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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Bibauthorid utilities used by many parts of the framework
import re
import invenio.bibauthorid_config as bconfig
from invenio.bibauthorid_string_utils import string_partition
from copy import deepcopy
from invenio.utils.text import translate_to_ascii
from invenio.bibauthorid_general_utils import name_comparison_print
from invenio.config import CFG_ETCDIR
except ImportError:
from editdist import distance
except ImportError:
from Levenshtein import distance
except ImportError:
name_comparison_print("Levenshtein Module not available!")
def distance(s1, s2):
d = {}
lenstr1 = len(s1)
lenstr2 = len(s2)
for i in xrange(-1, lenstr1 + 1):
d[(i, -1)] = i + 1
for j in xrange(-1, lenstr2 + 1):
d[(-1, j)] = j + 1
for i in xrange(0, lenstr1):
for j in xrange(0, lenstr2):
if s1[i] == s2[j]:
cost = 0
cost = 1
d[(i, j)] = min(
d[(i - 1, j)] + 1, # deletion
d[(i, j - 1)] + 1, # insertion
d[(i - 1, j - 1)] + cost, # substitution
if i > 1 and j > 1 and s1[i] == s2[j - 1] and s1[i - 1] == s2[j]:
d[(i, j)] = min (d[(i, j)], d[i - 2, j - 2] + cost) # transposition
return d[lenstr1 - 1, lenstr2 - 1]
artifact_removal = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
#Gender names and names variation files are loaded updon module import to increase performances
def split_name_parts(name_string, delete_name_additions=True,
override_surname_sep='', return_all_lower=False):
Splits name_string in three arrays of strings :
surname, initials (without trailing dot), names
RETURNS an array containing a string and two arrays of strings.
delete_name_additions defines if extensions
e.g. Jr., (Ed.) or (spokesperson)
will be ignored
@param name_string: the name to be spli
@type name: string
@param delete_name_additions: determines whether to delete name additions
@type delete_name_additions: boolean
@param override_surname_sep: Define alternative surname separator
@type override_surname_sep: string
@param reverse_name_surname: if true names come first
@return: list of [surname string, initials list, names list]
e.g. split_name_parts("Ellis, John R.")
--> ['Ellis', ['J', 'R'], ['John'], [0]]
--> ['Ellis', ['K', 'J', 'R'], ['John', 'Rob'], [1,2]]
@rtype: list of lists
if not override_surname_sep:
surname_separators = bconfig.SURNAMES_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER_LIST
surname_separators = ','
name_separators = bconfig.NAMES_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER_LIST
if name_separators == "-1":
name_separators = ',;.=\-\(\)'
if delete_name_additions:
name_additions = re.findall('\([.]*[^\)]*\)', name_string)
for name_addition in name_additions:
name_string = name_string.replace(name_addition, '')
surname = ""
rest_of_name = ""
found_sep = ''
name_string = name_string.strip()
for sep in surname_separators:
if name_string.count(sep) >= 1:
found_sep = sep
surname, rest_of_name = string_partition(name_string, sep)[0::2]
surname = surname.strip().capitalize()
# Fix for dashes
surname = re.sub('-([a-z])', lambda n:'-' +, surname)
if not found_sep:
if name_string.count(" ") > 0:
rest_of_name, surname = string_partition(name_string, ' ', direc='r')[0::2]
surname = surname.strip().capitalize()
# Fix for dashes
surname = re.sub('-([a-z])', lambda n:'-' +, surname)
if not return_all_lower:
return [name_string.strip().capitalize(), [], [], []]
return [name_string.strip().lower(), [], [], []]
if rest_of_name.count(","):
rest_of_name = string_partition(rest_of_name, ",")[0]
substitution_regexp = re.compile('[%s]' % (name_separators))
initials_names_list = substitution_regexp.sub(' ', rest_of_name).split()
names = []
initials = []
positions = []
pos_counter = 0
for i in initials_names_list:
if len(i) == 1:
pos_counter += 1
pos_counter += 1
retval = [surname, initials, names, positions]
if return_all_lower:
retval = [surname.lower(), [i.lower() for i in initials], [n.lower() for n in names], positions]
return retval
def create_canonical_name(name):
canonical_name = create_unified_name(name, reverse=True)
artifact_removal_re = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
whitespace_removal = re.compile("[ ]{1,10}")
canonical_name = artifact_removal_re.sub(" ", canonical_name)
canonical_name = whitespace_removal.sub(" ", canonical_name)
canonical_name = canonical_name.strip().replace(" ", ".")
return canonical_name
def create_normalized_name(splitted_name):
Creates a normalized name from a given name array. A normalized name
looks like "Lastname, Firstnames and Initials"
@param splitted_name: name array from split_name_parts
@type splitted_name: list in form [string, list, list]
@return: normalized name
@rtype: string
name = splitted_name[0] + ','
if not splitted_name[1] and not splitted_name[2]:
return name
for i in range(len(splitted_name[1])):
fname = splitted_name[2][splitted_name[3].index(i)]
name = name + ' ' + fname
except (IndexError, ValueError):
name = name + ' ' + splitted_name[1][i] + '.'
return name
def create_unified_name(name, reverse=False):
Creates unified name. E.g. Ellis, John Richard T. (Jr.)
will become Ellis, J. R. T.
@param name: The name to be unified
@type name: string
@param reverse: if true, names come first
@return: The unified name
@rtype: string
split_name = split_name_parts(name)
if reverse:
unified_name = ''
for i in split_name[1]:
unified_name += "%s. " % (i)
unified_name += "%s" % (split_name[0])
unified_name = "%s, " % (split_name[0])
for i in split_name[1]:
unified_name += "%s. " % (i)
if unified_name.count("ollabo"):
unified_name = unified_name.replace("ollaborations", "ollaboration")
unified_name = unified_name.replace("The ", "")
unified_name = unified_name.replace("the ", "")
unified_name = unified_name.replace("For ", "")
unified_name = unified_name.replace("for ", "")
return unified_name
def clean_name_string(namestring, replacement=" ", keep_whitespace=True,
remove specific artifacts from the names in order to be able to
compare them. E.g. 't Hooft, G. and t'Hooft, G.
@param namestring: the string to be cleaned
@type namestring: string
# artifact_removal = re.compile("['`\-\[\]\_\"]")
artifact_removal_re = None
if trim_whitespaces:
if keep_whitespace:
artifact_removal_re = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9,.\s]")
artifact_removal_re = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9,.]")
whitespace_removal = re.compile("[\s]{2,100}")
tmp = artifact_removal_re.sub(replacement, namestring)
tmp = whitespace_removal.sub(" ", tmp).strip()
return tmp
def soft_compare_names(origin_name, target_name):
Soft comparison of names, to use in search engine an similar
Base results:
If surname is equal in [0.6,1.0]
If surname similar in [0.4,0.8]
If surname differs in [0.0,0.4]
all depending on average compatibility of names and initials.
jaro_fctn = distance
# try:
# from Levenshtein import jaro_winkler
# jaro_fctn = jaro_winkler
# except ImportError:
# jaro_fctn = jaro_winkler_str_similarity
score = 0.0
oname = deepcopy(origin_name)
tname = deepcopy(target_name)
oname = translate_to_ascii(oname)[0]
tname = translate_to_ascii(tname)[0]
orig_name = split_name_parts(oname.lower())
targ_name = split_name_parts(tname.lower())
orig_name[0] = clean_name_string(orig_name[0],
targ_name[0] = clean_name_string(targ_name[0],
if orig_name[0] == targ_name[0]:
score += 0.6
if ((jaro_fctn(orig_name[0].lower(), targ_name[0].lower()) < .95)
or min(len(orig_name[0]), len(targ_name[0])) <= 4):
score += 0.0
score += 0.4
if orig_name[1] and targ_name[1]:
max_initials = max(len(orig_name[1]), len(targ_name[1]))
matching_i = 0
if len(orig_name[1]) >= 1 and len(targ_name[1]) >= 1:
for i in orig_name[1]:
if i in targ_name[1]:
matching_i += 1
max_names = max(len(orig_name[2]), len(targ_name[2]))
matching_n = 0
if len(orig_name[2]) >= 1 and len(targ_name[2]) >= 1:
cleaned_targ_name = [clean_name_string(i, replacement="", keep_whitespace=False) for i in targ_name[2]]
for i in orig_name[2]:
if clean_name_string(i, replacement="", keep_whitespace=False) in cleaned_targ_name:
matching_n += 1
name_score = (matching_i + matching_n) * 0.4 / (max_names + max_initials)
score += name_score
return score
def create_name_tuples(names):
Find name combinations, i.e. permutations of the names in different
positions of the name
@param names: a list of names
@type names: list of string
@return: the combinations of the names given
@rtype: list of lists of strings
length = float(len(names))
max_tuples = int((length / 2) * (length - 1))
current_tuple = 1
pos = 0
off = 1
variants = [" ".join(names)]
for i in range(max_tuples):
variant = "%s %s %s" % (' '.join(names[0:pos]),
''.join(names[pos:off + 1]).capitalize(),
' '.join(names[off + 1::]))
pos += 1
off += 1
if off >= length:
pos = i * 0
off = current_tuple + 1
current_tuple += 1
return variants
def full_names_are_equal_composites(name1, name2):
Checks if names are equal composites; e.g. "guangsheng" vs. "guang sheng"
@param name1: Full Name string of the first name (w/ last name)
@type name1: string
@param name2: Full Name string of the second name (w/ last name)
@type name2: string
@return: Are the names equal composites?
@rtype: boolean
if not isinstance(name1, list):
name1 = split_name_parts(name1)
if not isinstance(name2, list):
name2 = split_name_parts(name2)
is_equal_composite = False
oname_variations = create_name_tuples(name1[2])
tname_variations = create_name_tuples(name2[2])
for oname_variation in oname_variations:
for tname_variation in tname_variations:
oname = clean_name_string(oname_variation.lower(), "", False, True)
tname = clean_name_string(tname_variation.lower(), "", False, True)
if oname == tname:
is_equal_composite = True
return is_equal_composite
def full_names_are_equal_gender(name1, name2, gendernames):
Checks on gender equality of two first names baes on a word list
@param name1: Full Name string of the first name (w/ last name)
@type name1: string
@param name2: Full Name string of the second name (w/ last name)
@type name2: string
@param gendernames: dictionary of male/female names
@type gendernames: dict
@return: Are names gender-equal?
@rtype: boolean
if not isinstance(name1, list):
name1 = split_name_parts(name1)
if not isinstance(name2, list):
name2 = split_name_parts(name2)
names_are_equal_gender_b = True
ogender = None
tgender = None
# oname = name1[2][0].lower()
# tname = name2[2][0].lower()
# oname = clean_name_string(oname, "", False, True)
# tname = clean_name_string(tname, "", False, True)
onames = [clean_name_string(n.lower(), "", False, True) for n in name1[2]]
tnames = [clean_name_string(n.lower(), "", False, True) for n in name2[2]]
for oname in onames:
if oname in gendernames['boys']:
if ogender != 'Conflict':
if ogender != 'Female':
ogender = 'Male'
ogender = 'Conflict'
elif oname in gendernames['girls']:
if ogender != 'Conflict':
if ogender != 'Male':
ogender = 'Female'
ogender = 'Conflict'
for tname in tnames:
if tname in gendernames['boys']:
if tgender != 'Conflict':
if tgender != 'Female':
tgender = 'Male'
tgender = 'Conflict'
elif tname in gendernames['girls']:
if tgender != 'Conflict':
if tgender != 'Male':
tgender = 'Female'
tgender = 'Conflict'
if ogender and tgender:
if ogender != tgender or ogender == 'Conflict' or tgender == 'Conflict':
names_are_equal_gender_b = False
return names_are_equal_gender_b
def names_are_synonymous(name1, name2, name_variations):
Checks if names are synonims
@param name_variations: name variations list
@type name_variations: list of lists
a = [name1 in nvar and name2 in nvar for nvar in name_variations]
if True in a:
return True
return False
def full_names_are_synonymous(name1, name2, name_variations):
Checks if two names are synonymous; e.g. "Robert" vs. "Bob"
@param name1: Full Name string of the first name (w/ last name)
@type name1: string
@param name2: Full Name string of the second name (w/ last name)
@type name2: string
@param name_variations: name variations list
@type name_variations: list of lists
@return: are names synonymous
@rtype: boolean
if not isinstance(name1, list):
name1 = split_name_parts(name1)
if not isinstance(name2, list):
name2 = split_name_parts(name2)
names_are_synonymous_b = False
max_matches = min(len(name1[2]), len(name2[2]))
matches = []
for i in xrange(max_matches):
for nvar in name_variations:
for i in xrange(max_matches):
oname = name1[2][i].lower()
tname = name2[2][i].lower()
oname = clean_name_string(oname, "", False, True)
tname = clean_name_string(tname, "", False, True)
if (oname in nvar and tname in nvar) or oname == tname:
name_comparison_print(' ', oname, ' and ', tname, ' are synonyms!')
matches[i] = True
if sum(matches) == max_matches:
names_are_synonymous_b = True
return names_are_synonymous_b
def names_are_substrings(name1, name2):
Checks if the names are subtrings of each other, left to right
@return: bool
return name1.startswith(name2) or name2.startswith(name1)
def full_names_are_substrings(name1, name2):
Checks if two names are substrings of each other; e.g. "Christoph" vs. "Ch"
Only checks for the beginning of the names.
@param name1: Full Name string of the first name (w/ last name)
@type name1: string
@param name2: Full Name string of the second name (w/ last name)
@type name2: string
@return: are names synonymous
@rtype: boolean
if not isinstance(name1, list):
name1 = split_name_parts(name1)
if not isinstance(name2, list):
name2 = split_name_parts(name2)
onames = name1[2]
tnames = name2[2]
# oname = "".join(onames).lower()
# tname = "".join(tnames).lower()
names_are_substrings_b = False
for o in onames:
oname = clean_name_string(o.lower(), "", False, True)
for t in tnames:
tname = clean_name_string(t.lower(), "", False, True)
if (oname.startswith(tname)
or tname.startswith(oname)):
names_are_substrings_b = True
return names_are_substrings_b
def _load_gender_firstnames_dict(files=''):
if not NO_CFG_ETCDIR and not files:
files = {'boy': CFG_ETCDIR + '/bibauthorid/name_authority_files/male_firstnames.txt',
'girl': CFG_ETCDIR + '/bibauthorid/name_authority_files/female_firstnames.txt'}
elif NO_CFG_ETCDIR and not files:
files = {'boy': '../etc/name_authority_files/male_firstnames.txt',
'girl': '../etc/name_authority_files/female_firstnames.txt'}
boyf = open(files['boy'], 'r')
boyn = set([x.strip().lower() for x in boyf.readlines()])
girlf = open(files['girl'], 'r')
girln = set([x.strip().lower() for x in girlf.readlines()])
return {'boys':(boyn - girln), 'girls':(girln - boyn)}
def _load_firstname_variations(filename=''):
#will load an array of arrays: [['rick','richard','dick'],['john','jhonny']]
if not NO_CFG_ETCDIR and not filename:
filename = CFG_ETCDIR + '/bibauthorid/name_authority_files/name_variants.txt'
elif NO_CFG_ETCDIR and not filename:
filename = '../etc/name_authority_files/name_variants.txt'
retval = []
r = re.compile("\n")
fp = open(filename)
for l in fp.readlines():
lr = r.sub("", l)
retval.append([clean_name_string(name.lower(), "", False, True)
for name in lr.split(";") if name])
return retval
def compare_names(origin_name, target_name, initials_penalty=False):
Compare two names.
name_comparison_print("\nComparing: " , origin_name, ' ', target_name)
gendernames = GLOBAL_gendernames
name_variations = GLOBAL_name_variations
origin_name = translate_to_ascii(origin_name)[0]
target_name = translate_to_ascii(target_name)[0]
no = split_name_parts(origin_name, True, "", True)
nt = split_name_parts(target_name, True, "", True)
name_comparison_print("|- splitted no: ", no)
name_comparison_print("|- splitted nt: ", nt)
score = 0.0
surname_dist = distance(no[0], nt[0])
name_comparison_print("|- surname distance: ", surname_dist)
if surname_dist > 0:
l_artifact_removal = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
fn1 = l_artifact_removal.sub("", no[0])
fn2 = l_artifact_removal.sub("", nt[0])
if fn1 == fn2:
score = 1.0
score = max(0.0, 0.5 - (float(surname_dist) / float(MAX_ALLOWED_SURNAME_DISTANCE)))
score = 1.0
name_comparison_print('||- surname score: ', score)
initials_only = ((min(len(no[2]), len(nt[2]))) == 0)
only_initials_available = False
if len(no[2]) == len(nt[2]) and initials_only:
only_initials_available = True
name_comparison_print('|- initials only: ', initials_only)
name_comparison_print('|- only initials available: ', only_initials_available)
names_are_equal_composites = False
if not initials_only:
names_are_equal_composites = full_names_are_equal_composites(origin_name, target_name)
name_comparison_print("|- equal composites: ", names_are_equal_composites)
max_n_initials = max(len(no[1]), len(nt[1]))
initials_intersection = set(no[1]).intersection(set(nt[1]))
n_initials_intersection = len(initials_intersection)
initials_union = set(no[1]).union(set(nt[1]))
n_initials_union = len(initials_union)
initials_distance = distance("".join(no[1]), "".join(nt[1]))
if n_initials_union > 0:
initials_c = float(n_initials_intersection) / float(n_initials_union)
initials_c = 1
if len(no[1]) > len(nt[1]):
alo = no[1]
alt = nt[1]
alo = nt[1]
alt = no[1]
lo = len(alo)
lt = len(alt)
if max_n_initials > 0:
initials_screwup = sum([i + 1 for i, k in enumerate(reversed(alo))
if lo - 1 - i < lt and k != alt[lo - 1 - i] ]) / \
float(float(max_n_initials * (max_n_initials + 1)) / 2)
initials_distance = initials_distance / max_n_initials
initials_screwup = 0
initials_distance = 0
score = max((score - ((0.75 * initials_screwup + 0.10 * (1. - initials_c)\
+ 0.15 * initials_distance) * score)), 0.0)
name_comparison_print("|- initials sets: ", no[1], " ", nt[1])
name_comparison_print("|- initials distance: ", initials_distance)
name_comparison_print("|- initials c: ", initials_c)
name_comparison_print("|- initials screwup: ", initials_screwup)
name_comparison_print("||- initials score: ", score)
composits_eq = full_names_are_equal_composites(no, nt)
if len(no[2]) > 0 and len(nt[2]) > 0:
gender_eq = full_names_are_equal_gender(no, nt, gendernames)
gender_eq = True
vars_eq = full_names_are_synonymous(no, nt, name_variations)
substr_eq = full_names_are_substrings(no, nt)
if not initials_only:
if len(no[2]) > len(nt[2]):
nalo = no[2]
nalt = nt[2]
nalo = nt[2]
nalt = no[2]
nlo = len(nalo)
nlt = len(nalt)
names_screwup_list = [(distance(k, nalt[nlo - 1 - i]), max(len(k), len(nalt[nlo - 1 - i])))
for i, k in enumerate(reversed(nalo)) \
if nlo - 1 - i < nlt]
max_names_screwup = max([float(i[0]) / i[1] for i in names_screwup_list])
avg_names_screwup = sum([float(i[0]) / i[1] for i in names_screwup_list])\
/ len(names_screwup_list)
max_names_screwup = 0
avg_names_screwup = 0
score = max(score - score * ( 0.75 * max_names_screwup + 0.25 * avg_names_screwup), 0.0)
name_comparison_print("|- max names screwup: ", max_names_screwup)
name_comparison_print("|- avg screwup: ", avg_names_screwup)
name_comparison_print("||- names score: ", score)
name_comparison_print("|- names composites: ", composits_eq)
name_comparison_print("|- same gender: ", gender_eq)
name_comparison_print("|- synonims: ", vars_eq)
name_comparison_print("|- substrings: ", substr_eq)
if vars_eq:
synmap = [[i, j, names_are_synonymous(i, j, name_variations)] for i in no[2] for j in nt[2]]
synmap = [i for i in synmap if i[2] == True]
name_comparison_print("|-- synmap: ", synmap)
for i in synmap:
if no[2].index(i[0]) == nt[2].index(i[1]):
score = score + (1 - score) * 0.5
score = score + (1 - score) * 0.15
name_comparison_print("|-- synmap: empty")
name_comparison_print("|-- synmap score: ", score)
if substr_eq and not initials_only:
ssmap = [[i, j, names_are_substrings(i, j)] for i in no[2] for j in nt[2]]
ssmap = [i for i in ssmap if i[2] == True]
name_comparison_print("|-- substr map: ", ssmap)
for i in ssmap:
if no[2].index(i[0]) == nt[2].index(i[1]):
score = score + (1 - score) * 0.2
score = score + (1 - score) * 0.05
name_comparison_print("|-- substr map: empty")
name_comparison_print("|-- substring score: ", score)
if composits_eq and not initials_only:
name_comparison_print("|-- composite names")
score = score + (1 - score) * 0.2
name_comparison_print("|-- not composite names")
name_comparison_print("|-- composite score: ", score)
if not gender_eq:
score = score / 3.
name_comparison_print("|-- apply gender penalty")
name_comparison_print("|-- no gender penalty")
name_comparison_print("|-- gender score: ", score)
score = 0.0
name_comparison_print("|- surname trim: ", score)
name_comparison_print("|- no surname trim: ", score)
if initials_only and (not only_initials_available or initials_penalty):
score = score * .9
name_comparison_print("|- initials only penalty: ", score, initials_only, only_initials_available)
name_comparison_print("|- no initials only penalty", initials_only, only_initials_available)
name_comparison_print("||- final score: ", score)
return score
def generate_last_name_cluster_str(name):
Use this function to find the last name cluster
this name should be associated with.
family = split_name_parts(name.decode('utf-8'))[0]
return artifact_removal.sub("", family).lower()
from invenio.utils.datastructures import LazyDict
GLOBAL_gendernames = LazyDict(_load_gender_firstnames_dict)
GLOBAL_name_variations = [] #_load_firstname_variations()

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