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## -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8; -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Call BibFormat engine and create HTML brief (and other) formats cache for
bibliographic records."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import sys
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio.config import \
from invenio.intbitset import intbitset
from invenio.search_engine import perform_request_search, search_pattern
from invenio.search_engine import print_record
from invenio.bibrank_citation_searcher import get_cited_by
from invenio.bibrank_citation_indexer import get_bibrankmethod_lastupdate
from invenio.bibformat import format_record
from invenio.bibformat_config import CFG_BIBFORMAT_USE_OLD_BIBFORMAT
from invenio.shellutils import split_cli_ids_arg
from invenio.bibtask import task_init, write_message, task_set_option, \
task_get_option, task_update_progress, task_has_option, \
task_low_level_submission, task_sleep_now_if_required, \
import os
import time
import zlib
from datetime import datetime
except ImportError, e:
print "Error: %s" % e
def fetch_last_updated(format):
select_sql = "SELECT last_updated FROM format WHERE code = %s"
row = run_sql(select_sql, (format.lower(), ))
# Fallback in case we receive None instead of a valid date
last_date = row[0][0] or datetime(year=1900, month=1, day=1)
return last_date
def store_last_updated(format, update_date):
sql = "UPDATE format SET last_updated = %s " \
"WHERE code = %s AND (last_updated < %s or last_updated IS NULL)"
iso_date = update_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
run_sql(sql, (iso_date, format.lower(), iso_date))
### run the bibreformat task bibsched scheduled
def bibreformat_task(fmt, sql, sql_queries, cds_query, process_format, process, recids):
BibReformat main task
@param fmt: output format to use
@param sql: dictionary with pre-created sql queries for various cases (for selecting records). Some of these queries will be picked depending on the case
@param sql_queries: a list of sql queries to be executed to select records to reformat.
@param cds_query: a search query to be executed to select records to reformat
@param process_format:
@param process:
@param recids: a list of record IDs to reformat
@return: None
write_message("Processing format %s" % fmt)
t1 = os.times()[4]
start_date =
### Query the database
task_update_progress('Fetching records to process')
if process_format: # '-without' parameter
write_message("Querying database for records without cache...")
without_format = without_fmt(sql)
recIDs = intbitset(recids)
if cds_query['field'] != "" or \
cds_query['collection'] != "" or \
cds_query['pattern'] != "":
write_message("Querying database (CDS query)...")
if cds_query['collection'] == "":
# use search_pattern() whenever possible, as it can search
# even in private collections
res = search_pattern(p=cds_query['pattern'],
# use perform_request_search when '-c' argument has been
# defined, as it is not supported by search_pattern()
res = intbitset(perform_request_search(req=None, of='id',
recIDs |= res
for sql_query in sql_queries:
write_message("Querying database (%s) ..." % sql_query, verbose=2)
recIDs |= intbitset(run_sql(sql_query))
if fmt == "HDREF" and recIDs:
# HDREF represents the references tab
# the tab needs to be recomputed not only when the record changes
# but also when one of the citations changes
latest_bibrank_run = get_bibrankmethod_lastupdate('citation')
sql = """SELECT id, modification_date FROM bibrec
WHERE id in (%s)""" % ','.join(str(r) for r in recIDs)
def check_date(mod_date):
return mod_date < latest_bibrank_run
recIDs = intbitset([recid for recid, mod_date in run_sql(sql) \
if check_date(mod_date)])
for r in recIDs:
recIDs |= intbitset(get_cited_by(r))
### list of corresponding record IDs was retrieved
### now format the selected records
if process_format:
write_message("Records to be processed: %d" % (len(recIDs) \
+ len(without_format)))
write_message("Out of it records without existing cache: %d" % len(without_format))
write_message("Records to be processed: %d" % (len(recIDs)))
### Initialize main loop
total_rec = 0 # Total number of records
tbibformat = 0 # time taken up by external call
tbibupload = 0 # time taken up by external call
### Iterate over all records prepared in lists I (option)
if process:
# when migration from php to
# python bibformat is done
(total_rec_1, tbibformat_1, tbibupload_1) = iterate_over_old(recIDs,
(total_rec_1, tbibformat_1, tbibupload_1) = iterate_over_new(recIDs,
total_rec += total_rec_1
tbibformat += tbibformat_1
tbibupload += tbibupload_1
### Iterate over all records prepared in list II (no_format)
if process_format and process:
# when migration from php to
# python bibformat is done
(total_rec_2, tbibformat_2, tbibupload_2) = iterate_over_old(without_format,
(total_rec_2, tbibformat_2, tbibupload_2) = iterate_over_new(without_format,
total_rec += total_rec_2
tbibformat += tbibformat_2
tbibupload += tbibupload_2
### Store last run time
if task_has_option("last"):
write_message("storing run date to %s" % start_date)
store_last_updated(fmt, start_date)
### Final statistics
t2 = os.times()[4]
elapsed = t2 - t1
message = "total records processed: %d" % total_rec
message = "total processing time: %2f sec" % elapsed
message = "Time spent on external call (os.system):"
message = " bibformat: %2f sec" % tbibformat
message = " bibupload: %2f sec" % tbibupload
def check_validity_input_formats(input_formats):
Checks the validity of every input format.
@param input_formats: list of given formats
@type input_formats: list
@return: if there is any invalid input format it returns this value
@rtype: string
from invenio.search_engine import get_available_output_formats
valid_formats = get_available_output_formats()
# let's to extract the values of the available formats
format_values = []
for aformat in valid_formats:
invalid_format = ''
for aformat in input_formats:
if aformat.lower() not in format_values:
invalid_format = aformat.lower()
return invalid_format
### Identify recIDs of records with missing format
def without_fmt(queries, chunk_size=2000):
List of record IDs to be reformated, not having the specified format yet
@param sql: a dictionary with sql queries to pick from
@return: a list of record ID without pre-created format cache
sql = queries['missing']
recids = intbitset()
max_id = run_sql("SELECT max(id) FROM bibrec")[0][0]
for start in xrange(1, max_id + 1, chunk_size):
end = start + chunk_size
recids += intbitset(run_sql(sql, (start, end)))
return recids
### Bibreformat all selected records (using new python bibformat)
### (see iterate_over_old further down)
def iterate_over_new(list, fmt):
Iterate over list of IDs
@param list: the list of record IDs to format
@param fmt: the output format to use
@return: tuple (total number of records, time taken to format, time taken to insert)
global total_rec
formatted_records = '' # (string-)List of formatted record of an iteration
tbibformat = 0 # time taken up by external call
tbibupload = 0 # time taken up by external call
start_date = task_get_task_param('task_starting_time') # Time at which the record was formatted
tot = len(list)
count = 0
for recID in list:
t1 = os.times()[4]
start_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
formatted_record = zlib.compress(format_record(recID, fmt, on_the_fly=True))
run_sql('REPLACE LOW_PRIORITY INTO bibfmt (id_bibrec, format, last_updated, value) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)',
(recID, fmt, start_date, formatted_record))
t2 = os.times()[4]
tbibformat += (t2 - t1)
count += 1
if (count % 100) == 0:
write_message(" ... formatted %s records out of %s" % (count, tot))
task_update_progress('Formatted %s out of %s' % (count, tot))
if (tot % 100) != 0:
write_message(" ... formatted %s records out of %s" % (count, tot))
return (tot, tbibformat, tbibupload)
def iterate_over_old(list, fmt):
Iterate over list of IDs
@param list: the list of record IDs to format
@param fmt: the output format to use
@return: tuple (total number of records, time taken to format, time taken to insert)
n_rec = 0
n_max = 10000
xml_content = '' # hold the contents
tbibformat = 0 # time taken up by external call
tbibupload = 0 # time taken up by external call
total_rec = 0 # Number of formatted records
for record in list:
n_rec = n_rec + 1
total_rec = total_rec + 1
message = "Processing record: %d" % (record)
write_message(message, verbose=9)
query = "id=%d&of=xm" % (record)
count = 0
contents = print_record(record, 'xm')
while (contents == "") and (count < 10):
contents = print_record(record, 'xm')
count = count + 1
if count == 10:
sys.stderr.write("Failed to download %s from %s after 10 attempts... terminating" % (query, CFG_SITE_URL))
xml_content = xml_content + contents
if xml_content:
if n_rec >= n_max:
finalfilename = "%s/rec_fmt_%s.xml" % (CFG_TMPDIR, time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'))
filename = "%s/bibreformat.xml" % CFG_TMPDIR
filehandle = open(filename ,"w")
### bibformat external call
t11 = os.times()[4]
message = "START bibformat external call"
write_message(message, verbose=9)
command = "%s/bibformat otype='%s' < %s/bibreformat.xml > %s 2> %s/bibreformat.err" % (CFG_BINDIR, fmt.upper(), CFG_TMPDIR, finalfilename, CFG_TMPDIR)
t22 = os.times()[4]
message = "END bibformat external call (time elapsed:%2f)" % (t22-t11)
write_message(message, verbose=9)
tbibformat = tbibformat + (t22 - t11)
### bibupload external call
t11 = os.times()[4]
message = "START bibupload external call"
write_message(message, verbose=9)
task_id = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibreformat', '-f', finalfilename)
write_message("Task #%s submitted" % task_id)
t22 = os.times()[4]
message = "END bibupload external call (time elapsed:%2f)" % (t22-t11)
write_message(message, verbose=9)
tbibupload = tbibupload + (t22- t11)
n_rec = 0
xml_content = ''
### Process the last re-formated chunk
if n_rec > 0:
write_message("Processing last record set (%d)" % n_rec, verbose=9)
finalfilename = "%s/rec_fmt_%s.xml" % (CFG_TMPDIR, time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'))
filename = "%s/bibreformat.xml" % CFG_TMPDIR
filehandle = open(filename, "w")
### bibformat external call
t11 = os.times()[4]
message = "START bibformat external call"
write_message(message, verbose=9)
command = "%s/bibformat otype='%s' < %s/bibreformat.xml > %s 2> %s/bibreformat.err" % (CFG_BINDIR, fmt.upper(), CFG_TMPDIR, finalfilename, CFG_TMPDIR)
t22 = os.times()[4]
message = "END bibformat external call (time elapsed:%2f)" % (t22 - t11)
write_message(message, verbose=9)
tbibformat = tbibformat + (t22 - t11)
### bibupload external call
t11 = os.times()[4]
message = "START bibupload external call"
write_message(message, verbose=9)
task_id = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibreformat', '-f', finalfilename)
write_message("Task #%s submitted" % task_id)
t22 = os.times()[4]
message = "END bibupload external call (time elapsed:%2f)" % (t22 - t11)
write_message(message, verbose=9)
tbibupload = tbibupload + (t22 - t11)
return (total_rec, tbibformat, tbibupload)
def task_run_core():
"""Runs the task by fetching arguments from the BibSched task queue. This is what BibSched will be invoking via daemon call."""
## initialize parameters
if task_get_option('format'):
fmts = task_get_option('format')
fmts = 'HB' # default value if no format option given
for fmt in fmts.split(','):
last_updated = fetch_last_updated(fmt)
write_message("last stored run date is %s" % last_updated)
sql = {
"all" : """SELECT FROM bibrec AS br, bibfmt AS bf
WHERE bf.id_bibrec = AND bf.format = '%s'""" % fmt,
"last": """SELECT FROM bibrec AS br
INNER JOIN bibfmt AS bf ON bf.id_bibrec =
WHERE br.modification_date >= '%(last_updated)s'
AND bf.format='%(format)s'
AND bf.last_updated < br.modification_date""" \
% {'format': fmt,
'last_updated': last_updated.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')},
"missing" : """SELECT
FROM bibrec as br
LEFT JOIN bibfmt as bf
ON bf.id_bibrec = AND bf.format ='%s'
WHERE bf.id_bibrec IS NULL
""" % fmt,
sql_queries = []
cds_query = {}
if task_has_option("all"):
if task_has_option("last"):
if task_has_option("collection"):
cds_query['collection'] = task_get_option('collection')
cds_query['collection'] = ""
if task_has_option("field"):
cds_query['field'] = task_get_option('field')
cds_query['field'] = ""
if task_has_option("pattern"):
cds_query['pattern'] = task_get_option('pattern')
cds_query['pattern'] = ""
if task_has_option("matching"):
cds_query['matching'] = task_get_option('matching')
cds_query['matching'] = ""
if task_has_option("recids"):
recids = list(split_cli_ids_arg(task_get_option('recids')))
recids = []
### sql commands to be executed during the script run
bibreformat_task(fmt, sql, sql_queries, cds_query, task_has_option('without'), not task_has_option('noprocess'), recids)
return True
def main():
"""Main that construct all the bibtask."""
authorization_msg="BibReformat Task Submission",
BibReformat formats the records and saves the produced outputs for
later retrieval.
BibReformat is usually run periodically via BibSched in order to (1)
format new records in the database and to (2) reformat records for
which the meta data has been modified.
BibReformat has to be run manually when (3) format config files have
been modified, in order to see the changes in the web interface.
Although it is not necessary to run BibReformat to display formatted
records in the web interface, BibReformat allows to improve serving
speed by precreating the outputs. It is suggested to run
BibReformat for 'HB' output.
Option -m cannot be used at the same time as option -c.
Option -c prevents from finding records in private collections.
bibreformat Format all new or modified records (in HB).
bibreformat -o HD Format all new or modified records in HD.
bibreformat -o HD,HB Format all new or modified records in HD and HB.
bibreformat -a Force reformatting all records (in HB).
bibreformat -c 'Photos' Force reformatting all records in 'Photos' collection (in HB).
bibreformat -c 'Photos' -o HD Force reformatting all records in 'Photos' collection in HD.
bibreformat -i 15 Force reformatting record 15 (in HB).
bibreformat -i 15:20 Force reformatting records 15 to 20 (in HB).
bibreformat -i 15,16,17 Force reformatting records 15, 16 and 17 (in HB).
bibreformat -n Show how many records are to be (re)formatted.
bibreformat -n -c 'Articles' Show how many records are to be (re)formatted in 'Articles' collection.
bibreformat -oHB -s1h Format all new and modified records every hour, in HB.
""", help_specific_usage=""" -o, --formats \t Specify output format/s (default HB)
-n, --noprocess \t Count records to be formatted (no processing done)
Reformatting options:
-a, --all \t Force reformatting all records
-c, --collection \t Force reformatting records by collection
-f, --field \t Force reformatting records by field
-p, --pattern \t Force reformatting records by pattern
-i, --id \t Force reformatting records by record id(s)
Pattern options:
-m, --matching \t Specify if pattern is exact (e), regular expression (r),
\t partial (p), any of the words (o) or all of the words (a)
def task_submit_check_options():
"""Last checks and updating on the options..."""
if not (task_has_option('all') or task_has_option('collection') \
or task_has_option('field') or task_has_option('pattern') \
or task_has_option('matching') or task_has_option('recids')):
task_set_option('without', 1)
task_set_option('last', 1)
return True
def task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter(key, value, opts, args):
Elaborate specific CLI parameters of BibReformat.
@param key: a parameter key to check
@param value: a value associated to parameter X{Key}
@return: True for known X{Key} else False.
if key in ("-a", "--all"):
task_set_option("all", 1)
task_set_option("without", 1)
elif key in ("-c", "--collection"):
task_set_option("collection", value)
elif key in ("-n", "--noprocess"):
task_set_option("noprocess", 1)
elif key in ("-f", "--field"):
task_set_option("field", value)
elif key in ("-p", "--pattern"):
task_set_option("pattern", value)
elif key in ("-m", "--matching"):
task_set_option("matching", value)
elif key in ("-o", "--format"):
input_formats = value.split(',')
## check the validity of the given output formats
invalid_format = check_validity_input_formats(input_formats)
if invalid_format:
raise Exception('Invalid output format.')
except Exception:
from invenio.errorlib import register_exception
register_exception(prefix="The given output format '%s' is not available or is invalid. Please try again" % invalid_format, alert_admin=True)
else: # every given format is available
task_set_option("format", value)
elif key in ("-i", "--id"):
task_set_option("recids", value)
return False
return True
### okay, here we go:
if __name__ == '__main__':

Event Timeline