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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Implement nearest terms lookup."""
from flask import g
from invenio.modules.records import models
from invenio.modules.records.models import Record
from invenio.utils.text import strip_accents
from .hit_counter import *
from .models import IdxINDEX
def create_nearest_terms_box(urlargd, p, f, t='w', n=5, ln=None,
"""Return text box containing list of 'n' nearest terms above/below 'p'.
Look in the field 'f' for matching type 't' (words/phrases) in language
'ln'. Propose new searches according to `urlargs' with the new words. If
`intro_text_p' is true, then display the introductory message, otherwise
print only the nearest terms in the box content.
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln or g.ln)
return _("Your search did not match any records. Please try again.")
nearest_terms = []
if not p: # sanity check
p = "."
if p.startswith('%') and p.endswith('%'):
p = p[1:-1] # fix for partial phrase
index_id = get_index_id_from_field(f)
if f == 'fulltext':
return _("No match found, please enter different search terms.")
# FIXME: workaround for not having native phrase index yet
t = 'w'
# special indexes:
if f == 'refersto' or f == 'referstoexcludingselfcites':
return _("There are no records referring to %(x_rec)s.", x_rec=cgi.escape(p))
if f == 'cataloguer':
return _("There are no records modified by %(x_rec)s.", x_rec=cgi.escape(p))
if f == 'citedby' or f == 'citedbyexcludingselfcites':
return _("There are no records cited by %(x_rec)s.", x_rec=cgi.escape(p))
# look for nearest terms:
if t == 'w':
nearest_terms = get_nearest_terms_in_bibwords(p, f, n, n)
if not nearest_terms:
return _("No word index is available for %(x_name)s.",
x_name=('<em>' + cgi.escape(get_field_i18nname(get_field_name(f) or f, ln, False)) + '</em>'))
nearest_terms = []
if index_id:
nearest_terms = get_nearest_terms_in_idxphrase(p, index_id, n, n)
if f == 'datecreated' or f == 'datemodified':
nearest_terms = get_nearest_terms_in_bibrec(p, f, n, n)
if not nearest_terms:
nearest_terms = get_nearest_terms_in_bibxxx(p, f, n, n)
if not nearest_terms:
return _("No phrase index is available for %(x_name)s.",
x_name=('<em>' + cgi.escape(get_field_i18nname(get_field_name(f) or f, ln, False)) + '</em>'))
terminfo = []
for term in nearest_terms:
if t == 'w':
hits = get_nbhits_in_bibwords(term, f)
if index_id:
hits = get_nbhits_in_idxphrases(term, f)
elif f == 'datecreated' or f == 'datemodified':
hits = get_nbhits_in_bibrec(term, f)
hits = get_nbhits_in_bibxxx(term, f)
argd = {}
# check which fields contained the requested parameter, and replace it.
for px, dummy_fx in ('p', 'f'), ('p1', 'f1'), ('p2', 'f2'), ('p3', 'f3'):
if px in argd:
argd_px = argd[px]
if t == 'w':
# p was stripped of accents, to do the same:
argd_px = strip_accents(argd_px)
#argd[px] = string.replace(argd_px, p, term, 1)
#we need something similar, but case insensitive
pattern_index = string.find(argd_px.lower(), p.lower())
if pattern_index > -1:
argd[px] = argd_px[:pattern_index] + term + argd_px[pattern_index+len(p):]
#this is doing exactly the same as:
#argd[px] = re.sub('(?i)' + re.escape(p), term, argd_px, 1)
#but is ~4x faster (2us vs. 8.25us)
terminfo.append((term, hits, argd))
intro = ""
if intro_text_p: # add full leading introductory text
if f:
intro = _("Search term %(x_term)s inside index %(x_index)s did not match any record. Nearest terms in any collection are:") % \
{'x_term': "<em>" + cgi.escape(p.startswith("%") and p.endswith("%") and p[1:-1] or p) + "</em>",
'x_index': "<em>" + cgi.escape(get_field_i18nname(get_field_name(f) or f, ln, False)) + "</em>"}
intro = _("Search term %(x_name)s did not match any record. Nearest terms in any collection are:",
x_name=("<em>" + cgi.escape(p.startswith("%") and p.endswith("%") and p[1:-1] or p) + "</em>"))
return websearch_templates.tmpl_nearest_term_box(p=p, ln=ln, f=f, terminfo=terminfo,
def get_nearest_terms_in_bibwords(p, f, n_below, n_above):
"""Return list of +/-n nearest terms to word `p' in index for field `f'."""
model = IdxINDEX.idxWORDF(f or "anyfield")
if model is None:
return list()
res_below = model.query.filter(model.term < term).limit(
res_above = model.query.filter(model.term > term).limit(
return (reversed([row[0] for row in res_below]) +
[row[0] for row in res_above])
def get_nearest_terms_in_idxphrase(p, f, n_below, n_above):
"""Browse (-n_above, +n_below) closest bibliographic phrases.
For the given pattern p in the given field idxPHRASE table, regardless of
collection. Return list of [phrase1, phrase2, ... , phrase_n].
model = IdxINDEX.idxPHRASEF(f, fallback=False)
if model is None:
return None
res_below = model.query.filter(model.term < term).limit(
res_above = model.query.filter(model.term > term).limit(
return (reversed([row[0] for row in res_below]) +
[row[0] for row in res_above])
def get_nearest_terms_in_idxphrase_with_collection(p, f, n_below,
n_above, collection):
"""Browse closest bibliographic phrases considering collection.
For the given pattern p in the given field idxPHRASE table, considering the
collection (intbitset). Return list of [(phrase1, hitset), (phrase2,
hitset), ... , (phrase_n, hitset)].
model = IdxINDEX.idxPHRASEF(f, fallback=False)
if model is None:
return []
res_below = model.query.filter(model.term < term).limit(
model.term, model.hitlist)
res_above = model.query.filter(model.term > term).limit(
model.term, model.hitlist)
return (reversed(
[(row[0], len(intbitset(row[1]) & collection)) for row in res_below]
) + [(row[0], len(intbitset(row[1]) & collection)) for row in res_above])
def get_nearest_terms_in_bibxxx(p, f, n_below, n_above):
"""Browse (-n_above, +n_below) closest bibliographic phrases
for the given pattern p in the given field f, regardless
of collection.
Return list of [phrase1, phrase2, ... , phrase_n]."""
# determine browse field:
if not f and string.find(p, ":") > 0: # does 'p' contain ':'?
f, p = string.split(p, ":", 1)
# FIXME: quick hack for the journal index
if f == 'journal':
return get_nearest_terms_in_bibwords(p, f, n_below, n_above)
# We are going to take max(n_below, n_above) as the number of
# values to ferch from bibXXx. This is needed to work around
# MySQL UTF-8 sorting troubles in 4.0.x. Proper solution is to
# use MySQL 4.1.x or our own idxPHRASE in the future.
index_id = get_index_id_from_field(f)
if index_id:
return get_nearest_terms_in_idxphrase(p, index_id, n_below, n_above)
n_fetch = 2 * max(n_below, n_above)
# construct 'tl' which defines the tag list (MARC tags) to search in:
tl = []
if str(f[0]).isdigit() and str(f[1]).isdigit():
tl.append(f) # 'f' seems to be okay as it starts by two digits
# deduce desired MARC tags on the basis of chosen 'f'
tl = get_field_tags(f)
# start browsing to fetch list of hits:
browsed_phrases = {}
# will hold {phrase1: 1, phrase2: 1, ..., phraseN: 1} dict of browsed
# phrases (to make them unique)
# always add self to the results set:
browsed_phrases[p.startswith("%") and p.endswith("%") and p[1:-1] or p] = 1
for t in tl:
# deduce into which bibxxx table we will search:
digit1, digit2 = int(t[0]), int(t[1])
model = getattr(models, 'Bib{0}{1}x'.format(digit1, digit2))
if len(t) != 6 or t[-1:] == '%':
# only the beginning of field 't' is defined, so add wildcard
# character:
condition = + '%')
condition = model.tag == t
res = set([item[0] for item in model.query.filter(
model.value < p, condition
res |= set([item[0] for item in model.query.filter(
model.value > p, condition
# select first n words only: (this is needed as we were searching
# in many different tables and so aren't sure we have more than n
# words right; this of course won't be needed when we shall have
# one ACC table only for given field):
phrases_out = list(res)
phrases_out.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(string.lower(strip_accents(x)),
# find position of self:
idx_p = phrases_out.index(p)
except ValueError:
idx_p = len(phrases_out)/2
# return n_above and n_below:
return phrases_out[max(0, idx_p-n_above):idx_p+n_below]
def get_nearest_terms_in_bibrec(p, f, n_below, n_above):
"""Return list of nearest terms and counts from bibrec table.
``p`` is usually a date, and ``f`` either datecreated or datemodified.
Note: below/above count is very approximative, not really respected.
column = (Record.modification_date if f == 'datemodified' else
res_above = Record.query.filter(
cast(column, db.String) > term).limit(n_above).values(column)
res_below = Record.query.filter(
cast(column, db.String) < term).limit(n_below).values(column)
return sorted(
[value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for value in res_below] +
[value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for value in res_above]

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