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<protect># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-</protect>
<protect>## $Id$</protect>
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Miscellaneous utlity functions that have the potential for re-use.
import tempfile
import os
import os.path
import random
import stat
import ConfigParser
import textwrap
import re
def concat(list_of_lists):
return [item for list in list_of_lists for item in list]
def cleave_pair(list):
# Should really generalize this to the nth case; but I only need
# pairs right now!
([1,3,5,7], [2,4,6])
lefts = []
rights = []
k = (lefts, rights)
for x in range(0, len(list)):
k[x % 2].append(list[x])
return (lefts, rights)
def merge_pair(lefts, rights):
[1,3,5,7], [2,4,6]
k = (lefts, rights)
list = []
for x in range(0, len(lefts) + len(rights)):
(d, m) = divmod(x, 2)
return list
def cr2lf(file):
Replace CRLF with LF. ie. Convert text file from DOS to Unix end
of line conventions.
return file.replace("\r\n", "\n")
# Directory backup using mirrordir:
def backup_directory(original_directory, backup_directory):
# Backing up the directory requires GNU mirrordir to be installed;
# shutil.copytree won't do the job if there are pipes or fifos
# etc. in my_directory.
# Implementing mirrordir directly in python would be a
# good project!
# mkdir will throw the correct errors for us:
commandline = 'mirrordir ' + original_directory + ' ' + backup_directory
# Run the process using popen3; possibly dodgy on Windows!
# Need popen3 rather other popen function because we want to
# grab stderr and hide it from the clients console.
(stdin, stdout, stderr) = os.popen3(commandline, 'r')
# Close straight away; mirrordir expects no input.
# return the exist status:
return stdout.close()
# Tempfile stuff:
def open_tempfile(mode='wb'):
# We open in binary mode and write a non-unicode string and so
# can be sure that python will write the data verbatim,
# without fiddling with CRLFs etc.
(tf_file_descriptor, tf_name) = tempfile.mkstemp()
tf = os.fdopen(tf_file_descriptor, mode)
return (tf, tf_name)
def write_to_and_return_tempfile_name(data):
(tf, tf_name) = open_tempfile()
return tf_name
def remove_tempfile(filename):
Tries to unlink the named tempfile. Catches the OSError if
unlinking fails.
except OSError:
# Couldn't delete temp file; no big problem.
# Random string stuff:
def random_alphanum_string(length, chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ):
Create a random string of given length, choosing each character
with equal probability from the list given in string chars. For
example: chars='aab' would cause each character to be 'a' with 2/3
probability and 'b' with 1/3 probability (pseudorandomly
alphanums = list(chars)
# Replicate list into a list of lists and map the random choice
# function over it:
choices = map(random.choice, [alphanums] * length)
# Concat the choices into a string:
return ''.join(choices)
def mapmany(functions, in_list):
# If functions equals [phi, ... , alpha, beta, gamma] return
# map(phi, ... map(alpha, map(beta, map(gamma, in_list))) ... )
g = lambda list, f: map(f, list)
return reduce(g, functions, in_list)
def dict2file(dictionary, directory):
Take any dictionary, eg.:
{ 'title' : 'The loveliest title.',
'name' : 'Pete the dog.',
'info' : { 'age' : '21', 'evil' : 'yes' }
and create a set of files in the given directory:
so that each filename is a dictionary key, and the contents of
each file is the value that the key pointed to.
def f((path, dictionary_or_data)):
fullpath = os.path.join(directory, path)
except AttributeError:
open(fullpath, 'wb').write(dictionary_or_data)
dict2file(dictionary_or_data, fullpath)
map(f, dictionary.items())
return None
def recursive_dir_contents(dir):
files = []
def f(arg, dirname, fnames):
files.extend(map(lambda file: os.path.join(dirname, file), fnames))
os.path.walk(dir, f, None)
return files
def count_dotdot(path):
path_parts = path.split(os.sep)
dotdots = filter(lambda part: part == '..', path_parts)
return len(dotdots)
def common_prefix(seq, default_empty=''):
leng = 0
for tuple in zip(*seq):
if tuple[1:] != tuple[:-1]: break
leng += 1
return seq[0][:leng]
except TypeError: return default_empty
def split_common_path(thePaths):
# sanitze paths:
f = lambda x: os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(x))
thePaths = map(f, thePaths)
# thePaths is a list of paths (strings)
thePaths = map(lambda p: p.split(os.sep), thePaths)
# chop common part off the paths
theBase = common_prefix(thePaths, [])
thePaths = map(lambda p, c=len(theBase): p[c:], thePaths)
# convert back to strings
if theBase == ['']:
theBase = '/'
theBase = os.sep.join(theBase)
thePaths = map(os.sep.join, thePaths)
return (theBase, thePaths)
def mkdir_parents(path):
tree = dirtree(path)
for parent in tree:
if os.path.exists(parent):
if os.path.isdir(parent):
# This will raise the correct OSError for us.
def dirtree(dir):
# sanitize path:
dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(dir))
return _dirtree(dir)
def _dirtree(dir):
An example will explain:
>>> elmsubmit_misc.dirtree('/hof/wim/sif/eff/hoo')
# POSIX allows // or / for the root dir.
# And it seems the rules say you aren't allowed to collapse // into /.
# I don't know why this is!
if dir == '//' or dir == '/':
return [dir]
elif dir == '':
return []
return [dir] + _dirtree(os.path.dirname(dir))
def provide_dir_with_perms_then_exec(dir, function, perms, barrier_dir):
# This function won't allow you to alter the root directories'
# permissions: if your going to be changing the permissions on
# your root directory, you probably need to do it more carefully
# than with a python function!
# sanitize path:
dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(dir)))
# Check to see if we're already in the state we want to be in:
targets_current_perms = get_perms(dir)
targets_current_owner_uid = get_owner_uid(dir)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == 2:
# dir definitely doesn't exist.
elif e.errno == 13:
# don't have sufficient permissions to read the
# permissions.
dir_info_read = False
dir_info_read = True
if dir_info_read and targets_current_owner_uid != os.geteuid():
# We don't own the file:
raise OSError("file %s not owned by this process's effective user: cannot proceed" % (dir))
elif dir_info_read and targets_current_perms & perms == perms:
# This directory already has user bits set to at least perms,
# so execute the given function:
return function()
# If we haven't exited the function already, we need to change the target dirs
# permissions (or simply couldn't read the permissions!)
# Get a list of all of the dirs parents:
dir_list = dirtree(dir)
if barrier_dir is not None:
# sanitize path:
barrier_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(barrier_dir)))
# Check the barrier dir is one of the parents of dir:
if not barrier_dir in dir_list[1:]:
raise ValueError('argument barrier_dir must be a proper parent directory of argument dir')
# Get a list of all the directories that lie between the
# barrier dir and the target dir, including the barrier dir,
# but excluding the target dir:
barrier_dir_list = dirtree(barrier_dir)
g = lambda d: (d == barrier_dir) or (not (d in barrier_dir_list or d == dir))
operable_parent_dirs = filter(g, dir_list)
operable_parent_dirs = dir_list
# Make sure we have at least wx permissions on parent:
parents_old_states = _get_perms_on(operable_parent_dirs, perms=0300)
# Now stat the target dir if we didn't manage previously:
if not dir_info_read:
targets_current_perms = get_perms(dir)
targets_current_owner_uid = get_owner_uid(dir)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == 2:
# race condition:
raise OSError("Directory structure altered during processing: %s removed during processing" % (dir))
elif e.errno == 13:
# race condition:
raise OSError("Directory structure %s altered during processing: permissions changed during processing" % (dirlist))
if targets_current_owner_uid != os.geteuid():
# We don't own this file and so can't chmod it: We
# couldn't see this previously because we didn't
# have permission to stat the dir. Undo the
# permission changes we've already made and report
# the error:
raise OSError("file %s not owned by this process's effective user: cannot proceed" % (dir))
elif targets_current_perms & perms == perms:
# We already have the perms we need.
return_value = function()
return return_value
# Now change the permissions of our target directory:
os.chmod(dir, perms | targets_current_perms)
except OSError:
# race condition:
raise OSError("Directory structure %s altered during processing: permissions changed during processing" % (dirlist))
# Now permissions are open, exec our function:
return_value = function()
# Close up the permissions we had to open:
_safely_chmod_dirlist([[dir, targets_current_perms]] + parents_old_states)
# Return the input functions return value:
return return_value
def _get_perms_on(dirlist, perms=0300):
# Note: any comment labelling a particular error as "race
# condition" is meant to indicate an error that can only arise if
# another process is attempting to alter the directory strucutre
# at the same time as us - this function _must not_ be used if
# such a situation is possible.
# User perms < rx doesn't make sense for this function. You need
# at least wx bits on a directory to change the permissions on its
# child directories.
if perms < 0300: raise ValueError("argument perms must be >= 3 in the user byte")
dir = dirlist[0]
remaining_dirs = dirlist[1:]
targets_current_perms = get_perms(dir)
targets_current_owner_uid = get_owner_uid(dir)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == 2:
# dir definitely doesn't exist.
elif e.errno == 13:
# don't have sufficient permissions to read the
# permissions.
dir_info_read = False
dir_info_read = True
if dir_info_read and targets_current_owner_uid != os.geteuid():
# We don't own the file:
raise OSError("file %s not owned by this process's effective user: cannot proceed" % (dir))
elif dir_info_read and targets_current_perms & perms == perms:
# This directory already has user bits set to at least perms,
# so nothing to do:
return []
elif dir_info_read and targets_current_perms & perms != perms:
# We need to adjust the permissions. See if the parent will
# let us:
if remaining_dirs == []:
# We have no parents available:
raise OSError("no members of the given dirtree have sufficient permissions for us to chmod")
parent = remaining_dirs[0]
# Figure out if we're the owner of the parent and have permissions
parents_current_perms = get_perms(parent)
parents_current_owner_uid = get_owner_uid(parent)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == 2:
# dir definitely doesn't exist.
elif e.errno == 13:
# don't have sufficient permissions to read the
# permissions.
parent_dir_info_read = False
parent_dir_info_read = True
if parent_dir_info_read and parents_current_owner_uid == os.geteuid() and parents_current_perms & 0300 == 0300:
# We own the parent and have sufficient permission to chmod its contents:
os.chmod(dir, perms | targets_current_perms)
except OSError:
# race condition:
raise OSError("Directory structure %s altered during processing: permissions changed during processing" % (dirlist))
return [[dir, targets_current_perms]]
# We need to step down a level:
else: # dir info was not read.
if remaining_dirs == []:
raise OSError("no members of the given dirtree have sufficient permissions for us to chmod")
# If the prior if-then-else didn't return or throw an error then
# either we couldn't stat the given dir or we don't have
# permission to change its permissions, so therefore we need to
# step down a level:
parents_old_states = _get_perms_on(remaining_dirs, perms)
if not dir_info_read:
targets_current_perms = get_perms(dir)
targets_current_owner_uid = get_owner_uid(dir)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == 2:
# race condition:
raise OSError("Directory structure altered during processing: %s removed during processing" % (dir))
elif e.errno == 13:
# race condition:
raise OSError("Directory structure %s altered during processing: permissions changed during processing" % (dirlist))
if targets_current_owner_uid != os.geteuid():
# We don't own this file and so can't chmod it: We
# couldn't see this previously because we didn't
# have permission to stat the dir. Undo the
# permission changes we've already made and report
# the error:
raise OSError("file %s not owned by this process's effective user: cannot proceed" % (dir))
elif targets_current_perms & perms == perms:
# current directory already has the permissions we
# want; previously the parent's perms were preventing
# us from seeing this:
return parents_old_states
# current directory's permissions need altering:
# Set the user bits to at least perms:
os.chmod(dir, perms | targets_current_perms)
except OSError:
# race condition:
raise OSError("Directory structure %s altered during processing: permissions changed during processing" % (dirlist))
return [[dir, targets_current_perms]] + parents_old_states
# current directory's permissions need altering:
# Set the user bits to at least perms:
os.chmod(dir, perms | targets_current_perms)
except OSError:
# race condition:
raise OSError("Directory structure %s altered during processing: permissions changed during processing" % (dirlist))
return [[dir, targets_current_perms]] + parents_old_states
def _safely_chmod_dirlist(dirlist):
f = lambda (dir, perms): os.chmod(dir, perms)
map(f, dirlist)
def get_perms(path):
return stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE])
def get_owner_uid(path):
return os.stat(path)[stat.ST_UID]
# Text utils:
def wrap_text(text, cols=80):
print "text", text
parts = re.split(r'(\n(?:\s*\n))+', text)
(paragraphs, whitespace) = cleave_pair(parts)
for x in parts:
print ">>", x
print "paras", paragraphs
print "white", whitespace
wrapped_paragraphs = map(lambda t: textwrap.fill(t, width=cols), paragraphs)
print wrapped_paragraphs
return ''.join(merge_pair(wrapped_paragraphs, whitespace))
# Module utils:
def import_dots(string):
Note that if you execute:
mod = __import__('one.two.three')
then variable mod will point to module one, not module
mod = import_dots('one.two.three')
will point to module 'one.two.three'.
mod = __import__(string)
components = string.split('.')
for comp in components[1:]:
mod = getattr(mod, comp)
return mod

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