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## $Id$
## Administrator interface for BibIndex
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""CDSware Bibharvest Administrator Interface."""
import cgi
import re
import MySQLdb
import Numeric
import os, sys, string
import ConfigParser
import time
import random
import urllib
import sre
from mod_python import apache
from cdsware.bibrankadminlib import write_outcome,modify_translations,get_def_name,get_i8n_name,get_name,get_rnk_nametypes,get_languages,check_user,is_adminuser,adderrorbox,addadminbox,tupletotable,tupletotable_onlyselected,addcheckboxes,createhiddenform,serialize_via_numeric_array_dumps,serialize_via_numeric_array_compr,serialize_via_numeric_array_escape,serialize_via_numeric_array,deserialize_via_numeric_array,serialize_via_marshal,deserialize_via_marshal
from cdsware.dbquery import run_sql
from cdsware.config import *
from cdsware.webpage import page, pageheaderonly, pagefooteronly
from cdsware.webuser import getUid, get_email
import cdsware.template
bibharvest_templates = cdsware.template.load('bibharvest')
tmppath = tmpdir + '/bibharvestadmin.' + str(os.getpid())
guideurl = "admin/bibharvest/guide.html"
freqs = [[0, "never"], [24, "daily"], [168, "weekly"], [720, "monthly"] ]
posts = [["h", "harvest only (h)"], ["h-c", "harvest and convert (h-c)"], ["h-u", "harvest and upload (h-u)"], ["h-c-u", "harvest, convert and upload (h-c-u)"]]
dates = [[0, "from beginning"], [1, "from today"]]
__version__ = "$Id$"
def getnavtrail(previous = ''):
"""Get the navtrail"""
return bibharvest_templates.tmpl_getnavtrail(previous = previous, ln = cdslang)
def perform_request_index(ln=cdslang):
"""start area for administering harvesting from OAI repositories"""
titlebar = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_draw_titlebar(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, title = "Overview of sources", guideurl = guideurl, extraname = "add new OAI source" , extraurl = "admin/bibharvest/" )
titlebar2 = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_draw_titlebar(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, title = "Harvesting status", guideurl = guideurl)
header = ['name', 'baseURL', 'metadataprefix', 'frequency', 'bibconvertfile', 'postprocess', 'actions']
header2 = ['name', 'last update']
oai_src = get_oai_src()
upd_status = get_update_status()
sources = []
for (oai_src_id,oai_src_name,oai_src_baseurl,oai_src_prefix,oai_src_frequency,oai_src_config,oai_src_post) in oai_src:
namelinked_args = []
namelinked_args.append(["oai_src_id", str(oai_src_id)])
namelinked_args.append(["ln", ln])
namelinked = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = oai_src_name, args = namelinked_args)
freq = "Not Set"
if oai_src_frequency==0: freq = "never"
elif oai_src_frequency==24: freq = "daily"
elif oai_src_frequency==168: freq = "weekly"
elif oai_src_frequency==720: freq = "monthly"
editACTION = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "edit", args = namelinked_args)
delACTION = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "delete", args = namelinked_args)
action = editACTION + " / " + delACTION
sources.append([namelinked,oai_src_baseurl,oai_src_prefix,freq,oai_src_config,oai_src_post, action])
updates = []
for (upd_name, upd_status) in upd_status:
if not upd_status:
upd_status = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_warning(cdslang, "Never harvested")
else: #cut away leading zeros
upd_status = sre.sub(r'\.[0-9]+$', '', str(upd_status))
updates.append([upd_name, upd_status])
(schtime, schstatus) = get_next_schedule()
if schtime:
schtime = sre.sub(r'\.[0-9]+$', '', str(schtime))
output = titlebar
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_output_numbersources(cdslang, get_tot_oai_src())
output += tupletotable(header=header, tuple=sources)
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 2)
output += titlebar2
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_output_schedule(cdslang, schtime, str(schstatus))
output += tupletotable(header=header2, tuple=updates)
return output
def perform_request_editsource(oai_src_id, oai_src_name='', oai_src_baseurl='', oai_src_prefix='', oai_src_frequency='', oai_src_config='', oai_src_post='',ln=cdslang, confirm=-1):
"""creates html form to edit a OAI source. this method is calling other methods which again is calling this and sending back the output of the method.
confirm - determines the validation status of the data input into the form"""
output = ""
subtitle = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_draw_subtitle(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, title = "edit source", subtitle = "Edit OAI source", guideurl = guideurl)
if confirm in [-1, "-1"]:
oai_src = get_oai_src(oai_src_id)
oai_src_name = oai_src[0][1]
oai_src_baseurl = oai_src[0][2]
oai_src_prefix = oai_src[0][3]
oai_src_frequency = oai_src[0][4]
oai_src_config = oai_src[0][5]
oai_src_post = oai_src[0][6]
text = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 1)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_text(ln = cdslang, title = "Source name", name = "oai_src_name", value = oai_src_name)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_text(ln = cdslang, title = "Base URL", name = "oai_src_baseurl", value = oai_src_baseurl)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_text(ln = cdslang, title = "Metadata prefix", name = "oai_src_prefix", value = oai_src_prefix)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_select(ln = cdslang, title = "Frequency", name = "oai_src_frequency", valuenil = "- select frequency -" , values = freqs, lastval = oai_src_frequency)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_select(ln = cdslang, title = "Postprocess", name = "oai_src_post", valuenil = "- select mode -" , values = posts, lastval = oai_src_post)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_text(ln = cdslang, title = "Bibconvert configuration file", name = "oai_src_config", value = oai_src_config)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 2)
output += createhiddenform(action="editsource#1",
if confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_name:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please enter a name for the source.")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_prefix:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please enter a metadata prefix.")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_baseurl:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please enter a base url.")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_frequency:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please choose a frequency of harvesting")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_post:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please choose a postprocess mode")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and (oai_src_post=="h-c" or oai_src_post=="h-c-u") and (not oai_src_config or validatefile(oai_src_config)!=0):
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "You selected a postprocess mode which involves conversion.")
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please enter a valid full path to a bibConvert config file or change postprocess mode.")
elif oai_src_id > -1 and confirm in [1, "1"]:
if not oai_src_frequency:
oai_src_frequency = 0
if not oai_src_config:
oai_src_config = "NULL"
if not oai_src_post:
oai_src_post = "h"
res = modify_oai_src(oai_src_id, oai_src_name, oai_src_baseurl, oai_src_prefix, oai_src_frequency, oai_src_config, oai_src_post)
output += write_outcome(res)
lnargs = [["ln", ln]]
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 2)
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "Go back to the OAI sources overview", args = lnargs )
body = [output, extra]
except NameError:
body = [output]
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_request_addsource(oai_src_name, oai_src_baseurl='', oai_src_prefix='', oai_src_frequency='', oai_src_lastrun='', oai_src_config='', oai_src_post='', ln=cdslang, confirm=-1):
"""creates html form to add a new source"""
subtitle = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_draw_subtitle(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, title = "add source", subtitle = "Add new OAI source", guideurl = guideurl)
output = ""
if confirm <= -1:
text = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 1)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_text(ln = cdslang, title = "Enter the base url", name = "oai_src_baseurl", value = oai_src_baseurl)
output = createhiddenform(action="addsource",
if confirm not in ["-1", -1] and validate(oai_src_baseurl)==1:
lnargs = [["ln", ln]]
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_output_validate_info(cdslang, 1, str(oai_src_baseurl))
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 2)
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "Try again", args = [])
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 1)
output += """or"""
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 1)
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "Go back to the OAI sources overview", args = lnargs)
if confirm not in ["-1", -1] and validate(oai_src_baseurl)==0:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_output_validate_info(cdslang, 0, str(oai_src_baseurl))
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 2)
text = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_text(ln = cdslang, title = "Source name", name = "oai_src_name", value = oai_src_name)
metadatas = findMetadataFormats(oai_src_baseurl)
prefixes = []
for value in metadatas:
prefixes.append([value, str(value)])
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_select(ln = cdslang, title = "Metadata prefix", name = "oai_src_prefix", valuenil = "- select prefix -" , values = prefixes, lastval = oai_src_prefix)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_select(ln = cdslang, title = "Frequency", name = "oai_src_frequency", valuenil = "- select frequency -" , values = freqs, lastval = oai_src_frequency)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_select(ln = cdslang, title = "Starting date", name = "oai_src_lastrun", valuenil = "- select a date -" , values = dates, lastval = oai_src_lastrun)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_select(ln = cdslang, title = "Postprocess", name = "oai_src_post", valuenil = "- select mode -" , values = posts, lastval = oai_src_post)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_admin_w200_text(ln = cdslang, title = "Bibconvert configuration file", name = "oai_src_config", value = oai_src_config)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 2)
output += createhiddenform(action="addsource#1",
button="Add OAI Source",
if confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_name:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please enter a name for the source.")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_prefix:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please enter a metadata prefix.")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_frequency:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please choose a frequency of harvesting")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_lastrun:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please choose the harvesting starting date")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and not oai_src_post:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please choose a postprocess mode")
elif confirm in [1, "1"] and (oai_src_post=="h-c" or oai_src_post=="h-c-u") and (not oai_src_config or validatefile(oai_src_config)!=0):
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "You selected a postprocess mode which involves conversion.")
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Please enter a valid full path to a bibConvert config file or change postprocess mode.")
elif oai_src_name and confirm in [1, "1"]:
if not oai_src_frequency:
oai_src_frequency = 0
if not oai_src_lastrun:
oai_src_lastrun = 1
if not oai_src_config:
oai_src_config = "NULL"
if not oai_src_post:
oai_src_post = "h"
res = add_oai_src(oai_src_name, oai_src_baseurl, oai_src_prefix, oai_src_frequency, oai_src_lastrun, oai_src_config, oai_src_post)
output += write_outcome(res)
lnargs = [["ln", ln]]
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 2)
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "Go back to the OAI sources overview", args = lnargs )
body = [output, extra]
except NameError:
body = [output]
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
def perform_request_delsource(oai_src_id, ln=cdslang, callback='yes', confirm=0):
"""creates html form to delete a source
if oai_src_id:
oai_src = get_oai_src(oai_src_id)
namesrc = (oai_src[0][1])
pagetitle = """Delete OAI source: %s""" % namesrc
subtitle = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_draw_subtitle(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, title = "delete source", subtitle = pagetitle, guideurl = guideurl)
output = ""
if confirm in ["0", 0]:
if oai_src:
question = """Do you want to delete the OAI source '%s' and all its definitions?""" % namesrc
text = bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, question)
text += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 3)
output += createhiddenform(action="delsource#5",
return bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Source specified does not exist.")
elif confirm in ["1", 1]:
res = delete_oai_src(oai_src_id)
if res[0] == 1:
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_info(cdslang, "Source removed.")
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 1)
output += write_outcome(res)
output += write_outcome(res)
lnargs = [["ln", ln]]
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_print_brs(cdslang, 2)
output += bibharvest_templates.tmpl_link_with_args(ln = cdslang, weburl = weburl, funcurl = "admin/bibharvest/", title = "Go back to the OAI sources overview", args = lnargs )
body = [output, extra]
except NameError:
body = [output]
return addadminbox(subtitle, body)
### Here the functions to retrieve, modify, delete and add sources
def get_oai_src(oai_src_id=''):
"""Returns a row parameters for a given id"""
sql = "SELECT id,name,baseurl,metadataprefix,frequency,bibconvertcfgfile,postprocess FROM oaiHARVEST"
if oai_src_id:
sql += " WHERE id=%s" % oai_src_id
sql += " ORDER BY id asc"
res = run_sql(sql)
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def modify_oai_src(oai_src_id, oai_src_name, oai_src_baseurl, oai_src_prefix, oai_src_frequency, oai_src_config, oai_src_post):
"""Modifies a row's parameters"""
sql = "UPDATE oaiHARVEST SET name='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_name), oai_src_id)
res = run_sql(sql)
sql = "UPDATE oaiHARVEST SET baseurl='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_baseurl), oai_src_id)
res = run_sql(sql)
sql = "UPDATE oaiHARVEST SET metadataprefix='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_prefix), oai_src_id)
res = run_sql(sql)
sql = "UPDATE oaiHARVEST SET frequency='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_frequency), oai_src_id)
res = run_sql(sql)
sql = "UPDATE oaiHARVEST SET bibconvertcfgfile='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_config), oai_src_id)
res = run_sql(sql)
sql = "UPDATE oaiHARVEST SET postprocess='%s' WHERE id=%s" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_post), oai_src_id)
res = run_sql(sql)
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def add_oai_src(oai_src_name, oai_src_baseurl, oai_src_prefix, oai_src_frequency, oai_src_lastrun, oai_src_config, oai_src_post):
"""Adds a new row to the database with the given parameters"""
if oai_src_lastrun in [0, "0"]: lastrun_mode = 'NULL'
lastrun_mode = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
# lastrun_mode = "'"+lastrun_mode+"'"
sql = "insert into oaiHARVEST values (0, '%s', '%s', NULL, NULL, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_baseurl), MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_prefix), MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_config), MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_name), MySQLdb.escape_string(lastrun_mode), MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_frequency), MySQLdb.escape_string(oai_src_post))
res = run_sql(sql)
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def delete_oai_src(oai_src_id):
"""Deletes a row from the database according to its id"""
res = run_sql("DELETE FROM oaiHARVEST WHERE id=%s" % oai_src_id)
return (1, "")
except StandardError, e:
return (0, e)
def get_tot_oai_src():
"""Returns number of rows in the database"""
sql = "select count(*) FROM oaiHARVEST"
res = run_sql(sql)
return res[0][0]
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_update_status():
"""Returns a table showing a list of all rows and their LastUpdate status"""
sql = "select name,lastrun from oaiHARVEST order by lastrun desc"
res = run_sql(sql)
return res
except StandardError, e:
return ""
def get_next_schedule():
"""Returns the next scheduled oaiharvestrun tasks"""
sql = "select runtime,status from schTASK where proc='oaiharvest' and runtime > now() ORDER by runtime limit 1"
res = run_sql(sql)
if len(res)>>0:
return res[0]
return ("", "")
except StandardError, e:
return ("","")
def validate(oai_src_baseurl):
"""This function validates a baseURL by opening its URL and 'greping' for the <OAI-PMH> and <Identify> tags:
0 = okay
1 = baseURL non existing
url = oai_src_baseurl + "?verb=Identify"
urllib.urlretrieve(url, tmppath)
grepOUT1 = os.popen('grep -iwc "<identify>" '+tmppath).read()
grepOUT2 = os.popen('grep -iwc "<OAI-PMH" '+tmppath).read()
if int(grepOUT1) >> 0 and int(grepOUT2) >> 0:
#print "Valid!"
return 0
#print "Not valid!"
return 1
except StandardError, e:
return 1
def validatefile(oai_src_config):
"""This function checks whether teh given path to text file exists or not
0 = okay
1 = file non existing
ftmp = open(oai_src_config, 'r')
if cfgstr!="":
#print "Valid!"
return 0
#print "Not valid!"
return 1
except StandardError, e:
return 1
def findMetadataFormats(oai_src_baseurl):
"""This function finds the Metadata formats offered by a OAI repository by analysing the output of verb=ListMetadataFormats"""
url = oai_src_baseurl + "?verb=ListMetadataFormats"
urllib.urlretrieve(url, tmppath)
formats = []
ftmp = open(tmppath, 'r')
chunks = xmlstr.split('<metadataPrefix>')
count = 0 # first chunk is invalid
for chunk in chunks:
if count!=0:
count = count + 1
return formats

Event Timeline