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## -*- mode: html; coding: utf-8; -*-
## $Id$
## This file enables you to configure the parameters of your local CDS
## installation. It should be self-explanatory. Just go ahead and
## change the values within "define-tag" elements according to your
## needs. When done, return to the main CDS Invenio source directory and
## type 'make'.
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
## #####################
## About "config.wml" ##
## #####################
## This file ('config.wml') consists of several relatively independent
## configuration parts:
## Part 1: Essential parameters
## Part 2: CDS page elements
## Part 3: CDS navigation bar
## Part 5: WebSearch parameters
## Part 4: BibHarvest OAI parameters
## Part 6: WebSubmit parameters
## Part 7: Fulltext Archive parameters
## Part 8: BibFormat parameters
## Part 9: BibIndex parameters
## Part 10: Access Control parameters
## The configuration is done by editing the content of the "define-tag"
## WML elements below. Feel free to edit as many as you need. When done,
## return to the main CDS Invenio source directory and type 'make'. Good luck! :-)
## Before starting, let's include helper functions:
#include "cdswmllib.wml"
#include "configbis.wml"
## Part 1: Essential parameters ##
## This part defines essential CDS Invenio internal parameters that
## everybody should modify, like the name of the server or the email
## address of the local CDS Invenio administrator.
## CDSNAME -- the visible name of your CDS Invenio installation:
## (example: "My Document Server")
<define-tag CDSNAME whitespace=delete>
Atlantis Institute of Fictive Science
## CDSNAMEINTL -- the international versions of CDSNAME in various
## languages, defined using the standard locale-like language codes.
## (example: "<fr>Mon Serveur des Documents</fr>")
<define-tag CDSNAMEINTL whitespace=delete>
<en>Atlantis Institute of Fictive Science</en>
<fr>Atlantis Institut des Sciences Fictives</fr>
<de>Atlantis Institut der fiktiven Wissenschaft</de>
<es>Atlantis Instituto de la Ciencia Fictive</es>
<ca>Institut Atlantis de Ciència Fictícia</ca>
<pt>Instituto Atlantis de Ciência Fictícia</pt>
<it>Atlantis Istituto di Scienza Fittizia</it>
<ru>Атлантис Институт фиктивных Наук</ru>
<sk>Atlantis Inštitút Fiktívnych Vied</sk>
<cs>Atlantis Institut Fiktivních Věd</cs>
<no>Atlantis Institutt for Fiktiv Vitenskap</no>
<sv>Atlantis Institut för Fiktiv Vetenskap</sv>
<el>Ινστιτούτο Φανταστικών Επιστημών Ατλαντίδος</el>
<uk>Інститут вигаданих наук в Атлантісі</uk>
<ja>Fictive 科学のAtlantis の協会</ja>
<pl>Instytut Fikcyjnej Nauki Atlantis</pl>
<bg>Институт за фиктивни науки Атлантис</bg>
<lang:hr>Institut Fiktivnih Znanosti Atlantis</lang:hr>
## CDSLANG -- the default language of the interface:
## (example: "en")
<define-tag CDSLANG whitespace=delete>
## CDSLANGS -- list of all languages the user interface should be
## available in, separated by commas. The order specified below will
## be respected on the interface pages. A good default would be to
## use the alphabetical order. Currently supported languages include
## Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, German, Greek, English, Spanish, French,
## Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak,
## Swedish, and Ukrainian, so that the current eventual maximum you
## can currently select is
## "bg,ca,cs,de,el,en,es,fr,hr,it,ja,no,pl,pt,ru,sk,sv,uk".
## (example: "de,en,fr,it")
<define-tag CDSLANGS whitespace=delete>
## ALERTENGINEEMAIL -- the email address from which the alert emails
## will appear to be send:
## (example: "")
<define-tag ALERTENGINEEMAIL whitespace=delete>
## SUPPORTEMAIL -- the email address of the support team for this
## installation:
## (example: "")
<define-tag SUPPORTEMAIL whitespace=delete>
## ADMINEMAIL -- the email address of the 'superuser' for this
## installation. Enter your email address below and login with this
## address when using CDS Invenio administration modules. You will then
## be automatically recognized as superuser of the system.
## (example: "")
<define-tag ADMINEMAIL whitespace=delete>
## CFG_MAX_RECID -- maximum record ID number possible, i.e. the upper
## estimate of the total number of documents in the database. A
## reasonable estimate is: if you have 500,000 records in the database
## now, and the size is growing by 10,000 records per month, then a
## value of 700,000 sounds reasonable, as it should suffice for two
## years. Note that if in 6 months you'll suddenly have to upload a
## lot of new input records, so that it may grow past the present
## CFG_MAX_RECID limit, nothing bad happens: you only have to change
## this parameter and reindex the full database content. Note also
## that the lower CFG_MAX_RECID, the faster the search engine and the
## indexation engines are, so you have interest not to put it
## unnecessarily high. The relation between the speed and the value
## of CFG_MAX_RECID is about linear, so that cutting CFG_MAX_RECID by
## half will speed up the indexation about twice.
## (example: "8000")
<define-tag CFG_MAX_RECID whitespace=delete>
## CFG_APACHE_PASSWORD_FILE -- the file where Apache user credentials
## are stored. Must be an absolute pathname. If the value does not
## start by a slash, it is considered to be the filename of a file
## located under prefix/var/tmp directory. This is useful for the
## demo site testing purposes. For the production site, if you plan
## to restrict access to some collections based on the Apache user
## authentication mechanism, you should put here an absolute path to
## your Apache password file.
## (example: "/usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords")
<define-tag CFG_APACHE_PASSWORD_FILE whitespace=delete>
## CFG_APACHE_GROUP_FILE -- the file where Apache user groups are
## defined. See the documentation of the preceding config variable.
## (example: "/usr/local/apache/passwd/groups")
<define-tag CFG_APACHE_GROUP_FILE whitespace=delete>
## CFG_CERN_SITE -- do we want to enable CERN-specific code, like the
## one that proposes links to famous HEP sites such as Spires and KEK?
## Put "1" for "yes" and "0" for "no". (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_CERN_SITE whitespace=delete>
## Part 2: CDS page elements ##
## This part defines CDS portal-like page style and its elements.
## Here is a schematic overview of all the WML-configurable parts:
## +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | (cdspageheaderadd) |
## +-------------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+
## | (cdspageboxlefttopadd) | | (cdspageboxrighttopadd) |
## | | | |
## | | | |
## | | | |
## | | | |
## | | main page body | |
## | | | |
## | | | |
## | | | |
## | | | |
## | | | |
## | | | |
## |(cdspageboxleftbottomadd)| |(cdspageboxrightbottomadd)|
## +-------------------------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+
## | (cdspagefooteradd) |
## +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## Here, (i) the upper case elements like CDSPAGEHEADER are globally
## defined in this 'config.wml' file, see below. (ii) the lower case
## elements in parentheses like "(cdspageheaderadd)" are optional
## local add-ons that each WML page can define locally and pass to the
## global WML template as parameters. (iii) Note also that the style
## and colours of all these elements is defined in the cascading style
## sheet in the file 'htdocs/img/cds.css' that you can change at your
## will too.
## CFG_TEMPLATE_SKIN -- what template skin do you want to use?
## (example: "default")
<define-tag CFG_TEMPLATE_SKIN whitespace=delete>
## CDSPAGEHEADER -- eventual global HTML page header:
## (example: "")
<define-tag CDSPAGEHEADER>
<div style="background-image: url(<WEBURL>/img/header_background.gif);">
<table class="headerbox">
<td rowspan="2" class="headerboxbodylogo">
<td align="right" class="userinfoboxbody">
<td class="headerboxbody" valign="bottom" align="left">
<table class="headermodulebox">
<td class="headermoduleboxbodyblank">
<td class="headermoduleboxbodyblank">
<td class="headermoduleboxbody">
<a class=header href="<WEBURL>/?ln=<!--LN-->"><!--MSGSEARCH--></a>
<td class="headermoduleboxbodyblank">
<td class="headermoduleboxbody">
<a class=header href="<WEBURL>/submit?ln=<!--LN-->"><!--MSGSUBMIT--></a>
<td class="headermoduleboxbodyblank">
<td class="headermoduleboxbody">
<a class=header href="<WEBURL>/youraccount/display?ln=<!--LN-->"><!--MSGPERSONALIZE--></a>
<td class="headermoduleboxbodyblank">
<td class="headermoduleboxbody">
<a class=header href="<WEBURL>/help/index.<!--LN-->.html"><!--MSGHELP--></a>
<td class="headermoduleboxbodyblank">
<table class="navtrailbox">
<td class="navtrailboxbody">
## CDSPAGEBOXLEFTTOP -- eventual global HTML left top box:
## (example: "")
## CDSPAGEBOXLEFTBOTTOM -- eventual global HTML left bottom box:
## (example: "")
## CDSPAGEBOXRIGHTTOP -- eventual global HTML right top box:
## (example: "")
## CDSPAGEBOXRIGHTBOTTOM -- eventual global HTML right bottom box:
## (example: "")
## CDSPAGEFOOTER -- eventual global HTML page footer:
## (example: "")
<define-tag CDSPAGEFOOTER>
<div class="pagefooterstripeleft">
<!--CDSNAMEINTL-->&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="<WEBURL>/?ln=<!--LN-->"><!--MSGSEARCH--></a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="<WEBURL>/submit?ln=<!--LN-->"><!--MSGSUBMIT--></a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="<WEBURL>/youraccount/display?ln=<!--LN-->"><!--MSGPERSONALIZE--></a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="<WEBURL>/help/index.<!--LN-->.html"><!--MSGHELP--></a>
<!--POWEREDBY--> <a class="footer" href="">CDS Invenio</a> v<VERSION>
<!--MAINTAINEDBY--> <a class="footer" href="mailto:<SUPPORTEMAIL>"><SUPPORTEMAIL></a>
<div class="pagefooterstriperight">
## Part 3: CDS navigation bar ##
## The navigation bar and sub-bars are defined in a separate
## "cdsnavbar.wml" file. You may want to modify it now, if you
## really know what you are doing. :-)
## Part 4: WebSearch parameters ##
## This section contains some WML-based configuration parameters for
## WebSearch module. Please note that WebSearch is mostly configured
## on run-time via its WebSearch Admin web interface. The parameters
## below are the ones that you do not probably want to modify very
## often during the runtime. (Note that you may modify them
## afterwards too, though.)
## CFG_SEARCH_CACHE_SIZE -- how many queries we want to cache in
## memory per one Apache httpd process? This cache is used mainly for
## "next/previous page" functionality, but it caches also "popular"
## user queries if more than one user happen to search for the same
## thing. Note that large numbers may lead to great memory
## consumption. We recommend a value not greater than 100.
## (example: "100")
<define-tag CFG_SEARCH_CACHE_SIZE whitespace=delete>
## CFG_FIELDS_CONVERT -- if you migrate from an older system, you may
## want to map field codes of your old system (such as 'ti') to
## CDS Invenio/MySQL ("title"). Use Python dictionary syntax for the
## translation table, see the example below. Usually you don't want
## to do that, and would use empty dict {}.
## (example: "{'wau':'author', 'wti':'title'}")
<define-tag CFG_FIELDS_CONVERT whitespace=delete>
## CFG_SIMPLESEARCH_PATTERN_BOX_WIDTH -- width of the search pattern
## window in the simple search interface, in characters.
## (example: "50")
<define-tag CFG_SIMPLESEARCH_PATTERN_BOX_WIDTH whitespace=delete>
## CFG_ADVANCEDSEARCH_PATTERN_BOX_WIDTH -- width of the search pattern
## window in the advanced search interface, in characters.
## (example: "50")
<define-tag CFG_ADVANCEDSEARCH_PATTERN_BOX_WIDTH whitespace=delete>
## CFG_NB_RECORDS_TO_SORT -- how many records do we still want to
## sort? For higher numbers we print only a warning and won't perform
## any sorting other than default 'latest records first', as sorting
## would be very time consuming then. We recommend a value of not
## more than a couple of thousands.
## (example: "1000")
<define-tag CFG_NB_RECORDS_TO_SORT whitespace=delete>
## CFG_CALL_BIBFORMAT -- if a record is being displayed but it was not
## preformatted in the "HTML brief" format, do we want to call
## BibFormatting on the fly? Put "1" for "yes" and "0" for "no".
## Note that "1" will display the record exactly as if it were fully
## preformatted, but it may be slow due to on-the-fly processing; "0"
## will display a default format very fast, but it may not have all
## the fields as in the fully preformatted HTML brief format. When
## usure, set "0" here.
## (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_CALL_BIBFORMAT whitespace=delete>
## CFG_USE_OLD_SYSNOS -- do we want to make old SYSNOs visible rather
## than MySQL's record IDs? You may use this if you migrate from a
## different e-doc system, and you store your old system numbers into
## 970__a. Put "1" for "yes" and "0" for "no". Usually you don't want
## to do that, though.
## (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_USE_OLD_SYSNOS whitespace=delete>
## CFG_NB_LATEST_ADDITIONS -- the number of records to display under
## 'Latest Additions' in the web collection pages
## (example: "10")
<define-tag CFG_NB_LATEST_ADDITIONS whitespace=delete>
## CFG_AUTHOR_ET_AL_THRESHOLD -- up to how many author names to print
## explicitely; for more print "et al". Note that this is used in
## default formatting that is seldomly used, as usually BibFormat
## defines all the format. The value below is only used when
## BibFormat fails, for example.
## (example: "3")
<define-tag CFG_AUTHOR_ET_AL_THRESHOLD whitespace=delete>
## CFG_NARROW_SEARCH_SHOW_GRANDSONS -- whether to show or not
## collection grandsons in Narrow Search boxes (sons are shown
## by default, grandsons are configurable here). Use 0 for no
## and 1 for yes.
## (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_NARROW_SEARCH_SHOW_GRANDSONS whitespace=delete>
## links for Ellis, Nick or Ellis, Nicholas and friends when Ellis, N
## was searched for? Useful if you have one author stored in the
## database under several name formats, namely surname comma firstname
## and surname comma initial cataloging policy. Use 0 for no and 1
## for yes.
## (example: "1")
<define-tag CFG_CREATE_SIMILARLY_NAMED_AUTHORS_LINK_BOX whitespace=delete>
## Part 5: BibHarvest OAI parameters ##
## This part defines parameters for the CDS Invenio OAI gateway.
## Useful if you are running CDS Invenio as OAI data provider.
## CFG_OAI_ID_SCHEME -- OAI identifier scheme:
## (example: "oai")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_ID_SCHEME whitespace=delete>
## CFG_OAI_ID_TAG -- OAI identifier tag:
## (example: "0248_a")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_ID_TAG whitespace=delete>
## CFG_OAI_SET_TAG -- OAI set tag:
## (example: "0248_p")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_SET_TAG whitespace=delete>
## CFG_OAI_DELETED_TAG -- OAI tag for deleted records mark. OAI record
## is considered deleted if the value of this field is set to
## "DELETED" and the OAI deleted records policy is set either to
## "transient" or "persistent".
## (example: "980__c")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_DELETED_TAG whitespace=delete>
## CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY -- OAI deletedrecordspolicy
## (example: no/transient/persistent)
<define-tag CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY whitespace=delete>
## CFG_OAI_ID_PREFIX -- OAI identifier prefix:
## (example: "")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_ID_PREFIX whitespace=delete>
## CFG_OAI_SAMPLE_IDENTIFIER -- OAI sample identifier:
## (example: "")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_SAMPLE_IDENTIFIER whitespace=delete>
## CFG_OAI_IDENTIFY_DESCRIPTION -- description for the OAI Identify verb (optional):
## (example:"")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_IDENTIFY_DESCRIPTION whitespace=delete>
<oai-identifier xmlns=""
<eprints xmlns=""
<text>Free and unlimited use by anybody with obligation to refer to original record</text>
<text>Full content, i.e. preprints may not be harvested by robots</text>
<text>Submission restricted. Submitted documents are subject of approval by OAI repository admins.</text>
## CFG_OAI_LOAD -- OAI number of records in a response:
## (example: "1000")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_LOAD whitespace=delete>
## CFG_OAI_EXPIRE -- OAI resumptionToken expiration time:
## (example: "1000")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_EXPIRE whitespace=delete>
## CFG_OAI_SLEEP -- service unavailable between two consecutive
## requests for CFG_OAI_SLEEP seconds:
## (example: "10")
<define-tag CFG_OAI_SLEEP whitespace=delete>
## Part 6: WebSubmit parameters ##
## This section contains some WML-based configuration parameters for
## WebSubmit module. Please note that WebSubmit is mostly configured
## on run-time via its WebSubmit Admin web interface. The parameters
## below are the ones that you do not probably want to modify during
## the runtime.
## CFG_SUBMIT_COUNTER -- indicates where the counters used by websubmit
## are stored
<define-tag CFG_SUBMIT_COUNTER whitespace=delete>
## CFG_SUBMIT_DIR -- this indicates where the websubmit system will
## keep each submissions running data
<define-tag CFG_SUBMIT_DIR whitespace=delete>
## Part 7: Fulltext Archive parameters ##
## This section contains some WML-based configuration parameters for
## fulltext archive.
## CFG_FILE_DIR -- this indicates where the fulltext files will be
## stored
<define-tag CFG_FILE_DIR whitespace=delete>
## CFG_FILE_DIR_SIZE -- all attached fulltext files are stored
## under the CFG_FILE_DIR directory, inside subdirectories called gX
## this variable indicates the maximum number of files stored in each
## subdirectories
<define-tag CFG_FILE_DIR_SIZE whitespace=delete>
## Part 8: BibFormat parameters ##
## This section contains some WML-based configuration parameters for
## BibFormat module. Please note that BibFormat is mostly configured
## on run-time via its BibFormat Admin web interface. The parameters
## below are the ones that you do not probably want to modify very
## often during the runtime.
## CFG_BIBFORMAT_TIME_LIMIT -- the time limit of BibFormat process
## after which the task will terminate. This is useful to avoid
## eventual runaways.
## (example: "1000")
<define-tag CFG_BIBFORMAT_TIME_LIMIT whitespace=delete>
## Part 9: BibIndex parameters ##
## This section contains some WML-based configuration parameters for
## BibIndex module. Please note that BibIndex is mostly configured
## on run-time via its BibIndex Admin web interface. The parameters
## below are the ones that you do not probably want to modify very
## often during the runtime.
## CFG_BIBINDEX_FULLTEXT_INDEX_LOCAL_FILES_ONLY -- when fulltext indexing, do
## you want to index locally stored files only, or also external URLs?
## Use "0" to say "no" and "1" to say "yes".
## (example: "0")
## CFG_BIBINDEX_STEMMER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE -- when indexing, do you want to use
## stemming? If so, stem according to which language? Use '' for
## no stemming, 'fr' for French, 'en' for English, 'no' for Norwegian,
## 'sv' for Swedish, 'de' for German, 'it' for Italian, 'pt' for
## Portuguese'. This feature is still somewhat experimental. We
## recommend to say nothing ("") at this stage of things.
## (example: "")
<define-tag CFG_BIBINDEX_STEMMER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE whitespace=delete>
## CFG_BIBINDEX_REMOVE_STOPWORDS -- when indexing, do we want to remove
## stopwords? Use "0" to say "no" and "1" to say "yes".
## (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_BIBINDEX_REMOVE_STOPWORDS whitespace=delete>
## CFG_BIBINDEX_PATH_TO_STOPWORDS_FILE -- path to the stopwords file. You
## probably don't want to change this path, although you may want to
## change the content of that file. Note that the file is used by the
## rank engine internally, so it should be given even if stopword
## removal in the indexes is not used.
<define-tag CFG_BIBINDEX_PATH_TO_STOPWORDS_FILE whitespace=delete>
## alphanumeric separators of word-blocks inside words. You probably
## don't want to change this.
## (example: "\!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\[\\\]\^\_\`\{\|\}\~")
## CFG_BIBINDEX_CHARS_PUNCTUATION -- characters considered as punctuation
## between word-blocks inside words. You probably don't want to
## change this.
## (example: "\.\,\:\;\?\!\"")
<define-tag CFG_BIBINDEX_CHARS_PUNCTUATION whitespace=delete>
## CFG_BIBINDEX_REMOVE_HTML_MARKUP -- should we attempt to remove HTML markup
## before indexing? Use 1 if you have HTML markup inside metadata
## (e.g. in abstracts), use 0 otherwise.
## (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_BIBINDEX_REMOVE_HTML_MARKUP whitespace=delete>
## CFG_BIBINDEX_MIN_WORD_LENGTH -- minimum word length allowed to be added to
## index. The terms smaller then this amount will be discarded.
## Useful to keep the database clean, however you can safely leave
## this value on 0 for up to 1,000,000 documents.
## (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_BIBINDEX_MIN_WORD_LENGTH whitespace=delete>
## access credentials to access restricted URLs, interesting only if
## you are fulltext-indexing files located on a remote server that is
## only available via username/password. But it's probably better to
## handle this case via IP or some convention; the current scheme is
## mostly there for demo only.
## (example: "mysuperuser")
<define-tag CFG_BIBINDEX_URLOPENER_USERNAME whitespace=delete>
<define-tag CFG_BIBINDEX_URLOPENER_PASSWORD whitespace=delete>
## Part 10: Access control parameters ##
## This section contains some WML-based configuration parameters for
## the access control system. Please note that WebAccess is mostly
## configured on run-time via its WebAccess Admin web interface. The
## parameters below are the ones that you do not probably want to
## modify very often during the runtime. (If you do want to modify
## them during runtime, for example te deny access temporarily because
## of backups, you can edit directly, no need
## to get back here and no need to redo the make process.)
## CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE -- defines how open this site is.
## Use 0 for normal operation of the site, 1 for read-only site (all
## write operations temporarily closed), 2 for site fully closed.
## Useful for site maintenance.
## (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE whitespace=delete>
## CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_GUESTS -- guest users access policy. Use
## 0 to allow guest users, 1 not to allow them (all users must login).
## (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_GUESTS whitespace=delete>
## CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_ACCOUNTS -- account registration and
## activation policy. When 0, users can register and accounts are
## automatically activated. When 1, users can register but admin must
## activate the accounts. When 2, users cannot register nor update
## their email address, only admin can register accounts. When 3,
## users cannot register nor update email address nor password, only
## admin can register accounts. When 4, the same as 3 applies, nor
## user cannot change his login method.
## (example: "0")
<define-tag CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_ACCOUNTS whitespace=delete>
## registration to certain email addresses? If wanted, give domain
## name below. If not wanted, leave it empty.
## (example: ""):
## notification email to the administrator when a new account is
## created? Use 0 for no, 1 for yes.
## (example: "0")
## notification email to the user when a new account is created? Use
## 0 for no, 1 for yes.
## (example: "0")
## notification email to the user when a new account is activated?
## Use 0 for no, 1 for yes.
## (example: "0")
## notification email to the user when a new account is deleted or
## account demand rejected? Use 0 for no, 1 for yes.
## (example: "0")
## THAT's ALL, FOLKS! ##
## And this is the end of "config.wml" WML configuration phase. Now
## please return to the main CDS source directory and type 'make'.
## (Note: if you have bravely edited the "cdsnavbar.wml" file too,
## then please do "make clean" before doing "make".)

Event Timeline