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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Part of the framework responsible for supplying access methods to the
virtual author entities along with more advanced computational methods,
which are required in the work flow of bibauthorid.
from operator import itemgetter
from bibauthorid_utils import split_name_parts
from bibauthorid_utils import clean_name_string
from bibauthorid_utils import create_unified_name
from bibauthorid_utils import get_field_values_on_condition
import bibauthorid_structs as dat
import bibauthorid_config as bconfig
def add_minimum_virtualauthor(orig_authornames_id,
Adds a complete virtual author to the virtual authors table.
@param orig_authornames_id: ID of the name in authornames table
@type orig_authornames_id: int
@param orig_name_string: String of the author name
@type orig_name_string: string
@param bibrec_id: ID of the record
@type bibrec_id: int
@param author_index: number of the author
@type author_index: int
@param authorname_p_list: list of authornamesID with confidence index
associated [[id1,p], [id2,p], .., [idn,p]]
@type authorname_p_list: list of lists
current_va = create_new_virtualauthor(orig_authornames_id,
add_virtualauthor_record(current_va, 'bibrec_id', bibrec_id)
add_virtualauthor_record(current_va, 'author_index', author_index)
dat.update_log("new_vas", current_va)
def create_new_virtualauthor(orig_authornames_id, orig_name_string):
Adds a new virtualauthor to the virtualauthors table;
Adds original author name and original name string info to the
virtualauthors_data table
@param orig_authornames_id: authornames id of the virtual author
@type orig_authornames_id: int
@param orig_name_string: name string in authornames of the virtual author
@type orig_name_string: string
@return: the va_id of the first found virtual authors
@rtype: int
current_va_id = dat.increment_tracker("va_id_counter")
dat.VIRTUALAUTHORS.append({'virtualauthorid': current_va_id,
'authornamesid': orig_authornames_id,
'p': 1,
add_virtualauthor_record(current_va_id, 'orig_authorname_id',
add_virtualauthor_record(current_va_id, 'orig_name_string',
update_virtualauthor_record(current_va_id, 'updated', 'True')
add_virtualauthor_record(current_va_id, 'connected', 'False')
return current_va_id
def update_virtualauthor_cluster(va_id):
Computes the clusterID for the virtualauthor.
The clustering at this level is done accumulating all the compatible
surnames, but there is
still space for a smarter choice.
@note: The clustering number is used as a speed up tool, and it is meant to
accumulate all the possible compatible virtualauthors so we do not have
to search anywhere else. This means that a worst case cluster is no
clustering at all (only one cluster for the whole virtualauthors set)
and a best case cluster is a clusterID for the minimum set of
virtualauthors representing a real author. It is important
_NOT to loose_ virtualauthors! It is better to have a bigger cluster
than loosing possibly precious information later.
@param va_id: ID of the virtual author the cluster shall be updated for
@type va_id: int
ori_name = get_virtualauthor_records(va_id, 'orig_name_string')[0]['value']
ori_name = clean_name_string(ori_name)
current_cluster_ids = get_clusterids_from_name(ori_name, True)
for va_item in [row for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHORS
if row['virtualauthorid'] == va_id]:
va_item['clusterid'] = current_cluster_ids[1]
bconfig.LOGGER.debug("| Found %s cluster for %s. Now set to %s." %
(len(current_cluster_ids[0]), ori_name, current_cluster_ids[1]))
update_virtualauthor_record(va_id, 'updated', 'True')
def add_virtualauthor_record(va_id, tag, value):
Adds a record to the virtualauthor_data table
@param va_id: id of the virtual author to attach the attribute to
@type va_id: int
@param tag: tag to alter the value of
@type tag: string
@param value: the new value of the tag
@type value: string
dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA.append({'virtualauthorid': va_id,
'tag': tag,
'value': value})
if not tag == "updated":
update_virtualauthor_record(va_id, 'updated', 'True')
dat.update_log("touched_vas", va_id)
def get_virtualauthor_records(va_id, tag=False):
Returns all the records associated to a virtual author.
If tag != False returns only the selected tag
@param va_id: id of the virtual author to read the attribute from
@type va_id: int
@param tag: the tag to read. Optional. Default: False
@type tag: string
rows = []
if tag:
rows = [row for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['virtualauthorid'] == va_id)
and (row['tag'] == tag))]
rows = [row for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if row['virtualauthorid'] == va_id]
return rows
def get_virtualauthor_record_tags():
Returns the tags found in the virtual author data storage.
@return: list of tags found
@rtype: list of strings
tags = set()
for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA:
return list(tags)
def update_virtualauthor_record(va_id, tag, value):
Change the value associated to the given tag for a certain virtual author
@param va_id: ID of the virtual author
@type va_id: int
@param tag: tag to be updated
@type tag: string
@param value: value to be written for the tag
@type value: string
current_tag_value = [row for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['virtualauthorid'] == va_id)
and (row['tag'] == tag))]
if len(current_tag_value) > 0:
for tagupdate in [row for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['virtualauthorid'] == va_id)
and (row['tag'] == tag))]:
tagupdate['tag'] = tag
tagupdate['value'] = value
dat.update_log("touched_vas", va_id)
add_virtualauthor_record(va_id, tag, value)
def delete_virtualauthor_record(va_id, tag):
Remove a tag field from the virtualauthor_data table
@param va_id: ID of the virtual author
@type va_id: int
@param tag: tag of the record to be deleted
@type tag: string
for tagupdate in [row for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['virtualauthorid'] == va_id)
and (row['tag'] == tag))]:
dat.update_log("touched_vas", va_id)
def get_whole_va_cluster(cluster_id):
Returns each virtual author that belongs to a given cluster
@param cluster_id: numerical ID of a cluster
@type cluster_id: int
@return: Each dictionary in the list holds all information about a virtual
author that belongs to a certain cluster.
@rtype: a list of dictionaries
return [row for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHORS if row['clusterid'] == cluster_id]
def get_cluster_va_ids(cluster_id):
Returns a list of virtual author IDs as representation of which virtual
author entities are associated with a given cluster
@param cluster_id: numerical ID of a cluster
@type cluster_id: int
@return: A list of virtual author IDs
@rtype: list of int
matches = set()
for row in sorted(dat.VIRTUALAUTHORS, key=itemgetter('clusterid')):
if row['clusterid'] == cluster_id:
elif row['clusterid'] > cluster_id:
return list(matches)
def get_cluster_va_ids_from_va_id(va_id):
Starting from a given virtual author (represented by its ID), all other
compatible virtual authors (i.e. member of the same cluster or member of
the parent cluster as the referenced virtual author) will be found.
@param va_id: ID of the referenced virtual author
@type va_id: int
@return: all matching virtual authors
@rtype: list of int
name = get_virtualauthor_records(va_id, 'orig_name_string')[0]['value']
va_ids = []
clusters = get_clusterids_from_name(name)
for cluster in clusters:
for cluster_va_id in get_cluster_va_ids(cluster):
final_ids = list(set(va_ids))
return final_ids
def get_clusterids_from_name(name, return_matching=False):
Returns a list of cluster IDs, which are fitting for the parameter 'name'.
First checks if, in general, a cluster for this name exists. If not,
create one. If there is a cluster, try to find all other fitting clusters
and add the found cluster IDs to the list to be returned
@param name: The name to be on the lookout for.
@type name: string
@param return_matching: also return the reference name's matching cluster
@type return_matching: boolean
if return_matching: list of 1) list of cluster IDs 2) the cluster ID
matching the name
if not return_matching: list of cluster IDs
if return_matching: list of (list of int, int)
if not return_matching: list of int
search_string = create_unified_name(name)
search_string = clean_name_string(search_string)
if len(search_string) > 150:
search_string = search_string[:150]
clusterids = set()
matching_cluster = -1
initials = ""
split_string = ""
if search_string[:-1].count(",") > 0:
split_string = search_string[:-1].replace(' ', '').split(',')
if split_string[1]:
initials = split_string[1].split('.')
if len(initials) > 2 and len(initials) <= 5:
permutation_list = initials
permutation_base = ("%s, %s." %
(search_string.split(',')[0], permutation_list[0]))
for permutation in permutations(permutation_list[1:]):
name_string = "%s %s." % (permutation_base, ". ".join(permutation))
clusters = _get_clusterids_from_name(name_string, return_matching)
if return_matching:
matching_cluster = clusters[1]
for clusterid in clusters[0]:
for clusterid in clusters:
clusters = _get_clusterids_from_name(search_string, return_matching)
if return_matching:
matching_cluster = clusters[1]
clusterids = clusters[0]
clusterids = clusters
if return_matching:
return [clusterids, matching_cluster]
return clusterids
def _get_clusterids_from_name(search_string, return_matching=False):
Returns a list of cluster IDs, which are fitting for the parameter 'name'.
First checks if, in general, a cluster for this name exists. If not,
create one. If there is a cluster, try to find all other fitting clusters
and add the found cluster IDs to the list to be returned
@param name: The name to be on the lookout for.
@type name: string
@param return_matching: also return the reference name's matching cluster
@type return_matching: boolean
if return_matching: list of 1) list of cluster IDs 2) the cluster ID
matching the name
if not return_matching: list of cluster IDs
if return_matching: list of (list of int, int)
if not return_matching: list of int
clusterids = set()
newly_created_cluster_id = -1
existing_initial_cluster_id = -1
if row['clustername'] == search_string:
existing_initial_cluster_id = row['clusterid']
if existing_initial_cluster_id > -1:
newly_created_cluster_id = dat.increment_tracker('cluster_id')
{"clusterid": newly_created_cluster_id,
"clustername": search_string})
name_matching_cluster = -1
if (newly_created_cluster_id > -1):
name_matching_cluster = newly_created_cluster_id
name_matching_cluster = existing_initial_cluster_id
# The follwing snippet finds every cluster matching the name
# and any addition
# as well as the parents.
# E.g.(Additions): Ellis, John will find clusters for
# Ellis, J; Ellis, J. R. and Ellis J. E.
# E.g.(Parents): Ellis, John R. will find clusters for
# Ellis, J. R. and Ellis, J.
matching_ids = [row['clusterid'] for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_CLUSTERS
if ((row['clustername'].startswith(search_string))
or (search_string.startswith(row['clustername'])))]
for matching_id in matching_ids:
clusterids = list(clusterids)
if return_matching:
return [clusterids, name_matching_cluster]
return clusterids
def permutations (orig_list):
Generator function for building permutations of a given list.
Used for the permutation of initials during the cluster finding process.
O(n^2) is acceptable, hence the low number of items.
@param orig_list: the list to permute
@type orig_list: list
@return: The generator for the permutations
@rtype: generator
if not isinstance(orig_list, list):
orig_list = list(orig_list)
yield orig_list
if len(orig_list) == 1:
for item in sorted(orig_list):
new_list = orig_list[:]
position = new_list.index(item)
except IndexError:
new_list.insert(0, item)
for resto in permutations(new_list[1:]):
if new_list[:1] + resto != orig_list:
yield new_list[:1] + resto
def get_orphan_virtualauthors():
Returns a list of all IDs of Orphans. Orphans are virtual authors that are
not connected to a real author entity.
@return: a list of all the virtual author IDs tagged as orphans.
@rtype: list of int
valist = [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['tag'] == 'connected')
and (row['value'] == 'False'))]
return valist
def get_next_updated_virtualauthor():
Returns one of the virtualauthorsIDs tagged as updated
@deprecated: Newly created queue model is more efficient and cleaner.
@return: Next updated virtual author.
@rtype: int
valist = [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['tag'] == 'updated')
and (row['value'] == 'True'))]
if len(valist) > 0:
last_valist_str = ''
if last_valist_str != str(valist[0][0]):
return valist
return - 1
def init_va_process_queue(mode="updated"):
Initializes the virtual author process queue with all virtual authors
that are not connected (orphaned) or updated.
@param mode: Specifies the mode of operation regarding which data to use.
Modes are: 'orphaned' or 'updated' (default)
@type mode: string
bconfig.LOGGER.log(25, "Initializing processing queue")
if not dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_PROCESS_QUEUE.empty():"Clearing VA Process Queue")
va_nosort = {}
if mode == "updated":
for va_entry in [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in
if ((row['tag'] == 'updated')
and (row['value'] == 'True'))]:
va_nosort[va_entry] = 0
elif mode == "orphaned":
for va_entry in [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in
if ((row['tag'] == 'connected')
and (row['value'] == 'False'))]:
va_nosort[va_entry] = 0
skip_record = []
## Idea for pre-sorting...
for va_id in va_nosort:
va_data = get_virtualauthor_records(va_id)
authorname_string = ""
bibrec_id = ""
for va_data_item in va_data:
if va_data_item['tag'] == "bibrec_id":
bibrec_id = va_data_item['value']
elif va_data_item['tag'] == "orig_name_string":
authorname_string = va_data_item['value']
hepnames = get_field_values_on_condition(bibrec_id, "980", "a")
if len(hepnames) > 0:
if list(hepnames)[0] == "HEPNAMES":
# print "Adding %s to skip list (reason: Hepnames)" % va_id
affiliations = get_field_values_on_condition(bibrec_id,
['100', '700'], 'u', 'a', authorname_string)
coauthors = get_field_values_on_condition(bibrec_id,
['100', '700'], 'a', 'a', authorname_string, "!=")
collaboration = get_field_values_on_condition(bibrec_id, "710", "g")
if affiliations:
va_nosort[va_id] += 1
if coauthors:
va_nosort[va_id] += 1
if collaboration:
va_nosort[va_id] += 1
for va_entry in sorted(va_nosort.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True):
if va_entry[0] not in skip_record:
bconfig.LOGGER.log(25, "Done with queue initialization.")
def get_updated_virtualauthors():
Returns a list of all the virtual authors IDs tagged as updated
@return: list of updated virtual authors
@rtype: list of int
return [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['tag'] == 'updated')
and (row['value'] == 'True'))]
def get_va_id_from_recid_and_nameid(bibrec, authornamesid):
Finds all the virtual author ids that belong to a certain name on a record
@param bibrec: bibrec id of a record
@type bibrec: int
@param authornamesid: id in author names of a certain name string
@type authornamesid: int
@return: list of virtual author ids
@rtype: list of int
va_ids = set()
for possible_va_id in [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHORS
if row['authornamesid'] == authornamesid]:
for va_id in [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['virtualauthorid'] == possible_va_id) and
(row['tag'] == 'bibrec_id') and
(row['value'] == bibrec))]:
return list(va_ids)
def get_va_ids_from_recid(bibrec):
Finds all the virtual author ids that belong to a certain record
@param bibrec: bibrec id of a record
@type bibrec: int
@return: list of virtual author ids
@rtype: list of int
va_ids = set()
for va_id in [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['tag'] == 'bibrec_id') and
(row['value'] == str(bibrec)))]:
return list(va_ids)
def get_va_ids_by_recid_lname(bibrec, lastname):
Finds all the virtual author ids that belong to a certain record
and hold a certain last name
@param bibrec: bibrec id of a record
@type bibrec: int
@param lastname: The last name of a person
@type lastname: string
@return: list of virtual author ids
@rtype: list of int
va_ids = set()
pot_va_ids = [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['tag'] == 'bibrec_id') and
(row['value'] == str(bibrec)))]
for va_id in [row['virtualauthorid'] for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHOR_DATA
if ((row['virtualauthorid'] in pot_va_ids) and
(row['tag'] == 'orig_name_string') and
(split_name_parts(row['value'])[0] == lastname))]:
return list(va_ids)
def delete_virtual_author(va_id):
This will delete a virtual author while cascading the change through the
different storages and instances: ra_data, ras, va_data and vas
@param va_id: the virtual author to be deleted
@type va_id: int
@return: success or failure of the process
@rtype: boolean
if not isinstance(va_id, int):
va_id = int(va_id)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise ValueError("Expecting the va id to be an int.")
tags = get_virtualauthor_record_tags()
for tag in tags:
delete_virtualauthor_record(va_id, tag)
for deletion_candidate in [row for row in dat.VIRTUALAUTHORS
if row['virtualauthorid'] == va_id]:
dat.update_log("deleted_vas", va_id)
return True

Event Timeline