## $Id$ ## Purpose: CERN Document Server Software (CDSware) main configure.ac file. ## Note: If you change this file, please run "autoreconf" to regenerate the "configure" script. ## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware). ## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN. ## ## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ## Initialize autoconf and automake: AC_INIT(cdsware, 0.0.9+, cds.support@cern.ch) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(cdsware, 0.0.9+) ## Check for install: AC_PROG_INSTALL ## Define WEBDIR directory: AC_ARG_WITH(webdir, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-webdir], [specify where the web files go (e.g. /var/www/cdsware/)]), WEBDIR=${withval}) if test -z "$WEBDIR"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ You have not used the "--with-webdir" argument that should define the installation directory for Web programs and documents. Example: "--with-webdir=/var/www/cdsware/".]) fi ## Define WEBURL URL: AC_ARG_WITH(weburl, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-weburl], [specify URL where web files will be reached (e.g. http://cdsdev.cern.ch/cdsware/)]), WEBURL=${withval}) if test -z "$WEBURL"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ You have not used the "--with-weburl" argument that should define the corresponding URL where the site will be reached. Example: "--with-weburl=http://webserver.domain.com/cdsware/".]) fi ## Define DBHOST database host: AC_ARG_WITH(dbhost, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-dbhost], [specify DB server (e.g. cdsdb.cern.ch)]), DBHOST=${withval}) if test -z "$DBHOST"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ You have not used the "--with-dbhost" argument that should define which DB server to use. Example: "--with-dbhost=sqlserver.domain.com".]) fi ## Define DBNAME database name: AC_ARG_WITH(dbname, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-dbname], [specify DB name (e.g. cdsware)]), DBNAME=${withval}) if test -z "$DBNAME"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ You have not used the "--with-dbname" argument that should define DB name. Example: "--with-dbname=cdsware".]) fi ## Define DBUSER user name: AC_ARG_WITH(dbuser, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-dbuser], [specify DB user name (e.g. cdsware)]), DBUSER=${withval}) if test -z "$DBUSER"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ You have not used the "--with-dbuser" argument that should define DB user name. Example: "--with-dbuser=cdsware".]) fi ## Define DBPASS user password: AC_ARG_WITH(dbpass, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-dbpass], [specify DB user password (e.g. myp1ss)]), DBPASS=${withval}) if test -z "$DBPASS"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ You have not used the "--with-dbpass" argument that should define DB user password. Example: "--with-dbpass=myp1ss".]) fi ## Check for WML: AC_PATH_PROG(WML, wml) if test -z "$WML"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ WML (Website META Language) was not found in your PATH. Please install it first. Available from .]) fi ## Check for MySQL client: AC_PATH_PROG(MYSQL, mysql) if test -z "$MYSQL"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ MySQL command-line client was not found in your PATH. Please install it first. Available from .]) fi ## Check for PHP: AC_PATH_PROG(PHP, php) if test -z "$PHP"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ PHP standalone command-line executable (i.e. not compiled as Apache module!) was not found in your PATH. Please install it first. Available from .]) fi ## Check for Python: AC_PATH_PROG(PYTHON, python) if test -z "$PYTHON"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([ Python was not found in your PATH. Please install it first. Available from .]) fi ## Check for Acrobat Reader: AC_PATH_PROG(ACROREAD, acroread) if test -z "$ACROREAD"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Acrobat Reader was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module for automatic conversion of submitted documents. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Acrobat Reader is available from .]) fi ## Check for Lynx: AC_PATH_PROG(LYNX, lynx) if test -z "$LYNX"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Lynx was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to fetch files from URLs given by submitters. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Lynx is available from .]) fi ## Check for Gzip: AC_PATH_PROG(GZIP, gzip) if test -z "$GZIP"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Gzip was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to compress the data submitted in an archive. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Gzip is available from .]) fi ## Check for Gunzip: AC_PATH_PROG(GUNZIP, gunzip) if test -z "$GUNZIP"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Gunzip was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to correctly deal with submitted compressed files. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Gunzip is available from .]) fi ## Check for tar: AC_PATH_PROG(TAR, tar) if test -z "$TAR"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Tar was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to pack the submitted data into an archive. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Tar is available from .]) fi ## Check for ps2pdf: AC_PATH_PROG(PS2PDF, ps2pdf) if test -z "$PS2PDF"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ ps2pdf was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to convert submitted PostScripts into PDF. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. PS2PDF is available from .]) fi ## Check for pdftotext: AC_PATH_PROG(PDFTOTEXT, pdftotext) if test -z "$PDFTOTEXT"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ pdftotext was not found in your PATH. It is used for the fulltext indexation of PDF files. You can continue without it but you may miss fulltext searching capability of CDSware. We recomend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. pdftotext is available from . ]) fi ## Check for pstotext: AC_PATH_PROG(PSTOTEXT, pstotext) if test -z "$PSTOTEXT"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ pstotext was not found in your PATH. It is used for the fulltext indexation of PDF and PostScript files. You can continue without it but you may miss fulltext searching capability of CDSware. We recomend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. pstotext is available from . ]) fi ## Check for ps2ascii: AC_PATH_PROG(PSTOASCII, ps2ascii) if test -z "$PSTOASCII"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ ps2ascii was not found in your PATH. It is used for the fulltext indexation of PostScript files. You can continue without it but you may miss fulltext searching capability of CDSware. We recomend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. ps2ascii is available from . ]) fi ## Check for antiword: AC_PATH_PROG(ANTIWORD, antiword) if test -z "$ANTIWORD"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ antiword was not found in your PATH. It is used for the fulltext indexation of Microsoft Word files. You can continue without it but you may miss fulltext searching capability of CDSware. We recomend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. antiword is available from . ]) fi ## Check for catdoc: AC_PATH_PROG(CATDOC, catdoc) if test -z "$CATDOC"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ catdoc was not found in your PATH. It is used for the fulltext indexation of Microsoft Word files. You can continue without it but you may miss fulltext searching capability of CDSware. We recomend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. catdoc is available from . ]) fi ## Check for wvText: AC_PATH_PROG(WVTEXT, wvText) if test -z "$WVTEXT"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ wvText was not found in your PATH. It is used for the fulltext indexation of Microsoft Word files. You can continue without it but you may miss fulltext searching capability of CDSware. We recomend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. wvText is available from . ]) fi ## Check for ppthtml: AC_PATH_PROG(PPTHTML, ppthtml) if test -z "$PPTHTML"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ ppthtml was found in your PATH. It is used for the fulltext indexation of Microsoft PowerPoint files. You can continue without it but you may miss fulltext searching capability of CDSware. We recomend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. ppthtml is available from . ]) fi ## Check for xlhtml: AC_PATH_PROG(XLHTML, xlhtml) if test -z "$XLHTML"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ xlhtml was found in your PATH. It is used for the fulltext indexation of Microsoft Excel files. You can continue without it but you may miss fulltext searching capability of CDSware. We recomend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. xlhtml is available from . ]) fi ## Check for html2text: AC_PATH_PROG(HTMLTOTEXT, html2text) if test -z "$HTMLTOTEXT"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ html2text was found in your PATH. It is used for the fulltext indexation of Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel files. You can continue without it but you may miss fulltext searching capability of CDSware. We recomend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. html2text is available from . ]) fi ## Check for Giftext: AC_PATH_PROG(GIFTEXT, giftext) if test -z "$GIFTEXT"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Giftext was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Giftext is available from .]) fi ## Check for File: AC_PATH_PROG(FILE, file) if test -z "$FILE"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ File was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to check the validity of the submitted files. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. File is available from .]) fi ## Check for Djpeg: AC_PATH_PROG(DJPEG, djpeg) if test -z "$DJPEG"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Djpeg was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Djpeg is available from .]) fi ## Check for Convert: AC_PATH_PROG(CONVERT, convert) if test -z "$CONVERT"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Convert was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Convert is available from .]) fi ## Check for Giftext: AC_PATH_PROG(GIFTEXT, giftext) if test -z "$GIFTEXT"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Giftext was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Giftext is available from .]) fi ## Check for Gifinter: AC_PATH_PROG(GIFINTER, gifinter) if test -z "$GIFINTER"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Gifinter was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Gifinter is available from .]) fi ## Check for Gifrsize: AC_PATH_PROG(GIFRSIZE, gifrsize) if test -z "$GIFRSIZE"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ Gifrsize was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Gifrsize is available from .]) fi ## Check for jpegsize: AC_PATH_PROG(JPEGSIZE, jpegsize) if test -z "$JPEGSIZE"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ jpegsize was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Jpegsize is available from .]) fi ## Check for Ppmtogif: AC_PATH_PROG(PPMTOGIF, ppmtogif) if test -z "$PPMTOGIF"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ ppmtogif was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Ppmtogif is available from .]) fi ## Check for Ppmquant: AC_PATH_PROG(PPMQUANT, ppmquant) if test -z "$PPMQUANT"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ ppmquant was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Ppmquant is available from .]) fi ## Check for Pnmscale: AC_PATH_PROG(PNMSCALE, pnmscale) if test -z "$PNMSCALE"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ pnmscale was not found in your PATH. It is used in the WebSubmit module to create an icon from a submitted picture. You can continue without it but you will miss some CDSware functionality. We recommend you to install it first and to rerun the configure script. Pnmscale is available from .]) fi ## Substitute variables: AC_SUBST(VERSION) AC_SUBST(WML) AC_SUBST(MYSQL) AC_SUBST(PHP) AC_SUBST(PERL) AC_SUBST(PYTHON) AC_SUBST(WEBDIR) AC_SUBST(CLIDIR) AC_SUBST(WEBURL) AC_SUBST(DBHOST) AC_SUBST(DBNAME) AC_SUBST(DBUSER) AC_SUBST(DBPASS) AC_SUBST(PDFTOTEXT) AC_SUBST(PSTOTEXT) AC_SUBST(PSTOASCII) AC_SUBST(ANTIWORD) AC_SUBST(CATDOC) AC_SUBST(WVTEXT) AC_SUBST(PPTHTML) AC_SUBST(XLHTML) AC_SUBST(HTMLTOTEXT) ## Define output files: AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile \ config/Makefile \ config/configbis.wml \ modules/Makefile \ modules/bibsched/Makefile \ modules/bibsched/bin/Makefile \ modules/bibwords/Makefile \ modules/bibwords/bin/Makefile \ modules/bibupload/Makefile \ modules/bibupload/bin/Makefile \ modules/bibformat/Makefile \ modules/bibformat/bin/Makefile \ modules/bibformat/lib/Makefile \ modules/bibformat/lib/core/Makefile \ modules/bibformat/lib/common/Makefile \ modules/bibformat/doc/Makefile \ modules/bibformat/web/Makefile \ modules/bibformat/web/admin/Makefile \ modules/webhelp/Makefile \ modules/webhelp/web/Makefile \ modules/websearch/Makefile \ modules/websearch/bin/Makefile \ modules/websearch/doc/Makefile \ modules/websearch/lib/Makefile \ modules/websearch/web/Makefile \ modules/websession/Makefile \ modules/websession/web/Makefile \ modules/websession/lib/Makefile \ modules/webstyle/Makefile \ modules/webstyle/css/Makefile \ modules/webstyle/img/Makefile \ modules/webstyle/lib/Makefile \ modules/webbasket/Makefile \ modules/webbasket/lib/Makefile \ modules/webbasket/web/Makefile \ modules/webalert/Makefile \ modules/webalert/lib/Makefile \ modules/webalert/web/Makefile \ modules/webalert/bin/Makefile \ modules/websubmit/Makefile \ modules/websubmit/web/Makefile \ modules/miscutil/Makefile \ modules/miscutil/bin/Makefile \ modules/miscutil/lib/Makefile \ modules/miscutil/demo/Makefile \ modules/miscutil/sql/Makefile \ ]) ## Finally, write output files: AC_OUTPUT ## Write help: AC_MSG_RESULT([****************************************************************************]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** Your CERN Document Server Software (CDSware) installation is now ready **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** for building. You have entered the following parameters: **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** - CDSware main install directory: ${prefix}]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** - Web install directory: $WEBDIR]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** - Web home URL: $WEBURL]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** - DB server: $DBHOST]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** - DB name: $DBNAME]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** - DB username: $DBUSER]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** - DB password: $DBPASS]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** Here are the steps to continue the building process: **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** 1) Customize self-explanatory config file './config/config.wml'. **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** 2) Type 'make' to build your customized CDSware installation. **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** 3) Type 'make create-tables' if you have not created tables before. **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** 4) Type 'make install' to install the system. **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** 5) Type 'make create-demo-site' to install and test the demo site. **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** Good luck, and thanks for choosing the CERN Document Server Software. **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([** -- CDS Development Group **]) AC_MSG_RESULT([****************************************************************************]) ## end of file