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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Bibauthorid Daemon
This module IS NOT standalone safe - it should never be run this way.
import sys
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid import config as bconfig
from invenio.legacy.bibsched import bibtask
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.backinterface import get_recently_modified_record_ids
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.backinterface import get_user_log
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.backinterface import insert_user_log
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.backinterface import get_sql_time
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.backinterface import get_personids_from_bibrec
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.backinterface import get_claimed_papers_from_papers
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.backinterface import get_all_valid_bibrecs
#python 2.4 compatibility
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.general_utils import bai_any as any
def bibauthorid_daemon():
"""Constructs the Bibauthorid bibtask."""
authorization_msg="Bibauthorid Task Submission",
Disambiguate Authors and find their identities.
- Process all records that hold an author with last name 'Ellis':
$ bibauthorid -u admin --update-personid --all-records
- Disambiguate all records on a fresh installation
$ bibauthorid -u admin --disambiguate --from-scratch
bibauthorid [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]
You can choose only one from the following:
--update-personid Updates personid adding not yet assigned papers
to the system, in a fast, best effort basis.
Cleans the table from stale records.
--disambiguate Disambiguates all signatures in the database
using the tortoise/wedge algorithm. This usually
takes a LOT of time so the results are stored in
a special table. Use --merge to use the results.
--merge Updates the personid tables with the results from
the --disambiguate algorithm.
Options for update personid
(default) Will update only the modified records since last
-i, --record-ids Force the procedure to work only on the specified
records. This option is exclusive with --all-records.
--all-records Force the procedure to work on all records. This
option is exclusive with --record-ids.
Options for disambiguate
(default) Performs full disambiguation of all records in the
current personid tables with respect to the user
--from-scratch Ignores the current information in the personid
tables and disambiguates everything from scratch.
There are no options for the merger.
version="Invenio Bibauthorid v%s" % bconfig.VERSION,
def _task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter(key, value, opts, args):
Given the string key it checks it's meaning, eventually using the
value. Usually, it fills some key in the options dict.
It must return True if it has elaborated the key, False, if it doesn't
know that key.
if key in ("--update-personid",):
bibtask.task_set_option("update_personid", True)
elif key in ("--record-ids", '-i'):
if value.count("="):
value = value[1:]
value = value.split(",")
bibtask.task_set_option("record_ids", value)
elif key in ("--all-records",):
bibtask.task_set_option("all_records", True)
elif key in ("--disambiguate",):
bibtask.task_set_option("disambiguate", True)
elif key in ("--merge",):
bibtask.task_set_option("merge", True)
elif key in ("--from-scratch",):
bibtask.task_set_option("from_scratch", True)
return False
return True
def _task_run_core():
Runs the requested task in the bibsched environment.
if bibtask.task_get_option('update_personid'):
record_ids = bibtask.task_get_option('record_ids')
if record_ids:
record_ids = map(int, record_ids)
all_records = bibtask.task_get_option('all_records')
bibtask.task_update_progress('Updating personid...')
run_rabbit(record_ids, all_records)
bibtask.task_update_progress('PersonID update finished!')
if bibtask.task_get_option("disambiguate"):
bibtask.task_update_progress('Performing full disambiguation...')
bibtask.task_update_progress('Full disambiguation finished!')
if bibtask.task_get_option("merge"):
bibtask.task_update_progress('Merging results...')
bibtask.task_update_progress('Merging finished!')
return 1
def _task_submit_check_options():
Required by bibtask. Checks the options.
update_personid = bibtask.task_get_option("update_personid")
disambiguate = bibtask.task_get_option("disambiguate")
merge = bibtask.task_get_option("merge")
record_ids = bibtask.task_get_option("record_ids")
all_records = bibtask.task_get_option("all_records")
from_scratch = bibtask.task_get_option("from_scratch")
commands = bool(update_personid) + bool(disambiguate) + bool(merge)
if commands == 0:
bibtask.write_message("ERROR: At least one command should be specified!"
, stream=sys.stdout, verbose=0)
return False
if commands > 1:
bibtask.write_message("ERROR: The options --update-personid, --disambiguate "
"and --merge are mutually exclusive."
, stream=sys.stdout, verbose=0)
return False
assert commands == 1
if update_personid:
if any((from_scratch,)):
bibtask.write_message("ERROR: The only options which can be specified "
"with --update-personid are --record-ids and "
, stream=sys.stdout, verbose=0)
return False
options = bool(record_ids) + bool(all_records)
if options > 1:
bibtask.write_message("ERROR: conflicting options: --record-ids and "
"--all-records are mutually exclusive."
, stream=sys.stdout, verbose=0)
return False
if record_ids:
for iden in record_ids:
if not iden.isdigit():
bibtask.write_message("ERROR: Record_ids expects numbers. "
"Provided: %s." % iden)
return False
if disambiguate:
if any((record_ids, all_records)):
bibtask.write_message("ERROR: The only option which can be specified "
"with --disambiguate is from-scratch"
, stream=sys.stdout, verbose=0)
return False
if merge:
if any((record_ids, all_records, from_scratch)):
bibtask.write_message("ERROR: There are no options which can be "
"specified along with --merge"
, stream=sys.stdout, verbose=0)
return False
return True
def _get_personids_to_update_extids(papers=None):
It returns the set of personids of which we should recalculate
their external ids.
@param papers: papers
@type papers: set or None
@return: personids
@rtype: set
last_log = get_user_log(userinfo='daemon', action='PID_UPDATE', only_most_recent=True)
if last_log:
daemon_last_time_run = last_log[0][2]
modified_bibrecs = get_recently_modified_record_ids(daemon_last_time_run)
modified_bibrecs = get_all_valid_bibrecs()
if papers:
modified_bibrecs &= set(papers)
if not modified_bibrecs:
return None
modified_bibrecs = [rec[0] for rec in get_claimed_papers_from_papers(modified_bibrecs)]
personids_to_update_extids = set()
for bibrec in modified_bibrecs:
personids_to_update_extids |= set(get_personids_from_bibrec(bibrec))
return personids_to_update_extids
def rabbit_with_log(papers, check_invalid_papers, log_comment, partial=False):
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.rabbit import rabbit
personids_to_update_extids = _get_personids_to_update_extids(papers)
starting_time = get_sql_time()
rabbit(papers, check_invalid_papers, personids_to_update_extids)
if partial:
action = 'PID_UPDATE'
insert_user_log('daemon', '-1', action, 'bibsched', 'status', comment=log_comment, timestamp=starting_time)
def run_rabbit(paperslist, all_records=False):
if not paperslist and all_records:
rabbit_with_log(None, True, 'bibauthorid_daemon, update_personid on all papers')
elif not paperslist:
last_log = get_user_log(userinfo='daemon', action='PID_UPDATE', only_most_recent=True)
if len(last_log) >= 1:
#select only the most recent papers
recently_modified = get_recently_modified_record_ids(date=last_log[0][2])
if not recently_modified:
bibtask.write_message("update_personID_table_from_paper: "
"All person entities up to date.",
stream=sys.stdout, verbose=0)
bibtask.write_message("update_personID_table_from_paper: Running on: " +
str(recently_modified), stream=sys.stdout, verbose=0)
rabbit_with_log(recently_modified, True, 'bibauthorid_daemon, run_personid_fast_assign_papers on '
+ str([paperslist, all_records, recently_modified]))
rabbit_with_log(None, True, 'bibauthorid_daemon, update_personid on all papers')
rabbit_with_log(paperslist, True, 'bibauthorid_daemon, personid_fast_assign_papers on ' + str(paperslist), partial=True)
def run_tortoise(from_scratch):
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.tortoise import tortoise, tortoise_from_scratch
if from_scratch:
start_time = get_sql_time()
tortoise_db_name = 'tortoise'
last_run = get_user_log(userinfo=tortoise_db_name, only_most_recent=True)
if last_run:
modified = get_recently_modified_record_ids(last_run[0][2])
modified = []
insert_user_log(tortoise_db_name, '-1', '', '', '', timestamp=start_time)
def run_merge():
from invenio.legacy.bibauthorid.merge import merge_dynamic

Event Timeline