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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2015 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" Bibauthorid Web Interface Logic and URL handler. """
# pylint: disable=W0105
# pylint: disable=C0301
# pylint: disable=W0613
from cgi import escape
from pprint import pformat
from operator import itemgetter
import re
import urllib
from invenio.jsonutils import json, json_unicode_to_utf8, CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE
except ImportError:
json = None
from invenio.bibauthorid_webapi import add_cname_to_hepname_record
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_BASE_URL
from invenio.bibauthorid_config import AID_ENABLED, PERSON_SEARCH_RESULTS_SHOW_PAPERS_PERSON_LIMIT, \
from invenio.bibauthorid_name_utils import most_relevant_name
from invenio.webpage import page, pageheaderonly, pagefooteronly
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language # , wash_language
from invenio.template import load
from invenio.webinterface_handler import wash_urlargd, WebInterfaceDirectory
from invenio.session import get_session
from invenio.urlutils import redirect_to_url, get_canonical_and_alternates_urls
from invenio.webuser import (getUid,
from invenio.access_control_admin import acc_get_user_roles
from invenio.search_engine import perform_request_search
from invenio.search_engine_utils import get_fieldvalues
from invenio.bibauthorid_config import CREATE_NEW_PERSON
import invenio.webinterface_handler_config as apache
import invenio.webauthorprofile_interface as webauthorapi
import invenio.bibauthorid_webapi as webapi
from invenio.bibauthorid_general_utils import get_title_of_doi, get_title_of_arxiv_pubid, is_valid_orcid
from invenio.bibauthorid_backinterface import update_external_ids_of_authors, get_orcid_id_of_author, \
get_validated_request_tickets_for_author, get_title_of_paper, get_claimed_papers_of_author
from invenio.bibauthorid_dbinterface import defaultdict, remove_arxiv_papers_of_author
from invenio.webauthorprofile_orcidutils import get_dois_from_orcid
from invenio.bibauthorid_webauthorprofileinterface import is_valid_canonical_id, get_person_id_from_canonical_id, \
get_person_redirect_link, author_has_papers
from invenio.bibauthorid_templates import WebProfileMenu, WebProfilePage
# Imports related to hepnames update form
from invenio.bibedit_utils import get_bibrecord
from invenio.bibrecord import record_get_field_value, record_get_field_values, \
record_get_field_instances, field_get_subfield_values
TEMPLATE = load('bibauthorid')
class WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages(WebInterfaceDirectory):
Handles /author/claim pages and AJAX requests.
Supplies the methods:
_exports = ['',
def _lookup(self, component, path):
This handler parses dynamic URLs:
- /author/profile/1332 shows the page of author with id: 1332
- /author/profile/100:5522,1431 shows the page of the author
identified by the bibrefrec: '100:5522,1431'
if not component in self._exports:
return WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages(component), path
def _is_profile_owner(self, pid):
return self.person_id == int(pid)
def _is_admin(self, pinfo):
return pinfo['ulevel'] == 'admin'
def __init__(self, identifier=None):
Constructor of the web interface.
@param identifier: identifier of an author. Can be one of:
- an author id: e.g. "14"
- a canonical id: e.g. "J.R.Ellis.1"
- a bibrefrec: e.g. "100:1442,155"
@type identifier: str
self.person_id = -1 # -1 is a non valid author identifier
if identifier is None or not isinstance(identifier, str):
# check if it's a canonical id: e.g. "J.R.Ellis.1"
pid = int(webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(identifier))
if pid >= 0:
self.person_id = pid
# check if it's an author id: e.g. "14"
pid = int(identifier)
if webapi.author_has_papers(pid):
self.person_id = pid
except ValueError:
# check if it's a bibrefrec: e.g. "100:1442,155"
if webapi.is_valid_bibref(identifier):
pid = int(webapi.get_person_id_from_paper(identifier))
if pid >= 0:
self.person_id = pid
def __call__(self, req, form):
Serve the main person page.
Will use the object's person id to get a person's information.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: POST/GET variables of the request
@type form: dict
@return: a full page formatted in HTML
@rtype: str
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
ulevel = pinfo['ulevel']
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'open_claim': (str, None),
'ticketid': (int, -1),
'verbose': (int, 0)})
debug = "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0
ln = argd['ln']
req.argd = argd # needed for perform_req_search
if self.person_id < 0:
return redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/search' % (CFG_SITE_URL))
no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req, [self.person_id])
if no_access:
return no_access
pinfo['claim_in_process'] = True
user_info = collect_user_info(req)
user_info['precached_viewclaimlink'] = pinfo['claim_in_process']
session.dirty = True
if self.person_id != -1:
pinfo['claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid'] = self.person_id
rt_ticket_id = argd['ticketid']
if rt_ticket_id != -1:
pinfo["admin_requested_ticket_id"] = rt_ticket_id
session.dirty = True
## Create menu and page using templates
cname = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(self.person_id)
menu = WebProfileMenu(str(cname), "claim", ln, self._is_profile_owner(pinfo['pid']), self._is_admin(pinfo))
profile_page = WebProfilePage("claim", webapi.get_longest_name_from_pid(self.person_id))
gboxstatus = self.person_id
gpid = self.person_id
gNumOfWorkers = 3 # to do: read it from conf file
gReqTimeout = 3000
gPageTimeout = 12000
"other": "var gBOX_STATUS = '%s';var gPID = '%s'; var gNumOfWorkers= '%s'; var gReqTimeout= '%s'; var gPageTimeout= '%s';" % (gboxstatus, gpid, gNumOfWorkers, gReqTimeout, gPageTimeout),
"backbone": """
(function(ticketbox) {
var app =;
app.bodyModel.set({userLevel: "%s", guestPrompt: true});
})(ticketbox);""" % (WebInterfaceAuthorTicketHandling.bootstrap_status(pinfo, "user"), ulevel)
if debug:
# content += self._generate_person_info_box(ulevel, ln) #### Name variants
# metaheaderadd = self._scripts() + '\n <meta name="robots" content="nofollow" />'
# body = self._generate_optional_menu(ulevel, req, form)
content = self._generate_tabs(ulevel, req)
content += self._generate_footer(ulevel)
content = content.decode('utf-8', 'strict')
webapi.history_log_visit(req, 'claim', pid=self.person_id)
return page(title=self._generate_title(ulevel),
def _page_access_permission_wall(self, req, req_pid=None, req_level=None):
Display an error page if user not authorized to use the interface.
@param req: Apache Request Object for session management
@type req: Apache Request Object
@param req_pid: Requested person id
@type req_pid: int
@param req_level: Request level required for the page
@type req_level: string
session = get_session(req)
uid = getUid(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
uinfo = collect_user_info(req)
if 'ln' in pinfo:
ln = pinfo["ln"]
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
is_authorized = True
pids_to_check = []
return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("Fatal: Author ID capabilities are disabled on this system."))
if req_level and 'ulevel' in pinfo and pinfo["ulevel"] != req_level:
return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("Fatal: You are not allowed to access this functionality."))
if req_pid and not isinstance(req_pid, list):
pids_to_check = [req_pid]
elif req_pid and isinstance(req_pid, list):
pids_to_check = req_pid
if (not (uinfo['precached_usepaperclaim']
or uinfo['precached_usepaperattribution'])
and 'ulevel' in pinfo
and not pinfo["ulevel"] == "admin"):
is_authorized = False
if is_authorized and not webapi.user_can_view_CMP(uid):
is_authorized = False
if is_authorized and 'ticket' in pinfo:
for tic in pinfo["ticket"]:
if 'pid' in tic:
if pids_to_check and is_authorized:
user_pid = webapi.get_pid_from_uid(uid)
if not uinfo['precached_usepaperattribution']:
if (not user_pid in pids_to_check
and 'ulevel' in pinfo
and not pinfo["ulevel"] == "admin"):
is_authorized = False
elif (user_pid in pids_to_check
and 'ulevel' in pinfo
and not pinfo["ulevel"] == "admin"):
for tic in list(pinfo["ticket"]):
if not tic["pid"] == user_pid:
if not is_authorized:
return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("Fatal: You are not allowed to access this functionality."))
return ""
def _generate_title(self, ulevel):
Generates the title for the specified user permission level.
@param ulevel: user permission level
@type ulevel: str
@return: title
@rtype: str
def generate_title_guest():
title = 'Assign papers'
if self.person_id:
title = 'Assign papers for: ' + str(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(self.person_id))
return title
def generate_title_user():
title = 'Assign papers'
if self.person_id:
title = 'Assign papers (user interface) for: ' + str(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(self.person_id))
return title
def generate_title_admin():
title = 'Assign papers'
if self.person_id:
title = 'Assign papers (administrator interface) for: ' + str(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(self.person_id))
return title
generate_title = {'guest': generate_title_guest,
'user': generate_title_user,
'admin': generate_title_admin}
return generate_title[ulevel]()
def _generate_optional_menu(self, ulevel, req, form):
Generates the menu for the specified user permission level.
@param ulevel: user permission level
@type ulevel: str
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: POST/GET variables of the request
@type form: dict
@return: menu
@rtype: str
def generate_optional_menu_guest(req, form):
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'verbose': (int, 0)})
menu = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_menu(self.person_id, argd['ln'])
if "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0:
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
menu += "\n<pre>" + pformat(pinfo) + "</pre>\n"
return menu
def generate_optional_menu_user(req, form):
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'verbose': (int, 0)})
menu = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_menu(self.person_id, argd['ln'])
if "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0:
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
menu += "\n<pre>" + pformat(pinfo) + "</pre>\n"
return menu
def generate_optional_menu_admin(req, form):
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'verbose': (int, 0)})
menu = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_menu_admin(self.person_id, argd['ln'])
if "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0:
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
menu += "\n<pre>" + pformat(pinfo) + "</pre>\n"
return menu
generate_optional_menu = {'guest': generate_optional_menu_guest,
'user': generate_optional_menu_user,
'admin': generate_optional_menu_admin}
return "<div class=\"clearfix\">" + generate_optional_menu[ulevel](req, form) + "</div>"
def _generate_ticket_box(self, ulevel, req):
Generates the semi-permanent info box for the specified user permission
@param ulevel: user permission level
@type ulevel: str
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@return: info box
@rtype: str
def generate_ticket_box_guest(req):
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
ticket = pinfo['ticket']
results = list()
pendingt = list()
for t in ticket:
if 'execution_result' in t:
for res in t['execution_result']:
box = ""
if pendingt:
box += TEMPLATE.tmpl_ticket_box('in_process', 'transaction', len(pendingt))
if results:
failed = [messages for status, messages in results if not status]
if failed:
box += TEMPLATE.tmpl_transaction_box('failure', failed)
successfull = [messages for status, messages in results if status]
if successfull:
box += TEMPLATE.tmpl_transaction_box('success', successfull)
return box
def generate_ticket_box_user(req):
return generate_ticket_box_guest(req)
def generate_ticket_box_admin(req):
return generate_ticket_box_guest(req)
generate_ticket_box = {'guest': generate_ticket_box_guest,
'user': generate_ticket_box_user,
'admin': generate_ticket_box_admin}
return generate_ticket_box[ulevel](req)
def _generate_person_info_box(self, ulevel, ln):
Generates the name info box for the specified user permission level.
@param ulevel: user permission level
@type ulevel: str
@param ln: page display language
@type ln: str
@return: name info box
@rtype: str
def generate_person_info_box_guest(ln):
names = webapi.get_person_names_from_id(self.person_id)
box = TEMPLATE.tmpl_admin_person_info_box(ln, person_id=self.person_id,
return box
def generate_person_info_box_user(ln):
return generate_person_info_box_guest(ln)
def generate_person_info_box_admin(ln):
return generate_person_info_box_guest(ln)
generate_person_info_box = {'guest': generate_person_info_box_guest,
'user': generate_person_info_box_user,
'admin': generate_person_info_box_admin}
return generate_person_info_box[ulevel](ln)
def _generate_tabs(self, ulevel, req):
Generates the tabs content for the specified user permission level.
@param ulevel: user permission level
@type ulevel: str
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@return: tabs content
@rtype: str
from invenio.bibauthorid_templates import verbiage_dict as tmpl_verbiage_dict
from invenio.bibauthorid_templates import buttons_verbiage_dict as tmpl_buttons_verbiage_dict
def generate_tabs_guest(req):
links = list() # ['delete', 'commit','del_entry','commit_entry']
tabs = ['records', 'repealed', 'review']
return generate_tabs_admin(req, show_tabs=tabs, ticket_links=links,
def generate_tabs_user(req):
links = ['delete', 'del_entry']
tabs = ['records', 'repealed', 'review', 'tickets']
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
uid = getUid(req)
user_is_owner = 'not_owner'
if pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"] == webapi.get_pid_from_uid(uid):
user_is_owner = 'owner'
open_tickets = webapi.get_person_request_ticket(self.person_id)
tickets = list()
for t in open_tickets:
owns = False
for row in t[0]:
if row[0] == 'uid-ip' and row[1].split('||')[0] == str(uid):
owns = True
if owns:
return generate_tabs_admin(req, show_tabs=tabs, ticket_links=links,
def generate_tabs_admin(req, show_tabs=['records', 'repealed', 'review', 'comments', 'tickets', 'data'],
ticket_links=['delete', 'commit', 'del_entry', 'commit_entry'], open_tickets=None,
verbiage_dict=None, buttons_verbiage_dict=None, show_reset_button=True):
session = get_session(req)
personinfo = dict()
personinfo = session["personinfo"]
except KeyError:
return ""
if 'ln' in personinfo:
ln = personinfo["ln"]
all_papers = webapi.get_papers_by_person_id(self.person_id, ext_out=True)
records = [{'recid': paper[0],
'bibref': paper[1],
'flag': paper[2],
'authorname': paper[3],
'authoraffiliation': paper[4],
'paperdate': paper[5],
'rt_status': paper[6],
'paperexperiment': paper[7]} for paper in all_papers]
rejected_papers = [row for row in records if row['flag'] < -1]
rest_of_papers = [row for row in records if row['flag'] >= -1]
review_needed = webapi.get_review_needing_records(self.person_id)
if len(review_needed) < 1:
if 'review' in show_tabs:
if open_tickets == None:
open_tickets = webapi.get_person_request_ticket(self.person_id)
if len(open_tickets) < 1 and 'tickets' in show_tabs:
rt_tickets = None
if "admin_requested_ticket_id" in personinfo:
rt_tickets = personinfo["admin_requested_ticket_id"]
if verbiage_dict is None:
verbiage_dict = translate_dict_values(tmpl_verbiage_dict['admin'], ln)
if buttons_verbiage_dict is None:
buttons_verbiage_dict = translate_dict_values(tmpl_buttons_verbiage_dict['admin'], ln)
# send data to the template function
tabs = TEMPLATE.tmpl_admin_tabs(ln, person_id=self.person_id,
return tabs
def translate_dict_values(dictionary, ln):
def translate_str_values(dictionary, f=lambda x: x):
translated_dict = dict()
for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, str):
translated_dict[key] = f(value)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
translated_dict[key] = translate_str_values(value, f)
raise TypeError("Value should be either string or dictionary.")
return translated_dict
return translate_str_values(dictionary, f=gettext_set_language(ln))
generate_tabs = {'guest': generate_tabs_guest,
'user': generate_tabs_user,
'admin': generate_tabs_admin}
return generate_tabs[ulevel](req)
def _generate_footer(self, ulevel):
Generates the footer for the specified user permission level.
@param ulevel: user permission level
@type ulevel: str
@return: footer
@rtype: str
def generate_footer_guest():
return TEMPLATE.tmpl_invenio_search_box()
def generate_footer_user():
return generate_footer_guest()
def generate_footer_admin():
return generate_footer_guest()
generate_footer = {'guest': generate_footer_guest,
'user': generate_footer_user,
'admin': generate_footer_admin}
return generate_footer[ulevel]()
def _ticket_dispatch_end(self, req):
The ticket dispatch is finished, redirect to the original page of
origin or to the last_viewed_pid or return to the papers autoassigned box to populate its data
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
if 'claim_in_process' in pinfo:
pinfo['claim_in_process'] = False
if "merge_ticket" in pinfo and pinfo['merge_ticket']:
pinfo['merge_ticket'] = []
user_info = collect_user_info(req)
user_info['precached_viewclaimlink'] = True
session.dirty = True
if "referer" in pinfo and pinfo["referer"]:
referer = pinfo["referer"]
session.dirty = True
return redirect_to_url(req, referer)
# if we are coming fromt he autoclaim box we should not redirect and just return to the caller function
if 'autoclaim' in pinfo and pinfo['autoclaim']['review_failed'] == False and pinfo['autoclaim']['begin_autoclaim'] == True:
pinfo['autoclaim']['review_failed'] = False
pinfo['autoclaim']['begin_autoclaim'] = False
session.dirty = True
redirect_page = webapi.history_get_last_visited_url(pinfo['visit_diary'], limit_to_page=['manage_profile', 'claim'])
if not redirect_page:
redirect_page = webapi.get_fallback_redirect_link(req)
if 'autoclaim' in pinfo and pinfo['autoclaim']['review_failed'] == True and pinfo['autoclaim']['checkout'] == True:
redirect_page = '%s/author/claim/action?checkout=True' % (CFG_SITE_URL,)
pinfo['autoclaim']['checkout'] = False
session.dirty = True
elif not 'manage_profile' in redirect_page:
pinfo['autoclaim']['review_failed'] = False
pinfo['autoclaim']['begin_autoclaim'] == False
pinfo['autoclaim']['checkout'] = True
session.dirty = True
redirect_page = '%s/author/claim/%s?open_claim=True' % (CFG_SITE_URL, webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"]))
pinfo['autoclaim']['review_failed'] = False
pinfo['autoclaim']['begin_autoclaim'] == False
pinfo['autoclaim']['checkout'] = True
session.dirty = True
return redirect_to_url(req, redirect_page)
# redirect_link = diary('get_redirect_link', caller='_ticket_dispatch_end', parameters=[('open_claim','True')])
# return redirect_to_url(req, redirect_link)
# need review if should be deleted
def __user_is_authorized(self, req, action):
Determines if a given user is authorized to perform a specified action
@param req: Apache Request Object
@type req: Apache Request Object
@param action: the action the user wants to perform
@type action: string
@return: True if user is allowed to perform the action, False if not
@rtype: boolean
if not req:
return False
if not action:
return False
action = escape(action)
uid = getUid(req)
if not isinstance(uid, int):
return False
if uid == 0:
return False
allowance = [i[1] for i in acc_find_user_role_actions({'uid': uid})
if i[1] == action]
if allowance:
return True
return False
def _scripts(kill_browser_cache=False):
Returns html code to be included in the meta header of the html page.
The actual code is stored in the template.
@return: html formatted Javascript and CSS inclusions for the <head>
@rtype: string
return TEMPLATE.tmpl_meta_includes(kill_browser_cache)
def _check_user_fields(self, req, form):
argd = wash_urlargd(
{'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'user_first_name': (str, None),
'user_last_name': (str, None),
'user_email': (str, None),
'user_comments': (str, None)})
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
ulevel = pinfo["ulevel"]
skip_checkout_faulty_fields = False
if ulevel in ['user', 'admin']:
skip_checkout_faulty_fields = True
if not ("user_first_name_sys" in pinfo and pinfo["user_first_name_sys"]):
if "user_first_name" in argd and argd['user_first_name']:
if not argd["user_first_name"] and not skip_checkout_faulty_fields:
pinfo["user_first_name"] = escape(argd["user_first_name"])
if not ("user_last_name_sys" in pinfo and pinfo["user_last_name_sys"]):
if "user_last_name" in argd and argd['user_last_name']:
if not argd["user_last_name"] and not skip_checkout_faulty_fields:
pinfo["user_last_name"] = escape(argd["user_last_name"])
if not ("user_email_sys" in pinfo and pinfo["user_email_sys"]):
if "user_email" in argd and argd['user_email']:
if not email_valid_p(argd["user_email"]):
pinfo["user_email"] = escape(argd["user_email"])
if (ulevel == "guest"
and emailUnique(argd["user_email"]) > 0):
if "user_comments" in argd:
if argd["user_comments"]:
pinfo["user_ticket_comments"] = escape(argd["user_comments"])
pinfo["user_ticket_comments"] = ""
session.dirty = True
def action(self, req, form):
Initial step in processing of requests: ticket generation/update.
Also acts as action dispatcher for interface mass action requests.
Valid mass actions are:
- add_external_id: add an external identifier to an author
- add_missing_external_ids: add missing external identifiers of an author
- bibref_check_submit:
- cancel: clean the session (erase tickets and so on)
- cancel_rt_ticket:
- cancel_search_ticket:
- cancel_stage:
- checkout:
- checkout_continue_claiming:
- checkout_remove_transaction:
- checkout_submit:
- claim: claim papers for an author
- commit_rt_ticket:
- confirm: confirm assignments to an author
- delete_external_ids: delete external identifiers of an author
- repeal: repeal assignments from an author
- reset: reset assignments of an author
- set_canonical_name: set/swap the canonical name of an author
- to_other_person: assign a document from an author to another author
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via GET or POST request
@type form: dict
@return: a full page formatted in HTML
@return: str
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
argd = wash_urlargd(form,
{'autoclaim_show_review':(str, None),
'canonical_name': (str, None),
'existing_ext_ids': (list, None),
'ext_id': (str, None),
'uid': (int, None),
'ext_system': (str, None),
'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'pid': (int, -1),
'primary_profile':(str, None),
'search_param': (str, None),
'rt_action': (str, None),
'rt_id': (int, None),
'selection': (list, None),
# permitted actions
'add_external_id': (str, None),
'set_uid': (str, None),
'add_missing_external_ids': (str, None),
'associate_profile': (str, None),
'bibref_check_submit': (str, None),
'cancel': (str, None),
'cancel_merging': (str, None),
'cancel_rt_ticket': (str, None),
'cancel_search_ticket': (str, None),
'cancel_stage': (str, None),
'checkout': (str, None),
'checkout_continue_claiming': (str, None),
'checkout_remove_transaction': (str, None),
'checkout_submit': (str, None),
'assign': (str, None),
'commit_rt_ticket': (str, None),
'confirm': (str, None),
'delete_external_ids': (str, None),
'merge': (str, None),
'reject': (str, None),
'repeal': (str, None),
'reset': (str, None),
'send_message': (str, None),
'set_canonical_name': (str, None),
'to_other_person': (str, None)})
ulevel = pinfo["ulevel"]
ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
uid = getUid(req)
ln = argd['ln']
action = None
permitted_actions = ['add_external_id',
for act in permitted_actions:
# one action (the most) is enabled in the form
if argd[act] is not None:
action = act
no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req, None)
if no_access and action not in ["assign"]:
return no_access
# incomplete papers (incomplete paper info or other problems) trigger action function without user's interference
# in order to fix those problems and claim papers or remove them from the ticket
if (action is None
and "bibref_check_required" in pinfo
and pinfo["bibref_check_required"]):
if "bibref_check_reviewed_bibrefs" in pinfo:
session.dirty = True
def add_external_id():
associates the user with pid to the external id ext_id
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot add external id to unknown person")
if argd['ext_system'] is not None:
ext_sys = argd['ext_system']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot add an external id without specifying the system")
if argd['ext_id'] is not None:
ext_id = argd['ext_id']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot add a custom external id without a suggestion")
userinfo = "%s||%s" % (uid, req.remote_ip)
webapi.add_person_external_id(pid, ext_sys, ext_id, userinfo)
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/manage_profile/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))))
def set_uid():
associates the user with pid to the external id ext_id
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: current user is unknown")
if argd['uid'] is not None:
dest_uid = int(argd['uid'])
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: user id is not valid")
userinfo = "%s||%s" % (uid, req.remote_ip)
webapi.set_person_uid(pid, dest_uid, userinfo)
# remove arxiv pubs of current pid
dest_uid_pid = webapi.get_pid_from_uid(dest_uid)
if dest_uid_pid > -1:
# move the arxiv pubs of the dest_uid to the current pid
dest_uid_arxiv_papers = webapi.get_arxiv_papers_of_author(dest_uid_pid)
webapi.add_arxiv_papers_to_author(dest_uid_arxiv_papers, pid)
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/manage_profile/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))))
def add_missing_external_ids():
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot recompute external ids for an unknown person")
update_external_ids_of_authors([pid], overwrite=False)
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/manage_profile/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))))
def associate_profile():
associates the user with user id to the person profile with pid
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot associate profile without a person id.")
uid = getUid(req)
pid, profile_claimed = webapi.claim_profile(uid, pid)
redirect_pid = pid
if profile_claimed:
pinfo['pid'] = pid
pinfo['should_check_to_autoclaim'] = True
pinfo["login_info_message"] = "confirm_success"
session.dirty = True
redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/manage_profile/%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(redirect_pid)))
# if someone have already claimed this profile it redirects to choose_profile with an error message
if 'search_param' in argd and argd['search_param']:
param = '&search_param=' + urllib.quote(argd['search_param'])
redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/choose_profile?failed=%s%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, True, param))
def bibref_check_submit():
pinfo["bibref_check_reviewed_bibrefs"] = list()
add_rev = pinfo["bibref_check_reviewed_bibrefs"].append
if ("bibrefs_auto_assigned" in pinfo
or "bibrefs_to_confirm" in pinfo):
person_reviews = list()
if ("bibrefs_auto_assigned" in pinfo
and pinfo["bibrefs_auto_assigned"]):
if ("bibrefs_to_confirm" in pinfo
and pinfo["bibrefs_to_confirm"]):
for ref_review in person_reviews:
for person_id in ref_review:
for bibrec in ref_review[person_id]["bibrecs"]:
rec_grp = "bibrecgroup%s" % bibrec
elements = list()
if rec_grp in form:
if isinstance(form[rec_grp], str):
elif isinstance(form[rec_grp], list):
elements += form[rec_grp]
for element in elements:
test = element.split("||")
if test and len(test) > 1 and test[1]:
tref = test[1] + "," + str(bibrec)
tpid = webapi.wash_integer_id(test[0])
if (webapi.is_valid_bibref(tref)
and tpid > -1):
add_rev(element + "," + str(bibrec))
session.dirty = True
def cancel():
return self._ticket_dispatch_end(req)
def cancel_merging():
empties the session out of merge content and redirects to the manage profile page
that the user was viewing before the merge
if argd['primary_profile']:
primary_cname = argd['primary_profile']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: Couldn't redirect to the previous page")
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
if pinfo['merge_profiles']:
pinfo['merge_profiles'] = list()
session.dirty = True
redirect_url = "%s/author/manage_profile/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(primary_cname))
return redirect_to_url(req, redirect_url)
def cancel_rt_ticket():
if argd['selection'] is not None:
bibrefrecs = argd['selection']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot cancel unknown ticket")
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln, "Fatal: cannot cancel unknown ticket")
if argd['rt_id'] is not None and argd['rt_action'] is not None:
rt_id = int(argd['rt_id'])
rt_action = argd['rt_action']
for bibrefrec in bibrefrecs:
webapi.delete_transaction_from_request_ticket(pid, rt_id, rt_action, bibrefrec)
rt_id = int(bibrefrecs[0])
webapi.delete_request_ticket(pid, rt_id)
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/claim/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(str(pid))))
def cancel_search_ticket(without_return=False):
if 'search_ticket' in pinfo:
session.dirty = True
if "claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid" in pinfo:
pid = pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"]
if not without_return:
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/claim/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))))
if not without_return:
return, form)
def cancel_stage():
if 'bibref_check_required' in pinfo:
if 'bibrefs_auto_assigned' in pinfo:
if 'bibrefs_to_confirm' in pinfo:
for tt in [row for row in ticket if 'incomplete' in row]:
session.dirty = True
return self._ticket_dispatch_end(req)
def checkout():
# return self._ticket_final_review(req)
def checkout_continue_claiming():
pinfo["checkout_faulty_fields"] = list()
self._check_user_fields(req, form)
return self._ticket_dispatch_end(req)
def checkout_remove_transaction():
bibref = argd['checkout_remove_transaction']
if webapi.is_valid_bibref(bibref):
for rmt in [row for row in ticket if row["bibref"] == bibref]:
pinfo["checkout_confirmed"] = False
session.dirty = True
# return self._ticket_final_review(req)
def checkout_submit():
pinfo["checkout_faulty_fields"] = list()
self._check_user_fields(req, form)
if not ticket:
pinfo["checkout_confirmed"] = True
if pinfo["checkout_faulty_fields"]:
pinfo["checkout_confirmed"] = False
session.dirty = True
# return self._ticket_final_review(req)
def claim():
if argd['selection'] is not None:
bibrefrecs = argd['selection']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot create ticket without any bibrefrec")
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot claim papers to an unknown person")
if action == 'assign':
claimed_recs = [paper[2] for paper in get_claimed_papers_of_author(pid)]
for bibrefrec in list(bibrefrecs):
_, rec = webapi.split_bibrefrec(bibrefrec)
if rec in claimed_recs:
for bibrefrec in bibrefrecs:
operation_parts = {'pid': pid,
'action': action,
'bibrefrec': bibrefrec}
operation_to_be_added = webapi.construct_operation(operation_parts, pinfo, uid)
if operation_to_be_added is None:
ticket = pinfo['ticket']
webapi.add_operation_to_ticket(operation_to_be_added, ticket)
session.dirty = True
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/claim/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))))
def claim_to_other_person():
if argd['selection'] is not None:
bibrefrecs = argd['selection']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot create ticket without any bibrefrec")
return self._ticket_open_assign_to_other_person(req, bibrefrecs, form)
def commit_rt_ticket():
if argd['selection'] is not None:
tid = argd['selection'][0]
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot cancel unknown ticket")
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot cancel unknown ticket")
return self._commit_rt_ticket(req, tid, pid)
def confirm_repeal_reset():
if argd['pid'] > -1 or int(argd['pid']) == CREATE_NEW_PERSON:
pid = argd['pid']
cancel_search_ticket(without_return = True)
return self._ticket_open_assign_to_other_person(req, argd['selection'], form)
#return self._error_page(req, ln, "Fatal: cannot create ticket without a person id! (crr %s)" %repr(argd))
bibrefrecs = argd['selection']
if argd['confirm']:
action = 'assign'
elif argd['repeal']:
action = 'reject'
elif argd['reset']:
action = 'reset'
return self._error_page(req, ln, "Fatal: not existent action!")
for bibrefrec in bibrefrecs:
form['jsondata'] = json.dumps({'pid': str(pid),
'action': action,
'bibrefrec': bibrefrec,
'on': 'user'})
t = WebInterfaceAuthorTicketHandling()
t.add_operation(req, form)
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/claim/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))))
def delete_external_ids():
deletes association between the user with pid and the external id ext_id
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot delete external ids from an unknown person")
if argd['existing_ext_ids'] is not None:
existing_ext_ids = argd['existing_ext_ids']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: you must select at least one external id in order to delete it")
userinfo = "%s||%s" % (uid, req.remote_ip)
webapi.delete_person_external_ids(pid, existing_ext_ids, userinfo)
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/manage_profile/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid))))
def none_action():
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot create ticket if no action selected.")
def merge():
performs a merge if allowed on the profiles that the user chose
if argd['primary_profile']:
primary_cname = argd['primary_profile']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot perform a merge without a primary profile!")
if argd['selection']:
profiles_to_merge = argd['selection']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot perform a merge without any profiles selected!")
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
uid = getUid(req)
primary_pid = webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(primary_cname)
pids_to_merge = [webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(cname) for cname in profiles_to_merge]
is_admin = False
if pinfo['ulevel'] == 'admin':
is_admin = True
# checking if there are restrictions regarding this merge
can_perform_merge, preventing_pid = webapi.merge_is_allowed(primary_pid, pids_to_merge, is_admin)
if not can_perform_merge:
# when redirected back to the merge profiles page display an error message about the currently attempted merge
pinfo['merge_info_message'] = ("failure", "confirm_failure")
session.dirty = True
redirect_url = "%s/author/merge_profiles?primary_profile=%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(primary_cname))
return redirect_to_url(req, redirect_url)
if is_admin:
webapi.merge_profiles(primary_pid, pids_to_merge)
# when redirected back to the manage profile page display a message about the currently attempted merge
pinfo['merge_info_message'] = ("success", "confirm_success")
name = ''
if 'user_last_name' in pinfo:
name = pinfo['user_last_name']
if 'user_first_name' in pinfo:
name += pinfo['user_first_name']
email = ''
if 'user_email' in pinfo:
email = pinfo['user_email']
selection_str = "&selection=".join(profiles_to_merge)
userinfo = {'uid-ip': "userid: %s (from %s)" % (uid, req.remote_ip),
'name': name,
'email': email,
'merge link': "%s/author/merge_profiles?primary_profile=%s&selection=%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, primary_cname, selection_str)}
# a message is sent to the admin with info regarding the currently attempted merge
webapi.create_request_message(userinfo, subj='Merge profiles request')
# when redirected back to the manage profile page display a message about the merge
pinfo['merge_info_message'] = ("success", "confirm_operation")
pinfo['merge_profiles'] = list()
session.dirty = True
redirect_url = "%s/author/manage_profile/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(primary_cname))
return redirect_to_url(req, redirect_url)
def send_message():
sends a message from the user to the admin
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
#pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
#session_dump = pp.pprint(pinfo)
session_dump = str(pinfo)
name = ''
name_changed = False
name_given = ''
email = ''
email_changed = False
email_given = ''
comment = ''
last_page_visited = ''
if "user_last_name" in pinfo:
name = pinfo["user_last_name"]
if "user_first_name" in pinfo:
name += pinfo["user_first_name"]
name = name.rstrip()
if "user_email" in pinfo:
email = pinfo["user_email"]
email = email.rstrip()
if 'Name' in form:
if not name:
name = form['Name']
elif name != form['Name']:
name_given = form['Name']
name_changed = True
name = name.rstrip()
if 'E-mail'in form:
if not email:
email = form['E-mail']
elif name != form['E-mail']:
email_given = form['E-mail']
email_changed = True
email = email.rstrip()
if 'Comment' in form:
comment = form['Comment']
comment = comment.rstrip()
if not name or not comment or not email:
redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/help?incomplete_params=%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, True))
if 'last_page_visited' in form:
last_page_visited = form['last_page_visited']
uid = getUid(req)
userinfo = {'uid-ip': "userid: %s (from %s)" % (uid, req.remote_ip),
'name': name,
'email': email,
'comment': comment,
'last_page_visited': last_page_visited,
'session_dump': session_dump,
'name_given': name_given,
'email_given': email_given,
'name_changed': name_changed,
'email_changed': email_changed}
def set_canonical_name():
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot set canonical name to unknown person")
if argd['canonical_name'] is not None:
cname = argd['canonical_name']
return self._error_page(req, ln,
"Fatal: cannot set a custom canonical name without a suggestion")
userinfo = "%s||%s" % (uid, req.remote_ip)
if webapi.is_valid_canonical_id(cname):
webapi.swap_person_canonical_name(pid, cname, userinfo)
webapi.update_person_canonical_name(pid, cname, userinfo)
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/claim/%s%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(pid)), '#tabData'))
action_functions = {'add_external_id': add_external_id,
'set_uid': set_uid,
'add_missing_external_ids': add_missing_external_ids,
'associate_profile': associate_profile,
'bibref_check_submit': bibref_check_submit,
'cancel': cancel,
'cancel_merging': cancel_merging,
'cancel_rt_ticket': cancel_rt_ticket,
'cancel_search_ticket': cancel_search_ticket,
'cancel_stage': cancel_stage,
'checkout': checkout,
'checkout_continue_claiming': checkout_continue_claiming,
'checkout_remove_transaction': checkout_remove_transaction,
'checkout_submit': checkout_submit,
'assign': claim,
'commit_rt_ticket': commit_rt_ticket,
'confirm': confirm_repeal_reset,
'delete_external_ids': delete_external_ids,
'merge': merge,
'reject': claim,
'repeal': confirm_repeal_reset,
'reset': confirm_repeal_reset,
'send_message': send_message,
'set_canonical_name': set_canonical_name,
'to_other_person': claim_to_other_person,
None: none_action}
return action_functions[action]()
def _ticket_open_claim(self, req, bibrefs, ln):
Generate page to let user choose how to proceed
@param req: Apache Request Object
@type req: Apache Request Object
@param bibrefs: list of record IDs to perform an action on
@type bibrefs: list of int
@param ln: language to display the page in
@type ln: string
session = get_session(req)
uid = getUid(req)
uinfo = collect_user_info(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
if 'ln' in pinfo:
ln = pinfo["ln"]
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req)
session.dirty = True
pid = -1
search_enabled = True
if not no_access and uinfo["precached_usepaperclaim"]:
tpid = webapi.get_pid_from_uid(uid)
if tpid > -1:
pid = tpid
last_viewed_pid = False
if (not no_access
and "claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid" in pinfo
and pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"]):
names = webapi.get_person_names_from_id(pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"])
names = sorted([i for i in names], key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
if len(names) > 0:
if len(names[0]) > 0:
last_viewed_pid = [pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"], names[0][0]]
if no_access:
search_enabled = False
pinfo["referer"] = uinfo["referer"]
session.dirty = True
body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_open_claim(bibrefs, pid, last_viewed_pid,
body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_detail_layout(body)
title = _('Claim this paper')
metaheaderadd = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._scripts(kill_browser_cache=True)
return page(title=title,
def _ticket_open_assign_to_other_person(self, req, bibrefs, form):
Initializes search to find a person to attach the selected records to
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
@param bibrefs: list of record IDs to consider
@type bibrefs: list of int
@param form: GET/POST request parameters
@type form: dict
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
pinfo["search_ticket"] = dict()
search_ticket = pinfo["search_ticket"]
search_ticket['action'] = 'assign'
search_ticket['bibrefs'] = bibrefs
session.dirty = True
return, form)
def _cancel_rt_ticket(self, req, tid, pid):
deletes an RT ticket
webapi.delete_request_ticket(pid, tid)
return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/claim/%s" %
(CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(webapi.get_person_redirect_link(str(pid)))))
def _cancel_transaction_from_rt_ticket(self, tid, pid, action, bibref):
deletes a transaction from an rt ticket
webapi.delete_transaction_from_request_ticket(pid, tid, action, bibref)
def _commit_rt_ticket(self, req, tid, pid):
Commit of an rt ticket: creates a real ticket and commits.
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
ticket = pinfo["ticket"]
uid = getUid(req)
tid = int(tid)
rt_ticket = get_validated_request_tickets_for_author(pid, tid)[0]
for action, bibrefrec in rt_ticket['operations']:
operation_parts = {'pid': pid,
'action': action,
'bibrefrec': bibrefrec}
operation_to_be_added = webapi.construct_operation(operation_parts, pinfo, uid)
webapi.add_operation_to_ticket(operation_to_be_added, ticket)
session.dirty = True
webapi.delete_request_ticket(pid, tid)
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/claim/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(str(pid))))
def _error_page(self, req, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, message=None, intro=True):
Create a page that contains a message explaining the error.
@param req: Apache Request Object
@type req: Apache Request Object
@param ln: language
@type ln: string
@param message: message to be displayed
@type message: string
body = []
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if not message:
message = "No further explanation available. Sorry."
if intro:
body.append(_("<p>We're sorry. An error occurred while "
"handling your request. Please find more information "
body.append("<p><strong>%s</strong></p>" % message)
return page(title=_("Notice"),
description="%s - Internal Error" % CFG_SITE_NAME,
keywords="%s, Internal Error" % CFG_SITE_NAME,
def __session_cleanup(self, req):
Cleans the session from all bibauthorid specific settings and
with that cancels any transaction currently in progress.
@param req: Apache Request Object
@type req: Apache Request Object
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
except KeyError:
if "ticket" in pinfo:
pinfo['ticket'] = []
if "search_ticket" in pinfo:
pinfo['search_ticket'] = dict()
# clear up bibref checker if it's done.
if ("bibref_check_required" in pinfo
and not pinfo["bibref_check_required"]):
if 'bibrefs_to_confirm' in pinfo:
if "bibrefs_auto_assigned" in pinfo:
if "checkout_confirmed" in pinfo:
if "checkout_faulty_fields" in pinfo:
# pinfo['ulevel'] = ulevel
# pinfo["claimpaper_admin_last_viewed_pid"] = -1
pinfo["admin_requested_ticket_id"] = -1
session.dirty = True
def _generate_search_ticket_box(self, req):
Generate the search ticket to remember a pending search for Person
entities in an attribution process
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
search_ticket = None
if 'search_ticket' in pinfo:
search_ticket = pinfo['search_ticket']
if not search_ticket:
return ''
return TEMPLATE.tmpl_search_ticket_box('person_search', 'assign_papers', search_ticket['bibrefs'])
def search_box(self, query, shown_element_functions):
collecting the persons' data that the search function returned
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
@param query: the query string
@type query: string
@param shown_element_functions: contains the functions that will tell to the template which columns to show and what buttons to print
@type shown_element_functions: dict
@return: html body
@rtype: string
pid_list = self._perform_search(query)
search_results = []
for pid in pid_list:
result = defaultdict(list)
result['pid'] = pid
result['canonical_id'] = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(pid)
result['name_variants'] = webapi.get_person_names_from_id(pid)
result['external_ids'] = webapi.get_external_ids_from_person_id(pid)
# this variable shows if we want to use the following data in the search template
if 'pass_status' in shown_element_functions and shown_element_functions['pass_status']:
result['status'] = webapi.is_profile_available(pid)
body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_author_search(query, search_results, shown_element_functions)
body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_detail_layout(body)
return body
def search(self, req, form):
Function used for searching a person based on a name with which the
function is queried.
@param req: Apache Request Object
@type form: dict
@return: a full page formatted in HTML
@rtype: string
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
ulevel = pinfo['ulevel']
person_id = self.person_id
uid = getUid(req)
argd = wash_urlargd(
{'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'verbose': (int, 0),
'q': (str, None)})
debug = "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0
ln = argd['ln']
cname = ''
is_owner = False
last_visited_pid = webapi.history_get_last_visited_pid(session['personinfo']['visit_diary'])
if last_visited_pid is not None:
cname = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(last_visited_pid)
except ValueError:
is_owner = False
is_owner = self._is_profile_owner(last_visited_pid)
menu = WebProfileMenu(str(cname), "search", ln, is_owner, self._is_admin(pinfo))
title = "Person search"
# Create Wrapper Page Markup
profile_page = WebProfilePage("search", title, no_cache=True)
"other": "var gBOX_STATUS = '10';var gPID = '10'; var gNumOfWorkers= '10'; var gReqTimeout= '10'; var gPageTimeout= '10';",
"backbone": """
(function(ticketbox) {
var app =;
app.bodyModel.set({userLevel: "%s"});
})(ticketbox);""" % (WebInterfaceAuthorTicketHandling.bootstrap_status(pinfo, "user"), ulevel)
if debug:
no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req)
shown_element_functions = dict()
shown_element_functions['show_search_bar'] = TEMPLATE.tmpl_general_search_bar()
if no_access:
return no_access
search_ticket = None
bibrefs = []
if 'search_ticket' in pinfo:
search_ticket = pinfo['search_ticket']
for r in search_ticket['bibrefs']:
if search_ticket and "ulevel" in pinfo:
if pinfo["ulevel"] == "admin":
shown_element_functions['new_person_gen'] = TEMPLATE.tmpl_assigning_search_new_person_generator(bibrefs)
content = ""
if search_ticket:
shown_element_functions['button_gen'] = TEMPLATE.tmpl_assigning_search_button_generator(bibrefs)
content = content + self._generate_search_ticket_box(req)
query = None
if 'q' in argd:
if argd['q']:
query = escape(argd['q'])
content += self.search_box(query, shown_element_functions)
body = profile_page.get_wrapped_body(content)
parameter = None
if query:
parameter = '?search_param=%s' + query
webapi.history_log_visit(req, 'search', params = parameter)
return page(title=title,
def merge_profiles(self, req, form):
begginig of the proccess that performs the merge over multipe person profiles
@param req: Apache Request Object
@type form: dict
@return: a full page formatted in HTML
@rtype: string
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'primary_profile': (str, None),
'search_param': (str, ''),
'selection': (list, None),
'verbose': (int, 0)})
ln = argd['ln']
primary_cname = argd['primary_profile']
search_param = argd['search_param']
selection = argd['selection']
debug = 'verbose' in argd and argd['verbose'] > 0
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
profiles_to_merge = pinfo['merge_profiles']
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if not primary_cname:
return page_not_authorized(req, text=_('This page is not accessible directly.'))
no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req)
if no_access:
return no_access
if selection is not None:
profiles_to_merge_session = [cname for cname, is_available in profiles_to_merge]
for profile in selection:
if profile not in profiles_to_merge_session:
pid = webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(profile)
is_available = webapi.is_profile_available(pid)
pinfo['merge_profiles'].append([profile, '1' if is_available else '0'])
session.dirty = True
primary_pid = webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(primary_cname)
is_available = webapi.is_profile_available(primary_pid)
body = ''
cname = ''
is_owner = False
last_visited_pid = webapi.history_get_last_visited_pid(session['personinfo']['visit_diary'])
if last_visited_pid is not None:
cname = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(last_visited_pid)
is_owner = self._is_profile_owner(last_visited_pid)
title = 'Merge Profiles'
menu = WebProfileMenu(str(cname), "manage_profile", ln, is_owner, self._is_admin(pinfo))
merge_page = WebProfilePage("merge_profile", title, no_cache=True)
if debug:
# display status for any previously attempted merge
if pinfo['merge_info_message']:
teaser_key, message = pinfo['merge_info_message']
body += TEMPLATE.tmpl_merge_transaction_box(teaser_key, [message])
pinfo['merge_info_message'] = None
session.dirty = True
body += TEMPLATE.tmpl_merge_ticket_box('person_search', 'merge_profiles', primary_cname)
shown_element_functions = dict()
shown_element_functions['show_search_bar'] = TEMPLATE.tmpl_merge_profiles_search_bar(primary_cname)
shown_element_functions['button_gen'] = TEMPLATE.merge_profiles_button_generator()
shown_element_functions['pass_status'] = 'True'
"other": "var gMergeProfile = %s; var gMergeList = %s;" % ([primary_cname, '1' if is_available else '0'], profiles_to_merge)
body += self.search_box(search_param, shown_element_functions)
body = merge_page.get_wrapped_body(body)
return page(title=title,
def _perform_search(self, search_param):
calls the search function on the search_param and returns the results
@param search_param: query string
@type search_param: String
@return: list of pids that the search found they match with the search query
@return: list
pid_canditates_list = []
nquery = None
if search_param:
if search_param.count(":"):
left, right = search_param.split(":")
nsearch_param = str(right)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
nsearch_param = str(left)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
nsearch_param = search_param
except ValueError:
nsearch_param = search_param
nsearch_param = search_param
sorted_results = webapi.search_person_ids_by_name(nsearch_param)
for result in sorted_results:
return pid_canditates_list
def merge_profiles_ajax(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests used in order to add/remove profiles
in/from the merging profiles list, which is saved in the session.
@param req: Apache Request Object
@type req: Apache Request Object
@param form: Parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@return: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
print "Json not configurable"
# If it is an Ajax request, extract any JSON data.
ajax_request = False
# REcent papers request
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
# Deunicode all strings (Invenio doesn't have unicode
# support).
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
ajax_request = True
json_response = {'resultCode': 0}
# Handle request.
if ajax_request:
req_type = json_data['requestType']
if req_type == 'addProfile':
if json_data.has_key('profile'):
profile = json_data['profile']
person_id = webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(profile)
if person_id != -1:
session = get_session(req)
profiles_to_merge = session["personinfo"]["merge_profiles"]
profile_availability = webapi.is_profile_available(person_id)
if profile_availability:
profile_availability = "1"
profile_availability = "0"
if profile not in [el[0] for el in profiles_to_merge]:
profiles_to_merge.append([profile, profile_availability])
session.dirty = True
# TODO check access rights and get profile from db
json_response.update({'resultCode': 1})
json_response.update({'addedPofile': profile})
json_response.update({'addedPofileAvailability': profile_availability})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Profile does not exist'})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Profile was already in the list'})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Missing profile'})
elif req_type == 'removeProfile':
if json_data.has_key('profile'):
profile = json_data['profile']
if webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(profile) != -1:
session = get_session(req)
profiles_to_merge = session["personinfo"]["merge_profiles"]
# print (str(profiles_to_merge))
if profile in [el[0] for el in profiles_to_merge]:
for prof in list(profiles_to_merge):
if prof[0] == profile:
session.dirty = True
# TODO check access rights and get profile from db
json_response.update({'resultCode': 1})
json_response.update({'removedProfile': profile})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Profile was missing already from the list'})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Profile does not exist'})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Missing profile'})
elif req_type == 'setPrimaryProfile':
if json_data.has_key('profile'):
profile = json_data['profile']
profile_id = webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(profile)
if profile_id != -1:
session = get_session(req)
profile_availability = webapi.is_profile_available(profile_id)
if profile_availability:
profile_availability = "1"
profile_availability = "0"
profiles_to_merge = session["personinfo"]["merge_profiles"]
if profile in [el[0] for el in profiles_to_merge if el and el[0]]:
for prof in list(profiles_to_merge):
if prof[0] == profile:
primary_profile = session["personinfo"]["merge_primary_profile"]
if primary_profile not in profiles_to_merge:
session["personinfo"]["merge_primary_profile"] = [profile, profile_availability]
session.dirty = True
json_response.update({'resultCode': 1})
json_response.update({'primaryProfile': profile})
json_response.update({'primaryPofileAvailability': profile_availability})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Profile was already in the list'})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Missing profile'})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Wrong request type'})
return json.dumps(json_response)
def search_box_ajax(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests used in the search box.
@param req: Apache Request Object
@type req: Apache Request Object
@param form: Parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@return: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
print "Json not configurable"
# If it is an Ajax request, extract any JSON data.
ajax_request = False
# REcent papers request
if form.has_key('jsondata'):
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
# Deunicode all strings (Invenio doesn't have unicode
# support).
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
ajax_request = True
json_response = {'resultCode': 0}
# Handle request.
if ajax_request:
req_type = json_data['requestType']
if req_type == 'getPapers':
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
pId = json_data['personId']
papers = sorted([[p[0]] for p in webapi.get_papers_by_person_id(int(pId), -1)],
papers_html = TEMPLATE.tmpl_gen_papers(papers[0:MAX_NUM_SHOW_PAPERS])
json_response.update({'result': "\n".join(papers_html)})
json_response.update({'totalPapers': len(papers)})
json_response.update({'resultCode': 1})
json_response.update({'pid': str(pId)})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Missing person id'})
elif req_type == 'getNames':
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
pId = json_data['personId']
names = webapi.get_person_names_from_id(int(pId))
names_html = TEMPLATE.tmpl_gen_names(names)
json_response.update({'result': "\n".join(names_html)})
json_response.update({'resultCode': 1})
json_response.update({'pid': str(pId)})
elif req_type == 'getIDs':
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
pId = json_data['personId']
ids = webapi.get_external_ids_from_person_id(int(pId))
ids_html = TEMPLATE.tmpl_gen_ext_ids(ids)
json_response.update({'result': "\n".join(ids_html)})
json_response.update({'resultCode': 1})
json_response.update({'pid': str(pId)})
elif req_type == 'isProfileClaimed':
if json_data.has_key('personId'):
pId = json_data['personId']
isClaimed = webapi.get_uid_from_personid(pId)
if isClaimed != -1:
json_response.update({'resultCode': 1})
json_response.update({'pid': str(pId)})
json_response.update({'result': 'Error: Wrong request type'})
return json.dumps(json_response)
def choose_profile(self, req, form):
Generate SSO landing/choose_profile page
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
@param form: GET/POST request params
@type form: dict
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'search_param': (str, None),
'failed': (str, None),
'verbose': (int, 0)})
ln = argd['ln']
debug = "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0
req.argd = argd # needed for perform_req_search
search_param = argd['search_param']
session = get_session(req)
uid = getUid(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
failed = True
if not argd['failed']:
failed = False
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("This page is not accessible directly."))
params = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages.get_params_to_check_login_info(session)
login_info = webapi.get_login_info(uid, params)
if 'arXiv' not in login_info['logged_in_to_remote_systems']:
return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("This page is not accessible directly."))
pid = webapi.get_user_pid(login_info['uid'])
# Create Wrapper Page Markup
is_owner = False
menu = WebProfileMenu('', "choose_profile", ln, is_owner, self._is_admin(pinfo))
choose_page = WebProfilePage("choose_profile", "Choose your profile", no_cache=True)
if debug:
content = TEMPLATE.tmpl_choose_profile(failed)
body = choose_page.get_wrapped_body(content)
#In any case, when we step by here, an autoclaim should be performed right after!
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
pinfo['should_check_to_autoclaim'] = True
session.dirty = True
last_visited_pid = webapi.history_get_last_visited_pid(session['personinfo']['visit_diary'])
# if already logged in then redirect the user to the page he was viewing
if pid != -1:
redirect_pid = pid
if last_visited_pid:
redirect_pid = last_visited_pid
redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/manage_profile/%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, urllib.quote(str(redirect_pid))))
# get name strings and email addresses from SSO/Oauth logins: {'system':{'name':[variant1,...,variantn], 'email':'blabla@bla.bla', 'pants_size':20}}
remote_login_systems_info = webapi.get_remote_login_systems_info(req, login_info['logged_in_to_remote_systems'])
# get union of recids that are associated to the ids from all the external systems: set(inspire_recids_list)
recids = webapi.get_remote_login_systems_recids(req, login_info['logged_in_to_remote_systems'])
# this is the profile with the biggest intersection of papers so it's more probable that this is the profile the user seeks
probable_pid = webapi.match_profile(req, recids, remote_login_systems_info)
# if not search_param and probable_pid > -1 and probable_pid == last_visited_pid:
# # try to assign the user to the profile he chose. If for some reason the profile is not available we assign him to an empty profile
# redirect_pid, profile_claimed = webapi.claim_profile(login_info['uid'], probable_pid)
# if profile_claimed:
# redirect_to_url(req, '%s/author/claim/action?associate_profile=True&redirect_pid=%s' % (CFG_SITE_URL, str(redirect_pid)))
probable_profile_suggestion_info = None
last_viewed_profile_suggestion_info = None
if last_visited_pid > -1 and webapi.is_profile_available(last_visited_pid):
# get information about the most probable profile and show it to the user
last_viewed_profile_suggestion_info = webapi.get_profile_suggestion_info(req, last_visited_pid, recids)
if probable_pid > -1 and webapi.is_profile_available(probable_pid):
# get information about the most probable profile and show it to the user
probable_profile_suggestion_info = webapi.get_profile_suggestion_info(req, probable_pid, recids )
if not search_param:
# we prefil the search with most relevant among the names that we get from external systems
name_variants = webapi.get_name_variants_list_from_remote_systems_names(remote_login_systems_info)
search_param = most_relevant_name(name_variants)
body = body + TEMPLATE.tmpl_probable_profile_suggestion(probable_profile_suggestion_info, last_viewed_profile_suggestion_info, search_param)
shown_element_functions = dict()
shown_element_functions['button_gen'] = TEMPLATE.tmpl_choose_profile_search_button_generator()
shown_element_functions['new_person_gen'] = TEMPLATE.tmpl_choose_profile_search_new_person_generator()
shown_element_functions['show_search_bar'] = TEMPLATE.tmpl_choose_profile_search_bar()
# show in the templates the column status (if profile is bound to a user or not)
shown_element_functions['show_status'] = True
# pass in the templates the data of the column status (if profile is bound to a user or not)
# we might need the data without having to show them in the columne (fi merge_profiles
shown_element_functions['pass_status'] = True
# show search results to the user
body = body + self.search_box(search_param, shown_element_functions)
body = body + TEMPLATE.tmpl_choose_profile_footer()
title = _(' ')
return page(title=title,
def _arxiv_box(req, login_info, person_id, user_pid):
Proccess and collect data for arXiv box
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
@param login_info: status of login in the following format: {'logged_in': True, 'uid': 2, 'logged_in_to_remote_systems':['Arxiv', ...]}
@type login_info: dict
@param login_info: person id of the current page's profile
@type login_info: int
@param login_info: person id of the user
@type login_info: int
@return: data required to built the arXiv box
@rtype: dict
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session["personinfo"]
arxiv_data = dict()
arxiv_data['view_own_profile'] = person_id == user_pid
# if the user is not a guest and he is connected through arXiv
arxiv_data['login'] = login_info['logged_in']
arxiv_data['user_pid'] = user_pid
arxiv_data['user_has_pid'] = user_pid != -1
# if the profile the use is logged in is the same with the profile of the page that the user views
arxiv_data['view_own_profile'] = user_pid == person_id
return arxiv_data
def _orcid_box(arxiv_logged_in, person_id, user_pid, ulevel):
Proccess and collect data for orcid box
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
@param arxiv_logged_in: shows if the user is logged in through arXiv or not
@type arxiv_logged_in: boolean
@param person_id: person id of the current page's profile
@type person_id: int
@param user_pid: person id of the user
@type user_pid: int
@param ulevel: user's level
@type ulevel: string
@return: data required to built the orcid box
@rtype: dict
orcid_data = dict()
orcid_data['arxiv_login'] = arxiv_logged_in
orcid_data['orcids'] = None
orcid_data['add_power'] = False
orcid_data['own_profile'] = False
orcid_data['pid'] = person_id
# if the profile the use is logged in is the same with the profile of the page that the user views
if person_id == user_pid:
orcid_data['own_profile'] = True
# if the user is an admin then he can add an existing orcid to the profile
if ulevel == "admin":
orcid_data['add_power'] = True
orcids = webapi.get_orcids_by_pid(person_id)
if orcids:
orcid_data['orcids'] = orcids
return orcid_data
def _autoclaim_papers_box(req, person_id, user_pid, remote_logged_in_systems):
Proccess and collect data for orcid box
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
@param person_id: person id of the current page's profile
@type person_id: int
@param user_pid: person id of the user
@type user_pid: int
@param remote_logged_in_systems: the remote logged in systems
@type remote_logged_in_systems: list
@return: data required to built the autoclaim box
@rtype: dict
autoclaim_data = dict()
# if no autoclaim should occur or had occured and results should be shown then the box should remain hidden
autoclaim_data['hidden'] = True
autoclaim_data['person_id'] = person_id
# if the profile the use is logged in is the same with the profile of the page that the user views
if person_id == user_pid:
recids_to_autoclaim = webapi.get_remote_login_systems_recids(req, remote_logged_in_systems)
autoclaim_data['hidden'] = False
autoclaim_data['num_of_claims'] = len(recids_to_autoclaim)
return autoclaim_data
# New autoclaim functions #
def generate_autoclaim_data(self, req, form):
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
pid = int(json_data['personId'])
raise NotImplementedError("Some error with the parameter from the Ajax request occured.")
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
# If autoclaim was done already and no new remote systems exist
# in order to autoclaim new papers send the cached result
if not pinfo['orcid']['import_pubs'] and pinfo['autoclaim']['res'] is not None:
autoclaim_data = pinfo['autoclaim']['res']
json_response = {'resultCode': 1, 'result': TEMPLATE.tmpl_autoclaim_box(autoclaim_data, CFG_SITE_LANG, add_box=False, loading=False)}
return json.dumps(json_response)
external_pubs_association = pinfo['autoclaim']['external_pubs_association']
autoclaim_ticket = pinfo['autoclaim']['ticket']
ulevel = pinfo['ulevel']
uid = getUid(req)
params = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages.get_params_to_check_login_info(session)
login_status = webapi.get_login_info(uid, params)
remote_systems = login_status['logged_in_to_remote_systems']
papers_to_autoclaim = set(webapi.get_papers_from_remote_systems(remote_systems, params, external_pubs_association))
already_claimed_recids = set([rec for _, _, rec in get_claimed_papers_of_author(pid)]) & papers_to_autoclaim
papers_to_autoclaim = papers_to_autoclaim - set([rec for _, _, rec in get_claimed_papers_of_author(pid)])
for paper in papers_to_autoclaim:
operation_parts = {'pid': pid,
'action': 'assign',
'bibrefrec': str(paper)}
operation_to_be_added = webapi.construct_operation(operation_parts, pinfo, uid)
if operation_to_be_added is None:
# In case the operation could not be created (because of an
# erroneous bibrefrec) ignore it and continue with the rest
webapi.add_operation_to_ticket(operation_to_be_added, autoclaim_ticket)
additional_info = {'first_name': '', 'last_name': '', 'email': '',
'comments': 'Assigned automatically when autoclaim was triggered.'}
userinfo = webapi.fill_out_userinfo(additional_info, uid, req.remote_ip, ulevel, strict_check=False)
webapi.commit_operations_from_ticket(autoclaim_ticket, userinfo, uid, ulevel)
autoclaim_data = dict()
autoclaim_data['hidden'] = False
autoclaim_data['person_id'] = pid
autoclaim_data['successfull_recids'] = set([op['rec'] for op in webapi.get_ticket_status(autoclaim_ticket) if 'execution_result' in op]) | already_claimed_recids
autoclaim_data['unsuccessfull_recids'] = [op['rec'] for op in webapi.get_ticket_status(autoclaim_ticket)]
autoclaim_data['num_of_unsuccessfull_recids'] = len(autoclaim_data['unsuccessfull_recids'])
autoclaim_data['recids_to_external_ids'] = dict()
for key, value in external_pubs_association.iteritems():
ext_system, ext_id = key
rec = value
title = get_title_of_paper(rec)
autoclaim_data['recids_to_external_ids'][rec] = title
# cache the result in the session
pinfo['autoclaim']['res'] = autoclaim_data
if pinfo['orcid']['import_pubs']:
pinfo['orcid']['import_pubs'] = False
session.dirty = True
json_response = {'resultCode': 1, 'result': TEMPLATE.tmpl_autoclaim_box(autoclaim_data, CFG_SITE_LANG, add_box=False, loading=False)}
def get_params_to_check_login_info(session):
def get_params_to_check_login_info_of_arxiv(session):
return session['user_info']
except KeyError:
return None
def get_params_to_check_login_info_of_orcid(session):
pinfo = session['personinfo']
pinfo['orcid']['has_orcid_id'] = bool(get_orcid_id_of_author(pinfo['pid'])[0][0] and pinfo['orcid']['import_pubs'])
pinfo['orcid']['has_orcid_id'] = False
session.dirty = True
return pinfo['orcid']
get_params_for_remote_system = {'arXiv': get_params_to_check_login_info_of_arxiv,
'orcid': get_params_to_check_login_info_of_orcid}
params = dict()
for system, get_params in get_params_for_remote_system.iteritems():
params[system] = get_params(session)
return params
def _claim_paper_box(person_id):
Proccess and collect data for claim paper box
@param person_id: person id of the current page's profile
@type person_id: int
@return: data required to built the claim paper box
@rtype: dict
claim_paper_data = dict()
claim_paper_data['canonical_id'] = str(webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(person_id))
return claim_paper_data
def _support_box():
Proccess and collect data for support box
@return: data required to built the support box
@rtype: dict
support_data = dict()
return support_data
def _merge_box(person_id):
Proccess and collect data for merge box
@param person_id: person id of the current page's profile
@type person_id: int
@return: data required to built the merge box
@rtype: dict
merge_data = dict()
search_param = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(person_id)
name_variants = [element[0] for element in webapi.get_person_names_from_id(person_id)]
relevant_name = most_relevant_name(name_variants)
if relevant_name:
search_param = relevant_name.split(",")[0]
merge_data['search_param'] = search_param
merge_data['canonical_id'] = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(person_id)
return merge_data
def _internal_ids_box(person_id, user_pid, ulevel):
Proccess and collect data for external_ids box
@param person_id: person id of the current page's profile
@type person_id: int
@param user_pid: person id of the user
@type user_pid: int
@param remote_logged_in_systems: the remote logged in systems
@type remote_logged_in_systems: list
@return: data required to built the external_ids box
@rtype: dict
external_ids_data = dict()
external_ids_data['uid'],external_ids_data['old_uids'] = webapi.get_internal_user_id_from_person_id(person_id)
external_ids_data['person_id'] = person_id
external_ids_data['user_pid'] = user_pid
external_ids_data['ulevel'] = ulevel
return external_ids_data
def _external_ids_box(person_id, user_pid, ulevel):
Proccess and collect data for external_ids box
@param person_id: person id of the current page's profile
@type person_id: int
@param user_pid: person id of the user
@type user_pid: int
@param remote_logged_in_systems: the remote logged in systems
@type remote_logged_in_systems: list
@return: data required to built the external_ids box
@rtype: dict
internal_ids_data = dict()
internal_ids_data['ext_ids'] = webapi.get_external_ids_from_person_id(person_id)
internal_ids_data['person_id'] = person_id
internal_ids_data['user_pid'] = user_pid
internal_ids_data['ulevel'] = ulevel
return internal_ids_data
def _hepnames_box(person_id):
return webapi.get_hepnames(person_id)
def tickets_admin(self, req, form):
Generate SSO landing/welcome page
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
@param form: GET/POST request params
@type form: dict
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)})
ln = argd['ln']
no_access = self._page_access_permission_wall(req, req_level='admin')
if no_access:
return no_access
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
cname = ''
is_owner = False
last_visited_pid = webapi.history_get_last_visited_pid(pinfo['visit_diary'])
if last_visited_pid is not None:
cname = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(last_visited_pid)
is_owner = self._is_profile_owner(last_visited_pid)
menu = WebProfileMenu(str(cname), "open_tickets", ln, is_owner, self._is_admin(pinfo))
title = "Open RT tickets"
profile_page = WebProfilePage("help", title, no_cache=True)
tickets = webapi.get_persons_with_open_tickets_list()
tickets = list(tickets)
for t in list(tickets):
webapi.get_person_redirect_link(t[0]), t[0], t[1]])
content = TEMPLATE.tmpl_tickets_admin(tickets)
content = TEMPLATE.tmpl_person_detail_layout(content)
body = profile_page.get_wrapped_body(content)
return page(title=title,
def help(self, req, form):
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)})
ln = argd['ln']
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("This page is not accessible directly."))
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
cname = ''
is_owner = False
last_visited_pid = webapi.history_get_last_visited_pid(pinfo['visit_diary'])
if last_visited_pid is not None:
cname = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(last_visited_pid)
is_owner = self._is_profile_owner(last_visited_pid)
menu = WebProfileMenu(str(cname), "help", ln, is_owner, self._is_admin(pinfo))
title = "Help page"
profile_page = WebProfilePage("help", title, no_cache=True)
content = TEMPLATE.tmpl_help_page()
body = profile_page.get_wrapped_body(content)
return page(title=title,
def export(self, req, form):
Generate JSONized export of Person data
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
@param form: GET/POST request params
@type form: dict
argd = wash_urlargd(
{'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'request': (str, None),
'userid': (str, None)})
return "500_json_not_found__install_package"
# session = get_session(req)
request = None
userid = None
if "userid" in argd and argd['userid']:
userid = argd['userid']
return "404_user_not_found"
if "request" in argd and argd['request']:
request = argd["request"]
# find user from ID
user_email = get_email_from_username(userid)
if user_email == userid:
return "404_user_not_found"
uid = get_uid_from_email(user_email)
uinfo = collect_user_info(uid)
# find person by uid
pid = webapi.get_pid_from_uid(uid)
# find papers py pid that are confirmed through a human.
papers = webapi.get_papers_by_person_id(pid, 2)
# filter by request param, e.g. arxiv
if not request:
return "404__no_filter_selected"
if not request in VALID_EXPORT_FILTERS:
return "500_filter_invalid"
if request == "arxiv":
query = "(recid:"
query += " OR recid:".join(papers)
query += ") AND 037:arxiv"
db_docs = perform_request_search(p=query, rg=0)
nickmail = ""
nickname = ""
db_arxiv_ids = []
nickname = uinfo["nickname"]
except KeyError:
if not nickname:
nickmail = uinfo["email"]
except KeyError:
nickmail = user_email
nickname = nickmail
db_arxiv_ids = get_fieldvalues(db_docs, "037__a")
construct = {"nickname": nickname,
"claims": ";".join(db_arxiv_ids)}
jsondmp = json.dumps(construct)
signature = webapi.sign_assertion("arXiv", jsondmp)
construct["digest"] = signature
return json.dumps(construct)
index = __call__
class WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDManageProfilePages(WebInterfaceDirectory):
_exports = ['',
def _lookup(self, component, path):
This handler parses dynamic URLs:
- /author/profile/1332 shows the page of author with id: 1332
- /author/profile/100:5522,1431 shows the page of the author
identified by the bibrefrec: '100:5522,1431'
if not component in self._exports:
return WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDManageProfilePages(component), path
def _is_profile_owner(self, pid):
return self.person_id == int(pid)
def _is_admin(self, pinfo):
return pinfo['ulevel'] == 'admin'
def __init__(self, identifier=None):
Constructor of the web interface.
@param identifier: identifier of an author. Can be one of:
- an author id: e.g. "14"
- a canonical id: e.g. "J.R.Ellis.1"
- a bibrefrec: e.g. "100:1442,155"
@type identifier: str
self.person_id = -1 # -1 is a non valid author identifier
if identifier is None or not isinstance(identifier, str):
self.original_identifier = identifier
# check if it's a canonical id: e.g. "J.R.Ellis.1"
pid = int(identifier)
except ValueError:
pid = int(webapi.get_person_id_from_canonical_id(identifier))
if pid >= 0:
self.person_id = pid
# check if it's an author id: e.g. "14"
pid = int(identifier)
if webapi.author_has_papers(pid):
self.person_id = pid
except ValueError:
# check if it's a bibrefrec: e.g. "100:1442,155"
if webapi.is_valid_bibref(identifier):
pid = int(webapi.get_person_id_from_paper(identifier))
if pid >= 0:
self.person_id = pid
def __call__(self, req, form):
Generate SSO landing/author management page
@param req: Apache request object
@type req: Apache request object
@param form: GET/POST request params
@type form: dict
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
ulevel = pinfo['ulevel']
person_id = self.person_id
uid = getUid(req)
pinfo['claim_in_process'] = True
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {
'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'verbose': (int, 0)})
debug = "verbose" in argd and argd["verbose"] > 0
ln = argd['ln']
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if not CFG_INSPIRE_SITE or self.person_id is None:
return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("This page is not accessible directly."))
if person_id < 0:
return self._error_page(req, message=("Identifier %s is not a valid person identifier or does not exist anymore!" % self.original_identifier))
# log the visit
webapi.history_log_visit(req, 'manage_profile', pid=person_id)
# store the arxiv papers the user owns
if uid > 0 and not pinfo['arxiv_status']:
uinfo = collect_user_info(req)
arxiv_papers = list()
if 'external_arxivids' in uinfo and uinfo['external_arxivids']:
arxiv_papers = uinfo['external_arxivids'].split(';')
if arxiv_papers:
webapi.add_arxiv_papers_to_author(arxiv_papers, person_id)
pinfo['arxiv_status'] = True
params = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages.get_params_to_check_login_info(session)
login_info = webapi.get_login_info(uid, params)
title_message = _('Profile management')
ssl_param = 0
if req.is_https():
ssl_param = 1
# Create Wrapper Page Markup
cname = webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(self.person_id)
if cname == self.person_id:
return page_not_authorized(req, text=_("This page is not accessible directly."))
menu = WebProfileMenu(cname, "manage_profile", ln, self._is_profile_owner(pinfo['pid']), self._is_admin(pinfo))
profile_page = WebProfilePage("manage_profile", webapi.get_longest_name_from_pid(self.person_id), no_cache=True)
gboxstatus = self.person_id
gpid = self.person_id
gNumOfWorkers = 3 # to do: read it from conf file
gReqTimeout = 3000
gPageTimeout = 12000
"other": "var gBOX_STATUS = '%s';var gPID = '%s'; var gNumOfWorkers= '%s'; var gReqTimeout= '%s'; var gPageTimeout= '%s';" % (gboxstatus, gpid, gNumOfWorkers, gReqTimeout, gPageTimeout),
"backbone": """
(function(ticketbox) {
var app =;
app.bodyModel.set({userLevel: "%s"});
})(ticketbox);""" % (WebInterfaceAuthorTicketHandling.bootstrap_status(pinfo, "user"), ulevel)
if debug:
user_pid = webapi.get_user_pid(login_info['uid'])
person_data = webapi.get_person_info_by_pid(person_id)
# proccess and collect data for every box [LEGACY]
arxiv_data = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._arxiv_box(req, login_info, person_id, user_pid)
orcid_data = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._orcid_box(arxiv_data['login'], person_id, user_pid, ulevel)
claim_paper_data = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._claim_paper_box(person_id)
support_data = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._support_box()
ext_ids_data = None
int_ids_data = None
if ulevel == 'admin':
ext_ids_data = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._external_ids_box(person_id, user_pid, ulevel)
int_ids_data = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._internal_ids_box(person_id, user_pid, ulevel)
autoclaim_data = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._autoclaim_papers_box(req, person_id, user_pid, login_info['logged_in_to_remote_systems'])
merge_data = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._merge_box(person_id)
hepnames_data = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages._hepnames_box(person_id)
content = ''
# display status for any previously attempted merge
if pinfo['merge_info_message']:
teaser_key, message = pinfo['merge_info_message']
content += TEMPLATE.tmpl_merge_transaction_box(teaser_key, [message])
pinfo['merge_info_message'] = None
session.dirty = True
content += TEMPLATE.tmpl_profile_management(ln, person_data, arxiv_data,
orcid_data, claim_paper_data,
int_ids_data, ext_ids_data,
autoclaim_data, support_data,
merge_data, hepnames_data)
body = profile_page.get_wrapped_body(content)
return page(title=title_message,
def import_orcid_pubs(self, req, form):
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
orcid_info = pinfo['orcid']
# author should have already an orcid if this method was triggered
orcid_id = get_orcid_id_of_author(pinfo['pid'])[0][0]
orcid_dois = get_dois_from_orcid(orcid_id)
# TODO: what to do in case some ORCID server error occurs?
if orcid_dois is None:
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/manage_profile/%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, pinfo['pid']))
# TODO: it would be smarter if:
# 1. we save in the db the orcid_dois
# 2. to expire only the external pubs box in the profile page
orcid_info['imported_pubs'] = orcid_dois
orcid_info['import_pubs'] = True
session.dirty = True
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/manage_profile/%s" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, pinfo['pid']))
def connect_author_with_hepname(self, req, form):
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'cname':(str, None),
'hepname': (str, None),
'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)})
ln = argd['ln']
if argd['cname'] is not None:
cname = argd['cname']
return self._error_page(req, ln, "Fatal: cannot associate a hepname without a person id.")
if argd['hepname'] is not None:
hepname = argd['hepname']
return self._error_page(req, ln, "Fatal: cannot associate an author with a non valid hepname.")
webapi.connect_author_with_hepname(cname, hepname)
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
last_visited_page = webapi.history_get_last_visited_url(pinfo['visit_diary'], just_page=True)
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/%s/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, last_visited_page, cname))
def connect_author_with_hepname_ajax(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
cname = json_data['cname']
hepname = json_data['hepname']
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
if not self._is_admin(pinfo):
webapi.connect_author_with_hepname(cname, hepname)
uid = getUid(req)
add_cname_to_hepname_record(cname, hepname, uid)
def suggest_orcid(self, req, form):
argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'orcid':(str, None),
'pid': (int, -1),
'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)})
ln = argd['ln']
if argd['pid'] > -1:
pid = argd['pid']
return self._error_page(req, ln, "Fatal: cannot associate an orcid without a person id.")
if argd['orcid'] is not None and is_valid_orcid(argd['orcid']):
orcid = argd['orcid']
return self._error_page(req, ln, "Fatal: cannot associate an author with a non valid ORCiD.")
webapi.connect_author_with_orcid(webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(pid), orcid)
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/manage_profile/%s" % (CFG_SITE_URL, pid))
def suggest_orcid_ajax(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
orcid = json_data['orcid']
pid = json_data['pid']
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
if not is_valid_orcid(orcid):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
webapi.connect_author_with_orcid(webapi.get_canonical_id_from_person_id(pid), orcid)
def _fail(self, req, code):
req.status = code
def _error_page(self, req, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, message=None, intro=True):
Create a page that contains a message explaining the error.
@param req: Apache Request Object
@type req: Apache Request Object
@param ln: language
@type ln: string
@param message: message to be displayed
@type message: string
body = []
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if not message:
message = "No further explanation available. Sorry."
if intro:
body.append(_("<p>We're sorry. An error occurred while "
"handling your request. Please find more information "
body.append("<p><strong>%s</strong></p>" % message)
return page(title=_("Notice"),
description="%s - Internal Error" % CFG_SITE_NAME,
keywords="%s, Internal Error" % CFG_SITE_NAME,
index = __call__
class WebInterfaceAuthorTicketHandling(WebInterfaceDirectory):
_exports = ['get_status',
def bootstrap_status(pinfo, on_ticket):
Function used for generating get_status json bootstrapping.
@param pinfo: person_info
@type req: dict
@param on_ticket: ticket target
@type on_ticket: str
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
author_ticketing = WebInterfaceAuthorTicketHandling()
ticket = author_ticketing._get_according_ticket(on_ticket, pinfo)
if ticket is None:
return "{}"
ticket_status = webapi.get_ticket_status(ticket)
return json.dumps(ticket_status)
def get_status(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
on_ticket = json_data['on']
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
ticket = self._get_according_ticket(on_ticket, pinfo)
if ticket is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
ticket_status = webapi.get_ticket_status(ticket)
session.dirty = True
req.content_type = 'application/json'
def update_status(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
on_ticket = json_data['on']
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
ticket = self._get_according_ticket(on_ticket, pinfo)
if ticket is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session.dirty = True
def add_operation(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
operation_parts = {'pid': int(json_data['pid']),
'action': json_data['action'],
'bibrefrec': json_data['bibrefrec']}
on_ticket = json_data['on']
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
uid = getUid(req)
operation_to_be_added = webapi.construct_operation(operation_parts, pinfo, uid)
if operation_to_be_added is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
ticket = self._get_according_ticket(on_ticket, pinfo)
if ticket is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
webapi.add_operation_to_ticket(operation_to_be_added, ticket)
session.dirty = True
def modify_operation(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
operation_parts = {'pid': int(json_data['pid']),
'action': json_data['action'],
'bibrefrec': json_data['bibrefrec']}
on_ticket = json_data['on']
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
uid = getUid(req)
operation_to_be_modified = webapi.construct_operation(operation_parts, pinfo, uid, should_have_bibref=False)
if operation_to_be_modified is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
ticket = self._get_according_ticket(on_ticket, pinfo)
if ticket is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
operation_is_modified = webapi.modify_operation_from_ticket(operation_to_be_modified, ticket)
if not operation_is_modified:
# Operation couldn't be modified because it doesn't exist in the
# ticket. Wrong parameters were given hence we should fail!
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session.dirty = True
def remove_operation(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
operation_parts = {'pid': int(json_data['pid']),
'action': json_data['action'],
'bibrefrec': json_data['bibrefrec']}
on_ticket = json_data['on']
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
uid = getUid(req)
operation_to_be_removed = webapi.construct_operation(operation_parts, pinfo, uid)
if operation_to_be_removed is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
ticket = self._get_according_ticket(on_ticket, pinfo)
if ticket is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
operation_is_removed = webapi.remove_operation_from_ticket(operation_to_be_removed, ticket)
if not operation_is_removed:
# Operation couldn't be removed because it doesn't exist in the
# ticket. Wrong parameters were given hence we should fail!
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session.dirty = True
def commit(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
additional_info = {'first_name': json_data.get('first_name',"Default"),
'last_name': json_data.get('last_name',"Default"),
'email': json_data.get('email',"Default"),
'comments': json_data['comments']}
on_ticket = json_data['on']
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
ulevel = pinfo['ulevel']
uid = getUid(req)
user_is_guest = isGuestUser(uid)
if not user_is_guest:
additional_info['first_name'] = session['user_info']['external_firstname']
additional_info['last_name'] = session['user_info']['external_familyname']
additional_info['email'] = session['user_info']['email']
except KeyError:
additional_info['first_name'] = additional_info['last_name'] = additional_info['email'] = str(uid)
ticket = self._get_according_ticket(on_ticket, pinfo)
if ticket is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
# When a guest is claiming we should not commit if he
# doesn't provide us his full personal information
strict_check = user_is_guest
userinfo = webapi.fill_out_userinfo(additional_info, uid, req.remote_ip, ulevel, strict_check=strict_check)
if userinfo is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
webapi.commit_operations_from_ticket(ticket, userinfo, uid, ulevel)
session.dirty = True
def abort(self, req, form):
Function used for handling Ajax requests.
@param req: apache request object
@type req: apache request object
@param form: parameters sent via Ajax request
@type form: dict
@rtype: json data
# Abort if the simplejson module isn't available
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "Json not available"
# Fail if no json data exists in the Ajax request
if not form.has_key('jsondata'):
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
on_ticket = json_data['on']
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
session = get_session(req)
pinfo = session['personinfo']
ticket = self._get_according_ticket(on_ticket, pinfo)
if ticket is None:
return self._fail(req, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
# When a user is claiming we should completely delete his ticket if he
# aborts the claiming procedure
delete_ticket = (on_ticket == 'user')
webapi.abort_ticket(ticket, delete_ticket=delete_ticket)
session.dirty = True
def _get_according_ticket(self, on_ticket, pinfo):
ticket = None
if on_ticket == 'user':
ticket = pinfo['ticket']
elif on_ticket == 'autoclaim':
ticket = pinfo['autoclaim']['ticket']
return ticket
def _fail(self, req, code):
req.status = code
class WebAuthorSearch(WebInterfaceDirectory):
Provides an interface to profile search using AJAX queries.
_exports = ['list',
# This class requires JSON libraries
assert CFG_JSON_AVAILABLE, "[WebAuthorSearch] JSON must be enabled."
class QueryPerson(WebInterfaceDirectory):
_exports = ['']
QUERY_REGEX = re.compile(r"[\w\s\.\-,@]+$", re.UNICODE)
def __init__(self, query=None):
self.query = query
def _lookup(self, component, path):
if component not in self._exports:
return WebAuthorSearch.QueryPerson(component), path
def __call__(self, req, form):
if self.query is None or len(self.query) < self.MIN_QUERY_LENGTH:
req.status = apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
return "Query too short"
if not self.QUERY_REGEX.match(self.query):
req.status = apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
return "Invalid query."
pid_results = [{"pid": pid[0]} for pid in webapi.search_person_ids_by_name(self.query)]
req.content_type = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(pid_results)
# Request for index handled by __call__
index = __call__
def _JSON_received(self, form):
return "jsondata" in form
except TypeError:
return False
def _extract_JSON(self, form):
json_data = json.loads(str(form['jsondata']))
json_data = json_unicode_to_utf8(json_data)
return json_data
except ValueError:
return None
def _get_pid_details(self, pid):
details = webapi.get_person_info_by_pid(pid)
"names": [{"name": x, "paperCount": y} for x, y in webapi.get_person_names_from_id(pid)],
"externalIds": [{x: y} for x, y in webapi.get_external_ids_from_person_id(pid).items()]
details['cname'] = details.pop("canonical_name", None)
return details
def details(self, req, form):
if self._JSON_received(form):
json_data = self._extract_JSON(form)
pids = json_data['pids']
req.content_type = 'application/json'
details = [self._get_pid_details(pid) for pid in pids]
return json.dumps(details)
except (TypeError, KeyError):
req.status = apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
return "Invalid query."
req.status = apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
return "Incorrect query format."
list = QueryPerson()
class WebInterfaceAuthor(WebInterfaceDirectory):
Handles /author/* pages.
Supplies the methods:
_exports = ['',
from invenio.webauthorprofile_webinterface import WebAuthorPages
claim = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDClaimPages()
profile = WebAuthorPages()
choose_profile = claim.choose_profile
help =
manage_profile = WebInterfaceBibAuthorIDManageProfilePages()
merge_profiles = claim.merge_profiles
search =
search_ajax = WebAuthorSearch()
ticket = WebInterfaceAuthorTicketHandling()
def _lookup(self, component, path):
if component not in self._exports:
return WebInterfaceAuthor(component), path
def __init__(self, component=None):
self.path = component
def __call__(self, req, form):
if self.path is None or len(self.path) < 1:
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/search" % CFG_BASE_URL)
# Check if canonical id: e.g. "J.R.Ellis.1"
pid = get_person_id_from_canonical_id(self.path)
if pid >= 0:
url = "%s/author/profile/%s" % (CFG_BASE_URL, get_person_redirect_link(pid))
redirect_to_url(req, url, redirection_type=apache.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY)
pid = int(self.path)
except ValueError:
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/search?q=%s" % (CFG_BASE_URL, urllib.quote(self.path)))
if author_has_papers(pid):
cid = get_person_redirect_link(pid)
if is_valid_canonical_id(cid):
redirect_id = cid
redirect_id = pid
url = "%s/author/profile/%s" % (CFG_BASE_URL, redirect_id)
redirect_to_url(req, url, redirection_type=apache.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY)
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/search" % CFG_BASE_URL)
index = __call__
class WebInterfacePerson(WebInterfaceDirectory):
Handles /person/* pages.
Supplies the methods:
_exports = ['welcome','update', 'you']
def welcome(self, req, form):
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/choose_profile" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL)
def you(self, req, form):
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/author/choose_profile" % CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL)
def update(self, req, form):
Generate hepnames update form
argd = wash_urlargd(form,
{'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG),
'email': (str, ''),
'IRN': (str, ''),
# Retrieve info for HEP name based on email or IRN
recids = []
if argd['email']:
recids = perform_request_search(p="371__m:%s" % argd['email'], cc="HepNames")
elif argd['IRN']:
recids = perform_request_search(p="001:%s" % argd['IRN'], cc="HepNames")
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/collection/HepNames" % (CFG_SITE_URL))
if not recids:
redirect_to_url(req, "%s/collection/HepNames" % (CFG_SITE_URL))
hepname_bibrec = get_bibrecord(recids[0])
# Extract all info from recid that should be included in the form
full_name = record_get_field_value(hepname_bibrec, tag="100", ind1="", ind2="", code="a")
display_name = record_get_field_value(hepname_bibrec, tag="880", ind1="", ind2="", code="a")
email = record_get_field_value(hepname_bibrec, tag="371", ind1="", ind2="", code="m")
status = record_get_field_value(hepname_bibrec, tag="100", ind1="", ind2="", code="g")
keynumber = record_get_field_value(hepname_bibrec, tag="970", ind1="", ind2="", code="a")
keynumber = keynumber.split('-')[1]
except IndexError:
research_field_list = record_get_field_values(hepname_bibrec, tag="650", ind1="1", ind2="7", code="a")
institution_list = []
for instance in record_get_field_instances(hepname_bibrec, tag="371", ind1="", ind2=""):
if not instance or field_get_subfield_values(instance, "m"):
institution_info = ["", "", "", "", ""]
if field_get_subfield_values(instance, "a"):
institution_info[0] = field_get_subfield_values(instance, "a")[0]
if field_get_subfield_values(instance, "r"):
institution_info[1] = field_get_subfield_values(instance, "r")[0]
if field_get_subfield_values(instance, "s"):
institution_info[2] = field_get_subfield_values(instance, "s")[0]
if field_get_subfield_values(instance, "t"):
institution_info[3] = field_get_subfield_values(instance, "t")[0]
if field_get_subfield_values(instance, "z"):
institution_info[4] = field_get_subfield_values(instance, "z")[0]
phd_advisor_list = record_get_field_values(hepname_bibrec, tag="701", ind1="", ind2="", code="a")
experiment_list = record_get_field_values(hepname_bibrec, tag="693", ind1="", ind2="", code="e")
web_page = record_get_field_value(hepname_bibrec, tag="856", ind1="1", ind2="", code="u")
# Create form and pass as parameters all the content from the record
body = TEMPLATE.tmpl_update_hep_name(full_name, display_name, email,
status, research_field_list,
institution_list, phd_advisor_list,
experiment_list, web_page)
title = "HEPNames"
return page(title=title,
metaheaderadd = TEMPLATE.tmpl_update_hep_name_headers(),
# pylint: enable=C0301
# pylint: enable=W0613

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