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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""WebAlert Regression Test Suite."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
from cStringIO import StringIO
import sys
import datetime
import time
from invenio.config import \
from invenio.legacy.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio.testsuite import make_test_suite, run_test_suite, \
test_web_page_content, merge_error_messages, \
class WebAlertWebPagesAvailabilityTest(InvenioTestCase):
"""Check WebAlert web pages whether they are up or not."""
def test_your_alerts_pages_availability(self):
"""webalert - availability of Your Alerts pages"""
baseurl = CFG_SITE_URL + '/youralerts/'
_exports = ['', 'display', 'input', 'modify', 'list', 'add',
'update', 'remove']
error_messages = []
for url in [baseurl + page for page in _exports]:
if error_messages:
class WebAlertHTMLToTextTest(InvenioTestCase):
"""Check that HTML is properly converted to text."""
def test_your_alerts_pages_availability(self):
"""webalert - HTML to text conversion"""
from invenio.htmlparser import get_as_text
out = get_as_text(5)
self.assertIn("High energy cosmic rays striking atoms at the top of the atmosphere give the rise to showers of particles striking the Earth's surface", out)
self.assertIn("Des rayons cosmiques de haute energie heurtent des atomes dans la haute atmosphere et donnent ainsi naissance a des gerbes de particules projetees sur la surface terrestre", out)
self.assertIn("CERN-DI-9905005", out)
out = get_as_text(74)
self.assertIn("Quasinormal modes of Reissner-Nordstrom Anti-de Sitter Black Holes", out)
self.assertIn("hep-th/0003295", out)
self.assertIn("Complex frequencies associated with quasinormal modes for large Reissner-Nordstr$\\ddot{o}$m Anti-de Sitter black holes have been computed.", out)
self.assertIn("Phys. Lett., B :481 2000 79-88", out)
class WebAlertFilteringRestrictedRecords(InvenioTestCase):
"""Check that restricted records are filtered out for unauthorized users"""
def setUp(self):
webalert - prepare test alerts
from invenio import alert_engine
from invenio.legacy.search_engine import get_creation_date
# TODO: test alerts for baskets too
self.added_query_ids = []
q_query = """INSERT INTO query (type, urlargs) VALUES (%s,%s)"""
q_user_query = """INSERT INTO user_query (id_user, id_query, date) VALUES (%%s,%(id_query)s,NOW())"""
q_user_query_basket = """INSERT INTO user_query_basket (id_user, id_query, id_basket,
frequency, date_creation,
alert_name, notification, alert_recipient)
VALUES (%%s,%(id_query)s,%%s,%%s,DATE(NOW()),%%s,%%s,%%s)"""
parameters = {'romeo 1': {'query_params': ('r', 'c=Theses&c=Poetry',),
'user_query_params': (5,),
'user_query_basket_params': (5, 0, 'day', 'Romeo alert 1', 'y', '',)},
'juliet 1': {'query_params': ('r', 'c=Theses&c=Poetry',),
'user_query_params': (6,),
'user_query_basket_params': (6, 0, 'day', 'Juliet alert 1', 'y', '',)},
'mailing list 1': {'query_params': ('r', 'c=Theses&c=Poetry',),
'user_query_params': (6,),
'user_query_basket_params': (6, 0, 'day', 'Mailing list alert 1', 'y', CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL,)},
'juliet 2': {'query_params': ('r', 'c=Theses',),
'user_query_params': (6,),
'user_query_basket_params': (6, 0, 'day', 'Juliet alert 2', 'y', '',)},
for params in parameters.values():
row_id = run_sql(q_query, params['query_params'])
run_sql(q_user_query % {'id_query': row_id}, params['user_query_params'])
run_sql(q_user_query_basket % {'id_query': row_id}, params['user_query_basket_params'])
# Run the alert for a date when we expect some result, and
# record output for later analysis.
# First get creation date of demo records:
alert_date = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(get_creation_date(41, fmt="%Y-%m-%d"),
'%Y-%m-%d')[:6])).date() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
# Prevent emails to be sent, raise verbosity:
previous_cfg_webalert_debug_level = alert_engine.CFG_WEBALERT_DEBUG_LEVEL
# Re-route standard output:
previous_stdout = sys.stdout # Re-route standard output
sys.stdout = alert_output = StringIO()
# Run the alert
# Restore standard output and alert debug level
sys.stdout = previous_stdout
alert_engine.CFG_WEBALERT_DEBUG_LEVEL = previous_cfg_webalert_debug_level
# Remove test alerts
for query_id in self.added_query_ids:
run_sql('DELETE FROM user_query_basket WHERE id_query=%s', (query_id,))
run_sql('DELETE FROM user_query WHERE id_query=%s', (query_id,))
run_sql('DELETE FROM query WHERE id=%s', (query_id,))
# Identify alerts, organize by name (hopefully unique for
# these tests)
self.alerts = {}
for alert_message in alert_output.getvalue().split("+" * 80 + '\n'):
if 'alert name: ' in alert_message:
alert_name = alert_message.split('alert name: ')[1].split('\n')[0]
self.alerts[alert_name] = alert_message
def test_alert_theses_and_poems_for_juliet(self):
"""webalert - Juliet does not get Theses in alert"""
self.assert_('-> these records have been filtered out, as user id 6 did not have access:\n[35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42' in self.alerts['Juliet alert 1'])
self.assert_(CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/35' not in self.alerts['Juliet alert 1'])
self.assert_(CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/41' not in self.alerts['Juliet alert 1'])
self.assert_(CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/75' in self.alerts['Juliet alert 1'])
def test_alert_theses_and_poems_for_romeo(self):
"""webalert - Romeo gets Theses in alert"""
self.assert_(CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/35' in self.alerts['Romeo alert 1'])
self.assert_(CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/41' in self.alerts['Romeo alert 1'])
self.assert_(CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/75' in self.alerts['Romeo alert 1'])
def test_alert_theses_for_juliet(self):
"""webalert - Juliet does not receive empty Theses alert"""
self.assert_(not self.alerts.has_key('Juliet alert 2'))
def test_alert_theses_and_poems_for_mailinglist(self):
"""webalert - Mailing list gets Theses in alert"""
self.assert_('-> these records have been filtered out' not in self.alerts['Mailing list alert 1'])
self.assert_(CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/35' in self.alerts['Mailing list alert 1'])
self.assert_(CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/41' in self.alerts['Mailing list alert 1'])
self.assert_(CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/75' in self.alerts['Mailing list alert 1'])
TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite(WebAlertWebPagesAvailabilityTest,
if __name__ == "__main__":
run_test_suite(TEST_SUITE, warn_user=True)

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