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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
WebAuthorProfile web interface logic and URL handler
# pylint: disable=W0105
# pylint: disable=C0301
# pylint: disable=W0613
from sys import hexversion
from urllib import urlencode
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from invenio import webinterface_handler_config
from invenio.bibauthorid_webauthorprofileinterface import is_valid_canonical_id, \
is_valid_bibref, get_person_id_from_paper, get_person_id_from_canonical_id, \
search_person_ids_by_name, get_papers_by_person_id, get_person_redirect_link, \
from invenio.bibauthorid_webapi import history_log_visit
from invenio.webauthorprofile_corefunctions import get_pubs, get_person_names_dicts, \
get_institute_pubs, get_pubs_per_year, get_coauthors, get_summarize_records, \
get_total_downloads, get_kwtuples, get_fieldtuples, get_veryfy_my_pubs_list_link, \
get_hepnames_data, get_self_pubs, get_collabtuples, get_internal_publications, \
get_external_publications, expire_all_cache_for_person, get_person_oldest_date, \
from invenio.webpage import page
from invenio.webinterface_handler import wash_urlargd, WebInterfaceDirectory
from invenio.urlutils import redirect_to_url
from invenio.jsonutils import json_unicode_to_utf8
from invenio.bibauthorid_templates import WebProfileMenu, WebProfilePage
from invenio.bibauthorid_webinterface import WebInterfaceAuthorTicketHandling
import invenio.bibauthorid_webapi as webapi
import invenio.template
import cProfile, pstats, cStringIO
websearch_templates = invenio.template.load('websearch')
webauthorprofile_templates = invenio.template.load('webauthorprofile')
bibauthorid_template = invenio.template.load('bibauthorid')
from invenio.search_engine import page_end
JSON_OK = False
if hexversion < 0x2060000:
import simplejson as json
JSON_OK = True
except ImportError:
# Okay, no Ajax app will be possible, but continue anyway,
# since this package is only recommended, not mandatory.
JSON_OK = False
import json
JSON_OK = True
except ImportError:
JSON_OK = False
from webauthorprofile_config import CFG_SITE_LANG, CFG_SITE_URL, \
RECOMPUTE_ALLOWED_DELAY = timedelta(minutes=30)
def wrap_json_req_profiler(func):
def json_req_profiler(self, req, form):
if "ajaxProfile" in form:
profiler = cProfile.Profile()
return_val = profiler.runcall(func, self, req, form)
results = cStringIO.StringIO()
stats = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=results)
json_data = json.loads(return_val)
json_data.update({"profilerStats": "<pre style='overflow: scroll'>" + results.getvalue() + "</pre>"})
return json.dumps(json_data)
return func(self, req, form)
return json_req_profiler
class WebAuthorPages(WebInterfaceDirectory):
Handles webauthorpages /author/profile/
_exports = ['',
def __init__(self, identifier=None):
Constructor of the web interface.
@param identifier: identifier of an author. Can be one of:
- an author id: e.g. "14"
- a canonical id: e.g. "J.R.Ellis.1"
- a bibrefrec: e.g. "100:1442,155"
@type identifier: str
self.person_id = -1 # -1 is a non valid author identifier
self.cid = None
self.original_search_parameter = identifier
identifier is None or
not isinstance(identifier, str)):
# check if it's a canonical id: e.g. "J.R.Ellis.1"
pid = int(get_person_id_from_canonical_id(identifier))
if pid >= 0:
self.person_id = pid
self.cid = get_person_redirect_link(self.person_id)
# check if it's an author id: e.g. "14"
pid = int(identifier)
if author_has_papers(pid):
self.person_id = pid
cid = get_person_redirect_link(pid)
# author may not have a canonical id
if is_valid_canonical_id(cid):
self.cid = cid
except ValueError:
# check if it's a bibrefrec: e.g. "100:1442,155"
if is_valid_bibref(identifier):
pid = int(get_person_id_from_paper(identifier))
if pid >= 0:
self.person_id = pid
self.cid = get_person_redirect_link(self.person_id)
def _lookup(self, component, path):
This handler parses dynamic URLs:
- /author/profile/1332 shows the page of author with id: 1332
- /author/profile/100:5522,1431 shows the page of the author
identified by the bibrefrec: '100:5522,1431'
if not component in self._exports:
return WebAuthorPages(component), path
def _is_profile_owner(self, pid):
return self.person_id == int(pid)
def _is_admin(self, pinfo):
return pinfo['ulevel'] == 'admin'
def __call__(self, req, form):
Serves the main person page.
Will use the object's person id to get a person's information.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: POST/GET variables of the request
@type form: dict
@return: a full page formatted in HTML
@rtype: str
self.person_id = self.original_search_parameter
return self.index(req, form)
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'recid': (int, -1),
'verbose': (int, 0)})
ln = argd['ln']
verbose = argd['verbose']
url_args = dict()
if ln != CFG_SITE_LANG:
url_args['ln'] = ln
if verbose:
url_args['verbose'] = str(verbose)
encoded = urlencode(url_args)
if encoded:
encoded = '?' + encoded
if self.cid is not None and self.original_search_parameter != self.cid:
return redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/profile/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.cid, encoded))
# author may have only author identifier and not a canonical id
if self.person_id > -1:
return self.index(req, form)
recid = argd['recid']
if recid > -1:
possible_authors = search_person_ids_by_name(self.original_search_parameter, limit_to_recid = recid)
if len(possible_authors) == 1:
self.person_id = possible_authors[0][0]
self.cid = get_person_redirect_link(self.person_id)
redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/profile/%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, self.cid, encoded))
encoded = urlencode(url_args)
if encoded:
encoded = '&' + encoded
return redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/search?q=%s%s' %
(CFG_SITE_URL, self.original_search_parameter, encoded))
def index(self, req, form):
Serve the main person page.
Will use the object's person id to get a person's information.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: POST/GET variables of the request
@type form: dict
@return: a full page formatted in HTML
@return: str
session = webapi.get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
ulevel = pinfo['ulevel']
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'recompute': (int, 0),
'verbose': (int, 0)})
ln = argd['ln']
debug = "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0
# Create Page Markup and Menu
cname = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(self.person_id)
menu = WebProfileMenu(str(cname), "profile", ln, self._is_profile_owner(pinfo['pid']), self._is_admin(pinfo))
profile_page = WebProfilePage("profile", webapi.get_longest_name_from_pid(self.person_id))
gboxstatus = self.person_id
gpid = self.person_id
gNumOfWorkers = 3 # to do: read it from conf file
gReqTimeout = 5000
gPageTimeout = 120000
"other": "var gBOX_STATUS = '%s';var gPID = '%s'; var gNumOfWorkers= '%s'; var gReqTimeout= '%s'; var gPageTimeout= '%s';" % (gboxstatus, gpid, gNumOfWorkers, gReqTimeout, gPageTimeout),
"backbone": """
(function(ticketbox) {
var app =;
app.bodyModel.set({userLevel: "%s"});
})(ticketbox);""" % (WebInterfaceAuthorTicketHandling.bootstrap_status(pinfo, "user"), ulevel)
if debug:
verbose = argd['verbose']
url_args = dict()
if ln != CFG_SITE_LANG:
url_args['ln'] = ln
if verbose:
url_args['verbose'] = str(verbose)
encoded = urlencode(url_args)
if encoded:
encoded = '&' + encoded
if self.person_id < 0:
return redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/search?q=%s%s' %
(CFG_SITE_URL, self.original_search_parameter, encoded))
self.person_id = self.original_search_parameter
assert not form.has_key('jsondata'), "Content type should be only text/html."
title_message = 'Author Publication Profile Page'
expire_cache = False
if argd['recompute'] and req.get_method() == 'POST':
expire_cache = True
content = self.create_authorpage_websearch(req, form, ln, expire_cache)
history_log_visit(req, 'profile', pid = self.person_id)
if isinstance(content, dict):
meta = profile_page.get_head() + content['head']
body = profile_page.get_wrapped_body(content['body'])
return page(title=title_message,
return page(title=title_message,
body="Error, no content returned!".encode('utf-8'),
def create_authorpage_name_variants(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
namesdict, namesdictStatus = get_person_names_dicts(person_id)
if not namesdict:
namesdict = dict()
db_names_dict = namesdict['db_names_dict']
except (IndexError, KeyError):
db_names_dict = dict()
person_link, person_linkStatus = get_veryfy_my_pubs_list_link(person_id)
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': None}
if person_link and person_linkStatus:
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': person_link}
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'name_variants': {'status': namesdictStatus, 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_author_name_variants_box(db_names_dict, bibauthorid_data, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not db_names_dict)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_combined_papers(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
pubs, pubsStatus = get_pubs(person_id)
if not pubs:
pubs = list()
selfpubs, selfpubsStatus = get_self_pubs(person_id)
if not selfpubs:
selfpubs = list()
person_link, person_linkStatus = get_veryfy_my_pubs_list_link(person_id)
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': None}
if person_link and person_linkStatus:
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': person_link}
totaldownloads, totaldownloadsStatus = get_total_downloads(person_id)
if not totaldownloads:
totaldownloads = 0
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'combined_papers': {'status': selfpubsStatus, 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_papers_with_self_papers_box(pubs, selfpubs, bibauthorid_data, totaldownloads, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not selfpubsStatus)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_keywords(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
kwtuples, kwtuplesStatus = get_kwtuples(person_id)
if kwtuples:
# kwtuples = kwtuples[0:MAX_KEYWORD_LIST]
kwtuples = list()
person_link, person_linkStatus = get_veryfy_my_pubs_list_link(person_id)
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': None}
if person_link and person_linkStatus:
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': person_link}
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'keywords': {'status': kwtuplesStatus, 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_keyword_box(kwtuples, bibauthorid_data, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not kwtuplesStatus)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_fieldcodes(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
fieldtuples, fieldtuplesStatus = get_fieldtuples(person_id)
if fieldtuples:
# fieldtuples = fieldtuples[0:MAX_FIELDCODE_LIST]
fieldtuples = list()
person_link, person_linkStatus = get_veryfy_my_pubs_list_link(person_id)
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': None}
if person_link and person_linkStatus:
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': person_link}
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'fieldcodes': {'status': fieldtuplesStatus, 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_fieldcode_box(fieldtuples, bibauthorid_data, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not fieldtuplesStatus)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_affiliations(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
author_aff_pubs, author_aff_pubsStatus = get_institute_pubs(person_id)
if not author_aff_pubs:
author_aff_pubs = dict()
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'affiliations': {'status': author_aff_pubsStatus, 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_affiliations_box(author_aff_pubs, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not author_aff_pubsStatus)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_coauthors(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
person_link, person_linkStatus = get_veryfy_my_pubs_list_link(person_id)
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': None}
if person_link and person_linkStatus:
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': person_link}
coauthors, coauthorsStatus = get_coauthors(person_id)
if not coauthors:
coauthors = dict()
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'coauthors': {'status': coauthorsStatus, 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_coauthor_box(bibauthorid_data, coauthors, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not coauthorsStatus)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_pubs(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
pubs, pubsStatus = get_pubs(person_id)
if not pubs:
pubs = list()
person_link, person_linkStatus = get_veryfy_my_pubs_list_link(person_id)
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': None}
if person_link and person_linkStatus:
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': person_link}
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'numpaperstitle': {'status': pubsStatus, 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_numpaperstitle(bibauthorid_data, pubs)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_authors_pubs(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
namesdict, namesdictStatus = get_person_names_dicts(person_id)
if not namesdict:
namesdict = dict()
authorname = namesdict['longest']
except (IndexError, KeyError):
authorname = 'None'
person_link, person_linkStatus = get_veryfy_my_pubs_list_link(person_id)
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': person_link}
if not person_link or not person_linkStatus:
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': None}
person_link = str(person_id)
pubs, pubsStatus = get_pubs(person_id)
if not pubs:
pubs = list()
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'authornametitle': {'status': (namesdictStatus and namesdictStatus and pubsStatus), 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_authornametitle(authorname, bibauthorid_data, pubs, person_link, ln='en', loading=not (namesdictStatus and namesdictStatus and pubsStatus))}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_citations(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
summarize_records, summarize_recordsStatus = get_summarize_records(person_id)
if not summarize_records:
summarize_records = 'None'
pubs, pubsStatus = get_pubs(person_id)
if not pubs:
pubs = list()
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'citations': {'status': (summarize_recordsStatus and pubsStatus), 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_citations_box(summarize_records, pubs, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not (summarize_recordsStatus and pubsStatus))}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_pubs_graph(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
pubs_per_year, pubs_per_yearStatus = get_pubs_per_year(person_id)
if not pubs_per_year:
pubs_per_year = dict()
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'pubs_graph': {'status': pubs_per_yearStatus, 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_graph_box(pubs_per_year, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not pubs_per_yearStatus)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_hepdata(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
hepdict, hepdictStatus = get_hepnames_data(person_id)
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'hepdata': {'status': hepdictStatus, 'html_content': bibauthorid_template.tmpl_hepnames_box(hepdict, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not hepdictStatus)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_collaborations(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
collab, collabStatus = get_collabtuples(person_id)
person_link, person_linkStatus = get_veryfy_my_pubs_list_link(person_id)
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': None}
if person_link and person_linkStatus:
bibauthorid_data = {'is_baid': True, 'pid': person_id, 'cid': person_link}
json_response['boxes_info'].update({'collaborations': {'status': collabStatus, 'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_collab_box(collab, bibauthorid_data, ln='en', add_box=False, loading=not collabStatus)}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_pubs_list(self, req, form):
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_response = {'boxes_info': {}}
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
person_id = json_data['personId']
internal_pubs, internal_pubsStatus = get_internal_publications(person_id)
external_pubs, external_pubsStatus = get_external_publications(person_id)
datasets_pubs, datasets_pubsStatus = get_datasets(person_id)
# if not internal_pubs:
# internal_pubs = None
# if not external_pubs:
# external_pubs = None
# switched from 'orcid_info' to 'pubs_list'
{'pubs_list': {'status': (internal_pubsStatus and external_pubsStatus and datasets_pubsStatus),
'html_content': webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_pubs_list(internal_pubs,
external_pubs, datasets_pubs, ln='en',
add_box=False, loading=not (internal_pubsStatus and external_pubsStatus))}})
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(json_response)
def create_authorpage_websearch(self, req, form, ln='en', expire_cache=False):
if self.person_id < 0:
return ("Critical Error. Author identifier should never be smaller than 0!")
assert not form.has_key('jsondata'), "Content type should be only text/html."
oldest_cache_date = get_person_oldest_date(self.person_id)
delay = - oldest_cache_date
recompute_allowed = True
if expire_cache:
return self.create_authorpage_websearch(req, form, ln, expire_cache=False)
recompute_allowed = False
gboxstatus = self.person_id
gpid = self.person_id
gNumOfWorkers = 3 # to do: read it from conf file
gReqTimeout = 3000
gPageTimeout = 12000
head = '<script type="text/javascript">var gBOX_STATUS = "%s";var gPID = "%s"; var gNumOfWorkers= "%s"; var gReqTimeout= "%s"; var gPageTimeout= "%s";</script>' \
% (gboxstatus, gpid, gNumOfWorkers, gReqTimeout, gPageTimeout)
body = webauthorprofile_templates.tmpl_author_page(ln, self.cid, oldest_cache_date, recompute_allowed)
return {'head': head, 'body': body}

Event Timeline