<scopeNote>Evolutionary changes in structure, morphology, or physiology of populations that enhance their ability to survive and reproduce in the prevailing environmental conditions. These changes are genetic modifications that occur over long periods of time.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Laborers who seek work outside their own country. Search under MIGRANT LABORERS for those who regularly migrate within the same country.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A plain underlain by fluvial deposits, including allivial (fluvial) fans, and lacustrine deposits (stream-transported materialsthat have accumulated in lakes).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Cold-blooded vertebrate animals in the class Amphibia, which contains the following orders: Anura, which are frogs and toads; Caudata, which are salamandars and newts; and Apoda, which are burrowing caecilians found in the sub-tropical regions.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Fish that are born and reared in freshwater, move to the ocean to grow and mature, and return to freshwater to reproduce (e.g., salmon, steelhead, and shad).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A detailed examination of a body of data, a series of decisions, or the implications of one or more policies, and a determination of what this examination reveals about the nature, function, and/or relationships in effect.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A narrow elongated sand ridge rising slightly above the high tide level and extending generally parallel with the shoreline but separated from it by a lagoon or marsh.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Biodiversity or biological diversity is the sum total of the variety of life and its interactions and can be subdivided into 1) Genetic Diversity 2) Species Diversity, and 3) Ecological or Ecosystem Diversity.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>The total mass (at any given time) of living organisms of one or more species per unit of space (species biomass) or of all the species in a biotic community (community biomass).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A management model of the U.N. Man and the Biosphere program in which a core area is preserved free from human disturbances surrounded by buffer zones.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>The smallest geographic unit of land or habitat in which environmental conditions and the associated organisms living there are uniform.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Structures erected over a depression or obstacle, as over a river, gorge, roadway, etc., carrying a roadway and/or walkway for vehicles or persons. Search under SWING BRIDGES for bridges that move horizontally and under VERTICAL LIFT BRIDGES for bridges that lift vertically.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For buildings in general; includes buildings with indeterminate functions and buildings distinguished by attributes other than function. Search under other FACILITIES NTs for buildings that serve particular functions (e.g., AGRICULTURAL FACILITIES). Search also under the subdivision -- STRUCTURES used with ethnic, racial, and regional groups, and classes of persons (Appendix A). Search also under the subdivision --BUILDINGS used with names of corporate bodies and named events (Appendix D).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For organizations and undertakings concerned with the supply and distribution of goods and services. Search under COMMERCIAL FACILITIES (and NTs) for facilities where goods and services are bought and sold.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>The basic goal of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Res.
Code §21000 et seq.) is to develop and maintain a high-quality environment now
and in the future, while the specific goals of CEQA are for California's public
agencies to:
1) identify the significant environmental effects of their actions; and, either
2) avoid those significant environmental effects, where feasible; or
3) mitigate those significant environmental effects, where feasible. Please refer to http://ceres.ca.gov/topic/env_law/ceqa/summary.html for further definition.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant that the Fish and Game Commission has formally noticed as being under review by the California Department and Fish and Game for addition to either the list of endangered species or the list of threatened species, or a species for which the Fish and Game Commission has published a notice of proposed regulation to add the species to either list [California Endangered Species Act - Fish and Game Code, Sec. 2068].</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For valleys between precipitous walls. Search under CLIFFS for very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging faces of rock, earth, or glacial ice of considerable height.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Includes festivities associated with major events and holidays, as well as smaller festivities such as birthday parties. Search also under the subdivision --COMMEMORATION used with the names of ethnic, racial, and regional groups, and classes of persons (Appendix A); with names of persons (Appendix B); with names of wars (Appendix C); and with corporate bodies and named events (Appendix D).</scopeNote>
<prefLabel xml:lang="en">Chambers of commerce</prefLabel>
<scopeNote>Associations of businessmen who promote commercial and industrial interests in the community. Includes activities and structures.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Includes ages 0-16. This heading may be further subdivided by the subdivisions used for classes of persons (Appendix A). Search also under the subdivision --CHILDREN used with names of ethnic, racial, and regional groups (Appendix A), and with names of wars (Appendix C). Search also under other headings beginning with CHILDREN.</scopeNote>
<prefLabel xml:lang="en">Clearing of land</prefLabel>
<scopeNote>Removal of timber and bushes from land. Search under RECLAMATION OF LAND for bringing wild, waste, or marshy land into a condition for cultivation or other use.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging faces of rock, earth, or glacial ice of considerable height. Search under CANYONS for images that focus on valleys between cliffs.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Search also under the subdivision --ORGANIZATIONS used with names of racial, ethnic, and regional groups and with classes of persons (Appendix A).</scopeNote>
<prefLabel xml:lang="en">Conservation of natural resources</prefLabel>
<scopeNote>For the conservation of natural resources. For conservation of historical resources see Historical preservation. For restoration see Environmental restoration and its narrower terms.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Enterprises or organizations owned by and operated for the benefit of those using their services. Includes activities and structures.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For the care, breeding, feeding, and milking of dairy cattle. Search under MILKING for the milking of cows away from the context of dairy farms. Search under DAIRYING for the production, processing, and manufacture of milk and its products.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Search also under the subdivision --DANCE used with ethnic, racial, and regional groups and with classes of persons (Appendix A).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Public displays, usually by a crowd, either in sympathy with or antagonism toward a cause, event, product, etc. Search also under the subdivision --RIOTS & DEMONSTRATIONS used with corporate bodies and named events (Appendix D).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Includes the event and any resulting damage. Search also under the subdivision --DISASTERS used with corporate bodies and named events (Appendix D).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Search under SICK PERSONS for images of persons affected with unspecified ailments. Search also under the subdivision --HEALTH & WELFARE used with names of ethnic, racial and regional groups, and with classes of persons (Appendix A).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Structures designed or used as the living quarters for one or more families. Search under BIRTHPLACES for dwellings that were a place of birth and under ESTATES for grounds and outbuildings associated with dwellings. Search also under the subdivision --STRUCTURES used with names of ethnic, racial, and regional groups, and with classes of persons (Appendix A). Search also under the subdivision --HOMES & HAUNTS used with names of persons (Appendix B).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A state of dynamic equilibrium within a community of organisms in which genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity remain relatively stable, subject to gradual changes through natural succession.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A series of dynamic changes in ecosystem structure, function, and species composition over time as a result of which one group of organisms succeeds another through stages leading to a potential natural community or climax stage.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>The phenomenon where the normal ocean/atmospheric circulation patterns in the South Pacific Ocean are disrupted, resulting in higher than normal sea surface temperatures in the eastern South Pacific Ocean appearing to cause unusual weather patterns around the world.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For persons identified as working for another, but where the nature of the activity, occupation, business or industry is not known. Search also under --STAFF used with names of persons (Appendix B) and --PEOPLE used with names of corporate bodies (Appendix D).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant which is in serious danger of becoming extinct throughout all, or a significant portion, of its range due to one or more causes, including loss of habitat, change in habitat, overexploitation, predation, competition, or disease [California Endangered Species Act - Fish and Game Code, Sec. 2062].</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>The process of returning ecosystems or habitats to their original structure and species composition, requiring a detailed knowledge of the original species, ecosystem functions, and interacting processes involved.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For races or large groups of people classed according to common traits and customs. See also Library of Congress Subject Headings for names of individual groups.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Includes activities and general views. Search under EXHIBITION BUILDINGS for images that focus on structures. Search also under the subdivision --EXHIBITIONS used with names of ethnic, racial, and regional groups, and with classes of persons (Appendix A); names of persons (Appendix B); and names of wars (Appendix C). Search also under the subdivision --EXHIBITIONS & DISPLAYS used with corporate bodies and named events (Appendix D).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For work activities on farms. Search under PLANTS and NTs for specific farm crops. Search also under the subdivision --SUBSISTENCE ACTIVITIES used with indigenous people (Appendix A).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For destructive fires. Includes the event and any resulting damage. Search under FIRE for the general subject of fire and for non-destructive fires.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For images that focus on segments of small trees and branches to be used for fires, including woodpiles. Search under WOODCUTTING for activities.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Entertainments, events, etc., to raise money for persons or causes. Search under MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGNS for the raising of money for organizations through membership drives.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Those dynamic actions or events that take place below the Earth's surface and result in effects such as earthquakes and volcanism, as well as other geomorphological processes.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Dynamic actions or events that occur at the Earth's surface due to application of natural forces resulting from gravity, temperature changes, freezing and thawing,chemical reactions, seismic shaking, and the agencies of wind and moving water, ice, and snow.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A projected increase in atmospheric temperatures caused by release into the atmosphere of the gaseous by-products (principally carbon-dioxide) of fossil fuel consumption (greenhouse gases), which trap long-wavelength radiant energy.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Investigations initiated by legislative, executive, or judicial branches of government and usually conducted by ad hoc or permanent bodies for the purpose of investigating some particular problem of public interest.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Small bays or other sheltered parts of a considerable body of water, usually protected either naturally or artificially, for mooring vessels.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Groups of individual dwellings or apartment houses typically of similar design that are usually built and sold or leased by one management.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Persons who leave their native land and settle in another country in order to become permanent residents or citizens. For emigrants as well as immigrants.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Governmental and nongovernmental bodies, whether established on a permanent or temporary basis, where the focus is on the international character of the body.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For laborers who regularly migrate within the same country for work. Search under ALIEN LABORERS for those who seek work outside their own country.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Search also under the subdivision --POLITICAL ACTIVITY used with names of ethnic, racial, and regional groups, and with classes of persons (Appendix A) and with names of persons (Appendix B).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For persons actively engaged in politics as managed by parties; often, persons primarily interested in political offices or the profits from them as a source of private gain.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For opposition in regard to particular political or social issues. Search under PACIFISM for opposition to violence. Search under OPPOSITION (POLITICAL SCIENCE) for organized political resistance to the government in power.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant that, although not presently threatened with extinction, is likely to become an endangered species in the foreseeable future in the absence of the special protection and management efforts required by this chapter [California Endangered Species Act - Fish and Game Code, Sec. 2067].</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Bringing wild, waste, or marshy land into a condition for cultivation or other use. Search under CLEARING OF LAND for removal of timber and bushes from land.</scopeNote>
<prefLabel xml:lang="en">Recreation river areas</prefLabel>
<scopeNote>Rivers or sections of rivers readily accessible by road or railroad with some shoreline development that have undergone some impoundment or diversion.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A rough estimate of population density or relative importance of one species compared to others in the same area, usually expressed as a percentage.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For thoroughfares outside of cities, towns, and villages. Search under STREETS for thoroughfares in cities, towns, and villages.</scopeNote>
<prefLabel xml:lang="en">Scenic river areas</prefLabel>
<scopeNote>Rivers or section of rivers free of impoundments with watersheds largely primitive and shorelines largely undeveloped but accessible in places by roads.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Primarily for representations of figures in the round, sculptured or modeled out of some solid substance, such as wood, stone, marble, or wax. Includes statues and indoor and outdoor sculpture of all kinds. Search under MODELING (SCULPTURE), STONE CARVING and WOOD CARVING for activities. Search also under the subdivision --STATUES used with names of persons (Appendix B).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For the destruction or loss of a ship and the remains of destroyed or sunken vessels. Search under NAVAL WARFARE for vessels damaged as a result of war.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>An administrative term for vertebrate animals based on a scientific review of the status of the species. The Department of Fish and Game has identified certain taxa as "Species of Special Concern" because declining population levels, limited ranges, and/or continuing threats have made them vulnerable to extinction. The designation "Species of Special Concern" is not related to, or part of, the California Endangered Species Act.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For persons who provide spiritual guidance, although they may not occupy a formal position in an organized religion. Search also under the subdivision --SPIRITUAL LIFE used with names of ethnic, racial, and regional groups, and with classes of persons (Appendix A).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Search also under the subdivision --SPORTS used with names of ethnic, racial, and regional groups and with classes of persons (Appendix A) , and with corporate bodies and named events (Appendix D). Search also under the subdivision --SOCIAL LIFE used with names of persons (Appendix B).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Search also under terms for animals, objects, and other things which may be used as symbols, e.g., FISTS (for power) and HAWKS (for aggression).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For persons in the general age range of thirteen to eighteen years. This heading may be further subdivided by the subdivisions used for classes of persons (Appendix A).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For theater activities, including plays, monologues, etc. Search under THEATERS for images that focus on buildings. Search also under the subdivision --PERFORMANCES & PORTRAYALS used with the names of ethnic, racial, and regional groups and with classes of persons (Appendix A). Search also under the subdivisions --PORTRAYALS and --PERFORMANCES used with names of persons (Appendix B).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant that, although not presently threatened with extinction, is likely to become an endangered species in the foreseeable future in the absence of the special protection and management efforts required by this chapter [California Endangered Species Act - Fish and Game Code, Sec. 2067].</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>The naturally occurring periodic rise and fall of the oceanic water levels. It is caused by the rotation of the Earth and the combined gravitational influences of the Earth, moon, and the sun and varies directly with their associated masses and inversely as the square of their distances apart. The type of tide varies according to the relative juxtaposition of the planets.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Elements essential in minute quantities for maintenance of animal health (iron, iodine, cobalt, copper, magnese, magnesium, zinc, selenium).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>A unit of compact settlement, usually larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, and distinguished from a surrounding rural area.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>(Here are entered works on the debris resulting from a process, such as manufacturing, that is of no further use to the system producing it.
Works on commercial products with recycled content are entered under Recycled products.)</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Changes in natural water that may impair its use. Caused by introducing organic or inorganic substances, sewage, toxicmaterials, etc.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Short-term variations of the atmosphere (as distinguished from climate) in terms of temperature, humidity, precipitation, visibility,etc.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Lowlandsd covered with shallow and sometimes temporary or intermittent waters. Includes such areas as bogs, fens, carrs, swamps, sloughs, wet meadows, and potholes.</scopeNote>
<prefLabel xml:lang="en">Wild river areas</prefLabel>
<scopeNote>Rivers or section of rivers free of impoundments and generally inaccessible except by trail, with watersheds or shorelines essentially primitive and waters unpolluted.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Public or private land undeveloped and unroaded but not necessarily designated by legislation as being in a formal land protection category.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>Areas formally protected under Wilderness Preservation Act and subsequent related acts, as "an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammelled by man where man himself is a visitor who does not remain". More generally, an area established to conserve its primeval character.</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>This heading may be further subdivided by the subdivisions used for classes of persons (Appendix A). Search also under other headings beginning with WOMEN or WOMEN'S. Search also under the subdivision --WOMEN used with names of ethnic, racial, and regional groups (Appendix A) and with names of wars (Appendix C).</scopeNote>
<scopeNote>For persons in the general age range of eighteen to twenty-five years. Search also under the subdivision --WOMEN used with ethnic, racial, and regional groups and with classes of persons (Appendix A). Search also under the subdivision --CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH used with names of persons (Appendix B).</scopeNote>