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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""The MongoDB ingestion engine."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
from invenio.bibingest_storage_engine_interface import StorageEngine
from invenio.config import CFG_LOGDIR
import pymongo
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from time import sleep, localtime, strftime
_ENGINE_NAME = 'mongodb_pymongo'
# Helper functions for the mappings
# Field mappings
_DO_NOTHING = lambda x: x
# Operator mappings
_IN = lambda y, f: [f(i) for i in y]
_SORT_BY_ASC = lambda y, dummy: y and pymongo.ASCENDING or pymongo.DESCENDING
_SORT_BY_DESC = lambda y, dummy: y and pymongo.DESCENDING or pymongo.ASCENDING
# Instantiation and usage settings for the database
# '_authentication_settings': {
# 'user': 'root',
# 'password': '123456',
# },
'_connection_settings': {
'host': 'localhost',
'port': 27017,
## max_pool_size is supported in pymongo versions >= 1.11
#'max_pool_size': 10,
'network_timeout': None,
'_database_name' : 'invenio',
'_collection_name' : 'DEFAULT',
'_field_mapping' : {
'content' : ('content', _DO_NOTHING),
'subid' : ('subid', str),
'recid' : ('recid', int),
'source' : ('source', _DO_NOTHING),
'date' : ('date', _DO_NOTHING),
'_operator_mapping' : {
'value' : ('value', None),
'from' : ('$gt', None),
'and_from' : ('$gte', None),
'to' : ('$lt', None),
'and_to' : ('$lte', None),
'regex' : ('$regex', None),
'in' : ('$in', _IN),
'sort_by_asc' : ('sort', _SORT_BY_ASC),
'sort_by_desc' : ('sort', _SORT_BY_DESC),
# 'group_by' : ('sort', None),
'limit' : ('limit', int),
'skip' : ('skip', int),
# Decorator that takes care of bad connections
def _check_connection(function):
Decorator function to check and report on the connection.
It automatically reconnects if needed.
def retry(*args, **kwargs):
The function the decorator returns.
_max_tries = 10
_sleep_time = 0.1 # in seconds
count = 0
while count < _max_tries:
return function(*args, **kwargs)
except pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect, error:
print('Temporary connection failure: failed to execute %s [%s]. Retrying in %i seconds.' % \
(function.__name__, error, _sleep_time))
if count == _max_tries - 1:
print('Connection failure: maximum tries to execute %s reached [%s]' % \
(function.__name__, error))
except AttributeError, error:
print('Bad connection: failed to execute %s [%s]' % \
(function.__name__, error))
count += 1
return retry
def _log(message, error = False):
Private function that logs the given message
log = open(CFG_LOGDIR + "/bibingest-%s.%s" % (_ENGINE_NAME, error and 'err' or 'log'), "a")
log.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S --> ", localtime()))
class MongoDB(StorageEngine):
The Ingestion Storage Engine Implementation for MongoDB.
def __init__(self, configuration = None):
The constructor.
self._connection_settings = {}
self._authentication_settings = {}
self._database_name = ""
self._collection_name = ""
self._field_mapping = {}
self._operator_mapping = {}
for (name, value) in _SETTINGS.iteritems():
setattr(self, name, value)
if configuration is not None:
StorageEngine.__init__(self, configuration)
# if self._authentication_settings:
# self._user = self._authentication_settings['user']
# self._password = self._authentication_settings['password']
self._connection = self._get_connection()
if self._connection is not None:
self._database = self._get_database()
self._collection = self._get_collection()
self._database = None
self._collection = None
def _get_connection(self):
Private function.
Returns a connection to the database server.
return pymongo.Connection(**self._connection_settings)
except pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure, error:
print('Connection failure [%s]' % (error,))
return None
def _get_database(self):
Private function.
Returns a database object.
return self._connection[self._database_name]
def _get_collection(self):
Private function.
Returns a collection object.
return self._database[self._collection_name]
def reconfigure(self, configuration):
Reconfigures the current instance resetting
instance variables if necessary.
if configuration is None or not configuration:
configuration = _SETTINGS
for (name, value) in configuration.iteritems():
setattr(self, name, value)
#if configuration.has_key('authentication_settings'):
# pass
if configuration.has_key('_connection_settings'):
self._connection = self._get_connection()
if self._connection is not None:
self._database = self._get_database()
self._collection = self._get_collection()
self._database = None
self._collection = None
elif configuration.has_key('_database_name'):
if self._connection is not None:
self._database = self._get_database()
self._collection = self._get_collection()
self._database = None
self._collection = None
elif configuration.has_key('_collection_name'):
if self._database is not None:
self._collection = self._get_collection()
self._collection = None
def _translate_kwargs(self, kwargs):
Private function.
Given a mapping of argument names, this function translates
the generic argument names to local specific ones.
# In the end we will return the translated fields and operators
translated_fields = {}
translated_operators = {}
# First, let's see if we have operators
operators = kwargs.pop('_operators', None)
# Example: '_operators': {'limit': 10, 'skip': 20}
if operators:
for operator_key, operator_value in operators.iteritems():
# Example: operator_key = 'limit'
# operator_value = 2
# Get the mapping for that operator
translated_operator_key, translated_operator_function = \
self._operator_mapping.get(operator_key, (None, None))
if translated_operator_key is not None:
# Apply the mapping function on the operator value
translated_operator_value = \
translated_operator_function is not None and \
translated_operator_function(operator_value) or \
# Finally, set the operator
translated_operators[translated_operator_key] = \
# Now we can parse the various field names
for field_key, field_value in kwargs.iteritems():
# Examples: 'date': {'value': 1, 'sort_by_asc': True}
# field_key = 'date'
# field_value = {'value': 1, 'sort_by_asc': True}
# 'date': {'and_from': 1, 'to': 5}
# field_key = 'date'
# field_value = {'and_from': 1, 'to': 5}
# Get the mapping for this field
translated_field_key, translated_field_function = \
self._field_mapping.get(field_key, (field_key, _DO_NOTHING))
if translated_field_key is not None:
for field_value_key, field_value_value in field_value.iteritems():
# Examples: field_value_key = 'value'
# field_value_value = 1
# field_value_key = 'sort_by_asc'
# field_value_value = True
# Get the mapping for each operator
translated_field_value_key, translated_field_value_function = \
self._operator_mapping.get(field_value_key, (None, None))
if translated_field_value_key is not None:
# Apply the mapping function for the operator
# (including the one for the field value) on the field value
translated_field_value_value = \
translated_field_value_function is not None and \
translated_field_value_function(field_value_value, translated_field_function) or \
# Special operator: value. Directly assign
# the field value to the field name
if translated_field_value_key == 'value':
translated_fields[translated_field_key] = \
# For all the operators that start by '$' assign
# a dictionary of operators with their value
# to the field name
elif translated_field_value_key.startswith('$'):
if translated_fields.has_key(translated_field_key):
translated_fields[translated_field_key][translated_field_value_key] = \
translated_fields[translated_field_key] = \
{translated_field_value_key: translated_field_value_value}
# Other operators should go into the
# translated_operators dictionary
# Sepcial operator: sort. This operator is parsed
# separately as pymongo defines a specific way for
# its application
if translated_field_value_key == 'sort':
if translated_operators.has_key('sort'):
translated_operators['sort'].append((translated_field_key, translated_field_value_value))
translated_operators['sort'] = [(translated_field_key, translated_field_value_value)]
# All other operators at this point are added into
# the translated_operators dictionary
# the rest of the operators
translated_operators[translated_field_value_key] = \
return translated_fields, translated_operators
def _check_for_errors(self):
Checks the database for errors on the last query
and appends them to the log
error = self._database.error()
if error:
_log(repr(error), True)
def get_one(self, uid):
Retrieves the ingestion package from the database given its UID.
out = self._collection.find_one(ObjectId(uid))
return out
def get_many(self, kwargs):
Searches the database for ingestion packages matching the given criteria.
Returns an iterator on the results.
kwargs, operators = self._translate_kwargs(kwargs)
out = self._collection.find(kwargs, **operators)
return out
def store_one(self, kwargs):
Stores the ingestion package into the database.
kwargs, dummy = self._translate_kwargs(kwargs)
out = self._collection.insert(kwargs)
return out
def store_many(self, data):
Stores the ingestion packages in data into the database.
Must be given an iterable as input.
parsed_data = []
for datum in data:
fields, dummy = self._translate_kwargs(datum)
out = self._collection.insert(parsed_data, continue_on_error=True)
return out
def remove_one(self, uid):
Removes the ingestion package from the database given its uid.
out = self._collection.remove(ObjectId(uid))
return out
def remove_many(self, kwargs):
Removes the ingestion package from the database given its uid.
kwargs, dummy = self._translate_kwargs(kwargs)
out = self._collection.remove(kwargs)
return out
def update_one(self, changes, kwargs):
Updates the first ingestion package matching the given kwargs
according to the changes dictionary.
changes, dummy = self._translate_kwargs(changes)
kwargs, dummy = self._translate_kwargs(kwargs)
out = self._collection.update(kwargs, {'$set': changes})
return out
def update_many(self, changes, kwargs):
Updates all the ingestion packages matching the given kwargs
according to the changes dictionary.
changes, dummy = self._translate_kwargs(changes)
kwargs, dummy = self._translate_kwargs(kwargs)
out = self._collection.update(kwargs, {'$set': changes}, multi = True)
return out
def count(self):
Returns the count of total entries for this ingestion package.
return self.get_many({}).count()
def mongodb_pymongo(configuration = None):
Instantiates the Ingestion storage engine with the given settings.
return MongoDB(configuration)

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