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Sun, Sep 22, 08:44

## $Id$
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import urllib
import time
import cgi
import gettext
import traceback
import urllib
import sys
import datetime
from invenio.config import \
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language, language_list_long
from invenio.htmlutils import nmtoken_from_string
class Template:
def tmpl_getnavtrail(self, ln, previous):
"""Get the navigation trail
- 'previous' *string* - The previous navtrail"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
navtrail = """<a class="navtrail" href="%s/help/admin">Admin Area</a> """ % (CFG_SITE_URL,)
navtrail = navtrail + previous
return navtrail
def tmpl_draw_titlebar(self, ln, title, guideurl, extraname="", extraurl=""):
"""Draws an html title bar
- 'title' *string* - The name of the titlebar
- 'guideurl' *string* - The relative url of the guide relative to this section
- 'extraname' *string* - The name of an extra function
- 'extraurl' *string* - The relative url to an extra function
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
guidetitle = _("See Guide")
titlebar = """ <table class="admin_wvar_nomargin"><tr><th class="adminheader">"""
titlebar += """%s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a title="%s" href="%s/%s">?</a>]</small>""" % (title, guidetitle, CFG_SITE_URL, guideurl)
if extraname and extraurl:
titlebar += """&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>[<a href="%s/%s">%s</a>]</small>""" % (CFG_SITE_URL, extraurl, extraname)
titlebar += """</th></tr></table>"""
return titlebar
def tmpl_draw_subtitle(self, ln, title, subtitle, guideurl):
"""Draws an html title bar
- 'title' *string* - The name of the titlebar
- 'subtitle' *string* - The header name of the subtitle
- 'guideurl' *string* - The relative url of the guide relative to this section
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
guidetitle = _("See Guide")
titlebar = """<a name="%s">""" % nmtoken_from_string(title)
titlebar += """ </a>%s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>""" % subtitle
titlebar += """ [<a title="%s" href="%s/%s">?</a>]</small>""" % (guidetitle, CFG_SITE_URL, guideurl)
return titlebar
def tmpl_link_with_args(self, ln, funcurl, title, args):
"""Draws an html title bar
- 'funcurl' *string* - The relative url to this section
- 'title' *string* - The name of the link
- 'args' *list* - The list of arguments to be appended to the url in the form [name, value]
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
initurl = '<a href="' + CFG_SITE_URL + '/' + funcurl
endurl = '" title="' + title + '">' + title + '</a>'
noargs = len(args)
if noargs==0:
# there are no arguments, close link and return
return initurl + endurl
# we have args. list them in the link, then close it and return it
argsurl = '?'
count = 1
for arg in args:
if count != noargs:
argsurl += arg[0] + '=' + arg[1] + '&amp;'
argsurl += arg[0] + '=' + arg[1]
count = count + 1
return initurl+argsurl+endurl
def tmpl_output_numbersources(self, ln, numbersources):
"""Get the navigation trail
- 'number of sources' *int* - The number of sources in the database"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
present = _("OAI sources currently present in the database")
notpresent = _("No OAI sources currently present in the database")
if (numbersources>0):
output = """&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong><span class="info">%s %s</span></strong><br /><br />""" % (numbersources, present)
return output
output = """&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong><span class="warning">%s</span></strong><br /><br />""" % notpresent
return output
def tmpl_output_schedule(self, ln, schtime, schstatus):
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
msg_next = _("Next oaiharvest task")
msg_sched = _("scheduled time:")
msg_cur = _("current status:")
msg_notask = _("No oaiharvest task currently scheduled.")
if schtime and schstatus:
output = """&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>%s<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - %s %s <br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - %s %s </strong><br /><br />""" % (msg_next, msg_sched, schtime, msg_cur, schstatus)
return output
output = """&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong><span class="warning">%s</span></strong><br /><br />""" % msg_notask
return output
def tmpl_admin_w200_text(self, ln, title, name, value):
"""Draws an html w200 text box
- 'title' *string* - The name of the textbox
- 'name' *string* - The name of the value in the textbox
- 'value' *string* - The value in the textbox"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
text = """<span class="adminlabel">%s""" % title
text += """</span><input class="admin_w200" type="text" name="%s" value="%s" /><br />""" % (cgi.escape(name,1), cgi.escape(value, 1))
return text
def tmpl_admin_checkboxes(self, ln, title, name, values, labels, states):
"""Draws a list of HTML checkboxes
- 'title' *string* - The name of the list of checkboxes
- 'name' *string* - The name for this group of checkboxes
- 'values' *list* - The values of the checkboxes
- 'labels' *list* - The labels for the checkboxes
- 'states' *list* - The previous state of each checkbox 1|0
len(values) == len(labels) == len(states)
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
text = """<div><div style="float:left;"><span class="adminlabel">%s</span></div>""" % title
text += """<table><tr><td>"""
text += '&nbsp;&nbsp; <small><i>(Leave all unchecked for non-selective' \
' harvesting)</i></small><br/>'
for i in range(len(values)):
value = values[i]
label = labels[i]
state = states[i]
chk_box_id = value + str(i)
text += '&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="checkbox"' \
'name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" ' % (name, chk_box_id, value)
if state:
text += 'checked="checked "'
text += "/>"
text += """<label for="%s">%s</label><br/>""" % (chk_box_id, label)
text += "</td></tr></table></div>"
return text
def tmpl_admin_w200_select(self, ln, title, name, valuenil, values, lastval=""):
"""Draws an html w200 drop-down box
- 'title' *string* - The name of the dd box
- 'name' *string* - The name of the value in the dd box
- 'value' *list* - The values in the textbox"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
text = """<span class="adminlabel">%s""" % title
text += """</span><select name="%s" class="admin_w200">""" % name
text += """<option value="">%s</option>""" % valuenil
for val in values:
intval = int(lastval)
if intval==int(val[0]): ## retrieve and display last value inputted into drop-down box
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (val[0], 'selected="selected"', str(val[1]))
text += """<option value="%s">%s</option>""" % (val[0], str(val[1]))
text += """</select><br />"""
except StandardError, e:
for val in values:
if lastval==val[0]:
text += """<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>""" % (val[0], 'selected="selected"', str(val[1]))
text += """<option value="%s">%s</option>""" % (val[0], str(val[1]))
text += """</select><br />"""
return text
def tmpl_print_info(self, ln, infotext):
"""Outputs some info"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
text = """<br /><b><span class="info">%s</span></b>""" % infotext
return text
def tmpl_print_warning(self, ln, warntext):
"""Outputs some info"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
text = """<span class="warning">%s</span>""" % warntext
return text
def tmpl_print_brs(self, ln, howmany):
"""Outputs some <br />s"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
text = ""
while howmany>0:
text += """<br />"""
howmany = howmany - 1
return text
def tmpl_output_validate_info(self, ln, outcome, base):
"""Prints a message to say whether source was validated or not
- 'outcome' *int* - 0=success, 1=fail
- 'base' *string* - baseurl"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
msg_success = _("successfully validated")
msg_nosuccess = _("does not seem to be a OAI-compliant baseURL")
if outcome==0:
output = """<br /><span class="info">baseURL <strong>%s</strong> %s</span>""" % (base, msg_success)
return output
output = """<br /><span class="info">baseURL <strong>%s</strong> %s</span>""" % (base, msg_nosuccess)
return output
def tmpl_output_error_info(self, ln, base, error):
"""Prints a http error message"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
msg_error = "returns the following HTTP error: "
output = """<br /><span class="info">baseURL <strong>%s</strong> %s</span><br /><blockquote>%s</blockquote>""" % (base, msg_error, error)
return output
def tmpl_embed_document(self, url):
output = "<iframe src=\"" + url + "\" width=\"80%\" height=\"400\"></iframe>"
return output
def tmpl_output_table(self, title_row = [], data = []):
Prints a table of given titles and data
@param title_row is a list of titles of columns
@param data is a list o rows. Each row is a list of string values
result = "<table><tr>"
for header in title_row:
result += "<td><b>"+ header + "</b></td>"
result += "</tr>"
for row in data:
result += "<tr>"
for item in row:
result += "<td>" + item + "</td>"
result += "</tr>"
result += "</table>"
return result
def tmpl_table_begin(self, title_row = None):
result = "<table class=\"brtable\">"
if title_row != None:
result += "<tr>"
for header in title_row:
result += "<td><b>"+ header + "</b></td>"
result += "</tr>"
return result
def tmpl_table_row_begin(self):
return "<tr>"
def tmpl_table_output_cell(self, content, colspan=1, rowspan=1, cssclass=None):
result = "<td"
if colspan != 1:
result += " colspan=\"" + str(colspan) + "\""
if rowspan != 1:
result += " rowspan=\"" + str(rowspan) + "\""
if cssclass != None:
result += " class = \"" + cssclass + "\""
result += ">" + content + "</td>"
return result
def tmpl_table_row_end(self):
return "</tr>\n"
def tmpl_table_end(self):
return "</table>\n"
def tmpl_history_day_details_link(self, ln, date, oai_src_id):
return self.tmpl_link_with_args(ln, \
"View next entries...", \
[["ln", ln], \
["oai_src_id", str(oai_src_id)], \
["year", str(date.year)], \
["month", str(date.month)], \
["day", str(], \
["start", str(10)]])
def tmpl_history_table_output_day_cell(self, date, number_of_records, oai_src_id, ln, show_details = False):
inner_text = "<b>" + self.format_date(date)
inner_text += " ( "+ str(number_of_records) + " entries ) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
if show_details:
inner_text += self.tmpl_history_day_details_link(ln, date, oai_src_id)
inner_text += "</b>"
return self.tmpl_table_output_cell(inner_text, colspan=6)
def tmpl_history_table_output_day_details_cell(self, ln, date, oai_src_id):
inner_text = self.tmpl_history_day_details_link(ln, date, oai_src_id)
return self.tmpl_table_output_cell(inner_text, colspan=7)
def tmpl_output_checkbox(self, name, id, value):
return "<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"" + id + "\"name=\"" + name + "\" value=\"" + value + "\" />"
def tmpl_output_preformatted(self, content):
return "<pre style=\"background-color: #eeeeee;\">" + content + "</pre>"
def tmpl_output_scrollable_frame(self, content):
output = """<div class="scrollableframe" heigh="40">"""
output += content
output += "</div>"
return output
def tmpl_output_normal_frame(self, content):
output = """<div class="normalframe" heigh="40">"""
output += content
output += "</div>"
return output
def tmpl_output_month_selection_bar(self, oai_src_id, ln, current_year = None, current_month=None):
#constructs the month selection bar
if current_month == None or current_year == None:
current_month =
current_year =
prev_year = current_year
prev_month = current_month
prev_month -= 1
if prev_month == 0:
prev_year -= 1
prev_month = 12
next_year = current_year
next_month = current_month
next_month += 1
if next_month == 13:
next_year += 1
next_month = 1
current_date = datetime.datetime(current_year, current_month, 1)
prevurl = self.tmpl_link_with_args(ln, "/admin/bibharvest/", "&lt;&lt; previous month", [["ln", ln], ["oai_src_id", str(oai_src_id)], ["year", str(prev_year)], ["month", str(prev_month)]])
nexturl = self.tmpl_link_with_args(ln, "/admin/bibharvest/", "next month &gt;&gt;", [["ln", ln], ["oai_src_id", str(oai_src_id)], ["year", str(next_year)], ["month", str(next_month)]])
result = prevurl + """&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"""
result += "<b>Current month: " + self.format_ym(current_date) + "</b>"
result += """&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;""" + nexturl
return result
def tmpl_output_selection_bar(self):
result = ""
result += "<button class=\"adminbutton\" onClick=\"return selectAll()\">Select all</button>\n"
result += "<button class=\"adminbutton\" onClick=\"return removeSelection()\">Remove selection</button>\n"
result += "<button class=\"adminbutton\" onClick=\"return invertSelection()\">Invert selection</button>\n"
return result
def tmpl_output_history_javascript_functions(self):
# Writes necessary javascript functions
result = '<script type="text/javascript">'
result += """
function selectDay(day)
for (key in identifiers[day])
document.getElementById(identifiers[day][key]).checked = true;
return false
function selectAll()
for (day in identifiers)
for (key in identifiers[day])
document.getElementById(identifiers[day][key]).checked = true;
return false
function removeSelection()
for (day in identifiers)
for (key in identifiers[day])
document.getElementById(identifiers[day][key]).checked = false;
return false
function invertSelection()
for (day in identifiers)
for (key in identifiers[day])
document.getElementById(identifiers[day][key]).checked = !(document.getElementById(identifiers[day][key]).checked);
return false
result += "</script>"
return result
def tmpl_output_identifiers(self, identifiers):
Creates the Javascript array of identifiers.
@param identifiers is a dictionary containning day as a key and list of identifiers as a value
result = '<script type="text/javascript">\n'
result += " var identifiers = {\n"
first = True
for day in identifiers:
result += " "
if not first:
result += ","
first = False
result += str(day) + " : ["
for id_n in range(0, len(identifiers[day])):
result += " "
if id_n != 0:
result += ","
result += "'" + identifiers[day][id_n] + "'\n"
result +=" ]\n"
result += " }\n"
result += '</script>'
return result
def tmpl_output_select_day_button(self, day):
result = """<button class="adminbutton" onClick="return selectDay(""" + str(day)+ """)">Select</button>"""
return result
def tmpl_output_menu(self, ln, oai_src_id, guideurl):
Function which displays menu
namelinked_args = []
namelinked_args.append(["ln", ln])
main_link = self.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = CFG_SITE_LANG, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "main page", args = namelinked_args)
namelinked_args.append(["oai_src_id", str(oai_src_id)])
edit_link = self.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = CFG_SITE_LANG, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "edit", args = namelinked_args)
delete_link = self.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = CFG_SITE_LANG, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "delete", args = namelinked_args)
test_link = self.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = CFG_SITE_LANG, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "test", args = namelinked_args)
history_link = self.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = CFG_SITE_LANG, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "history", args = namelinked_args)
harvest_link = self.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = CFG_SITE_LANG, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "harvest", args = namelinked_args)
separator = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
menu_header = self.tmpl_draw_titlebar(ln, title = "Menu" , guideurl = guideurl)
# Putting everything together
result = menu_header + main_link
if oai_src_id != None:
result += separator + edit_link + separator + delete_link + separator + test_link + separator + history_link + separator + harvest_link + separator
result += self.tmpl_print_brs(ln, 2)
return result
# Datetime formatting functions
def format_al_twodigits(self, number):
Converts integers to string guaranteeing that there will be at least 2 digits
@param number - Nuber to be formatted
@result - string representation with at least 2 digits
if number < 10:
return "0" + str(number)
return str(number)
def format_ym(self, date):
formats year and month of a given date in the human-readabla format
@param date - date containing data to be formatted
@returns string representation
if date == None:
return "(None)"
return self.format_al_twodigits(date.year) + "-" + self.format_al_twodigits(date.month)
def format_date(self, date):
if date == None:
return "(None)"
return self.format_ym(date) + "-" + self.format_al_twodigits(
def format_time(self, datetime):
if datetime == None:
return "(None)"
return self.format_al_twodigits(datetime.hour) + ":" + self.format_al_twodigits(datetime.minute) + ":" + self.format_al_twodigits(datetime.second)

Event Timeline