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## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Invenio Access Control MailCookie."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
__lastupdated__ = """$Date$"""
"""These functions are temporaly managing roles and other authorization via
unique urls sent by email.
FIXME: This module should be refactored into a class, as there is no point
it has to host client specific code, when each client can instead
derive from the base class and add specific bits.
import sys
from invenio.legacy.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio.modules.access.control import acc_get_role_id, acc_add_user_role
from invenio.utils.hash import md5
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from random import random
from cPickle import dumps, loads
class InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError(Exception):
class InvenioWebAccessMailCookieDeletedError(InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError):
_authorizations_kind = ('pw_reset', 'mail_activation', 'role', 'authorize_action',
'comment_msg', 'generic')
_datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
def mail_cookie_create_common(kind, params, cookie_timeout=timedelta(days=1), onetime=False):
"""Create a unique url to be sent via email to access this authorization
@param kind: kind of authorization (e.g. 'pw_reset', 'mail_activation', 'role')
@param params: whatever parameters are needed
@param cookie_timeout: for how long the url will be valid
@param onetime: whetever to remove the cookie after it has used.
assert(kind in _authorizations_kind)
expiration =
data = (kind, params, expiration, onetime)
password = md5(str(random())).hexdigest()
cookie_id = run_sql('INSERT INTO accMAILCOOKIE (data,expiration,kind,onetime) VALUES '
'(AES_ENCRYPT(%s, %s),%s,%s,%s)',
(dumps(data), password, expiration.strftime(_datetime_format), kind, onetime))
cookie = password[:16]+hex(cookie_id)[2:-1]+password[-16:]
return cookie
def mail_cookie_create_role(role_name, role_timeout=timedelta(hours=3), cookie_timeout=timedelta(days=1), onetime=True):
"""Create a unique url to be sent via email to belong temporaly to a role."""
assert(acc_get_role_id(role_name) != 0)
kind = 'role'
params = (role_name, role_timeout)
return mail_cookie_create_common(kind, params, cookie_timeout, onetime)
def mail_cookie_create_pw_reset(email, cookie_timeout=timedelta(days=1)):
"""Create a unique url to be sent via email to reset the local password."""
kind = 'pw_reset'
if (run_sql('SELECT email FROM user WHERE email=%s', (email, ))):
params = email
return mail_cookie_create_common(kind, params, cookie_timeout, False)
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, "Email '%s' doesn't exist" % email
def mail_cookie_create_mail_activation(email, cookie_timeout=timedelta(days=1)):
"""Create a unique url to be sent via email to activate an email address"""
kind = 'mail_activation'
params = email
return mail_cookie_create_common(kind, params, cookie_timeout, True)
def mail_cookie_create_authorize_action(action_name, arguments, cookie_timeout=timedelta(days=1)):
"""Create a cookie for a valid authorization contanin all the
information to authorize an action. Well it's a meta-cookie :-)."""
kind = 'authorize_action'
params = (action_name, arguments)
return mail_cookie_create_common(kind, params, cookie_timeout, False)
def mail_cookie_retrieve_kind(cookie):
"""Retrieve if it exists the kind of a cookie."""
password = cookie[:16]+cookie[-16:]
cookie_id = int(cookie[16:-16], 16)
res = run_sql("SELECT kind FROM accMAILCOOKIE WHERE id=%s", (cookie_id, ), run_on_slave=True)
if res:
kind = res[0][0]
assert(kind in _authorizations_kind)
return kind
except StandardError:
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, "Cookie doesn't exist"
def mail_cookie_check_common(cookie, delete=False):
"""Retrieve data pointed by a cookie, returning a tuple (kind, params) or None
if the cookie is not valid or is expired"""
password = cookie[:16]+cookie[-16:]
cookie_id = int(cookie[16:-16], 16)
except Exception, e:
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, "Cookie not valid: %s" % e
res = run_sql("SELECT kind, AES_DECRYPT(data,%s), onetime, status FROM accMAILCOOKIE WHERE "
"id=%s AND expiration>=NOW()", (password, cookie_id), run_on_slave=True)
if not res:
raise StandardError
except StandardError:
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, "Cookie doesn't exist"
(kind, data, onetime, status) = res[0]
(kind_check, params, expiration, onetime_check) = loads(data)
if not (kind == kind_check and onetime == onetime_check):
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, "Cookie is corrupted"
if status == 'D':
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieDeletedError, "Cookie has been deleted"
if onetime or delete:
run_sql("UPDATE accMAILCOOKIE SET status='D' WHERE id=%s", (cookie_id, ))
return (kind, params)
def mail_cookie_check_role(cookie, uid):
"""Check a given cookie for a valid authorization to a particular role and
temporaly add the given uid to the role specified."""
(kind, params) = mail_cookie_check_common(cookie)
assert(kind == 'role')
(role_name, role_timeout) = params
role_id = acc_get_role_id(role_name)
assert(role_id != 0)
assert(type(role_timeout) is timedelta)
except (TypeError, AssertionError, StandardError), e:
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, e
expiration = (
acc_add_user_role(uid, role_id, expiration)
return (role_name, expiration)
def mail_cookie_check_pw_reset(cookie):
"""Check a given cookie for a valid authorization to reset the password of
a particular email address. Return the name of a valid email to reset
it's password or None otherwise"""
(kind, email) = mail_cookie_check_common(cookie)
assert(kind == 'pw_reset')
return email
except (TypeError, AssertionError, StandardError), e:
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, e
def mail_cookie_check_mail_activation(cookie):
"""Check a given cookie for a valid authorization to activate a particular email address."""
(kind, email) = mail_cookie_check_common(cookie)
assert(kind == 'mail_activation')
res = run_sql('SELECT note FROM user WHERE email=%s', (email, ))
if res:
return email
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, "email '%s' doesn't exist" % email
except (TypeError, AssertionError), e:
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, e
def mail_cookie_check_authorize_action(cookie):
"""Check a given cookie for a valid authorization contanin all the
information to authorize an action. Well it's a meta-cookie :-)."""
(kind, params) = mail_cookie_check_common(cookie)
assert(kind == 'authorize_action')
return params
except (TypeError, AssertionError), e:
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, e
def mail_cookie_delete_cookie(cookie):
"""Remove a particular cookie."""
mail_cookie_check_common(cookie, delete=True)
def mail_cookie_gc():
"""Clean the table for expired cookies"""
return run_sql("DELETE FROM accMAILCOOKIE WHERE expiration<NOW()")

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