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## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
BibSWORD Client DBLayer
import datetime
import time
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio.bibsword_config import CFG_SUBMISSION_STATUS_PUBLISHED, \
def get_remote_server_auth(id_remoteserver):
This function select the username and the password stored in the
table swrREMOTESERVER to execute HTTP Request
@param id_remoteserver: id of the remote server to contact
@return: (authentication_info) dictionnary conating username - password
authentication_info = {'error':'',
qstr = '''SELECT host, username, password, realm, url_servicedocument ''' \
qres = run_sql(qstr, (id_remoteserver, ))
if len(qres) == 0 :
authentication_info['error'] = '''The server id doesn't correspond ''' \
'''to any remote server'''
return authentication_info
(host, username, password, realm, url_servicedocument) = qres[0]
authentication_info['hostname'] = host
authentication_info['username'] = username
authentication_info['password'] = password
authentication_info['realm'] = realm
authentication_info['url_servicedocument'] = url_servicedocument
return authentication_info
def update_servicedocument(xml_servicedocument, id_remoteserver):
This function update the servicedocument filed containing all the
collections and categories for the given remote server
@param xml_servicedocument: xml file
@param id_remoteserver: id number of the remote server to update
@return: (boolean) true if update successfull, false else
# get the current time to keep the last update time
current_type =
formatted_current_time = time.mktime(current_type.timetuple())
qstr = '''UPDATE swrREMOTESERVER ''' \
'''SET xml_servicedocument=%s, last_update=%s ''' \
'''WHERE id=%s'''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (xml_servicedocument, formatted_current_time,
id_remoteserver, ))
return qres
def select_servicedocument(id_remoteserver):
This function retreive the servicedocument of the given remote server
@param id_remoteserver: id number of the remote server selected
@return: (xml_file) servicedocument xml file that contains coll and cat
qstr = '''SELECT xml_servicedocument ''' \
'''WHERE id=%s'''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (id_remoteserver, ))
if len(qres) == 0 :
return ''
return qres[0][0]
def get_last_update(id_remoteserver):
This function return the last update time of the service document. This
is usefull to know if the service collection needs to be refreshed
@param id_remoteserver: id number of the remote server to check
@return: (datetime) datetime of the last update (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
qstr = '''SELECT last_update ''' \
'''WHERE id=%s '''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (id_remoteserver, ))
if len(qres) == 0:
return '0'
return qres[0][0]
def get_all_remote_server(id_server):
This function select the name of all remote service implementing the
SWORD protocol. It returns a list of dictionnary containing three fields:
id, name and host
@return: (remote_server) list of dictionnary (id - name - host) of each
remote server
remote_servers = []
if id_server == '':
qstr = '''SELECT id, name, host FROM swrREMOTESERVER'''
qres = run_sql(qstr)
else :
qstr = ''' SELECT id, name, host FROM swrREMOTESERVER WHERE id=%s'''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (id_server, ))
for res in qres:
remote_server = {}
remote_server['id'] = res[0]
remote_server['name'] = res[1]
remote_server['host'] = res[2]
return remote_servers
def is_record_sent_to_server(id_server, id_record):
check in the table swrCLIENTDATA that the current record has not already
been sent before
@param id_server: id of the remote server where to send the record
@param id_record: id of the record to send
return : True if a value was found, false else
qstr = '''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM swrCLIENTDATA ''' \
'''WHERE id_swrREMOTESERVER=%s AND id_record=%s ''' \
'''AND status NOT LIKE 'removed' '''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (id_server, id_record, ))
if (qres[0][0] == 0):
return False
return True
def insert_into_swr_clientdata(id_swr_remoteserver,
This method insert a new row in the swrCLIENTDATA table. Some are given in
parameters and some other such as the insertion time and the submission
status are set by default
@param id_swr_remoteserver: foreign key of the sword remote server
@param recid: foreign key of the submitted record
@param id_user: foreign key of the user who did the submission
@param xml_media_deposit: xml response after the media deposit
@param xml_metadata_submit: xml response after the metadata submission
@param remote_id: record id given by the remote server in the response
@param link_media: remote url where to find the depositted medias
@param link_metadata: remote url where to find the submitted metadata
@param link_status: remote url where to check the submission status
@return: (result) the id of the new row inserted, 0 if the submission
didn't work
current_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
xml_media_deposit.replace("\"", "\'")
qstr = '''INSERT INTO swrCLIENTDATA (id_swrREMOTESERVER, id_record, ''' \
'''report_no, id_remote, id_user, user_name, user_email, ''' \
'''xml_media_deposit, xml_metadata_submit, submission_date, ''' \
'''link_medias, link_metadata, link_status, last_update) ''' \
'''VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, ''' \
'''%s, %s) '''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (id_swr_remoteserver, recid, report_no, remote_id,
id_user, user_name, user_email, xml_media_deposit,
xml_metadata_submit, current_date, link_media,
link_metadata, link_status, current_date, ))
return qres
def count_nb_submitted_record() :
return : the amount of submitted records
qres = run_sql(qstr, ())
return qres[0][0]
def delete_from_swr_clientdata(id_submit):
delete the given row from the swrCLIENTDATA table. Used by the test suit
@param id_submit: id of the row to delete
result : boolean, true if deleted, false else
qstr = ''' DELETE FROM swrCLIENTDATA WHERE id=%s '''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (id_submit, ))
return qres
def select_submitted_record_infos(first_row=0, offset=10, row_id=''):
this method return a bidimentionnal table containing all rows of the
table swrCLIENTDATA. If sepecified, the search can be limited to a
server, a record or a record on a server
@param first_row: give the limit where to start the selection
@param offset: give the maximal amount of rows to select
@return: table of row containing each colomn of the table swrCLIENTDATA
FIXME: first_row is apparently supposed to select the chosen
id_swrREMOTESERVER, but it is currently strangely handled...
wstr = ''
if row_id != '' :
wstr = '''WHERE = %s '''
qstr = '''SELECT, d.id_swrREMOTESERVER,, , ''' \
'''d.id_record, d.report_no, d.id_remote, d.id_user, ''' \
'''d.user_name, d.user_email, d.submission_date, ''' \
'''d.publication_date, d.removal_date, d.link_medias, ''' \
'''d.link_metadata, d.link_status, d.status, r.url_base_record ''' \
'''FROM swrCLIENTDATA as d inner join swrREMOTESERVER ''' \
'''as r ON d.id_swrREMOTESERVER = ''' + wstr + \
'''ORDER BY d.last_update DESC LIMIT %s,%s'''
if wstr != '' :
qres = run_sql(qstr, (row_id, first_row, offset, ))
else :
qres = run_sql(qstr, (first_row, offset, ))
results = []
for res in qres :
result = {'publication_date':'', 'removal_date':''}
result['id'] = res[0]
result['id_server'] = res[1]
result['server_name'] = res[2]
result['server_host'] = res[3]
result['id_record'] = res[4]
result['report_no'] = res[5]
result['id_remote'] = res[6]
result['id_user'] = res[7]
result['user_name'] = res[8]
result['user_email'] = res[9]
result['submission_date'] = res[10].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if res[11] != None :
result['publication_date'] = res[11].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if res[12] != None :
result['removal_date'] = res[12].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
result['link_medias'] = res[13]
result['link_metadata'] = res[14]
result['link_status'] = res[15]
result['status'] = res[16]
result['url_base_remote'] = res[17]
return results
def update_submission_status(id_record, status, remote_id=''):
update the submission field with the new status of the submission
@param id_record: id of the row to update
@param status: new value to set in the status field
@return: true if update done, else, false
current_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if status == CFG_SUBMISSION_STATUS_PUBLISHED and remote_id != '' :
qstr = '''UPDATE swrCLIENTDATA SET status=%s, id_remote=%s, ''' \
'''publication_date=%s, last_update=%s WHERE id=%s '''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (status, remote_id, current_date, current_date,
id_record, ))
qstr = '''UPDATE swrCLIENTDATA SET status=%s, removal_date=%s, ''' \
'''last_update=%s WHERE id=%s '''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (status, current_date, current_date, id_record, ))
else :
qstr = '''UPDATE swrCLIENTDATA SET status=%s, last_update=%s ''' \
'''WHERE id=%s '''
qres = run_sql(qstr, (status, current_date, id_record, ))
return qres
def select_remote_server_infos(id_server):
Select fields of the given remote server and return it in a tuple
@param id_server: id of the server to select
@return: (server_info) tuple containing all the available infos
server_info = {'server_id' : '',
'server_name' : '',
'server_host' : '',
'username' : '',
'password' : '',
'email' : '',
'realm' : '',
'url_base_record' : '',
'url_servicedocument' : ''}
qstr = '''SELECT id, name, host, username, password, email, realm, ''' \
'''url_base_record, url_servicedocument ''' \
qres = run_sql(qstr, (id_server, ))
result = qres[0]
server_info['server_id'] = result[0]
server_info['server_name'] = result[1]
server_info['server_host'] = result[2]
server_info['username'] = result[3]
server_info['password'] = result[4]
server_info['email'] = result[5]
server_info['realm'] = result[6]
server_info['url_base_record'] = result[7]
server_info['url_servicedocument'] = result[8]
return server_info

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