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## -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8; -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""BibSort Engine"""
import sys
import time
from import datetime, strftime
from invenio.legacy.dbquery import deserialize_via_marshal, \
serialize_via_marshal, run_sql, Error
from invenio.legacy.search_engine import get_field_tags, search_pattern
from intbitset import intbitset
from invenio.legacy.bibsched.bibtask import write_message, task_update_progress, \
from invenio.config import CFG_BIBSORT_BUCKETS, CFG_CERN_SITE
from invenio.legacy.bibsort.washer import BibSortWasher, \
import invenio.legacy.template
websearch_templates = invenio.legacy.template.load('websearch')
#The space distance between elements, to make inserts faster
def get_bibsort_methods_details(method_list = None):
"""Returns the id, definition, and washer for the methods in method_list.
If no method_list is specified: we get all the data from bsrMETHOD table"""
bibsort_methods = {}
errors = False
results = []
if not method_list:
results = run_sql("SELECT id, name, definition, washer \
except Error as err:
write_message("The error: [%s] occured while trying to read " \
"the bibsort data from the database." \
%err, stream=sys.stderr)
return {}, True
if not results:
write_message("The bsrMETHOD table is empty.")
return {}, errors
for method in method_list:
res = run_sql("""SELECT id, name, definition, washer \
FROM bsrMETHOD where name = %s""", (method, ))
except Error as err:
write_message("The error: [%s] occured while trying to get " \
"the bibsort data from the database for method %s." \
%(err, method), stream=sys.stderr)
errors = True
if not res:
write_message("No information for method: %s." % method)
for item in results:
bibsort_methods.setdefault(item[1], {})['id'] = item[0]
bibsort_methods[item[1]]['definition'] = item[2]
bibsort_methods[item[1]]['washer'] = item[3]
return bibsort_methods, errors
def get_all_recids(including_deleted=True):#6.68s on cdsdev
"""Returns a list of all records available in the system"""
res = run_sql("SELECT id FROM bibrec")
if not res:
return intbitset([])
all_recs = intbitset(res)
if not including_deleted: # we want to exclude deleted records
deleted = search_pattern(p='980__:"DELETED" OR 980__:"DUMMY"')
deleted = search_pattern(p='980__:"DELETED"')
return all_recs
def get_max_recid():
"""Returns the max id in bibrec - good approximation
for the total number of records"""
return run_sql("SELECT MAX(id) FROM bibrec")[0][0]
except IndexError:
return 0
def _get_values_from_marc_tag(tag, recids):
'''Finds the value for a specific tag'''
digits = tag[0:2]
intdigits = int(digits)
if intdigits < 0 or intdigits > 99:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
# invalid tag value asked for
write_message('You have asked for an invalid tag value ' \
'[tag=%s; value=%s].' %(tag, intdigits), verbose=5)
return []
bx = "bib%sx" % digits
bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digits
max_recid = get_max_recid()
if len(recids) == 1:
to_append = '= %s'
query_params = [recids.tolist()[0]]
elif len(recids) < max_recid/3:
# if we have less then one third of the records
# use IN
#This realy depends on how large the repository is..
to_append = 'IN %s'
query_params = [tuple(recids)]
# mysql might crush with big queries, better use BETWEEN
to_append = 'BETWEEN %s AND %s'
query_params = [1, max_recid]
query = 'SELECT bibx.id_bibrec, bx.value \
FROM %s AS bx, %s AS bibx \
WHERE bibx.id_bibrec %s \
AND = bibx.id_bibxxx \
AND bx.tag LIKE %%s' % (bx, bibx, to_append)
res = run_sql(query, tuple(query_params))
return res
def get_data_for_definition_marc(tags, recids):
'''Having a list of tags and a list of recids, it returns a dictionary
with the values correspondig to the tags'''
#x = all_recids; [get_fieldvalues(recid, '037__a') for recid in x]
#user: 140s, sys: 21s, total: 160s - cdsdev
if isinstance(recids, (int, long)):
recids = intbitset([recids, ])
# for each recid we need only one value
#on which we sort, so we can stop looking for a value
# as soon as we find one
tag_index = 0
field_data_dict = {}
while len(recids) > 0 and tag_index < len(tags):
write_message('%s records queried for values for tags %s.' \
%(len(recids), tags), verbose=5)
res = _get_values_from_marc_tag(tags[tag_index], recids)
res_dict = dict(res)
#we can not use this, because res_dict might contain recids
#that are already in field_data_dict, and we should not overwrite their value
field_data_dict = dict(res_dict, **field_data_dict)
#there might be keys that we do not want (ex: using 'between')
#so we should remove them
res_dict_keys = intbitset(res_dict.keys())
recids_not_needed = res_dict_keys.difference(recids)
for recid in recids_not_needed:
del field_data_dict[recid]
#update the recids to contain only the recid that do not have values yet
tag_index += 1
return field_data_dict
def get_data_for_definition_rnk(method_name, rnk_name):
'''Returns the dictionary with data for method_name ranking method'''
res = run_sql('SELECT d.relevance_data \
d.id_rnkMETHOD = AND \ = %s', (rnk_name, ))
if res and res[0]:
write_message('Data extracted from table rnkMETHODDATA for sorting method %s' \
%method_name, verbose=5)
return deserialize_via_marshal(res[0][0])
except Error as err:
write_message("No data could be found for sorting method %s. " \
"The following errror occured: [%s]" \
%(method_name, err), stream=sys.stderr)
return {}
def get_data_for_definition_bibrec(column_name, recids_copy):
'''Having a column_name and a list of recids, it returns a dictionary
mapping each recids with its correspondig value from the column'''
dict_column = {}
for recid in recids_copy:
creation_date = run_sql('SELECT %s from bibrec WHERE id = %%s' %column_name, (recid, ))[0][0]
new_creation_date = datetime(creation_date.year,creation_date.month,, \
creation_date.hour,creation_date.minute, creation_date.second)
dict_column[recid] = new_creation_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
return dict_column
def get_field_data(recids, method_name, definition):
"""Returns the data associated with the definition for recids.
The returned dictionary will contain ONLY the recids for which
a value has been found in the database.
recids_copy = recids.copy()
#if we are dealing with a MARC definition
if definition.startswith('MARC'):
tags = definition.replace('MARC:', '').replace(' ', '').strip().split(',')
if not tags:
write_message('No MARC tags found for method %s.' \
%method_name, verbose=5)
return {}
write_message('The following MARC tags will be queried: %s' %tags, \
return get_data_for_definition_marc(tags, recids_copy)
#if we are dealing with tags (ex: author, title)
elif definition.startswith('FIELD'):
tags = get_field_tags(definition.replace('FIELD:', '').strip())
if not tags:
write_message('No tags found for method %s.' \
%method_name, verbose=5)
return {}
write_message('The following tags will be queried: %s' %tags, verbose=5)
return get_data_for_definition_marc(tags, recids_copy)
# if we are dealing with ranking data
elif definition.startswith('RNK'):
rnk_name = definition.replace('RNK:', '').strip()
return get_data_for_definition_rnk(method_name, rnk_name)
# if we are looking into bibrec table
elif definition.startswith('BIBREC'):
column_name = definition.replace('BIBREC:', '').strip()
return get_data_for_definition_bibrec(column_name, recids_copy)
write_message("The definition %s for method % could not be recognized" \
%(definition, method_name), stream=sys.stderr)
return {}
def apply_washer(data_dict, washer):
'''The values are filtered using the washer function'''
if not washer:
if washer.strip() == 'NOOP':
washer = washer.split(':')[0]#in case we have a locale defined
method = BibSortWasher(washer)
write_message('Washer method found: %s' %washer, verbose=5)
for recid in data_dict:
new_val = method.get_transformed_value(data_dict[recid])
data_dict[recid] = new_val
except InvenioBibSortWasherNotImplementedError as err:
write_message("Washer %s is not implemented [%s]." \
%(washer, err), stream=sys.stderr)
def locale_for_sorting(washer):
"""Identifies if any specific locale should be used, and it returns it"""
if washer.find(":") > -1:
lang = washer[washer.index(':')+1:]
return websearch_templates.tmpl_localemap.get(lang, websearch_templates.tmpl_default_locale)
return None
def run_sorting_method(recids, method_name, method_id, definition, washer):
"""Does the actual sorting for the method_name
for all the records in the database"""
run_sorting_for_rnk = False
if definition.startswith('RNK'):
run_sorting_for_rnk = True
field_data_dictionary = get_field_data(recids, method_name, definition)
if not field_data_dictionary:
write_message("POSSIBLE ERROR: The sorting method --%s-- has no data!" \
return True
apply_washer(field_data_dictionary, washer)
#do we have any locale constraint?
sorting_locale = locale_for_sorting(washer)
sorted_data_list, sorted_data_dict = \
sort_dict(field_data_dictionary, CFG_BIBSORT_WEIGHT_DISTANCE, run_sorting_for_rnk, sorting_locale)
executed = write_to_methoddata_table(method_id, field_data_dictionary, \
sorted_data_dict, sorted_data_list)
if not executed:
return False
bucket_dict, bucket_last_rec_dict = split_into_buckets(sorted_data_list, len(sorted_data_list))
for idx in bucket_dict:
executed = write_to_buckets_table(method_id, idx, bucket_dict[idx], \
if not executed:
return False
executed = write_to_buckets_table(method_id, 1, intbitset(sorted_data_list), \
if not executed:
return False
return True
def write_to_methoddata_table(id_method, data_dict, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, update_timestamp=True):
"""Serialize the date and write it to the bsrMETHODDATA"""
write_message('Starting serializing the data..', verbose=5)
serialized_data_dict = serialize_via_marshal(data_dict)
serialized_data_dict_ordered = serialize_via_marshal(data_dict_ordered)
serialized_data_list_sorted = serialize_via_marshal(data_list_sorted)
write_message('Serialization completed.', verbose=5)
date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
if not update_timestamp:
date = run_sql('SELECT last_updated from bsrMETHODDATA WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s', (id_method, ))[0][0]
except IndexError:
pass # keep the generated date
write_message("Starting writing the data for method_id=%s " \
"to the database (table bsrMETHODDATA)" %id_method, verbose=5)
write_message('Deleting old data..', verbose=5)
run_sql("DELETE FROM bsrMETHODDATA WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s", (id_method, ))
write_message('Inserting new data..', verbose=5)
run_sql("INSERT into bsrMETHODDATA \
(id_bsrMETHOD, data_dict, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, last_updated) \
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", \
(id_method, serialized_data_dict, serialized_data_dict_ordered, \
serialized_data_list_sorted, date, ))
except Error as err:
write_message("The error [%s] occured when inserting new bibsort data "\
"into bsrMETHODATA table" %err, sys.stderr)
return False
write_message('Writing to the bsrMETHODDATA successfully completed.', \
return True
def write_to_buckets_table(id_method, bucket_no, bucket_data, bucket_last_value, update_timestamp=True):
"""Serialize the date and write it to the bsrMEHODDATA_BUCKETS"""
write_message('Writing the data for bucket number %s for ' \
'method_id=%s to the database' \
%(bucket_no, id_method), verbose=5)
write_message('Serializing data for bucket number %s' %bucket_no, verbose=5)
serialized_bucket_data = bucket_data.fastdump()
date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
if not update_timestamp:
date = run_sql('SELECT last_updated from bsrMETHODDATABUCKET WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s and bucket_no = %s', \
(id_method, bucket_no))[0][0]
except IndexError:
pass # keep the generated date
write_message('Deleting old data.', verbose=5)
WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s AND bucket_no = %s", \
(id_method, bucket_no, ))
write_message('Inserting new data.', verbose=5)
(id_bsrMETHOD, bucket_no, bucket_data, bucket_last_value, last_updated) \
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", \
(id_method, bucket_no, serialized_bucket_data, bucket_last_value, date, ))
except Error as err:
write_message("The error [%s] occured when inserting new bibsort data " \
"into bsrMETHODATA_BUCKETS table" %err, sys.stderr)
return False
write_message('Writing to bsrMETHODDATABUCKET for ' \
'bucket number %s completed.' %bucket_no, verbose=5)
return True
def split_into_buckets(sorted_data_list, data_size):
"""The sorted_data_list is split into equal buckets.
Returns a dictionary containing the buckets and
a dictionary containing the last record in each bucket"""
write_message("Starting splitting the data into %s buckets." \
bucket_dict = {}
bucket_last_rec_dict = {}
step = data_size/CFG_BIBSORT_BUCKETS
i = 0
for i in xrange(CFG_BIBSORT_BUCKETS - 1):
bucket_dict[i+1] = intbitset(sorted_data_list[i*step:i*step+step])
bucket_last_rec_dict[i+1] = sorted_data_list[i*step+step-1]
write_message("Bucket %s done." %(i+1), verbose=5)
#last bucket contains all the remaining data
bucket_dict[CFG_BIBSORT_BUCKETS] = intbitset(sorted_data_list[(i+1)*step:])
bucket_last_rec_dict[CFG_BIBSORT_BUCKETS] = sorted_data_list[-1]
write_message("Bucket %s done." %CFG_BIBSORT_BUCKETS, verbose=5)
write_message("Splitting completed.", verbose=5)
return bucket_dict, bucket_last_rec_dict
def sort_dict(dictionary, spacing=1, run_sorting_for_rnk=False, sorting_locale=None):
"""Sorting a dictionary. Returns a list of sorted recids
and also a dictionary containing the recid: weight
weight = index * spacing"""
#10Mil records dictionary -> 36.9s
write_message("Starting sorting the dictionary " \
"containing all the data..", verbose=5)
sorted_records_dict_with_id = {}
if sorting_locale:
import locale
orig_locale = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, sorting_locale)
except locale.Error:
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, sorting_locale + '.UTF8')
except locale.Error:
write_message("Setting locale to %s is not working.. ignoring locale")
sorted_records_list = sorted(dictionary, key=dictionary.__getitem__, cmp=locale.strcoll, reverse=False)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, orig_locale)
sorted_records_list = sorted(dictionary, key=dictionary.__getitem__, reverse=False)
if run_sorting_for_rnk:
#for ranking, we can keep the actual values associated with the recids
return sorted_records_list, dictionary
index = 1
for recid in sorted_records_list:
sorted_records_dict_with_id[recid] = index * spacing
index += 1
write_message("Dictionary sorted.", verbose=5)
return sorted_records_list, sorted_records_dict_with_id
def get_modified_or_inserted_recs(method_list):
"""Returns a list of recids that have been inserted or
modified since the last update of the bibsort methods in method_list
method_list should already contain a list of methods that
SHOULD be updated, if it contains new methods, an error will be thrown"""
if not method_list: #just to be on the safe side
return 0
query = "SELECT min(d.last_updated) from bsrMETHODDATA d, bsrMETHOD m \
WHERE in (%s) AND d.id_bsrMETHOD =" % \
("%s," * len(method_list))[:-1]
last_updated = str(run_sql(query, tuple(method_list))[0][0])
except Error as err:
write_message("Error when trying to get the last_updated date " \
"from bsrMETHODDATA: [%s]" %err, sys.stderr)
return 0
recids = []
results = run_sql("SELECT id from bibrec \
where modification_date >= %s", (last_updated, ))
if results:
recids = [result[0] for result in results]
except Error as err:
write_message("Error when trying to get the list of " \
"modified records: [%s]" %err, sys.stderr)
return 0
return recids
def get_rnk_methods(bibsort_methods):
"""Returns the list of bibsort methods (names) that are RNK methods"""
return [method for method in bibsort_methods if \
def get_modified_non_rnk_methods(non_rnk_method_list):
"""Returns 2 lists of non RNK methods:
updated_ranking_methods = non RNK methods that need to be updated
inserted_ranking_methods = non RNK methods, that have no data yet,
so rebalancing should run on them"""
updated_ranking_methods = []
inserted_ranking_methods = []
for method in non_rnk_method_list:
dummy = str(run_sql('SELECT d.last_updated \
WHERE = d.id_bsrMETHOD \
AND', (method, ))[0][0])
except IndexError: #method is not in bsrMETHODDATA -> is new
return updated_ranking_methods, inserted_ranking_methods
def get_modified_rnk_methods(rnk_method_list, bibsort_methods):
"""Returns the list of RNK methods that have been recently modified,
so they will need to have their bibsort data updated"""
updated_ranking_methods = []
deleted_ranking_methods = []
for method in rnk_method_list:
method_name = bibsort_methods[method]['definition'].replace('RNK:', '').strip()
last_updated_rnk = str(run_sql('SELECT last_updated \
WHERE name = %s', (method_name, ))[0][0])
except IndexError:
write_message("The method %s could not be found in rnkMETHOD" \
%(method_name), stream=sys.stderr)
#this method does not exist in rnkMETHOD,
#it might have been a mistype or it might have been deleted
if method not in deleted_ranking_methods:
last_updated_bsr = str(run_sql('SELECT d.last_updated \
WHERE = d.id_bsrMETHOD \
AND', (method, ))[0][0])
if last_updated_rnk >= last_updated_bsr:
# rnk data has been updated after bibsort ran
write_message("The method %s has not been updated "\
"since the last run of bibsort." %method)
except IndexError:
write_message("The method %s could not be found in bsrMETHODDATA" \
# that means that the bibsort never run on this method, so let's run it
return updated_ranking_methods, deleted_ranking_methods
def delete_bibsort_data_for_method(method_id):
"""This method will delete all data asociated with a method
from bibsort tables (except bsrMETHOD).
Returns False in case some error occured, True otherwise"""
run_sql("DELETE FROM bsrMETHODDATA WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s", (method_id, ))
run_sql("DELETE FROM bsrMETHODDATABUCKET WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s", (method_id, ))
return False
return True
def delete_all_data_for_method(method_id):
"""This method will delete all data asociated with a method
from bibsort tables.
Returns False in case some error occured, True otherwise"""
method_name = 'method name'
run_sql("DELETE FROM bsrMETHODDATA WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s", (method_id, ))
run_sql("DELETE FROM bsrMETHODDATABUCKET WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s", (method_id, ))
run_sql("DELETE FROM bsrMETHODNAME WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s", (method_id, ))
run_sql("DELETE FROM bsrMETHOD WHERE id = %s", (method_id, ))
method_name = run_sql("SELECT name from bsrMETHOD WHERE id = %s", (method_id, ))[0][0]
except Error:
return False
except IndexError:
return True
if method_name:# the method has not been deleted
return False
return True
def add_sorting_method(method_name, method_definition, method_treatment):
"""This method will add a new sorting method in the database
and update the config file"""
run_sql("INSERT INTO bsrMETHOD(name, definition, washer) \
VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (method_name, method_definition, method_treatment))
except Error:
return False
return True
def update_bibsort_tables(recids, method, update_timestamp = True):
"""Updates the data structures for sorting method: method
for the records in recids"""
res = run_sql("SELECT id, definition, washer \
from bsrMETHOD where name = %s", (method, ))
if res and res[0]:
method_id = res[0][0]
definition = res[0][1]
washer = res[0][2]
write_message('No sorting method called %s could be found ' \
'in bsrMETHOD table.' %method, sys.stderr)
return False
res = run_sql("SELECT data_dict, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted \
FROM bsrMETHODDATA where id_bsrMETHOD = %s", (method_id, ))
if res and res[0]:
data_dict = deserialize_via_marshal(res[0][0])
data_dict_ordered = {}
data_list_sorted = []
write_message('No data could be found for the sorting method %s.' \
return False #since this case should have been treated earlier
#get the values for the recids that need to be recalculated
field_data = get_field_data(recids, method, definition)
if not field_data:
write_message("Possible error: the method %s has no data for records %s." \
%(method, str(recids)))
apply_washer(field_data, washer)
#if a recid is not in field_data that is because no value was found for it
#so it should be marked for deletion
recids_to_delete = list(recids.difference(intbitset(field_data.keys())))
recids_to_insert = []
recids_to_modify = {}
for recid in field_data:
if recid in data_dict:
if data_dict[recid] != field_data[recid]:
#we store the old value
recids_to_modify[recid] = data_dict[recid]
else: # recid is new, and needs to be inserted
#remove the recids that were not previously in bibsort
recids_to_delete = [recid for recid in recids_to_delete if recid in data_dict]
#dicts to keep the ordered values for the recids - useful bor bucket insertion
recids_current_ordered = {}
recids_old_ordered = {}
if recids_to_insert or recids_to_modify or recids_to_delete:
data_dict_ordered = deserialize_via_marshal(res[0][1])
data_list_sorted = deserialize_via_marshal(res[0][2])
if recids_to_modify:
write_message("%s records have been modified." \
%len(recids_to_modify), verbose=5)
for recid in recids_to_modify:
recids_old_ordered[recid] = data_dict_ordered[recid]
perform_modify_record(data_dict, data_dict_ordered, \
data_list_sorted, field_data[recid], recid)
if recids_to_insert:
write_message("%s records have been inserted." \
%len(recids_to_insert), verbose=5)
for recid in recids_to_insert:
perform_insert_record(data_dict, data_dict_ordered, \
data_list_sorted, field_data[recid], recid)
if recids_to_delete:
write_message("%s records have been deleted." \
%len(recids_to_delete), verbose=5)
for recid in recids_to_delete:
perform_delete_record(data_dict, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, recid)
for recid in recids_to_modify:
recids_current_ordered[recid] = data_dict_ordered[recid]
for recid in recids_to_insert:
recids_current_ordered[recid] = data_dict_ordered[recid]
#write the modifications to db
executed = write_to_methoddata_table(method_id, data_dict, \
data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, update_timestamp)
if not executed:
return False
#update buckets
perform_update_buckets(recids_current_ordered, recids_to_insert, recids_old_ordered, method_id, update_timestamp)
except Error as err:
write_message("[%s] The bucket data for method %s has not been updated" \
%(method, err), sys.stderr)
return False
return True
def perform_update_buckets(recids_current_ordered, recids_to_insert, recids_old_ordered, method_id, update_timestamp = True):
"""Updates the buckets"""
bucket_insert = {}
bucket_delete = {}
write_message("Updating the buckets for method_id = %s" %method_id, verbose=5)
buckets = run_sql("SELECT bucket_no, bucket_last_value \
WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s", (method_id, ))
if not buckets:
write_message("No bucket data found for method_id %s." \
%method_id, sys.stderr)
raise Exception
#sort the buckets to be sure we are iterating them in order(1 to max):
buckets_dict = dict(buckets)
for recid in recids_to_insert:
for bucket_no in buckets_dict:
if recids_current_ordered[recid] <= buckets_dict[bucket_no]:
bucket_insert.setdefault(bucket_no, []).append(recid)
for recid in recids_old_ordered:
record_inserted = 0
record_deleted = 0
for bucket_no in buckets_dict:
bucket_value = int(buckets_dict[bucket_no])
if record_inserted and record_deleted:
#both insertion and deletion have been registered
if recids_current_ordered[recid] <= bucket_value and \
recids_old_ordered[recid] <= bucket_value and \
not record_inserted and \
not record_deleted:
#both before and after the modif,
#recid should be in the same bucket -> nothing to do
if recids_current_ordered[recid] <= bucket_value and not record_inserted:
#recid should be, after the modif, here, so insert
bucket_insert.setdefault(bucket_no, []).append(recid)
record_inserted = 1
if recids_old_ordered[recid] <= bucket_value and not record_deleted:
#recid was here before modif, must be removed
bucket_delete.setdefault(bucket_no, []).append(recid)
record_deleted = 1
for bucket_no in buckets_dict:
if (bucket_no in bucket_insert) or (bucket_no in bucket_delete):
res = run_sql("SELECT bucket_data FROM bsrMETHODDATABUCKET \
where id_bsrMETHOD = %s AND bucket_no = %s", \
(method_id, bucket_no, ))
bucket_data = intbitset(res[0][0])
for recid in bucket_insert.get(bucket_no, []):
for recid in bucket_delete.get(bucket_no, []):
if recid in bucket_data:
if update_timestamp:
date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
SET bucket_data = %s, last_updated = %s \
WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s AND bucket_no = %s", \
(bucket_data.fastdump(), date, method_id, bucket_no, ))
SET bucket_data = %s \
WHERE id_bsrMETHOD = %s AND bucket_no = %s", \
(bucket_data.fastdump(), method_id, bucket_no, ))
write_message("Updating bucket %s for method %s." %(bucket_no, method_id), verbose=5)
def perform_modify_record(data_dict, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, value, recid, spacing=CFG_BIBSORT_WEIGHT_DISTANCE):
"""Modifies all the data structures with the new information
about the record"""
#remove the recid from the old position, to make place for the new value
# from now on, it is the same thing as insert
return perform_insert_record(data_dict, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, value, recid, spacing)
def perform_insert_record(data_dict, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, value, recid, spacing=CFG_BIBSORT_WEIGHT_DISTANCE):
"""Inserts a new record into all the data structures"""
data_dict[recid] = value
#data_dict_ordered & data_list_sorted
#calculate at which index the rec should be inserted in data_list_sorted
index_for_insert = binary_search(data_list_sorted, value, data_dict)
#we have to calculate the weight of this record in data_dict_ordered
#and it will be the med between its neighbours in the data_list_sorted
if index_for_insert == len(data_list_sorted):#insert at the end of the list
#append at the end of the list
#weight = highest weight + the distance
data_dict_ordered[recid] = data_dict_ordered[data_list_sorted[index_for_insert - 1]] + spacing
if index_for_insert == 0: #insert at the begining of the list
left_neighbor_weight = 0
left_neighbor_weight = data_dict_ordered[data_list_sorted[index_for_insert - 1]]
right_neighbor_weight = data_dict_ordered[data_list_sorted[index_for_insert]]
#the recid's weight will be the med between left and right
weight = (right_neighbor_weight - left_neighbor_weight)/2
if weight < 1: #there is no more space to insert, we have to create some space
data_list_sorted.insert(index_for_insert, recid)
data_dict_ordered[recid] = left_neighbor_weight + spacing
create_space_for_new_weight(index_for_insert, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, spacing)
data_list_sorted.insert(index_for_insert, recid)
data_dict_ordered[recid] = left_neighbor_weight + weight
write_message("Record %s done." %recid, verbose=5)
return index_for_insert
def perform_delete_record(data_dict, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, recid):
"""Delete a record from all the data structures"""
del data_dict[recid]
del data_dict_ordered[recid]
write_message("Record %s done." %recid, verbose=5)
return 1
def create_space_for_new_weight(index_for_insert, data_dict_ordered, data_list_sorted, spacing):
"""In order to keep an order of the records in data_dict_ordered, when a new
weight is inserted, there needs to be some place for it
(ex: recid3 needs to be inserted between recid1-with weight=10 and recid2-with weight=11)
The scope of this function is to increease the distance between recid1 and recid2
(and thus all the weights after recid2) so that recid3 will have an integer weight"""
for i in range(index_for_insert+1, len(data_list_sorted)):
data_dict_ordered[data_list_sorted[i]] += 2 * spacing
def binary_search(sorted_list, value, data_dict):
"""Binary Search O(log n)"""
minimum = -1
maximum = len(sorted_list)
while maximum - minimum > 1:
med = (maximum+minimum)/2
recid1 = sorted_list[med]
value1 = data_dict[recid1]
if value1 > value:
maximum = med
elif value1 < value:
minimum = med
return med
return minimum + 1
def run_bibsort_update(recids=None, method_list=None):
"""Updates bibsort tables for the methods in method_list
and for the records in recids.
If recids is None: recids = all records that have been modified
or inserted since last update
If method_list is None: method_list = all the methods available
in bsrMETHOD table"""
write_message('Initial data for run_bibsort_update method: ' \
'number of recids = %s; method_list=%s' \
%(str(len(recids)), method_list), verbose=5)
write_message('Updating sorting data.')
bibsort_methods, errors = get_bibsort_methods_details(method_list)
if errors:
return False
method_list = bibsort_methods.keys()
if not method_list:
write_message('No methods found in bsrMETHOD table.. exiting.')
return True
#we could have 4 types of methods:
#(i) RNK methods -> they should be rebalanced, not updated
#(ii) RNK methods to delete -> we should delete their data
#(iii) non RNK methods to update
#(iv) non RNK methods that are new -> they should be rebalanced(sorted), not updated
#check which of the methods are RNK methods (they do not need modified recids)
rnk_methods = get_rnk_methods(bibsort_methods)
rnk_methods_updated, rnk_methods_deleted = get_modified_rnk_methods(rnk_methods, bibsort_methods)
#check which of the methods have no data, so they are actually new,
#so they need balancing(sorting) instead of updating
non_rnk_methods = [method for method in bibsort_methods.keys() if method not in rnk_methods]
non_rnk_methods_updated, non_rnk_methods_inserted = get_modified_non_rnk_methods(non_rnk_methods)
#(i) + (iv)
methods_to_balance = rnk_methods_updated + non_rnk_methods_inserted
if methods_to_balance: # several methods require rebalancing(sorting) and not updating
return run_bibsort_rebalance(methods_to_balance)
#remove the data for the ranking methods that have been deleted
for method in rnk_methods_deleted:
task_update_progress("Deleting data for method %s" %method)
write_message('Starting deleting the data for RNK method %s' %method, verbose=5)
executed_ok = delete_bibsort_data_for_method(bibsort_methods[method]['id'])
if not executed_ok:
write_message('Method %s could not be deleted correctly, aborting..' \
%method, sys.stderr)
return False
#methods to actually update
if non_rnk_methods_updated: # we want to update some 'normal'(not RNK) tables, so we need recids
update_timestamp = False
if not recids:
recids = get_modified_or_inserted_recs(non_rnk_methods_updated)
if recids == 0: #error signal
return False
if not recids:
write_message("No records inserted or modified in bibrec table " \
"since the last update of bsrMETHODDATA.")
return True
write_message("These records have been recently modified/inserted: %s" \
%str(recids), verbose=5)
update_timestamp = True
recids_i = intbitset(recids)
for method in non_rnk_methods_updated:
task_update_progress("Updating method %s" %method)
write_message('Starting updating method %s' %method, verbose=5)
executed_ok = update_bibsort_tables(recids_i, method, update_timestamp)
if not executed_ok:
write_message('Method %s could not be executed correctly, aborting..' \
%method, sys.stderr)
return False
return True
def run_bibsort_rebalance(method_list = None):
"""Rebalances all buckets for the methods in method_list"""
bibsort_methods, errors = get_bibsort_methods_details(method_list)
if errors:
return False
if not bibsort_methods:
write_message('No methods found.. exiting rebalancing.')
return True
#check if there are only ranking methods -> no need for recids
rnk_methods = get_rnk_methods(bibsort_methods)
non_rnk_method = [method for method in bibsort_methods.keys() if method not in rnk_methods]
write_message('Running rebalancing for methods: %s' %bibsort_methods.keys())
if non_rnk_method:# we have also 'normal' (no RNK) methods, so we need the recids
recids = get_all_recids(including_deleted=False)
write_message('Rebalancing will run for %s records.' \
%str(len(recids)), verbose=5)
recids = intbitset([])
write_message('Rebalancing will run only for RNK methods')
for name in bibsort_methods:
task_update_progress('Rebalancing %s method.' %name)
write_message('Starting sorting the data for %s method ... ' \
executed_ok = run_sorting_method(recids, name,
if not executed_ok:
write_message('Method %s could not be executed correctly.' \
%name, sys.stderr)
return False
task_update_progress('Rebalancing done.')
return True
def main():
#print "Running bibsort_rebalance...."
#run_bibsort_rebalance() #rebalances everything
#print "Running bibsort_rebalance for title and author...."
#run_bibsort_rebalance(['title', 'author']) #rebalances only these methods
#print "Running bibsort_update...."
#run_bibsort_update() #update all the methods
#print "Running bibsort_update for title and author...."
#run_bibsort_update(method_list = ['title', 'author'])
#print "Running bibsort_update for records 1,2,3, title author...."
#run_bibsort_update(recids = [1, 2, 3], method_list = ['title', 'author'])
if __name__ == '__main__':

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