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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Functions useful for text wrapping (in a box) and indenting.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import sys
import re
import textwrap
import htmlentitydefs
import invenio.template
from invenio.config import CFG_ETCDIR
import chardet
except ImportError:
from unidecode import unidecode
except ImportError:
'__DEFAULT' : {
'horiz_sep' : '*',
'max_col' : 72,
'min_col' : 40,
'tab_str' : ' ',
'tab_num' : 0,
'border' : ('**', '*', '**', '** ', ' **', '**', '*', '**'),
'prefix' : '\n',
'suffix' : '\n',
'break_long' : False,
'force_horiz' : False,
'squared' : {
'horiz_sep' : '-',
'border' : ('+', '-', '+', '| ', ' |', '+', '-', '+')
'double_sharp' : {
'horiz_sep' : '#',
'border' : ('##', '#', '##', '## ', ' ##', '##', '#', '##')
'single_sharp' : {
'horiz_sep' : '#',
'border' : ('#', '#', '#', '# ', ' #', '#', '#', '#')
'single_star' : {
'border' : ('*', '*', '*', '* ', ' *', '*', '*', '*',)
'double_star' : {
'no_border' : {
'horiz_sep' : '',
'border' : ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
'prefix' : '',
'suffix' : ''
'conclusion' : {
'border' : ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
'prefix' : '',
'horiz_sep' : '-',
'force_horiz' : True,
'important' : {
'tab_num' : 1,
'ascii' : {
'horiz_sep' : (u'├', u'─', u'┤'),
'border' : (u'┌', u'─', u'┐', u'│ ', u' │', u'└', u'─', u'┘'),
'ascii_double' : {
'horiz_sep' : (u'╠', u'═', u'╣'),
'border' : (u'╔', u'═', u'╗', u'║ ', u' ║', u'╚', u'═', u'╝'),
re_unicode_lowercase_a = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[áàäâãå]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_lowercase_ae = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[æ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_lowercase_e = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[éèëê]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_lowercase_i = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[íìïî]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_lowercase_o = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[óòöôõø]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_lowercase_u = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[úùüû]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_lowercase_y = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[ýÿ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_lowercase_c = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[çć]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_lowercase_n = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[ñ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_uppercase_a = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[ÁÀÄÂÃÅ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_uppercase_ae = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[Æ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_uppercase_e = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[ÉÈËÊ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_uppercase_i = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[ÍÌÏÎ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_uppercase_o = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[ÓÒÖÔÕØ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_uppercase_u = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[ÚÙÜÛ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_uppercase_y = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[Ý]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_uppercase_c = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[ÇĆ]", "utf-8"))
re_unicode_uppercase_n = re.compile(unicode(r"(?u)[Ñ]", "utf-8"))
re_latex_lowercase_a = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\{?a\}?")
re_latex_lowercase_ae = re.compile("\\\\ae\\{\\}?")
re_latex_lowercase_e = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\\{?e\\}?")
re_latex_lowercase_i = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\\{?i\\}?")
re_latex_lowercase_o = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\\{?o\\}?")
re_latex_lowercase_u = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\\{?u\\}?")
re_latex_lowercase_y = re.compile("\\\\[\"']\\{?y\\}?")
re_latex_lowercase_c = re.compile("\\\\['uc]\\{?c\\}?")
re_latex_lowercase_n = re.compile("\\\\[c'~^vu]\\{?n\\}?")
re_latex_uppercase_a = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\\{?A\\}?")
re_latex_uppercase_ae = re.compile("\\\\AE\\{?\\}?")
re_latex_uppercase_e = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\\{?E\\}?")
re_latex_uppercase_i = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\\{?I\\}?")
re_latex_uppercase_o = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\\{?O\\}?")
re_latex_uppercase_u = re.compile("\\\\[\"H'`~^vu=k]\\{?U\\}?")
re_latex_uppercase_y = re.compile("\\\\[\"']\\{?Y\\}?")
re_latex_uppercase_c = re.compile("\\\\['uc]\\{?C\\}?")
re_latex_uppercase_n = re.compile("\\\\[c'~^vu]\\{?N\\}?")
def indent_text(text,
tab_str=" ",
add tabs to each line of text
@param text: the text to indent
@param nb_tabs: number of tabs to add
@param tab_str: type of tab (could be, for example "\t", default: 2 spaces
@param linebreak_input: linebreak on input
@param linebreak_output: linebreak on output
@param wrap: wethever to apply smart text wrapping.
(by means of wrap_text_in_a_box)
@return: indented text as string
if not wrap:
lines = text.split(linebreak_input)
tabs = nb_tabs*tab_str
output = ""
for line in lines:
output += tabs + line + linebreak_output
return output
return wrap_text_in_a_box(body=text, style='no_border',
tab_str=tab_str, tab_num=nb_tabs)
_RE_BEGINNING_SPACES = re.compile(r'^\s*')
_RE_NEWLINES_CLEANER = re.compile(r'\n+')
_RE_LONELY_NEWLINES = re.compile(r'\b\n\b')
def wrap_text_in_a_box(body='', title='', style='double_star', **args):
"""Return a nicely formatted text box:
** title **
** body **
Indentation and newline are respected.
@param body: the main text
@param title: an optional title
@param style: the name of one of the style in CFG_WRAP_STYLES. By default
the double_star style is used.
You can further tune the desired style by setting various optional
@param horiz_sep: a string that is repeated in order to produce a
separator row between the title and the body (if needed)
or a tuple of three characters in the form (l, c, r)
@param max_col: the maximum number of coulmns used by the box
(including indentation)
@param min_col: the symmetrical minimum number of columns
@param tab_str: a string to represent indentation
@param tab_num: the number of leveles of indentations
@param border: a tuple of 8 element in the form
(tl, t, tr, l, r, bl, b, br) of strings that represent the
different corners and sides of the box
@param prefix: a prefix string added before the box
@param suffix: a suffix string added after the box
@param break_long: wethever to break long words in order to respect
@param force_horiz: True in order to print the horizontal line even when
there is no title
print wrap_text_in_a_box(title='prova',
body=' 123 prova.\n Vediamo come si indenta',
horiz_sep='-', style='no_border', max_col=20, tab_num=1)
123 prova.
Vediamo come
si indenta
def _wrap_row(row, max_col, break_long):
"""Wrap a single row"""
spaces = _RE_BEGINNING_SPACES.match(row).group()
row = row[len(spaces):]
spaces = spaces.expandtabs()
return textwrap.wrap(row, initial_indent=spaces,
subsequent_indent=spaces, width=max_col,
def _clean_newlines(text):
text = _RE_LONELY_NEWLINES.sub(' \n', text)
return _RE_NEWLINES_CLEANER.sub(lambda x:[:-1], text)
body = unicode(body, 'utf-8')
title = unicode(title, 'utf-8')
if CFG_WRAP_TEXT_IN_A_BOX_STYLES.has_key(style):
horiz_sep = astyle['horiz_sep']
border = astyle['border']
tab_str = astyle['tab_str'] * astyle['tab_num']
max_col = max(astyle['max_col'] \
- len(border[3]) - len(border[4]) - len(tab_str), 1)
min_col = astyle['min_col']
prefix = astyle['prefix']
suffix = astyle['suffix']
force_horiz = astyle['force_horiz']
break_long = astyle['break_long']
body = _clean_newlines(body)
tmp_rows = [_wrap_row(row, max_col, break_long)
for row in body.split('\n')]
body_rows = []
for rows in tmp_rows:
if rows:
body_rows += rows
if not ''.join(body_rows).strip():
# Concrete empty body
body_rows = []
title = _clean_newlines(title)
tmp_rows = [_wrap_row(row, max_col, break_long)
for row in title.split('\n')]
title_rows = []
for rows in tmp_rows:
if rows:
title_rows += rows
if not ''.join(title_rows).strip():
# Concrete empty title
title_rows = []
max_col = max([len(row) for row in body_rows + title_rows] + [min_col])
mid_top_border_len = max_col \
+ len(border[3]) + len(border[4]) - len(border[0]) - len(border[2])
mid_bottom_border_len = max_col \
+ len(border[3]) + len(border[4]) - len(border[5]) - len(border[7])
top_border = border[0] \
+ (border[1] * mid_top_border_len)[:mid_top_border_len] + border[2]
bottom_border = border[5] \
+ (border[6] * mid_bottom_border_len)[:mid_bottom_border_len] \
+ border[7]
if type(horiz_sep) is tuple and len(horiz_sep) == 3:
horiz_line = horiz_sep[0] + (horiz_sep[1] * (max_col + 2))[:(max_col + 2)] + horiz_sep[2]
horiz_line = border[3] + (horiz_sep * max_col)[:max_col] + border[4]
title_rows = [tab_str + border[3] + row
+ ' ' * (max_col - len(row)) + border[4] for row in title_rows]
body_rows = [tab_str + border[3] + row
+ ' ' * (max_col - len(row)) + border[4] for row in body_rows]
ret = []
if top_border:
ret += [tab_str + top_border]
ret += title_rows
if title_rows or force_horiz:
ret += [tab_str + horiz_line]
ret += body_rows
if bottom_border:
ret += [tab_str + bottom_border]
return (prefix + '\n'.join(ret) + suffix).encode('utf-8')
def wait_for_user(msg=""):
Print MSG and a confirmation prompt, waiting for user's
confirmation, unless silent '--yes-i-know' command line option was
used, in which case the function returns immediately without
printing anything.
if '--yes-i-know' in sys.argv:
print msg
answer = raw_input("Please confirm by typing 'Yes, I know!': ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
answer = ''
if answer != 'Yes, I know!':
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Aborted.\n")
def guess_minimum_encoding(text, charsets=('ascii', 'latin1', 'utf8')):
"""Try to guess the minimum charset that is able to represent the given
text using the provided charsets. text is supposed to be encoded in utf8.
Returns (encoded_text, charset) where charset is the first charset
in the sequence being able to encode text.
Returns (text_in_utf8, 'utf8') in case no charset is able to encode text.
@note: If the input text is not in strict UTF-8, then replace any
non-UTF-8 chars inside it.
text_in_unicode = text.decode('utf8', 'replace')
for charset in charsets:
return (text_in_unicode.encode(charset), charset)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
return (text_in_unicode.encode('utf8'), 'utf8')
def encode_for_xml(text, wash=False, xml_version='1.0', quote=False):
"""Encodes special characters in a text so that it would be
@param text: text to encode
@return: an encoded text"""
text = text.replace('&', '&')
text = text.replace('<', '&lt;')
if quote:
text = text.replace('"', '&quot;')
if wash:
text = wash_for_xml(text, xml_version=xml_version)
return text
RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_0_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000009\U0000000A\U0000000D\U00000020-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]')
RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_1_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000001-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]')
except ValueError:
# oops, we are running on a narrow UTF/UCS Python build,
# so we have to limit the UTF/UCS char range:
RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_0_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000009\U0000000A\U0000000D\U00000020-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD]')
RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_1_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000001-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD]')
def wash_for_xml(text, xml_version='1.0'):
Removes any character which is not in the range of allowed
characters for XML. The allowed characters depends on the version
of XML.
- XML 1.0:
- XML 1.1:
@param text: input string to wash.
@param xml_version: version of the XML for which we wash the
input. Value for this parameter can be '1.0' or '1.1'
if xml_version == '1.0':
return RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_0_CHARS.sub('', unicode(text, 'utf-8')).encode('utf-8')
return RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_1_CHARS.sub('', unicode(text, 'utf-8')).encode('utf-8')
def wash_for_utf8(text, correct=True):
"""Return UTF-8 encoded binary string with incorrect characters washed away.
@param text: input string to wash (can be either a binary string or a Unicode string)
@param correct: whether to correct bad characters or throw exception
if isinstance(text, unicode):
return text.encode('utf-8')
ret = []
while True:
except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
if correct:
text = text[e.end:]
raise e
return ''.join(ret)
def nice_size(size):
@param size: the size.
@type size: int
@return: a nicely printed size.
@rtype: string
websearch_templates = invenio.template.load('websearch')
unit = 'B'
if size > 1024:
size /= 1024.0
unit = 'KB'
if size > 1024:
size /= 1024.0
unit = 'MB'
if size > 1024:
size /= 1024.0
unit = 'GB'
return '%s %s' % (websearch_templates.tmpl_nice_number(size, max_ndigits_after_dot=2), unit)
def remove_line_breaks(text):
Remove line breaks from input, including unicode 'line
separator', 'paragraph separator', and 'next line' characters.
return unicode(text, 'utf-8').replace('\f', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace(u'\xe2\x80\xa8', '').replace(u'\xe2\x80\xa9', '').replace(u'\xc2\x85', '').encode('utf-8')
def decode_to_unicode(text, default_encoding='utf-8'):
Decode input text into Unicode representation by first using the default
encoding utf-8.
If the operation fails, it detects the type of encoding used in the given text.
For optimal result, it is recommended that the 'chardet' module is installed.
NOTE: Beware that this might be slow for *very* large strings.
If chardet detection fails, it will try to decode the string using the basic
detection function guess_minimum_encoding().
Also, bear in mind that it is impossible to detect the correct encoding at all
times, other then taking educated guesses. With that said, this function will
always return some decoded Unicode string, however the data returned may not
be the same as original data in some cases.
@param text: the text to decode
@type text: string
@param default_encoding: the character encoding to use. Optional.
@type default_encoding: string
@return: input text as Unicode
@rtype: string
if not text:
return ""
return text.decode(default_encoding)
except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
detected_encoding = None
# We can use chardet to perform detection
res = chardet.detect(text)
if res['confidence'] >= 0.8:
detected_encoding = res['encoding']
if detected_encoding == None:
# No chardet detection, try to make a basic guess
dummy, detected_encoding = guess_minimum_encoding(text)
return text.decode(detected_encoding)
def translate_latex2unicode(text, kb_file="%s/bibconvert/KB/latex-to-unicode.kb" % \
This function will take given text, presumably containing LaTeX symbols,
and attempts to translate it to Unicode using the given or default KB
translation table located under CFG_ETCDIR/bibconvert/KB/latex-to-unicode.kb.
The translated Unicode string will then be returned.
If the translation table and compiled regular expression object is not
previously generated in the current session, they will be.
@param text: a text presumably containing LaTeX symbols.
@type text: string
@param kb_file: full path to file containing latex2unicode translations.
Defaults to CFG_ETCDIR/bibconvert/KB/latex-to-unicode.kb
@type kb_file: string
@return: Unicode representation of translated text
@rtype: unicode
# First decode input text to Unicode
text = decode_to_unicode(text)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
text = unicode(wash_for_utf8(text))
# Load translation table, if required
# Find all matches and replace text
for match in CFG_LATEX_UNICODE_TRANSLATION_CONST['regexp_obj'].finditer(text):
# If LaTeX style markers {, } and $ are before or after the matching text, it
# will replace those as well
text = re.sub("[\{\$]?%s[\}\$]?" % (re.escape(,), \
# Return Unicode representation of translated text
return text
def _load_latex2unicode_constants(kb_file="%s/bibconvert/KB/latex-to-unicode.kb" % \
Load LaTeX2Unicode translation table dictionary and regular expression object
from KB to a global dictionary.
@param kb_file: full path to file containing latex2unicode translations.
Defaults to CFG_ETCDIR/bibconvert/KB/latex-to-unicode.kb
@type kb_file: string
@return: dict of type: {'regexp_obj': regexp match object,
'table': dict of LaTeX -> Unicode mappings}
@rtype: dict
data = open(kb_file)
except IOError:
# File not found or similar
sys.stderr.write("\nCould not open LaTeX to Unicode KB file. Aborting translation.\n")
latex_symbols = []
translation_table = {}
for line in data:
# The file has form of latex|--|utf-8. First decode to Unicode.
line = line.decode('utf-8')
mapping = line.split('|--|')
translation_table[mapping[0].rstrip('\n')] = mapping[1].rstrip('\n')
CFG_LATEX_UNICODE_TRANSLATION_CONST['regexp_obj'] = re.compile("|".join(latex_symbols))
CFG_LATEX_UNICODE_TRANSLATION_CONST['table'] = translation_table
def translate_to_ascii(values):
Transliterate the string contents of the given sequence into ascii representation.
Returns a sequence with the modified values if the module 'unidecode' is
available. Otherwise it will fall back to the inferior strip_accents function.
For example: H\xc3\xb6hne becomes Hohne.
Note: Passed strings are returned as a list.
@param values: sequence of strings to transform
@type values: sequence
@return: sequence with values transformed to ascii
@rtype: sequence
if not values:
return values
if type(values) == str:
values = [values]
for index, value in enumerate(values):
if not value:
ascii_text = strip_accents(value)
encoded_text, encoding = guess_minimum_encoding(value)
unicode_text = unicode(encoded_text.decode(encoding))
ascii_text = unidecode(unicode_text).encode('ascii')
values[index] = ascii_text
return values
def xml_entities_to_utf8(text, skip=('lt', 'gt', 'amp')):
Removes HTML or XML character references and entities from a text string
and replaces them with their UTF-8 representation, if possible.
@param text: The HTML (or XML) source text.
@type text: string
@param skip: list of entity names to skip when transforming.
@type skip: iterable
@return: The plain text, as a Unicode string, if necessary.
@author: Based on
def fixup(m):
text =
if text[:2] == "&#":
# character reference
if text[:3] == "&#x":
return unichr(int(text[3:-1], 16)).encode("utf-8")
return unichr(int(text[2:-1])).encode("utf-8")
except ValueError:
# named entity
if text[1:-1] not in skip:
text = unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[text[1:-1]]).encode("utf-8")
except KeyError:
return text # leave as is
return re.sub("&#?\w+;", fixup, text)
def strip_accents(x):
Strip accents in the input phrase X (assumed in UTF-8) by replacing
accented characters with their unaccented cousins (e.g. é by e).
@param x: the input phrase to strip.
@type x: string
@return: Return such a stripped X.
x = re_latex_lowercase_a.sub("a", x)
x = re_latex_lowercase_ae.sub("ae", x)
x = re_latex_lowercase_e.sub("e", x)
x = re_latex_lowercase_i.sub("i", x)
x = re_latex_lowercase_o.sub("o", x)
x = re_latex_lowercase_u.sub("u", x)
x = re_latex_lowercase_y.sub("x", x)
x = re_latex_lowercase_c.sub("c", x)
x = re_latex_lowercase_n.sub("n", x)
x = re_latex_uppercase_a.sub("A", x)
x = re_latex_uppercase_ae.sub("AE", x)
x = re_latex_uppercase_e.sub("E", x)
x = re_latex_uppercase_i.sub("I", x)
x = re_latex_uppercase_o.sub("O", x)
x = re_latex_uppercase_u.sub("U", x)
x = re_latex_uppercase_y.sub("Y", x)
x = re_latex_uppercase_c.sub("C", x)
x = re_latex_uppercase_n.sub("N", x)
# convert input into Unicode string:
y = unicode(x, "utf-8")
return x # something went wrong, probably the input wasn't UTF-8
# asciify Latin-1 lowercase characters:
y = re_unicode_lowercase_a.sub("a", y)
y = re_unicode_lowercase_ae.sub("ae", y)
y = re_unicode_lowercase_e.sub("e", y)
y = re_unicode_lowercase_i.sub("i", y)
y = re_unicode_lowercase_o.sub("o", y)
y = re_unicode_lowercase_u.sub("u", y)
y = re_unicode_lowercase_y.sub("y", y)
y = re_unicode_lowercase_c.sub("c", y)
y = re_unicode_lowercase_n.sub("n", y)
# asciify Latin-1 uppercase characters:
y = re_unicode_uppercase_a.sub("A", y)
y = re_unicode_uppercase_ae.sub("AE", y)
y = re_unicode_uppercase_e.sub("E", y)
y = re_unicode_uppercase_i.sub("I", y)
y = re_unicode_uppercase_o.sub("O", y)
y = re_unicode_uppercase_u.sub("U", y)
y = re_unicode_uppercase_y.sub("Y", y)
y = re_unicode_uppercase_c.sub("C", y)
y = re_unicode_uppercase_n.sub("N", y)
# return UTF-8 representation of the Unicode string:
return y.encode("utf-8")
def remove_control_characters(text):
Replaces control characters* with space in a given string
and returns it.
* except \n (10) \t (9) and \r (13)
@param text: string to strip characters from
@type text: string
@return: string without control characters*
@rtype: string
exceptions = (9, 10, 13)
res = []
for c in text:
if ord(c) >= 32 or ord(c) in exceptions:
res.append(' ')
return ''.join(res)

Event Timeline