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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Apache request handler mechanism.
It gives the tools to map url to functions, handles the legacy url
scheme (/ queries), HTTP/HTTPS switching, language
__revision__ = "$Id$"
## Import the remote debugger as a first thing, if allowed
import invenio.utils.remote_debugger as remote_debugger
remote_debugger = None
import urlparse
import cgi
import sys
import re
import os
import gc
from flask import session
from invenio.utils import apache
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, \
from invenio.base.i18n import wash_language
from invenio.utils.url import redirect_to_url
from invenio.ext.logging import register_exception
from invenio.legacy.webuser import get_preferred_user_language, isGuestUser, \
getUid, isUserSuperAdmin, collect_user_info, setUid
from invenio.legacy.wsgi.utils import StringField
from invenio.modules import apikeys as web_api_key
## The following variable is True if the installation make any difference
## between HTTP Vs. HTTPS connections.
## The following variable is True if HTTPS is used for *any* URL.
CFG_FULL_HTTPS = CFG_SITE_URL.lower().startswith("https://")
## Set this to True in order to log some more information.
DEBUG = False
# List of URIs for which the 'ln' argument must not be added
# automatically
RE_SLASHES = re.compile('/+')
RE_SPECIAL_URI = re.compile('^/%s/\d+|^/collection/.+' % CFG_SITE_RECORD)
_RE_BAD_MSIE = re.compile("MSIE\s+(\d+\.\d+)")
def _debug(req, msg):
Log the message.
@param req: the request.
@param msg: the message.
@type msg: string
def _check_result(req, result):
Check that a page handler actually wrote something, and
properly finish the apache request.
@param req: the request.
@param result: the produced output.
@type result: string
@return: an apache error code
@rtype: int
@raise apache.SERVER_RETURN: in case of a HEAD request.
@note: that this function actually takes care of writing the result
to the client.
if result or req.bytes_sent > 0:
if result is None:
result = ""
result = str(result)
# unless content_type was manually set, we will attempt
# to guess it
if not req.content_type_set_p:
# make an attempt to guess content-type
if result[:100].strip()[:6].lower() == '<html>' \
or result.find('</') > 0:
req.content_type = 'text/html'
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
if req.method == 'HEAD':
if req.status in (apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, ):
raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, req.status
return apache.OK
req.log_error("publisher: %s returned nothing." % `object`)
class TraversalError(Exception):
Exception raised in case of an error in parsing the URL of the request.
class WebInterfaceDirectory(object):
A directory groups web pages, and can delegate dispatching of
requests to the actual handler. This has been heavily borrowed
from Quixote's dispatching mechanism, with specific adaptations.
# Lists the valid URLs contained in this directory.
_exports = []
# Set this to True in order to redirect queries over HTTPS
_force_https = False
def _translate(self, component):
"""(component : string) -> string | None
Translate a path component into a Python identifier. Returning
None signifies that the component does not exist.
if component in self._exports:
if component == '':
return 'index' # implicit mapping
return component
# check for an explicit external to internal mapping
for value in self._exports:
if isinstance(value, tuple):
if value[0] == component:
return value[1]
return None
def _lookup(self, component, path):
""" Override this method if you need to map dynamic URLs.
It can eat up as much of the remaining path as needed, and
return the remaining parts, so that the traversal can
return None, path
def _traverse(self, req, path, do_head=False, guest_p=True):
""" Locate the handler of an URI by traversing the elements of
the path."""
_debug(req, 'traversing %r' % path)
component, path = path[0], path[1:]
name = self._translate(component)
if name is None:
obj, path = self._lookup(component, path)
obj = getattr(self, name)
if obj is None:
_debug(req, 'could not resolve %s' % repr((component, path)))
raise TraversalError()
# We have found the next segment. If we know that from this
# point our subpages are over HTTPS, do the switch.
if (CFG_FULL_HTTPS or CFG_HAS_HTTPS_SUPPORT and (self._force_https or session.need_https())) and not req.is_https():
# We need to isolate the part of the URI that is after
# CFG_SITE_URL, and append that to our CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL.
original_parts = urlparse.urlparse(req.unparsed_uri)
plain_prefix_parts = urlparse.urlparse(CFG_SITE_URL)
secure_prefix_parts = urlparse.urlparse(CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL)
# Compute the new path
plain_path = original_parts[2]
plain_path = secure_prefix_parts[2] + \
# ...and recompose the complete URL
final_parts = list(secure_prefix_parts)
final_parts[2] = plain_path
final_parts[-3:] = original_parts[-3:]
target = urlparse.urlunparse(final_parts)
## The following condition used to allow certain URLs to
## by-pass the forced SSL redirect. Since SSL certificates
## are deployed on INSPIRE, this is no longer needed
## Will be left here for reference.
#from invenio.config import CFG_INSPIRE_SITE
#if not CFG_INSPIRE_SITE or plain_path.startswith('/youraccount/login'):
redirect_to_url(req, target)
# Continue the traversal. If there is a path, continue
# resolving, otherwise call the method as it is our final
# renderer. We even pass it the parsed form arguments.
if path:
if hasattr(obj, '_traverse'):
return obj._traverse(req, path, do_head, guest_p)
raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
if do_head:
req.content_type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.DONE
form = req.form
#if 'ln' not in form and \
# ln = get_preferred_user_language(req)
# form.add_field('ln', ln)
result = _check_result(req, obj(req, form))
return result
def __call__(self, req, form):
""" Maybe resolve the final / of a directory """
# When this method is called, we either are a directory which
# has an 'index' method, and we redirect to it, or we don't
# have such a method, in which case it is a traversal error.
if "" in self._exports:
if not form:
# Fix missing trailing slash as a convenience, unless
# we are processing a form (in which case it is better
# to fix the form posting).
redirect_to_url(req, req.uri + "/", apache.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY)
_debug(req, 'directory %r is not callable' % self)
raise TraversalError()
def create_handler(root):
""" Return a handler function that will dispatch apache requests
through the URL layout passed in parameter."""
def _handler(req):
""" This handler is invoked by mod_python with the apache request."""
allowed_methods = ("GET", "POST", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PUT")
#req.allow_methods(allowed_methods, 1)
#if req.method not in allowed_methods:
if req.method == 'OPTIONS':
## OPTIONS is used to now which method are allowed
req.headers_out['Allow'] = ', '.join(allowed_methods)
raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.OK
# Set user agent for, which needs it here
os.environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = req.headers_in.get('User-Agent', '')
# Check if REST authentication can be performed
if req.args:
args = cgi.parse_qs(req.args)
if 'apikey' in args and req.is_https():
uid = web_api_key.acc_get_uid_from_request(req.uri, req.args)
if uid < 0:
setUid(req=req, uid=uid)
guest_p = isGuestUser(getUid(req), run_on_slave=False)
uri = req.uri
if uri == '/':
path = ['']
## Let's collapse multiple slashes into a single /
uri = RE_SLASHES.sub('/', uri)
path = uri[1:].split('/')
## If the site is under maintainance mode let's return
## 503 to casual crawler to avoid having the site being
## indexed
req.status = 503
g ='User-Agent', "MSIE 6.0"))
bad_msie = g and float( < 9.0
if uri.startswith('/yours') or not guest_p:
## Private/personalized request should not be cached
if bad_msie and req.is_https():
req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'private, max-age=0, must-revalidate'
req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'private, no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate'
req.headers_out['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
req.headers_out['Vary'] = '*'
elif not (bad_msie and req.is_https()):
req.headers_out['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=3600'
req.headers_out['Vary'] = 'Cookie, ETag, Cache-Control'
if req.header_only and not RE_SPECIAL_URI.match(req.uri):
return root._traverse(req, path, True, guest_p)
## bibdocfile have a special treatment for HEAD
return root._traverse(req, path, False, guest_p)
except TraversalError:
raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
except apache.SERVER_RETURN:
## This is one of mod_python way of communicating
except IOError, exc:
if 'Write failed, client closed connection' not in "%s" % exc:
## Workaround for considering as false positive exceptions
## rised by mod_python when the user close the connection
## or in some other rare and not well identified cases.
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True)
except Exception:
# send the error message, much more convenient than log hunting
if remote_debugger:
args = {}
if req.args:
args = cgi.parse_qs(req.args)
if 'debug' in args:
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True)
# Serve an error by default.
raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
return _handler
def wash_urlargd(form, content):
Wash the complete form based on the specification in
content. Content is a dictionary containing the field names as a
key, and a tuple (type, default) as value.
'type' can be list, str, invenio.legacy.wsgi.utils.StringField, int, tuple, or
invenio.legacy.wsgi.utils.Field (for
file uploads).
The specification automatically includes the 'ln' field, which is
common to all queries.
Arguments that are not defined in 'content' are discarded.
Note that in case {list,tuple} were asked for, we assume that
{list,tuple} of strings is to be returned. Therefore beware when
you want to use wash_urlargd() for multiple file upload forms.
@Return: argd dictionary that can be used for passing function
parameters by keywords.
result = {}
content['ln'] = (str, '')
for k, (dst_type, default) in content.items():
value = form[k]
except KeyError:
result[k] = default
#FIXES problems with unicode arguments from Flask
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = value.encode('utf-8')
src_type = type(value)
# First, handle the case where we want all the results. In
# this case, we need to ensure all the elements are strings,
# and not Field instances.
if src_type in (list, tuple):
if dst_type is list:
result[k] = [str(x) for x in value]
if dst_type is tuple:
result[k] = tuple([str(x) for x in value])
# in all the other cases, we are only interested in the
# first value.
value = value[0]
# Maybe we already have what is expected? Then don't change
# anything.
if isinstance(value, dst_type):
if isinstance(value, StringField):
result[k] = str(value)
result[k] = value
# Since we got here, 'value' is sure to be a single symbol,
# not a list kind of structure anymore.
if dst_type in (str, int):
result[k] = dst_type(value)
result[k] = default
elif dst_type is tuple:
result[k] = (str(value), )
elif dst_type is list:
result[k] = [str(value)]
raise ValueError('cannot cast form value %s of type %r into type %r' % (value, src_type, dst_type))
result['ln'] = wash_language(result['ln'])
return result

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