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# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# pylint: disable=C0103
"""Invenio BibMerge Engine."""
import os
import random
import re
from invenio.config import \
from invenio.legacy.bibmerge.merger import merge_field_group, replace_field, \
add_field, delete_field, merge_field, \
add_subfield, replace_subfield, \
delete_subfield, copy_R2_to_R1, merge_record
from invenio.legacy.search_engine import print_record, perform_request_search, \
from invenio.legacy.bibrecord import get_fieldvalues
from invenio.legacy.bibedit.utils import cache_exists, cache_expired, \
create_cache, delete_cache, get_cache_contents, \
get_cache_mtime, latest_record_revision, record_locked_by_other_user, \
record_locked_by_queue, save_xml_record, touch_cache, \
update_cache_contents, _get_file_path, \
get_record_revision_ids, revision_format_valid_p, split_revid, \
from invenio.utils.html import remove_html_markup
from invenio.legacy.bibrecord import create_record, record_xml_output, record_add_field, \
record_order_subfields, \
from invenio.base.globals import cfg
import invenio.legacy.template
bibmerge_templates = invenio.legacy.template.load('bibmerge')
def perform_request_init():
"""Handle the initial request.
errors = []
warnings = []
body = ''
# Add script data.
data = {'gSITE_RECORD': '"' + CFG_SITE_RECORD + '"'}
body += '<script type="text/javascript">\n'
for key in data:
body += ' var %s = %s;\n' % (key, data[key])
body += ' </script>\n'
# Build page structure and control panel.
body += bibmerge_templates.controlpanel()
body += """
<div id="bibMergeContent">
return body, errors, warnings
def perform_request_ajax(req, uid, data):
"""Ajax request dispatcher.\
requestType = data['requestType']
if requestType in ('getRecordCompare', 'submit', 'cancel', 'recCopy', \
'recMerge', 'recMergeNC'):
return perform_request_record(requestType, uid, data)
elif requestType in ('getFieldGroup', 'getFieldGroupDiff', \
'mergeFieldGroup', 'mergeNCFieldGroup', 'replaceField', 'addField', \
'deleteField', 'mergeField'):
return perform_request_update_record(requestType, uid, data)
elif requestType in ('deleteSubfield', 'addSubfield', 'replaceSubfield', \
return perform_small_request_update_record(requestType, uid, data)
elif requestType == "searchCandidates" or requestType == "searchRevisions":
return perform_candidate_record_search(requestType, data)
return { 'resultCode': 1, 'resultText': 'Error unknown' }
def perform_candidate_record_search(requestType, data):
"""Handle search requests.
max_results = 999
too_many = False
result = {
'resultCode': 0,
'resultText': ''
if requestType == "searchCandidates":
recids = perform_request_search( p=data['query'] )
if len(recids) > max_results:
too_many = True
captions = [ search_result_info(x) for x in recids ]
alternative_titles = [ remove_html_markup(print_record(x, "hs")) for x in recids ]
search_results = [recids, captions, alternative_titles]
elif requestType == "searchRevisions":
revisions = get_record_revision_ids( data['recID1'] )
captions = [ split_revid(x, 'datetext')[1] for x in revisions ]
search_results = [revisions, captions]
if too_many == True:
result['resultCode'] = 1
result['resultText'] = 'Too many results'
result['results'] = search_results
result['resultText'] = '%s results' % len(search_results[0])
return result
def search_result_info(recid):
"""Return report number of a record or if it doen't exist return the recid
report_numbers = get_fieldvalues(recid, '037__a')
if len(report_numbers) == 0:
return "#"+str(recid)
return report_numbers[0]
def perform_request_record(requestType, uid, data):
"""Handle 'major' record related requests.
Handle retrieving, submitting or cancelling the merging session.
#TODO add checks before submission and cancel, replace get_bibrecord call
result = {
'resultCode': 0,
'resultText': ''
recid1 = data["recID1"]
record1 = _get_record(recid1, uid, result)
if result['resultCode'] != 0: #if record not accessible return error information
return result
if requestType == 'submit':
if 'duplicate' in data:
recid2 = data['duplicate']
record2 = _get_record_slave(recid2, result, 'recid', uid)
if result['resultCode'] != 0: #return in case of error
return result
(errcode, message) = check_doi_status_after_merge(data["recID1"], data['duplicate'],
record1, record2,
submit_confirmed_p=data.get('additional_data', {'confirmed_submit': False}).get('confirmed_submit', False))
if errcode:
result['resultCode'] = errcode
result['resultText'] = message
return result
# mark record2 as deleted
record_add_field(record2, '980', ' ', ' ', '', [('c', 'DELETED')])
# mark record2 as duplicate of record1
record_add_field(record2, '970', ' ', ' ', '', [('d', str(recid1))])
# add recid of deleted record to master record
record_add_field(record1, '981', ' ', ' ', '', [('a', str(recid2))])
# To ensure updates happen in order, use a seq id
sequence_id = str(random.randrange(1, 4294967296))
# submit record2 to be deleted
xml_record2 = record_xml_output(record2)
save_xml_record(recid2, uid, xml_record2, task_name="bibmerge",
# submit record1
xml_record1 = record_xml_output(record1)
save_xml_record(recid1, uid, xml_record1, task_name="bibmerge",
# Delete cache file if it exists
if cache_exists(recid1, uid):
delete_cache(recid1, uid)
result['resultText'] = 'Records submitted'
return result
(errcode, message) = check_doi_status_after_merge(data["recID1"], data["recID2"],
record1, None,
submit_confirmed_p=data.get('additional_data', {'confirmed_submit': False}).get('confirmed_submit', False))
if errcode:
result['resultCode'] = errcode
result['resultText'] = message
return result
#submit record1 from cache
save_xml_record(recid1, uid, task_name="bibmerge")
# Delete cache file if it exists
if cache_exists(recid1, uid):
delete_cache(recid1, uid)
result['resultText'] = 'Record submitted'
return result
elif requestType == 'cancel':
delete_cache(recid1, uid)
result['resultText'] = 'Cancelled'
return result
recid2 = data["recID2"]
mode = data['record2Mode']
record2 = _get_record_slave(recid2, result, mode, uid)
if result['resultCode'] != 0: #if record not accessible return error information
return result
if requestType == 'getRecordCompare':
result['resultHtml'] = bibmerge_templates.BM_html_all_diff(record1, record2)
result['resultText'] = 'Records compared'
elif requestType == 'recCopy':
copy_R2_to_R1(record1, record2)
result['resultHtml'] = bibmerge_templates.BM_html_all_diff(record1, record2)
result['resultText'] = 'Record copied'
elif requestType == 'recMerge':
merge_record(record1, record2, merge_conflicting_fields=True)
result['resultHtml'] = bibmerge_templates.BM_html_all_diff(record1, record2)
result['resultText'] = 'Records merged'
elif requestType == 'recMergeNC':
merge_record(record1, record2, merge_conflicting_fields=False)
result['resultHtml'] = bibmerge_templates.BM_html_all_diff(record1, record2)
result['resultText'] = 'Records merged'
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Wrong request type'
return result
def perform_request_update_record(requestType, uid, data):
"""Handle record update requests for actions on a field level.
Handle merging, adding, or replacing of fields.
result = {
'resultCode': 0,
'resultText': ''
recid1 = data["recID1"]
recid2 = data["recID2"]
record_content = get_cache_contents(recid1, uid)
cache_dirty = record_content[0]
rec_revision = record_content[1]
record1 = record_content[2]
pending_changes = record_content[3]
disabled_hp_changes = record_content[4]
# We will not be able to Undo/Redo correctly after any modifications
# from the level of bibmerge are performed ! We clear all the undo/redo
# lists
undo_list = []
redo_list = []
mode = data['record2Mode']
record2 = _get_record_slave(recid2, result, mode, uid)
if result['resultCode'] != 0: #if record not accessible return error information
return result
if requestType == 'getFieldGroup':
result['resultHtml'] = bibmerge_templates.BM_html_field_group(record1, record2, data['fieldTag'])
result['resultText'] = 'Field group retrieved'
return result
elif requestType == 'getFieldGroupDiff':
result['resultHtml'] = bibmerge_templates.BM_html_field_group(record1, record2, data['fieldTag'], True)
result['resultText'] = 'Fields compared'
return result
elif requestType == 'mergeFieldGroup' or requestType == 'mergeNCFieldGroup':
fnum, ind1, ind2 = _fieldtagNum_and_indicators(data['fieldTag'])
if requestType == 'mergeNCFieldGroup':
merge_field_group(record1, record2, fnum, ind1, ind2, False)
merge_field_group(record1, record2, fnum, ind1, ind2, True)
resultText = 'Field group merged'
elif requestType == 'replaceField' or requestType == 'addField':
fnum, ind1, ind2 = _fieldtagNum_and_indicators(data['fieldTag'])
findex1 = _field_info( data['fieldCode1'] )[1]
findex2 = _field_info( data['fieldCode2'] )[1]
if findex2 == None:
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'No value in the selected field'
return result
if requestType == 'replaceField':
replace_field(record1, record2, fnum, findex1, findex2)
resultText = 'Field replaced'
else: # requestType == 'addField'
add_field(record1, record2, fnum, findex1, findex2)
resultText = 'Field added'
elif requestType == 'deleteField':
fnum, ind1, ind2 = _fieldtagNum_and_indicators(data['fieldTag'])
findex1 = _field_info( data['fieldCode1'] )[1]
if findex1 == None:
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'No value in the selected field'
return result
delete_field(record1, fnum, findex1)
resultText = 'Field deleted'
elif requestType == 'mergeField':
fnum, ind1, ind2 = _fieldtagNum_and_indicators(data['fieldTag'])
findex1 = _field_info( data['fieldCode1'] )[1]
findex2 = _field_info( data['fieldCode2'] )[1]
if findex2 == None:
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'No value in the selected field'
return result
merge_field(record1, record2, fnum, findex1, findex2)
resultText = 'Field merged'
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Wrong request type'
return result
result['resultHtml'] = bibmerge_templates.BM_html_field_group(record1, record2, data['fieldTag'])
result['resultText'] = resultText
update_cache_contents(recid1, uid, rec_revision, record1, pending_changes, disabled_hp_changes, undo_list, redo_list)
return result
def perform_small_request_update_record(requestType, uid, data):
"""Handle record update requests for actions on a subfield level.
Handle adding, replacing or deleting of subfields.
result = {
'resultCode': 0,
'resultText': '',
'resultHtml': ''
recid1 = data["recID1"]
recid2 = data["recID2"]
cache_content = get_cache_contents(recid1, uid) #TODO: check mtime, existence
cache_dirty = cache_content[0]
rec_revision = cache_content[1]
record1 = cache_content[2]
pending_changes = cache_content[3]
disabled_hp_changes = cache_content[4]
mode = data['record2Mode']
record2 = _get_record_slave(recid2, result, mode, uid)
if result['resultCode'] != 0: #if record not accessible return error information
return result
ftag, findex1 = _field_info(data['fieldCode1'])
fnum = ftag[:3]
findex2 = _field_info(data['fieldCode2'])[1]
sfindex1 = data['sfindex1']
sfindex2 = data['sfindex2']
if requestType == 'deleteSubfield':
delete_subfield(record1, fnum, findex1, sfindex1)
result['resultText'] = 'Subfield deleted'
elif requestType == 'addSubfield':
add_subfield(record1, record2, fnum, findex1, findex2, sfindex1, sfindex2)
result['resultText'] = 'Subfield added'
elif requestType == 'replaceSubfield':
replace_subfield(record1, record2, fnum, findex1, findex2, sfindex1, sfindex2)
result['resultText'] = 'Subfield replaced'
elif requestType == 'diffSubfield':
result['resultHtml'] = bibmerge_templates.BM_html_subfield_row_diffed(record1, record2, fnum, findex1, findex2, sfindex1, sfindex2)
result['resultText'] = 'Subfields diffed'
update_cache_contents(recid1, uid, rec_revision, record1, pending_changes, disabled_hp_changes, [], [])
return result
def _get_record(recid, uid, result, fresh_record=False):
"""Retrieve record structure.
record = None
mtime = None
cache_dirty = None
record_status = record_exists(recid)
existing_cache = cache_exists(recid, uid)
if record_status == 0:
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Non-existent record: %s' % recid
elif record_status == -1:
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Deleted record: %s' % recid
elif not existing_cache and record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Record %s locked by user' % recid
elif existing_cache and cache_expired(recid, uid) and \
record_locked_by_other_user(recid, uid):
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Record %s locked by user' % recid
elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Record %s locked by queue' % recid
if fresh_record:
delete_cache(recid, uid)
existing_cache = False
if not existing_cache:
record_revision, record = create_cache(recid, uid)
mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
cache_dirty = False
tmpRes = get_cache_contents(recid, uid)
cache_dirty, record_revision, record = tmpRes[0], tmpRes[1], tmpRes[2]
touch_cache(recid, uid)
mtime = get_cache_mtime(recid, uid)
if not latest_record_revision(recid, record_revision):
result['cacheOutdated'] = True
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'], result['cacheDirty'], result['cacheMTime'] = 0, 'Record OK', cache_dirty, mtime
return record
def _get_record_slave(recid, result, mode=None, uid=None):
"""Check if record exists and return it in dictionary format.
If any kind of error occurs returns None.
If mode=='revision' then recid parameter is considered as revid."""
record = None
if recid == 'none':
mode = 'none'
if mode == 'recid':
record_status = record_exists(recid)
#check for errors
if record_status == 0:
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Non-existent record: %s' % recid
elif record_status == -1:
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Deleted record: %s' % recid
elif record_locked_by_queue(recid):
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Record %s locked by queue' % recid
record = create_record( print_record(recid, 'xm') )[0]
elif mode == 'tmpfile':
file_path = '%s_%s.xml' % (_get_file_path(recid, uid),
if not os.path.isfile(file_path): #check if file doesn't exist
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Temporary file doesnt exist'
else: #open file
tmpfile = open(file_path, 'r')
record = create_record( )[0]
elif mode == 'revision':
if revision_format_valid_p(recid):
marcxml = get_marcxml_of_revision_id(recid)
if marcxml:
record = create_record(marcxml)[0]
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'The specified revision does not exist'
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Invalid revision id'
elif mode == 'none':
return {}
result['resultCode'], result['resultText'] = 1, 'Invalid record mode for record2'
return record
def _field_info(fieldIdCode):
"""Returns a tuple: (field-tag, field-index)
eg.: _field_info('R1-8560_-2') --> ('8560_', 2) """
info = fieldIdCode.split('-')
if info[2] == 'None':
info[2] = None
info[2] = int(info[2])
return tuple( info[1:] )
def _fieldtagNum_and_indicators(fieldTag):
"""Separate a 5-char field tag to a 3-character field-tag number and two
fnum, ind1, ind2 = fieldTag[:3], fieldTag[3], fieldTag[4]
if ind1 == '_':
ind1 = ' '
if ind2 == '_':
ind2 = ' '
return (fnum, ind1, ind2)
def get_dois(record, internal_only_p=False):
Return the list of DOIs in the given record. If C{internal_only_p}
is set to True, only those DOIs that are considered owned/managed
by this installation (as defined in
@param record: the record we want to get DOIs from
@type record: BibRecord object
@param internal_only_p: if True, returns only DOIs managed/owned by the system
@type internal_only_p: bool
@rtype: list(string)
return [doi for doi in record_extract_dois(record) if \
not internal_only_p or re.compile(CFG_BIBUPLOAD_INTERNAL_DOI_PATTERN).match(doi)]
def check_doi_status_after_merge(original_recid1, original_recid2, final_record1, final_record_2, record2_marked_as_duplicate_p=False, submit_confirmed_p=False):
Check that the result of the merge does not removed DOIs managed
by the system, and that not duplicate DOI would be
created. Returns a tuple(error_code, message).
@param original_recid1: the record ID of the original record 1 (master)
@type original_recid1: int
@param original_recid2: the record ID of the original record 2 (slave)
@type original_recid2: int
@param final_record1: the resulting merged record
@type final_record1: BibRecord object
@param final_record_2: the resulting slave "merged" record (optional when record2_marked_as_duplicate_p is False)
@type final_record_2: BibRecord object
@param record2_marked_as_duplicate_p: True if the record 2 will be marked as duplicate (and deleted)
@type record2_marked_as_duplicate_p: bool
@param submit_confirmed_p: if the user has already confirmed to proceed with submission, according to previous messages displayed. If True, do not ask again confirmation and proceed if all tests pass.
@type submit_confirmed_p: bool
errcode = 0
message = ''
new_record1_dois = get_dois(final_record1)
new_record1_managed_dois = get_dois(final_record1, internal_only_p=True)
original_record1_managed_dois = get_dois(create_record(print_record(original_recid1, 'xm'))[0],
original_record2_dois = get_dois(create_record(print_record(original_recid2, 'xm'))[0])
# Are there any DOI from record 1 (master) lost in the merging?
lost_dois_in_record1 = [doi for doi in original_record1_managed_dois \
if not doi in new_record1_managed_dois]
# Enough to check for duplicate DOI creation in this record,
# not whole DB
duplicate_dois_after_merge = [doi for doi in new_record1_dois if new_record1_dois.count(doi) > 1]
if record2_marked_as_duplicate_p:
new_record2_managed_dois = get_dois(final_record_2, internal_only_p=True)
original_record2_managed_dois = get_dois(create_record(print_record(original_recid2, 'xm'))[0],
# Are there any DOI from record 2 (slave) lost in the merging?
lost_dois_in_record2 = [doi for doi in original_record2_managed_dois \
if not doi in new_record1_managed_dois]
lost_dois_in_record2 = []
duplicate_dois_after_merge += [doi for doi in new_record1_dois if doi in original_record2_dois]
if ((lost_dois_in_record1 or lost_dois_in_record2) and \
not duplicate_dois_after_merge and \
not submit_confirmed_p:
errcode = 1
message = 'The resulting merged record misses DOI(s) managed by the system.<script type="text/javascript">%(check_duplicate_box)sif (confirm(\'The resulting merged record will lose DOI(s) managed by the system.\\n' + \
'The following DOI(s) were in the original record (#1) but are not in the final merged one:\\n' + '\\n'.join(lost_dois_in_record1) + \
'\\nAre you sure that you want to submit the merged records without the DOI(s)?\')) {onclickSubmitButton(confirm_p=false, additional_data={\'confirmed_submit\': true})}</script>'
elif duplicate_dois_after_merge and lost_dois_in_record1:
errcode = 1
message = 'The changes cannot be submitted because the resulting merged record (a) misses DOI(s) managed by the system and/or (b) will create duplicate DOIs.<script type="text/javascript">%(check_duplicate_box)salert(\'The changes cannot be submitted because the resulting merged record (a) misses DOI(s) managed by the system and (b) will create duplicate DOIs.\\n' + \
'The following DOI(s) were in the original record (#1) but are not in the final merged one:\\n' + '\\n'.join(lost_dois_in_record1) + \
'\\nThe following DOI(s) would be duplicate after merge:\\n' + '\\n'.join(duplicate_dois_after_merge) + \
'\\nMake sure that the mentionned DOI(s) are included in the final merged record and/or no duplicate DOIs are created (suggestion: merge in the other way around).\');</script>'
elif duplicate_dois_after_merge:
errcode = 1
message = 'The changes cannot be submitted because the resulting merged record will create a duplicate DOI.<script type="text/javascript">%(check_duplicate_box)salert(\'The changes cannot be submitted because the resulting merged record will create a duplicate DOI.\\n' + \
'The following DOI(s) would be duplicate after merge:\\n' + '\\n'.join(duplicate_dois_after_merge) + \
'\\nMake sure that the mentionned DOI(s) are not duplicated (suggestion: merge in the other way around).\');</script>'
elif not (CFG_BIBEDIT_INTERNAL_DOI_PROTECTION_LEVEL == 1 and submit_confirmed_p):
# lost DOIs after merge
errcode = 1
message = 'The changes cannot be submitted because the resulting merged record misses DOI(s) managed by the system.<script type="text/javascript">%(check_duplicate_box)salert(\'The changes cannot be submitted because the resulting merged record misses the DOI(s) managed by the system.\\n' + \
'The following DOI(s) were in the original record (#1) but are not in the final merged one:\\n' + '\\n'.join(lost_dois_in_record1) + \
'\\nMake sure that the mentionned DOI(s) are included in the final merged record.\');</script>'
message = message % {'check_duplicate_box': record2_marked_as_duplicate_p and '$(\'#bibMergeDupeCheckbox\').attr(\'checked\', true);' or ''}
return (errcode, message)

Event Timeline