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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id:,v 1.32 2008/03/26 23:26:23 tibor Exp $
# handles rendering of webmessage module
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" Templates for field exporter plugin """
__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.32 2008/03/26 23:26:23 tibor Exp $"
import cgi
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG, CFG_SITE_URL
from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language
from import convert_datestruct_to_datetext, convert_datetext_to_dategui, convert_datestruct_to_dategui
from invenio.legacy.bibexport.fieldexporter_dblayer import Job, JobResult
class Template:
"""Templates for field exporter plugin"""
_JOBS_URL = "%s/exporter/jobs" % (CFG_SITE_URL, )
_EDIT_JOB_URL = "%s/exporter/edit_job" % (CFG_SITE_URL, )
_EDIT_QUERY_URL = "%s/exporter/edit_query" % (CFG_SITE_URL, )
_JOB_RESULTS_URL = "%s/exporter/job_results" % (CFG_SITE_URL, )
_DISPLAY_JOB_RESULT_URL = "%s/exporter/display_job_result" % (CFG_SITE_URL, )
_DOWNLOAD_JOB_RESULT_URL = "%s/exporter/download_job_result" % (CFG_SITE_URL, )
_JOB_HISTORY_URL = "%s/exporter/history" % (CFG_SITE_URL, )
def tmpl_styles(self):
"""Defines the local CSS styles used in the plugin"""
styles = """
<style type="text/css">
white-space: nowrap;
padding-right: 15px;
width: 350px;
table.spacedcells td{
padding-right: 20px;
white-space: nowrap;
table.spacedcells th{
padding-right: 20px;
text-align: left;
<script type="text/javascript">
function SetAllCheckBoxes(FormName, FieldName, CheckValue)
var objCheckBoxes = document.forms[FormName].elements[FieldName];
var countCheckBoxes = objCheckBoxes.length;
objCheckBoxes.checked = CheckValue;
// set the check value for all check boxes
for(var i = 0; i < countCheckBoxes; i++)
objCheckBoxes[i].checked = CheckValue;
// -->
return styles
def tmpl_navigation_menu(self, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Returns HTML representing navigation menu for field exporter."""
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
navigation_menu = """
<table class="headermodulebox">
<td class="headermoduleboxbody">
<a class="header" href="%(job_verview_url)s?ln=%(language)s">%(label_job_overview)s</a>
<td class="headermoduleboxbody">
<a class="header" href="%(edit_job_url)s?ln=%(language)s">%(label_new_job)s</a>
<td class="headermoduleboxbody">
<a class="header" href="%(job_history_url)s?ln=%(language)s">%(label_job_history)s</a>
""" % {"edit_job_url" : self._EDIT_JOB_URL,
"job_verview_url" : self._JOBS_URL,
"job_history_url" : self._JOB_HISTORY_URL,
"language" : language,
"label_job_overview" : _("Export Job Overview"),
"label_new_job" : _("New Export Job"),
"label_job_history" : _("Export Job History")
return navigation_menu
def tmpl_display_jobs(self, jobs, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
Creates page for displaying of all the jobs.
@param jobs: list of the jobs that have to be displayed
@param language: language of the page
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
table_rows = ""
for current_job in jobs:
# convert last run date into text proper to be shown to the user
datetext = convert_datestruct_to_datetext(current_job.get_last_run())
last_run = convert_datetext_to_dategui(datetext, language)
# obtain text corresponding to the frequency of execution
frequency = current_job.get_frequency()
frequency_text = self._get_frequency_text(frequency)
row = """<tr>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="selected_jobs" value="%(job_id)s"></input></td>
<td><a href="%(edit_job_url)s?id=%(job_id)s&ln=%(language)s">%(name)s</a></td>
</tr>""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"edit_job_url" : self._EDIT_JOB_URL,
"job_id" : current_job.get_id(),
"name" : current_job.get_name(),
"frequency" : frequency_text,
"language" : language,
"last_run" : last_run
table_rows += row
select_all_none_row = """
<tr><td colspan="4">
</td></tr>""" \
table_rows += select_all_none_row
buttons_row = """<tr>
<td colspan="3">
<input type="Submit" name="run_button" value="%(label_run)s" class="formbutton">
<input type="Submit" name="delete_button" value="%(label_delete)s" class="formbutton">
<td align="right">
<input type="Submit" name="new_button" value="%(label_new)s" class="formbutton">
</tr>""" % {
"label_run" : _("Run"),
"label_delete" : _("Delete"),
"label_new" : _("New")
table_rows += buttons_row
body = """
<form method="post" name="jobsForm">
<table class="spacedcells">
""" % {
"table_rows" : table_rows,
"label_name" : _("Name"),
"label_frequency" : _("Run"),
"label_last_run" : _("Last run")
return body
def tmpl_edit_job(self, job, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
Creates page for editing of jobs.
@param job: The job that will be edited
@param language: language of the page
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
job_frequency = job.get_frequency()
frequency_select_box_html = self._create_frequency_select_box("job_frequency", job_frequency, language)
output_format_select_box_html = self._create_output_format_select_box(selected_value = job.get_output_format())
body = """
<form method="post">
<input type="Hidden" name="id" value="%(job_id)s">
<td class = "label">%(name_label)s</td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="job_name" class="textentry" value="%(job_name)s"></td>
<td class = "label">%(frequency_label)s</td>
<td colspan="2">%(frequency_select_box)s</td>
<td class = "label">%(output_format_label)s</td>
<td colspan="2">%(output_format_select_box)s</td>
<td class = "label">%(start_label)s</td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="last_run" class="textentry" value="%(job_last_run)s"></td>
<td class = "label">%(output_directory_label)s</td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="output_directory" class="textentry" value="%(output_directory)s"></td>
<input type="Submit" name="save_button" value="%(save_label)s" class="formbutton">
<input type="Submit" name="cancel_button" value="%(cancel_label)s" class="formbutton">
<td align="right">
<input type="Submit" name="edit_queries_button" value="%(edit_queries_label)s" class="formbutton">
""" % {
"name_label" : _("Name"),
"frequency_label" : _("Frequency"),
"output_format_label" : _("Output Format"),
"start_label" : _("Start"),
"output_directory_label" : _("Output Directory"),
"save_label" : _("Save"),
"cancel_label" : _("Cancel"),
"edit_queries_label" : _("Edit Queries"),
"job_id" : self._html_escape_content(job.get_id()),
"job_name" : self._html_escape_content(job.get_name()),
"frequency_select_box" : frequency_select_box_html,
"output_format_select_box" : output_format_select_box_html,
"job_last_run" : convert_datestruct_to_datetext(job.get_last_run()),
"output_directory" : self._html_escape_content(job.get_output_directory())
return body
def tmpl_display_job_queries(self, job_queries, job_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
Creates page for displaying of queries of a given jobs.
@param job_queries: list of JobQuery objects that have to be displayed
@param job_id: identifier of the job that own the queries
@param language: language of the page
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
table_rows = ""
for current_query in job_queries:
output_fields = ", ".join(current_query.get_output_fields())
row = """<tr>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="selected_queries" value="%(query_id)s"></input></td>
<td><a href="%(edit_query_url)s?id=%(query_id)s&job_id=%(job_id)s&ln=%(language)s">%(name)s</a></td>
<td><input type="text" value="%(search_criteria)s" readonly style="border: none; width: 130px"></td>
<td><input type="text" value="%(output_fields)s" readonly style="border: none; width: 130px"></td>
<td><input type="text" value="%(comment)s" readonly style="border: none; width: 130px"></td>
</tr>""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"edit_query_url" : self._EDIT_QUERY_URL,
"language" : language,
"query_id" : current_query.get_id(),
"search_criteria" : current_query.get_search_criteria(),
"name" : current_query.get_name(),
"comment" : current_query.get_comment(),
"output_fields" : output_fields,
"job_id" : job_id
table_rows += row
select_all_none_row = """
<tr><td colspan="4">
</td></tr>""" \
% (self._get_select_all_none_html("queriesForm",
table_rows += select_all_none_row
buttons_row = """<tr>
<td colspan="4">
<input type="Submit" name="run_button" value="%(label_run)s" class="formbutton">
<input type="Submit" name="delete_button" value="%(label_delete)s" class="formbutton">
<td align="right">
<input type="Submit" name="new_button" value="%(label_new)s" class="formbutton">
</tr>""" % {
"label_run" : _("Run"),
"label_delete" : _("Delete"),
"label_new" : _("New")
table_rows += buttons_row
body = """
<form method="post" name="queriesForm">
<input type="Hidden" name="job_id" value="%(job_id)s">
<table class="spacedcells">
""" % {
"table_rows" : table_rows,
"label_name" : _("Name"),
"label_search_criteria" : _("Query"),
"label_comment" : _("Comment"),
"label_output_fields" : _("Output Fields"),
"job_id" : self._html_escape_content(job_id)
return body
def tmpl_edit_query(self, query, job_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
Creates page for editing of a query.
@param query: the query that will be edited
@param language: language of the page
@return: The HTML content of the page
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
body = """
<form method="post">
<input type="Hidden" name="id" value="%(id)s">
<input type="Hidden" name="job_id" value="%(job_id)s">
<table >
<td class = "label">%(name_label)s</td>
<td><input type="text" name="name" class="textentry" value="%(name)s"></td>
<td class = "label">%(query_label)s</td>
<td><input type="text" name="search_criteria" class="textentry" value="%(search_criteria)s"></td>
<td class = "label">%(output_fields_label)s</td>
<td><input type="text" name="output_fields" class="textentry" value="%(output_fields)s"></td>
<td class = "label">%(comment_label)s</td>
<td><textarea name="comment" rows="6" class="textentry">%(comment)s</textarea></td>
<input type="Submit" name="save_button" value="%(save_label)s" class="formbutton">
<input type="Submit" name="cancel_button" value="%(cancel_label)s" class="formbutton">
""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"name_label" : _("Name"),
"query_label" : _("Query"),
"output_fields_label" : _("Output fields"),
"comment_label" : _("Comment"),
"save_label" : _("Save"),
"cancel_label" : _("Cancel"),
"job_id" : job_id,
"id" : query.get_id(),
"name" : query.get_name(),
"search_criteria" : query.get_search_criteria(),
"output_fields" : ", ".join(query.get_output_fields()),
"comment" : query.get_comment(),
return body
def tmpl_display_queries_results(self, job_result, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Creates a page displaying results from execution of multiple queries.
@param job_result: JobResult object containing the job results
that will be displayed
@param language: language of the page
@return: The HTML content of the page
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
queries_results = job_result.get_query_results()
output_format = job_result.get_job().get_output_format()
job_result_id = job_result.get_id()
body = ""
if job_result_id != JobResult.ID_MISSING:
download_and_format_html = """
<a href="%(download_job_results_url)s?result_id=%(job_result_id)s&ln=%(language)s"><input type="button" value="%(label_download)s" class="formbutton"></a>
<a href="%(display_job_result_url)s?result_id=%(job_result_id)s&output_format=%(output_format_marcxml)s&ln=%(language)s">MARCXML</a>
<a href="%(display_job_result_url)s?result_id=%(job_result_id)s&output_format=%(output_format_marc)s&ln=%(language)s">MARC</a>
""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"label_download" : _("Download"),
"label_view_as" : _("View as: "),
"output_format_marcxml" : Job.OUTPUT_FORMAT_MARCXML,
"output_format_marc" : Job.OUTPUT_FORMAT_MARC,
"download_job_results_url" : self._DOWNLOAD_JOB_RESULT_URL,
"language" : language,
"display_job_result_url" : self._DISPLAY_JOB_RESULT_URL,
"job_result_id" : job_result_id
body += download_and_format_html
for query_result in queries_results:
query = query_result.get_query()
results = query_result.get_result(output_format)
html = """
<strong>%(query_label)s: </strong>%(search_criteria)s<br>
<strong>%(output_fields_label)s: </strong>%(output_fields)s<br>
<textarea rows="10" style="width: 100%%" wrap="off" readonly>%(results)s</textarea></td>
""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"query_label" : _("Query"),
"output_fields_label" : _("Output fields"),
"name" : query.get_name(),
"search_criteria" : query.get_search_criteria(),
"output_fields" : ",".join(query.get_output_fields()),
"results" : results
body += html
return body
def tmpl_display_job_history(self, job_results, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Creates a page displaying information about
the job results given as a parameter.
@param job_results: List of JobResult objects containing
information about the job results that have to be displayed
@param language: language of the page
@return: The HTML content of the page
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
table_rows = ""
for current_job_result in job_results:
current_job = current_job_result.get_job()
# convert execution date into text proper to be shown to the user
execution_date_time = current_job_result.get_execution_date_time()
date = convert_datestruct_to_dategui(execution_date_time)
# obtain text corresponding to the frequency of execution
frequency = current_job.get_frequency()
frequency_text = self._get_frequency_text(frequency, language)
# set the status text
if current_job_result.STATUS_CODE_OK == current_job_result.get_status():
status = _("OK")
status = _("Error")
records_found = current_job_result.get_number_of_records_found()
row = """<tr>
<td><a href="%(job_results_url)s?result_id=%(job_result_id)s&ln=%(language)s">%(job_name)s</a></td>
<a href="%(display_job_result_url)s?result_id=%(job_result_id)s&ln=%(language)s">
<small>%(number_of_records_found)s %(label_records_found)s</small>
</tr>""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"job_name" : current_job.get_name(),
"job_frequency" : frequency_text,
"execution_date" : date,
"status" : status,
"number_of_records_found" : records_found,
"label_records_found" : _("records found"),
"job_results_url" : self._JOB_RESULTS_URL,
"display_job_result_url" : self._DISPLAY_JOB_RESULT_URL,
"language" : language,
"job_result_id" : current_job_result.get_id()
table_rows += row
body = """
<table class="spacedcells">
""" % {
"table_rows" : table_rows,
"label_job_name" : _("Job"),
"label_job_frequency" : _("Run"),
"label_execution_date" : _("Date"),
"label_status" : _("Status")
return body
def tmpl_display_job_result_information(self, job_result, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Creates a page with information about a given job result
@param job_result: JobResult object with containg the job result
@param language: language of the page
@return: The HTML content of the page
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
table_rows = ""
for current_query_result in job_result.get_query_results():
current_query_name = current_query_result.get_query().get_name()
# set the status text
if current_query_result.STATUS_CODE_OK == current_query_result.get_status():
status = _("OK")
status = _("Error")
records_found = current_query_result.get_number_of_records_found()
row = """<tr>
<td><small>%(number_of_records_found)s %(label_records_found)s</small></td>
</tr>""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"query_name" : current_query_name,
"status" : status,
"number_of_records_found" : records_found,
"label_records_found" : _("records found")
table_rows += row
number_of_all_records_found = job_result.get_number_of_records_found()
job_result_id = job_result.get_id()
final_row = """
<a href="%(display_job_results_url)s?result_id=%(job_result_id)s&ln=%(language)s">
<b>%(number_of_all_records_found)s %(label_records_found)s</b>
</tr>""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"label_total" : _("Total"),
"number_of_all_records_found" : number_of_all_records_found,
"label_records_found" : _("records found"),
"display_job_results_url" : self._DISPLAY_JOB_RESULT_URL,
"language" : language,
"job_result_id" : job_result_id
table_rows += final_row
download_row = """
<a href="%(download_job_results_url)s?result_id=%(job_result_id)s&ln=%(language)s">
<input type="button" value="%(label_download)s" class="formbutton">
</tr>""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"label_download" : _("Download"),
"download_job_results_url" : self._DOWNLOAD_JOB_RESULT_URL,
"language" : language,
"job_result_id" : job_result_id
table_rows += download_row
job_name = self._html_escape_content(job_result.get_job().get_name())
if(job_result.get_status() == job_result.STATUS_CODE_ERROR):
status_messasge = job_result.get_status_message()
status_messasge = ""
status_messasge = self._html_escape_content(status_messasge)
body = """
<table class="spacedcells">
<pre style="color: Red;">%(status_message)s</pre>
""" % {
"table_rows" : table_rows,
"label_query" : _("Query"),
"label_status" : _("Status"),
"job_name" : job_name,
"status_message" : status_messasge
return body
def _get_select_all_none_html(self, form_name, field_name, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Returns HTML providing Select All|None links
@param form_name: the name of the form containing the checkboxes
@param field_name: the name of the checkbox fields that will be affected
@param language: language for output
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
output_html = """
%(label_select)s: <a href="javascript:SetAllCheckBoxes('%(form_name)s', '%(field_name)s', true);">%(label_all)s</a>, <a href="javascript:SetAllCheckBoxes('%(form_name)s', '%(field_name)s', false);">%(label_none)s</a>
"""% {
"label_select" : _("Select"),
"label_all" : _("All"),
"label_none" : _("None"),
"form_name" : form_name,
"field_name" : field_name
return output_html
def _get_frequency_text(self, frequency, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
Returns text representation of the frequency: Manually, Daily, Weekly, Monthly
@param frequency: integer containg the number of hours between every execution.
@param language: language for output
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
if 0 == frequency:
frequency_text = _("Manually")
elif 24 == frequency:
frequency_text = _("Daily")
elif 168 == frequency:
frequency_text = _("Weekly")
elif 720 == frequency:
frequency_text = _("Monthly")
frequency_text = "Every %s hours" % (frequency,)
return frequency_text
def _create_output_format_select_box(self, selected_value = 0):
Creates a select box for output format of a job.
@param name: name of the control
@param language: language of the menu
@param selected_value: value selected in the control
@return: HTML string representing HTML select control.
html_output = self._create_select_box("output_format", items, selected_value)
return html_output
def _create_frequency_select_box(self, name, selected_value = 0, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
Creates a select box for frequency of an action/task.
@param name: name of the control
@param language: language of the menu
@param selected_value: value selected in the control
@return: HTML string representing HTML select control.
items = [(self._get_frequency_text(0, language), 0),
(self._get_frequency_text(24, language), 24),
(self._get_frequency_text(168, language), 168),
(self._get_frequency_text(720, language), 720)]
html_output = self._create_select_box(name, items, selected_value)
return html_output
def _create_select_box(self, name, items, selected_value = None):
""" Returns the HTML code for a select box.
@param name: the name of the control
@param items: list of (text, value) tuples where text is the text to be displayed
and value is the value corresponding to the text in the select box
e.g. [("first", 1), ("second", 2), ("third", 3)]
@param selected_value: the value that will be selected
in the select box.
html_output = """<select name="%s">""" % name
for text, value in items:
if selected_value == value:
selected = 'selected="selected"'
selected = ""
current_option = """<option value="%(value)s" %(selected)s>%(text)s</option>""" % self._html_escape_dictionary({
"value" : value,
"text" : text,
"selected" :selected
html_output += current_option
html_output += """</select>"""
return html_output
def _html_escape_dictionary(self, dictionaty_to_escape):
"""Escapes all the values in the dictionary and transform
them in strings that are safe to siplay in HTML page.
HTML special symbols are replaced with their sage equivalents.
@param dictionaty_to_escape: dictionary containing values
that have to be escaped.
@return: returns dictionary with the same keys where the
values are escaped strings"""
for key in dictionaty_to_escape:
value = "%s" % dictionaty_to_escape[key]
dictionaty_to_escape[key] = cgi.escape(value)
return dictionaty_to_escape
def _html_escape_content(self, content_to_escape):
"""Escapes the value given as parameter and
trasforms it to a string that is safe for display in HTML page.
@param content_to_escape: contains the content that have to be escaped.
@return: string containing the escaped content
text_content = "%s" % content_to_escape
escaped_content = cgi.escape(text_content)
return escaped_content

Event Timeline