<p>This guides shows how you can set up a new journal managed by the
WebJournal module of Invenio. You should first read the
<a href="webjournal-editor-guide">WebJournal Editor Guide</a> to get
an overview of the main concepts of this module
<h2><a name="addJournal">2. Add a Journal</a></h2>
<p>To add a journal, go to the WebJournal admin interface and click
"Add new journal". Provide the name of your journal, and
edit the <a href="#configureJournal">configuration</a> of the
journal. Click "Save".</p>
<p><a name="journalConfigurationWritePermission"><strong>Note that by
default your Apache user should not be able to save the
configuration</strong></a> since it should not have rights to write
to <code>/opt/invenio/etc/webjournal/</code>. To save the settings
you might want to manually save your configuration
to <code>/opt/invenio/etc/webjournal/<strong>yourJournalName</strong>/<strong>yourJournalName</strong>-config.xml</code> or give write permission to <code>/opt/invenio/etc/webjournal/</code></p>
<p>Usually adding a journal also requires to set up a dedicated
submission, give some access using WebAccess, and can optionally lead
to the creation of WebSearch collections (you can, but your don't have
to, map your journal categories to WebSearch collections. You can also
simply create a generic collection for all articles in all categories
of your journal, or don't create collections at all). See the section
dedicated to <a href="#addArticles">articles submission</a>.
<h2><a name="configureJournal">3. Configure a Journal</a></h2>
<p>You can either configure the journal from the admin web interface
or directly by editing the configuration file
(see <a href="#journalConfigurationWritePermission">above
<p>The configuration consists in an XML file with the following
<li><strong>niceName</strong>: The name of your journal as displayed on your journal pages</li>
<li><strong>screen</strong>: relative path to your journal CSS file.</li>
<li><strong>print</strong>: same as <strong>screen</strong>, but used when your users want to print your journal</li>
<li><strong>index</strong>: format template of your journal <a href="#sitemapIndex">index page</a></li>
<li><strong>detailed</strong>: format template of your journal <a href="#sitemapDetailed">article page</a></li>
<li><strong>search</strong>: format template of your journal <a href="#sitemapSearch">search/archives page</a></li>
<li><strong>contact</strong>: format template of your journal <a href="#sitemapContact">contact page</a></li>
<li><strong>popup</strong>: format template of your journal <a href="#sitemapPopup">"pop-up article" page</a></li>
<li><strong>rule*</strong>: defines the categories of the journal, and the query matching articles of this category. Format: <code>categoryName, query</code>. The journal categories are not necessary mapped to Invenio collections (but they can be, for consistency)</li>
<ul><li><strong>issue_grouping</strong>: the default number of issues that are released together when grouping issue. Specify <code>1</code> if your release are not usually grouped.</li>
<li><strong>issues_per_year</strong>: number of expected issue per year. Help to anticipate next issue dates and number</li>
<li><strong>hide_unreleased_issues</strong>: if all unreleased issue should be hidden to readers, type "<code>all</code>" (recommended). If only future unreleased issues must be hidden to readers, type "<code>future</code>". If unreleased issues must always be accessible to everyone (even if displayed empty), use "<code>none</code>". Hidden issues are only visible to users who can access action "<code>cfgwebjournal</code>").</li>
<li><strong>issue_number</strong>: <em>(not yet used. Should correspond to field containing issue number. Now hardcoded to 773__n)</em></li>
<li><strong>order_number</strong>: <em>(not yet used. Should correspond to field containing article order. Now hardcoded to 773__c)</em></li>
<li><strong>alert_sender</strong>: email displayed as sender when sending journal newsletter</li>
<li><strong>alert_recipients</strong>: default list of recipients emails (comma-separated) when sending journal newsletter</li>
<li><strong>languages</strong>: comma-separated list of languages enabled for this journal (you should have an article in <em>each</em> of these languages)</li>
<li><strong>doctype</strong>: the doctype of the submission used to edit record. Used to provide journal editors a direct link to submission from an article</li>
<li><strong>identifier_element</strong>: the WebSubmit element name where the submission expects to get the report number of the article to edit.</li>
<li><strong>identifier_field</strong>: the MARC field on which the submission should rely to retrieve the article (identifier to use to prefill the <em>identifier_element</em> input field when using <code>CFG_SITE/submit/direct</code> URLs).</li>
<li><strong>draft_keyword</strong>: keyword that will be removed from some fields of the records of the issue to be released: that is used to automatically "publish" records tagged as draft.</li>
<li><strong>first_issue</strong>: The first issue number to be ever published for this journal: this is only needed at the beginning, in order for WebJournal to know what should be the first issue number (Eg. if it starts in the middle of the year with a different number than <code>01</code>)</li>
<li><strong>draft_image_access_policy</strong>: '<code>allow</code>' or '<code>deny</code>' (default): if we should allow or not (default) access to images and files attached to an article even if this article is still part of a restricted collection: this allows to workaround the time required for an article to appear in a public collection after an issue has been released. Access is still forbidden if the article does not belong to a released issue, but at least default authorizations of the record do not apply.</li>
<p><em>* Means repeatable</em></p>
<h2><a name="journalSitemap">4. Sitemap of a Journal</a></h2>
<p>A journal typically contains the following sections, each generated using a different template (as defined in your journal configuration):</p>
The main page of a journal, containing links to detailed articles. Correspond to a given journal, issue and category (by default the first category of the latest issue of the journal).<br />
Accessible at <code>http://yourSite/journal/<strong>yourJournalName</strong>/</code> or for a specific issue and/or category at <code>http://yourSite/journal/yourJournalName/<strong>year</strong>/<strong>number</strong>/<strong>category</strong></code><br />
When <code><strong>yourJournalName</strong></code> is not provided, the user is automatically redirected to the latest issue of your journal. If there are several journals available, he is offered a list of journals to choose from. When <strong>category</strong> is missing, the first category defined for your journal is used. When <code>/<strong>year</strong>/<strong>number</strong>/</code> are missing, the latest issue is chosen.</li>