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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Implements application factory.
#from invenio.ext.logging import register_exception
from .helpers import with_app_context, unicodifier
from .utils import collect_blueprints, register_extensions, \
from .wrappers import Flask
__all__ = ['create_app', 'with_app_context']
def create_app(**kwargs_config):
Prepare WSGI Invenio application based on Flask.
Invenio consists of a new Flask application with legacy support for
the old WSGI legacy application and the old Python legacy
scripts (URLs to *.py files).
An incoming request is processed in the following manner:
* The Flask application first routes request via its URL routing
system (see LegacyAppMiddleware.__call__()).
* One route in the Flask system, will match Python legacy
scripts (see static_handler_with_legacy_publisher()).
* If the Flask application aborts the request with a 404 error, the request
is passed on to the WSGI legacy application (see page_not_found()). E.g.
either the Flask application did not find a route, or a view aborted the
request with a 404 error.
## The Flask application instance
_app = Flask('.'.join(__name__.split('.')[0:2]),
## Static files are usually handled directly by the webserver (e.g. Apache)
## However in case WSGI is required to handle static files too (such
## as when running simple server), then this flag can be
## turned on (it is done automatically by wsgi_handler_test).
## We assume anything under '/' which is static to be server directly
## by the webserver from CFG_WEBDIR. In order to generate independent
## url for static files use func:`url_for('static', filename='test')`.
# Handle both url with and without trailing slashe by Flask.
# @blueprint.route('/test')
# @blueprint.route('/test/') -> not necessary when strict_slashes == False
_app.url_map.strict_slashes = False
# Load invenio.conf
#print _app.instance_path
import os
# Load invenio.cfg
_app.config.from_pyfile('invenio.cfg', silent=True)
## Update application config from parameters.
## Database was here.
## First check that you have all rights to logs
#from invenio.bibtask import check_running_process_user
#from invenio.base.i18n import language_list_long
def language_list_long():
return []
# Jinja2 hacks were here.
# See note on Jinja2 string decoding using ASCII codec instead of UTF8 in
# function documentation
# SECRET_KEY is needed by Flask Debug Toolbar
SECRET_KEY = _app.config.get('SECRET_KEY') or \
_app.config.get('CFG_SITE_SECRET_KEY', 'change_me')
if not SECRET_KEY or SECRET_KEY == 'change_me':
fill_secret_key = """
Set variable SECRET_KEY with random string in invenio.cfg.
You can use following commands:
$ %s
""" % ('inveniomanage config create secret-key', )
print fill_secret_key
# raise Exception(fill_secret_key)
#except Exception:
# #register_exception(alert_admin=True,
# # subject="Missing CFG_SITE_SECRET_KEY")
# raise Exception(fill_secret_key)
_app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = SECRET_KEY
# Register extendsions listed in invenio.cfg
# Extend application config with packages configuration.
# Debug toolbar was here
# Set email backend for Flask-Email plugin
# Mailutils were here
# SSLify was here
# Legacy was here
# Jinja2 Memcache Bytecode Cache was here.
# Jinja2 custom loader was here.
# SessionInterface was here.
## Set custom request class was here.
## ... and map certain common parameters
_app.config['CFG_LANGUAGE_LIST_LONG'] = [(lang, longname.decode('utf-8'))
for (lang, longname) in language_list_long()]
## Invenio is all using str objects. Let's change them to unicode
from invenio.base import before_request_functions
# Cache was here
# Logging was here.
# Login manager was here.
# Main menu was here.
# Jinja2 extensions loading was here.
# Custom template filters were here.
# Gravatar bridge was here.
# Set the user language was here.
# Custom templete filters loading was here.
def _invenio_blueprint_plugin_builder(plugin):
Handy function to bridge pluginutils with (Invenio) blueprints.
from flask import Blueprint
if 'blueprints' in dir(plugin):
candidates = getattr(plugin, 'blueprints')
elif 'blueprint' in dir(plugin):
candidates = [getattr(plugin, 'blueprint')]
candidates = []
for candidate in candidates:
if isinstance(candidate, Blueprint):
if in _app.config.get('CFG_FLASK_DISABLED_BLUEPRINTS', []):'%s is excluded by CFG_FLASK_DISABLED_BLUEPRINTS' %
return candidate
_app.logger.error('%s is not a valid blueprint plugin' % plugin.__name__)
## Let's load all the blueprints that are composing this Invenio instance
_BLUEPRINTS = [m for m in map(_invenio_blueprint_plugin_builder,
if m is not None]
## Let's attach all the blueprints
for plugin in _BLUEPRINTS:
# Flask-Admin was here.
def testing():
from flask import render_template
return render_template('404.html')
return _app

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