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Sat, Apr 27, 11:23

## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
confignicedir = $(sysconfdir)/build
SUBDIRS = po config modules
config.rpath CONTRIBUTING.rst Dockerfile docker-compose.yml
# current MathJax version and packages
MJV = 2.3.0
# current FCKeditor version
FCKV = 2.6.6
FCKEDITOR = FCKeditor_$(FCKV).zip
# git-version-get stuff:
BUILT_SOURCES = $(top_srcdir)/.version
echo $(VERSION) > $@-t && mv $@-t $@
echo $(VERSION) > $(distdir)/.tarball-version
$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/webstyle/lib/ --check-custom-templates $(top_srcdir)
@$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/ --stats $(top_srcdir)
@$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/ --check-errors $(top_srcdir)
@$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/ --check-variables $(top_srcdir)
@$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/lib/ --check-indentation $(top_srcdir)
@echo "* Listing potentially dangerous SQL queries:"
@echo "** SQL SELECT queries without explicit column list:"
@find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'SELECT \* FROM' {} \; 2> /dev/null
@echo "** SQL INSERT queries without explicit column list:"
@find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'INSERT INTO ([[:alnum:]]|_)+[[:space:]]*VALUES' {} \; 2> /dev/null
@find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'INSERT INTO ([[:alnum:]]|_)+[[:space:]]*$$' {} \; 2> /dev/null
@echo "** SQL queries using charset-ignorant escape_string():"
@find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'escape_string' {} \; 2> /dev/null
@echo "** SQL queries using literal '%s':"
@find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin "run_sql.*'%[dfis]'" {} \; 2> /dev/null
@find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'run_sql.*"%[dfis]"' {} \; 2> /dev/null
@echo "** SQL queries with potentially unescaped arguments:"
@find $(top_srcdir) -name '*.py' -exec grep -HEin 'run_sql.* % ' {} \; 2> /dev/null
@echo "* Done."
\rm -f $(top_srcdir)/TAGS
(cd $(top_srcdir) && find $(top_srcdir) -name "*.py" -print | xargs etags)
for d in / /cache /log /tmp /data /run ; do \
mkdir -p $(localstatedir)$$d ; \
@echo "************************************************************"
@echo "** Invenio software has been successfully installed! **"
@echo "** **"
@echo "** You may proceed to customizing your installation now. **"
@echo "************************************************************"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** Installing MathJax plugin, please wait... **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
rm -rf /tmp/invenio-mathjax-plugin
mkdir /tmp/invenio-mathjax-plugin
(cd /tmp/invenio-mathjax-plugin && \
wget -O '$(MATHJAX)' && \
unzip -q -u -d ${prefix}/var/www
rm -rf ${prefix}/var/www/MathJax
mv ${prefix}/var/www/MathJax-2.3.0 ${prefix}/var/www/MathJax
rm -rf /tmp/invenio-mathjax-plugin
@echo "* Installing Invenio-specific MathJax config..."
(cd $(top_srcdir)/modules/webstyle/etc && make install)
@echo "************************************************************"
@echo "** The MathJax plugin was successfully installed. **"
@echo "** Please do not forget to properly set the option **"
@echo "** CFG_WEBSEARCH_USE_MATHJAX_FOR_FORMATS in invenio.conf. **"
@echo "************************************************************"
@rm -rvf ${prefix}/var/www/MathJax
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The MathJax plugin was successfully uninstalled. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** Installing jsCalendar plugin, please wait... **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
rm -rf /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin
mkdir /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin
(cd /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin && \
wget '' && \
unzip -u && \
mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar && \
cp jscalendar-1.0/img.gif ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/jsCalendar.gif && \
cp jscalendar-1.0/calendar.js ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/ && \
cp jscalendar-1.0/calendar-setup.js ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/ && \
cp jscalendar-1.0/lang/calendar-en.js ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/ && \
cp jscalendar-1.0/calendar-blue.css ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar/)
rm -fr /tmp/invenio-jscalendar-plugin
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The jsCalendar plugin was successfully installed. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@rm -rvf ${prefix}/var/www/jsCalendar
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The jsCalendar plugin was successfully uninstalled. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** Installing various jQuery plugins, please wait... **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/js && \
mkdir -p ${prefix}/var/www/img && \
cp -R $(top_srcdir)/infoscience/var_www_js/* ${prefix}/var/www/js && \
cp -R $(top_srcdir)/infoscience/var_www_img/* ${prefix}/var/www/img
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The jQuery plugins were successfully installed. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
(cd ${prefix}/var/www/js && \
rm -f jquery.min.js && \
rm -f jquery.effects.core.min.js && \
rm -f jquery.effects.highlight.min.js && \
rm -f jquery.MultiFile.pack.js && \
rm -f && \
rm -f ui.datepicker.min.js && \
rm -f jquery.autogrow.js && \
rm -f json2.js && \
rm -f jquery.uploadify.min.js && \
rm -f jquery.ui.slider.min.js && \
rm -f jquery.ui.sortable.min.js && \
rm -rf tablesorter && \
rm -f jquery.hotkeys.min.js && \
rm -rf jquery-treeview && \
rm -f jquery.ajaxPager.js && \
rm -f jquery.form.js && \
rm -f ui.core.js) && \
(cd ${prefix}/var/www/img && \
rm -f cancel.png uploadify.css uploadify.swf uploadify.allglyphs.swf uploadify.fla)
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The jquery plugins were successfully uninstalled. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
install-ckeditor-plugin: install-fckeditor-plugin
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** Installing FCKeditor plugin, please wait... **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
rm -rf ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor/
rm -rf /tmp/invenio-fckeditor-plugin
mkdir /tmp/invenio-fckeditor-plugin
(cd /tmp/invenio-fckeditor-plugin && \
wget '$(FCKEDITOR)' && \
unzip -u -d ${prefix}/var/www $(FCKEDITOR)) && \
mkdir -p ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py && \
mv -f ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/ ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor/ && \
mv -f ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py/*.py ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py/ && \
rm -f ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py/ && \
rm -f ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/py/ && \
find ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor -type d -exec touch {}/ \; && \
find ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/ -depth -name '_*' -exec rm -rf {} \; && \
rm -r ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors && \
find ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/fckeditor* -maxdepth 0 ! -name "fckeditor.js" -exec rm -r {} \; && \
rm -fr /tmp/invenio-fckeditor-plugin
sed -i "s/if (FCKBrowserInfo\.IsSafari){FCKTools\.AddEventListener(FCK\.EditorDocument,'paste'/if (FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari \&\& false){FCKTools.AddEventListener(FCK.EditorDocument,'paste'/" ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor/editor/js/fckeditorcode_gecko.js # Fix issue described at <>, affecting v2.6.5, 2.6.6
@echo "* Installing Invenio-specific FCKeditor config..."
(cd $(top_srcdir)/modules/webstyle/etc && make install)
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The FCKeditor plugin was successfully installed. **"
@echo "** Please do not forget to properly set the option **"
@echo "** CFG_WEBCOMMENT_USE_RICH_TEXT_EDITOR in invenio.conf. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@rm -rvf ${prefix}/var/www/fckeditor
@rm -rvf ${prefix}/lib/python/invenio/fckeditor
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The FCKeditor plugin was successfully uninstalled. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** Installing PDF/A helper files, please wait... **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
cp $(top_srcdir)/infoscience/etc/websubmit/file_converter_templates/ISOCoatedsb.icc ${prefix}/etc/websubmit/file_converter_templates/ISOCoatedsb.icc
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The PDF/A helper files were successfully installed. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
rm -f ${prefix}/etc/websubmit/file_converter_templates/ISOCoatedsb.icc
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The PDF/A helper files were successfully uninstalled. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** Installing Django Tequila, please wait... **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
pip install --upgrade django-tequila==2.1.5
@echo "***********************************************************"
@echo "** The Django Tequila has been successfully installed. **"
@echo "***********************************************************"
update-v0.3.0-tables update-v0.3.1-tables:
echo "ALTER TABLE idxINDEXNAME CHANGE id_idxINDEX id_idxINDEX mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE rnkMETHODNAME CHANGE id_rnkMETHOD id_rnkMETHOD mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE collectionname CHANGE id_collection id_collection mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE formatname CHANGE id_format id_format mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE fieldname CHANGE id_field id_field mediumint(9) unsigned NOT NULL FIRST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runbibrank','run BibRank','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'cfgbibrank','configure BibRank','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCOLLECTION_sbmDOCTYPE CHANGE id_son id_son char(10) NOT NULL default '0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql
echo "ALTER TABLE flxLINKTYPEPARAMS CHANGE pname pname varchar(78) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE rnkMETHOD DROP star_category_ranges;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "DROP TABLE rnkSET;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE arguments arguments LONGTEXT;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE status status varchar(50);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql
echo "ALTER TABLE session ADD INDEX uid (uid);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE idxINDEXNAME SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE rnkMETHODNAME SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE collectionname SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE collection_portalbox SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE formatname SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE fieldname SET ln='cs' WHERE ln='cz';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE idxINDEXNAME SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE rnkMETHODNAME SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE collectionname SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE collection_portalbox SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE formatname SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE fieldname SET ln='sv' WHERE ln='se';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "DROP TABLE oaiHARVEST;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql
echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'cfgbibharvest','configure BibHarvest','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runoaiharvest','run BibHarvest oaiharvest','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'cfgwebcomment','configure WebComment','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runoaiarchive','run BibHarvest oaiarchive','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accACTION (id,name,description,allowedkeywords,optional) VALUES (NULL,'runbibedit','run BibEdit','','no');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE user ADD nickname varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE user ADD last_login datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE user ADD INDEX nickname (nickname);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE sbmFIELD CHANGE subname subname varchar(13) default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE user_query_basket CHANGE alert_name alert_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "TRUNCATE TABLE session;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
@echo "**********************************************************"
@echo "** Do not forget to run the basket migration now: **"
@echo "** @PYTHON@ modules/webbasket/lib/ "
@echo "** Please see the RELEASE-NOTES for details. **"
@echo "**********************************************************"
@echo "INSERT INTO oaiARCHIVE (id, setName, setSpec, setDescription, setDefinition, setRecList) SELECT id, setName, setSpec, CONCAT_WS('', setDescription), setDefinition, setRecList FROM oaiSET;"
${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql
echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN (description varchar(255) default '');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN (content_type varchar(255) default '');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql
echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD INDEX status (status);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD INDEX runtime (runtime);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCATEGORIES ADD PRIMARY KEY (doctype, sname);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE sbmCATEGORIES ADD KEY doctype (doctype);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiHARVEST ADD COLUMN setspecs TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE setDescription setDescription text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE p1 p1 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE f1 f1 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE m1 m1 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE p2 p2 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE f2 f2 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE m2 m2 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE p3 p3 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE f3 f3 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiARCHIVE CHANGE m3 m3 text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=0 WHERE status='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=1 WHERE status='deleted';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES add COLUMN kbtype char default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=0 WHERE status='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status=1 WHERE status='deleted';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE arguments arguments mediumblob;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE user SET note=1 WHERE nickname='admin' AND note IS NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE usergroup CHANGE name name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD login_method varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'INTERNAL';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD UNIQUE KEY login_method_name (login_method(70), name);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE user CHANGE settings settings blob default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Get_Recid', 'This function gets the recid for a document with a given report-number (as stored in the global variable rn).');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "DROP TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql
echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status='DELETED' WHERE status='1';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE bibdoc SET status='' WHERE status='0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bibrec ADD KEY creation_date (creation_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bibrec ADD KEY modification_date (modification_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD KEY creation_date (creation_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD KEY modification_date (modification_date);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD KEY docname (docname);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiHARVEST CHANGE postprocess postprocess varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'h';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE oaiHARVEST ADD COLUMN bibfilterprogram varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE idxINDEXNAME CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE idxINDEX ADD COLUMN stemming_language VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE rnkMETHODNAME CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE rnkDOWNLOADS CHANGE id_bibdoc id_bibdoc mediumint(9) unsigned default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE rnkDOWNLOADS CHANGE file_format file_format varchar(10) NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE collectionname CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE collection_portalbox CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE format ADD COLUMN visibility TINYINT NOT NULL default 1;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE formatname CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE fieldname CHANGE ln ln char(5) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE accROLE ADD COLUMN firerole_def_ser blob NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE accROLE ADD COLUMN firerole_def_src text NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE user_accROLE ADD COLUMN expiration datetime NOT NULL default '9999-12-31 23:59:59';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE user DROP INDEX id, ADD PRIMARY KEY id (id);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo -e 'from invenio.dbquery import run_sql;\
map(lambda index_id: run_sql("ALTER TABLE idxPHRASE%02dF CHANGE term term TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, DROP INDEX term, ADD INDEX term (term (50))" % index_id[0]), run_sql("select id from idxINDEX"))' | $(PYTHON)
echo "INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (1,'citationdict','','');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (2,'reversedict','','');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO rnkCITATIONDATA VALUES (3,'selfcitdict','','');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql
echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD COLUMN more_info mediumblob NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD COLUMN priority tinyint(4) NOT NULL default 0;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK ADD KEY priority (priority);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA DROP PRIMARY KEY;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA CHANGE id id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE rnkCITATIONDATA ADD UNIQUE KEY object_name (object_name);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE sbmPARAMETERS CHANGE value value text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE sbmAPPROVAL ADD note text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE hstDOCUMENT CHANGE docsize docsize bigint(15) unsigned NOT NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE cmtACTIONHISTORY CHANGE client_host client_host int(10) unsigned default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.1 and v0.99.2."
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.2 and v0.99.3."
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.3 and v0.99.4."
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.4 and v0.99.5."
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.5 and v0.99.6."
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.6 and v0.99.7."
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.7 and v0.99.8."
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v0.99.8 and v0.99.9."
update-v0.99.9-tables: # from v0.99.9 to v1.0.0-rc0
echo "RENAME TABLE oaiARCHIVE TO oaiREPOSITORY;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
${prefix}/bin/dbexec < $(top_srcdir)/modules/miscutil/sql/tabcreate.sql
echo "INSERT INTO knwKB (id,name,description,kbtype) SELECT id,name,description,'' FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO knwKBRVAL (id,m_key,m_value,id_knwKB) SELECT id,m_key,m_value,id_fmtKNOWLEDGEBASES FROM fmtKNOWLEDGEBASEMAPPINGS;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE sbmPARAMETERS CHANGE name name varchar(40) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc CHANGE docname docname varchar(250) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL default 'file';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc CHANGE status status text NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bibdoc ADD COLUMN text_extraction_date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE collection DROP COLUMN restricted;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE schTASK CHANGE host host varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE hstTASK CHANGE host host varchar(255) NOT NULL default '';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bib85x DROP INDEX kv, ADD INDEX kv (value(100));" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE clsMETHOD SET location='' WHERE name='HEP' AND location='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE clsMETHOD SET location='' WHERE name='NASA-subjects' AND location='';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE accACTION SET name='runoairepository', description='run oairepositoryupdater task' WHERE name='runoaiarchive';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE accACTION SET name='cfgoaiharvest', description='configure OAI Harvest' WHERE name='cfgbibharvest';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE accARGUMENT CHANGE value value varchar(255);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE accACTION SET allowedkeywords='doctype,act,categ' WHERE name='submit';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accARGUMENT(keyword,value) VALUES ('categ','*');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT(id_accROLE,id_accACTION,id_accARGUMENT,argumentlistid) SELECT DISTINCT raa.id_accROLE,raa.id_accACTION,,raa.argumentlistid FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT as raa JOIN accACTION on,accARGUMENT WHERE'submit' and accARGUMENT.keyword='categ' and accARGUMENT.value='*';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "UPDATE accACTION SET allowedkeywords='name,with_editor_rights' WHERE name='cfgwebjournal';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accARGUMENT(keyword,value) VALUES ('with_editor_rights','yes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT(id_accROLE,id_accACTION,id_accARGUMENT,argumentlistid) SELECT DISTINCT raa.id_accROLE,raa.id_accACTION,,raa.argumentlistid FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT as raa JOIN accACTION on,accARGUMENT WHERE'cfgwebjournal' and accARGUMENT.keyword='with_editor_rights' and accARGUMENT.value='yes';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC CHANGE id id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC ADD external_id int(15) NOT NULL default '0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC ADD collection_id int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bskEXTREC ADD original_url text;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD status char(2) NOT NULL default 'ok';" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD KEY status (status);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Photos_to_Storage','Attach/edit the pictures uploaded with the \"create_photos_manager_interface()\" function');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFIELDDESC VALUES ('Upload_Photos',NULL,'','R',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"\"\"\r\nThis is an example of element that creates a photos upload interface.\r\nClone it, customize it and integrate it into your submission. Then add function \r\n\'Move_Photos_to_Storage\' to your submission functions list, in order for files \r\nuploaded with this interface to be attached to the record. More information in \r\nthe WebSubmit admin guide.\r\n\"\"\"\r\n\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.ParamFile import ParamFromFile\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.Move_Photos_to_Storage import read_param_file, create_photos_manager_interface, get_session_id\r\n\r\n# Retrieve session id\r\ntry:\r\n # User info is defined only in MBI/MPI actions...\r\n session_id = get_session_id(None, uid, user_info) \r\nexcept:\r\n session_id = get_session_id(req, uid, {})\r\n\r\n# Retrieve context\r\nindir = curdir.split(\'/\')[-3]\r\ndoctype = curdir.split(\'/\')[-2]\r\naccess = curdir.split(\'/\')[-1]\r\n\r\n# Get the record ID, if any\r\nsysno = ParamFromFile(\"%s/%s\" % (curdir,\'SN\')).strip()\r\n\r\n\"\"\"\r\nModify below the configuration of the photos manager interface.\r\nNote: \'can_reorder_photos\' parameter is not yet fully taken into consideration\r\n\r\nDocumentation of the function is available by running:\r\necho -e \'from invenio.websubmit_functions.Move_Photos_to_Storage import create_photos_manager_interface as f\\nprint f.__doc__\' | python\r\n\"\"\"\r\ntext += create_photos_manager_interface(sysno, session_id, uid,\r\n doctype, indir, curdir, access,\r\n can_delete_photos=True,\r\n can_reorder_photos=True,\r\n can_upload_photos=True,\r\n editor_width=700,\r\n editor_height=400,\r\n initial_slider_value=100,\r\n max_slider_value=200,\r\n min_slider_value=80)','0000-00-00','0000-00-00',NULL,NULL,0);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Photos_to_Storage','iconsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFIELDDESC VALUES ('Upload_Files',NULL,'','R',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'\"\"\"\r\nThis is an example of element that creates a file upload interface.\r\nClone it, customize it and integrate it into your submission. Then add function \r\n\'Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage\' to your submission functions list, in order for files \r\nuploaded with this interface to be attached to the record. More information in \r\nthe WebSubmit admin guide.\r\n\"\"\"\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface\r\nfrom invenio.websubmit_functions.Shared_Functions import ParamFromFile\r\n\r\nindir = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'indir\'))\r\ndoctype = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'doctype\'))\r\naccess = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'access\'))\r\ntry:\r\n sysno = int(ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'SN\')).strip())\r\nexcept:\r\n sysno = -1\r\nln = ParamFromFile(os.path.join(curdir, \'ln\'))\r\n\r\n\"\"\"\r\nRun the following to get the list of parameters of function \'create_file_upload_interface\':\r\necho -e \'from invenio.websubmit_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface as f\\nprint f.__doc__\' | python\r\n\"\"\"\r\ntext = create_file_upload_interface(recid=sysno,\r\n print_outside_form_tag=False,\r\n include_headers=True,\r\n ln=ln,\r\n doctypes_and_desc=[(\'main\',\'Main document\'),\r\n (\'additional\',\'Figure, schema, etc.\')],\r\n can_revise_doctypes=[\'*\'],\r\n can_describe_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n can_delete_doctypes=[\'additional\'],\r\n can_rename_doctypes=[\'main\'],\r\n sbm_indir=indir, sbm_doctype=doctype, sbm_access=access)[1]\r\n','0000-00-00','0000-00-00',NULL,NULL,0);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','forceFileRevision');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','Display generic interface to add/revise/delete files. To be used before function \"Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage\"');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','Attach files uploaded with \"Create_Upload_Files_Interface\"')" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','elementNameToDoctype');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','createIconDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','createRelatedFormats');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','iconsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','keepPreviousVersionDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage','Revise files initially uploaded with \"Move_Files_to_Storage\"')" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','minsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','doctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictions');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDeleteDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canReviseDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canDescribeDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canCommentDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canKeepDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canAddFormatDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRestrictDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canRenameDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','canNameNewFiles');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','createRelatedFormats');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','keepDefault');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','showLinks');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','fileLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','filenameLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','descriptionLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','commentLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','restrictionLabel');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','startDoc');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','endDoc');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','defaultFilenameDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Create_Upload_Files_Interface','maxFilesDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','iconsize');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage','createIconDoctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Report_Number_Generation','nblength');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Second_Report_Number_Generation','2nd_nb_length');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Get_Recid','record_search_pattern');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmALLFUNCDESCR VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','Transfer files attached to the record with the FCKeditor');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_FCKeditor_Files_to_Storage','input_fields');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','layer');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','layer');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Replace_Single_File_Approval','switch_file');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Stamp_Uploaded_Files','switch_file');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','paths_and_restrictions');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "INSERT INTO sbmFUNDESC VALUES ('Move_Files_to_Storage','paths_and_doctypes');" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD round_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD restriction varchar(50) NOT NULL default ''" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD in_reply_to_id_cmtRECORDCOMMENT int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD KEY in_reply_to_id_cmtRECORDCOMMENT (in_reply_to_id_cmtRECORDCOMMENT);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bskRECORDCOMMENT ADD in_reply_to_id_bskRECORDCOMMENT int(15) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bskRECORDCOMMENT ADD KEY in_reply_to_id_bskRECORDCOMMENT (in_reply_to_id_bskRECORDCOMMENT);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD reply_order_cached_data blob NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bskRECORDCOMMENT ADD reply_order_cached_data blob NULL default NULL;" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE cmtRECORDCOMMENT ADD INDEX (reply_order_cached_data(40));" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo "ALTER TABLE bskRECORDCOMMENT ADD INDEX (reply_order_cached_data(40));" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
echo -e 'from invenio.webcommentadminlib import migrate_comments_populate_threads_index;\
migrate_comments_populate_threads_index()' | $(PYTHON)
echo -e 'from invenio.access_control_firerole import repair_role_definitions;\
repair_role_definitions()' | $(PYTHON)
update-v1.0.0-rc0-tables: # from v1.0.0-rc0 to v1.0.0
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.0-rc0 and v1.0.0."
update-v1.0.0-tables: # from v1.0.0 to v1.0.1
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.0 and v1.0.1."
update-v1.0.1-tables: # from v1.0.1 to v1.0.2
@echo "ALTER TABLE session ADD KEY session_expiry (session_expiry);" | ${prefix}/bin/dbexec
update-v1.0.2-tables: # from v1.0.2 to v1.0.3
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.2 and v1.0.3."
update-v1.0.3-tables: # from v1.0.3 to v1.0.4
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.3 and v1.0.4."
update-v1.0.4-tables: # from v1.0.4 to v1.0.5
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.4 and v1.0.5."
update-v1.0.5-tables: # from v1.0.5 to v1.0.6
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.5 and v1.0.6."
update-v1.0.6-tables: # from v1.0.6 to v1.0.7
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.6 and v1.0.7."
update-v1.0.7-tables: # from v1.0.7 to v1.0.8
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.7 and v1.0.8."
update-v1.0.8-tables: # from v1.0.8 to v1.0.9
@echo "Nothing to do; table structure did not change between v1.0.8 and v1.0.9."
CLEANFILES = *~ *.pyc *.tmp

Event Timeline