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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""JSONAlchemy wrappers."""
import copy
import six
from flask import current_app
from werkzeug.utils import import_string
from invenio.utils.memoise import memoize
from invenio.utils.datastructures import DotableDict, SmartDict
from .parser import FieldParser, ModelParser
from .reader import Reader
from .registry import contexts, producers
class StorageEngine(type):
"""Storage metaclass for parsing application config."""
__storage_engine_registry__ = []
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
"""Register cls to type registry."""
if hasattr(cls, '__storagename__'):
super(StorageEngine, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
def storage_engine(cls):
"""Return an instance of storage engine defined in application config.
It looks for key "ENGINE' prefixed by ``__storagename__.upper()`` for
class Dummy(SmartJson):
__storagename__ = 'dummy'
will look for key "DUMMY_ENGINE" and
"DUMMY_`DUMMY_ENGINE.__name__.upper()`" should contain dictionary with
keyword arguments of the engine defined in "DUMMY_ENGINE".
storagename = cls.__storagename__.lower()
return cls._engine(storagename)
def _engine(storagename):
prefix = storagename.upper()
engine = current_app.config['{0}_ENGINE'.format(prefix)]
if isinstance(engine, six.string_types):
engine = import_string(engine)
key = engine.__name__.upper()
kwargs = current_app.config.get('{0}_{1}'.format(prefix, key), {})
return engine(**kwargs)
class SmartJson(SmartDict):
"""Base class for Json structures."""
def __init__(self, json=None, set_default_values=False,
process_model_info=False, **kwargs):
"""If no JSON, a new structure will be created.
Typically the JSON structure needs a few mandatory fields and subfields
that are created here, the final JSON should look like this::
'__meta_metadata': {
'__additional_info__': {...},
'__model_info__': {'model_names': [...], ....},
'__aliases__': {...},
'__errors__': [...],
'__continuable_errors__': []
The content of `__additional_info__` is, usually, the content of
This object maintains two different dictionaries, one with the pure
JSON representation, `_dict` and a second one with the BSON
representation of the former. This behavior helps whenever dealing with
JSON databases as MongoDB or PostgreSQL.
The content of the BSON dictionary is typically the same as in the JSON
one, only if the `json` section is described in the definition of the
field the content might change, a good example of this behavior are the
date fields.
See :class:`~.jsonext.parsers.json_extra_parser:JsonExtraParser`.
:param json: JSON to build the dictionary.
:param set_defaul_values: If `True` default values will be set.
:param process_model_info: If `True` all model info will be parsed.
:param kwargs: Everything that would be useful inside
`__additional_info__`. Although it could be used also for:
* `model=['model1', 'model2']`, in this case this key will be
deleted from `kwargs` and used as model names inside
super(SmartJson, self).__init__(json)
self._dict_bson = SmartDict()
if not json or '__meta_metadata__' not in json:
model_names = kwargs.get('model', ['__default__', ])
if 'model' in kwargs:
del kwargs['model']
if isinstance(model_names, six.string_types):
model_names = [model_names, ]
self._dict['__meta_metadata__'] = dict()
self._dict['__meta_metadata__']['__additional_info__'] = kwargs
self._dict['__meta_metadata__']['__model_info__'] = \
self._dict['__meta_metadata__']['__aliases__'] = dict()
self._dict['__meta_metadata__']['__errors__'] = list()
self._dict['__meta_metadata__']['__continuable_errors__'] = list()
if process_model_info:
if set_default_values:
def additional_info(self):
"""Shortcut to `__meta_metadata__.__additional_info__`."""
return DotableDict(self['__meta_metadata__']['__additional_info__'])
def errors(self):
"""Shortcut to `__meta_metadata__.__errors__`."""
return self._dict['__meta_metadata__']['__errors__']
def continuable_errors(self):
"""Shortcut to `__meta_metadata__.__continuable_errors__`."""
return self._dict['__meta_metadata__']['__continuable_errors__']
def meta_metadata(self):
"""Shortcut to `__meta_metadata__`."""
return DotableDict(self._dict['__meta_metadata__'])
def model_info(self):
"""Shortcut to `__meta_metadata__.__model_info__`."""
return DotableDict(self._dict['__meta_metadata__']['__model_info__'])
def __getitem__(self, key, reset=False, **kwargs):
"""Like in `dict.__getitem__`.
First it tries to load the value from the value from the BSON object,
if it fails, or reset is set to `True`, looks into the JSON object for
the `key`, applies all the extensions and decorators and return the
value that is stored in the BSON object as a cached version.
If the key is not found inside the dictionary, it tries before raising
`KeyError` to figure out if it is dealing with an alias.
:param key:
:param reset: If the key corresponds to a field calculated on the fly
the value will be calculated again.
:param kwargs: Typically used to set:
* `action`, Whether we are performing a `set` or a `get`.
*`exclude`, from the list of extensions and decorators excludes the
ones that are not required.
:return: Like in `dict.__getitem__`
value = self._dict_bson[key]
if value and not reset:
return value
except KeyError:
# Try to find the key inside the json dict and load it
main_key = SmartDict.main_key_pattern.sub('', key)
if main_key == '__meta_metadata__':
return super(SmartJson, self).__getitem__(key)
elif main_key in self._dict:
if main_key not in self.meta_metadata:
Reader.set(self, main_key)
action = kwargs.get('action', 'get')
exclude = kwargs.get('exclude', [])
if 'extensions' not in exclude:
for ext, args in \
if ext in exclude:
.evaluate(self, main_key, action, args)
if 'decorators' not in exclude:
for ext, args in \
if ext in exclude:
.evaluate(self, main_key, action, args)
return self._dict_bson[key]
rest_of_key = SmartDict.main_key_pattern.findall(key)[0]
except IndexError:
rest_of_key = ''
return self[
+ rest_of_key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value, extend=False, **kwargs):
"""Like in `dict.__setitem__`.
There are two possible scenarios, i) the key is already present in the
dictionary (also its metadata), therefore a simple set in the first
step, ii) or the key is not inside the dictionary, in this case the
metadata for the field is fetched before performing the rest of the
Like in `__getitem__` after setting the value to the BSON dictionary
the decorators and the extensions are evaluated and, if needed, the
JSON representation of `value` is set into the JSON dictionary.
:param key:
:param value:
:param extend: If `False` it behaves as `ditc.__setitem__`, if `True`
creates a list with the previous content and append `value` to it.
:param kwargs:Typically used to set:
* `action`, Whether we are performing a `set` or a `get`.
*`exclude`, from the list of extensions and decorators excludes the
ones that are not required.
main_key = SmartDict.main_key_pattern.sub('', key)
# If we have meta_metadata for the main key go ahead
if main_key in self.meta_metadata:
self._dict_bson.__setitem__(key, value, extend)
# Othewise we need the meta_metadata
Reader.set(self, main_key)
self._dict_bson.__setitem__(key, value, extend, **kwargs)
action = kwargs.get('action', 'set')
exclude = kwargs.get('exclude', [])
if 'decorators' not in exclude:
for ext, args in \
if ext in exclude:
.evaluate(self, main_key, action, args)
if 'extensions' not in exclude:
for ext, args in \
if ext in exclude:
.evaluate(self, main_key, action, args)
def __str__(self):
"""Representation of the object **without** the meta_metadata."""
return self.dumps(without_meta_metadata=True).__str__()
def __repr__(self):
"""Full string representation of the JSON object."""
return self._dict.__repr__()
def __delitem__(self, key):
"""Delete on key from the dictionary and its meta_metadata.
Note: It only works with default python keys
del self._dict['__meta_metadata__'][key]
del self._dict_bson[key]
except KeyError:
def get(self, key, default=None, reset=False, **kwargs):
"""Like in `dict.get`."""
return self.__getitem__(key, reset, **kwargs)
except (KeyError, IndexError):
return default
def items(self, without_meta_metadata=False):
"""Like in `dict.items`."""
for key in self.keys():
if key == '__meta_metadata__' and without_meta_metadata:
yield (key, self[key])
iteritems = items
def keys(self, without_meta_metadata=False):
"""Like in `dict.keys`."""
for key in super(SmartJson, self).keys():
if key == '__meta_metadata__' and without_meta_metadata:
yield key
def get_blob(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""To be override in the specific class.
Should look for the original version of the file where the json came
raise NotImplementedError()
def dumps(self, without_meta_metadata=False, with_calculated_fields=False,
clean=False, keywords=None):
"""Create the JSON friendly representation of the current object.
:param without_meta_metadata: by default ``False``, if set to ``True``
all the ``__meta_metadata__`` will be removed from the output.
:param wit_calculated_fields: by default the calculated fields are not
dump, if they are needed in the output set it to ``True``
:param clean: if set to ``True`` all the keys stating with ``_`` will
be removed from the ouput
:param keywords: list of keywords to dump. if None, return all
:return: JSON friendly object
dict_ = copy.copy(self._dict)
if with_calculated_fields:
for key, value in six.iteritems(self._dict):
if value is None and \
self.meta_metadata[key]['type'] == 'calculated':
dict_[key] = self[key]
if without_meta_metadata:
del dict_['__meta_metadata__']
if clean:
for key in list(dict_.keys()):
if key.startswith('_'):
del dict_[key]
# Filter keywords
if keywords is not None and any(keywords):
dict_ = dict(((k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(dict_) if k in keywords))
return dict_
def loads(self, without_meta_metadata=False, with_calculated_fields=True,
"""Create the BSON representation of the current object.
:param without_meta_metadata: if set to ``True`` all the
``__meta_metadata__`` will be removed from the output.
:param wit_calculated_fields: by default the calculated fields are in
the output, if they are not needed set it to ``False``
:param clean: if set to ``True`` all the keys stating with ``_`` will
be removed from the ouput
:return: JSON friendly object
dict_ = dict()
for key in self.keys():
dict_[key] = self[key]
if without_meta_metadata:
del dict_['__meta_metadata__']
if not with_calculated_fields:
for key in self.keys():
if self.meta_metadata[key]['type'] == 'calculated':
del dict_[key]
if clean:
for key in list(dict_.keys()):
if key.startswith('_'):
del dict_[key]
return dict_
def produce(self, producer_code, fields=None):
"""Create a different flavor of `JSON` depending on `procuder_code`.
:param producer_code: One of the possible producers listed in the
`producer` section inside the field definitions.
:param fields: List of fields that should be present in the output, if
`None` all fields from `self` will be used.
:return: It depends on each producer, see producer folder inside
`jsonext`, typically `dict`.
return producers[producer_code](self, fields=fields)
def set_default_values(self, fields=None):
"""Set default value for the fields using the schema definition.
:param fields: List of fields to set the default value, if `None` all.
raise NotImplementedError('Missing implementation in this version')
def validate(self, validator=None):
"""Validate using current JSON content using Cerberus.
See: (Cerberus)[].
:param validator: Validator to be used, if `None`
if validator is None:
from .validator import Validator as validator
schema = dict()
model_fields = ModelParser.resolve_models(
self.additional_info.namespace).get('fields', {})
for field in self.keys():
if not field == '__meta_metadata__' and \
field not in model_fields and \
self.meta_metadata[field]['json_id'] not in model_fields:
model_fields[field] = self.meta_metadata[field]['json_id']
for json_id in model_fields.keys():
self.additional_info.namespace)[json_id].get('schema', {}))
except TypeError:
_validator = validator(schema=schema)
return _validator.errors
class SmartJsonLD(SmartJson):
"""Utility class for JSON-LD serialization."""
def translate(self, context_name, context):
"""Translate object to fit given JSON-LD context.
Should not inject context as this will be done at publication time.
raise NotImplementedError('Translation not required')
def get_context(self, context):
"""Return the context definition identified by the parameter.
If the context is not found in the current namespace, the received
parameter is returned as is, the assumption being that a IRI was
:param context: context identifier
return contexts(self.additional_info.namespace)[context]
except KeyError:
return context
def get_jsonld(self, context, new_context={}, format="full"):
"""Return the JSON-LD serialization.
:param: context the context to use for raw publishing; each SmartJsonLD
instance is expected to have a default context associated.
:param: new_context the context to use for formatted publishing,
usually supplied by the client; used by the 'compacted', 'framed',
and 'normalized' formats.
:param: format the publishing format; can be 'full', 'inline',
'compacted', 'expanded', 'flattened', 'framed' or 'normalized'.
Note that 'full' and 'inline' are synonims, referring to the
document form which includes the context; for more information see:
from pyld import jsonld
if isinstance(context, six.string_types):
ctx = self.get_context(context)
elif isinstance(context, dict):
ctx = context
raise TypeError('JSON-LD context must be a string or dictionary')
doc = self.translate(context, ctx)
except NotImplementedError:
# model does not require translation
doc = self.dumps(clean=True)
doc["@context"] = ctx
if format in ["full", "inline"]:
return doc
if format == "compacted":
return jsonld.compact(doc, new_context)
elif format == "expanded":
return jsonld.expand(doc)
elif format == "flattened":
return jsonld.flatten(doc)
elif format == "framed":
return jsonld.frame(doc, new_context)
elif format == "normalized":
return jsonld.normalize(doc, new_context)
raise ValueError('Invalid JSON-LD serialization format')

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