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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2008, 2010, 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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BibExport plugin implementing 'googlescholar' exporting method.
The main function is run_export_method(jobname) defined at the end.
This is what BibExport daemon calls for all the export jobs that use
this exporting method.
The Google Scholar exporting method answers this use case: every first
of the month, please export all records modified during the last month
and matching these search criteria in an NLM format in such a way that
the output is split into files containing not more than 1000 records
and compressed via gzip and placed in this place from where Google
Scholar would fetch them. The output files would be organized like
* all exportable records:
/export/googlescholar/all-index.html - links to parts below
/export/googlescholar/all-part1.xml.gz - first batch of 1000 records
/export/googlescholar/all-part2.xml.gz - second batch of 1000 records
/export/googlescholar/all-partM.xml.gz - last batch of 1000 records
* records modified in the last month:
/export/googlescholar/lastmonth-index.html - links to parts below
/export/googlescholar/lastmonth-part1.xml.gz - first batch of 1000 records
/export/googlescholar/lastmonth-part2.xml.gz - second batch of 1000 records
/export/googlescholar/lastmonth-partN.xml.gz - last batch of 1000 records
from invenio.config import CFG_WEBDIR, CFG_CERN_SITE
from invenio.bibtask import write_message
from invenio.legacy.search_engine import perform_request_search, print_record
import os
import gzip
import datetime
def run_export_method(jobname):
"""Main function, reading params and running the task."""
# FIXME: read jobname's cfg file to detect collection and fulltext status arguments
write_message("bibexport_sitemap: job %s started." % jobname)
output_directory = CFG_WEBDIR + os.sep + "export" + os.sep + "googlescholar"
exporter = GoogleScholarExporter(output_directory)
except GoogleScholarExportException, ex:
write_message("%s Exception: %s" %(ex.get_error_message(), ex.get_inner_exception()))
write_message("bibexport_sitemap: job %s finished." % jobname)
class GoogleScholarExporter:
"""Export data for google scholar"""
_output_directory = ""
_records_with_fulltext_only = True
#FIXME: Read collections from configuration file
_collections = ["Theses"]
_collections = ["CERN Theses"]
def __init__(self, output_directory):
"""Constructor of GoogleScholarExporter
output_directory - directory where files will be placed
def export(self):
"""Export all records and records modified last month"""
# Export records modified last month
records = self._get_records_modified_last_month()
self._delete_files(self._output_directory, LAST_MONTH_FILE_NAME_PATTERN)
self._split_records_into_files(records, SPLIT_BY_RECORDS, LAST_MONTH_FILE_NAME_PATTERN, self._output_directory)
# Export all records
all_records = self._get_all_records()
self._delete_files(self._output_directory, ALL_MONTH_FILE_NAME_PATTERN)
self._split_records_into_files(all_records, SPLIT_BY_RECORDS, ALL_MONTH_FILE_NAME_PATTERN, self._output_directory)
def set_output_directory(self, path_to_directory):
"""Check if directory exists. If it does not exists it creates it."""
directory = path_to_directory
# remove the slash from the end of the path if exists
if directory[-1] == os.sep:
directory = directory[:-1]
# if directory does not exists then create it
if not os.path.exists(directory):
except(IOError, OSError), exception:
self._report_error("Directory %s does not exist and cannot be ctreated." % (directory, ), exception)
# if it is not path to a directory report an error
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
self._report_error("%s is not a directory." % (directory, ))
self._output_directory = directory
def _get_records_modified_last_month(self):
"""Returns all records modified last month and matching the criteria."""
current_date =
one_month_ago = current_date - datetime.timedelta(days = 31)
#FIXME: Return only records with full texts available for Google Scholar
#FIXME: There is a problem with searching in modification date. It searches only in creation date
return perform_request_search(dt="m", c = self._collections, d1y = one_month_ago.year, d1m = one_month_ago.month, d1d =
def _get_all_records(self):
"""Return all records matching the criteria no matter of their modification date."""
#FIXME: Return only records with full texts available for Google Scholar
return perform_request_search(c = self._collections)
def _split_records_into_files(self, records, max_records_per_file, file_name_pattern, output_directory):
"""Split and save records into files containing not more than max_records_per_file records.
records - list of record numbers
max_records_per_file - the maximum number of records per file
file_name_pattern - the pattern used to name the files. Filenames will start with this
output_directory - directory where all the files will be placed
file_number = 1
file_name = self._get_part_file_name(file_name_pattern, file_number)
begin = 0
number_of_records = len(records)
if 0 == number_of_records:
for end in xrange(max_records_per_file, number_of_records, max_records_per_file):
self._save_records_into_file(records[begin:end], file_name, output_directory)
begin = end
file_number = file_number + 1
file_name = self._get_part_file_name(file_name_pattern, file_number)
if(begin != number_of_records):
self._save_records_into_file(records[begin:number_of_records], file_name, output_directory)
self._create_index_file(file_number, file_name_pattern, output_directory)
def _get_part_file_name(self, file_name_pattern, file_number):
"""Returns name of the file containing part of the records
file_name_pattern - the pattetn used to create the filename
file_number - the number of the file in the sequence of files
The result is filename like lastmonth-part2.xml.gz
where lastmonth is the file_name_pattern and 2 is the file_number
file_name = "%s-part%d.xml.gz" % (file_name_pattern, file_number)
return file_name
def _create_index_file(self, number_of_files, file_name_pattern, output_directory):
"""Creates HTML file containing links to all files containing records"""
index_file = open(output_directory + os.sep +file_name_pattern+"-index.html", "w")
for file_number in xrange(1, number_of_files + 1):
file_name = self._get_part_file_name(file_name_pattern, file_number)
index_file.write('<a href="%s">%s</a><br>\n' % (file_name, file_name))
except (IOError, OSError), exception:
self._report_error("Failed to create index file.", exception)
if index_file is not None:
def _save_records_into_file(self, records, file_name, output_directory):
"""Save all the records into file in proper format (currently
National Library of Medicine XML).
file_name - the name of the file where records will be saved
output_directory - directory where the file will be placed"""
output_file = self._open_output_file(file_name, output_directory)
self._write_to_output_file(output_file, "<articles>\n")
for record in records:
nlm_xml = self._get_record_NLM_XML(record)
self._write_to_output_file(output_file, "\n</articles>")
def _open_output_file(self, file_name, output_directory):
"""Opens new file for writing.
file_name - the name of the file without the extention.
output_directory - the directory where file will be created"""
path = output_directory + os.sep + file_name
output_file = gzip.GzipFile(filename = path, mode = "w")
return output_file
except (IOError, OSError), exception:
self._report_error("Failed to open file file %s." % (path, ), exception)
return None
def _close_output_file(self, output_file):
"""Closes the file"""
if output_file is None:
def _write_to_output_file(self, output_file, text_to_write):
""""Wirtes a the text passed as a parameter to file"""
except (IOError, OSError), exception:
self._report_error("Failed to write to file " +, exception)
def _get_record_NLM_XML(self, record):
"""Returns the record in National Library of Medicine XML format."""
return print_record(record, format='xn')
def _delete_files(self, path_to_directory, name_pattern):
"""Deletes files with file name starting with name_pattern
from directory specified by path_to_directory"""
files = os.listdir(path_to_directory)
for current_file in files:
if current_file.startswith(name_pattern):
path_to_file = path_to_directory + os.sep + current_file
def _report_error(self, error_message, exception = None):
"""Reprts an error during exprotring"""
raise GoogleScholarExportException(error_message, exception)
class GoogleScholarExportException(Exception):
"""Exception indicating an error during exportting for Google scholar."""
_error_message = ""
_inner_exception = None
def __init__(self, error_message, inner_exception = None):
"""Constructor of the exception"""
Exception.__init__(self, error_message, inner_exception)
self._error_message = error_message
self._inner_exception = inner_exception
def get_error_message(self):
"""Returns the error message that explains the reason for the exception"""
return self._error_message
def get_inner_exception(self):
"""Returns the inner exception that is the cause for the current exception"""
return self._inner_exception

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