"><tr>
<td width="100%%">
<small>Access Number: <input size="15" name="AN" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value=" %(go)s " />
<hr />
""" % {
'continue_explain' : _("To continue with a previously interrupted submission, enter an access number into the box below:"),
'doctype' : doctype,
'go' : _("GO"),
'ln' : ln,
return out
def tmpl_warning_message(self, ln, msg):
Produces a warning message for the specified text
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'msg' *string* - The message to display
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """<center><font color="red">%s</font></center>""" % msg
def tmpl_page_interface(self, ln, docname, actname, curpage, nbpages, file, nextPg, access, nbPg, doctype, act, indir, fields, javascript, mainmenu):
Produces a page with the specified fields (in the submit chain)
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The document type
- 'docname' *string* - The document type name
- 'actname' *string* - The action name
- 'act' *string* - The action
- 'curpage' *int* - The current page of submitting engine
- 'nbpages' *int* - The total number of pages
- 'nextPg' *int* - The next page
- 'access' *string* - The submission number
- 'nbPg' *string* - ??
- 'indir' *string* - the directory of submitting
- 'fields' *array* - the fields to display in the page, with each record having the structure:
- 'fullDesc' *string* - the description of the field
- 'text' *string* - the HTML code of the field
- 'javascript' *string* - if the field has some associated javascript code
- 'type' *string* - the type of field (T, F, I, H, D, S, R)
- 'name' *string* - the name of the field
- 'rows' *string* - the number of rows for textareas
- 'cols' *string* - the number of columns for textareas
- 'val' *string* - the default value of the field
- 'size' *string* - the size for text fields
- 'maxlength' *string* - the maximum length for text fields
- 'htmlcode' *string* - the complete HTML code for user-defined fields
- 'typename' *string* - the long name of the type
- 'javascript' *string* - the javascript code to insert in the page
- 'mainmenu' *string* - the url of the main menu
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# top menu
out = """
<form method="post" action="/submit" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return tester();">
<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td class="submitHeader"><b>%(docname)s&nbsp;</b></td>
<td class="submitHeader"><small>&nbsp;%(actname)s&nbsp;</small></td>
<td valign="bottom">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%%">
<tr><td class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
""" % {
'docname' : docname,
'actname' : actname,
for i in range(1, nbpages+1):
if i == int(curpage):
out += """<td class="submitCurrentPage"><small>&nbsp;page: %s&nbsp;</small></td>""" % curpage
out += """<td class="submitPage"><small>&nbsp;<a href='' onclick="if (tester2() == 1){document.forms[0].curpage.value=%s;document.forms[0].submit();return false;} else { return false; }">%s</a>&nbsp;</small></td>""" % (i,i)
out += """ <td class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<td class="submitHeader" align="right">&nbsp;<a href="" onclick="'/submit/summary?doctype=%(doctype)s&amp;act=%(act)s&amp;access=%(access)s&amp;indir=%(indir)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s','summary','scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,width=500,height=250');return false;"><font color="white"><small>%(summary)s(2)</small></font></a>&nbsp;</td>
<tr><td colspan="5" class="submitHeader">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" width="100%%" class="submitBody"><tr><td>
<br />
<input type="hidden" name="file" value="%(file)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="nextPg" value="%(nextPg)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="access" value="%(access)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="curpage" value="%(curpage)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="nbPg" value="%(nbPg)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="%(act)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="indir" value="%(indir)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="U" />
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
""" % {
'summary' : _("SUMMARY"),
'doctype' : doctype,
'act' : act,
'access' : access,
'indir' : indir,
'file' : file,
'nextPg' : nextPg,
'curpage' : curpage,
'nbPg' : nbPg,
'ln' : ln,
for field in fields:
if field['javascript']:
out += """<script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
""" % field['javascript'];
# now displays the html form field(s)
out += "%s\n%s\n" % (field['fullDesc'], field['text'])
out += javascript
out += "<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;</td></tr></table></td></tr>\n"
# Display the navigation cell
# Display "previous page" navigation arrows
out += """<tr><td colspan="5"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%%"><tr>"""
if int(curpage) != 1:
out += """ <td class="submitHeader" align="left">&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick="if (tester2() == 1) {document.forms[0].curpage.value=%(prpage)s;document.forms[0].submit();return false;} else { return false; }">
<img src="%(images)s/left-trans.gif" alt="%(prevpage)s" border="0" />
<strong><font color="white">%(prevpage)s</font></strong>
""" % {
'prpage' : int(curpage) - 1,
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
'prevpage' : _("Previous page"),
out += """ <td class="submitHeader">&nbsp;</td>"""
# Display the submission number
out += """ <td class="submitHeader" align="center"><small>%(submission)s: %(access)s</small></td>\n""" % {
'submission' : _("Submission number") + '(1)',
'access' : access,
# Display the "next page" navigation arrow
if int(curpage) != int(nbpages):
out += """ <td class="submitHeader" align="right">
<a href='' onclick="if (tester2()){document.forms[0].curpage.value=%(nxpage)s;document.forms[0].submit();return false;} else {return false;}; return false;">
<strong><font color="white">%(nextpage)s</font></strong>
<img src="%(images)s/right-trans.gif" alt="%(nextpage)s" border="0" />
""" % {
'nxpage' : int(curpage) + 1,
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
'nextpage' : _("Next page"),
out += """ <td class="submitHeader">&nbsp;</td>"""
out += """</tr></table></td></tr></table></center></form>
<br />
<br />
<a href="%(mainmenu)s" onclick="return confirm('%(surequit)s')">
<img src="%(images)s/mainmenu.gif" border="0" alt="%(back)s" align="right" /></a>
<br /><br />
<hr />
<small>%(take_note)s</small><br />
<small>%(explain_summary)s</small><br />
""" % {
'surequit' : _("Are you sure you want to quit this submission?"),
'back' : _("Back to main menu"),
'mainmenu' : mainmenu,
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
'take_note' : '(1) ' + _("This is your submission access number. It can be used to continue with an interrupted submission in case of problems."),
'explain_summary' : '(2) ' + _("Mandatory fields appear in red in the SUMMARY window."),
return out
def tmpl_submit_field(self, ln, field):
Produces the HTML code for the specified field
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'field' *array* - the field to display in the page, with the following structure:
- 'javascript' *string* - if the field has some associated javascript code
- 'type' *string* - the type of field (T, F, I, H, D, S, R)
- 'name' *string* - the name of the field
- 'rows' *string* - the number of rows for textareas
- 'cols' *string* - the number of columns for textareas
- 'val' *string* - the default value of the field
- 'size' *string* - the size for text fields
- 'maxlength' *string* - the maximum length for text fields
- 'htmlcode' *string* - the complete HTML code for user-defined fields
- 'typename' *string* - the long name of the type
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# If the field is a textarea
if field['type'] == 'T':
## Field is a textarea:
text="<textarea name=\"%s\" rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\">%s</textarea>" \
% (field['name'], field['rows'], field['cols'], cgi.escape(str(field['val']), 1))
# If the field is a file upload
elif field['type'] == 'F':
## the field is a file input:
text = """<input type="file" name="%s" size="%s"%s />""" \
% (field['name'], field['size'], "%s" \
% ((field['maxlength'] in (0, None) and " ") or (""" maxlength="%s\"""" % field['maxlength'])) )
# If the field is a text input
elif field['type'] == 'I':
## Field is a text input:
text = """<input type="text" name="%s" size="%s" value="%s"%s />""" \
% (field['name'], field['size'], field['val'], "%s" \
% ((field['maxlength'] in (0, None) and " ") or (""" maxlength="%s\"""" % field['maxlength'])) )
# If the field is a hidden input
elif field['type'] == 'H':
text="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />" % (field['name'], field['val'])
# If the field is user-defined
elif field['type'] == 'D':
# If the field is a select box
elif field['type'] == 'S':
# If the field type is not recognized
text="%s: unknown field type" % field['typename']
return text
def tmpl_page_interface_js(self, ln, upload, field, fieldhtml, txt, check, level, curdir, values, select, radio, curpage, nbpages, returnto):
Produces the javascript for validation and value filling for a submit interface page
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'upload' *array* - booleans if the field is a <input type="file"> field
- 'field' *array* - the fields' names
- 'fieldhtml' *array* - the fields' HTML representation
- 'txt' *array* - the fields' long name
- 'check' *array* - if the fields should be checked (in javascript)
- 'level' *array* - strings, if the fields should be filled (M) or not (O)
- 'curdir' *array* - the current directory of the submission
- 'values' *array* - the current values of the fields
- 'select' *array* - booleans, if the controls are "select" controls
- 'radio' *array* - booleans, if the controls are "radio" controls
- 'curpage' *int* - the current page
- 'nbpages' *int* - the total number of pages
- 'returnto' *array* - a structure with 'field' and 'page', if a mandatory field on antoher page was not completed
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
nbFields = len(upload)
# if there is a file upload field, we change the encoding type
out = """<script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
for i in range(0,nbFields):
if upload[i] == 1:
out += "document.forms[0].encoding = \"multipart/form-data\";\n"
# we don't want the form to be submitted if the user enters 'Return'
# tests if mandatory fields are well filled
out += """function tester(){
return false;
function tester2() {
for i in range(0,nbFields):
if"%s\[\]" % field[i],fieldhtml[i]):
fieldname = "%s[]" % field[i]
fieldname = field[i]
out += " el = document.forms[0].elements['%s'];\n" % fieldname
# If the field must be checked we call the checking function
if check[i] != "":
out += """if (%(check)s(el.value) == 0) {
return 0;
} """ % {
'check' : check[i]
# If the field is mandatory, we check a value has been selected
if level[i] == 'M':
if select[i] != 0:
# If the field is a select box
out += """if ((el.selectedIndex == -1)||(el.selectedIndex == 0)){
return 0;
} """ % {
'field_mandatory' : _("The field %s is mandatory.") % txt[i] + '\\n' + _("Please make a choice in the select box")
elif radio[i] != 0:
# If the field is a radio buttonset
out += """var check=0;
for (var j = 0; j < el.length; j++) {
if (el.options[j].checked){
if (check == 0) {
return 0;
}""" % {
'press_button':_("Please press a button.")
# If the field is a text input
out += """if (el.value == '') {
return 0;
}""" % {
'field_mandatory' : _("The field %s is mandatory. Please fill it in.") % txt[i]
out += """ return 1;
<!-- Fill the fields in with the previous saved values-->
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Fill the fields with the previously saved values
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
for i in range(0,nbFields):
fieldname = "%s[]" % field[i]
fieldname = field[i]
text = values[i]
if text != '':
if select[i] != 0:
# If the field is a SELECT element
vals = text.split("\n")
for val in vals:
if tmp != "":
tmp = tmp + " || "
tmp = tmp + "el.options[j].value == \"%s\" || el.options[j].text == \"%s\"" % (val,val)
if tmp != "":
out += """
<!--SELECT field found-->
el = document.forms[0].elements['%(fieldname)s'];
for (var j = 0; j < el.length; j++){
if (%(tmp)s){
el.options[j].selected = true;
}""" % {
'fieldname' : fieldname,
'tmp' : tmp,
elif radio[i] != 0:
# If the field is a RADIO element
out += """<!--RADIO field found-->
el = document.forms[0].elements['%(fieldname)s'];
if (el.value == "%(text)s"){
}""" % {
'fieldname' : fieldname,
'text' : cgi.escape(str(text)),
elif upload[i] == 0:
text = text.replace('"','\"')
text = text.replace("\n","\\n")
# If the field is not an upload element
out += """<!--input field found-->
el = document.forms[0].elements['%(fieldname)s'];
""" % {
'fieldname' : fieldname,
'text' : cgi.escape(str(text)),
out += """<!--End Fill in section-->
# JS function finish
# This function tests each mandatory field in the whole submission and checks whether
# the field has been correctly filled in or not
# This function is called when the user presses the "End
# Submission" button
if int(curpage) == int(nbpages):
out += """function finish() {
if returnto:
out += """alert ("%(msg)s");
""" % {
'msg' : _("The field %(field)s is mandatory.") + '\n' \
+ _("Going back to page") \
+ str(returnto['page']),
'page' : returnto['page']
out += """ if (tester2()) {
} else {
return false;
out += """</script>"""
return out
def tmpl_page_endaction(self, ln, file, nextPg, startPg, access, curpage, nbPg, nbpages, doctype, act, docname, actname, indir, mainmenu, finished, function_content, next_action):
Produces the pages after all the fields have been submitted.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The document type
- 'act' *string* - The action
- 'docname' *string* - The document type name
- 'actname' *string* - The action name
- 'curpage' *int* - The current page of submitting engine
- 'startPg' *int* - The start page
- 'nextPg' *int* - The next page
- 'access' *string* - The submission number
- 'nbPg' *string* - total number of pages
- 'nbpages' *string* - number of pages (?)
- 'indir' *string* - the directory of submitting
- 'file' *string* - ??
- 'mainmenu' *string* - the url of the main menu
- 'finished' *bool* - if the submission is finished
- 'function_content' *string* - HTML code produced by some function executed
- 'next_action' *string* - if there is another action to be completed, the HTML code for linking to it
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="/submit" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="file" value="%(file)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="nextPg" value="%(nextPg)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="startPg" value="%(startPg)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="access" value="%(access)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="curpage" value="%(curpage)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="nbPg" value="%(nbPg)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="%(act)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="indir" value="%(indir)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="fromdir" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="mainmenu" value="%(mainmenu)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="U" />
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="deleted" value="no" />
<input type="hidden" name="file_path" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="userfile_name" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr>
<td class="submitHeader"><b>%(docname)s&nbsp;</b></td>
<td class="submitHeader"><small>&nbsp;%(actname)s&nbsp;</small></td>
<td valign="bottom">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%%">
<tr><td class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
""" % {
'file' : file,
'nextPg' : nextPg,
'startPg' : startPg,
'access' : access,
'curpage' : curpage,
'nbPg' : nbPg,
'doctype' : doctype,
'act' : act,
'docname' : docname,
'actname' : actname,
'indir' : indir,
'mainmenu' : mainmenu,
'ln' : ln,
if finished == 1:
out += """<td class="submitCurrentPage">%(finished)s</td>
<td class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td class="submitEmptyPage" align="right">&nbsp;</td>
""" % {
'finished' : _("finished!"),
for i in range(1, nbpages + 1):
out += """<td class="submitPage"><small>&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick="document.forms[0].curpage.value=%s;document.forms[0].action='/submit';document.forms[0].step.value=0;document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%s</a>&nbsp;</small></td>""" % (i,i)
out += """<td class="submitCurrentPage">%(end_action)s</td><td class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table></td>
<td class="submitHeader" align="right">&nbsp;<a href='' onclick="'/submit/summary?doctype=%(doctype)s&amp;act=%(act)s&amp;access=%(access)s&amp;indir=%(indir)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s','summary','scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,width=500,height=250');return false;"><font color="white"><small>%(summary)s(2)</small></font></a>&nbsp;</td>""" % {
'end_action' : _("end of action"),
'summary' : _("SUMMARY"),
'doctype' : doctype,
'act' : act,
'access' : access,
'indir' : indir,
'ln' : ln,
out += """</tr>
<td colspan="5" class="submitBody">
<small><br /><br />
<br /><br />
<tr class="submitHeader">
<td class="submitHeader" colspan="5" align="center">""" % {
'function_content' : function_content,
'next_action' : next_action,
if finished == 0:
out += """<small>%(submission)s</small>&sup2;:
<small>%(access)s</small>""" % {
'submission' : _("Submission no"),
'access' : access,
out += "&nbsp;\n"
out += """
<br />
<br />"""
# Add the "back to main menu" button
if finished == 0:
out += """ <a href="%(mainmenu)s" onclick="return confirm('%(surequit)s')">
<img src="%(images)s/mainmenu.gif" border="0" alt="%(back)s" align="right" /></a>
<br /><br />""" % {
'surequit' : _("Are you sure you want to quit this submission?"),
'back' : _("Back to main menu"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
'mainmenu' : mainmenu
out += """ <a href="%(mainmenu)s">
<img src="%(images)s/mainmenu.gif" border="0" alt="%(back)s" align="right" /></a>
<br /><br />""" % {
'back' : _("Back to main menu"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
'mainmenu' : mainmenu,
return out
def tmpl_function_output(self, ln, display_on, action, doctype, step, functions):
Produces the output of the functions.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'display_on' *bool* - If debug information should be displayed
- 'doctype' *string* - The document type
- 'action' *string* - The action
- 'step' *int* - The current step in submission
- 'functions' *aray* - HTML code produced by functions executed and informations about the functions
- 'name' *string* - the name of the function
- 'score' *string* - the score of the function
- 'error' *bool* - if the function execution produced errors
- 'text' *string* - the HTML code produced by the function
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = ""
if display_on:
out += """<br /><br />%(function_list)s<P>
<table border="1" cellpadding="15">
""" % {
'function_list' : _("Here is the %(x_action)s function list for %(x_doctype)s documents at level %(x_step)s") % {
'x_action' : action,
'x_doctype' : doctype,
'x_step' : step,
'function' : _("Function"),
'score' : _("Score"),
'running' : _("Running function"),
for function in functions:
out += """<tr><td>%(name)s</td><td>%(score)s</td><td>%(result)s</td></tr>""" % {
'name' : function['name'],
'score' : function['score'],
'result' : function['error'] and (_("Function %s does not exist.") % function['name'] + "<br />") or function['text']
out += "</table>"
for function in functions:
if not function['error']:
out += function['text']
return out
def tmpl_next_action(self, ln, actions):
Produces the output of the functions.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'actions' *array* - The actions to display, in the structure
- 'page' *string* - the starting page
- 'action' *string* - the action (in terms of submission)
- 'doctype' *string* - the doctype
- 'nextdir' *string* - the path to the submission data
- 'access' *string* - the submission number
- 'indir' *string* - ??
- 'name' *string* - the name of the action
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = "<br /><br />%(haveto)s<ul>" % {
'haveto' : _("You must now"),
i = 0
for action in actions:
if i > 0:
out += " <b>" + _("or") + "</b> "
i += 1
out += """<li><a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].action='/submit';document.forms[0].curpage.value='%(page)s';document.forms[0].startPg.value='%(page)s';document.forms[0].act.value='%(action)s';document.forms[0].doctype.value='%(doctype)s';document.forms[0].indir.value='%(nextdir)s';document.forms[0].access.value='%(access)s';document.forms[0].fromdir.value='%(indir)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;"> %(name)s </a></li>""" % action
out += "</ul>"
return out
def tmpl_filelist(self, ln, filelist='', recid='', docname='', version=''):
Displays the file list for a record.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'recid' *int* - The record id
- 'docname' *string* - The document name
- 'version' *int* - The version of the document
- 'filelist' *string* - The HTML string of the filelist (produced by the BibDoc classes)
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
title = _("record") + ' #' + '<a href="%s/record/%s">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, recid, recid)
if docname != "":
title += ' ' + _("document") + ' #' + str(docname)
if version != "":
title += ' ' + _("version") + ' #' + str(version)
out = """<div style="width:90%%;margin:auto;min-height:100px;margin-top:10px">
<!--start file list-->
<!--end file list--></div>
""" % (filelist)
return out
def tmpl_bibrecdoc_filelist(self, ln, types):
Displays the file list for a record.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'types' *array* - The different types to display, each record in the format:
- 'name' *string* - The name of the format
- 'content' *array of string* - The HTML code produced by tmpl_bibdoc_filelist, for the right files
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = ""
for mytype in types:
out += "<small><b>%s</b> %s:</small>" % (mytype['name'], _("file(s)"))
out += "<ul>"
for content in mytype['content']:
out += content
out += "</ul>"
return out
def tmpl_bibdoc_filelist(self, ln, versions=[], imageurl='', recid='', docname=''):
Displays the file list for a record.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'versions' *array* - The different versions to display, each record in the format:
- 'version' *string* - The version
- 'content' *string* - The HTML code produced by tmpl_bibdocfile_filelist, for the right file
- 'previous' *bool* - If the file has previous versions
- 'imageurl' *string* - The URL to the file image
- 'recid' *int* - The record id
- 'docname' *string* - The name of the document
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """<table border="0" cellspacing="1" class="searchbox">
<td align="left" colspan="2" class="portalboxheader">
<img src='%(imageurl)s' border="0" />&nbsp;&nbsp;%(docname)s
</tr>""" % {
'imageurl' : imageurl,
'docname' : docname
for version in versions:
if version['previous']:
versiontext = """<br />(%(see)s <a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(recID)s/files/?docname=%(docname)s&amp;version=all%(ln_link)s">%(previous)s</a>)""" % {
'see' : _("see"),
'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'docname' : urllib.quote(docname),
'recID': recid,
'previous': _("previous"),
'ln_link': (ln != CFG_SITE_LANG and '&amp;ln=' + ln) or '',
versiontext = ""
out += """<tr>
<td class="portalboxheader">
<font size="-2">%(version)s %(ver)s%(text)s</font>
""" % {
'version' : _("version"),
'ver' : version['version'],
'text' : versiontext,
for content in version['content']:
out += content
out += "</table></td></tr>"
out += "</table>"
return out
def tmpl_bibdocfile_filelist(self, ln, recid, name, version, format, size):
Displays a file in the file list.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'recid' *int* - The id of the record
- 'name' *string* - The name of the file
- 'version' *string* - The version
- 'format' *string* - The display format
- 'size' *string* - The size of the file
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """<tr>
<td valign="top">
<small><a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(recid)s/files/%(docname)s%(format)s?version=%(version)s">
<td valign="top">
<font size="-2" color="green">[%(size)s&nbsp;B]</font>
</td></tr>""" % {
'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'recid' : recid,
'docname' : name,
'version' : version,
'name' : name,
'format' : format,
'size' : size
def tmpl_submit_summary (self, ln, values):
Displays the summary for the submit procedure.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'values' *array* - The values of submit. Each of the records contain the following fields:
- 'name' *string* - The name of the field
- 'mandatory' *bool* - If the field is mandatory or not
- 'value' *string* - The inserted value
- 'page' *int* - The submit page on which the field is entered
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """<body style="background-image: url(%(images)s/header_background.gif);"><table border="0">""" % \
{ 'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img' }
for value in values:
if value['mandatory']:
color = "red"
color = ""
out += """<tr>
<td align="right">
<a href='' onclick="window.opener.document.forms[0].curpage.value='%(page)s';window.opener.document.forms[0].action='/submit?ln=%(ln)s';window.opener.document.forms[0].submit();return false;">
<font color="%(color)s">%(name)s</font>
<i><small><font color="black">%(value)s</font></small></i>
</tr>""" % {
'color' : color,
'name' : value['name'],
'value' : value['value'],
'page' : value['page'],
'ln' : ln
out += "</table>"
return out
def tmpl_yoursubmissions(self, ln, order, doctypes, submissions):
Displays the list of the user's submissions.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'order' *string* - The ordering parameter
- 'doctypes' *array* - All the available doctypes, in structures:
- 'id' *string* - The doctype id
- 'name' *string* - The display name of the doctype
- 'selected' *bool* - If the doctype should be selected
- 'submissions' *array* - The available submissions, in structures:
- 'docname' *string* - The document name
- 'actname' *string* - The action name
- 'status' *string* - The status of the document
- 'cdate' *string* - Creation date
- 'mdate' *string* - Modification date
- 'id' *string* - The id of the submission
- 'reference' *string* - The display name of the doctype
- 'pending' *bool* - If the submission is pending
- 'act' *string* - The action code
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype code
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = ""
out += """
<br />
<form action="">
<input type="hidden" value="%(order)s" name="order" />
<input type="hidden" name="deletedId" />
<input type="hidden" name="deletedDoctype" />
<input type="hidden" name="deletedAction" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s"/>
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="" >
<th class="portalboxheader"><small>%(for)s</small>&nbsp;
<select name="doctype" onchange="document.forms[0].submit();">
<option value="">%(alltype)s</option>
""" % {
'order' : order,
'for' : _("For"),
'alltype' : _("all types of document"),
'ln' : ln,
for doctype in doctypes:
out += """<option value="%(id)s" %(sel)s>%(name)s</option>""" % {
'id' : doctype['id'],
'name' : doctype['name'],
'sel' : doctype['selected'] and "selected=\"selected\"" or ""
out += """ </select>
<td class="portalboxbody">
num = 0
docname = ""
for submission in submissions:
if submission['docname'] != docname:
docname = submission['docname']
out += """</table>
%(docname)s<br />
<table border="0" class="searchbox" align="left" width="100%%">
<th class="headerselected">%(action)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="actiondown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" alt="down" border="0" /></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="actionup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" alt="up" border="0" /></a>
<th class="headerselected">%(status)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="statusdown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" alt="down" border="0" /></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="statusup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" alt="up" border="0" /></a>
<th class="headerselected">%(id)s</th>
<th class="headerselected">%(reference)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="refdown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" alt="down" border="0" /></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="refup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" alt="up" border="0" /></a>
<th class="headerselected">%(first)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="cddown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" alt="down" border="0" /></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="cdup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" alt="up" border="0" /></a>
<th class="headerselected">%(last)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="mddown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" alt="down" border="0" /></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onclick='document.forms[0].order.value="mdup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" alt="up" border="0" /></a>
""" % {
'docname' : submission['docname'],
'action' : _("Action"),
'status' : _("Status"),
'id' : _("Id"),
'reference' : _("Reference"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
'first' : _("First access"),
'last' : _("Last access"),
if submission['pending']:
idtext = """<a href="submit/sub?access=%(id)s@%(action)s%(doctype)s%(ln_link)s">%(id)s</a>
&nbsp;<a onclick='if (confirm("%(sure)s")){document.forms[0].deletedId.value="%(id)s";document.forms[0].deletedDoctype.value="%(doctype)s";document.forms[0].deletedAction.value="%(action)s";document.forms[0].submit();return true;}else{return false;}' href=''><img src="%(images)s/smallbin.gif" border="0" alt='%(delete)s' /></a>
""" % {
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
'id' : submission['id'],
'action' : submission['act'],
'doctype' : submission['doctype'],
'sure' : _("Are you sure you want to delete this submission?"),
'delete' : _("Delete submission %(x_id)s in %(x_docname)s") % {
'x_id' : str(submission['id']),
'x_docname' : str(submission['docname'])
'ln_link': (ln != CFG_SITE_LANG and '&amp;ln=' + ln) or ''
idtext = submission['id']
if operator.mod(num,2) == 0:
color = "#e0e0e0"
color = "#eeeeee"
if submission['reference']:
reference = submission['reference']
reference = """<font color="red">%s</font>""" % _("Reference not yet given")
cdate = str(submission['cdate']).replace(" ","&nbsp;")
mdate= str(submission['mdate']).replace(" ","&nbsp;")
out += """
<tr bgcolor="%(color)s">
<td align="center" class="mycdscell">
<td align="center" class="mycdscell">
<td class="mycdscell">
<td class="mycdscell">
<td class="mycdscell">
<td class="mycdscell">
""" % {
'color' : color,
'actname' : submission['actname'],
'status' : submission['status'],
'idtext' : idtext,
'reference' : reference,
'cdate' : cdate,
'mdate' : mdate,
num += 1
out += "</table></td></tr></table></form>"
return out
def tmpl_yourapprovals(self, ln, referees):
Displays the doctypes and categories for which the user is referee
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'referees' *array* - All the doctypes for which the user is referee:
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'docname' *string* - The display name of the doctype
- 'categories' *array* - The specific categories for which the user is referee:
- 'id' *string* - The category id
- 'name' *string* - The display name of the category
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """ <table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(refdocs)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">""" % {
'refdocs' : _("Refereed Documents"),
for doctype in referees:
out += """<ul><li><b>%(docname)s</b><ul>""" % doctype
if doctype ['categories'] is None:
out += '''<li><a href="">%(generalref)s</a></li>''' % {
'docname' : doctype['docname'],
'doctype' : doctype['doctype'],
'generalref' : _("You are a general referee"),
'ln_link': (ln != CFG_SITE_LANG and '&amp;ln=' + ln) or ''}
for category in doctype['categories']:
out += """<li><a href=";categ=%(categ)s%(ln_link)s">%(referee)s</a></li>""" % {
'referee' : _("You are a referee for category:") + ' ' + str(category['name']) + ' (' + str(category['id']) + ')',
'doctype' : doctype['doctype'],
'categ' : category['id'],
'ln_link': (ln != CFG_SITE_LANG and '&amp;ln=' + ln) or ''}
out += "</ul><br /></li></ul>"
out += "</td></tr></table>"
return out
def tmpl_publiline_selectdoctype(self, ln, docs):
Displays the doctypes that the user can select
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'docs' *array* - All the doctypes that the user can select:
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'docname' *string* - The display name of the doctype
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(list)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<blockquote>""" % {
'list' : _("List of refereed types of documents"),
'select' : _("Select one of the following types of documents to check the documents status"),
for doc in docs:
params = {'ln' : ln}
out += '<li><a href=";ln=%(ln)s">%(docname)s</a></li><br />' % params
out += """</blockquote>
<a href=";ln=%s">%s</a>""" % (ln, _("Go to specific approval workflow"))
return out
def tmpl_publiline_selectcplxdoctype(self, ln, docs):
Displays the doctypes that the user can select in a complex workflow
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'docs' *array* - All the doctypes that the user can select:
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'docname' *string* - The display name of the doctype
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(list)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<blockquote>""" % {
'list' : _("List of refereed types of documents"),
'select' : _("Select one of the following types of documents to check the documents status"),
for doc in docs:
params = {'ln' : ln}
out += '<li><a href=";ln=%(ln)s">%(docname)s</a></li><br />' % params
out += """</blockquote>
<a href="">%s</a>""" % (ln, _("Go to general approval workflow"))
return out
def tmpl_publiline_selectcateg(self, ln, doctype, title, categories):
Displays the categories from a doctype that the user can select
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'title' *string* - The doctype name
- 'categories' *array* - All the categories that the user can select:
- 'id' *string* - The id of the category
- 'waiting' *int* - The number of documents waiting
- 'approved' *int* - The number of approved documents
- 'rejected' *int* - The number of rejected documents
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(title)s: %(list_categ)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<form action="" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<td align="left">""" % {
'title' : title,
'doctype' : doctype,
'list_categ' : _("List of refereed categories"),
'choose_categ' : _("Please choose a category"),
'ln' : ln,
for categ in categories:
num = categ['waiting'] + categ['approved'] + categ['rejected']
if categ['waiting'] != 0:
classtext = "class=\"blocknote\""
classtext = ""
out += """<a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].categ.value='%(id)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;"><small %(classtext)s>%(id)s</small></a><small> (%(num)s document(s)""" % {
'id' : categ['id'],
'classtext' : classtext,
'num' : num,
if categ['waiting'] != 0:
out += """| %(waiting)s <img alt="%(pending)s" src="%(images)s/waiting_or.gif" border="0" />""" % {
'waiting' : categ['waiting'],
'pending' : _("Pending"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
if categ['approved'] != 0:
out += """| %(approved)s<img alt="%(approved_text)s" src="%(images)s/smchk_gr.gif" border="0" />""" % {
'approved' : categ['approved'],
'approved_text' : _("Approved"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
if categ['rejected'] != 0:
out += """| %(rejected)s<img alt="%(rejected_text)s" src="%(images)s/cross_red.gif" border="0" />""" % {
'rejected' : categ['rejected'],
'rejected_text' : _("Rejected"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
out += ")</small><br />"
out += """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(key)s:</th>
<img alt="%(pending)s" src="%(images)s/waiting_or.gif" border="0" /> %(waiting)s<br />
<img alt="%(approved)s" src="%(images)s/smchk_gr.gif" border="0" /> %(already_approved)s<br />
<img alt="%(rejected)s" src="%(images)s/cross_red.gif" border="0" /> %(rejected_text)s<br /><br />
<small class="blocknote">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</small> %(somepending)s<br />
</table>""" % {
'key' : _("Key"),
'pending' : _("Pending"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
'waiting' : _("Waiting for approval"),
'approved' : _("Approved"),
'already_approved' : _("Already approved"),
'rejected' : _("Rejected"),
'rejected_text' : _("Rejected"),
'somepending' : _("Some documents are pending."),
return out
def tmpl_publiline_selectcplxcateg(self, ln, doctype, title, types):
Displays the categories from a doctype that the user can select
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'title' *string* - The doctype name
- 'categories' *array* - All the categories that the user can select:
- 'id' *string* - The id of the category
- 'waiting' *int* - The number of documents waiting
- 'approved' *int* - The number of approved documents
- 'rejected' *int* - The number of rejected documents
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(title)s: %(list_type)s</th>
</table><br />
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<tr>""" % {
'title' : title,
'list_type' : _("List of specific approvals"),
columns = []
columns.append ({'apptype' : 'RRP',
'list_categ' : _("List of refereing categories"),
'id_form' : 0,
columns.append ({'apptype' : 'RPB',
'list_categ' : _("List of publication categories"),
'id_form' : 1,
columns.append ({'apptype' : 'RDA',
'list_categ' : _("List of direct approval categories"),
'id_form' : 2,
for column in columns:
out += """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(list_categ)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<form action="" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="flow" value="cplx" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="apptype" value="%(apptype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<td align="left">""" % {
'doctype' : doctype,
'apptype' : column['apptype'],
'list_categ' : column['list_categ'],
'choose_categ' : _("Please choose a category"),
'ln' : ln,
for categ in types[column['apptype']]:
num = categ['waiting'] + categ['approved'] + categ['rejected'] + categ['cancelled']
if categ['waiting'] != 0:
classtext = "class=\"blocknote\""
classtext = ""
out += """<a href="" onclick="document.forms[%(id_form)s].categ.value='%(id)s';document.forms[%(id_form)s].submit();return false;"><small %(classtext)s>%(desc)s</small></a><small> (%(num)s document(s)""" % {
'id' : categ['id'],
'id_form' : column['id_form'],
'classtext' : classtext,
'num' : num,
'desc' : categ['desc'],
if categ['waiting'] != 0:
out += """| %(waiting)s <img alt="%(pending)s" src="%(images)s/waiting_or.gif" border="0" />""" % {
'waiting' : categ['waiting'],
'pending' : _("Pending"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
if categ['approved'] != 0:
out += """| %(approved)s<img alt="%(approved_text)s" src="%(images)s/smchk_gr.gif" border="0" />""" % {
'approved' : categ['approved'],
'approved_text' : _("Approved"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
if categ['rejected'] != 0:
out += """| %(rejected)s<img alt="%(rejected_text)s" src="%(images)s/cross_red.gif" border="0" />""" % {
'rejected' : categ['rejected'],
'rejected_text' : _("Rejected"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
if categ['cancelled'] != 0:
out += """| %(cancelled)s<img alt="%(cancelled_text)s" src="%(images)s/smchk_rd.gif" border="0" />""" % {
'cancelled' : categ['cancelled'],
'cancelled_text' : _("Cancelled"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
out += ")</small><br />"
out += """
# Key
out += """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(key)s:</th>
<img alt="%(pending)s" src="%(images)s/waiting_or.gif" border="0" /> %(waiting)s<br />
<img alt="%(approved)s" src="%(images)s/smchk_gr.gif" border="0" /> %(already_approved)s<br />
<img alt="%(rejected)s" src="%(images)s/cross_red.gif" border="0" /> %(rejected_text)s<br />
<img alt="%(cancelled)s" src="%(images)s/smchk_rd.gif" border="0" /> %(cancelled_text)s<br /><br />
<small class="blocknote">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</small> %(somepending)s<br />
</table>""" % {
'key' : _("Key"),
'pending' : _("Pending"),
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
'waiting' : _("Waiting for approval"),
'approved' : _("Approved"),
'already_approved' : _("Already approved"),
'rejected' : _("Rejected"),
'rejected_text' : _("Rejected"),
'cancelled' : _("Cancelled"),
'cancelled_text' : _("Cancelled"),
'somepending' : _("Some documents are pending."),
return out
def tmpl_publiline_selectdocument(self, ln, doctype, title, categ, docs):
Displays the documents that the user can select in the specified category
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'title' *string* - The doctype name
- 'categ' *string* - the category
- 'docs' *array* - All the categories that the user can select:
- 'RN' *string* - The id of the document
- 'status' *string* - The status of the document
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(title)s - %(categ)s: %(list)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<form action="" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="RN" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s">
<table class="searchbox">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(report_no)s</th>
<th class="portalboxheader">%(pending)s</th>
<th class="portalboxheader">%(approved)s</th>
<th class="portalboxheader">%(rejected)s</th>
""" % {
'doctype' : doctype,
'title' : title,
'categ' : categ,
'list' : _("List of refereed documents"),
'choose_report' : _("Click on a report number for more information."),
'report_no' : _("Report Number"),
'pending' : _("Pending"),
'approved' : _("Approved"),
'rejected' : _("Rejected"),
'ln': ln,
for doc in docs:
status = doc ['status']
if status == "waiting":
out += """<tr>
<td align="center">
<a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</a>
<td align="center">
<img alt="check" src="%(images)s/waiting_or.gif" />
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
elif status == "rejected":
out += """<tr>
<td align="center">
<a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</a>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center"><img alt="check" src="%(images)s/cross_red.gif" /></td>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
elif status == "approved":
out += """<tr>
<td align="center">
<a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</a>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center"><img alt="check" src="%(images)s/smchk_gr.gif" /></td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
out += """ </table>
return out
def tmpl_publiline_selectcplxdocument(self, ln, doctype, title, categ, categname, docs, apptype):
Displays the documents that the user can select in the specified category
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'title' *string* - The doctype name
- 'categ' *string* - the category
- 'docs' *array* - All the categories that the user can select:
- 'RN' *string* - The id of the document
- 'status' *string* - The status of the document
- 'apptype' *string* - the approval type
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
listtype = ""
if apptype == "RRP":
listtype = _("List of refereed documents")
elif apptype == "RPB":
listtype = _("List of publication documents")
elif apptype == "RDA":
listtype = _("List of direct approval documents")
out = """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(title)s - %(categname)s: %(list)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<form action="" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="flow" value="cplx" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="RN" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="apptype" value="%(apptype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<table class="searchbox">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(report_no)s</th>
<th class="portalboxheader">%(pending)s</th>
<th class="portalboxheader">%(approved)s</th>
<th class="portalboxheader">%(rejected)s</th>
<th class="portalboxheader">%(cancelled)s</th>
""" % {
'doctype' : doctype,
'title' : title,
'categname' : categname,
'categ' : categ,
'list' : listtype,
'choose_report' : _("Click on a report number for more information."),
'apptype' : apptype,
'report_no' : _("Report Number"),
'pending' : _("Pending"),
'approved' : _("Approved"),
'rejected' : _("Rejected"),
'cancelled' : _("Cancelled"),
'ln': ln,
for doc in docs:
status = doc ['status']
if status == "waiting":
out += """<tr>
<td align="center">
<a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</a>
<td align="center"><img alt="check" src="%(images)s/waiting_or.gif" /></td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
elif status == "rejected":
out += """<tr>
<td align="center">
<a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</a>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center"><img alt="check" src="%(images)s/cross_red.gif" /></td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
elif status == "approved":
out += """<tr>
<td align="center">
<a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</a>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center"><img alt="check" src="%(images)s/smchk_gr.gif" /></td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
elif status == "cancelled":
out += """<tr>
<td align="center">
<a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</a>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center"><img alt="check" src="%(images)s/smchk_rd.gif" /></td>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : CFG_SITE_URL + '/img',
out += """ </table>
return out
def tmpl_publiline_displaydoc(self, ln, doctype, docname, categ, rn, status, dFirstReq, dLastReq, dAction, access, confirm_send, auth_code, auth_message, authors, title, sysno, newrn):
Displays the categories from a doctype that the user can select
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'docname' *string* - The doctype name
- 'categ' *string* - the category
- 'rn' *string* - The document RN (id number)
- 'status' *string* - The status of the document
- 'dFirstReq' *string* - The date of the first approval request
- 'dLastReq' *string* - The date of the last approval request
- 'dAction' *string* - The date of the last action (approval or rejection)
- 'confirm_send' *bool* - must display a confirmation message about sending approval email
- 'auth_code' *bool* - authorised to referee this document
- 'auth_message' *string* - ???
- 'authors' *string* - the authors of the submission
- 'title' *string* - the title of the submission
- 'sysno' *string* - the unique database id for the record
- 'newrn' *string* - the record number assigned to the submission
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if status == "waiting":
image = """<img src="%s/waiting_or.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
elif status == "approved":
image = """<img src="%s/smchk_gr.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
elif status == "rejected":
image = """<img src="%s/iconcross.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
image = ""
out = """
<table class="searchbox" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(image)s %(rn)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">""" % {
'image' : image,
'rn' : rn,
if confirm_send:
out += """<i><strong class="headline">%(requestsent)s</strong></i><br /><br />""" % {
'requestsent' : _("Your request has been sent to the referee."),
out += """<form action="">
<input type="hidden" name="RN" value="%(rn)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<small>""" % {
'rn' : rn,
'categ' : categ,
'doctype' : doctype,
'ln' : ln,
if title != "unknown":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(title_text)s</strong>%(title)s<br /><br />""" % {
'title_text' : _("Title:"),
'title' : title,
if authors != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(author_text)s</strong>%(authors)s<br /><br />""" % {
'author_text' : _("Author:"),
'authors' : authors,
if sysno != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(more)s</strong>
<a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(sysno)s?ln=%(ln)s">%(click)s</a>
<br /><br />
""" % {
'more' : _("More information:"),
'click' : _("Click here"),
'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'sysno' : sysno,
'ln' : ln,
if status == "waiting":
out += _("This document is still %(x_fmt_open)swaiting for approval%(x_fmt_close)s.") % {'x_fmt_open': '<strong class="headline">',
'x_fmt_close': '</strong>'}
out += "<br /><br />"
out += _("It was first sent for approval on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dFirstReq) + '</strong><br />'
if dLastReq == "0000-00-00 00:00:00":
out += _("Last approval email was sent on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dFirstReq) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("Last approval email was sent on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dLastReq) + '</strong><br />'
out += "<br />" + _("You can send an approval request email again by clicking the following button:") + " <br />" +\
"""<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="send" value="%(send)s" onclick="return confirm('%(warning)s')" />""" % {
'send' : _("Send Again"),
'warning' : _("WARNING! Upon confirmation, an email will be sent to the referee.")
if auth_code == 0:
out += "<br />" + _("As a referee for this document, you may click this button to approve or reject it") + ":<br />" +\
"""<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="approval" value="%(approve)s" onclick="window.location=';ln=%(ln)s';return false;" />""" % {
'approve' : _("Approve/Reject"),
'access' : access,
'ln' : ln
if status == "approved":
out += _("This document has been %(x_fmt_open)sapproved%(x_fmt_close)s.") % {'x_fmt_open': '<strong class="headline">',
'x_fmt_close': '</strong>'}
out += '<br />' + _("Its approved reference is:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(newrn) + '</strong><br /><br />'
out += _("It was first sent for approval on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dFirstReq) + '</strong><br />'
if dLastReq == "0000-00-00 00:00:00":
out += _("Last approval email was sent on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dFirstReq) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("Last approval email was sent on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dLastReq) + '</strong><br />' +\
_("It was approved on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dAction) + '</strong><br />'
if status == "rejected":
out += _("This document has been %(x_fmt_open)srejected%(x_fmt_close)s.") % {'x_fmt_open': '<strong class="headline">',
'x_fmt_close': '</strong>'}
out += "<br /><br />"
out += _("It was first sent for approval on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dFirstReq) +'</strong><br />'
if dLastReq == "0000-00-00 00:00:00":
out += _("Last approval email was sent on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dFirstReq) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("Last approval email was sent on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dLastReq) +'</strong><br />'
out += _("It was rejected on:") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dAction) + '</strong><br />'
out += """ </small></form>
<br />
return out
def tmpl_publiline_displaycplxdoc(self, ln, doctype, docname, categ, rn, apptype, status, dates, isPubCom, isEdBoard, isReferee, isProjectLeader, isAuthor, authors, title, sysno, newrn):
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if status == "waiting":
image = """<img src="%s/waiting_or.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
elif status == "approved":
image = """<img src="%s/smchk_gr.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
elif status == "rejected":
image = """<img src="%s/iconcross.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
elif status == "cancelled":
image = """<img src="%s/smchk_rd.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
image = ""
out = """
<table class="searchbox" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(image)s %(rn)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">""" % {
'image' : image,
'rn' : rn,
out += """<form action="">
<input type="hidden" name="flow" value="cplx" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="RN" value="%(rn)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="apptype" value="%(apptype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<small>""" % {
'rn' : rn,
'categ' : categ,
'doctype' : doctype,
'apptype' : apptype,
'ln': ln,
if title != "unknown":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(title_text)s</strong>%(title)s<br /><br />""" % {
'title_text' : _("Title:"),
'title' : title,
if authors != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(author_text)s</strong>%(authors)s<br /><br />""" % {
'author_text' : _("Author:"),
'authors' : authors,
if sysno != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(more)s</strong>
<a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(sysno)s?ln=%(ln)s">%(click)s</a>
<br /><br />
""" % {
'more' : _("More information:"),
'click' : _("Click here"),
'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'sysno' : sysno,
'ln' : ln,
out += "<br /><br />"
if apptype == "RRP":
out += _("It has first been asked for refereing process on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dFirstReq']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("Last request e-mail was sent to the publication committee chair on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dLastReq']) + '</strong><br />'
if dates['dRefereeSel'] != None:
out += _("A referee has been selected by the publication committee on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dRefereeSel']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No referee has been selected yet.")
if (status != "cancelled") and (isPubCom == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="RefereeSel", linkText=_("Select a referee"))
out += '<br />'
if dates['dRefereeRecom'] != None:
out += _("The referee has sent his final recommendations to the publication committee on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dRefereeRecom']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No recommendation from the referee yet.")
if (status != "cancelled") and (dates['dRefereeSel'] != None) and (isReferee == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="RefereeRecom", linkText=_("Send a recommendation"))
out += '<br />'
if dates['dPubComRecom'] != None:
out += _("The publication committee has sent his final recommendations to the project leader on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dPubComRecom']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No recommendation from the publication committee yet.")
if (status != "cancelled") and (dates['dRefereeRecom'] != None) and (isPubCom == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="PubComRecom", linkText=_("Send a recommendation"))
out += '<br />'
if status == "cancelled":
out += _("It has been cancelled by the author on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dProjectLeaderAction']) + '</strong><br />'
elif dates['dProjectLeaderAction'] != None:
if status == "approved":
out += _("It has been approved by the project leader on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dProjectLeaderAction']) + '</strong><br />'
elif status == "rejected":
out += _("It has been rejected by the project leader on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dProjectLeaderAction']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No final decision taken yet.")
if (dates['dPubComRecom'] != None) and (isProjectLeader == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="ProjectLeaderDecision", linkText=_("Take a decision"))
if isAuthor == 0:
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="AuthorCancel", linkText=_("Cancel"))
out += '<br />'
elif apptype == "RPB":
out += _("It has first been asked for refereing process on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dFirstReq']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("Last request e-mail was sent to the publication committee chair on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dLastReq']) + '</strong><br />'
if dates['dEdBoardSel'] != None:
out += _("An editorial board has been selected by the publication committee on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dEdBoardSel']) + '</strong>'
if (status != "cancelled") and (isEdBoard == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="AddAuthorList", linkText=_("Add an author list"))
out += '<br />'
out += _("No editorial board has been selected yet.")
if (status != "cancelled") and (isPubCom == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="EdBoardSel", linkText=_("Select an editorial board"))
out += '<br />'
if dates['dRefereeSel'] != None:
out += _("A referee has been selected by the editorial board on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dRefereeSel']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No referee has been selected yet.")
if (status != "cancelled") and (dates['dEdBoardSel'] != None) and (isEdBoard == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="RefereeSel", linkText=_("Select a referee"))
out += '<br />'
if dates['dRefereeRecom'] != None:
out += _("The referee has sent his final recommendations to the editorial board on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dRefereeRecom']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No recommendation from the referee yet.")
if (status != "cancelled") and (dates['dRefereeSel'] != None) and (isReferee == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="RefereeRecom", linkText=_("Send a recommendation"))
out += '<br />'
if dates['dEdBoardRecom'] != None:
out += _("The editorial board has sent his final recommendations to the publication committee on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dRefereeRecom']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No recommendation from the editorial board yet.")
if (status != "cancelled") and (dates['dRefereeRecom'] != None) and (isEdBoard == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="EdBoardRecom", linkText=_("Send a recommendation"))
out += '<br />'
if dates['dPubComRecom'] != None:
out += _("The publication committee has sent his final recommendations to the project leader on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dPubComRecom']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No recommendation from the publication committee yet.")
if (status != "cancelled") and (dates['dEdBoardRecom'] != None) and (isPubCom == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="PubComRecom", linkText=_("Send a recommendation"))
out += '<br />'
if status == "cancelled":
out += _("It has been cancelled by the author on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dProjectLeaderAction']) + '</strong><br />'
elif dates['dProjectLeaderAction'] != None:
if status == "approved":
out += _("It has been approved by the project leader on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dProjectLeaderAction']) + '</strong><br />'
elif status == "rejected":
out += _("It has been rejected by the project leader on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dProjectLeaderAction']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No final decision taken yet.")
if (dates['dPubComRecom'] != None) and (isProjectLeader == 0):
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="ProjectLeaderDecision", linkText=_("Take a decision"))
if isAuthor == 0:
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="AuthorCancel", linkText=_("Cancel"))
out += '<br />'
elif apptype == "RDA":
out += _("It has first been asked for refereing process on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dFirstReq']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("Last request e-mail was sent to the project leader on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dLastReq']) + '</strong><br />'
if status == "cancelled":
out += _("It has been cancelled by the author on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dProjectLeaderAction']) + '</strong><br />'
elif dates['dProjectLeaderAction'] != None:
if status == "approved":
out += _("It has been approved by the project leader on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dProjectLeaderAction']) + '</strong><br />'
elif status == "rejected":
out += _("It has been rejected by the project leader on the ") + ' <strong class="headline">' + str(dates['dProjectLeaderAction']) + '</strong><br />'
out += _("No final decision taken yet.")
if isProjectLeader == 0:
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="ProjectLeaderDecision", linkText=_("Take a decision"))
if isAuthor == 0:
out += displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction (action="AuthorCancel", linkText=_("Cancel"))
out += '<br />'
out += """ </small></form>
<br />
return out
def tmpl_publiline_displaycplxdocitem(self,
doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action,
(user_can_view_comments, user_can_add_comment, user_can_delete_comment),
selected_topic, selected_group_id, ln):
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if comments and user_can_view_comments:
comments_text = ''
comments_overview = '<ul>'
for comment in comments:
(cmt_uid, cmt_nickname, cmt_title, cmt_body, cmt_date, cmt_priority, cmtid) = comment
comments_overview += '<li><a href="#%s">%s - %s</a> (%s)</li>' % (cmtid, cmt_nickname, cmt_title, convert_datetext_to_dategui (cmt_date))
comments_text += """
<table class="bskbasket">
<thead class="bskbasketheader">
<tr><td class="bsktitle"><a name="%s"></a>%s - %s (%s)</td><td><a href="#top">Top</a></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2">%s</td></tr>
</table>""" % (cmtid, cmt_nickname, cmt_title, convert_datetext_to_dategui (cmt_date), email_quoted_txt2html(cmt_body))
comments_overview += '</ul>'
comments_text = ''
comments_overview = 'None.'
body = ''
if user_can_view_comments:
body += """<h4>%(comments_label)s</h4>"""
if user_can_view_comments:
body += """%(comments)s"""
if user_can_add_comment:
validation = """
<input type="hidden" name="validate" value="go" />
<input type="submit" class="formbutton" value="%(button_label)s" />""" % {'button_label': _("Add Comment")}
body += self.tmpl_publiline_displaywritecomment (doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action, _("Add Comment"), "", validation, ln)
body %= {
'comments_label': _("Comments"),
'action': action,
'button_label': _("Write a comment"),
'comments': comments_text}
content = '<br />'
out = """
<table class="bskbasket">
<thead class="bskbasketheader">
<td class="bsktitle">
<a name="top"></a>
<td class="bskcmtcol"></td>
<td colspan="2" style="padding: 5px;">
</table>""" % {
'comments_overview_label' : _('Comments overview'),
'comments_overview' : comments_overview,
'body' : body,}
return out
def tmpl_publiline_displaywritecomment(self, doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action, write_label, title, validation, ln):
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """
<div style="width:100%%%%">
<hr />
<form action="">
<input type="hidden" name="flow" value="cplx" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="RN" value="%(rn)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="apptype" value="%(apptype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<p class="bsklabel">%(title_label)s:</p>
<input type="text" name="msg_subject" size="80" value="%(title)s"/>
<p class="bsklabel">%(comment_label)s:</p>
<textarea name="msg_body" rows="20" cols="80"></textarea><br />
</div>""" % {'write_label': write_label,
'title_label': _("Title"),
'title': title,
'comment_label': _("Comment"),
'rn' : rn,
'categ' : categ,
'doctype' : doctype,
'apptype' : apptype,
'action' : action,
'validation' : validation,
'ln' : ln,
def tmpl_publiline_displaydocplxaction(self, ln, doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action, status, authors, title, sysno, subtitle1, email_user_pattern, stopon1, users, extrausers, stopon2, subtitle2, usersremove, stopon3, validate_btn):
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if status == "waiting":
image = """<img src="%s/waiting_or.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
elif status == "approved":
image = """<img src="%s/smchk_gr.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
elif status == "rejected":
image = """<img src="%s/iconcross.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
image = ""
out = """
<table class="searchbox" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(image)s %(rn)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<small>""" % {
'image' : image,
'rn' : rn,
if title != "unknown":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(title_text)s</strong>%(title)s<br /><br />""" % {
'title_text' : _("Title:"),
'title' : title,
if authors != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(author_text)s</strong>%(authors)s<br /><br />""" % {
'author_text' : _("Author:"),
'authors' : authors,
if sysno != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(more)s</strong>
<a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(sysno)s?ln=%(ln)s">%(click)s</a>
<br /><br />
""" % {
'more' : _("More information:"),
'click' : _("Click here"),
'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'sysno' : sysno,
'ln' : ln,
out += """ </small>
<br />
if ((apptype == "RRP") or (apptype == "RPB")) and ((action == "EdBoardSel") or (action == "RefereeSel")):
out += """
<table class="searchbox" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(subtitle)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">""" % {
'subtitle' : subtitle1,
out += """<form action="">
<input type="hidden" name="flow" value="cplx" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="RN" value="%(rn)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="apptype" value="%(apptype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />""" % {
'rn' : rn,
'categ' : categ,
'doctype' : doctype,
'apptype' : apptype,
'action' : action,
'ln': ln,
out += ' <span class="adminlabel">1. %s </span>\n' % _("search for user")
out += ' <input class="admin_wvar" type="text" name="email_user_pattern" value="%s" />\n' % (email_user_pattern, )
out += ' <input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%s"/>\n' % (_("search for users"), )
if (stopon1 == "") and (email_user_pattern != ""):
out += ' <br /><span class="adminlabel">2. %s </span>\n' % _("select user")
out += ' <select name="id_user" class="admin_w200">\n'
out += ' <option value="0">*** %s ***</option>\n' % _("select user")
for elem in users:
elem_id = elem[0]
email = elem[1]
out += ' <option value="%s">%s</option>\n' % (elem_id, email)
for elem in extrausers:
elem_id = elem[0]
email = elem[1]
out += ' <option value="%s">%s %s</option>\n' % (elem_id, email, _("connected"))
out += ' </select>\n'
out += ' <input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%s" />\n' % (_("add this user"), )
out += stopon2
elif stopon1 != "":
out += stopon1
out += """
<br />
if action == "EdBoardSel":
out += """
<table class="searchbox" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(subtitle)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">""" % {
'subtitle' : subtitle2,
out += """<form action="">
<input type="hidden" name="flow" value="cplx" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="RN" value="%(rn)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="apptype" value="%(apptype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />""" % {
'rn' : rn,
'categ' : categ,
'doctype' : doctype,
'apptype' : apptype,
'action' : action,
'ln': ln,
out += ' <span class="adminlabel">1. %s </span>\n' % _("select user")
out += ' <select name="id_user_remove" class="admin_w200">\n'
out += ' <option value="0">*** %s ***</option>\n' % _("select user")
for elem in usersremove:
elem_id = elem[0]
email = elem[1]
out += ' <option value="%s">%s</option>\n' % (elem_id, email)
out += ' </select>\n'
out += ' <input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%s" />\n' % (_("remove this user"), )
out += stopon3
out += """
<br />
if validate_btn != "":
out += """<form action="">
<input type="hidden" name="flow" value="cplx" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="RN" value="%(rn)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="apptype" value="%(apptype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="validate" value="go" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="%(validate_btn)s" />
</form>""" % {
'rn' : rn,
'categ' : categ,
'doctype' : doctype,
'apptype' : apptype,
'action' : action,
'validate_btn' : validate_btn,
'ln': ln,
return out
def tmpl_publiline_displaycplxrecom(self, ln, doctype, categ, rn, apptype, action, status, authors, title, sysno, msg_to, msg_to_group, msg_subject):
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if status == "waiting":
image = """<img src="%s/waiting_or.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
elif status == "approved":
image = """<img src="%s/smchk_gr.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
elif status == "rejected":
image = """<img src="%s/iconcross.gif" alt="" align="right" />""" % (CFG_SITE_URL + '/img')
image = ""
out = """
<table class="searchbox" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(image)s %(rn)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<small>""" % {
'image' : image,
'rn' : rn,
if title != "unknown":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(title_text)s</strong>%(title)s<br /><br />""" % {
'title_text' : _("Title:"),
'title' : title,
if authors != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(author_text)s</strong>%(authors)s<br /><br />""" % {
'author_text' : _("Author:"),
'authors' : authors,
if sysno != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(more)s</strong>
<a href="%(siteurl)s/record/%(sysno)s?ln=%(ln)s">%(click)s</a>
<br /><br />
""" % {
'more' : _("More information:"),
'click' : _("Click here"),
'siteurl' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'sysno' : sysno,
'ln' : ln,
out += """ </small>
<br />
# escape forbidden character
msg_to = escape_html(msg_to)
msg_to_group = escape_html(msg_to_group)
msg_subject = escape_html(msg_subject)
write_box = """
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="flow" value="cplx" />
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="RN" value="%(rn)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="apptype" value="%(apptype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="validate" value="go" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<div style="float: left; vertical-align:text-top; margin-right: 10px;">
<table class="mailbox">
<thead class="mailboxheader">
<td class="inboxheader" colspan="2">
<table class="messageheader">
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(to_label)s</td>"""
if msg_to != "":
addr_box = """
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(users_label)s</td>
<td style="width:100%%%%;" class="mailboxlabel">%(to_users)s</td>""" % {'users_label': _("User"),
'to_users' : msg_to,
if msg_to_group != "":
addr_box += """
<td class="mailboxlabel">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(groups_label)s</td>
<td style="width:100%%%%;" class="mailboxlabel">%(to_groups)s</td>""" % {'groups_label': _("Group"),
'to_groups': msg_to_group,
elif msg_to_group != "":
addr_box = """
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(groups_label)s</td>
<td style="width:100%%%%;" class="mailboxlabel">%(to_groups)s</td>""" % {'groups_label': _("Group"),
'to_groups': msg_to_group,
addr_box = """
<td class="mailboxlabel">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="mailboxlabel">&nbsp;</td>"""
write_box += addr_box
write_box += """
<td class="mailboxlabel">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(subject_label)s</td>
<td colspan="2">
<input class="mailboxinput" type="text" name="msg_subject" value="%(subject)s" />
<td style="height:0px" colspan="2"></td>
<tbody class="mailboxbody">
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(message_label)s</td>
<textarea name="msg_body" rows="10" cols="50"></textarea>
<tr class="mailboxfooter">
<td colspan="2" class="mailboxfoot">
<input type="submit" name="send_button" value="%(send_label)s" class="formbutton"/>
write_box = write_box % {'rn' : rn,
'categ' : categ,
'doctype' : doctype,
'apptype' : apptype,
'action' : action,
'subject' : msg_subject,
'to_label': _("To:"),
'subject_label': _("Subject:"),
'message_label': _("Message:"),
'send_label': _("SEND"),
'ln': ln,
out += write_box
return out
def displaycplxdoc_displayauthaction(action, linkText):
return """ <strong class="headline">(<a href="" onclick="document.forms[0].action.value='%(action)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(linkText)s</a>)</strong>""" % {
"action" : action,
"linkText" : linkText

Event Timeline