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* This file is part of CDS Invenio.
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 2009 CERN.
* CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* This is the BibEdit Javascript for generation of webpage elements and HTML.
function displayRecord(){
* Create the main content table.
var table = '' +
'<table id="bibEditTable">' +
'<col span="1" class="bibEditColFieldBox"/>' +
'<col span="1" id="bibEditColFieldTag"/>' +
'<col span="1" class="bibEditColFieldBox" />' +
'<col span="1" id="bibEditColSubfieldTag" />' +
'<col span="1" />' +
'<col span="1" id="bibEditColSubfieldAdd" />' +
// Create a dummy row to hack layout in like FF..
'<tbody style="border: 0px;">' +
'<tr>' +
'<td style="padding: 0px; max-width: 14px;"></td>' +
'<td style="padding: 0px; max-width: 100px;"></td>' +
'<td style="padding: 0px; max-width: 14px;"></td>' +
'<td style="padding: 0px; max-width: 80px;"></td>' +
'<td style="padding: 0px"></td>' +
'<td style="padding: 0px; max-width: 16px;"></td>' +
'</tr>' +
var tags = getTagsSorted(), tag, fields;
// For each controlfield, create row.
for (var i=0, n=tags.length; i<n; i++){
tag = tags[i];
// If not controlfield, move on.
if (!validMARC.reControlTag.test(tag))
fields = gRecord[tag];
for (var j=0, m=fields.length; j<m; j++)
table += createControlField(tag, fields[j], j);
// For each instance of each field, create row(s).
for (n=tags.length; i<n; i++){
tag = tags[i];
fields = gRecord[tag];
for (var j=0, m=fields.length; j<m; j++){
table += createField(tag, fields[j], j);
// Close and display table.
table += '</table>';
// now displaying the remaining controls
for (changeNr in gHoldingPenChanges){
addChangeControl(changeNr, false);
function createControlField(tag, field, fieldPosition){
* Create control field row.
var fieldID = tag + '_' + fieldPosition;
var cellContentClass = 'class="bibEditCellContentProtected" ';
if (!fieldIsProtected(tag))
cellContentClass = '';
return '' +
'<tbody id="rowGroup_' + fieldID + '">' +
'<tr id="row_' + fieldID + '" >' +
'<td class="bibEditCellField">' +
input('checkbox', 'boxField_' + fieldID, 'bibEditBoxField',
{onclick: 'onFieldBoxClick(this)', tabindex: -1}) +
'</td>' +
'<td id="fieldTag_' + fieldID + '" class="bibEditCellFieldTag">' +
getFieldTag(tag) +
'</td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td id="content_' + fieldID + '" ' + cellContentClass +
'colspan="2" tabindex="0">' + escapeHTML(field[3]) +
'</td>' +
'</tr>' +
function createField(tag, field, fieldPosition){
* Create field row(s).
var subfields = field[0], ind1 = field[1], ind2 = field[2];
var fieldID = tag + '_' + fieldPosition;
ind1 = (ind1 != ' ' && ind1 != '') ? ind1 : '_';
ind2 = (ind2 != ' ' && ind2 != '') ? ind2 : '_';
var protectedField = fieldIsProtected(tag + ind1 + ind2);
var subfieldsLength = subfields.length;
var result = '<tbody ' + 'id="rowGroup_' + fieldID + '">';
for (var i=0, n=subfields.length; i<n; i++){
var subfield = subfields[i];
result += createRow(tag, ind1, ind2, subfield[0], escapeHTML(subfield[1]),
fieldID, i, subfieldsLength, protectedField);
return result + '</tbody>';
function createRow(tag, ind1, ind2, subfieldCode, subfieldValue, fieldID,
subfieldIndex, subfieldsLength, protectedField){
* Create single row (not controlfield).
var MARC = tag + ind1 + ind2 + subfieldCode;
var protectedSubfield = (protectedField) ? true : fieldIsProtected(MARC);
var subfieldID = fieldID + '_' + subfieldIndex;
var boxField = '', cellFieldTagAttrs = 'class="bibEditCellField"',
fieldTagToPrint = '',
cellContentClass = 'bibEditCellContentProtected',
cellContentOnClick = '';
if (!protectedField){
// Enable features for unprotected fields.
if (!protectedSubfield){
cellContentClass = 'bibEditCellContent';
cellContentTitle = 'title="Click to edit" ';
cellContentOnClick = 'onclick="onContentClick(this)" ';
cellContentAdditionalClass = "";
if (subfieldValue.substring(0,9) == "VOLATILE:"){
subfieldValue = subfieldValue.substring(9);
cellContentAdditionalClass += " bibEditVolatileSubfield";
var boxSubfield = input('checkbox', 'boxSubfield_' + subfieldID,
'bibEditBoxSubfield', {onclick: 'onSubfieldBoxClick(this)', tabindex: -1});
var subfieldTagToPrint = getSubfieldTag(MARC);
var btnAddSubfield = '';
// If first subfield, add tag and selection box, remove up arrow.
if (subfieldIndex == 0){
boxField = input('checkbox', 'boxField_' + fieldID, 'bibEditBoxField',
{onclick: 'onFieldBoxClick(this)', tabindex: -1});
cellFieldTagAttrs = 'id="fieldTag_' + fieldID +
'" class="bibEditCellFieldTag"';
fieldTagToPrint = getFieldTag(MARC);
// If last subfield, remove down arrow, add 'Add subfield' button.
if (subfieldIndex == subfieldsLength - 1){
if (!protectedField)
btnAddSubfield = img('/img/add.png', 'btnAddSubfield_' + fieldID, '',
{title: 'Add subfield', onclick: 'onAddSubfieldsClick(this)'});
return '' +
'<tr id="row_' + subfieldID + '">' +
'<td class="bibEditCellField">' + boxField + '</td>' +
'<td ' + cellFieldTagAttrs + '>' + fieldTagToPrint + '</td>' +
'<td class="bibEditCellSubfield">' + boxSubfield + '</td>' +
'<td id="subfieldTag_' + subfieldID +
'" class="bibEditCellSubfieldTag">' +
subfieldTagToPrint +
'</td>' +
'<td id="content_' + subfieldID + '" class="' + cellContentClass + cellContentAdditionalClass+ '" ' +
cellContentTitle + cellContentOnClick + 'tabindex="0">' +
subfieldValue +
'</td>' +
'<td class="bibEditCellAddSubfields">' + btnAddSubfield + '</td>' +
function redrawFields(tag, skipAddFileds){
* Redraw all fields for a given tag.
* skipAddFileds - forces to skip drawing the controls corresponding to the
* change of adding a field
var rowGroup = $('#rowGroup_' + tag + '_0'), prevRowGroup;
if (rowGroup.length){
// Remove the fields from view.
prevRowGroup = rowGroup.prev();
prevRowGroup.nextAll('[id^=rowGroup_' + tag + ']').remove();
// New tag. Determine previous sibling.
var prevTag = getPreviousTag(tag);
prevRowGroup = $('#rowGroup_' + prevTag + '_0');
// Redraw all fields and append to table.
if (gRecord[tag]){
var fields = gRecord[tag];
var result = '', i, n;
if (validMARC.reControlTag.test(tag)){
for (i=0, n=fields.length; i<n; i++)
result += createControlField(tag, fields[i], i);
for (i=0, n=fields.length; i<n; i++)
result += createField(tag, fields[i], i);
// Now redraw all the Holding Pen changes connected controls
for (changeNr in gHoldingPenChanges){
if (gHoldingPenChanges[changeNr]["tag"] == tag){
addChangeControl(changeNr, skipAddFileds);
/// The Holding Pen changes connected functions
/// rendering the field content
function removeAddFieldControl(changeNo){
$("#changeBox_" + changeNo).remove();
/// generating the changes controls
function getApplyChangeButton(functionName, changeNo){
/*Returning the HTML code of the Apply change button
* functionName - the name of the function called when the button is clicked
* The function has to take one argument being the number of the
* change
* changeNo - the number of the change the button is associated with
return "<button onClick=\"return " + functionName + "(" + changeNo + ");\"><img src=\"/img/wsignout.gif\"></img></button>";
function getRejectChangeButton(changeNo){
/*The button allowing to reject the change - and remove the control from the user interface*/
result = "<button onClick=\"onRejectChangeClicked(" +
changeNo + ");\"><img src=\"/img/iconcross2.gif\"></img></button>";
return result;
function getAddInsteadOfChangeButton(functionName, changeNo){
/*The button allowing to reject the change - and remove the control from the user interface*/
result = "<button onClick=\"" + functionName + "(" +
changeNo + ");\"><img src=\"/img/plus_orange.png\"></img></button>";
return result;
function addSubfieldChangedControl(changeNo){
fieldId = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["tag"];
fieldPos = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["field_position"];
sfPos = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["subfield_position"];
content = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["subfield_content"];
applyButton = getApplyChangeButton("applySubfieldChanged", changeNo);
rejectButton = getRejectChangeButton(changeNo);
addButton = getAddInsteadOfChangeButton("applyFieldAdded", changeNo); // apply the change as if it was adding the subfield ( the data is the same)
/*adds a control allowing to change the subfield content*/
newel = "<div class=\"bibeditHPCorrection\"><span> New value: " + content +
"</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;" +
applyButton +
rejectButton +
addButton +
$("#content_" + fieldId + "_" + fieldPos + "_" + sfPos).append(newel);
function addSubfieldAddedControl(changeNo){
/*adds a control allowing to add a new subfield using the holding pen*/
fieldId = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo].tag;
fieldPos = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo].field_position;
subfieldCode = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo].subfield_code;
subfieldContent = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo].subfield_content;
applyButton = getApplyChangeButton("applySubfieldAdded", changeNo);
rejectButton = getRejectChangeButton(changeNo);
subfieldPreview = "$$" + subfieldCode + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + subfieldContent;
newel = "<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>" +
"<div class=\"bibeditHPCorrection\"><span>Subfield added: " + subfieldPreview + "</span>" +
"<div>" + applyButton + rejectButton +"</div></div></td><td></td></tr>";
$("#rowGroup_" + fieldId + "_" + fieldPos).append(newel);
function addSubfieldRemovedControl(changeNo){
/*adds a control allowing to apply the change of removing the subfield */
fieldId = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["tag"];
fieldPos = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["field_position"];
sfPos = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["subfield_position"];
applyButton = getApplyChangeButton("applySubfieldRemoved", changeNo);
rejectButton = getRejectChangeButton(changeNo);
newel = "<div class=\"bibeditHPCorrection\"><span> The subfield has been removed " +
"</span>" + applyButton + rejectButton + "</div>";
$("#content_" + fieldId + "_" + fieldPos + "_" + sfPos).append(newel);
function addFieldRemovedControl(changeNo){
/*adds a control allowing the change of removing the Field*/
fieldId = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["tag"];
fieldPos = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["field_position"];
applyButton = getApplyChangeButton("applyFieldRemoved", changeNo);
rejectButton = getRejectChangeButton(changeNo);
newel = "<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><div class=\"bibeditHPCorrection\">Field has been removed in the Holding Pen. " +
applyButton + rejectButton +
$("#rowGroup_" + fieldId + "_" + fieldPos).append(newel);
function addFieldChangedControl(changeNo){
/*adds a control allowing the change of removing the Field*/
fieldId = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["tag"];
indicators = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["indicators"];
fieldPos = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["field_position"];
fieldContent = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["field_content"];
applyButton = getApplyChangeButton("applyFieldChanged", changeNo);
rejectButton = getRejectChangeButton(changeNo);
addButton = getAddInsteadOfChangeButton("applyFieldAdded", changeNo);
fieldPreview = createFieldPreview(fieldId, indicators, fieldContent);
newel = "<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><div class=\"bibeditHPCorrection\">Field structure has changed. New value: " +
fieldPreview + "<br>" + applyButton + rejectButton + addButton +
$("#rowGroup_" + fieldId + "_" + fieldPos).append(newel);
function addFieldAddedControl(changeNo){
/*adds a control allowing the change of adding the Field*/
fieldId = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["tag"];
indicators = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["indicators"];
field = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNo]["field_content"];
fieldContent = createFieldPreview(fieldId, indicators, field);
//fieldContent = returnASummaryOfTheField(fieldId, field);
applyButton = getApplyChangeButton("applyFieldAdded", changeNo);
rejectButton = getRejectChangeButton(changeNo);
content = "<div class=\"bibeditHPCorrection\" id=\"changeBox_" + changeNo + "\">" +
"<div>A field has been added in the Holding Pen entry </div> " +
"<div>" + fieldContent + "</div>" +
"<div>" +
applyButton + rejectButton +
function addChangeControl(changeNum, skipAddedField){
// creates a web controls responsible for applying a particular change
// changeNum is the number of the change - it is the same as the index in gHoldingPenChanges
// global array
changeType = gHoldingPenChanges[changeNum]["change_type"];
if ( changeType == "field_added" && skipAddedField != true){
if ( changeType == "subfield_changed"){
if ( changeType == "subfield_removed"){
if ( changeType == "subfield_added"){
if ( changeType == "field_removed"){
if ( changeType == "field_changed"){
/// the functions for creating the previews
function createFieldPreviewCore(tag, indicators, subfields){
/** A function creating a viewable preview of the records*/
headerData = tag + indicators + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
result = "";
for (subfield in subfields){
result += "<tr><td>"
+ headerData
+ "</td><td>$$"
+ subfields[subfield][0]
+ "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>"
+ subfields[subfield][1]
+ "</td></tr>";
headerData = "";
return result;
function createFieldPreview(tag, indicators, subfields){
/*Creating a preview of a single field*/
return "<table>" + createFieldPreviewCore(tag, indicators, subfields) + "</table>";
function createRecordPreview(recordData){
/**A function creating a preview of the record*/
// 1) sorting Tags
unsortedTags = [];
for (tag in recordData){
tags = unsortedTags.sort();
result = "<table>";
for (tagIndex in tags){
tag = tags[tagIndex];
// now we have to sort the fields by the indicators
unsortedIndicators = [];
indicatorLists = {};
for (field in recordData[tag]){
indicators = (recordData[tag][field][1] == ' ' ? '_' : recordData[tag][field][1] ) +
(recordData[tag][field][2] == ' ' ? '_' : recordData[tag][field][2] );
if (indicatorLists[indicators] == undefined){
indicatorLists[indicators] = [];
sortedIndicators = unsortedIndicators.sort();
// traversing all the fields in previously indicated order
for (indicatorsInd in sortedIndicators){
indicators = sortedIndicators[indicatorsInd];
for (fieldInd in indicatorLists[indicators]){
field = indicatorLists[indicators][fieldInd];
result += createFieldPreviewCore(tag, indicators, recordData[tag][field][0]);
result += "</table>";
return result;
/// the entries on the left, in the panel
function createHoldingPenChangePreview(record){
/** A function creating the content
* Parameters:
* record - A content of the record that should be previewed
return createRecordPreview(record)
+ "<br><button onClick=\"onToggleDetailsVisibility(" + changesetNumber + ");\">Hide preview</button>";
function createHoldingPenPanelEntry(changesetNumber, changesetDatetime){
* A function creating the panel entry describing one changeset
* Parameters:
* changesetNumber - the internal changeset number ( from the Holding Pen )
* changesetDatetime - the data of harvesting the changeset
* Returns: The HTML code of the control
manipulationControlsSection = //"<div class=\"bibeditHPEntryControlsPanel\">" +
button("<img src=\"/img/add.png\">",
id = ("bibeditHPApplyChange" + changesetNumber),
_class = "bibeditHPControl",
attrs = {
"onClick" :
("return holdingPenPanelApplyChangeSet("+ changesetNumber + ");")
}) +
button("<img src=\"/img/delete.png\">",
id = ("bibeditHPRemoveChange" + changesetNumber),
_class = "bibeditHPControl",
attrs = {
"onClick" :
("return holdingPenPanelRemoveChangeSet("+ changesetNumber + ");")
numberSection = "<div class=\"bibeditHPEntryNumber\">No" + changesetNumber + "</div>";
datetimeSection = "<div class=\"bibeditHPEntryDateSection\">" + changesetDatetime + "</div>";
previewOpener = "<div id=\"holdingPenToggleDetailsVisibility_" + changesetNumber +
"\" onClick=\"onToggleDetailsVisibility(" + changesetNumber +
");\" class=\"bibeditHPDetailsOpener\">+</div>";
previewLayer = "<div class=\"bibeditHPContentPreviewBox bibeditHPHiddenElement\" id=\"holdingPenPreview_" + changesetNumber + "\">" +
"Loading... <br>" +
"<br><button onClick=\"onToggleDetailsVisibility(" + changesetNumber + ");\">Hide preview</button></div>"; // a toggle button ;
previewSection = previewOpener + previewLayer
result = "<div class=\"bibeditHPPanelEntry\" id=\"bibeditHoldingPenPanelEntry_" + changesetNumber + "\">" +
"<div class=\"bibeditHPEntryCol1\">" +
"<div class=\"bibeditHPEntryRow1\">" + numberSection + previewSection + "</div>" +
"<div class=\"bibeditHPEntryRow2\">" + datetimeSection + "</div>" +
"</div><div class=\"bibeditHPEntryCol2\">"+ manipulationControlsSection + "</div>" +
return result;
//informationsSection = "<div class=\"bibeditHPInformationsSection\">" + numberSection + previewSection + datetimeSection + "</div>";
//return "<div class=\"bibeditHPPanelEntry\" id=\"bibeditHoldingPenPanelEntry_" +
// changesetNumber + "\">" + informationsSection + manipulationControlsSection + "</div>";
function createGeneralControlsPanel(){
/** Generating a panel that allows to perform global operations on the previewed changes*/
result = "<div id=\"bibeditHoldinPenGC\">";
result += "<button onClick=\"onAcceptAllChanges();\">Apply all the changes</button>";
result += "<button onClick=\"onRejectAllChanges();\"> Reject all the changes</button>";
result += "</div>";
return result;
/// end of the Holding Pen Connected functions
function createAddFieldForm(fieldTmpNo, fieldTemplateNo){
* Create an 'Add field' form.
* fieldTmpNo - temporary field number
* fieldTemplateNo - a number of template that should be selected by default
fieldTemplatesData = []
for (templatePos in fieldTemplates){
fieldTemplatesData.push({"value" : templatePos , "description": fieldTemplates[templatePos].name});
return '' +
'<tbody id="rowGroupAddField_' + fieldTmpNo + '">' +
'<tr>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td><b>New</b></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td><div class="bibEditAddFieldManipulationsBar"><div class="bibEditAddFieldFormSelectTemplate">Add field: ' +
select('selectAddFieldTemplate_' + fieldTmpNo, fieldTemplatesData, fieldTemplateNo) +
'</div><div class="bibEditAddFieldFormCreateSimilar"> Add ' +
input('text', 'selectAddFieldTemplateTimes_' + fieldTmpNo, "addFieldAddSimilarInput", {"maxlength" : 4, "size": 1}) +
button('similar', 'selectAddSimilarFields_' + fieldTmpNo, "", {}) +
'</div></div></td>' +
'<td>' +
img('/img/add.png', 'btnAddFieldAddSubfield_' + fieldTmpNo, '', {
title: 'Add subfield'}) +
'</td>' +
'</tr>' +
createAddFieldRow(fieldTmpNo, 0) +
// adding a row used to insert at the end without repositioning the tag and indicators
'<tr>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td>' +
'</td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'</tr>' +
function createAddFieldRow(fieldTmpNo, subfieldTmpNo, defaultCode, defaultValue){
* Create a row in the 'Add field' form.
* optional parameters:
* defaultCode - the subfield code displayed by default
* defaultValue - the subfield value displayed by default
var fieldCode = "";
var fieldValue = "";
if (defaultCode != undefined && defaultCode != " "){
fieldCode = defaultCode;
if (defaultValue != undefined && defaultValue != " "){
fieldValue = defaultValue;
var isVolatile = (defaultValue != undefined && defaultValue.substring(0, 9) == "VOLATILE:");
var additionalClass = "";
if (isVolatile){
additionalClass = " bibEditVolatileSubfield";
fieldValue = fieldValue.substring(9);
var txtAddFieldTag = '', txtAddFieldInd1 = '', txtAddFieldInd2 = '',
btnAddFieldRemove = '';
if (subfieldTmpNo == 0){
txtAddFieldTag = input('text', 'txtAddFieldTag_' + fieldTmpNo,
'bibEditTxtTag', {maxlength: 3});
txtAddFieldInd1 = input('text', 'txtAddFieldInd1_' + fieldTmpNo,
'bibEditTxtInd', {maxlength: 1});
txtAddFieldInd2 = input('text', 'txtAddFieldInd2_' + fieldTmpNo,
'bibEditTxtInd', {maxlength: 1});
btnAddFieldRemove = img('/img/delete.png', 'btnAddFieldRemove_' +
fieldTmpNo + '_' + subfieldTmpNo, '', {title: 'Remove subfield'});
return '' +
'<tr id="rowAddField_' + fieldTmpNo + '_' + subfieldTmpNo + '">' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td>' +
txtAddFieldTag + txtAddFieldInd1 + txtAddFieldInd2 +
'</td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td class="bibEditCellAddSubfieldCode">' +
input('text', 'txtAddFieldSubfieldCode_' + fieldTmpNo + '_' +
subfieldTmpNo, 'bibEditTxtSubfieldCode', {maxlength: 1, value: fieldCode}) +
'</td>' +
'<td>' +
input('text', 'txtAddFieldValue_' + fieldTmpNo + '_' +
subfieldTmpNo, 'bibEditTxtValue' + additionalClass, {value : fieldValue}) +
'</td>' +
'<td>' + btnAddFieldRemove + '</td>' +
function createAddSubfieldsForm(fieldID){
* Create an 'Add subfields' form.
return '' +
createAddSubfieldsRow(fieldID, 0) +
'<tr id="rowAddSubfieldsControls_' + fieldID + '">' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td>' +
'</td>' +
'<td></td>' +
function createAddSubfieldsRow(fieldID, subfieldTmpNo){
* Create a row in the 'Add subfields' form.
var subfieldID = fieldID + '_' + subfieldTmpNo;
var btnRemove = (subfieldTmpNo == 0) ? '' : img('/img/delete.png',
'btnAddSubfieldsRemove_' + subfieldID, '', {title: 'Remove subfield'});
return '' +
'<tr id="rowAddSubfields_' + subfieldID + '">' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td></td>' +
'<td class="bibEditCellAddSubfieldCode">' +
input('text', 'txtAddSubfieldsCode_' + subfieldID,
'bibEditTxtSubfieldCode', {maxlength: 1}) +
'</td>' +
'<td>' +
input('text', 'txtAddSubfieldsValue_' + subfieldID, 'bibEditTxtValue') +
'</td>' +
'<td>' + btnRemove + '</td>' +
function displayMessage(msgCode, keepContent, args){
* Display message in the main work area. Messages codes returned from the
* server (positive integers) are as specified in the BibEdit configuration.
var msg;
switch (msgCode){
case -1:
msg = 'Search term did not match any records.';
case 0:
msg = 'A server error has occured. Please contact your system ' +
'administrator.<br />' +
'Error code: <b>' + msgCode + '</b>';
case 4:
msg = 'Your modifications have now been submitted. ' +
'They will be processed as soon as the task queue is empty.';
case 6:
msg = 'The record will be deleted as soon as the task queue is empty.';
case 101:
msg = 'Could not access record. Permission denied.';
case 102:
msg = 'This record does not exist. Please try another record ID.';
case 103:
msg = 'Cannot edit deleted record.';
case 104:
msg = 'This record is currently being edited by another user. Please ' +
'try again later.';
case 105:
msg = 'This record cannot be safely edited at the moment. Please ' +
'try again in a few minutes.';
case 106:
msg = 'A server error has occured. You may have lost your changes to ' +
'this record.<br />' +
'Error code: <b>' + msgCode + '</b> (missing cache file)';
case 107:
msg = 'It appears that you have opened this record in another editor, ' +
'perhaps in a different window or on a different computer. A record ' +
'can only be edited in one place at the time.<br />' +
'Do you want to ' +
'<b><a href="#"id="lnkGetRecord">reopen the record</a></b> here?';
case 108:
msg = 'Could not find record template file. Please notify your system ' +
case 109:
msg = 'The record template file is invalid. Please notify your system ' +
case 110:
msg = 'The record contains invalid content. Remove the invalid content ' +
'and resubmit the record.<br />' +
'Errors: <b>' + args[0] + '</b><br /><br />';
msg = 'Result code: <b>' + msgCode + '</b>';
if (!keepContent)
$('#bibEditContent').html('<div id="bibEditMessage">' + msg + '</div>');
$('#bibEditContent').prepend('<div id="bibEditMessage">' + msg + '</div>');
function displayNewRecordScreen(){
* Display options for creating a new record: An empty record or a template
* selected from a list of templates.
var msg = '<ul><li style="padding-bottom: 20px;">' +
'<a href="#" id="lnkNewEmptyRecord"><b>Empty record</b></a></li>' +
'<li style="padding-bottom: 10px;">Use record template:' +
var templatesCount = gRECORD_TEMPLATES.length;
if (!templatesCount)
msg += '<tr><td style="padding-left: 10px;">No record templates found' +
for (var i=0, n=templatesCount; i<n; i++)
msg += '<tr style="border-width: 1px;">' +
'<td style="padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">' +
'<a href="#" id="lnkNewTemplateRecord_' + i + '"><b>' +
gRECORD_TEMPLATES[i][1] + '</b></a></td>' +
'<td style="padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">' +
'<td>' + gRECORD_TEMPLATES[i][2] + '</td></tr>';
msg += '</table></li>';
function displayCacheOutdatedScreen(requestType){
* Display options to resolve the outdated cache scenario (DB record updated
* during editing). Options differ depending on wether the situation was
* discovered when fetching or when submitting the record.
var recordURL = gSITE_URL + '/record/' + gRecID + '/';
var viewMARCURL = recordURL + '?of=hm';
var viewMARCXMLURL = recordURL + '?of=xm';
var msg = '';
if (requestType == 'submit')
msg = 'Someone has changed this record while you were editing. ' +
'You can:<br /><ul>' +
'<li>View (<b><a href="' + recordURL + '" target="_blank">HTML</a></b>,' +
' <b><a href="' + viewMARCURL + '" target="_blank">MARC</a></b>,' +
' <b><a href="' + viewMARCXMLURL + '" target="_blank">MARCXML</a></b>' +
') the latest version</li>' +
'<li><a href="#" id="lnkMergeCache"><b>Merge</b></a> your changes ' +
'with the latest version by using the merge interface</li>' +
'<li><a href="#" id="lnkForceSubmit"><b>Force your changes</b></a> ' +
'(<b>Warning: </b>overwrites the latest version)</li>' +
'<li><a href="#" id="lnkDiscardChanges><b>Discard your changes</b></a> ' +
'(keep the latest version)</li>' +
else if (requestType == 'getRecord')
msg = 'You have unsubmitted changes to this record, but someone has ' +
'changed the record while you were editing. You can:<br /><ul>' +
'<li>View (<b><a href="' + recordURL + '" target="_blank">HTML</a></b>,' +
' <b><a href="' + viewMARCURL + '" target="_blank">MARC</a></b>,' +
' <b><a href="' + viewMARCXMLURL + '" target="_blank">MARCXML</a></b>' +
') the latest version</li>' +
'<li><a href="#" id="lnkMergeCache"><b>Merge</b></a> your changes ' +
'with the latest version by using the merge interface</li>' +
'<li><a href="#" id="lnkDiscardChanges"><b>Get the latest version' +
'</b></a> (<b>Warning: </b>discards your changes)</li>' +
'<li>Keep editing. When submitting you will be offered to overwrite ' +
'the latest version. Click <a href="#" id="lnkRemoveMsg">here' +
'</a> to remove this message.</li>' +
$('#bibEditContent').prepend('<div id="bibEditMessage">' + msg + '</div>');
function displayAlert(msgType, args){
* Display pop-up of type alert or confirm.
* args can be an array with additional arguments.
var msg;
var popUpType = 'alert';
switch (msgType){
case 'confirmClone':
msg = 'Clone this record?\n\n';
popUpType = 'confirm';
case 'confirmSubmit':
msg = 'Submit your changes to this record?\n\n';
popUpType = 'confirm';
case 'confirmCancel':
msg = 'You have unsubmitted changes to this record.\n\n' +
'Discard your changes?';
popUpType = 'confirm';
case 'confirmDeleteRecord':
msg = 'Really delete this record?\n\n';
popUpType = 'confirm';
case 'confirmInvalidOrEmptyInput':
msg = 'WARNING: Some subfields contain invalid MARC or are empty. \n' +
'Click Cancel to go back and correct. \n' +
'Click OK to ignore and continue (only valid subfields will be saved).';
popUpType = 'confirm';
case 'confirmLeavingChangedRecord':
msg = '******************** WARNING ********************\n' +
' You have unsubmitted changes.\n\n' +
'You should go back to the record and click either:\n' +
' * Submit (to save your changes permanently)\n or\n' +
' * Cancel (to discard your changes)\n\n' +
'Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current record.';
popUpType = 'confirm';
case 'alertCriticalInput':
msg = 'ERROR: Your input had critical errors. Please go back and ' +
'correct any fields with invalid MARC (red border) or fields that ' +
'should not be empty.';
case 'alertAddProtectedField':
msg = 'ERROR: Cannot add protected field ' + args[0] + '.';
case 'alertAddProtectedSubfield':
msg = 'ERROR: Cannot add protected subfield ' + args[0] + '.';
case 'alertEmptySubfieldsList':
msg = "The field has to contain at least one non-empty subfield.";
case 'alertDeleteProtectedField':
msg = 'ERROR: Cannot delete protected field ' + args[0] + '.';
msg = msgType;
if (popUpType == 'confirm')
return confirm(msg);
function notImplemented(event){
* Handle unimplemented function.
alert('Sorry, this function is not implemented yet!');
function button(value, id, _class, attrs){
* Create a button tag with specified attributes.
value = (value != undefined) ? value : '';
id = id ? 'id="' + id + '" ' : '';
_class = _class ? 'class="' + _class + '" ' : '';
var strAttrs = '';
for (var attr in attrs){
strAttrs += attr + '="' + attrs[attr] + '" ';
return '<button ' + id + _class + strAttrs + '>' + value + '</button>';
function img(src, id, _class, attrs){
* Create an image tag with specified attributes.
src = 'src="' + src + '" ';
id = id ? 'id="' + id + '" ' : '';
_class = _class ? 'class="' + _class + '" ' : '';
var strAttrs = '';
for (var attr in attrs){
strAttrs += attr + '="' + attrs[attr] + '" ';
return '<img ' + src + id + _class + strAttrs + '/>';
function input(type, id, _class, attrs){
* Create an input tag with specified attributes.
type = 'type="' + type + '" ';
id = id ? 'id="' + id + '" ' : '';
_class = _class ? 'class="' + _class + '" ' : '';
var strAttrs = '';
for (var attr in attrs){
strAttrs += attr + '="' + attrs[attr] + '" ';
return '<input ' + type + id + _class + strAttrs + '/>';
function select(id, options, selectedOption){
* Create the select input -> it has a different structure than most of the
* inputs
* options: a list of options appearing under the same id. Each option is a
* dictionary describing the value associated and the description
* a sample entry of the options : {value: "1", description: "option1"}
optionsHTML = "";
for (optionNr in options){
optionsHTML += "<option value=\"" + options[optionNr].value + "\"";
if (selectedOption == options[optionNr].value){
optionsHTML += " selected";
optionsHTML += ">" + options[optionNr].description + "</option>";
return "<select id=\"" + id + "\">" + optionsHTML + "</select>";
function escapeHTML(value){
* Replace special characters '&', '<' and '>' with HTML-safe sequences.
* This functions is called on content before displaying it.
value = value.replace(/&/g, '&amp;'); // Must be done first!
value = value.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
value = value.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
return value;

Event Timeline