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File Metadata

Fri, Sep 27, 23:57

## $Id$
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Stamp_Uploaded_Files: A WebSubmit Function whose job is to stamp given
files that were uploaded during a submission.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
from invenio.errorlib import register_exception
from invenio import websubmit_file_stamper
from invenio.websubmit_config import InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning, \
InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError, InvenioWebSubmitFileStamperError
import os.path, shutil, re
def Stamp_Uploaded_Files(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
"""Stamp certain files that have been uploaded during a submission.
@param parameters: (dictionary) - must contain:
+ latex_template: (string) - the name of the LaTeX template that
should be used for the creation of the stamp.
+ latex_template_vars: (string) - a string-ified dictionary of
variables to be replaced in the LaTeX template and the values
(or names of files in curdir containing the values) with which to
replace them.
+ files_to_be_stamped: (string) - The directories in which files
should be stamped: This is a comma-separated list of directory
names. E.g.:
+ stamp: (string) - the type of stamp to be applied to the files.
should be one of:
+ first (only the first page is stamped);
+ all (all pages are stamped);
+ coverpage (a separate cover-page is added to the file as a
first page);
If all goes according to plan, for each directory in which files are to
be stamped, the original, unstamped files should be found in a
directory 'files_before_stamping/DIRNAME', and the stamped versions
should be found under 'files/DIRNAME'. E.g., for DEMOTHESIS_Main:
- Unstamped: files_before_stamping/DEMOTHESIS_Main
- Stamped: files/DEMOTHESIS_Main
## The file stamper needs to be called with a dictionary of options of
## the following format:
## { 'latex-template' : "", ## TEMPLATE_NAME
## 'latex-template-var' : {}, ## TEMPLATE VARIABLES
## 'input-file' : "", ## INPUT FILE
## 'output-file' : "", ## OUTPUT FILE
## 'stamp' : "", ## STAMP TYPE
## 'verbosity' : 0, ## VERBOSITY (we don't care about it)
## }
file_stamper_options = { 'latex-template' : "",
'latex-template-var' : { },
'input-file' : "",
'output-file' : "",
'stamp' : "",
'verbosity' : 0,
## A dictionary of arguments to be passed to visit_for_stamping:
visit_for_stamping_arguments = { 'curdir' : curdir,
'file_stamper_options' : \
'user_info' : user_info
## Start by getting the parameter-values from WebSubmit:
## The name of the LaTeX template to be used for stamp creation:
latex_template = "%s" % ((type(parameters['latex_template']) is str \
and parameters['latex_template']) or "")
## A string containing the variables/values that should be substituted
## in the final (working) LaTeX template:
latex_template_vars_string = "%s" % \
((type(parameters['latex_template_vars']) is str \
and parameters['latex_template_vars']) or "")
## The type of stamp to be applied to the file(s):
stamp = "%s" % ((type(parameters['stamp']) is str and \
parameters['stamp'].lower()) or "")
## The directories in which files should be stamped:
## This is a comma-separated list of directory names. E.g.:
stamp_content_of = "%s" % ((type(parameters['files_to_be_stamped']) \
is str and parameters['files_to_be_stamped']) \
or "")
## Now split the list (of directories in which to stamp files) on commas:
if stamp_content_of.strip() != "":
stamping_locations = stamp_content_of.split(",")
stamping_locations = []
if len(stamping_locations) == 0:
## If there are no items to be stamped, don't continue:
return ""
## Strip the LaTeX filename into the basename (All templates should be
## in the template repository):
latex_template = os.path.basename(latex_template)
## Convert the string of latex template variables into a dictionary
## of search-term/replacement-term pairs:
latex_template_vars = get_dictionary_from_string(latex_template_vars_string)
## For each of the latex variables, check in `CURDIR' for a file with that
## name. If found, use it's contents as the template-variable's value.
## If not, just use the raw value string already held by the template
## variable:
latex_template_varnames = latex_template_vars.keys()
for varname in latex_template_varnames:
## Get this variable's value:
varvalue = latex_template_vars[varname].strip()
if not ((varvalue.find("date(") == 0 and varvalue[-1] == ")") or \
(varvalue.find("include(") == 0 and varvalue[-1] == ")")) \
and varvalue != "":
## We don't want to interfere with date() or include() directives,
## so we only do this if the variable value didn't contain them:
if os.access("%s/%s" % (curdir, os.path.basename(varvalue)), \
## The template variable's value is a file in `CURDIR'.
## Attempt to use the information contained within it:
repl_file_val = \
open("%s/%s" \
% (curdir, os.path.basename(varvalue)), \
except IOError:
## If we can't read the file, don't do anything about it;
## Keep the original value for the variable.
final_varval = ""
for line in repl_file_val:
final_varval += line
final_varval = final_varval.rstrip()
## Replace the variable value with that which has been
## read from the file:
latex_template_vars[varname] = final_varval
## Put the 'fixed' values into the file_stamper_options dictionary:
file_stamper_options['latex-template'] = latex_template
file_stamper_options['latex-template-var'] = latex_template_vars
file_stamper_options['stamp'] = stamp
for stampdir in stamping_locations:
## Create the full path to the stamp directory - it is considered
## to be under 'curdir' - the working directory for the current
## submission:
path_to_stampdir = "%s/files/%s" % (curdir, stampdir.strip())
## Call os.path.walk, passing it the path to the directory to be
## walked, the visit_for_stamping function (which will call the
## file-stamper for each file within that directory), and the
## dictionary of options to be passed to the file-stamper:
os.path.walk(path_to_stampdir, \
visit_for_stamping, \
except InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning:
## Unable to stamp the files in stampdir. Register the exception
## and continue to try to stamp the files in the other stampdirs:
## FIXME - The original exception was registered in 'visit'.
## Perhaps we should just send the message contained in this
## warning to the admin?
except InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError, err:
## Unexpected error in stamping. The admin should be contacted
## because it has resulted in an unstable situation with the
## files. They are no longer in a well-defined state - some may
## have been lost and manual intervention by the admin is needed.
## FIXME - should this be reported here, or since we propagate it
## up to websubmit_engine anyway, should we let it register it?
raise err
return ""
def visit_for_stamping(visit_for_stamping_arguments, dirname, filenames):
"""Visitor function called by os.path.walk.
This function takes a directory and a list of files in that directory
and for each file, calls the websubmit_file_stamper on it.
When a file is stamped, the original is moved away into a directory
of unstamped files and the new, stamped version is moved into its
@param visit_for_stamping_arguments: (dictionary) of arguments needed
by this function. Must contain 'curdir', 'user_info' and
'file_stamper_options' members.
@param dirname: (string) - the path to the directory in which the
files are to be stamped.
@param filenames: (list) - the names of each file in dirname. An
attempt will be made to stamp each of these files.
@Exceptions Raised:
+ InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning;
+ InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError;
## Get the dictionary of options to pass to the stamper:
file_stamper_options = visit_for_stamping_arguments['file_stamper_options']
## Create a directory to store original files before stamping:
dirname_files_pre_stamping = dirname.replace("/files/", \
"/files_before_stamping/", 1)
if not os.path.exists(dirname_files_pre_stamping):
except OSError, err:
## Unable to make a directory in which to store the unstamped
## files.
## Register the exception:
exception_prefix = "Unable to stamp files in [%s]. Couldn't " \
"create directory in which to store the " \
"original, unstamped files." \
% dirname
## Since we can't make a directory for the unstamped files,
## we can't continue to stamp them.
## Skip the stamping of the contents of this directory by raising
## a warning:
msg = "Warning: A problem occurred when stamping files in [%s]. " \
"Unable to create directory to store the original, " \
"unstamped files. Got this error: [%s]. This means the " \
"files in this directory were not stamped." \
% (dirname, str(err))
raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning(msg)
## Loop through each file in the directory and attempt to stamp it:
for file_to_stamp in filenames:
## Get the path to the file to be stamped and put it into the
## dictionary of options that will be passed to stamp_file:
path_to_subject_file = "%s/%s" % (dirname, file_to_stamp)
file_stamper_options['input-file'] = path_to_subject_file
## Try to stamp the file:
(stamped_file_path_only, stamped_file_name) = \
except InvenioWebSubmitFileStamperError:
## It wasn't possible to stamp this file.
## Register the exception along with an informational message:
exception_prefix = "A problem occurred when stamping [%s]. The " \
"stamping of this file was unsuccessful." \
% path_to_subject_file
## Skip this file, moving on to the next:
## Stamping was successful.
path_to_stamped_file = "%s/%s" % (stamped_file_path_only, \
## Move the unstamped file from the "files" directory into the
## "files_before_stamping" directory:
shutil.move(path_to_subject_file, "%s/%s" \
% (dirname_files_pre_stamping, file_to_stamp))
except IOError:
## Couldn't move the original file away from the "files"
## directory. Log the problem and continue on to the next
## file:
exception_prefix = "A problem occurred when stamping [%s]. " \
"The file was sucessfully stamped, and " \
"can be found here: [%s]. Unfortunately " \
"though, it could not be copied back to " \
"the current submission's working " \
"directory because the unstamped version " \
"could not be moved out of the way (tried " \
"to move it from here [%s] to here: " \
"[%s/%s]). The stamping of this file was " \
"unsuccessful." \
% (path_to_subject_file, \
path_to_stamped_file, \
path_to_subject_file, \
dirname_files_pre_stamping, \
## The original file has been moved into the files before
## stamping directory. Now try to copy the stamped file into
## the files directory:
shutil.copy(path_to_stamped_file, "%s/%s" \
% (dirname, file_to_stamp))
except IOError:
## Even though the original, unstamped file was moved away
## from the files directory, the stamped-version couldn't
## be moved into its place. Register the exception:
exception_prefix = "A problem occurred when stamping " \
"[%s]. The file was sucessfully " \
"stamped, and can be found here: " \
"[%s]. Unfortunately though, it " \
"could not be copied back to the " \
"current submission's working " \
"directory." % (path_to_subject_file, \
## Because it wasn't possible to move the stamped file
## into the files directory, attempt to move the original,
## unstamped file back into the files directory:
shutil.move("%s/%s" % (dirname_files_pre_stamping, \
file_to_stamp), \
except IOError, err:
## It wasn't possible even to move the original file
## back to the files directory. Register the
## exception and stop the stamping process - it isn't
## safe to continue:
exeption_prefix = "A problem occurred when stamping " \
"[%s]. The file was sucessfully " \
"stamped, and can be found here: " \
"[%s]. Unfortunately though, it " \
"could not be copied back to the " \
"current submission's working " \
"directory. Additionionally, the " \
"original, unstamped file " \
"could not be moved back to the " \
"files directory, from the files-" \
"before-stamping directory. It " \
"can now be found here: [%s/%s]. " \
"Stamping cannot continue and " \
"manual intervention is necessary " \
"because the file cannot be " \
"attached to the record." \
% (path_to_subject_file, \
path_to_stamped_file, \
dirname_files_pre_stamping, \
## Raise an InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError, stopping
## further stamping, etc:
raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(exception_prefix)
def get_dictionary_from_string(dict_string):
"""Given a string version of a "dictionary", split the string into a
python dictionary.
For example, given the following string:
A dictionary in the following format will be returned:
@param dict_string: (string) - the string version of the dictionary.
@return: (dictionary) - the dictionary build from the string.
## First, strip off the leading and trailing spaces and braces:
dict_string = dict_string.strip(" {}")
## Next, split the string on commas (,) that have not been escaped
## So, the following string: """'hello' : 'world', 'click' : 'here'"""
## will be split into the following list:
## ["'hello' : 'world'", " 'click' : 'here'"]
## However, the string """'hello\, world' : '!', 'click' : 'here'"""
## will be split into: ["'hello\, world' : '!'", " 'click' : 'here'"]
## I.e. the comma that was escaped in the string has been kept.
## So basically, split on unescaped parameters at first:
key_vals = re.split(r'(?<!\\),', dict_string)
## Now we should have a list of "key" : "value" terms. For each of them,
## check it is OK. If not in the format "Key" : "Value" (quotes are
## optional), discard it. As with the comma separator in the previous
## splitting, this one splits on any colon (:) that is not escaped by a
## backslash.
final_dictionary = {}
for key_value_string in key_vals:
## Split the pair apart, based on ":":
key_value_pair = re.split(r'(?<!\\):', key_value_string)
## check that the length of the new list is 2:
if len(key_value_pair) != 2:
## There was a problem with the splitting - pass this pair
## The split was made.
## strip white-space, single-quotes and double-quotes from around the
## key and value pairs:
key_term = key_value_pair[0].strip(" '\"")
value_term = key_value_pair[1].strip(" '\"")
## Is the left-side (key) term empty?
if len(key_term) == 0:
## Now, add the search-replace pair to the dictionary of
## search-replace terms:
final_dictionary[key_term] = value_term
return final_dictionary

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