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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2014 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""Multimedia Image API."""
import itertools
import math
import os
import re
from decimal import Decimal
from six import StringIO
from PIL import Image
from invenio.modules.documents.api import Document
from invenio.modules.documents.errors import DocumentNotFound
from .config import (
from .errors import (
MultmediaImageCropError, MultmediaImageResizeError,
MultimediaImageFormatError, MultimediaImageRotateError,
MultimediaImageQualityError, MultimediaImageNotFound,
from .utils import initialize_redis
class MultimediaObject(object):
"""The Multimedia Object."""
class MultimediaImage(MultimediaObject):
"""Multimedia Image API.
Initializes an image api with IIIF standards. You can:
* Resize :func:`resize`.
* Crop :func:`crop`.
* Rotate :func:`rotate`.
* Change image quality :func:`quality`.
Example of editing and image and save it to disk:
.. code-block:: python
from invenio.modules.MultimediaImage import MultimediaImage
image = MultimediaImage.get_image(uuid)
# Rotate the image
# Resize the image
# Crop the image
# Make the image black and white
# Finaly save it to /tmp'/tmp')
Example of serving the modified image over http:
.. code-block:: python
from flask import Blueprint
from invenio.modules.MultimediaImage import MultimediaImage
def serve_thumbnail(uuid, size):
\"\"\"Serve the image thumbnail.
:param uuid: The document uuid.
:param size: The desired image size.
# Initialize the image with the uuid
image = MultimediaImage.get_image(uuid)
# Resize it
# Serve it
return send_file(image.serve(), mimetype='image/jpeg')
def __init__(self, image):
"""Initialize the image."""
self.image = image
def get_image(cls, uuid):
"""Return the image object.
:param str uuid: The document uuid
:returns: a :class:`~invenio.modules.multimedia.api.MultimediaImage`
document = Document.get_document(uuid)
except DocumentNotFound:
raise MultimediaImageNotFound(
"The requested image {0} not found".format(uuid))
if not document.get('uri'):
raise MultimediaImageNotFound(
"The requested image {0} not found".format(uuid))
image =['uri'])
return cls(image)
def from_file(cls, path):
"""Return the image object from the given path.
:param str path: The absolute path of the file
:returns: a :class:`~invenio.modules.multimedia.api.MultimediaImage`
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise MultimediaImageNotFound(
"The requested image {0} not found".format(path))
image =
return cls(image)
def from_string(cls, source):
"""Create an :class:`MultimediaImage` instance from string.
:param source: The image image string
:type source: :class:`StringIO.StringIO` object
:returns: a :class:`~invenio.modules.multimedia.api.MultimediaImage`
image =
return cls(image)
def resize(self, dimensions, resample=Image.NEAREST):
"""Resize the image.
:param str dimensions: The dimensions to resize the image
:param resample: The algorithm to be used
:type resample: `PIL.Image` algorithm
.. note::
* `dimensions` must be one of the following:
* 'w,': The exact width, height will be calculated.
* ',h': The exact height, width will be calculated.
* 'pct:n': Image percentance scale.
* 'w,h': The extact width and height.
* '!w,h': Best fit for the given width and height.
real_width, real_height = self.image.size
# Check if it is `pct:`
if dimensions.startswith('pct:'):
percent = Decimal(str(dimensions.split(':')[1])) * Decimal(0.01)
if percent < Decimal(0):
raise MultmediaImageResizeError(
("Image percentance could not be negative, {0} has been"
" given").format(percent)
width_decimal = real_width * percent
height_decimal = real_height * percent
# Sanitize decimal lower than 1
if 0 < width_decimal < 1:
width_decimal = 1
if 0 < height_decimal < 1:
height_decimal = 1
width = int(width_decimal)
height = int(height_decimal)
# Check if it is `,h`
elif dimensions.startswith(','):
height = int(dimensions[1:])
# find the ratio
ratio = self.reduce_by(height, real_height)
# calculate width
width = real_width * ratio
# Check if it is `!w,h`
elif dimensions.startswith('!'):
x, y = map(int, dimensions[1:].split(','))
# find the ratio
ratio_x = self.reduce_by(x, real_width)
ratio_y = self.reduce_by(y, real_height)
# take the min
ratio = min(ratio_x, ratio_y)
# calculate the dimensions
width = x * ratio
height = y * ratio
# Check if it is `w,`
elif dimensions.endswith(','):
width = int(dimensions[:-1])
# find the ratio
ratio = self.reduce_by(width, real_width)
# calculate the height
height = real_height * ratio
# Normal mode `w,h`
width, height = map(int, dimensions.split(','))
raise MultmediaImageResizeError(
"The request must contain width,height sequence"
# If a dimension is missing throw error
if any((dimension <= 0 and dimension is not None) for
dimension in (width, height)):
raise MultmediaImageResizeError(
("Width and height cannot be zero or negative, {0},{1} has"
" been given").format(width, height)
self.image = self.image.resize((width, height), resample=resample)
def crop(self, coordinates):
"""Crop the image.
:param str coordinates: The coordinates to crop the image
.. note::
* `coordinates` must have the following pattern:
* 'x,y,w,h': in pixels.
* 'pct:x,y,w,h': percentance.
# Get image full dimensions
real_width, real_height = self.image.size
real_dimensions = itertools.cycle((real_width, real_height))
percentance = False
if coordinates.startswith('pct:'):
dimensions = map(float, coordinates.split(':')[1].split(','))
percentance = True
dimensions = map(int, coordinates.split(','))
# First check if it has 4 coordinates x,y,w,h
dimensions_length = len(dimensions)
if dimensions_length != 4:
raise MultmediaImageCropError(
"Must have 4 dimensions {0} has been given".
# Make sure that there is not any negative dimension
if any(coordinate < 0 for coordinate in dimensions):
raise MultmediaImageCropError(
"Dimensions cannot be negative {0} has been given".
if percentance:
if any(coordinate > 100.0 for coordinate in dimensions):
raise MultmediaImageCropError(
"Dimensions could not be grater than 100%")
# Calculate the dimensions
x, y, width, height = [int(math.floor(
self.percent_to_decimal(dimension) * for dimension
in dimensions]
x, y, width, height = dimensions
# Check if any of the requested axis is outside of image borders
if any(axis > for axis in (x, y)):
raise MultmediaImageCropError(
"Outside of image borders {0},{1}".
format(real_width, real_height)
# Calculate the final dimensions
max_x = x + width
max_y = y + height
# Check if the final width is bigger than the the real image width
if max_x > real_width:
max_x = real_width
# Check if the final height is bigger than the the real image height
if max_y > real_height:
max_y = real_height
self.image = self.image.crop((x, y, max_x, max_y))
def rotate(self, degrees, mirror=False):
"""Rotate the image by given degress.
:param float degress: The degrees, should be in range of [0, 360]
:param bool mirror: Flip image from left to right
transforms = {
'90': Image.ROTATE_90,
'180': Image.ROTATE_180,
'270': Image.ROTATE_270,
'mirror': Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT,
# Check if we have the right degress
if not 0.0 <= float(degrees) <= 360.0:
raise MultimediaImageRotateError(
"Degrees must be between 0 and 360, {0} has been given".
if degrees in transforms.keys():
self.image = self.image.transpose(transforms.get(str(degrees)))
# transparent background if degress not multiple of 90
self.image = self.image.convert('RGBA')
self.image = self.image.rotate(float(degrees), expand=0)
if mirror:
self.image = self.image.transpose(transforms.get('mirror'))
def quality(self, quality):
"""Change the image format.
:param str quality: The image quality should be in (default, grey,
bitonal, color)
.. note::
The library supports transformations between each supported
mode and the "L" and "RGB" modes. To convert between other
modes, you may have to use an intermediate image (typically
an "RGB" image).
if quality not in qualities:
raise MultimediaImageQualityError(
("{0} does not supported, pleae select on of the"
" valid qualities: {1}").format(quality, qualities)
qualities_by_code = zip(qualities,
if quality not in ('default', 'color'):
# Convert image to RGB read the note
if self.image.mode != "RGBA":
self.image = self.image.convert('RGBA')
code = [quality_code[1] for quality_code in qualities_by_code
if quality_code[0] == quality][0]
self.image = self.image.convert(code)
def size(self):
"""Return the current image size.
:return: the image size
:rtype: list
return self.image.size
def save(self, path, image_format="jpeg", quality=90):
"""Store the image to the specific path.
:param str path: absolute path
:param str image_format: (gif, jpeg, pdf, png)
:param int quality: The image quality; [1, 100]
.. note::
`image_format` = jpg will not be recognized by PIL and it will be
changed to jpeg.
# transform `image_format` is lower case and not equals to jpg
cleaned_image_format = self._prepare_for_output(image_format), cleaned_image_format, quality=quality)
def serve(self, image_format="png", quality=90):
"""Return a StringIO object to easily serve it thought HTTTP.
:param str image_format: (gif, jpeg, pdf, png)
:param int quality: The image quality; [1, 100]
.. note::
`image_format` = jpg will not be recognized by PIL and it will be
changed to jpeg.
image_buffer = StringIO()
# transform `image_format` is lower case and not equals to jpg
cleaned_image_format = self._prepare_for_output(image_format), cleaned_image_format, quality=quality)
return image_buffer
def _prepare_for_output(self, requested_format):
"""Help validate output format.
:param str requested_format: The image output format
.. note::
pdf format can't be saved as `RBGA` so image needs to be converted
to `RGB` mode.
image_format = self.sanitize_format_name(requested_format)
if image_format not in format_keys:
raise MultimediaImageFormatError(
("{0} does not supported, please select on of the valid"
" formats: {1}").format(requested_format, format_keys)
# If the the `requested_format` is pdf force mode to RGB
if image_format == "pdf":
self.image = self.image.convert('RGB')
return image_format
def reduce_by(nominally, dominator):
"""Calculate the ratio."""
return Decimal(nominally) / dominator
def percent_to_decimal(number):
"""Calculate the percentance."""
return Decimal(number) / Decimal(100.0)
def sanitize_format_name(value):
"""Lowercase formats and make sure that jpg is written as jpeg."""
return value.lower().replace("jpg", "jpeg")
class IIIFImageAPIWrapper(MultimediaImage):
"""IIIF Image API Wrapper."""
def validate_api(**kwargs):
"""Validate IIIF Image API.
Example to validate the IIIF API:
.. code:: python
from invenio.multimedia.api import IIIFImageAPIWrapper
.. note::
If the version is not specified it will fallback to version 2.0.
# Get the api version
version = kwargs.get('version', 'v2')
# Get the validations and ignore cases
cases = IIIF_API_VALIDATIONS.get(version)
for key in cases.keys():
# If the parameter don't match with iiif casess
if not
cases.get(key, {}).get('validate', ''), kwargs.get(key)
raise IIIFValidatorError(
("value: `{0}` for parameter: `{1}` is not supported").
format(kwargs.get(key), key)
def apply_api(self, **kwargs):
"""Apply the IIIF API to the image.
Example to apply the IIIF API:
.. code:: python
from invenio.multimedia.api import IIIFImageAPIWrapper
image = IIIFImageAPIWrapper.get_image(uuid)
.. note::
* If the version is not specified it will fallback to version 2.0.
* Please note the :func:`validate_api` should be ran before
# Get the api version
version = kwargs.get('version', 'v2')
# Get the validations and ignore cases
cases = IIIF_API_VALIDATIONS.get(version)
# Set the apply order
order = 'region', 'size', 'rotate', 'quality'
# Set the functions to be applied
tools = {
"region": self.apply_region,
"size": self.apply_size,
"rotate": self.apply_rotate,
"quality": self.apply_quality
for key in order:
# Ignore if has the ignore value for the specific key
if kwargs.get(key) != cases.get(key, {}).get('ignore'):
def apply_region(self, value):
"""IIIF apply crop.
Apply :func:`~invenio.modules.multimedia.api.MultimediaImage.crop`.
def apply_size(self, value):
"""IIIF apply resize.
Apply :func:`~invenio.modules.multimedia.api.MultimediaImage.resize`.
def apply_rotate(self, value):
"""IIIF apply rotate.
Apply :func:`~invenio.modules.multimedia.api.MultimediaImage.rotate`.
mirror = False
degrees = value
if value.startswith('!'):
mirror = True
degrees = value[1:]
self.rotate(degrees, mirror=mirror)
def apply_quality(self, value):
"""IIIF apply quality.
Apply :func:`~invenio.modules.multimedia.api.MultimediaImage.quality`
class MultimediaImageCache(MultimediaObject):
"""Initializes an image cached layer."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the cache."""
self.redis = initialize_redis()
def has_key(self, key):
"""Return if a key exists."""
return self.redis.exists(key)
def get_value(self, key):
"""Return the key value."""
return self.redis.get(key)
def cache(self, key, value, time=MULTIMEDIA_IMAGE_CACHE_TIME):
"""Cache the object."""
self.redis.setex(key, value, time)
def save(self, key, value):
"""Save to a specific key."""
self.redis.set(key, value)
def _delete(self, key):
"""Delete the specific key."""

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