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## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# pylint: disable-msg=C0301
"""CDS Invenio WebSearch Administrator Interface."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import cgi
import random
import time
import sys
if sys.hexversion < 0x2040000:
# pylint: disable-msg=W0622
from sets import Set as set
# pylint: enable-msg=W0622
from invenio.config import \
from invenio.bibrankadminlib import \
write_outcome, \
modify_translations, \
get_def_name, \
get_name, \
get_languages, \
addadminbox, \
tupletotable, \
from invenio.dbquery import \
run_sql, \
from invenio.websearch_external_collections import \
external_collections_dictionary, \
external_collection_sort_engine_by_name, \
external_collection_get_state, \
external_collection_get_update_state_list, \
from invenio.websearch_external_collections_utils import \
from invenio.websearch_external_collections_config import CFG_EXTERNAL_COLLECTION_STATES_NAME
#from invenio.bibformat_elements import bfe_references
#from invenio.bibformat_engine import BibFormatObject
from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
#from invenio.bibrank_citation_searcher import get_cited_by
from invenio.access_control_admin import acc_get_action_id
from invenio.access_control_config import VIEWRESTRCOLL
from invenio.errorlib import register_exception
def getnavtrail(previous = ''):
"""Get the navtrail"""
navtrail = """<a class="navtrail" href="%s/help/admin">Admin Area</a> """ % (CFG_SITE_URL,)
navtrail = navtrail + previous
return navtrail
def perform_modifytranslations(colID, ln, sel_type='', trans=[], confirm=-1, callback='yes'):
"""Modify the translations of a collection
sel_type - the nametype to modify
trans - the translations in the same order as the languages from get_languages()"""
output = ''
subtitle = ''
sitelangs = get_languages()
if confirm in ["2", 2] and colID:
finresult = modify_translations(colID, sitelangs, sel_type, trans, "collection")
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
if colID and col_dict.has_key(int(colID)):
colID = int(colID)
subtitle = """<a name="3">3. Modify translations for collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.3">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
if type(trans) is str:
trans = [trans]
if sel_type == '':
sel_type = get_col_nametypes()[0][0]
header = ['Language', 'Translation']
actions = []
types = get_col_nametypes()
if len(types) > 1:
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Name type</span>
<select name="sel_type" class="admin_w200">
for (key, value) in types:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s""" % (key, key == sel_type and 'selected="selected"' or '', value)
trans_names = get_name(colID, ln, key, "collection")
if trans_names and trans_names[0][0]:
text += ": %s" % trans_names[0][0]
text += "</option>"
text += """</select>"""
output += createhiddenform(action="modifytranslations#3",
if confirm in [-1, "-1", 0, "0"]:
trans = []
for (key, value) in sitelangs:
trans_names = get_name(colID, key, sel_type, "collection")
except StandardError, e:
for nr in range(0, len(sitelangs)):
actions.append(["%s %s" % (sitelangs[nr][1], (sitelangs[nr][0]==CFG_SITE_LANG and '<small>(def)</small>' or ''))])
actions[-1].append('<input type="text" name="trans" size="30" value="%s"/>' % trans[nr])
text = tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
output += createhiddenform(action="modifytranslations#3",
if sel_type and len(trans) and confirm in ["2", 2]:
output += write_outcome(finresult)
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_modifytranslations", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_modifyrankmethods(colID, ln, func='', rnkID='', confirm=0, callback='yes'):
"""Modify which rank methods is visible to the collection
func - remove or add rank method
rnkID - the id of the rank method."""
output = ""
subtitle = ""
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
rnk_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "rnkMETHOD"))
if colID and col_dict.has_key(int(colID)):
colID = int(colID)
if func in ["0", 0] and confirm in ["1", 1]:
finresult = attach_rnk_col(colID, rnkID)
elif func in ["1", 1] and confirm in ["1", 1]:
finresult = detach_rnk_col(colID, rnkID)
subtitle = """<a name="9">9. Modify rank options for collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.9">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
output = """
<dt>The rank methods enabled for the collection '%s' is:</dt>
""" % col_dict[colID]
rnkmethods = get_col_rnk(colID, ln)
output += """<dd>"""
if not rnkmethods:
output += """No rank methods"""
for id, name in rnkmethods:
output += """%s, """ % name
output += """</dd>
rnk_list = get_def_name('', "rnkMETHOD")
rnk_dict_in_col = dict(get_col_rnk(colID, ln))
rnk_list = filter(lambda x: not rnk_dict_in_col.has_key(x[0]), rnk_list)
if rnk_list:
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Enable:</span>
<select name="rnkID" class="admin_w200">
<option value="-1">- select rank method -</option>
for (id, name) in rnk_list:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (id, (func in ["0", 0] and confirm in ["0", 0] and int(rnkID) == int(id)) and 'selected="selected"' or '' , name)
text += """</select>"""
output += createhiddenform(action="modifyrankmethods#9",
if confirm in ["1", 1] and func in ["0", 0] and int(rnkID) != -1:
output += write_outcome(finresult)
elif confirm not in ["0", 0] and func in ["0", 0]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Please select a rank method.</span></b>"""
coll_list = get_col_rnk(colID, ln)
if coll_list:
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Disable:</span>
<select name="rnkID" class="admin_w200">
<option value="-1">- select rank method-</option>
for (id, name) in coll_list:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (id, (func in ["1", 1] and confirm in ["0", 0] and int(rnkID) == int(id)) and 'selected="selected"' or '' , name)
text += """</select>"""
output += createhiddenform(action="modifyrankmethods#9",
if confirm in ["1", 1] and func in ["1", 1] and int(rnkID) != -1:
output += write_outcome(finresult)
elif confirm not in ["0", 0] and func in ["1", 1]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Please select a rank method.</span></b>"""
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_modifyrankmethods", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_addcollectiontotree(colID, ln, add_dad='', add_son='', rtype='', mtype='', callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""Form to add a collection to the tree.
add_dad - the dad to add the collection to
add_son - the collection to add
rtype - add it as a regular or virtual
mtype - add it to the regular or virtual tree."""
output = ""
output2 = ""
subtitle = """Attach collection to tree&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#2.2">?</a>]</small>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
if confirm not in [-1, "-1"] and not (add_son and add_dad and rtype):
output2 += """<b><span class="info">All fields must be filled.</span></b><br /><br />
elif add_son and add_dad and rtype:
add_son = int(add_son)
add_dad = int(add_dad)
if confirm not in [-1, "-1"]:
if add_son == add_dad:
output2 += """<b><span class="info">Cannot add a collection as a pointer to itself.</span></b><br /><br />
elif check_col(add_dad, add_son):
res = add_col_dad_son(add_dad, add_son, rtype)
output2 += write_outcome(res)
if res[0] == 1:
output2 += """<b><span class="info"><br /> The collection will appear on your website after the next webcoll run. You can either run it manually or wait until bibsched does it for you.</span></b><br /><br />
output2 += """<b><span class="info">Cannot add the collection '%s' as a %s subcollection of '%s' since it will either create a loop, or the association already exists.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % (col_dict[add_son], (rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[add_dad])
add_son = ''
add_dad = ''
rtype = ''
tree = get_col_tree(colID)
col_list = col_dict.items()
output = show_coll_not_in_tree(colID, ln, col_dict)
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Attach collection:</span>
<select name="add_son" class="admin_w200">
<option value="">- select collection -</option>
for (id, name) in col_list:
if id != colID:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (id, str(id)==str(add_son) and 'selected="selected"' or '', name)
text += """
</select><br />
<span class="adminlabel">to parent collection:</span>
<select name="add_dad" class="admin_w200">
<option value="">- select parent collection -</option>
for (id, name) in col_list:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>
""" % (id, str(id)==add_dad and 'selected="selected"' or '', name)
text += """</select><br />
text += """
<span class="adminlabel">with relationship:</span>
<select name="rtype" class="admin_w200">
<option value="">- select relationship -</option>
<option value="r" %s>Regular (Narrow by...)</option>
<option value="v" %s>Virtual (Focus on...)</option>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'selected="selected"' or ''), (rtype=="v" and 'selected="selected"' or ''))
output += createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
output += output2
#output += perform_showtree(colID, ln)
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_index(colID, ln, mtype="perform_addcollectiontotree", content=addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_addcollection(colID, ln, colNAME='', dbquery='', callback="yes", confirm=-1):
"""form to add a new collection.
colNAME - the name of the new collection
dbquery - the dbquery of the new collection"""
output = ""
subtitle = """Create new collection&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#2.1">?</a>]</small>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL)
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Default name</span>
<input class="admin_w200" type="text" name="colNAME" value="%s" /><br />
""" % colNAME
output = createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
button="Add collection",
if colNAME and confirm in ["1", 1]:
res = add_col(colNAME, '')
output += write_outcome(res)
if res[0] == 1:
output += perform_addcollectiontotree(colID=colID, ln=ln, add_son=res[1], callback='')
elif confirm not in ["-1", -1]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Please give the collection a name.</span></b>"""
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_index(colID, ln=ln, mtype="perform_addcollection", content=addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_modifydbquery(colID, ln, dbquery='', callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""form to modify the dbquery of the collection.
dbquery - the dbquery of the collection."""
subtitle = ''
output = ""
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
if colID and col_dict.has_key(int(colID)):
colID = int(colID)
subtitle = """<a name="1">1. Modify collection query for collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.1">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
if confirm == -1:
res = run_sql("SELECT dbquery FROM collection WHERE id=%s" % colID)
dbquery = res[0][0]
if not dbquery:
dbquery = ''
reg_sons = len(get_col_tree(colID, 'r'))
vir_sons = len(get_col_tree(colID, 'v'))
if reg_sons > 1:
if dbquery:
output += "Warning: This collection got subcollections, and should because of this not have a collection query, for further explanation, check the WebSearch Guide<br />"
elif reg_sons <= 1:
if not dbquery:
output += "Warning: This collection does not have any subcollections, and should because of this have a collection query, for further explanation, check the WebSearch Guide<br />"
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Query</span>
<input class="admin_w200" type="text" name="dbquery" value="%s" /><br />
""" % cgi.escape(dbquery, 1)
output += createhiddenform(action="modifydbquery",
if confirm in ["1", 1]:
res = modify_dbquery(colID, dbquery)
if res:
if dbquery == "":
text = """<b><span class="info">Query removed for this collection.</span></b>"""
text = """<b><span class="info">Query set for this collection.</span></b>"""
text = """<b><span class="info">Sorry, could not change query.</span></b>"""
output += text
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_modifydbquery", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_modifycollectiontree(colID, ln, move_up='', move_down='', move_from='', move_to='', delete='', rtype='', callback='yes', confirm=0):
"""to modify the collection tree: move a collection up and down, delete a collection, or change the father of the collection.
colID - the main collection of the tree, the root
move_up - move this collection up (is not the collection id, but the place in the tree)
move_up - move this collection down (is not the collection id, but the place in the tree)
move_from - move this collection from the current positon (is not the collection id, but the place in the tree)
move_to - move the move_from collection and set this as it's father. (is not the collection id, but the place in the tree)
delete - delete this collection from the tree (is not the collection id, but the place in the tree)
rtype - the type of the collection in the tree, regular or virtual"""
colID = int(colID)
tree = get_col_tree(colID, rtype)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
subtitle = """Modify collection tree: %s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#2.3">?</a>]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s">Printer friendly version</a></small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln)
fin_output = ""
output = ""
if move_up:
move_up = int(move_up)
switch = find_last(tree, move_up)
if switch and switch_col_treescore(tree[move_up], tree[switch]):
output += """<b><span class="info">Moved the %s collection '%s' up and '%s' down.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_up][0]], col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not move the %s collection '%s' up and '%s' down.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_up][0]], col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
elif move_down:
move_down = int(move_down)
switch = find_next(tree, move_down)
if switch and switch_col_treescore(tree[move_down], tree[switch]):
output += """<b><span class="info">Moved the %s collection '%s' down and '%s' up.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_down][0]], col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not move the %s collection '%s' up and '%s' down.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_up][0]],col_dict[tree[switch][0]])
elif delete:
delete = int(delete)
if confirm in [0, "0"]:
if col_dict[tree[delete][0]] != col_dict[tree[delete][3]]:
text = """<b>Do you want to remove the %s collection '%s' and its subcollections in the %s collection '%s'.</b>
""" % ((tree[delete][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][0]], (rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][3]])
text = """<b>Do you want to remove all subcollections of the %s collection '%s'.</b>
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][3]])
output += createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
output += createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
text="<b>To cancel</b>",
if remove_col_subcol(tree[delete][0], tree[delete][3], rtype):
if col_dict[tree[delete][0]] != col_dict[tree[delete][3]]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Removed the %s collection '%s' and its subcollections in subdirectory '%s'.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % ((tree[delete][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][0]], col_dict[tree[delete][3]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Removed the subcollections of the %s collection '%s'.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % ((rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[delete][3]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not remove the collection from the tree.</span></b><br /><br />
delete = ''
elif move_from and not move_to:
move_from_rtype = move_from[0]
move_from_id = int(move_from[1:len(move_from)])
text = """<b>Select collection to place the %s collection '%s' under.</b><br /><br />
""" % ((move_from_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree[move_from_id][0]])
output += createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
elif move_from and move_to:
move_from_rtype = move_from[0]
move_from_id = int(move_from[1:len(move_from)])
move_to_rtype = move_to[0]
move_to_id = int(move_to[1:len(move_to)])
tree_from = get_col_tree(colID, move_from_rtype)
tree_to = get_col_tree(colID, move_to_rtype)
if confirm in [0, '0']:
if move_from_id == move_to_id and move_from_rtype == move_to_rtype:
output += """<b><span class="info">Cannot move to itself.</span></b><br /><br />
elif tree_from[move_from_id][3] == tree_to[move_to_id][0] and move_from_rtype==move_to_rtype:
output += """<b><span class="info">The collection is already there.</span></b><br /><br />
elif check_col(tree_to[move_to_id][0], tree_from[move_from_id][0]) or (tree_to[move_to_id][0] == 1 and tree_from[move_from_id][3] == tree_to[move_to_id][0] and move_from_rtype != move_to_rtype):
text = """<b>Move %s collection '%s' to the %s collection '%s'.</b>
""" % ((tree_from[move_from_id][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], (tree_to[move_to_id][4]=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
output += createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
output += createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
text="""<b>To cancel</b>""",
output += """<b><span class="info">Cannot move the collection '%s' and set it as a subcollection of '%s' since it will create a loop.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % (col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
if (move_to_id != 0 and move_col_tree(tree_from[move_from_id], tree_to[move_to_id])) or (move_to_id == 0 and move_col_tree(tree_from[move_from_id], tree_to[move_to_id], move_to_rtype)):
output += """<b><span class="info">Moved %s collection '%s' to the %s collection '%s'.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % ((move_from_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], (move_to_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
output += """<b><span class="info">Could not move %s collection '%s' to the %s collection '%s'.</span></b><br /><br />
""" % ((move_from_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_from[move_from_id][0]], (move_to_rtype=="r" and 'regular' or 'virtual'), col_dict[tree_to[move_to_id][0]])
move_from = ''
move_to = ''
output += """
except StandardError, e:
return """<b><span class="info">An error occured.</span></b>
output += """<table border ="0" width="100%">
<tr><td width="50%">
<b>Narrow by collection:</b>
</td><td width="50%">
<b>Focus on...:</b>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">
tree = get_col_tree(colID, 'r')
output += create_colltree(tree, col_dict, colID, ln, move_from, move_to, 'r', "yes")
output += """</td><td valign="top">
tree = get_col_tree(colID, 'v')
output += create_colltree(tree, col_dict, colID, ln, move_from, move_to, 'v', "yes")
output += """</td>
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_index(colID, ln, mtype="perform_modifycollectiontree", content=addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_showtree(colID, ln):
"""create collection tree/hiarchy"""
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
subtitle = "Collection tree: %s" % col_dict[int(colID)]
output = """<table border ="0" width="100%">
<tr><td width="50%">
<b>Narrow by collection:</b>
</td><td width="50%">
<b>Focus on...:</b>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">
tree = get_col_tree(colID, 'r')
output += create_colltree(tree, col_dict, colID, ln, '', '', 'r', '')
output += """</td><td valign="top">
tree = get_col_tree(colID, 'v')
output += create_colltree(tree, col_dict, colID, ln, '', '', 'v', '')
output += """</td>
body = [output]
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_addportalbox(colID, ln, title='', body='', callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""form to add a new portalbox
title - the title of the portalbox
body - the body of the portalbox"""
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
colID = int(colID)
subtitle = """<a name="5.1"></a>Create new portalbox"""
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Title</span>
<textarea cols="50" rows="1" class="admin_wvar" type="text" name="title">%s</textarea><br />
<span class="adminlabel">Body</span>
<textarea cols="50" rows="10" class="admin_wvar" type="text" name="body">%s</textarea><br />
""" % (cgi.escape(title), cgi.escape(body))
output = createhiddenform(action="addportalbox#5.1",
if body and confirm in [1, "1"]:
res = add_pbx(title, body)
output += write_outcome(res)
if res[1] == 1:
output += """<b><span class="info"><a href="addexistingportalbox?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;pbxID=%s#5">Add portalbox to collection</a></span></b>""" % (colID, ln, res[1])
elif confirm not in [-1, "-1"]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Body field must be filled.</span></b>
body = [output]
return perform_showportalboxes(colID, ln, content=addadminbox(subtitle, body))
def perform_addexistingportalbox(colID, ln, pbxID=-1, score=0, position='', sel_ln='', callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""form to add an existing portalbox to a collection.
colID - the collection to add the portalbox to
pbxID - the portalbox to add
score - the importance of the portalbox.
position - the position of the portalbox on the page
sel_ln - the language of the portalbox"""
subtitle = """<a name="5.2"></a>Add existing portalbox to collection"""
output = ""
colID = int(colID)
res = get_pbx()
pos = get_pbx_pos()
lang = dict(get_languages())
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
pbx_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), res))
col_pbx = get_col_pbx(colID)
col_pbx = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[5]), col_pbx))
if len(res) > 0:
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Portalbox</span>
<select name="pbxID" class="admin_w200">
<option value="-1">- Select portalbox -</option>
for (id, t_title, t_body) in res:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s - %s...</option>\n""" % \
(id, id == int(pbxID) and 'selected="selected"' or '',
t_title[:40], cgi.escape(t_body[0:40 - min(40, len(t_title))]))
text += """</select><br />
<span class="adminlabel">Language</span>
<select name="sel_ln" class="admin_w200">
<option value="">- Select language -</option>
listlang = lang.items()
for (key, name) in listlang:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>
""" % (key, key == sel_ln and 'selected="selected"' or '', name)
text += """</select><br />
<span class="adminlabel">Position</span>
<select name="position" class="admin_w200">
<option value="">- Select position -</option>
listpos = pos.items()
for (key, name) in listpos:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (key, key==position and 'selected="selected"' or '', name)
text += "</select>"
output += createhiddenform(action="addexistingportalbox#5.2",
output = """No existing portalboxes to add, please create a new one.
if pbxID > -1 and position and sel_ln and confirm in [1, "1"]:
pbxID = int(pbxID)
res = add_col_pbx(colID, pbxID, sel_ln, position, '')
output += write_outcome(res)
elif pbxID > -1 and confirm not in [-1, "-1"]:
output += """<b><span class="info">All fields must be filled.</span></b>
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_showportalboxes(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_deleteportalbox(colID, ln, pbxID=-1, callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""form to delete a portalbox which is not in use.
colID - the current collection.
pbxID - the id of the portalbox"""
subtitle = """<a name="5.3"></a>Delete an unused portalbox"""
output = ""
colID = int(colID)
if pbxID not in [-1, "-1"] and confirm in [1, "1"]:
ares = get_pbx()
pbx_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), ares))
if pbx_dict.has_key(int(pbxID)):
pname = pbx_dict[int(pbxID)]
ares = delete_pbx(int(pbxID))
return """<b><span class="info">This portalbox does not exist</span></b>"""
res = get_pbx()
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
pbx_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), res))
col_pbx = get_col_pbx()
col_pbx = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[5]), col_pbx))
if len(res) > 0:
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Portalbox</span>
<select name="pbxID" class="admin_w200">
text += """<option value="-1">- Select portalbox -"""
for (id, t_title, t_body) in res:
if not col_pbx.has_key(id):
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s - %s...""" % (id, id == int(pbxID) and 'selected="selected"' or '', t_title, cgi.escape(t_body[0:10]))
text += "</option>"
text += """</select><br />"""
output += createhiddenform(action="deleteportalbox#5.3",
if pbxID not in [-1, "-1"]:
pbxID = int(pbxID)
if confirm in [1, "1"]:
output += write_outcome(ares)
elif confirm not in [-1, "-1"]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Choose a portalbox to delete.</span></b>
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_showportalboxes(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_modifyportalbox(colID, ln, pbxID=-1, score='', position='', sel_ln='', title='', body='', callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""form to modify a portalbox in a collection, or change the portalbox itself.
colID - the id of the collection.
pbxID - the portalbox to change
score - the score of the portalbox connected to colID which should be changed.
position - the position of the portalbox in collection colID to change."""
subtitle = ""
output = ""
colID = int(colID)
res = get_pbx()
pos = get_pbx_pos()
lang = dict(get_languages())
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
pbx_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), res))
col_pbx = get_col_pbx(colID)
col_pbx = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[5]), col_pbx))
if pbxID not in [-1, "-1"]:
pbxID = int(pbxID)
subtitle = """<a name="5.4"></a>Modify portalbox '%s' for this collection""" % pbx_dict[pbxID]
col_pbx = get_col_pbx(colID)
if not (score and position) and not (body and title):
for (id_pbx, id_collection, tln, score, position, title, body) in col_pbx:
if id_pbx == pbxID:
output += """Collection (presentation) specific values (Changes implies only to this collection.)<br />"""
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Position</span>
<select name="position" class="admin_w200">
listpos = pos.items()
for (key, name) in listpos:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s""" % (key, key==position and 'selected="selected"' or '', name)
text += "</option>"
text += """</select><br />"""
output += createhiddenform(action="modifyportalbox#5.4",
body=cgi.escape(body, 1),
if pbxID > -1 and score and position and confirm in [3, "3"]:
pbxID = int(pbxID)
res = modify_pbx(colID, pbxID, sel_ln, score, position, '', '')
res2 = get_pbx()
pbx_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), res2))
output += write_outcome(res)
output += """<br />Portalbox (content) specific values (any changes appears everywhere the portalbox is used.)"""
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Title</span>
<textarea cols="50" rows="1" class="admin_wvar" type="text" name="title">%s</textarea><br />
""" % cgi.escape(title)
text += """
<span class="adminlabel">Body</span>
<textarea cols="50" rows="10" class="admin_wvar" type="text" name="body">%s</textarea><br />
""" % cgi.escape(body)
output += createhiddenform(action="modifyportalbox#5.4",
if pbxID > -1 and confirm in [4, "4"]:
pbxID = int(pbxID)
res = modify_pbx(colID, pbxID, sel_ln, '', '', title, body)
output += write_outcome(res)
output = """No portalbox to modify."""
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_showportalboxes(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_switchpbxscore(colID, id_1, id_2, sel_ln, ln):
"""Switch the score of id_1 and id_2 in collection_portalbox.
colID - the current collection
id_1/id_2 - the id's to change the score for.
sel_ln - the language of the portalbox"""
output = ""
res = get_pbx()
pbx_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), res))
res = switch_pbx_score(colID, id_1, id_2, sel_ln)
output += write_outcome(res)
return perform_showportalboxes(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_showportalboxes(colID, ln, callback='yes', content='', confirm=-1):
"""show the portalboxes of this collection.
colID - the portalboxes to show the collection for."""
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
subtitle = """<a name="5">5. Modify portalboxes for collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.5">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
output = ""
pos = get_pbx_pos()
output = """<dl>
<dt>Portalbox actions (not related to this collection)</dt>
<dd><a href="addportalbox?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s#5.1">Create new portalbox</a></dd>
<dd><a href="deleteportalbox?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s#5.3">Delete an unused portalbox</a></dd>
<dt>Collection specific actions</dt>
<dd><a href="addexistingportalbox?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s#5.2">Add existing portalbox to collection</a></dd>
""" % (colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln)
header = ['Position', 'Language', '', 'Title', 'Actions']
actions = []
sitelangs = get_languages()
lang = dict(sitelangs)
pos_list = pos.items()
if len(get_col_pbx(colID)) > 0:
for (key, value) in sitelangs:
for (pos_key, pos_value) in pos_list:
res = get_col_pbx(colID, key, pos_key)
i = 0
for (pbxID, colID_pbx, tln, score, position, title, body) in res:
move = """<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td>"""
if i != 0:
move += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;sel_ln=%s&amp;rand=%s#5"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move portalbox up" alt="up" /></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, pbxID, res[i - 1][0], tln, random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
move += "</td><td>"
i += 1
if i != len(res):
move += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;sel_ln=%s&amp;rand=%s#5"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move portalbox down" alt="down" /></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, pbxID, res[i][0], tln, random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += """</td></tr></table>"""
actions.append(["%s" % (i==1 and pos[position] or ''), "%s" % (i==1 and lang[tln] or ''), move, "%s" % title])
for col in [(('Modify', 'modifyportalbox'), ('Remove', 'removeportalbox'),)]:
actions[-1].append('<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;pbxID=%s&amp;sel_ln=%s#5.4">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, col[0][1], colID, ln, pbxID, tln, col[0][0]))
for (str, function) in col[1:]:
actions[-1][-1] += ' / <a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;pbxID=%s&amp;sel_ln=%s#5.5">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, function, colID, ln, pbxID, tln, str)
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
output += """No portalboxes exists for this collection"""
output += content
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_showportalboxes", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_removeportalbox(colID, ln, pbxID='', sel_ln='', callback='yes', confirm=0):
"""form to remove a portalbox from a collection.
colID - the current collection, remove the portalbox from this collection.
sel_ln - remove the portalbox with this language
pbxID - remove the portalbox with this id"""
subtitle = """<a name="5.5"></a>Remove portalbox"""
output = ""
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
res = get_pbx()
pbx_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), res))
if colID and pbxID and sel_ln:
colID = int(colID)
pbxID = int(pbxID)
if confirm in ["0", 0]:
text = """Do you want to remove the portalbox '%s' from the collection '%s'.""" % (pbx_dict[pbxID], col_dict[colID])
output += createhiddenform(action="removeportalbox#5.5",
elif confirm in ["1", 1]:
res = remove_pbx(colID, pbxID, sel_ln)
output += write_outcome(res)
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_showportalboxes(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_switchfmtscore(colID, type, id_1, id_2, ln):
"""Switch the score of id_1 and id_2 in the table type.
colID - the current collection
id_1/id_2 - the id's to change the score for.
type - like "format" """
fmt_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "format"))
res = switch_score(colID, id_1, id_2, type)
output = write_outcome(res)
return perform_showoutputformats(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_switchfldscore(colID, id_1, id_2, fmeth, ln):
"""Switch the score of id_1 and id_2 in collection_field_fieldvalue.
colID - the current collection
id_1/id_2 - the id's to change the score for."""
fld_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "field"))
res = switch_fld_score(colID, id_1, id_2)
output = write_outcome(res)
if fmeth == "soo":
return perform_showsortoptions(colID, ln, content=output)
elif fmeth == "sew":
return perform_showsearchfields(colID, ln, content=output)
elif fmeth == "seo":
return perform_showsearchoptions(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_switchfldvaluescore(colID, id_1, id_fldvalue_1, id_fldvalue_2, ln):
"""Switch the score of id_1 and id_2 in collection_field_fieldvalue.
colID - the current collection
id_1/id_2 - the id's to change the score for."""
name_1 = run_sql("SELECT name from fieldvalue where id=%s", (id_fldvalue_1, ))[0][0]
name_2 = run_sql("SELECT name from fieldvalue where id=%s", (id_fldvalue_2, ))[0][0]
res = switch_fld_value_score(colID, id_1, id_fldvalue_1, id_fldvalue_2)
output = write_outcome(res)
return perform_modifyfield(colID, fldID=id_1, ln=ln, content=output)
def perform_addnewfieldvalue(colID, fldID, ln, name='', value='', callback="yes", confirm=-1):
"""form to add a new fieldvalue.
name - the name of the new fieldvalue
value - the value of the new fieldvalue
output = ""
subtitle = """<a name="7.4"></a>Add new value"""
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Display name</span>
<input class="admin_w200" type="text" name="name" value="%s" /><br />
<span class="adminlabel">Search value</span>
<input class="admin_w200" type="text" name="value" value="%s" /><br />
""" % (name, value)
output = createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
if name and value and confirm in ["1", 1]:
res = add_fldv(name, value)
output += write_outcome(res)
if res[0] == 1:
res = add_col_fld(colID, fldID, 'seo', res[1])
if res[0] == 0:
output += "<br />" + write_outcome(res)
elif confirm not in ["-1", -1]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Please fill in name and value.</span></b>
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_modifyfield(colID, fldID=fldID, ln=ln, content=output)
def perform_modifyfieldvalue(colID, fldID, fldvID, ln, name='', value='', callback="yes", confirm=-1):
"""form to modify a fieldvalue.
name - the name of the fieldvalue
value - the value of the fieldvalue
if confirm in [-1, "-1"]:
res = get_fld_value(fldvID)
(id, name, value) = res[0]
output = ""
subtitle = """<a name="7.4"></a>Modify existing value"""
output = """<dl>
<dt><b><span class="info">Warning: Modifications done below will also inflict on all places the modified data is used.</span></b></dt>
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Display name</span>
<input class="admin_w200" type="text" name="name" value="%s" /><br />
<span class="adminlabel">Search value</span>
<input class="admin_w200" type="text" name="value" value="%s" /><br />
""" % (name, value)
output += createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
output += createhiddenform(action="%s/admin/websearch/" % CFG_SITE_URL,
text="Delete value and all associations",
if name and value and confirm in ["1", 1]:
res = update_fldv(fldvID, name, value)
output += write_outcome(res)
#if res:
# output += """<b><span class="info">Operation successfully completed.</span></b>"""
# output += """<b><span class="info">Operation failed.</span></b>"""
elif confirm in ["2", 2]:
res = delete_fldv(fldvID)
output += write_outcome(res)
elif confirm not in ["-1", -1]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Please fill in name and value.</span></b>"""
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_modifyfield(colID, fldID=fldID, ln=ln, content=output)
def perform_removefield(colID, ln, fldID='', fldvID='', fmeth='', callback='yes', confirm=0):
"""form to remove a field from a collection.
colID - the current collection, remove the field from this collection.
sel_ln - remove the field with this language
fldID - remove the field with this id"""
if fmeth == "soo":
field = "sort option"
elif fmeth == "sew":
field = "search field"
elif fmeth == "seo":
field = "search option"
field = "field"
subtitle = """<a name="6.4"><a name="7.4"><a name="8.4"></a>Remove %s""" % field
output = ""
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
fld_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "field"))
res = get_fld_value()
fldv_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), res))
if colID and fldID:
colID = int(colID)
fldID = int(fldID)
if fldvID and fldvID != "None":
fldvID = int(fldvID)
if confirm in ["0", 0]:
text = """Do you want to remove the %s '%s' %s from the collection '%s'.""" % (field, fld_dict[fldID], (fldvID not in["", "None"] and "with value '%s'" % fldv_dict[fldvID] or ''), col_dict[colID])
output += createhiddenform(action="removefield#6.5",
elif confirm in ["1", 1]:
res = remove_fld(colID, fldID, fldvID)
output += write_outcome(res)
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
if fmeth == "soo":
return perform_showsortoptions(colID, ln, content=output)
elif fmeth == "sew":
return perform_showsearchfields(colID, ln, content=output)
elif fmeth == "seo":
return perform_showsearchoptions(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_removefieldvalue(colID, ln, fldID='', fldvID='', fmeth='', callback='yes', confirm=0):
"""form to remove a field from a collection.
colID - the current collection, remove the field from this collection.
sel_ln - remove the field with this language
fldID - remove the field with this id"""
subtitle = """<a name="7.4"></a>Remove value"""
output = ""
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
fld_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "field"))
res = get_fld_value()
fldv_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), res))
if colID and fldID:
colID = int(colID)
fldID = int(fldID)
if fldvID and fldvID != "None":
fldvID = int(fldvID)
if confirm in ["0", 0]:
text = """Do you want to remove the value '%s' from the search option '%s'.""" % (fldv_dict[fldvID], fld_dict[fldID])
output += createhiddenform(action="removefieldvalue#7.4",
elif confirm in ["1", 1]:
res = remove_fld(colID, fldID, fldvID)
output += write_outcome(res)
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_modifyfield(colID, fldID=fldID, ln=ln, content=output)
def perform_rearrangefieldvalue(colID, fldID, ln, callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""rearrang the fieldvalues alphabetically
colID - the collection
fldID - the field to rearrange the fieldvalue for
subtitle = "Order values alphabetically"
output = ""
col_fldv = get_col_fld(colID, 'seo', fldID)
col_fldv = dict(map(lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), col_fldv))
fldv_names = get_fld_value()
fldv_names = map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), fldv_names)
if not col_fldv.has_key(None):
vscore = len(col_fldv)
for (fldvID, name) in fldv_names:
if col_fldv.has_key(fldvID):
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s", (vscore, colID, fldID, fldvID))
vscore -= 1
output += write_outcome((1, ""))
output += write_outcome((0, (0, "No values to order")))
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_modifyfield(colID, fldID, ln, content=output)
def perform_rearrangefield(colID, ln, fmeth, callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""rearrang the fields alphabetically
colID - the collection
subtitle = "Order fields alphabetically"
output = ""
col_fld = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), get_col_fld(colID, fmeth)))
fld_names = get_def_name('', "field")
if len(col_fld) > 0:
score = len(col_fld)
for (fldID, name) in fld_names:
if col_fld.has_key(fldID):
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s", (score, colID, fldID))
score -= 1
output += write_outcome((1, ""))
output += write_outcome((0, (0, "No fields to order")))
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
if fmeth == "soo":
return perform_showsortoptions(colID, ln, content=output)
elif fmeth == "sew":
return perform_showsearchfields(colID, ln, content=output)
elif fmeth == "seo":
return perform_showsearchoptions(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_addexistingfieldvalue(colID, fldID, fldvID=-1, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""form to add an existing fieldvalue to a field.
colID - the collection
fldID - the field to add the fieldvalue to
fldvID - the fieldvalue to add"""
subtitle = """</a><a name="7.4"></a>Add existing value to search option"""
output = ""
if fldvID not in [-1, "-1"] and confirm in [1, "1"]:
fldvID = int(fldvID)
ares = add_col_fld(colID, fldID, 'seo', fldvID)
colID = int(colID)
fldID = int(fldID)
lang = dict(get_languages())
res = get_def_name('', "field")
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
fld_dict = dict(res)
col_fld = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), get_col_fld(colID, 'seo')))
fld_value = get_fld_value()
fldv_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), fld_value))
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Value</span>
<select name="fldvID" class="admin_w200">
<option value="-1">- Select value -</option>
res = run_sql("SELECT id,name,value FROM fieldvalue ORDER BY name")
for (id, name, value) in res:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s - %s</option>
""" % (id, id == int(fldvID) and 'selected="selected"' or '', name, value)
text += """</select><br />"""
output += createhiddenform(action="addexistingfieldvalue#7.4",
if fldvID not in [-1, "-1"] and confirm in [1, "1"]:
output += write_outcome(ares)
elif confirm in [1, "1"]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Select a value to add and try again.</span></b>"""
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_modifyfield(colID, fldID, ln, content=output)
def perform_addexistingfield(colID, ln, fldID=-1, fldvID=-1, fmeth='', callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""form to add an existing field to a collection.
colID - the collection to add the field to
fldID - the field to add
sel_ln - the language of the field"""
subtitle = """<a name="6.2"></a><a name="7.2"></a><a name="8.2"></a>Add existing field to collection"""
output = ""
if fldID not in [-1, "-1"] and confirm in [1, "1"]:
fldID = int(fldID)
ares = add_col_fld(colID, fldID, fmeth, fldvID)
colID = int(colID)
lang = dict(get_languages())
res = get_def_name('', "field")
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
fld_dict = dict(res)
col_fld = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), get_col_fld(colID, fmeth)))
fld_value = get_fld_value()
fldv_dict = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), fld_value))
if fldvID:
fldvID = int(fldvID)
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Field</span>
<select name="fldID" class="admin_w200">
<option value="-1">- Select field -</option>
for (id, var) in res:
if fmeth == 'seo' or (fmeth != 'seo' and not col_fld.has_key(id)):
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>
""" % (id, '', fld_dict[id])
text += """</select><br />"""
output += createhiddenform(action="addexistingfield#6.2",
if fldID not in [-1, "-1"] and confirm in [1, "1"]:
output += write_outcome(ares)
elif fldID in [-1, "-1"] and confirm not in [-1, "-1"]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Select a field.</span></b>
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
if fmeth == "soo":
return perform_showsortoptions(colID, ln, content=output)
elif fmeth == "sew":
return perform_showsearchfields(colID, ln, content=output)
elif fmeth == "seo":
return perform_showsearchoptions(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_showsortoptions(colID, ln, callback='yes', content='', confirm=-1):
"""show the sort fields of this collection.."""
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
fld_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "field"))
fld_type = get_sort_nametypes()
subtitle = """<a name="8">8. Modify sort options for collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.8">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
output = """<dl>
<dt>Field actions (not related to this collection)</dt>
<dd>Go to the BibIndex interface to modify the available sort options</dd>
<dt>Collection specific actions
<dd><a href="addexistingfield?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;fmeth=soo#8.2">Add sort option to collection</a></dd>
<dd><a href="rearrangefield?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;fmeth=soo#8.2">Order sort options alphabetically</a></dd>
""" % (colID, ln, colID, ln)
header = ['', 'Sort option', 'Actions']
actions = []
sitelangs = get_languages()
lang = dict(sitelangs)
fld_type_list = fld_type.items()
if len(get_col_fld(colID, 'soo')) > 0:
res = get_col_fld(colID, 'soo')
i = 0
for (fldID, fldvID, stype, score, score_fieldvalue) in res:
move = """<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td>"""
if i != 0:
move += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;fmeth=soo&amp;rand=%s#8"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move up"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, fldID, res[i - 1][0], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
move += "</td><td>"
i += 1
if i != len(res):
move += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;fmeth=soo&amp;rand=%s#8"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move down"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, fldID, res[i][0], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += """</td></tr></table>"""
actions.append([move, fld_dict[int(fldID)]])
for col in [(('Remove sort option', 'removefield'),)]:
actions[-1].append('<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s&amp;fmeth=soo#8.4">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, col[0][1], colID, ln, fldID, col[0][0]))
for (str, function) in col[1:]:
actions[-1][-1] += ' / <a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s&amp;fmeth=soo#8.5">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, function, colID, ln, fldID, str)
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
output += """No sort options exists for this collection"""
output += content
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_showsortoptions", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_showsearchfields(colID, ln, callback='yes', content='', confirm=-1):
"""show the search fields of this collection.."""
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
fld_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "field"))
fld_type = get_sort_nametypes()
subtitle = """<a name="6">6. Modify search fields for collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.6">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
output = """<dl>
<dt>Field actions (not related to this collection)</dt>
<dd>Go to the BibIndex interface to modify the available search fields</dd>
<dt>Collection specific actions
<dd><a href="addexistingfield?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;fmeth=sew#6.2">Add search field to collection</a></dd>
<dd><a href="rearrangefield?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;fmeth=sew#6.2">Order search fields alphabetically</a></dd>
""" % (colID, ln, colID, ln)
header = ['', 'Search field', 'Actions']
actions = []
sitelangs = get_languages()
lang = dict(sitelangs)
fld_type_list = fld_type.items()
if len(get_col_fld(colID, 'sew')) > 0:
res = get_col_fld(colID, 'sew')
i = 0
for (fldID, fldvID, stype, score, score_fieldvalue) in res:
move = """<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td>"""
if i != 0:
move += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;fmeth=sew&amp;rand=%s#6"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move up"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, fldID, res[i - 1][0], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
move += "</td><td>"
i += 1
if i != len(res):
move += '<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;fmeth=sew&amp;rand=%s#6"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move down"></a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, fldID, res[i][0], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += """</td></tr></table>"""
actions.append([move, fld_dict[int(fldID)]])
for col in [(('Remove search field', 'removefield'),)]:
actions[-1].append('<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s&amp;fmeth=sew#6.4">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, col[0][1], colID, ln, fldID, col[0][0]))
for (str, function) in col[1:]:
actions[-1][-1] += ' / <a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s#6.5">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, function, colID, ln, fldID, str)
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
output += """No search fields exists for this collection"""
output += content
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_showsearchfields", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_showsearchoptions(colID, ln, callback='yes', content='', confirm=-1):
"""show the sort and search options of this collection.."""
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
fld_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "field"))
fld_type = get_sort_nametypes()
subtitle = """<a name="7">7. Modify search options for collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.7">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
output = """<dl>
<dt>Field actions (not related to this collection)</dt>
<dd>Go to the BibIndex interface to modify the available search options</dd>
<dt>Collection specific actions
<dd><a href="addexistingfield?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;fmeth=seo#7.2">Add search option to collection</a></dd>
<dd><a href="rearrangefield?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;fmeth=seo#7.2">Order search options alphabetically</a></dd>
""" % (colID, ln, colID, ln)
header = ['', 'Search option', 'Actions']
actions = []
sitelangs = get_languages()
lang = dict(sitelangs)
fld_type_list = fld_type.items()
fld_distinct = run_sql("SELECT distinct(id_field) FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE type='seo' AND id_collection=%s ORDER by score desc", (colID, ))
if len(fld_distinct) > 0:
i = 0
for (id) in fld_distinct:
fldID = id[0]
col_fld = get_col_fld(colID, 'seo', fldID)
move = ""
if i != 0:
move += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;fmeth=seo&amp;rand=%s#7"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move up"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, fldID, fld_distinct[i - 1][0], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
i += 1
if i != len(fld_distinct):
move += '<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;fmeth=seo&amp;rand=%s#7"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move down"></a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, fldID, fld_distinct[i][0], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
actions.append([move, "%s" % fld_dict[fldID]])
for col in [(('Modify values', 'modifyfield'), ('Remove search option', 'removefield'),)]:
actions[-1].append('<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s#7.3">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, col[0][1], colID, ln, fldID, col[0][0]))
for (str, function) in col[1:]:
actions[-1][-1] += ' / <a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s&amp;fmeth=seo#7.3">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, function, colID, ln, fldID, str)
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
output += """No search options exists for this collection"""
output += content
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_showsearchoptions", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_modifyfield(colID, fldID, fldvID='', ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, content='', callback='yes', confirm=0):
"""Modify the fieldvalues for a field"""
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
fld_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "field"))
fld_type = get_sort_nametypes()
fldID = int(fldID)
subtitle = """<a name="7.3">Modify values for field '%s'</a>""" % (fld_dict[fldID])
output = """<dl>
<dt>Value specific actions
<dd><a href="addexistingfieldvalue?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s#7.4">Add existing value to search option</a></dd>
<dd><a href="addnewfieldvalue?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s#7.4">Add new value to search option</a></dd>
<dd><a href="rearrangefieldvalue?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s#7.4">Order values alphabetically</a></dd>
""" % (colID, ln, fldID, colID, ln, fldID, colID, ln, fldID)
header = ['', 'Value name', 'Actions']
actions = []
sitelangs = get_languages()
lang = dict(sitelangs)
fld_type_list = fld_type.items()
col_fld = list(get_col_fld(colID, 'seo', fldID))
if len(col_fld) == 1 and col_fld[0][1] is None:
output += """<b><span class="info">No values added for this search option yet</span></b>"""
j = 0
for (fldID, fldvID, stype, score, score_fieldvalue) in col_fld:
fieldvalue = get_fld_value(fldvID)
move = ""
if j != 0:
move += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_fldvalue_1=%s&amp;id_fldvalue_2=%s&amp;rand=%s#7.3"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move up"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, fldID, fldvID, col_fld[j - 1][1], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
j += 1
if j != len(col_fld):
move += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_fldvalue_1=%s&amp;id_fldvalue_2=%s&amp;rand=%s#7.3"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move down"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, fldID, fldvID, col_fld[j][1], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
if fieldvalue[0][1] != fieldvalue[0][2] and fldvID is not None:
actions.append([move, "%s - %s" % (fieldvalue[0][1], fieldvalue[0][2])])
elif fldvID is not None:
actions.append([move, "%s" % fieldvalue[0][1]])
move = ''
for col in [(('Modify value', 'modifyfieldvalue'), ('Remove value', 'removefieldvalue'),)]:
actions[-1].append('<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s&amp;fldvID=%s&amp;fmeth=seo#7.4">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, col[0][1], colID, ln, fldID, fldvID, col[0][0]))
for (str, function) in col[1:]:
actions[-1][-1] += ' / <a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fldID=%s&amp;fldvID=%s#7.4">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, function, colID, ln, fldID, fldvID, str)
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
output += content
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
if len(col_fld) == 0:
output = content
return perform_showsearchoptions(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_showoutputformats(colID, ln, callback='yes', content='', confirm=-1):
"""shows the outputformats of the current collection
colID - the collection id."""
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
subtitle = """<a name="10">10. Modify output formats for collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.10">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
output = """
<dt>Output format actions (not specific to the chosen collection)
<dd>Go to the BibFormat interface to modify</dd>
<dt>Collection specific actions
<dd><a href="addexistingoutputformat?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s#10.2">Add existing output format to collection</a></dd>
""" % (colID, ln)
header = ['', 'Code', 'Output format', 'Actions']
actions = []
col_fmt = get_col_fmt(colID)
fmt_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "format"))
i = 0
if len(col_fmt) > 0:
for (id_format, colID_fld, code, score) in col_fmt:
move = """<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td>"""
if i != 0:
move += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;type=format&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;rand=%s#10"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move format up"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, id_format, col_fmt[i - 1][0], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
move += "</td><td>"
i += 1
if i != len(col_fmt):
move += '<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;type=format&amp;id_1=%s&amp;id_2=%s&amp;rand=%s#10"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move format down"></a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, id_format, col_fmt[i][0], random.randint(0, 1000), CFG_SITE_URL)
move += """</td></tr></table>"""
actions.append([move, code, fmt_dict[int(id_format)]])
for col in [(('Remove', 'removeoutputformat'),)]:
actions[-1].append('<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fmtID=%s#10">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, col[0][1], colID, ln, id_format, col[0][0]))
for (str, function) in col[1:]:
actions[-1][-1] += ' / <a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;fmtID=%s#10">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, function, colID, ln, id_format, str)
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
output += """No output formats exists for this collection"""
output += content
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_showoutputformats", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def external_collections_build_select(colID, external_collection):
output = '<select name="state" class="admin_w200">'
if external_collection.parser:
max_state = 4
max_state = 2
num_selected = external_collection_get_state(external_collection, colID)
for num in range(max_state):
if num == num_selected:
selected = ' selected'
selected = ''
output += '<option value="%(num)d"%(selected)s>%(state_name)s</option>' % {'num': num, 'selected': selected, 'state_name': state_name}
output += '</select>\n'
return output
def perform_manage_external_collections(colID, ln, callback='yes', content='', confirm=-1):
"""Show the interface to configure external collections to the user."""
colID = int(colID)
subtitle = """<a name="11">11. Configuration of related external collections</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.11">?</a>]</small>""" % CFG_SITE_URL
output = '<form action="update_external_collections" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="colID" value="%(colID)d">' % {'colID': colID}
table_header = ['External collection', 'Mode', 'Apply also to daughter collections?']
table_content = []
external_collections = external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(external_collections_dictionary.values())
for external_collection in external_collections:
collection_name =
select = external_collections_build_select(colID, external_collection)
recurse = '<input type=checkbox name="recurse" value="%(collection_name)s">' % {'collection_name': collection_name}
table_content.append([collection_name, select, recurse])
output += tupletotable(header=table_header, tuple=table_content)
output += '<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Modify"/>'
output += '</form>'
return addadminbox(subtitle, [output])
def perform_update_external_collections(colID, ln, state_list, recurse_list):
colID = int(colID)
changes = []
output = ""
if not state_list:
return 'Warning : No state found.<br />' + perform_manage_external_collections(colID, ln)
external_collections = external_collection_sort_engine_by_name(external_collections_dictionary.values())
if len(external_collections) != len(state_list):
return 'Warning : Size of state_list different from external_collections!<br />' + perform_manage_external_collections(colID, ln)
for (external_collection, state) in zip(external_collections, state_list):
state = int(state)
collection_name =
recurse = recurse_list and collection_name in recurse_list
oldstate = external_collection_get_state(external_collection, colID)
if oldstate != state or recurse:
changes += external_collection_get_update_state_list(external_collection, colID, state, recurse)
return output + '<br /><br />' + perform_manage_external_collections(colID, ln)
def perform_showdetailedrecordoptions(colID, ln, callback='yes', content='', confirm=-1):
"""Show the interface to configure detailed record page to the user."""
colID = int(colID)
subtitle = """<a name="12">12. Configuration of detailed record page</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.12">?</a>]</small>""" % CFG_SITE_URL
output = '''<form action="update_detailed_record_options" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="colID" value="%(colID)d">
<dt><b>Show tabs:</b></dt>
''' % {'colID': colID}
for (tab_id, tab_info) in get_detailed_page_tabs(colID).iteritems():
if tab_id == 'comments' and \
check = ''
output += '''<input type="checkbox" id="id%(tabid)s" name="tabs" value="%(tabid)s" %(check)s />
<label for="id%(tabid)s">&nbsp;%(label)s</label><br />
''' % {'tabid':tab_id,
'check':((tab_info['visible'] and 'checked="checked"') or ''),
output += '</dd></dl></td><td>'
output += '</td></tr></table><input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Modify"/>'
output += '''<input type="checkbox" id="recurse" name="recurse" value="1" />
<label for="recurse">&nbsp;Also apply to subcollections</label>'''
output += '</form>'
return addadminbox(subtitle, [output])
def perform_update_detailed_record_options(colID, ln, tabs, recurse):
"""Update the preferences for the tab to show/hide in the detailed record page."""
colID = int(colID)
changes = []
output = '<b><span class="info">Operation successfully completed.</span></b>'
if '' in tabs:
def update_settings(colID, tabs, recurse):
run_sql("DELETE FROM collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs WHERE id_collection=%s", (colID, ))
run_sql("REPLACE INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs" + \
" SET id_collection=%s, tabs=%s", (colID, ';'.join(tabs)))
## for enabled_tab in tabs:
## run_sql("REPLACE INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs" + \
## " SET id_collection='%s', tabs='%s'" % (colID, ';'.join(tabs)))
if recurse:
for descendant_id in get_collection_descendants(colID):
update_settings(descendant_id, tabs, recurse)
update_settings(colID, tabs, recurse)
## for colID in colIDs:
## run_sql("DELETE FROM collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs WHERE id_collection='%s'" % colID)
## for enabled_tab in tabs:
## run_sql("REPLACE INTO collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs" + \
## " SET id_collection='%s', tabs='%s'" % (colID, ';'.join(tabs)))
#if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_modifytranslations",
'<br /><br />' + output + '<br /><br />' + \
perform_showdetailedrecordoptions(colID, ln))
# return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
#return output + '<br /><br />' + perform_showdetailedrecordoptions(colID, ln)
def perform_addexistingoutputformat(colID, ln, fmtID=-1, callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""form to add an existing output format to a collection.
colID - the collection the format should be added to
fmtID - the format to add."""
subtitle = """<a name="10.2"></a>Add existing output format to collection"""
output = ""
if fmtID not in [-1, "-1"] and confirm in [1, "1"]:
ares = add_col_fmt(colID, fmtID)
colID = int(colID)
res = get_def_name('', "format")
fmt_dict = dict(res)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
col_fmt = get_col_fmt(colID)
col_fmt = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[2]), col_fmt))
if len(res) > 0:
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Output format</span>
<select name="fmtID" class="admin_w200">
<option value="-1">- Select output format -</option>
for (id, name) in res:
if not col_fmt.has_key(id):
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>
""" % (id, id == int(fmtID) and 'selected="selected"' or '', name)
text += """</select><br />
output += createhiddenform(action="addexistingoutputformat#10.2",
output = """No existing output formats to add, please create a new one."""
if fmtID not in [-1, "-1"] and confirm in [1, "1"]:
output += write_outcome(ares)
elif fmtID in [-1, "-1"] and confirm not in [-1, "-1"]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Please select output format.</span></b>"""
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_showoutputformats(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_deleteoutputformat(colID, ln, fmtID=-1, callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""form to delete an output format not in use.
colID - the collection id of the current collection.
fmtID - the format id to delete."""
subtitle = """<a name="10.3"></a>Delete an unused output format"""
output = """
<dd>Deleting an output format will also delete the translations associated.</dd>
colID = int(colID)
if fmtID not in [-1, "-1"] and confirm in [1, "1"]:
fmt_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "format"))
old_colNAME = fmt_dict[int(fmtID)]
ares = delete_fmt(int(fmtID))
res = get_def_name('', "format")
fmt_dict = dict(res)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
col_fmt = get_col_fmt()
col_fmt = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[2]), col_fmt))
if len(res) > 0:
text = """
<span class="adminlabel">Output format</span>
<select name="fmtID" class="admin_w200">
text += """<option value="-1">- Select output format -"""
for (id, name) in res:
if not col_fmt.has_key(id):
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s""" % (id, id == int(fmtID) and 'selected="selected"' or '', name)
text += "</option>"
text += """</select><br />"""
output += createhiddenform(action="deleteoutputformat#10.3",
if fmtID not in [-1, "-1"]:
fmtID = int(fmtID)
if confirm in [0, "0"]:
text = """<b>Do you want to delete the output format '%s'.</b>
""" % fmt_dict[fmtID]
output += createhiddenform(action="deleteoutputformat#10.3",
elif confirm in [1, "1"]:
output += write_outcome(ares)
elif confirm not in [-1, "-1"]:
output += """<b><span class="info">Choose a output format to delete.</span></b>
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_showoutputformats(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_removeoutputformat(colID, ln, fmtID='', callback='yes', confirm=0):
"""form to remove an output format from a collection.
colID - the collection id of the current collection.
fmtID - the format id.
subtitle = """<a name="10.5"></a>Remove output format"""
output = ""
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
fmt_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "format"))
if colID and fmtID:
colID = int(colID)
fmtID = int(fmtID)
if confirm in ["0", 0]:
text = """Do you want to remove the output format '%s' from the collection '%s'.""" % (fmt_dict[fmtID], col_dict[colID])
output += createhiddenform(action="removeoutputformat#10.5",
elif confirm in ["1", 1]:
res = remove_fmt(colID, fmtID)
output += write_outcome(res)
body = [output]
output = "<br />" + addadminbox(subtitle, body)
return perform_showoutputformats(colID, ln, content=output)
def perform_index(colID=1, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, mtype='', content='', confirm=0):
"""The index method, calling methods to show the collection tree, create new collections and add collections to tree.
subtitle = "Overview"
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
output = ""
fin_output = ""
if not col_dict.has_key(1):
res = add_col(CFG_SITE_NAME, '')
if res:
fin_output += """<b><span class="info">Created root collection.</span></b><br />"""
return "Cannot create root collection, please check database."
if CFG_SITE_NAME != run_sql("SELECT name from collection WHERE id=1")[0][0]:
res = run_sql("update collection set name=%s where id=1", (CFG_SITE_NAME, ))
if res:
fin_output += """<b><span class="info">The name of the root collection has been modified to be the same as the %(sitename)s installation name given prior to installing %(sitename)s.</span><b><br />""" % {'sitename' : CFG_SITE_NAME}
return "Error renaming root collection."
fin_output += """
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_showall">Show all</a></small></td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_addcollection">Create new collection</a></small></td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_addcollectiontotree">Attach collection to tree</a></small></td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_modifycollectiontree">Modify collection tree</a></small></td>
<td>4.&nbsp;<small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_checkwebcollstatus">Webcoll Status</a></small></td>
<td>5.&nbsp;<small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_checkcollectionstatus">Collection Status</a></small></td>
<td>6.&nbsp;<small><a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_checkexternalcollections">Check external collections</a></small></td>
<td>7.&nbsp;<small><a href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide?ln=%s">Guide</a></small></td>
""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, CFG_SITE_URL, ln)
if mtype == "":
fin_output += """<br /><br /><b><span class="info">To manage the collections, select an item from the menu.</span><b><br />"""
if mtype == "perform_addcollection" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_addcollection" or mtype == "perform_showall":
fin_output += perform_addcollection(colID=colID, ln=ln, callback='')
fin_output += "<br />"
if mtype == "perform_addcollectiontotree" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_addcollectiontotree" or mtype == "perform_showall":
fin_output += perform_addcollectiontotree(colID=colID, ln=ln, callback='')
fin_output += "<br />"
if mtype == "perform_modifycollectiontree" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_modifycollectiontree" or mtype == "perform_showall":
fin_output += perform_modifycollectiontree(colID=colID, ln=ln, callback='')
fin_output += "<br />"
if mtype == "perform_checkwebcollstatus" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_checkwebcollstatus" or mtype == "perform_showall":
fin_output += perform_checkwebcollstatus(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_checkcollectionstatus" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_checkcollectionstatus" or mtype == "perform_showall":
fin_output += perform_checkcollectionstatus(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_checkexternalcollections" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_checkexternalcollections" or mtype == "perform_showall":
fin_output += perform_checkexternalcollections(colID, ln, callback='')
body = [fin_output]
body = [fin_output]
return addadminbox('<b>Menu</b>', body)
def show_coll_not_in_tree(colID, ln, col_dict):
"""Returns collections not in tree"""
tree = get_col_tree(colID)
in_tree = {}
output = "These collections are not in the tree, and should be added:<br />"
for (id, up, down, dad, reltype) in tree:
in_tree[id] = 1
in_tree[dad] = 1
res = run_sql("SELECT id from collection")
if len(res) != len(in_tree):
for id in res:
if not in_tree.has_key(id[0]):
output += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s" title="Edit collection">%s</a> ,
""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, id[0], ln, col_dict[id[0]])
output += "<br /><br />"
output = ""
return output
def create_colltree(tree, col_dict, colID, ln, move_from='', move_to='', rtype='', edit=''):
"""Creates the presentation of the collection tree, with the buttons for modifying it.
tree - the tree to present, from get_tree()
col_dict - the name of the collections in a dictionary
colID - the collection id to start with
move_from - if a collection to be moved has been chosen
move_to - the collection which should be set as father of move_from
rtype - the type of the tree, regular or virtual
edit - if the method should output the edit buttons."""
if move_from:
move_from_rtype = move_from[0]
move_from_id = int(move_from[1:len(move_from)])
tree_from = get_col_tree(colID, move_from_rtype)
tree_to = get_col_tree(colID, rtype)
tables = 0
tstack = []
i = 0
text = """
<table border ="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">"""
for i in range(0, len(tree)):
id_son = tree[i][0]
up = tree[i][1]
down = tree[i][2]
dad = tree[i][3]
reltype = tree[i][4]
tmove_from = ""
j = i
while j > 0:
j = j - 1
if tstack[j][1] == dad:
table = tstack[j][2]
for k in range(0, tables - table):
tables = tables - 1
text += """</table></td></tr>
except StandardError, e:
text += """<tr><td>
if i > 0 and tree[i][1] == 0:
tables = tables + 1
text += """</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
if i == 0:
tstack.append((id_son, dad, 1))
tstack.append((id_son, dad, tables))
if up == 1 and edit:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;move_up=%s&amp;rtype=%s#%s"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move collection up"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, i, rtype, tree[i][0], CFG_SITE_URL)
text += """&nbsp;"""
text += "</td><td>"
if down == 1 and edit:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;move_down=%s&amp;rtype=%s#%s"><img border="0" src="%s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move collection down"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, i, rtype, tree[i][0], CFG_SITE_URL)
text += """&nbsp;"""
text += "</td><td>"
if edit:
if move_from and move_to:
tmove_from = move_from
move_from = ''
if not (move_from == "" and i == 0) and not (move_from != "" and int(move_from[1:len(move_from)]) == i and rtype == move_from[0]):
check = "true"
if move_from:
#if tree_from[move_from_id][0] == tree_to[i][0] or not check_col(tree_to[i][0], tree_from[move_from_id][0]):
# check = ''
#elif not check_col(tree_to[i][0], tree_from[move_from_id][0]):
# check = ''
#if not check and (tree_to[i][0] == 1 and tree_from[move_from_id][3] == tree_to[i][0] and move_from_rtype != rtype):
# check = "true"
if check:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;move_from=%s&amp;move_to=%s%s&amp;rtype=%s#tree"><img border="0" src="%s/img/move_to.gif" title="Move '%s' to '%s'"></a>
""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, move_from, rtype, i, rtype, CFG_SITE_URL, col_dict[tree_from[int(move_from[1:len(move_from)])][0]], col_dict[tree_to[i][0]])
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;move_from=%s%s&amp;rtype=%s#%s"><img border="0" src="%s/img/move_from.gif" title="Move '%s' from this location."></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, rtype, i, rtype, tree[i][0], CFG_SITE_URL, col_dict[tree[i][0]])
except KeyError:
text += """<img border="0" src="%s/img/white_field.gif">
text += """<img border="0" src="%s/img/white_field.gif">
text += """
if edit:
text += """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s&amp;delete=%s&amp;rtype=%s#%s"><img border="0" src="%s/img/iconcross.gif" title="Remove colletion from tree"></a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, colID, ln, i, rtype, tree[i][0], CFG_SITE_URL)
except KeyError:
elif i != 0:
text += """<img border="0" src="%s/img/white_field.gif">
text += """</td><td>
if tmove_from:
move_from = tmove_from
text += """<a name="%s"></a>%s<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s" title="Edit collection">%s</a>%s%s%s""" % (tree[i][0], (reltype=="v" and '<i>' or ''), CFG_SITE_URL, tree[i][0], ln, col_dict[id_son], (move_to=="%s%s" %(rtype, i) and '&nbsp;<img border="0" src="%s/img/move_to.gif">' % CFG_SITE_URL or ''), (move_from=="%s%s" % (rtype, i) and '&nbsp;<img border="0" src="%s/img/move_from.gif">' % CFG_SITE_URL or ''), (reltype=="v" and '</i>' or ''))
except KeyError:
text += """</td></tr>
while tables > 0:
text += """</table></td></tr>
tables = tables - 1
text += """</table>
return text
def perform_deletecollection(colID, ln, confirm=-1, callback='yes'):
"""form to delete a collection
colID - id of collection
subtitle =''
output = """
<span class="warning">
<dd>When deleting a collection, you also deletes all data related to the collection like translations, relations to other collections and information about which rank methods to use.
<br />For more information, please go to the <a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide">WebSearch guide</a> and read the section regarding deleting a collection.</dd>
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
if colID != 1 and colID and col_dict.has_key(int(colID)):
colID = int(colID)
subtitle = """<a name="4">4. Delete collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.4">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
res = run_sql("SELECT * from collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s", (colID, ))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT * from collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s", (colID, ))
if not res and not res2:
if confirm in ["-1", -1]:
text = """Do you want to delete this collection."""
output += createhiddenform(action="deletecollection#4",
elif confirm in ["0", 0]:
text = """Are you sure you want to delete this collection."""
output += createhiddenform(action="deletecollection#4",
elif confirm in ["1", 1]:
result = delete_col(colID)
if not result:
raise Exception
output = """<b><span class="info">Can not delete a collection that is a part of the collection tree, remove collection from the tree and try again.</span></b>"""
subtitle = """4. Delete collection"""
output = """<b><span class="info">Not possible to delete the root collection</span></b>"""
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_deletecollection", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_editcollection(colID=1, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, mtype='', content=''):
"""interface to modify a collection. this method is calling other methods which again is calling this and sending back the output of the method.
if callback, the method will call perform_editcollection, if not, it will just return its output.
colID - id of the collection
mtype - the method that called this method.
content - the output from that method."""
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
if not col_dict.has_key(colID):
return """<b><span class="info">Collection deleted.</span></b>
fin_output = """
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s">Show all</a></small></td>
<td>1.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_modifydbquery">Modify collection query</a></small></td>
<td>2.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_modifyrestricted">Modify access restrictions</a></small></td>
<td>3.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_modifytranslations">Modify translations</a></small></td>
<td>4.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_deletecollection">Delete collection</a></small></td>
<td>5.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_showportalboxes">Modify portalboxes</a></small></td>
<td>6.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_showsearchfields#6">Modify search fields</a></small></td>
<td>7.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_showsearchoptions#7">Modify search options</a></small></td>
<td>8.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_showsortoptions#8">Modify sort options</a></small></td>
<td>9.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_modifyrankmethods#9">Modify rank options</a></small></td>
<td>10.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_showoutputformats#10">Modify output formats</a></small></td>
<td>11.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_manage_external_collections#11">Configuration of related external collections</a></small></td>
<td>12.&nbsp;<small><a href="editcollection?colID=%s&amp;ln=%s&amp;mtype=perform_showdetailedrecordoptions#12">Detailed record page options</a></small></td>
""" % (colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln, colID, ln)
if mtype == "perform_modifydbquery" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_modifydbquery" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_modifydbquery(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_modifyrestricted" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_modifyrestricted" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_modifyrestricted(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_modifytranslations" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_modifytranslations" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_modifytranslations(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_deletecollection" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_deletecollection" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_deletecollection(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_showportalboxes" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_showportalboxes" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_showportalboxes(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_showsearchfields" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_showsearchfields" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_showsearchfields(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_showsearchoptions" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_showsearchoptions" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_showsearchoptions(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_showsortoptions" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_showsortoptions" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_showsortoptions(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_modifyrankmethods" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_modifyrankmethods" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_modifyrankmethods(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_showoutputformats" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_showoutputformats" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_showoutputformats(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_manage_external_collections" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_manage_external_collections" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_manage_external_collections(colID, ln, callback='')
if mtype == "perform_showdetailedrecordoptions" and content:
fin_output += content
elif mtype == "perform_showdetailedrecordoptions" or not mtype:
fin_output += perform_showdetailedrecordoptions(colID, ln, callback='')
return addadminbox("Overview of edit options for collection '%s'" % col_dict[colID], [fin_output])
def perform_checkwebcollstatus(colID, ln, confirm=0, callback='yes'):
"""Check status of the collection tables with respect to the webcoll cache."""
subtitle = """<a name="11"></a>Webcoll Status&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#5">?</a>]""" % CFG_SITE_URL
output = ""
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
output += """<br /><b>Last updates:</b><br />"""
collection_table_update_time = ""
collection_web_update_time = ""
collection_table_update_time = get_table_update_time('collection')
output += "Collection table last updated: %s<br />" % collection_table_update_time
file = open("%s/collections/last_updated" % CFG_CACHEDIR)
collection_web_update_time = file.readline().strip()
output += "Collection cache last updated: %s<br />" % collection_web_update_time
# reformat collection_web_update_time to the format suitable for comparisons
collection_web_update_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
time.strptime(collection_web_update_time, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"))
except ValueError, e:
if collection_table_update_time > collection_web_update_time:
output += """<br /><b><span class="info">Warning: The collections have been modified since last time Webcoll was executed, to process the changes, Webcoll must be executed.</span></b><br />"""
header = ['ID', 'Name', 'Time', 'Status', 'Progress']
actions = []
output += """<br /><b>Last BibSched tasks:</b><br />"""
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='webcoll' and runtime< now() ORDER by runtime")
if len(res) > 0:
(id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress) = res[len(res) - 1]
webcoll__update_time = runtime
actions.append([id, proc, runtime, (status !="" and status or ''), (progress !="" and progress or '')])
actions.append(['', 'webcoll', '', '', 'Not executed yet'])
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='bibindex' and runtime< now() ORDER by runtime")
if len(res) > 0:
(id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress) = res[len(res) - 1]
actions.append([id, proc, runtime, (status !="" and status or ''), (progress !="" and progress or '')])
actions.append(['', 'bibindex', '', '', 'Not executed yet'])
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
output += """<br /><b>Next scheduled BibSched run:</b><br />"""
actions = []
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='webcoll' and runtime > now() ORDER by runtime")
webcoll_future = ""
if len(res) > 0:
(id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress) = res[0]
webcoll__update_time = runtime
actions.append([id, proc, runtime, (status !="" and status or ''), (progress !="" and progress or '')])
webcoll_future = "yes"
actions.append(['', 'webcoll', '', '', 'Not scheduled'])
res = run_sql("select id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress from schTASK where proc='bibindex' and runtime > now() ORDER by runtime")
bibindex_future = ""
if len(res) > 0:
(id, proc, host, user, runtime, sleeptime, arguments, status, progress) = res[0]
actions.append([id, proc, runtime, (status !="" and status or ''), (progress !="" and progress or '')])
bibindex_future = "yes"
actions.append(['', 'bibindex', '', '', 'Not scheduled'])
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
if webcoll_future == "":
output += """<br /><b><span class="info">Warning: Webcoll is not scheduled for a future run by bibsched, any updates to the collection will not be processed.</span></b><br />"""
if bibindex_future == "":
output += """<br /><b><span class="info">Warning: Bibindex is not scheduled for a future run by bibsched, any updates to the records will not be processed.</span></b><br />"""
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_index(colID, ln, "perform_checkwebcollstatus", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_modifyrestricted(colID, ln, rest='', callback='yes', confirm=-1):
"""modify which apache group is allowed to access the collection.
rest - the groupname"""
subtitle = ''
output = ""
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
action_id = acc_get_action_id(VIEWRESTRCOLL)
if colID and col_dict.has_key(int(colID)):
colID = int(colID)
subtitle = """<a name="2">2. Modify access restrictions for collection '%s'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="See guide" href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#3.2">?</a>]</small>""" % (col_dict[colID], CFG_SITE_URL)
output = """<p>Please note that CDS Invenio versions greater than <em>0.92.1</em> manage collection restriction via the standard
<strong><a href="/admin/webaccess/">WebAccess Admin Interface</a></strong> (action '%s').</p>
""" % (action_id, VIEWRESTRCOLL)
body = [output]
if callback:
return perform_editcollection(colID, ln, "perform_modifyrestricted", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_checkcollectionstatus(colID, ln, confirm=0, callback='yes'):
"""Check the configuration of the collections."""
from invenio.search_engine import collection_restricted_p
subtitle = """<a name="11"></a>Collection Status&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#6">?</a>]""" % CFG_SITE_URL
output = ""
colID = int(colID)
col_dict = dict(get_def_name('', "collection"))
collections = run_sql("SELECT id, name, dbquery FROM collection ORDER BY id")
header = ['ID', 'Name', 'Query', 'Subcollections', 'Restricted', 'Hosted', 'I18N', 'Status']
rnk_list = get_def_name('', "rnkMETHOD")
actions = []
for (id, name, dbquery) in collections:
reg_sons = len(get_col_tree(id, 'r'))
vir_sons = len(get_col_tree(id, 'v'))
status = ""
hosted = ""
if str(dbquery).startswith("hostedcollection:"): hosted = """<b><span class="info">Yes</span></b>"""
else: hosted = """<b><span class="info">No</span></b>"""
langs = run_sql("SELECT ln from collectionname where id_collection=%s", (id, ))
i8n = ""
if len(langs) > 0:
for lang in langs:
i8n += "%s, " % lang
i8n = """<b><span class="info">None</span></b>"""
if (reg_sons > 1 and dbquery) or dbquery=="":
status = """<b><span class="warning">1:Query</span></b>"""
elif dbquery is None and reg_sons == 1:
status = """<b><span class="warning">2:Query</span></b>"""
elif dbquery == "" and reg_sons == 1:
status = """<b><span class="warning">3:Query</span></b>"""
if (reg_sons > 1 or vir_sons > 1):
subs = """<b><span class="info">Yes</span></b>"""
subs = """<b><span class="info">No</span></b>"""
if dbquery is None:
dbquery = """<b><span class="info">No</span></b>"""
restricted = collection_restricted_p(name)
if restricted:
restricted = """<b><span class="warning">Yes</span></b>"""
if status:
status += """<b><span class="warning">,4:Restricted</span></b>"""
status += """<b><span class="warning">4:Restricted</span></b>"""
restricted = """<b><span class="info">No</span></b>"""
if status == "":
status = """<b><span class="info">OK</span></b>"""
actions.append([id, """<a href="%s/admin/websearch/;ln=%s">%s</a>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, id, ln, name), dbquery, subs, restricted, hosted, i8n, status])
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
body = [output]
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
if callback:
return perform_index(colID, ln, "perform_checkcollectionstatus", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_checkexternalcollections(colID, ln, icl=None, update="", confirm=0, callback='yes'):
"""Check the external collections for inconsistencies."""
subtitle = """<a name="7"></a>Check external collections&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="%s/help/admin/websearch-admin-guide#7">?</a>]""" % CFG_SITE_URL
output = ""
colID = int(colID)
if icl:
if update == "add":
# icl : the "inconsistent list" comes as a string, it has to be converted back into a list
icl = eval(icl)
#icl = icl[1:-1].split(',')
for collection in icl:
#collection = str(collection[1:-1])
query_select = "SELECT name FROM externalcollection WHERE name like '%(name)s';" % {'name': collection}
results_select = run_sql(query_select)
if not results_select:
query_insert = "INSERT INTO externalcollection (name) VALUES ('%(name)s');" % {'name': collection}
output += """<br /><span class=info>New collection \"%s\" has been added to the database table \"externalcollection\".</span><br />""" % (collection)
output += """<br /><span class=info>Collection \"%s\" has already been added to the database table \"externalcollection\" or was already there.</span><br />""" % (collection)
elif update == "del":
# icl : the "inconsistent list" comes as a string, it has to be converted back into a list
icl = eval(icl)
#icl = icl[1:-1].split(',')
for collection in icl:
#collection = str(collection[1:-1])
query_select = "SELECT id FROM externalcollection WHERE name like '%(name)s';" % {'name': collection}
results_select = run_sql(query_select)
if results_select:
query_delete = "DELETE FROM externalcollection WHERE id like '%(id)s';" % {'id': results_select[0][0]}
query_delete_states = "DELETE FROM collection_externalcollection WHERE id_externalcollection like '%(id)s';" % {'id': results_select[0][0]}
output += """<br /><span class=info>Collection \"%s\" has been deleted from the database table \"externalcollection\".</span><br />""" % (collection)
output += """<br /><span class=info>Collection \"%s\" has already been delete from the database table \"externalcollection\" or was never there.</span><br />""" % (collection)
external_collections_file = []
external_collections_db = []
for coll in external_collections_dictionary.values():
query = """SELECT name from externalcollection"""
results = run_sql(query)
for result in results:
number_file = len(external_collections_file)
number_db = len(external_collections_db)
if external_collections_file == external_collections_db:
output += """<br /><span class="info">External collections are consistent.</span><br /><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- database table \"externalcollection\" has %(number_db)s collections<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- configuration file \"\" has %(number_file)s collections""" % {
"number_db" : number_db,
"number_file" : number_file}
elif len(external_collections_file) > len(external_collections_db):
external_collections_diff = list(set(external_collections_file) - set(external_collections_db))
if external_collections_file == external_collections_db:
output += """<br /><span class="warning">There is an inconsistency:</span><br /><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- database table \"externalcollection\" has %(number_db)s collections
&nbsp;(<span class="warning">missing: %(diff)s</span>)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- configuration file \"\" has %(number_file)s collections
<br /><br /><a href="%(site_url)s/admin/websearch/;icl=%(diff)s&amp;update=add&amp;ln=%(ln)s">
Click here</a> to update your database adding the missing collections. If the problem persists please check your configuration manually.""" % {
"number_db" : number_db,
"number_file" : number_file,
"diff" : external_collections_diff,
"site_url" : CFG_SITE_URL,
"colID" : colID,
"ln" : ln}
output += """<br /><span class="warning">There is an inconsistency:</span><br /><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- database table \"externalcollection\" has %(number_db)s collections<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- configuration file \"\" has %(number_file)s collections
<br /><br /><span class="warning">The external collections do not match.</span>
<br />To fix the problem please check your configuration manually.""" % {
"number_db" : number_db,
"number_file" : number_file}
elif len(external_collections_file) < len(external_collections_db):
external_collections_diff = list(set(external_collections_db) - set(external_collections_file))
if external_collections_file == external_collections_db:
output += """<br /><span class="warning">There is an inconsistency:</span><br /><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- database table \"externalcollection\" has %(number_db)s collections
&nbsp;(<span class="warning">extra: %(diff)s</span>)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- configuration file \"\" has %(number_file)s collections
<br /><br /><a href="%(site_url)s/admin/websearch/;icl=%(diff)s&amp;update=del&amp;ln=%(ln)s">
Click here</a> to force remove the extra collections from your database (warning: use with caution!). If the problem persists please check your configuration manually.""" % {
"number_db" : number_db,
"number_file" : number_file,
"diff" : external_collections_diff,
"site_url" : CFG_SITE_URL,
"colID" : colID,
"ln" : ln}
output += """<br /><span class="warning">There is an inconsistency:</span><br /><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- database table \"externalcollection\" has %(number_db)s collections<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- configuration file \"\" has %(number_file)s collections
<br /><br /><span class="warning">The external collections do not match.</span>
<br />To fix the problem please check your configuration manually.""" % {
"number_db" : number_db,
"number_file" : number_file}
output += """<br /><span class="warning">There is an inconsistency:</span><br /><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- database table \"externalcollection\" has %(number_db)s collections<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- configuration file \"\" has %(number_file)s collections
<br /><br /><span class="warning">The number of external collections is the same but the collections do not match.</span>
<br />To fix the problem please check your configuration manually.""" % {
"number_db" : number_db,
"number_file" : number_file}
body = [output]
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
if callback:
return perform_index(colID, ln, "perform_checkexternalcollections", addadminbox(subtitle, body))
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def get_col_tree(colID, rtype=''):
"""Returns a presentation of the tree as a list. TODO: Add loop detection
colID - startpoint for the tree
rtype - get regular or virtual part of the tree"""
colID = int(colID)
stack = [colID]
ssize = 0
tree = [(colID, 0, 0, colID, 'r')]
while len(stack) > 0:
ccolID = stack.pop()
if ccolID == colID and rtype:
res = run_sql("SELECT id_son, score, type FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s AND type=%s ORDER BY score ASC,id_son", (ccolID, rtype))
res = run_sql("SELECT id_son, score, type FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s ORDER BY score ASC,id_son", (ccolID, ))
ssize += 1
ntree = []
for i in range(0, len(res)):
id_son = res[i][0]
score = res[i][1]
rtype = res[i][2]
if i == (len(res) - 1):
up = 0
up = 1
if i == 0:
down = 0
down = 1
ntree.insert(0, (id_son, up, down, ccolID, rtype))
tree = tree[0:ssize] + ntree + tree[ssize:len(tree)]
return tree
except StandardError, e:
return ()
def add_col_dad_son(add_dad, add_son, rtype):
"""Add a son to a collection (dad)
add_dad - add to this collection id
add_son - add this collection id
rtype - either regular or virtual"""
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s ORDER BY score ASC", (add_dad, ))
highscore = 0
for score in res:
if int(score[0]) > highscore:
highscore = int(score[0])
highscore += 1
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_collection(id_dad,id_son,score,type) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (add_dad, add_son, highscore, rtype))
return (1, highscore)
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def compare_on_val(first, second):
"""Compare the two values"""
return cmp(first[1], second[1])
def get_col_fld(colID=-1, type = '', id_field=''):
"""Returns either all portalboxes associated with a collection, or based on either colID or language or both.
colID - collection id
ln - language id"""
sql = "SELECT id_field,id_fieldvalue,type,score,score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue, field WHERE"
params = []
if colID > -1:
sql += " AND id_collection=%s"
if id_field:
sql += " AND id_field=%s"
if type:
sql += " AND type=%s"
sql += " ORDER BY type, score desc, score_fieldvalue desc"
res = run_sql(sql, tuple(params))
return res
def get_col_pbx(colID=-1, ln='', position = ''):
"""Returns either all portalboxes associated with a collection, or based on either colID or language or both.
colID - collection id
ln - language id"""
sql = "SELECT id_portalbox, id_collection, ln, score, position, title, body FROM collection_portalbox, portalbox WHERE id_portalbox ="
params = []
if colID > -1:
sql += " AND id_collection=%s"
if ln:
sql += " AND ln=%s"
if position:
sql += " AND position=%s"
sql += " ORDER BY position, ln, score desc"
res = run_sql(sql, tuple(params))
return res
def get_col_fmt(colID=-1):
"""Returns all formats currently associated with a collection, or for one specific collection
colID - the id of the collection"""
if colID not in [-1, "-1"]:
res = run_sql("SELECT id_format, id_collection, code, score FROM collection_format, format WHERE id_format = AND id_collection=%s ORDER BY score desc", (colID, ))
res = run_sql("SELECT id_format, id_collection, code, score FROM collection_format, format WHERE id_format = ORDER BY score desc")
return res
def get_col_rnk(colID, ln):
""" Returns a list of the rank methods the given collection is attached to
colID - id from collection"""
res1 = dict(run_sql("SELECT id_rnkMETHOD, '' FROM collection_rnkMETHOD WHERE id_collection=%s", (colID, )))
res2 = get_def_name('', "rnkMETHOD")
result = filter(lambda x: res1.has_key(x[0]), res2)
return result
except StandardError, e:
return ()
def get_pbx():
"""Returns all portalboxes"""
res = run_sql("SELECT id, title, body FROM portalbox ORDER by title,body")
return res
def get_fld_value(fldvID = ''):
"""Returns fieldvalue"""
sql = "SELECT id, name, value FROM fieldvalue"
params = []
if fldvID:
sql += " WHERE id=%s"
sql += " ORDER BY name"
res = run_sql(sql, tuple(params))
return res
def get_pbx_pos():
"""Returns a list of all the positions for a portalbox"""
position = {}
position["rt"] = "Right Top"
position["lt"] = "Left Top"
position["te"] = "Title Epilog"
position["tp"] = "Title Prolog"
position["ne"] = "Narrow by coll epilog"
position["np"] = "Narrow by coll prolog"
return position
def get_sort_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the fields"""
type = {}
type['soo'] = 'Sort options'
type['seo'] = 'Search options'
type['sew'] = 'Search within'
return type
def get_fmt_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the output formats"""
type = []
type.append(('ln', 'Long name'))
return type
def get_fld_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the fields"""
type = []
type.append(('ln', 'Long name'))
return type
def get_col_nametypes():
"""Return a list of the various translationnames for the collections"""
type = []
type.append(('ln', 'Long name'))
return type
def find_last(tree, start_son):
"""Find the previous collection in the tree with the same father as start_son"""
id_dad = tree[start_son][3]
while start_son > 0:
start_son -= 1
if tree[start_son][3] == id_dad:
return start_son
def find_next(tree, start_son):
"""Find the next collection in the tree with the same father as start_son"""
id_dad = tree[start_son][3]
while start_son < len(tree):
start_son += 1
if tree[start_son][3] == id_dad:
return start_son
def remove_col_subcol(id_son, id_dad, type):
"""Remove a collection as a son of another collection in the tree, if collection isn't used elsewhere in the tree, remove all registered sons of the id_son.
id_son - collection id of son to remove
id_dad - the id of the dad"""
if id_son != id_dad:
tree = get_col_tree(id_son)
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s", (id_son, id_dad))
tree = get_col_tree(id_son, type)
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s and type=%s", (id_son, id_dad, type))
if not run_sql("SELECT * from collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and type=%s", (id_son, type)):
for (id, up, down, dad, rtype) in tree:
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s", (id, dad))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def check_col(add_dad, add_son):
"""Check if the collection can be placed as a son of the dad without causing loops.
add_dad - collection id
add_son - collection id"""
stack = [add_dad]
res = run_sql("SELECT id_dad FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s AND id_son=%s", (add_dad, add_son))
if res:
raise StandardError
while len(stack) > 0:
colID = stack.pop()
res = run_sql("SELECT id_dad FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s", (colID, ))
for id in res:
if int(id[0]) == int(add_son):
raise StandardError
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def attach_rnk_col(colID, rnkID):
"""attach rank method to collection
rnkID - id from rnkMETHOD table
colID - id of collection, as in collection table """
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_rnkMETHOD(id_collection, id_rnkMETHOD) values (%s,%s)", (colID, rnkID))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def detach_rnk_col(colID, rnkID):
"""detach rank method from collection
rnkID - id from rnkMETHOD table
colID - id of collection, as in collection table """
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_rnkMETHOD WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_rnkMETHOD=%s", (colID, rnkID))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_col_treescore(col_1, col_2):
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s", (col_1[3], col_1[0]))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s", (col_2[3], col_2[0]))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_collection SET score=%s WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s", (res2[0][0], col_1[3], col_1[0]))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_collection SET score=%s WHERE id_dad=%s and id_son=%s", (res1[0][0], col_2[3], col_2[0]))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def move_col_tree(col_from, col_to, move_to_rtype=''):
"""Move a collection from one point in the tree to another. becomes a son of the endpoint.
col_from - move this collection from current point
col_to - and set it as a son of this collection.
move_to_rtype - either virtual or regular collection"""
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s ORDER BY score asc", (col_to[0], ))
highscore = 0
for score in res:
if int(score[0]) > highscore:
highscore = int(score[0])
highscore += 1
if not move_to_rtype:
move_to_rtype = col_from[4]
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s and id_dad=%s", (col_from[0], col_from[3]))
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_collection(id_dad,id_son,score,type) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (col_to[0], col_from[0], highscore, move_to_rtype))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def remove_pbx(colID, pbxID, ln):
"""Removes a portalbox from the collection given.
colID - the collection the format is connected to
pbxID - the portalbox which should be removed from the collection.
ln - the language of the portalbox to be removed"""
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_portalbox=%s AND ln=%s", (colID, pbxID, ln))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def remove_fmt(colID, fmtID):
"""Removes a format from the collection given.
colID - the collection the format is connected to
fmtID - the format which should be removed from the collection."""
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_format WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_format=%s", (colID, fmtID))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def remove_fld(colID, fldID, fldvID=''):
"""Removes a field from the collection given.
colID - the collection the format is connected to
fldID - the field which should be removed from the collection."""
sql = "DELETE FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s"
params = [colID, fldID]
if fldvID:
if fldvID != "None":
sql += " AND id_fieldvalue=%s"
sql += " AND id_fieldvalue is NULL"
res = run_sql(sql, tuple(params))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def delete_fldv(fldvID):
"""Deletes all data for the given fieldvalue
fldvID - delete all data in the tables associated with fieldvalue and this id"""
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_fieldvalue=%s", (fldvID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM fieldvalue WHERE id=%s", (fldvID, ))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def delete_pbx(pbxID):
"""Deletes all data for the given portalbox
pbxID - delete all data in the tables associated with portalbox and this id """
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_portalbox=%s", (pbxID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM portalbox WHERE id=%s", (pbxID, ))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def delete_fmt(fmtID):
"""Deletes all data for the given format
fmtID - delete all data in the tables associated with format and this id """
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM format WHERE id=%s", (fmtID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_format WHERE id_format=%s", (fmtID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM formatname WHERE id_format=%s", (fmtID, ))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def delete_col(colID):
"""Deletes all data for the given collection
colID - delete all data in the tables associated with collection and this id """
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection WHERE id=%s", (colID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collectionname WHERE id_collection=%s", (colID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_rnkMETHOD WHERE id_collection=%s", (colID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_dad=%s", (colID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_collection WHERE id_son=%s", (colID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s", (colID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_format WHERE id_collection=%s", (colID, ))
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s", (colID, ))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_fmt(code, name, rtype):
"""Add a new output format. Returns the id of the format.
code - the code for the format, max 6 chars.
name - the default name for the default language of the format.
rtype - the default nametype"""
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO format (code, name) values (%s,%s)", (code, name))
fmtID = run_sql("SELECT id FROM format WHERE code=%s", (code,))
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO formatname(id_format, type, ln, value) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)",
(fmtID[0][0], rtype, CFG_SITE_LANG, name))
return (1, fmtID)
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def update_fldv(fldvID, name, value):
"""Modify existing fieldvalue
fldvID - id of fieldvalue to modify
value - the value of the fieldvalue
name - the name of the fieldvalue."""
res = run_sql("UPDATE fieldvalue set name=%s where id=%s", (name, fldvID))
res = run_sql("UPDATE fieldvalue set value=%s where id=%s", (value, fldvID))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_fldv(name, value):
"""Add a new fieldvalue, returns id of fieldvalue
value - the value of the fieldvalue
name - the name of the fieldvalue."""
res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM fieldvalue WHERE name=%s and value=%s", (name, value))
if not res:
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO fieldvalue (name, value) values (%s,%s)", (name, value))
res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM fieldvalue WHERE name=%s and value=%s", (name, value))
if res:
return (1, res[0][0])
raise StandardError
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_pbx(title, body):
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO portalbox (title, body) values (%s,%s)", (title, body))
res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM portalbox WHERE title=%s AND body=%s", (title, body))
if res:
return (1, res[0][0])
raise StandardError
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_col(colNAME, dbquery=None):
"""Adds a new collection to collection table
colNAME - the default name for the collection, saved to collection and collectionname
dbquery - query related to the collection"""
# BTW, sometimes '' are passed instead of None, so change them to None
if not dbquery:
dbquery = None
rtype = get_col_nametypes()[0][0]
colID = run_sql("SELECT id FROM collection WHERE id=1")
if colID:
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection (name,dbquery) VALUES (%s,%s)",
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection (id,name,dbquery) VALUES (1,%s,%s)",
colID = run_sql("SELECT id FROM collection WHERE name=%s", (colNAME,))
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collectionname(id_collection, type, ln, value) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)",
(colID[0][0], rtype, CFG_SITE_LANG, colNAME))
if colID:
return (1, colID[0][0])
raise StandardError
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_col_pbx(colID, pbxID, ln, position, score=''):
"""add a portalbox to the collection.
colID - the id of the collection involved
pbxID - the portalbox to add
ln - which language the portalbox is for
score - decides which portalbox is the most important
position - position on page the portalbox should appear."""
if score:
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_portalbox(id_portalbox, id_collection, ln, score, position) values (%s,%s,'%s',%s,%s)", (pbxID, colID, ln, score, position))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s and ln=%s and position=%s ORDER BY score desc, ln, position", (colID, ln, position))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0])
score = 0
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_portalbox(id_portalbox, id_collection, ln, score, position) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (pbxID, colID, ln, (score + 1), position))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_col_fmt(colID, fmtID, score=''):
"""Add a output format to the collection.
colID - the id of the collection involved
fmtID - the id of the format.
score - the score of the format, decides sorting, if not given, place the format on top"""
if score:
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_format(id_format, id_collection, score) values (%s,%s,%s)", (fmtID, colID, score))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_format WHERE id_collection=%s ORDER BY score desc", (colID, ))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0])
score = 0
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_format(id_format, id_collection, score) values (%s,%s,%s)", (fmtID, colID, (score + 1)))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_col_fld(colID, fldID, type, fldvID=''):
"""Add a sort/search/field to the collection.
colID - the id of the collection involved
fldID - the id of the field.
fldvID - the id of the fieldvalue.
type - which type, seo, sew...
score - the score of the format, decides sorting, if not given, place the format on top"""
if fldvID and fldvID not in [-1, "-1"]:
run_sql("DELETE FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s and type=%s and id_fieldvalue is NULL", (colID, fldID, type))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s and type=%s ORDER BY score desc", (colID, fldID, type))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0])
res = run_sql("SELECT score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND id_field=%s and type=%s ORDER BY score_fieldvalue desc", (colID, fldID, type))
res = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and type=%s ORDER BY score desc", (colID, type))
if res:
score = int(res[0][0]) + 1
score = 1
res = run_sql("SELECT * FROM collection_field_fieldvalue where id_field=%s and id_collection=%s and type=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s", (fldID, colID, type, fldvID))
if not res:
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=score_fieldvalue+1 WHERE id_field=%s AND id_collection=%s and type=%s", (fldID, colID, type))
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_field_fieldvalue(id_field, id_fieldvalue, id_collection, type, score, score_fieldvalue) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (fldID, fldvID, colID, type, score, 1))
return (0, (1, "Already exists"))
res = run_sql("SELECT * FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s AND type=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue is NULL", (colID, type, fldID))
if res:
return (0, (1, "Already exists"))
run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=score+1")
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO collection_field_fieldvalue(id_field, id_collection, type, score,score_fieldvalue) values (%s,%s,%s,%s, 0)", (fldID, colID, type, 1))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def modify_dbquery(colID, dbquery=None):
"""Modify the dbquery of an collection.
colID - the id of the collection involved
dbquery - the new dbquery"""
# BTW, sometimes '' is passed instead of None, so change it to None
if not dbquery:
dbquery = None
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection SET dbquery=%s WHERE id=%s", (dbquery, colID))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def modify_pbx(colID, pbxID, sel_ln, score='', position='', title='', body=''):
"""Modify a portalbox
colID - the id of the collection involved
pbxID - the id of the portalbox that should be modified
sel_ln - the language of the portalbox that should be modified
title - the title
body - the content
score - if several portalboxes in one position, who should appear on top.
position - position on page"""
if title:
res = run_sql("UPDATE portalbox SET title=%s WHERE id=%s", (title, pbxID))
if body:
res = run_sql("UPDATE portalbox SET body=%s WHERE id=%s", (body, pbxID))
if score:
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln=%s", (score, colID, pbxID, sel_ln))
if position:
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET position=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln=%s", (position, colID, pbxID, sel_ln))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_fld_score(colID, id_1, id_2):
"""Switch the scores of id_1 and id_2 in collection_field_fieldvalue
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s", (colID, id_1))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s", (colID, id_2))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s", (res2[0][0], colID, id_1))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s", (res1[0][0], colID, id_2))
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_fld_value_score(colID, id_1, fldvID_1, fldvID_2):
"""Switch the scores of two field_value
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s", (colID, id_1, fldvID_1))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score_fieldvalue FROM collection_field_fieldvalue WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s", (colID, id_1, fldvID_2))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s", (res2[0][0], colID, id_1, fldvID_1))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_field_fieldvalue SET score_fieldvalue=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_field=%s and id_fieldvalue=%s", (res1[0][0], colID, id_1, fldvID_2))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_pbx_score(colID, id_1, id_2, sel_ln):
"""Switch the scores of id_1 and id_2 in the table given by the argument.
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln=%s", (colID, id_1, sel_ln))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_portalbox WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln=%s", (colID, id_2, sel_ln))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln=%s", (res2[0][0], colID, id_1, sel_ln))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_portalbox SET score=%s WHERE id_collection=%s and id_portalbox=%s and ln=%s", (res1[0][0], colID, id_2, sel_ln))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def switch_score(colID, id_1, id_2, table):
"""Switch the scores of id_1 and id_2 in the table given by the argument.
colID - collection the id_1 or id_2 is connected to
id_1/id_2 - id field from tables like format..portalbox...
table - name of the table"""
res1 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_%s WHERE id_collection=%%s and id_%s=%%s" % (table, table), (colID, id_1))
res2 = run_sql("SELECT score FROM collection_%s WHERE id_collection=%%s and id_%s=%%s" % (table, table), (colID, id_2))
if res1[0][0] == res2[0][0]:
return (0, (1, "Cannot rearrange the selected fields, either rearrange by name or use the mySQL client to fix the problem."))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_%s SET score=%%s WHERE id_collection=%%s and id_%s=%%s" % (table, table), (res2[0][0], colID, id_1))
res = run_sql("UPDATE collection_%s SET score=%%s WHERE id_collection=%%s and id_%s=%%s" % (table, table), (res1[0][0], colID, id_2))
return (1, "")
except Exception, e:
return (0, e)
def get_detailed_page_tabs(colID=None, recID=None, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
Returns the complete list of tabs to be displayed in the
detailed record pages.
Returned structured is a dict with
- key : last component of the url that leads to detailed record tab: http:www.../record/74/key
- values: a dictionary with the following keys:
- label: *string* label to be printed as tab (Not localized here)
- visible: *boolean* if False, tab should not be shown
- enabled: *boolean* if True, tab should be disabled
- order: *int* position of the tab in the list of tabs
- ln: language of the tab labels
returns dict
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
tabs = {'metadata' : {'label': _('Information'), 'visible': False, 'enabled': True, 'order': 1},
'references': {'label': _('References'), 'visible': False, 'enabled': True, 'order': 2},
'citations' : {'label': _('Citations'), 'visible': False, 'enabled': True, 'order': 3},
'keywords' : {'label': _('Keywords'), 'visible': False, 'enabled': True, 'order': 4},
'comments' : {'label': _('Discussion'), 'visible': False, 'enabled': True, 'order': 5},
'usage' : {'label': _('Usage statistics'), 'visible': False, 'enabled': True, 'order': 6},
'files' : {'label': _('Fulltext'), 'visible': False, 'enabled': True, 'order': 7},
'holdings' : {'label': _('Holdings'), 'visible': False, 'enabled': True, 'order': 8},
res = run_sql("SELECT tabs FROM collectiondetailedrecordpagetabs " + \
"WHERE id_collection=%s", (colID, ))
if len(res) > 0:
tabs_state = res[0][0].split(';')
for tab_state in tabs_state:
if tabs.has_key(tab_state):
tabs[tab_state]['visible'] = True;
# no preference set for this collection.
# assume all tabs are displayed
for key in tabs.keys():
tabs[key]['visible'] = True
tabs['comments']['visible'] = False
tabs['comments']['enabled'] = False
if recID is not None:
# Disable references if no references found
#bfo = BibFormatObject(recID)
#if bfe_references.format(bfo, '', '') == '':
# tabs['references']['enabled'] = False
## FIXME: the above was commented out because bfe_references
## may be too slow. And we do not really need this anyway
## because we can disable tabs in WebSearch Admin on a
## collection-by-collection basis. If we need this, then we
## should probably call bfo.fields('999') here that should be
## much faster than calling bfe_references.
# Disable citations if not citations found
#if len(get_cited_by(recID)) == 0:
# tabs['citations']['enabled'] = False
## FIXME: the above was commented out because get_cited_by()
## may be too slow. And we do not really need this anyway
## because we can disable tags in WebSearch Admin on a
## collection-by-collection basis.
# Disable fulltext if no file found
brd = BibRecDocs(recID)
if len(brd.list_bibdocs()) == 0:
tabs['files']['enabled'] = False
#Disable holdings tab if collection != Books
collection = run_sql("""select name from collection where id=%s""", (colID, ))
if collection[0][0] != 'Books':
tabs['holdings']['enabled'] = False
tabs[''] = tabs['metadata']
del tabs['metadata']
return tabs

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