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## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import time
from invenio.legacy.authorlist import config as cfg
from invenio.legacy.dbquery import run_sql
def now():
Returns a unix epoch time stamp as integer.
return int(time.time())
def clone(paper_id, user_id):
Clones a whole paper data having the given id and returns the paper
information of the clone as a dictionary. If the paper_id was a falsy value
(None usually) or the id of the paper to be cloned does not exist in the
database. The function will create a new empty record, save it and return it
data = {}
clone_id = clone_paper(paper_id, user_id)
if (clone_id == 0):
data = load(None)
clone_id = save(None, user_id, data)
clone_references(paper_id, clone_id)
clone_affiliations(paper_id, clone_id)
clone_authors(paper_id, clone_id)
load_paper(clone_id, data)
data[cfg.JSON.PAPER_ID] = clone_id
return data
def clone_paper(paper_id, user_id):
Clones the general paper information - i.e. title, collaboration and
experiment number. Furthermore, the last modified timestamp will be set
to the current time. All of this is only done, if the requested paper id
was found in the database, otherwise 0 is returned. This function
should NOT be called alone as long as you are really sure that you want
to do this. Refer to clone() instead.
return run_sql("""INSERT INTO aulPAPERS (id, id_user, title, collaboration,
experiment_number, last_modified) SELECT %s, id_user, title,
collaboration, experiment_number, %s FROM aulPAPERS
WHERE id = %s;""", (None, now(), paper_id,))
def clone_references(paper_id, clone_id):
Clones the references of the paper with the given id and assigns the new
clone id instead. Returns the clone id again for convenience reasons. The
function should NOT be used alone as long as you are really sure that you
want to do this. Have a look on clone() instead.
run_sql("""INSERT INTO aulREFERENCES (item, reference, paper_id)
SELECT item, reference, %s FROM aulREFERENCES
WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (clone_id, paper_id,))
return clone_id
def clone_affiliations(paper_id, clone_id):
Clones the affiliations of the given paper id and assigns the clone id
instead. Returns the clone id for convenience reasons. The function should
NOT be used alone as long as you are really sure that you want to do this.
Have a look on clone() instead.
run_sql("""INSERT INTO aulAFFILIATIONS (item, acronym, umbrella,
name_and_address, domain, member, spires_id, paper_id)
SELECT item, acronym, umbrella, name_and_address,
domain, member, spires_id, %s FROM aulAFFILIATIONS
WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (clone_id, paper_id,))
return clone_id
def clone_authors(paper_id, clone_id):
Clones the authors of the paper with the passed id and assigns the new clone
id instead. It also invokes the cloning of the affiliations of the authors.
The clone id will be returned again for convenience reasons. The function
should NOT be used alone as long as you are really sure that you want to do
this. Have a look on clone() instead.
run_sql("""INSERT INTO aulAUTHORS (item, family_name, given_name,
name_on_paper, status, paper_id)
SELECT item, family_name, given_name, name_on_paper,
status, %s FROM aulAUTHORS
WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (clone_id, paper_id,))
clone_author_affiliations(paper_id, clone_id)
clone_author_identifiers(paper_id, clone_id)
return clone_id
def clone_author_affiliations(paper_id, clone_id):
Clones the affiliations of the authors of the paper with the given id and
assigns the new clone id to them. Returns the clone_id again for convenience
reasons. Should NOT be used alone but only as part of clone() as long as you
are not really sure what you are doing.
run_sql("""INSERT INTO aulAUTHOR_AFFILIATIONS (item, affiliation_acronym,
affiliation_status, author_item, paper_id)
SELECT item, affiliation_acronym, affiliation_status,
WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (clone_id, paper_id,))
return clone_id
def clone_author_identifiers(paper_id, clone_id):
Clones the identifiers of the authors of the paper with the given id and
assigns the new clone id to them. Returns the clone_id again for convenience
reasons. Should NOT be used alone but only as part of clone() as long as you
are not really sure what you are doing.
run_sql("""INSERT INTO aulAUTHOR_IDENTIFIERS (item, identifier_number,
identifier_name, author_item, paper_id)
SELECT item, identifier_number, identifier_name,
author_item, %s FROM aulAUTHOR_IDENTIFIERS
WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (clone_id, paper_id,))
return clone_id
def delete(paper_id):
Deletes the paper with the given id completely from the database. There is
no backup copy so better we sure that you want to do this :). Returns the
id of the deleted paper again for convenience reasons.
data = {cfg.JSON.PAPER_ID : paper_id}
return data
def delete_paper(paper_id):
Deletes the general informations of a paper without making any backup copy
and safety net for the paper with the given id. Should NOT be used alone
unless you are sure that you want to do this. Refer to delete() instead.
Returns the paper_id for convenience reasons.
run_sql("""DELETE FROM aulPAPERS WHERE id = %s;""", (paper_id,))
return paper_id
def delete_references(paper_id):
Deletes the paper references from the database with the given id. It does
not create any backup copy. Should NOT be used unless you are really sure
that you want to do this. Refer to delete() instead. Returns the paper_id
for convenience reasons.
run_sql("""DELETE FROM aulREFERENCES WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (paper_id,))
return paper_id
def delete_affiliations(paper_id):
Deletes the affiliations of the paper with the given paper id completely
from the database. There is no safety net or backup copy. Should NOT be used
alone unless you are sure that you want to do this. Refer to delete()
instead. Returns the paper id for convenience reasons.
run_sql("""DELETE FROM aulAFFILIATIONS WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (paper_id,))
return paper_id
def delete_authors(paper_id):
Deletes the authors of the paper with the given id completely from the
database. There is no backup copy or safety net, make sure you want to do
this. This function should NOT be used alone unless you know what you are
doing. Refer to delete() instead. Returns the paper id for convenience
run_sql("""DELETE FROM aulAUTHORS WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (paper_id,))
return paper_id
def delete_author_affiliations(paper_id):
Deletes the affiliations of each author that is part of the paper of the
passed id. There is no backup copy or safety net, so make sure you want to
call this function. This function should NOT be called alone unless you know
what you are doing. Refer to delete() instead. Returns the paper id for
convenience reasons.
WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (paper_id,))
return paper_id
def delete_author_identifiers(paper_id):
Deletes the identifiers of each author that is part of the paper of the
passed id. There is no backup copy or safety net, so make sure you want to
call this function. This function should NOT be called alone unless you know
what you are doing. Refer to delete() instead. Returns the paper id for
convenience reasons.
WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (paper_id,))
return paper_id
def itemize(id_user):
Returns the general information of all papers ordered descending by the last
modification date. Each items is represented by a dictionary having the keys
as can be found in the authorlist_config.
data = {}
papers = run_sql("""SELECT id, title, collaboration, experiment_number,
last_modified FROM aulPAPERS WHERE id_user = %s
ORDER BY last_modified DESC;""" % (id_user))
out_papers = data.setdefault('data', [])
for paper in papers:
paper_id, title, collaboration, experiment_number, last_modified = paper
out_papers.append({cfg.JSON.PAPER_ID : paper_id,
cfg.JSON.PAPER_TITLE : title,
cfg.JSON.COLLABORATION : collaboration,
cfg.JSON.EXPERIMENT_NUMBER : experiment_number,
cfg.JSON.LAST_MODIFIED : last_modified})
return data
def load(paper_id):
Loads all data of a paper data set with the given paper id. If the paper id
is a falsy value or is not yet in the database the function will create a
basic empty paper object and return it including the requested id (a falsy
value will just be reused without any modification). The returned object is
a dictionary using the standard keys as defined in authorlist_config.
data = {}
load_id = load_paper(paper_id, data)
data[cfg.JSON.PAPER_ID] = load_id
load_references(paper_id, data)
load_affiliations(paper_id, data)
load_authors(paper_id, data)
return data
def load_paper(paper_id, data):
Loads only the general paper information of the given id and adds them to
the passed data dictionary. Should NOT be used alone as long as you are not
sure what you are doing. Refer to load() instead. Returns the paper id for
convenience reasons.
paper = run_sql("""SELECT title, collaboration, experiment_number,
last_modified FROM aulPAPERS
WHERE id = %s;""", (paper_id,))
if (not paper):
# TODO add message here
data[cfg.JSON.PAPER_TITLE] = ''
data[cfg.JSON.LAST_MODIFIED] = now()
return paper_id
title, collaboration, experiment_number, last_modified = paper[ 0 ]
data[cfg.JSON.PAPER_TITLE] = title
data[cfg.JSON.COLLABORATION] = collaboration
data[cfg.JSON.EXPERIMENT_NUMBER] = experiment_number
data[cfg.JSON.LAST_MODIFIED] = last_modified
return paper_id
def load_references(paper_id, data):
Lodas only the reference information of the paper with the given id and adds
them to the passed data dictionary. Should NOT be used alone as long as you
are not sure what you are doing. Refer to load() instead. Returns the passed
id for convenience reasons.
references = run_sql("""SELECT reference FROM aulREFERENCES
WHERE paper_id = %s;""", (paper_id,))
reference_ids = [reference[0] for reference in references]
data[cfg.JSON.REFERENCE_IDS] = reference_ids
return paper_id
def load_affiliations(paper_id, data):
Loads only the affiliations information of the paper with the given id and
adds them to the passed data dictionary. Should NOT be used alone as long as
you do not know what you are doing. Refer to load() instead. Returns the
passed id for convenience reasons.
result = run_sql("""SELECT item, acronym, umbrella, name_and_address, domain,
member, spires_id FROM aulAFFILIATIONS
WHERE paper_id = %s ORDER BY item;""", (paper_id,))
affiliations = data.setdefault(cfg.JSON.AFFILIATIONS_KEY, [])
for affiliation in result:
item, acronym, umbrella, name, domain, member, spires_id = affiliation
affiliations.append([item + 1, '', acronym, umbrella, name,
domain, bool(member), spires_id])
return data
def load_authors(paper_id, data):
Loads the authors information of the paper with the passed id and adds them
to the passed data dicitionary. This function will automatically also load
all affiliations of the respective author. Should NOT be used alone as long
as you do not know what you are doing. Refer to load() instead. Returns the
passed id for convenience reasons.
result = run_sql("""SELECT item, family_name, given_name, name_on_paper,
status FROM aulAUTHORS
WHERE paper_id = %s ORDER BY item;""", (paper_id,))
authors = data.setdefault(cfg.JSON.AUTHORS_KEY, [])
for author in result:
item, family_name, given_name, paper_name, status = author
author_affiliations = load_author_affiliations(paper_id, item)
author_identifiers = load_author_identifiers(paper_id, item)
authors.append([item + 1, '', family_name, given_name, paper_name,
status, author_affiliations, author_identifiers])
return data
def load_author_affiliations(paper_id, author_id):
Loads the affiliations of the author with the passed id that is part of the
author lists of the paper with the given id. Should NOT be used alone as
long as you are not sure what you are doing. Refer to load() instead. In
this case the paper id is NOT returned but the author affiliations.
result = run_sql("""SELECT affiliation_acronym, affiliation_status
AND paper_id = %s ORDER BY item;""", (author_id, paper_id,))
author_affiliations = []
for author_affiliation in result:
acronym, status = author_affiliation
author_affiliations.append([acronym, status])
return author_affiliations
def load_author_identifiers(paper_id, author_id):
Loads the identifiers of the author with the passed id that is part of the
author lists of the paper with the given id. Should NOT be used alone as
long as you are not sure what you are doing. Refer to load() instead. In
this case the paper id is NOT returned but the author affiliations.
result = run_sql("""SELECT identifier_number, identifier_name
AND paper_id = %s ORDER BY item;""", (author_id, paper_id,))
author_identifiers = []
for author_identifier in result:
number, name = author_identifier
author_identifiers.append([number, name])
return author_identifiers
def save(paper_id, user_id, in_data):
Saves the passed data dictionary using the standard authorlist_config keys
in the database using the passed paper_id. If the id is falsy or not yet in
the database a new data set is created, otherwise the old data set will be
overwritten. Returns a dictionary the holds the id of the saved data set.
out_data = {}
new_paper_id = save_paper(paper_id, user_id, in_data)
if (paper_id is None):
paper_id = new_paper_id
out_data[cfg.JSON.PAPER_ID] = paper_id
save_references(paper_id, in_data)
save_affliations(paper_id, in_data)
save_authors(paper_id, in_data)
return out_data
def save_paper(paper_id, user_id, data):
Saves the general paper information from the passed data dictionary using
the standard authorlist_config keys of the paper with the given id. Updates
the last modified timestamp. Should NOT be used alone as long as you are not
sure what you are doing. Refer to save() instead. Returns the paper if of
the dataset.
if (not paper_id):
paper_id = None
timestamp = now()
paper_title = data.get(cfg.JSON.PAPER_TITLE)
if not paper_title:
paper_title = 'Untitled paper'
data_tuple = ( # insert values
# update values
return run_sql("""INSERT INTO aulPAPERS (id, id_user, title, collaboration,
experiment_number, last_modified)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
title = %s,
collaboration = %s,
experiment_number = %s,
last_modified = %s;""", data_tuple)
def save_references(paper_id, data):
Saves the references of the passed data dictionary using the standard
authorlist_config keys of the paper data set with the given id. Should NOT
be used alone as long as you are not sure what you are doing. Refer to
save() instead. Returns the paper id.
reference_ids = data[cfg.JSON.REFERENCE_IDS]
# Insert or update old references
for index, reference in enumerate(reference_ids):
data_tuple = (# insert values
# update values
run_sql("""INSERT INTO
aulREFERENCES (item, reference, paper_id)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
reference = %s;""", data_tuple)
# Delete old references that are out of bounds - i.e. have a higher index
# than the length of the reference list
run_sql("""DELETE FROM aulREFERENCES WHERE item >= %s AND paper_id = %s;""",
(len(reference_ids), paper_id))
return paper_id
def save_affliations(paper_id, data):
Saves the affiliations of the passed data dictionary using the standard
authorlist_config keys to the data set of the paper with the given id.
Should NOT be used alone as long as you are not sure what you are doing.
Refer to save() instead. Returns the paper_id for convenience reasons.
affiliations = data[cfg.JSON.AFFILIATIONS_KEY]
for index, affiliation in enumerate(affiliations):
data_tuple = (# insert values
# update values
run_sql("""INSERT INTO
aulAFFILIATIONS (item, acronym, umbrella, name_and_address,
domain, member, spires_id, paper_id)
VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
acronym = %s,
umbrella = %s,
name_and_address = %s,
domain = %s,
member = %s,
spires_id = %s;""", data_tuple)
# Delete old affiliations that are out of bounds - i.e. have a higher index
# than the length of the affiliations list
run_sql("""DELETE FROM aulAFFILIATIONS WHERE item >= %s AND paper_id = %s;""",
(len(affiliations), paper_id))
return paper_id
def save_authors(paper_id, data):
Saves the authors of the passed data dictionary using the standard
authorlist_config keys in the database of the paper with the given id.
Should NOT be used alone as long as you do not know what you are doing.
Refer to save() instead. Returns the paper_id.
authors = data[cfg.JSON.AUTHORS_KEY]
for index, author in enumerate(authors):
data_tuple = (# insert values
# update values
run_sql("""INSERT INTO
aulAUTHORS (item, family_name, given_name, name_on_paper,
status, paper_id)
VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
family_name = %s,
given_name = %s,
name_on_paper = %s,
status = %s;""", data_tuple)
save_author_affiliations(paper_id, index, len(authors),
save_author_identifiers(paper_id, index, len(authors),
# Delete old authors that are out of bounds - i.e. have a higher index
# than the length of the affiliations list
run_sql("""DELETE FROM aulAUTHORS WHERE item >= %s AND paper_id = %s;""",
(len(authors), paper_id))
return paper_id
def save_author_affiliations(paper_id, author_id, number_of_authors, data):
Saves the affiliations of the passed author using the data dictionary and
the standard authorlist_config keys and the paper id. Deletes also all old
entries that are 'out of bounds' facilitating the number_of_authors
paramter. Should NOT be used alone as long as you do not exactly know what
you are doing. Refer to save() instead. Returns the paper id.
for index, affiliation in enumerate(data):
data_tuple = (# insert values
# update values
run_sql("""INSERT INTO
aulAUTHOR_AFFILIATIONS (item, affiliation_acronym,
affiliation_status, author_item,
VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
affiliation_acronym = %s,
affiliation_status = %s;""", data_tuple)
# Delete entries that the author does not have anymore
AND author_item = %s AND paper_id = %s;""",
(len(data), author_id, paper_id))
# Delete entries of non existing author
run_sql("""DELETE FROM aulAUTHOR_AFFILIATIONS WHERE author_item >= %s
AND paper_id = %s;""",
(number_of_authors, paper_id))
return paper_id
def save_author_identifiers(paper_id, author_id, number_of_authors, data):
Saves the identifiers of the passed author using the data dictionary and
the standard authorlist_config keys and the paper id. Deletes also all old
entries that are 'out of bounds' facilitating the number_of_authors
paramter. Should NOT be used alone as long as you do not exactly know what
you are doing. Refer to save() instead. Returns the paper id.
for index, identifier in enumerate(data):
data_tuple = (# insert values
# update values
run_sql("""INSERT INTO
aulAUTHOR_IDENTIFIERS (item, identifier_number,
identifier_name, author_item,
VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
identifier_number = %s,
identifier_name = %s;""", data_tuple)
# Delete entries that the author does not have anymore
AND author_item = %s AND paper_id = %s;""",
(len(data), author_id, paper_id))
# Delete entries of non existing author
run_sql("""DELETE FROM aulAUTHOR_IDENTIFIERS WHERE author_item >= %s
AND paper_id = %s;""",
(number_of_authors, paper_id))
return paper_id
def get_owner(paper_id):
"""Returns the id_user of a paper"""
result = run_sql("SELECT id_user FROM aulPAPERS WHERE id = %s;" % \
if result:
return result
return None

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