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## Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Invenio Multiple Record Editor Engine.
Every action related to record modification is performed
by specific class (successor of some of the commands).
Every of these classes is designed to perform specific action.
The engine itself receives a list of this classes and after retrieving
the records, asks the commands to perform their changes. This way the
engine itself is independent of the actions for modification of the records.
When we need to perform a new action on the records, we define a new command
and take care to pass it to the engine.
Subfield commands represent the actions performed on the subfields
of the record. The interface of these commands is defined in their
base class.
__revision__ = "$Id"
import subprocess
from invenio import search_engine
from invenio import bibrecord
from invenio import bibformat
from time import strftime
from invenio.bibtask import task_low_level_submission
from invenio.webuser import collect_user_info, isUserSuperAdmin
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio import xmlmarc2textmarc as xmlmarc2textmarc
from invenio.bibedit_utils import record_locked_by_queue
from invenio import template
multiedit_templates = template.load('bibeditmulti')
# base command for subfields
class BaseSubfieldCommand:
"""Base class for commands manipulating subfields"""
def __init__(self, subfield, value = "", new_value = "", condition = "", condition_exact_match=True, condition_subfield = ""):
self._subfield = subfield
self._value = value
self._new_value = new_value
self._condition = condition
self._condition_subfield = condition_subfield
self._condition_exact_match = condition_exact_match
self._modifications = 0
def process_field(self, record, tag, field_number):
"""Make changes to a record.
By default this method is empty.
Every specific command provides its own implementation"""
def _subfield_condition_match(self, subfield_value):
"""Check if the condition is met for the given subfield value
in order to act only on certain subfields
@return True if condition match, False if condition does not match
if self._condition_exact_match:
# exact matching
if self._condition == subfield_value:
return True
# partial matching
if self._condition in subfield_value:
return True
return False
def _perform_on_all_matching_subfields(self, record, tag, field_number, callback):
"""Perform an action on all subfields of a given field matching
the subfield represented by the current command.
e.g. change the value of all subfields 'a' in a given field
This method is necessary because in order to make changes in the
subfields of a given field you always have to iterate through all
of them. This is repetition of code is extracted in this method.
@param record: record structure representing record to be modified
@param tag: the tag used to identify the field
@param field_number: field number used to identify the field
@param callback: callback method that will be called to
perform an action on the subfield.
This callback should accept the following parameters:
record, tag, field_number, subfield_index
if tag not in record.keys():
for field in record[tag]:
if field[4] == field_number:
subfield_index = 0
for subfield in field[0]:
if self._condition != 'condition':
# only modify subfields that match the condition
if subfield[0] == self._subfield:
for subfield in field[0]:
if self._condition_subfield == subfield[0]:
if self._subfield_condition_match(subfield[1]):
callback(record, tag, field_number, subfield_index)
elif subfield[0] == self._subfield:
callback(record, tag, field_number, subfield_index)
subfield_index = subfield_index+1
def _add_subfield_modification(self):
"""Keep a record of the number of modifications made to subfields"""
self._modifications += 1
# specific commands for subfields
class AddSubfieldCommand(BaseSubfieldCommand):
"""Add subfield to a given field"""
def _perform_on_all_matching_subfields_add_subfield(self, record, tag, field_number, callback):
if tag not in record.keys():
for field in record[tag]:
if field[4] == field_number:
for subfield in field[0]:
if self._condition_subfield == subfield[0]:
if self._subfield_condition_match(subfield[1]):
callback(record, tag, field_number, None)
def process_field(self, record, tag, field_number):
"""@see: BaseSubfieldCommand.process_field"""
action = lambda record, tag, field_number, subfield_index: \
bibrecord.record_add_subfield_into(record, tag,
self._subfield, self._value,
if self._condition != 'condition':
self._perform_on_all_matching_subfields_add_subfield(record, tag,
field_number, action)
action(record, tag, field_number, None)
class DeleteSubfieldCommand(BaseSubfieldCommand):
"""Delete subfield from a given field"""
def process_field(self, record, tag, field_number):
"""@see: BaseSubfieldCommand.process_field"""
action = lambda record, tag, field_number, subfield_index: \
bibrecord.record_delete_subfield_from(record, tag,
self._perform_on_all_matching_subfields(record, tag,
field_number, action)
class ReplaceSubfieldContentCommand(BaseSubfieldCommand):
"""Replace content of subfield in a given field"""
def process_field(self, record, tag, field_number):
"""@see: BaseSubfieldCommand.process_field"""
action = lambda record, tag, field_number, subfield_index: \
bibrecord.record_modify_subfield(record, tag,
class ReplaceTextInSubfieldCommand(BaseSubfieldCommand):
"""Replace text in content of subfield of a given field"""
def process_field(self, record, tag, field_number):
"""@see: BaseSubfieldCommand.process_field"""
def replace_text(record, tag, field_number, subfield_index):
"""Method for replacing the text, performed on
all the matching fields."""
#get the field value
field_value = ""
for field in record[tag]:
if field[4] == field_number:
subfields = field[0]
(field_code, field_value) = subfields[subfield_index]
#replace text
new_value = field_value.replace(self._value, self._new_value)
#update the subfield if needed
if new_value != field_value:
bibrecord.record_modify_subfield(record, tag,
self._subfield, new_value,
#No modification ocurred, update modification counter
self._modifications -= 1
Field commands represent the actions performed on the fields
of the record. The interface of these commands is defined in their
base class.
In general the changes related to field's subfields are handled by subfield
commands, that are passed to the field command.
# base command for fields
class BaseFieldCommand:
"""Base class for commands manipulating record fields"""
def __init__(self, tag, ind1, ind2, subfield_commands):
self._tag = tag
self._ind1 = ind1
self._ind2 = ind2
self._subfield_commands = subfield_commands
self._modifications = 0
def process_record(self, record):
"""Make changes to a record.
By default this method is empty.
Every specific command provides its own implementation"""
def _apply_subfield_commands_to_field(self, record, field_number):
"""Applies all subfield commands to a given field"""
field_modified = False
for subfield_command in self._subfield_commands:
current_modifications = subfield_command._modifications
subfield_command.process_field(record, self._tag, field_number)
if subfield_command._modifications > current_modifications:
field_modified = True
if field_modified:
self._modifications += 1
# specific commands for fields
class AddFieldCommand(BaseFieldCommand):
"""Deletes given fields from a record"""
def process_record(self, record):
"""@see: BaseFieldCommand.process_record"""
# if the tag is empty, we don't make any changes
if self._tag == "" or self._tag == None:
field_number = bibrecord.record_add_field(record, self._tag,
self._ind1, self._ind2)
self._apply_subfield_commands_to_field(record, field_number)
class DeleteFieldCommand(BaseFieldCommand):
"""Deletes given fields from a record"""
def __init__(self, tag, ind1, ind2, subfield_commands, conditionSubfield="", condition="", condition_exact_match=True):
BaseFieldCommand.__init__(self, tag, ind1, ind2, subfield_commands)
self._conditionSubfield = conditionSubfield
self._condition = condition
self._condition_exact_match = condition_exact_match
def _delete_field_condition(self, record):
"""Checks if a subfield meets the condition for the
field to be deleted
for field in record[self._tag]:
for subfield in field[0]:
if subfield[0] == self._conditionSubfield:
if self._condition_exact_match:
if self._condition == subfield[1]:
bibrecord.record_delete_field(record, self._tag, self._ind1, self._ind2, field_position_global=field[4])
self._modifications += 1
if self._condition in subfield[1]:
bibrecord.record_delete_field(record, self._tag, self._ind1, self._ind2, field_position_global=field[4])
self._modifications += 1
except KeyError:
def process_record(self, record):
"""@see: BaseFieldCommand.process_record"""
if self._condition:
bibrecord.record_delete_field(record, self._tag, self._ind1, self._ind2)
self._modifications += 1
class UpdateFieldCommand(BaseFieldCommand):
"""Deletes given fields from a record"""
def process_record(self, record):
"""@see: BaseFieldCommand.process_record"""
# if the tag is empty, we don't make any changes
if self._tag == "" or self._tag == None:
matching_field_instances = \
bibrecord.record_get_field_instances(record, self._tag,
self._ind1, self._ind2)
for current_field in matching_field_instances:
self._apply_subfield_commands_to_field(record, current_field[4])
def perform_request_index(language):
"""Creates the page of MultiEdit
@param language: language of the page
collections = ["Any collection"]
collections.extend([collection[0] for collection in run_sql('SELECT name FROM collection')])
return multiedit_templates.page_contents(language=language, collections=collections)
def get_scripts():
"""Returns JavaScripts that have to be
imported in the page"""
return multiedit_templates.scripts()
def get_css():
"""Returns the local CSS for the pages."""
return multiedit_templates.styles()
def perform_request_detailed_record(record_id, update_commands, output_format, language):
@param record_id: the identifier of the record
@param update_commands: list of commands used to update record contents
@param output_format: specifies the output format as expected from bibformat
@param language: language of the page
response = {}
record_content = _get_formated_record(record_id=record_id,
update_commands = update_commands,
response['search_html'] = multiedit_templates.detailed_record(record_content, language)
return response
def perform_request_test_search(search_criteria, update_commands, output_format, page_to_display,
language, outputTags, collection="", compute_modifications=0,
"""Returns the results of a test search.
@param search_criteria: search criteria used in the test search
@type search_criteria: string
@param update_commands: list of commands used to update record contents
@type update_commands: list of objects
@param output_format: specifies the output format as expected from bibformat
@type output_format: string (hm, hb, hd, xm, xn, hx)
@param page_to_display: the number of the page that should be displayed to the user
@type page_to_display: int
@param language: the language used to format the content
@param outputTags: list of tags to be displayed in search results
@type outputTags: list of strings
@param collection: collection to be filtered in the results
@type collection: string
@param compute_modifications: if equals 0 do not compute else compute modifications
@type compute_modifications: int
response = {}
if collection == "Any collection":
collection = ""
record_IDs = search_engine.perform_request_search(p=search_criteria, c=collection)
number_of_records = len(record_IDs)
if page_to_display < 1:
page_to_display = 1
last_page_number = number_of_records/RECORDS_PER_PAGE+1
if page_to_display > last_page_number:
page_to_display = last_page_number
first_record_to_display = RECORDS_PER_PAGE * (page_to_display - 1)
last_record_to_display = (RECORDS_PER_PAGE*page_to_display) - 1
if not compute_modifications:
record_IDs = record_IDs[first_record_to_display:last_record_to_display + 1]
records_content = []
record_modifications = 0
locked_records = []
for record_id in record_IDs:
if upload_mode == '-r' and record_locked_by_queue(record_id):
current_modifications = [current_command._modifications for current_command in update_commands]
formated_record = _get_formated_record(record_id=record_id,
update_commands = update_commands,
language=language, outputTags=outputTags)
new_modifications = [current_command._modifications for current_command in update_commands]
if new_modifications > current_modifications:
record_modifications += 1
records_content.append((record_id, formated_record))
total_modifications = []
if compute_modifications:
field_modifications = 0
subfield_modifications = 0
for current_command in update_commands:
field_modifications += current_command._modifications
for subfield_command in current_command._subfield_commands:
subfield_modifications += subfield_command._modifications
if record_modifications:
records_content = records_content[first_record_to_display:last_record_to_display + 1]
response['display_info_box'] = compute_modifications or locked_records
response['info_html'] = multiedit_templates.info_box(language = language,
total_modifications = total_modifications)
if locked_records:
response['info_html'] += multiedit_templates.tmpl_locked_record_list(language = language,
locked_records = locked_records)
response['search_html'] = multiedit_templates.search_results(records = records_content,
number_of_records = number_of_records,
current_page = page_to_display,
records_per_page = RECORDS_PER_PAGE,
language = language,
return response
def perform_request_submit_changes(search_criteria, update_commands, language, upload_mode, tag_list, collection, req):
"""Submits changes for upload into database.
@param search_criteria: search criteria used in the test search
@param update_commands: list of commands used to update record contents
@param language: the language used to format the content
response = {}
status, file_path = _submit_changes_to_bibupload(search_criteria, update_commands, upload_mode, tag_list, collection, req)
response['search_html'] = multiedit_templates.changes_applied(status, file_path)
return response
def _get_record_diff(record_textmarc, updated_record_textmarc, outputTags, record_id):
Use difflib library to compare the old record with the modified version and
return the output for Multiedit interface
@param record_textmarc: original record textmarc representation
@type record_textmarc: string
@param updated_record_textmarc: updated record textmarc representation
@type updated_record_textmarc: string
@param outputTags: tags to be filtered while printing output
@type outputTags: list
@return: content to be displayed on Multiedit interface for this record
@rtype: string
import difflib
differ = difflib.Differ()
filter_tags = "All tags" not in outputTags and outputTags
result = ["<pre>"]
for line in, updated_record_textmarc.splitlines()):
if line[0] == ' ':
if not filter_tags or line.split()[0].replace('_', '') in outputTags:
result.append("%09d " % record_id + line.strip())
elif line[0] == '-':
# Mark as deleted
if not filter_tags or line.split()[1].replace('_', '') in outputTags:
result.append('<strong class="multiedit_field_deleted">' + "%09d " % record_id + line[2:].strip() + "</strong>")
elif line[0] == '+':
# Mark as added/modified
if not filter_tags or line.split()[1].replace('_', '') in outputTags:
result.append('<strong class="multiedit_field_modified">' + "%09d " % record_id + line[2:].strip() + "</strong>")
return '\n'.join(result)
def _get_formated_record(record_id, output_format, update_commands, language, outputTags=""):
"""Returns a record in a given format
@param record_id: the ID of record to format
@param output_format: an output format code (or short identifier for the output format)
@param update_commands: list of commands used to update record contents
@param language: the language to use to format the record
if update_commands:
# Modify te bibrecord object with the appropriate actions
updated_record = _get_updated_record(record_id, update_commands)
textmarc_options = {"aleph-marc":0, "correct-mode":1, "append-mode":0,
"delete-mode":0, "insert-mode":0, "replace-mode":0,
old_record = search_engine.get_record(recid=record_id)
old_record_textmarc = xmlmarc2textmarc.create_marc_record(old_record, sysno="", options=textmarc_options)
if "hm" == output_format:
if update_commands:
updated_record_textmarc = xmlmarc2textmarc.create_marc_record(updated_record, sysno="", options=textmarc_options)
result = _get_record_diff(old_record_textmarc, updated_record_textmarc, outputTags, record_id)
filter_tags = "All tags" not in outputTags and outputTags
result = ['<pre>']
for line in old_record_textmarc.splitlines()[:-1]:
if not filter_tags or line.split()[0].replace('_', '') in outputTags:
result.append("%09d " % record_id + line.strip())
result = '\n'.join(result)
if update_commands:
# No coloring of modifications in this case
xml_record = bibrecord.record_xml_output(updated_record)
xml_record = bibrecord.record_xml_output(old_record)
result = bibformat.format_record(recID=None,
return result
# FIXME: Remove this method as soon as the formatting for MARC is
# implemented in bibformat
def _create_marc(records_xml):
"""Creates MARC from MARCXML.
@param records_xml: MARCXML containing information about the records
@return: string containing information about the records
in MARC format
aleph_marc_output = ""
records = bibrecord.create_records(records_xml)
for (record, status_code, list_of_errors) in records:
sysno = ""
options = {"aleph-marc":0, "correct-mode":1, "append-mode":0,
"delete-mode":0, "insert-mode":0, "replace-mode":0,
aleph_record = xmlmarc2textmarc.create_marc_record(record,
aleph_marc_output += aleph_record
return aleph_marc_output
def _submit_changes_to_bibupload(search_criteria, update_commands, upload_mode, tag_list, collection, req):
"""This methods takes care of submitting the changes to the server
through bibupload.
@param search_criteria: the search criteria used for filtering the
records. The changes will be applied to all the records matching
the criteria
@param update_commands: the commands defining the changes. These
commands perform the necessary changes before the records are submitted
if collection == "Any collection":
collection = ""
record_IDs = search_engine.perform_request_search(p=search_criteria, c=collection)
num_records = len(record_IDs)
updated_records = []
for current_id in record_IDs:
current_updated_record = _get_updated_record(current_id, update_commands)
file_path = _get_file_path_for_bibupload()
_save_records_xml(updated_records, file_path, upload_mode, tag_list)
return _upload_file_with_bibupload(file_path, upload_mode, num_records, req)
def _get_updated_record(record_id, update_commands):
"""Applies all the changes specified by the commands
to record identified by record_id and returns resulting record
@param record_id: identifier of the record that will be updated
@param update_commands: list of commands used to update record contents
@return: updated record structure"""
record = search_engine.get_record(recid=record_id)
for current_command in update_commands:
return record
def _upload_file_with_bibupload(file_path, upload_mode, num_records, req):
Uploads file with bibupload
@param file_path: path to the file where the XML will be saved.
@param upload_mode: -c for correct or -r for replace
@return tuple formed by status of the upload:
0-changes to be made instantly
1-changes to be made only in limited hours
2-user is superadmin. Changes made in limited hours
3-no rights to upload
and the upload file path
task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'multiedit', '-P', '5', upload_mode, '%s' % file_path)
return (0, file_path)
task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'multiedit', '-P', '5', upload_mode, '-L', CFG_BIBEDITMULTI_LIMIT_DELAYED_PROCESSING_TIME,'%s' % file_path)
return (1, file_path)
user_info = collect_user_info(req)
if isUserSuperAdmin(user_info):
task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'multiedit', '-P', '5', upload_mode, '-L', CFG_BIBEDITMULTI_LIMIT_DELAYED_PROCESSING_TIME, '%s' % file_path)
return (2, file_path)
return (3, file_path)
def _get_file_path_for_bibupload():
"""Returns file path for saving a file for bibupload """
current_time = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
return "%s/%s_%s%s" % (CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR, "multiedit", current_time, ".xml")
def _save_records_xml(records, file_path, upload_mode, tag_list):
"""Saves records in a file in XML format
@param records: list of records (record structures)
@param file_path: path to the file where the XML will be saved."""
output_file = None
output_file = open(file_path, "w")
if upload_mode == "-c":
for record in records:
for tag in record.keys():
if tag not in tag_list:
records_xml = bibrecord.print_recs(records)
if not output_file is None:

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