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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import bibauthorid_config as bconfig
from itertools import izip, starmap
from operator import mul
from bibauthorid_backinterface import Bib_matrix
from bibauthorid_general_utils import update_status \
, update_status_final \
, bibauthor_print \
, wedge_print
from bibauthorid_prob_matrix import ProbabilityMatrix
import numpy
import gc
eps = 0.001
# The lower bound of the edges being processed by the wedge algorithm.
edge_cut_prob = bconfig.WEDGE_THRESHOLD / 2
def wedge(cluster_set):
matr = ProbabilityMatrix()
convert_cluster_set(cluster_set, matr)
del matr # be sure that this is the last reference!
if bconfig.DEBUG_CHECKS:
assert cluster_set._debug_test_hate_relation()
assert cluster_set._debug_duplicated_recs()
def do_wedge(cluster_set, deep_debug=False):
Rearranges the cluster_set acoarding to be values in the probability_matrix.
The deep debug option will produce a lot of output. Avoid using it with more
than 20 bibs in the cluster set.
def decide(cl1, cl2):
score1 = compare_to(cl1, cl2)
score2 = compare_to(cl2, cl1)
return compare_to_final_bounds(score1, score2)
def compare_to(cl1, cl2):
pointers = [cl1.out_edges[v] for v in cl2.bibs]
assert pointers, "Wedge: no edges between clusters!"
vals, probs = zip(*pointers)
avg = sum(vals) / len(vals)
if avg > eps:
nvals = ((val / avg) ** prob for val, prob in pointers)
return 0
coeff = gini(nvals)
weight = sum(starmap(mul, pointers)) / sum(probs)
wedge_print("Wedge: Decide: vals = %s, probs = %s" % (str(vals), str(probs)))
wedge_print("Wedge: Decide: coeff = %f, weight = %f" % (coeff, weight))
return coeff * weight
def gini(arr):
arr = sorted(arr, reverse=True)
dividend = sum(starmap(mul, izip(arr, xrange(1, 2 * len(arr), 2))))
divisor = len(arr) * sum(arr)
return float(dividend) / divisor
def compare_to_final_bounds(score1, score2):
return score1 + score2 > bconfig.WEDGE_THRESHOLD
def edge_sorting(edge):
probability + certainty / 10
return edge[2][0] + edge[2][1] / 10.
bib_map = create_bib_2_cluster_dict(cluster_set)
plus_edges, minus_edges, edges = group_edges(cluster_set)
for i, (bib1, bib2) in enumerate(plus_edges):
update_status(float(i) / len(plus_edges), "Agglomerating obvious clusters...")
cl1 = bib_map[bib1]
cl2 = bib_map[bib2]
if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
join(cl1, cl2)
for v in cl2.bibs:
bib_map[v] = cl1
update_status_final("Agglomerating obvious clusters done.")
for i, (bib1, bib2) in enumerate(minus_edges):
update_status(float(i) / len(minus_edges), "Dividing obvious clusters...")
cl1 = bib_map[bib1]
cl2 = bib_map[bib2]
if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
update_status_final("Dividing obvious clusters done.")
bibauthor_print("Sorting the value edges.")
edges = sorted(edges, key=edge_sorting, reverse=True)
interval = 1000
wedge_print("Wedge: New wedge, %d edges." % len(edges))
for current, (v1, v2, unused) in enumerate(edges):
if (current % interval) == 0:
update_status(float(current) / len(edges), "Wedge...")
assert unused != '+' and unused != '-', "Signed edge after filter!"
wedge_print("Wedge: poped new edge: Verts = %s, %s Value = (%f, %f)" % (v1, v2, unused[0], unused[1]))
cl1 = bib_map[v1]
cl2 = bib_map[v2]
if cl1 != cl2 and not cl1.hates(cl2):
if deep_debug:
export_to_dot(cluster_set, "/tmp/" % (cluster_set.last_name, current), bib_map, (v1, v2, unused))
if decide(cl1, cl2):
wedge_print("Wedge: Joined!")
join(cl1, cl2)
for v in cl2.bibs:
bib_map[v] = cl1
wedge_print("Wedge: Quarreled!")
elif cl1 == cl2:
wedge_print("Wedge: Clusters already joined!")
wedge_print("Wedge: Clusters hate each other!")
update_status_final("Wedge done.")
if deep_debug:
export_to_dot(cluster_set, "/tmp/" % cluster_set.last_name, bib_map)
def meld_edges(p1, p2):
Creates one out_edges set from two.
The operation is associative and commutative.
The objects are: (out_edges for in a cluster, number of vertices in the same cluster)
out_edges1, verts1 = p1
out_edges2, verts2 = p2
vsum = verts1 + verts2
invsum = 1. / vsum
#special_numbers = Bib_matrix.special_numbers #local reference optimization
def median(e1, e2):
#dirty optimization, should check if value is in dictionary instead
# if e1[0] in special_numbers: return e1
# if e2[0] in special_numbers: return e2
if e1[0] < 0:
return e1
if e2[0] < 0:
return e2
i1 = e1[1] * verts1
i2 = e2[1] * verts2
inter_cert = i1 + i2
inter_prob = e1[0] * i1 + e2[0] * i2
return (inter_prob / inter_cert, inter_cert * invsum)
assert len(out_edges1) == len(out_edges2), "Invalid arguments for meld edges"
size = len(out_edges1)
result = numpy.ndarray(shape=(size, 2), dtype=float, order='C')
for i in xrange(size):
result[i] = median(out_edges1[i], out_edges2[i])
return (result, verts1 + verts2)
def convert_cluster_set(cs, prob_matr):
Convertes a normal cluster set to a wedge clsuter set.
@param cs: a cluster set to be converted
@param type: cluster set
@return: a mapping from a number to a bibrefrec.
# step 1:
# + Assign a number to each bibrefrec.
# + Replace the arrays of bibrefrecs with arrays of numbers.
# + Store the result and prepare it to be returned.
result_mapping = []
for clus in cs.clusters:
start = len(result_mapping)
result_mapping += list(clus.bibs)
end = len(result_mapping)
clus.bibs = range(start, end)
assert len(result_mapping) == len(set(result_mapping)), "Cluster set conversion failed"
assert len(result_mapping) == cs.num_all_bibs, "Cluster set conversion failed"
cs.new2old = result_mapping
# step 2:
# + Using the prob matrix create a vector values to all other bibs.
# + Meld those vectors into one for each cluster.
special_symbols = Bib_matrix.special_symbols #locality optimization
for current, c1 in enumerate(cs.clusters):
update_status(float(current) / len(cs.clusters), "Converting the cluster set...")
assert len(c1.bibs) > 0, "Empty cluster send to wedge"
pointers = []
for v1 in c1.bibs:
pointer = numpy.ndarray(shape=(len(result_mapping), 2), dtype=float, order='C')
rm = result_mapping[v1] #locality optimization
for c2 in cs.clusters:
if c1 != c2 and not c1.hates(c2):
for v2 in c2.bibs:
val = prob_matr[rm, result_mapping[v2]]
numb = special_symbols[val]
val = (numb, numb)
except KeyError:
assert len(val) == 2, "Edge coding failed"
pointer[v2] = val
pointers.append((pointer, 1))
c1.out_edges = reduce(meld_edges, pointers)[0]
update_status_final("Converting the cluster set done.")
def restore_cluster_set(cs):
for cl in cs.clusters:
cl.bibs = set(cs.new2old[b] for b in cl.bibs)
del cl.out_edges
def create_bib_2_cluster_dict(cs):
Creates and returns a dictionary bibrefrec -> cluster.
The cluster set must be converted!
size = sum(len(cl.bibs) for cl in cs.clusters)
ret = range(size)
for cl in cs.clusters:
for bib in cl.bibs:
ret[bib] = cl
return ret
def group_edges(cs):
plus = []
minus = []
pairs = []
for current, cl1 in enumerate(cs.clusters):
update_status(float(current) / len(cs.clusters), "Grouping all edges...")
bib1 = tuple(cl1.bibs)[0]
pointers = cl1.out_edges
for bib2 in xrange(len(cl1.out_edges)):
val = pointers[bib2]
if val[0] not in Bib_matrix.special_numbers:
if val[0] > edge_cut_prob:
pairs.append((bib1, bib2, val))
elif val[0] == Bib_matrix.special_symbols['+']:
plus.append((bib1, bib2))
elif val[0] == Bib_matrix.special_symbols['-']:
minus.append((bib1, bib2))
assert val[0] == Bib_matrix.special_symbols[None], "Invalid Edge"
update_status_final("Finished with the edge grouping.")
bibauthor_print("Positive edges: %d, Negative edges: %d, Value edges: %d."
% (len(plus), len(minus), len(pairs)))
return plus, minus, pairs
def join(cl1, cl2):
Joins two clusters from a cluster set in the first.
cl1.out_edges = meld_edges((cl1.out_edges, len(cl1.bibs)),
(cl2.out_edges, len(cl2.bibs)))[0]
cl1.bibs += cl2.bibs
assert not cl1.hates(cl1), "Joining hateful clusters"
assert not cl2.hates(cl2), "Joining hateful clusters"
cl1.hate |= cl2.hate
for cl in cl2.hate:
def export_to_dot(cs, fname, graph_info, extra_edge=None):
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_name_by_bibrecref
fptr = open(fname, "w")
fptr.write("graph wedgy {\n")
fptr.write(" overlap=prism\n")
for idx, bib in enumerate(graph_info):
fptr.write(' %d [color=black label="%s"];\n' % (idx, get_name_by_bibrecref(idx)))
if extra_edge:
v1, v2, (prob, cert) = extra_edge
fptr.write(' %d -- %d [color=green label="p: %.2f, c: %.2f"];\n' % (v1, v2, prob, cert))
for clus in cs.clusters:
fptr.write(" %s [color=blue];\n" % " -- ".join(str(x) for x in clus.bibs))
fptr.write("".join(" %d -- %d [color=red]\n" % (b1, b2)
for b1 in clus.bibs for h in clus.hate for b2 in h.bibs))

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