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Sat, Oct 19, 02:51

## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Receive OAI-PMH 2.0 requests and responds"""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import cPickle
import os
import re
import cgi
import urllib
import time
import sys
if sys.hexversion < 0x2060000:
from md5 import md5
from hashlib import md5
from invenio.config import \
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio.search_engine import record_exists, perform_request_search
from invenio.bibformat_dblayer import get_preformatted_record
from invenio.bibformat import format_record
from invenio.textutils import encode_for_xml
verbs = {
'GetRecord' : ['identifier', 'metadataPrefix'],
'Identify' : [],
'ListIdentifiers' : ['from', 'until',
'ListMetadataFormats': ['identifier'],
'ListRecords' : ['from', 'until',
'ListSets' : ['resumptionToken']
params = {
"verb" : ["Identify","ListIdentifiers","ListSets","ListMetadataFormats","ListRecords","GetRecord"],
"metadataPrefix" : ["oai_dc","marcxml"],
"from" :[""],
"set" :[""],
"identifier": [""]
def escape_space(strxml):
"Encode special chars in string for URL-compliancy."
strxml = strxml.replace(' ', '%20')
return strxml
def encode_for_url(strxml):
"Encode special chars in string for URL-compliancy."
strxml = strxml.replace('%', '%25')
strxml = strxml.replace(' ', '%20')
strxml = strxml.replace('?', '%3F')
strxml = strxml.replace('#', '%23')
strxml = strxml.replace('=', '%3D')
strxml = strxml.replace('&', '%26')
strxml = strxml.replace('/', '%2F')
strxml = strxml.replace(':', '%3A')
strxml = strxml.replace(';', '%3B')
strxml = strxml.replace('+', '%2B')
return strxml
def oai_header(args, verb):
"Print OAI header"
out = ""
out = out + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "\n"
out = out + "<OAI-PMH xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"
out = out + " <responseDate>" + oaigetresponsedate() + "</responseDate>\n"
if verb:
out = out + " <request verb=\"%s\">%s</request>\n" % (verb, oaigetrequesturl(args))
out = out + " <%s>\n" % verb
out = out + " <request>%s</request>\n" % (oaigetrequesturl(args))
return out
def oai_footer(verb):
"Print OAI footer"
out = ""
if verb:
out = "%s </%s>\n" % (out, verb)
out = out + "</OAI-PMH>\n"
return out
def oai_error_header(args, verb):
"Print OAI header"
out = ""
### out = "Content-Type: text/xml\n\n"
out = out + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "\n"
out = out + "<OAI-PMH xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"
out = out + " <responseDate>" + oaigetresponsedate() + "</responseDate>\n"
out = out + " <request verb=\"%s\">%s</request>\n" % (verb, oaigetrequesturl(args))
return out
def oai_error_footer(verb):
"Print OAI footer"
out = verb
out = "</OAI-PMH>\n"
return out
def get_field(sysno, field):
"Gets list of field 'field' for the record with 'sysno' system number."
out = []
digit = field[0:2]
bibbx = "bib%sx" % digit
bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digit
query = "SELECT bx.value FROM %s AS bx, %s AS bibx WHERE bibx.id_bibrec=%%s AND AND bx.tag=%%s" % (bibbx, bibx)
res = run_sql(query, (sysno, field))
for row in res:
return out
def utc_to_localtime(date):
Convert UTC to localtime
- (1)
- (2)
This function works only with dates complying with the
"Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds" profile of
ISO 8601 defined by (2), and linked from (1).
Eg: 1994-11-05T13:15:30Z
ldate = date.split("T")[0]
ltime = date.split("T")[1]
lhour = ltime.split(":")[0]
lminute = ltime.split(":")[1]
lsec = ltime.split(":")[2]
lsec = lsec[:-1] # Remove trailing "Z"
lyear = ldate.split("-")[0]
lmonth = ldate.split("-")[1]
lday = ldate.split("-")[2]
# 1: Build a time as UTC. Since time.mktime() expect a local time :
## 1a: build it without knownledge of dst
## 1b: substract timezone to get a local time, with possibly wrong dst
utc_time = time.mktime((int(lyear), int(lmonth), int(lday), int(lhour), int(lminute), int(lsec), 0, 0, -1))
local_time = utc_time - time.timezone
# 2: Fix dst for local_time
# Find out the offset for daily saving time of the local
# timezone at the time of the given 'date'
if time.localtime(local_time)[-1] == 1:
local_time = local_time + 3600
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(local_time))
def localtime_to_utc(date):
"Convert localtime to UTC"
ldate = date.split(" ")[0]
ltime = date.split(" ")[1]
lhour = ltime.split(":")[0]
lminute = ltime.split(":")[1]
lsec = ltime.split(":")[2]
lyear = ldate.split("-")[0]
lmonth = ldate.split("-")[1]
lday = ldate.split("-")[2]
# Find out the offset for daily saving time of the local
# timezone at the time of the given 'date'
# 1: build time that correspond to local date, without knowledge of dst
# 2: determine if dst is locally enabled at this time
tmp_date = time.mktime((int(lyear), int(lmonth), int(lday), int(lhour), int(lminute), int(lsec), 0, 0, -1))
if time.localtime(tmp_date)[-1] == 1:
dst = time.localtime(tmp_date)[-1]
dst = 0
# 3: Build a new time with knowledge of the dst
local_time = time.mktime((int(lyear), int(lmonth), int(lday), int(lhour), int(lminute), int(lsec), 0, 0, dst))
# 4: Get the time as UTC
utc_time = time.gmtime(local_time)
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", utc_time)
def get_modification_date(sysno):
"Returns the date of last modification for the record 'sysno'."
out = ""
res = run_sql("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(modification_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s", (sysno,), 1)
if res and res[0][0]:
out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0])
return out
def get_earliest_datestamp():
"Get earliest datestamp in the database"
out = ""
res = run_sql("SELECT MIN(DATE_FORMAT(creation_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s')) FROM bibrec", (), 1)
if res[0][0]:
out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0])
return out
def get_latest_datestamp():
"Get latest datestamp in the database"
out = ""
res = run_sql("SELECT MAX(DATE_FORMAT(modification_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s')) FROM bibrec", (), 1)
if res[0][0]:
out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0])
return out
def check_date(date):
"""Check if given date has a correct format, complying to "Complete date" or
"Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds" formats defined in ISO8601."""
if(re.match("\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d(T\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ)?\Z", date) is not None):
return date
return ""
def normalize_date(date, dtime="T00:00:00Z"):
Normalize the given date to the
"Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds" format defined in ISO8601
(If "hours, minutes and seconds" part is missing, append 'dtime' to date).
'date' must be checked before with check_date(..).
Returns empty string if cannot be normalized
if len(date) == 10:
date = date + dtime
elif len(date) != 20:
date = ""
return date
def print_record(sysno, format='marcxml', record_exists_result=None):
"""Prints record 'sysno' formatted according to 'format'.
- if record does not exist, return nothing.
- if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is
'transient' or 'deleted', then return only header, with status
- if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is 'no',
then return nothing.
Optional parameter 'record_exists_result' has the value of the result
of the record_exists(sysno) function (in order not to call that function
again if already done.)
out = ""
# sanity check:
if record_exists_result is not None:
_record_exists = record_exists_result
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno)
if not _record_exists:
if (format == "dc") or (format == "oai_dc"):
format = "xd"
# print record opening tags:
out = out + " <record>\n"
if _record_exists == -1: # Deleted?
if CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "persistent" or \
CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "transient":
out = out + " <header status=\"deleted\">\n"
out = out + " <header>\n"
for ident in get_field(sysno, CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD):
out = "%s <identifier>%s</identifier>\n" % (out, escape_space(ident))
out = "%s <datestamp>%s</datestamp>\n" % (out, get_modification_date(sysno))
for set in get_field(sysno, CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD):
if set:
# Print only if field not empty
out = "%s <setSpec>%s</setSpec>\n" % (out, set)
out = out + " </header>\n"
if _record_exists == -1: # Deleted?
out = out + " <metadata>\n"
if format == "marcxml":
formatted_record = get_preformatted_record(sysno, 'xm')
if formatted_record is not None:
## MARCXML is already preformatted. Adapt it if needed
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<record>", "<marc:record xmlns:marc=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" type=\"Bibliographic\">\n <marc:leader>00000coc 2200000uu 4500</marc:leader>")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<record xmlns=\"\">", "<marc:record xmlns:marc=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" type=\"Bibliographic\">\n <marc:leader>00000coc 2200000uu 4500</marc:leader>")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("</record", "</marc:record")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<controlfield", "<marc:controlfield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("</controlfield", "</marc:controlfield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<datafield", "<marc:datafield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("</datafield", "</marc:datafield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<subfield", "<marc:subfield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("</subfield", "</marc:subfield")
out += formatted_record
## MARCXML is not formatted in the database, so produce it.
out = out + " <marc:record xmlns:marc=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" type=\"Bibliographic\">"
out = out + " <marc:leader>00000coc 2200000uu 4500</marc:leader>"
out = "%s <marc:controlfield tag=\"001\">%d</marc:controlfield>\n" % (out, int(sysno))
for digit1 in range(0, 10):
for digit2 in range(0, 10):
bibbx = "bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2)
bibx = "bibrec_bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2)
query = "SELECT b.tag,b.value,bb.field_number FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb "\
"WHERE bb.id_bibrec=%%s AND AND b.tag LIKE %%s "\
"ORDER BY bb.field_number, b.tag ASC" % (bibbx, bibx)
res = run_sql(query, (sysno, '%d%d%%' % (digit1, digit2)))
field_number_old = -999
field_old = ""
for row in res:
field, value, field_number = row[0], row[1], row[2]
ind1, ind2 = field[3], field[4]
if ind1 == "_":
ind1 = " "
if ind2 == "_":
ind2 = " "
# print field tag
if field_number != field_number_old or field[:-1] != field_old[:-1]:
if format == "marcxml":
if field_number_old != -999:
if field_old[0:2] == "00":
out = out + " </marc:controlfield>\n"
out = out + " </marc:datafield>\n"
if field[0:2] == "00":
out = "%s <marc:controlfield tag=\"%s\">\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field[0:3]))
out = "%s <marc:datafield tag=\"%s\" ind1=\"%s\" ind2=\"%s\">\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field[0:3]), encode_for_xml(ind1).lower(), encode_for_xml(ind2).lower())
field_number_old = field_number
field_old = field
# print subfield value
if format == "marcxml":
value = encode_for_xml(value)
if(field[0:2] == "00"):
out = "%s %s\n" % (out, value)
out = "%s <marc:subfield code=\"%s\">%s</marc:subfield>\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field[-1:]), value)
# fetch next subfield
# all fields/subfields printed in this run, so close the tag:
if (format == "marcxml") and field_number_old != -999:
if field_old[0:2] == "00":
out = out + " </marc:controlfield>\n"
out = out + " </marc:datafield>\n"
out = out + " </marc:record>\n"
elif format == "xd":
out += format_record(sysno, 'xoaidc')
# print record closing tags:
out = out + " </metadata>\n"
out = out + " </record>\n"
return out
def oailistmetadataformats(args):
"Generates response to oailistmetadataformats verb."
arg = parse_args(args)
out = ""
flag = 1 # list or not depending on identifier
if arg['identifier'] != "":
flag = 0
sysno = oaigetsysno(arg['identifier'])
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno)
if _record_exists == 1 or \
(_record_exists == -1 and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY != "no"):
flag = 1
out = out + oai_error("idDoesNotExist","invalid record Identifier")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListMetadataFormats") + out + oai_error_footer("ListMetadataFormats")
return out
if flag:
out = out + " <metadataFormat>\n"
out = out + " <metadataPrefix>oai_dc</metadataPrefix>\n"
out = out + " <schema></schema>\n"
out = out + " <metadataNamespace></metadataNamespace>\n"
out = out + " </metadataFormat>\n"
out = out + " <metadataFormat>\n"
out = out + " <metadataPrefix>marcxml</metadataPrefix>\n"
out = out + " <schema></schema>\n"
out = out + " <metadataNamespace></metadataNamespace>\n"
out = out + " </metadataFormat>\n"
out = oai_header(args, "ListMetadataFormats") + out + oai_footer("ListMetadataFormats")
return out
def oailistrecords(args):
"Generates response to oailistrecords verb."
arg = parse_args(args)
out = ""
resumptionToken_printed = False
sysnos = []
sysno = []
# check if the resumptionToken did not expire
if arg['resumptionToken']:
filename = os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata', arg['resumptionToken'])
if os.path.exists(filename) == 0:
out = oai_error("badResumptionToken", "ResumptionToken expired")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListRecords") + out + oai_error_footer("ListRecords")
return out
if arg['resumptionToken'] != "":
sysnos = oaicacheout(arg['resumptionToken'])
arg['metadataPrefix'] = sysnos.pop()
sysnos = oaigetsysnolist(arg['set'], arg['from'], arg['until'])
if len(sysnos) == 0: # noRecordsMatch error
out = out + oai_error("noRecordsMatch", "no records correspond to the request")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListRecords") + out + oai_error_footer("ListRecords")
return out
i = 0
for sysno_ in sysnos:
if sysno_:
if i >= CFG_OAI_LOAD: # cache or write?
if not resumptionToken_printed: # resumptionToken?
arg['resumptionToken'] = oaigenresumptionToken()
extdate = oaigetresponsedate(CFG_OAI_EXPIRE)
if extdate:
out = "%s <resumptionToken expirationDate=\"%s\">%s</resumptionToken>\n" % (out, extdate, arg['resumptionToken'])
out = "%s <resumptionToken>%s</resumptionToken>\n" % (out, arg['resumptionToken'])
resumptionToken_printed = True
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno_)
if not (_record_exists == -1 and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "no"):
#Produce output only if record exists and had to be printed
i = i + 1 # Increment limit only if record is returned
res = print_record(sysno_, arg['metadataPrefix'], _record_exists)
if res:
out += res
if resumptionToken_printed:
oaicachein(arg['resumptionToken'], sysno)
out = oai_header(args, "ListRecords") + out + oai_footer("ListRecords")
return out
def oailistsets(args):
"Lists available sets for OAI metadata harvesting."
out = ""
# note: no flow control in ListSets
sets = get_sets()
for set_ in sets:
out = out + " <set>\n"
out = "%s <setSpec>%s</setSpec>\n" % (out, set_[0])
out = "%s <setName>%s</setName>\n" % (out, set_[1])
if set_[2]:
out = "%s <setDescription>%s</setDescription>\n" % (out, set_[2])
out = out + " </set>\n"
out = oai_header(args, "ListSets") + out + oai_footer("ListSets")
return out
def oaigetrecord(args):
"""Returns record 'identifier' according to 'metadataPrefix' format for OAI metadata harvesting.
- if record does not exist, return oai_error 'idDoesNotExist'.
- if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is
'transient' or 'deleted', then return only header, with status
- if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is 'no',
then return oai_error 'idDoesNotExist'.
arg = parse_args(args)
out = ""
sysno = oaigetsysno(arg['identifier'])
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno)
if _record_exists == 1 or \
(_record_exists == -1 and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY != 'no'):
out = print_record(sysno, arg['metadataPrefix'], _record_exists)
out = oai_header(args, "GetRecord") + out + oai_footer("GetRecord")
out = oai_error("idDoesNotExist", "invalid record Identifier")
out = oai_error_header(args, "GetRecord") + out + oai_error_footer("GetRecord")
return out
def oailistidentifiers(args):
"Prints OAI response to the ListIdentifiers verb."
arg = parse_args(args)
out = ""
resumptionToken_printed = False
sysno = []
sysnos = []
if arg['resumptionToken']:
filename = os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata', arg['resumptionToken'])
if os.path.exists(filename) == 0:
out = out + oai_error("badResumptionToken", "ResumptionToken expired")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListIdentifiers") + out + oai_error_footer("ListIdentifiers")
return out
if arg['resumptionToken']:
sysnos = oaicacheout(arg['resumptionToken'])
sysnos = oaigetsysnolist(arg['set'], arg['from'], arg['until'])
if len(sysnos) == 0: # noRecordsMatch error
out = out + oai_error("noRecordsMatch", "no records correspond to the request")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListIdentifiers") + out + oai_error_footer("ListIdentifiers")
return out
i = 0
for sysno_ in sysnos:
if sysno_:
if i >= CFG_OAI_LOAD: # cache or write?
if not resumptionToken_printed: # resumptionToken?
arg['resumptionToken'] = oaigenresumptionToken()
extdate = oaigetresponsedate(CFG_OAI_EXPIRE)
if extdate:
out = "%s <resumptionToken expirationDate=\"%s\">%s</resumptionToken>\n" % (out, extdate, arg['resumptionToken'])
out = "%s <resumptionToken>%s</resumptionToken>\n" % (out, arg['resumptionToken'])
resumptionToken_printed = True
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno_)
if (not _record_exists == -1 and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "no"):
i = i + 1 # Increment limit only if record is returned
for ident in get_field(sysno_, CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD):
if ident != '':
if _record_exists == -1: #Deleted?
if CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "persistent" \
or CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "transient":
out = out + " <header status=\"deleted\">\n"
# In that case, print nothing (do not go further)
out = out + " <header>\n"
out = "%s <identifier>%s</identifier>\n" % (out, escape_space(ident))
out = "%s <datestamp>%s</datestamp>\n" % (out, get_modification_date(oaigetsysno(ident)))
for set in get_field(sysno_, CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD):
if set:
# Print only if field not empty
out = "%s <setSpec>%s</setSpec>\n" % (out, set)
out = out + " </header>\n"
if resumptionToken_printed:
oaicacheclean() # clean cache from expired resumptionTokens
oaicachein(arg['resumptionToken'], sysno)
out = oai_header(args, "ListIdentifiers") + out + oai_footer("ListIdentifiers")
return out
def oaiidentify(args, script_url):
"""Generates a response to oaiidentify verb.
args - *dict* query parameters
script_url - *str* URL of the script used to access the
service. This is made necessary since the gateway
can be accessed either via /oai2d or /oai2d/ (or for
backward compatibility: or, and
that the base URL must be returned in the Identify
out = """ <repositoryName>%(CFG_SITE_NAME)s</repositoryName>
{"CFG_SITE_NAME": cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_NAME),
"CFG_SITE_URL": cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL),
"earliest_datestamp": cgi.escape(get_earliest_datestamp()),
"granularity": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ",
"script_url": script_url}
out = oai_header(args, "Identify") + out + oai_footer("Identify")
return out
def oaigetrequesturl(args):
"Generates requesturl tag for OAI."
# re_amp = re.compile('&')
requesturl = CFG_SITE_URL + "/" + "oai2d/"# + "?" + re_amp.sub("&amp;", args)
return requesturl
def oaigetresponsedate(delay=0):
"Generates responseDate tag for OAI."
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(time.time() + delay))
def oai_error(code, msg):
"OAI error occured"
return "<error code=\"%s\">%s</error>\n" % (code, msg)
def oaigetsysno(identifier):
"Returns the first database BIB ID for the OAI identifier 'identifier', if it exists."
sysno = None
if identifier:
query = "SELECT DISTINCT(bb.id_bibrec) FROM bib%sx AS bx, bibrec_bib%sx AS bb WHERE bx.tag=%%s AND AND bx.value=%%s" % (CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:2], CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:2])
res = run_sql(query, (CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD, identifier))
for row in res:
sysno = row[0]
return sysno
def oaigetsysnolist(set="", fromdate="", untildate=""):
"Returns list of system numbers for the OAI set 'set', modified from 'fromdate' until 'untildate'."
if fromdate != "":
fromdate = normalize_date(fromdate, "T00:00:00Z")
fromdate = get_earliest_datestamp()
if untildate != "":
untildate = normalize_date(untildate, "T23:59:59Z")
untildate = get_latest_datestamp()
recids = perform_request_search(f1=CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD, p1="oai:*", m1="e", op1='a',
f2=((set and CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD) or ""), p2=set, m2="e",
return recids
def oaigenresumptionToken():
"Generates unique ID for resumption token management."
return md5(str(time.time())).hexdigest()
def oaicachein(resumptionToken, sysnos):
"Stores or adds sysnos in cache. Input is a string of sysnos separated by commas."
filename = os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata', resumptionToken)
fil = open(filename, "w")
cPickle.dump(sysnos, fil)
return 1
def oaicacheout(resumptionToken):
"Restores string of comma-separated system numbers from cache."
sysnos = []
filename = os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata', resumptionToken)
if oaicachestatus(resumptionToken):
fil = open(filename, "r")
sysnos = cPickle.load(fil)
return 0
return sysnos
def oaicacheclean():
"Removes cached resumptionTokens older than specified"
directory = os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata')
files = os.listdir(directory)
for file_ in files:
filename = os.path.join(directory, file_)
# cache entry expires when not modified during a specified period of time
if ((time.time() - os.path.getmtime(filename)) > CFG_OAI_EXPIRE):
except OSError, e:
# Most probably the cache was already deleted
return 1
def oaicachestatus(resumptionToken):
"Checks cache status. Returns 0 for empty, 1 for full."
filename = os.path.join(CFG_CACHEDIR, 'RTdata', resumptionToken)
if os.path.exists(filename):
if os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
return 1
return 0
return 0
def get_sets():
"Returns list of sets."
# TODO: Try to remove dependency on oaiREPOSITORY table, by
# determining available sets from data.
out = {}
row = ['', '']
query = "SELECT setSpec,setName,setDescription FROM oaiREPOSITORY"
res = run_sql(query)
for row in res:
row_bis = [row[0], row[1], row[2]]
out[row[0]] = row_bis
return out.values()
def parse_args(args=""):
"Parse input args"
out_args = {
"verb" : "",
"metadataPrefix" : "",
"from" : "",
"until" : "",
"set" : "",
"identifier" : "",
"resumptionToken" : ""
if args == "" or args is None:
list_of_arguments = args.split('&')
for item in list_of_arguments:
keyvalue = item.split('=')
if len(keyvalue) == 2:
if (out_args.has_key(keyvalue[0])):
if(out_args[keyvalue[0]] != ""):
out_args[keyvalue[0]] = "Error"
out_args[keyvalue[0]] = urllib.unquote(keyvalue[1])
out_args[keyvalue[0]] = urllib.unquote(keyvalue[1])
out_args['verb'] = ""
return out_args
def check_argd(arguments):
Check OAI arguments
Also transform them from lists to strings.
out = ""
## no several times the same argument
for param, value in arguments.iteritems():
if len(value) > 1 and not 'The request includes illegal arguments' in out:
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "The request includes illegal arguments")
bad_arguments_error = True
if len(value) > 0:
arguments[param] = value[0]
arguments[param] = ''
## principal argument required
if verbs.has_key(arguments['verb']):
out = out + oai_error("badVerb", "Illegal OAI verb")
## defined args
for param in arguments.keys():
if not param in verbs.get(arguments['verb'], []) and param != 'verb' \
and not 'The request includes illegal arguments' in out:
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "The request includes illegal arguments")
break # Indicate only once
## resumptionToken exclusive
if arguments.get('resumptionToken', '') != "" and \
len(arguments.keys()) != 2 and \
not 'The request includes illegal arguments' in out:
out = out + oai_error("badArgument",
"The request includes illegal arguments")
## datestamp formats
if arguments.has_key('from') and \
'from' in verbs.get(arguments['verb'], []):
from_length = len(arguments['from'])
if check_date(arguments['from']) == "":
out = out + oai_error("badArgument",
"Bad datestamp format in from")
from_length = 0
if arguments.has_key('until') and \
'until' in verbs.get(arguments['verb'], []):
until_length = len(arguments['until'])
if check_date(arguments['until']) == "":
out = out + oai_error("badArgument",
"Bad datestamp format in until")
until_length = 0
if from_length != 0:
if until_length != 0:
if from_length != until_length:
out = out + oai_error("badArgument",
"Bad datestamp format")
if arguments.has_key('from') and arguments.has_key('until') \
and arguments['from'] > arguments['until'] and \
'from' in verbs.get(arguments['verb'], []) and \
'until' in verbs.get(arguments['verb'], []):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Wrong date")
## Identify exclusive
if arguments['verb'] == "Identify" and \
len(arguments.keys()) != 1:
if not 'The request includes illegal arguments' in out: # Do not repeat this error
out = out + oai_error("badArgument",
"The request includes illegal arguments")
## parameters for GetRecord
if arguments['verb'] == "GetRecord" and \
not arguments.has_key('identifier'):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument",
"Record identifier missing")
if arguments['verb'] == "GetRecord" and \
not arguments.has_key('metadataPrefix'):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument",
"Missing metadataPrefix")
## parameters for ListRecords and ListIdentifiers
if (arguments['verb'] == "ListRecords" or arguments['verb'] == "ListIdentifiers") and \
(not arguments.has_key('resumptionToken') and not arguments.has_key('metadataPrefix')):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Missing metadataPrefix")
## Metadata prefix defined and valid
if arguments.has_key('metadataPrefix') and \
not arguments['metadataPrefix'] in params['metadataPrefix']:
out = out + oai_error("cannotDisseminateFormat", "Chosen format is not supported")
return out
def oai_profile():
Runs a benchmark
if __name__ == "__main__":
import profile
import pstats'oai_profile()', "oai_profile")
p = pstats.Stats("oai_profile")

Event Timeline