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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import re
from unidecode import unidecode
except ImportError:
from invenio.refextract_config import \
from invenio.docextract_text import remove_and_record_multiple_spaces_in_line
from invenio.refextract_re import \
re_ibid, \
re_doi, \
re_raw_url, \
re_series_from_numeration, \
re_punctuation, \
re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn1, \
re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn2, \
re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn3, \
re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn4, \
re_numeration_nucphys_vol_page_yr, \
re_numeration_vol_subvol_nucphys_yr_page, \
re_numeration_nucphys_vol_yr_page, \
re_multiple_hyphens, \
re_numeration_vol_page_yr, \
re_numeration_vol_yr_page, \
re_numeration_vol_nucphys_series_yr_page, \
re_numeration_vol_series_nucphys_page_yr, \
re_numeration_vol_nucphys_series_page_yr, \
re_html_tagged_url, \
re_numeration_yr_vol_page, \
re_numeration_vol_nucphys_page_yr, \
re_wash_volume_tag, \
re_numeration_vol_nucphys_yr_subvol_page, \
re_quoted, \
re_isbn, \
re_arxiv, \
re_new_arxiv, \
re_pos, \
re_pos_year_num, \
re_series_from_numeration_after_volume, \
from invenio.authorextract_re import re_auth, \
re_auth_near_miss, \
re_etal, \
etal_matches, \
from invenio.docextract_text import wash_line
def tag_reference_line(line, kbs, record_titles_count):
# take a copy of the line as a first working line, clean it of bad
# accents, and correct puncutation, etc:
working_line1 = wash_line(line)
# Identify volume for POS journal
working_line1 = tag_pos_volume(working_line1)
# Clean the line once more:
working_line1 = wash_line(working_line1)
# We identify quoted text
# This is useful for books matching
# This is also used by the author tagger to remove quoted
# text which is a sign of a title and not an author
working_line1 = tag_quoted_text(working_line1)
# Identify ISBN (for books)
working_line1 = tag_isbn(working_line1)
# Identify arxiv reports
working_line1 = tag_arxiv(working_line1)
working_line1 = tag_arxiv_more(working_line1)
# Identify volume for POS journal
# needs special handling because the volume contains the year
working_line1 = tag_pos_volume(working_line1)
# Identify ATL-CONF and ATLAS-CONF report numbers
# needs special handling because it has 2 formats depending on the year
# and a 2 years digit format to convert
working_line1 = tag_atlas_conf(working_line1)
# Identify journals with regular expression
# Some journals need to match exact regexps because they can
# conflict with other elements
# e.g. DAN is also a common first name
standardised_titles = kbs['journals'][1]
journals_matches = identifiy_journals_re(working_line1, kbs['journals_re'])
# Remove identified tags
working_line2 = strip_tags(working_line1)
# Transform the line to upper-case, now making a new working line:
working_line2 = working_line2.upper()
# Strip punctuation from the line:
working_line2 = re_punctuation.sub(u' ', working_line2)
# Remove multiple spaces from the line, recording
# information about their coordinates:
removed_spaces, working_line2 = \
# Identify and record coordinates of institute preprint report numbers:
found_pprint_repnum_matchlens, found_pprint_repnum_replstr, working_line2 =\
identify_report_numbers(working_line2, kbs['report-numbers'])
# Identify and record coordinates of non-standard journal titles:
journals_matches_more, working_line2, line_titles_count = \
identify_journals(working_line2, kbs['journals'])
# Add the count of 'bad titles' found in this line to the total
# for the reference section:
record_titles_count = sum_2_dictionaries(record_titles_count,
# Attempt to identify, record and replace any IBIDs in the line:
if (working_line2.upper().find(u"IBID") != -1):
# there is at least one IBID in the line - try to
# identify its meaning:
found_ibids_matchtext, working_line2 = \
# now update the dictionary of matched title lengths with the
# matched IBID(s) lengths information:
publishers_matches = identify_publishers(working_line2, kbs['publishers'])
tagged_line = process_reference_line(
return tagged_line, record_titles_count
def process_reference_line(working_line,
"""After the phase of identifying and tagging citation instances
in a reference line, this function is called to go through the
line and the collected information about the recognised citations,
and to transform the line into a string of MARC XML in which the
recognised citations are grouped under various datafields and
subfields, depending upon their type.
@param line_marker: (string) - this is the marker for this
reference line (e.g. [1]).
@param working_line: (string) - this is the line before the
punctuation was stripped. At this stage, it has not been
capitalised, and neither TITLES nor REPORT NUMBERS have been
stripped from it. However, any recognised numeration and/or URLs
have been tagged with <cds.YYYY> tags.
The working_line could, for example, look something like this:
[1] CDS <cds.URL description="http //">
http //</cds.URL>.
@param found_title_len: (dictionary) - the lengths of the title
citations that have been recognised in the line. Keyed by the index
within the line of each match.
@param found_title_matchtext: (dictionary) - The text that was found
for each matched title citation in the line. Keyed by the index within
the line of each match.
@param pprint_repnum_len: (dictionary) - the lengths of the matched
institutional preprint report number citations found within the line.
Keyed by the index within the line of each match.
@param pprint_repnum_matchtext: (dictionary) - The matched text for each
matched institutional report number. Keyed by the index within the line
of each match.
@param identified_dois (list) - The list of dois inside the citation
@identified_urls: (list) - contains 2-cell tuples, each of which
represents an idenitfied URL and its description string.
The list takes the order in which the URLs were identified in the line
(i.e. first-found, second-found, etc).
@param removed_spaces: (dictionary) - The number of spaces removed from
the various positions in the line. Keyed by the index of the position
within the line at which the spaces were removed.
@param standardised_titles: (dictionary) - The standardised journal
titles, keyed by the non-standard version of those titles.
@return: (tuple) of 5 components:
( string -> a MARC XML-ized reference line.
integer -> number of fields of miscellaneous text marked-up
for the line.
integer -> number of title citations marked-up for the line.
integer -> number of institutional report-number citations
marked-up for the line.
integer -> number of URL citations marked-up for the record.
integer -> number of DOI's found for the record
integer -> number of author groups found
if len(journals_matches) + len(pprint_repnum_len) + len(publishers_matches) == 0:
# no TITLE or REPORT-NUMBER citations were found within this line,
# use the raw line: (This 'raw' line could still be tagged with
# recognised URLs or numeration.)
tagged_line = working_line
# TITLE and/or REPORT-NUMBER citations were found in this line,
# build a new version of the working-line in which the standard
# versions of the REPORT-NUMBERs and TITLEs are tagged:
startpos = 0 # First cell of the reference line...
previous_match = {} # previously matched TITLE within line (used
# for replacement of IBIDs.
replacement_types = {}
journals_keys = journals_matches.keys()
reports_keys = pprint_repnum_matchtext.keys()
publishers_keys = publishers_matches.keys()
spaces_keys = removed_spaces.keys()
replacement_types = get_replacement_types(journals_keys,
replacement_locations = replacement_types.keys()
tagged_line = u"" # This is to be the new 'working-line'. It will
# contain the tagged TITLEs and REPORT-NUMBERs,
# as well as any previously tagged URLs and
# numeration components.
# begin:
for replacement_index in replacement_locations:
# first, factor in any stripped spaces before this 'replacement'
true_replacement_index, extras = \
if replacement_types[replacement_index] == u"journal":
# Add a tagged periodical TITLE into the line:
rebuilt_chunk, startpos, previous_match = \
tagged_line += rebuilt_chunk
elif replacement_types[replacement_index] == u"reportnumber":
# Add a tagged institutional preprint REPORT-NUMBER
# into the line:
rebuilt_chunk, startpos = \
tagged_line += rebuilt_chunk
elif replacement_types[replacement_index] == u"publisher":
rebuilt_chunk, startpos = \
tagged_line += rebuilt_chunk
# add the remainder of the original working-line into the rebuilt line:
tagged_line += working_line[startpos:]
# we have all the numeration
# we can make sure there's no space between the volume
# letter and the volume number
# e.g. B 20 -> B20
tagged_line = wash_volume_tag(tagged_line)
# Try to find any authors in the line
tagged_line = identify_and_tag_authors(tagged_line, kbs['authors'])
# Try to find any collaboration in the line
tagged_line = identify_and_tag_collaborations(tagged_line,
return tagged_line.replace('\n', '')
def wash_volume_tag(line):
return re_wash_volume_tag[0].sub(re_wash_volume_tag[1], line)
def tag_isbn(line):
"""Tag books ISBN"""
return re_isbn.sub(ur'<cds.ISBN>\g<code></cds.ISBN>', line)
def tag_quoted_text(line):
"""Tag quoted titles
We use titles for pretty display of references that we could not
associate we record.
We also use titles for recognising books.
return re_quoted.sub(ur'<cds.QUOTED>\g<title></cds.QUOTED>', line)
def tag_arxiv(line):
"""Tag arxiv report numbers
We handle arXiv in 2 ways:
* starting with arXiv:1022.1111
* this format exactly 9999.9999
We also format the output to the standard arxiv notation:
* arXiv:2007.12.1111
* arXiv:2007.12.1111v2
def tagger(match):
groups = match.groupdict()
groups['suffix'] = ' ' + groups['suffix']
groups['suffix'] = ''
return u'<cds.REPORTNUMBER>arXiv:%(year)s'\
u'%(month)s.%(num)s%(suffix)s' \
u'</cds.REPORTNUMBER>' % groups
line = re_arxiv.sub(tagger, line)
line = re_new_arxiv.sub(tagger, line)
return line
def tag_arxiv_more(line):
"""Tag old arxiv report numbers
Either formats:
* hep-th/1234567
* arXiv:1022111 [hep-ph] which transforms to hep-ph/1022111
line = RE_ARXIV_CATCHUP.sub(ur"\g<suffix>/\g<year>\g<month>\g<num>", line)
for report_re, report_repl in RE_OLD_ARXIV:
report_number = report_repl + ur"/\g<num>"
line = report_re.sub(u'<cds.REPORTNUMBER>' + report_number \
+ u'</cds.REPORTNUMBER>',
return line
def tag_pos_volume(line):
"""Tag POS volume number
POS is journal that has special volume numbers
e.g. PoS LAT2007 (2007) 369
def tagger(match):
groups = match.groupdict()
year ='year')
except IndexError:
# Extract year from volume name
# which should always include the year
g =,'volume_num'), re.UNICODE)
year =
if year:
groups['year'] = ' <cds.YR>(%s)</cds.YR>' % year.strip().strip('()')
groups['year'] = ''
return '<cds.JOURNAL>PoS</cds.JOURNAL>' \
' <cds.VOL>%(volume_name)s%(volume_num)s</cds.VOL>' \
'%(year)s' \
' <cds.PG>%(page)s</cds.PG>' % groups
for p in re_pos:
line = p.sub(tagger, line)
return line
def tag_atlas_conf(line):
line = RE_ATLAS_CONF_PRE_2010.sub(
ur'<cds.REPORTNUMBER>ATL-CONF-\g<code></cds.REPORTNUMBER>', line)
line = RE_ATLAS_CONF_POST_2010.sub(
ur'<cds.REPORTNUMBER>ATLAS-CONF-\g<code></cds.REPORTNUMBER>', line)
return line
def identifiy_journals_re(line, kb_journals):
matches = {}
for pattern, dummy in kb_journals:
match =, line)
if match:
matches[match.start()] =
return matches
def find_numeration_more(line):
"""Look for other numeration in line."""
# First, attempt to use marked-up titles
patterns = (
for pattern in patterns:
match =
if match:
info = match.groupdict()
series = extract_series_from_volume(info['vol'])
if not info['vol_num']:
info['vol_num'] = info['vol_num_alt']
if not info['vol_num']:
info['vol_num'] = info['vol_num_alt2']
return {'year': info.get('year', None),
'series': series,
'volume': info['vol_num'],
'page': info['page'],
'len': len(info['aftertitle'])}
return None
def add_tagged_report_number(reading_line,
"""In rebuilding the line, add an identified institutional REPORT-NUMBER
(standardised and tagged) into the line.
@param reading_line: (string) The reference line before capitalization
was performed, and before REPORT-NUMBERs and TITLEs were stipped out.
@param len_reportnum: (integer) the length of the matched REPORT-NUMBER.
@param reportnum: (string) the replacement text for the matched
@param startpos: (integer) the pointer to the next position in the
reading-line from which to start rebuilding.
@param true_replacement_index: (integer) the replacement index of the
matched REPORT-NUMBER in the reading-line, with stripped punctuation
and whitespace accounted for.
@param extras: (integer) extras to be added into the replacement index.
@return: (tuple) containing a string (the rebuilt line segment) and an
integer (the next 'startpos' in the reading-line).
rebuilt_line = u"" # The segment of the line that's being rebuilt to
# include the tagged & standardised REPORT-NUMBER
# Fill rebuilt_line with the contents of the reading_line up to the point
# of the institutional REPORT-NUMBER. However, stop 1 character before the
# replacement index of this REPORT-NUMBER to allow for removal of braces,
# if necessary:
if (true_replacement_index - startpos - 1) >= 0:
rebuilt_line += reading_line[startpos:true_replacement_index - 1]
rebuilt_line += reading_line[startpos:true_replacement_index]
# Add the tagged REPORT-NUMBER into the rebuilt-line segment:
rebuilt_line += u"<cds.REPORTNUMBER>%(reportnum)s</cds.REPORTNUMBER>" \
% {'reportnum' : reportnum}
# Move the pointer in the reading-line past the current match:
startpos = true_replacement_index + len_reportnum + extras
# Move past closing brace for report number (if there was one):
if reading_line[startpos] in (u"]", u")"):
startpos += 1
except IndexError:
# moved past end of line - ignore
# return the rebuilt-line segment and the pointer to the next position in
# the reading-line from which to start rebuilding up to the next match:
return rebuilt_line, startpos
def add_tagged_journal_in_place_of_IBID(previous_match):
"""In rebuilding the line, if the matched TITLE was actually an IBID, this
function will replace it with the previously matched TITLE, and add it
into the line, tagged. It will even handle the series letter, if it
differs. For example, if the previous match is "Nucl. Phys. B", and
the ibid is "IBID A", the title inserted into the line will be
"Nucl. Phys. A". Otherwise, if the IBID had no series letter, it will
simply be replaced by "Nucl. Phys. B" (i.e. the previous match.)
@param previous_match: (string) - the previously matched TITLE.
@param ibid_series: (string) - the series of the IBID (if any).
@return: (tuple) containing a string (the rebuilt line segment) and an
other string (the newly updated previous-match).
def extract_series_from_volume(volume):
patterns = (re_series_from_numeration,
for p in patterns:
match =
if match:
return None
def create_numeration_tag(info):
if info['series']:
series_and_volume = info['series'] + info['volume']
series_and_volume = info['volume']
numeration_tags = u' <cds.VOL>%s</cds.VOL>' % series_and_volume
if info.get('year', False):
numeration_tags += u' <cds.YR>(%(year)s)</cds.YR>' % info
numeration_tags += u' <cds.PG>%(page)s</cds.PG>' % info
return numeration_tags
def add_tagged_journal(reading_line,
"""In rebuilding the line, add an identified periodical TITLE (standardised
and tagged) into the line.
@param reading_line: (string) The reference line before capitalization
was performed, and before REPORT-NUMBERs and TITLEs were stripped out.
@param len_title: (integer) the length of the matched TITLE.
@param matched_title: (string) the matched TITLE text.
@param previous_match: (dict) the previous periodical TITLE citation to
have been matched in the current reference line. It is used when
replacing an IBID instance in the line.
@param startpos: (integer) the pointer to the next position in the
reading-line from which to start rebuilding.
@param true_replacement_index: (integer) the replacement index of the
matched TITLE in the reading-line, with stripped punctuation and
whitespace accounted for.
@param extras: (integer) extras to be added into the replacement index.
@param standardised_titles: (dictionary) the standardised versions of
periodical titles, keyed by their various non-standard versions.
@return: (tuple) containing a string (the rebuilt line segment), an
integer (the next 'startpos' in the reading-line), and an other string
(the newly updated previous-match).
old_startpos = startpos
old_previous_match = previous_match
skip_numeration = False
series = None
def skip_ponctuation(line, pos):
# Skip past any punctuation at the end of the replacement that was
# just made:
while line[pos] in (".", ":", "-", ")"):
pos += 1
except IndexError:
# The match was at the very end of the line
return pos
# Fill 'rebuilt_line' (the segment of the line that is being rebuilt to
# include the tagged and standardised periodical TITLE) with the contents
# of the reading-line, up to the point of the matched TITLE:
rebuilt_line = reading_line[startpos:true_replacement_index]
# Test to see whether a title or an "IBID" was matched:
if journal_info.upper().find("IBID") != -1:
# This is an IBID
# Try to replace the IBID with a title:
if previous_match:
# Replace this IBID with the previous title match, if possible:
rebuilt_line += add_tagged_journal_in_place_of_IBID(previous_match)
series = previous_match['series']
# Update start position for next segment of original line:
startpos = true_replacement_index + len(journal_info) + extras
startpos = skip_ponctuation(reading_line, startpos)
rebuilt_line = ""
skip_numeration = True
if ';' in standardised_titles[journal_info]:
title, series = \
standardised_titles[journal_info].rsplit(';', 1)
series = series.strip()
previous_match = {'title': title,
'series': series}
title = standardised_titles[journal_info]
previous_match = {'title': title,
'series': None}
# This is a normal title, not an IBID
rebuilt_line += "<cds.JOURNAL>%s</cds.JOURNAL>" % title
startpos = true_replacement_index + len(journal_info) + extras
startpos = skip_ponctuation(reading_line, startpos)
if not skip_numeration:
# Check for numeration
numeration_line = reading_line[startpos:]
# First look for standard numeration
numerotation_info = find_numeration(numeration_line)
if not numerotation_info:
numeration_line = rebuilt_line + " " + numeration_line
# Now look for more funky numeration
# With possibly some elements before the journal title
numerotation_info = find_numeration_more(numeration_line)
if not numerotation_info:
startpos = old_startpos
previous_match = old_previous_match
rebuilt_line = ""
if series and not numerotation_info['series']:
numerotation_info['series'] = series
startpos += numerotation_info['len']
rebuilt_line += create_numeration_tag(numerotation_info)
previous_match['series'] = numerotation_info['series']
# return the rebuilt line-segment, the position (of the reading line) from
# which the next part of the rebuilt line should be started, and the newly
# updated previous match.
return rebuilt_line, startpos, previous_match
def add_tagged_publisher(reading_line,
"""In rebuilding the line, add an identified periodical TITLE (standardised
and tagged) into the line.
@param reading_line: (string) The reference line before capitalization
was performed, and before REPORT-NUMBERs and TITLEs were stripped out.
@param len_title: (integer) the length of the matched TITLE.
@param matched_title: (string) the matched TITLE text.
@param previous_match: (string) the previous periodical TITLE citation to
have been matched in the current reference line. It is used when
replacing an IBID instance in the line.
@param startpos: (integer) the pointer to the next position in the
reading-line from which to start rebuilding.
@param true_replacement_index: (integer) the replacement index of the
matched TITLE in the reading-line, with stripped punctuation and
whitespace accounted for.
@param extras: (integer) extras to be added into the replacement index.
@param standardised_titles: (dictionary) the standardised versions of
periodical titles, keyed by their various non-standard versions.
@return: (tuple) containing a string (the rebuilt line segment), an
integer (the next 'startpos' in the reading-line), and an other string
(the newly updated previous-match).
# Fill 'rebuilt_line' (the segment of the line that is being rebuilt to
# include the tagged and standardised periodical TITLE) with the contents
# of the reading-line, up to the point of the matched TITLE:
rebuilt_line = reading_line[startpos:true_replacement_index]
# This is a normal title, not an IBID
rebuilt_line += "<cds.PUBLISHER>%(title)s</cds.PUBLISHER>" \
% {'title' : kb_publishers[matched_publisher]['repl']}
# Compute new start pos
startpos = true_replacement_index + len(matched_publisher) + extras
# return the rebuilt line-segment, the position (of the reading line) from
# which the next part of the rebuilt line should be started, and the newly
# updated previous match.
return rebuilt_line, startpos
def get_replacement_types(titles, reportnumbers, publishers):
"""Given the indices of the titles and reportnumbers that have been
recognised within a reference line, create a dictionary keyed by
the replacement position in the line, where the value for each
key is a string describing the type of item replaced at that
position in the line.
The description strings are:
'title' - indicating that the replacement is a
periodical title
'reportnumber' - indicating that the replacement is a
preprint report number.
@param titles: (list) of locations in the string at which
periodical titles were found.
@param reportnumbers: (list) of locations in the string at which
reportnumbers were found.
@return: (dictionary) of replacement types at various locations
within the string.
rep_types = {}
for item_idx in titles:
rep_types[item_idx] = "journal"
for item_idx in reportnumbers:
rep_types[item_idx] = "reportnumber"
for item_idx in publishers:
rep_types[item_idx] = "publisher"
return rep_types
def account_for_stripped_whitespace(spaces_keys,
"""To build a processed (MARC XML) reference line in which the
recognised citations such as standardised periodical TITLEs and
REPORT-NUMBERs have been marked up, it is necessary to read from
the reference line BEFORE all punctuation was stripped and it was
made into upper-case. The indices of the cited items in this
'original line', however, will be different to those in the
'working-line', in which punctuation and multiple-spaces were
stripped out. For example, the following reading-line:
[26] E. Witten and S.-T. Yau, hep-th/9910245.
...becomes (after punctuation and multiple white-space stripping):
[26] E WITTEN AND S T YAU HEP TH/9910245
It can be seen that the report-number citation (hep-th/9910245) is
at a different index in the two strings. When refextract searches
for this citation, it uses the 2nd string (i.e. that which is
capitalised and has no punctuation). When it builds the MARC XML
representation of the reference line, however, it needs to read from
the first string. It must therefore consider the whitespace,
punctuation, etc that has been removed, in order to get the correct
index for the cited item. This function accounts for the stripped
characters before a given TITLE or REPORT-NUMBER index.
@param spaces_keys: (list) - the indices at which spaces were
removed from the reference line.
@param removed_spaces: (dictionary) - keyed by the indices at which
spaces were removed from the line, the values are the number of
spaces actually removed from that position.
So, for example, "3 spaces were removed from position 25 in
the line."
@param replacement_types: (dictionary) - at each 'replacement_index'
in the line, the of replacement to make (title or reportnumber).
@param len_reportnums: (dictionary) - the lengths of the REPORT-
NUMBERs matched at the various indices in the line.
@param len_titles: (dictionary) - the lengths of the various
TITLEs matched at the various indices in the line.
@param replacement_index: (integer) - the index in the working line
of the identified TITLE or REPORT-NUMBER citation.
@return: (tuple) containing 2 elements:
+ the true replacement index of a replacement in
the reading line;
+ any extras to add into the replacement index;
extras = 0
true_replacement_index = replacement_index
spare_replacement_index = replacement_index
for space in spaces_keys:
if space < true_replacement_index:
# There were spaces stripped before the current replacement
# Add the number of spaces removed from this location to the
# current replacement index:
true_replacement_index += removed_spaces[space]
spare_replacement_index += removed_spaces[space]
elif space >= spare_replacement_index and \
replacement_types[replacement_index] == u"journal" and \
space < (spare_replacement_index + \
# A periodical title is being replaced. Account for multi-spaces
# that may have been stripped from the title before its
# recognition:
spare_replacement_index += removed_spaces[space]
extras += removed_spaces[space]
elif space >= spare_replacement_index and \
replacement_types[replacement_index] == u"reportnumber" and \
space < (spare_replacement_index + \
# An institutional preprint report-number is being replaced.
# Account for multi-spaces that may have been stripped from it
# before its recognition:
spare_replacement_index += removed_spaces[space]
extras += removed_spaces[space]
# return the new values for replacement indices with stripped
# whitespace accounted for:
return true_replacement_index, extras
def strip_tags(line):
# Firstly, go through and change ALL TAGS and their contents to underscores
# author content can be checked for underscores later on
# Note that we don't have embedded tags this is why
# we can do this
re_tag = re.compile(ur'<cds\.[A-Z]+>[^<]*</cds\.[A-Z]+>|<cds\.[A-Z]+ />',
for m in re_tag.finditer(line):
chars_count = m.end() - m.start()
line = re_tag.sub('_'*chars_count, line, count=1)
return line
def identify_and_tag_collaborations(line, collaborations_kb):
"""Given a line where Authors have been tagged, and all other tags
and content has been replaced with underscores, go through and try
to identify extra items of data which should be placed into 'h'
Later on, these tagged pieces of information will be merged into
the content of the most recently found author. This is separated
from the author tagging procedure since separate tags can be used,
which won't influence the reference splitting heuristics
(used when looking at mulitple <AUTH> tags in a line).
for dummy, re_collab in collaborations_kb.iteritems():
matches = re_collab.finditer(strip_tags(line))
for match in reversed(list(matches)):
line = line[:match.start()] \
+".,:;- [](){}") \
+ line[match.end():]
return line
def identify_and_tag_authors(line, authors_kb):
"""Given a reference, look for a group of author names,
place tags around the author group, return the newly tagged line.
# Replace authors which do not convert well from utf-8
for pattern, repl in authors_kb:
line = line.replace(pattern, repl)
output_line = line
# We matched authors here
line = strip_tags(output_line)
matched_authors = list(re_auth.finditer(line))
# We try to have better results by unidecoding
unidecoded_line = strip_tags(unidecode(output_line))
matched_authors_unidecode = list(re_auth.finditer(unidecoded_line))
if len(matched_authors_unidecode) > len(matched_authors):
output_line = unidecode(output_line)
matched_authors = matched_authors_unidecode
# If there is at least one matched author group
if matched_authors:
matched_positions = []
preceeding_text_string = line
preceeding_text_start = 0
for auth_no, match in enumerate(matched_authors):
# Only if there are no underscores or closing arrows found in the matched author group
# This must be checked for here, as it cannot be applied to the re without clashing with
# other Unicode characters
if line[match.start():match.end()].find("_") == -1:
# Has the group with name 'et' (for 'et al') been found in the pattern?
# Has the group with name 'es' (for ed. before the author) been found in the pattern?
# Has the group with name 'ee' (for ed. after the author) been found in the pattern?
'start' : match.start(),
'end' : match.end(),
'etal' :'et') or'et2'),
'ed_start' :'es'),
'ed_end' :'ee'),
'multi_auth' :'multi_auth'),
'multi_surs' :'multi_surs'),
'text_before' : preceeding_text_string[preceeding_text_start:match.start()],
'auth_no' : auth_no,
# Save the end of the match, from where to snip the misc text found before an author match
preceeding_text_start = match.end()
# Work backwards to avoid index problems when adding AUTH tags
for m in matched_positions:
dump_in_misc = False
start = m['start']
end = m['end']
# Check the text before the current match to see if it has a bad 'et al'
lower_text_before = m['text_before'].strip().lower()
for e in etal_matches:
if lower_text_before.endswith(e):
## If so, this author match is likely to be a bad match on a missed title
dump_in_misc = True
# An AND found here likely indicates a missed author before this text
# Thus, triggers weaker author searching, within the previous misc text
# (Check the text before the current match to see if it has a bad 'and')
# A bad 'and' will only be denoted as such if there exists only one author after it
# and the author group is legit (not to be dumped in misc)
if not dump_in_misc and not (m['multi_auth'] or m['multi_surs']) \
and (lower_text_before.endswith(' and')):
# Search using a weaker author pattern to try and find the missed author(s) (cut away the end 'and')
weaker_match = re_auth_near_miss.match(m['text_before'])
if weaker_match and not ('es') or'ee')):
# Change the start of the author group to include this new author group
start = start - (len(m['text_before']) - weaker_match.start())
# Still no match, do not add tags for this author match.. dump it into misc
dump_in_misc = True
add_to_misc = ""
# If a semi-colon was found at the end of this author group, keep it in misc
# so that it can be looked at for splitting heurisitics
if len(output_line) > m['end']:
if output_line[m['end']].strip(" ,.") == ';':
add_to_misc = ';'
# Standardize eds. notation
tmp_output_line = re.sub(re_ed_notation, '(ed.)',
output_line[start:end], re.IGNORECASE)
# Standardize et al. notation
tmp_output_line = re.sub(re_etal, 'et al.',
tmp_output_line, re.IGNORECASE)
# Strip
tmp_output_line = tmp_output_line.lstrip('.').strip(",:;- [](")
if not tmp_output_line.endswith('(ed.)'):
tmp_output_line = tmp_output_line.strip(')')
# ONLY wrap author data with tags IF there is no evidence that it is an
# ed. author. (i.e. The author is not referred to as an editor)
# Does this author group string have 'et al.'?
if m['etal'] and not (m['ed_start'] or m['ed_end'] or dump_in_misc):
output_line = output_line[:start] \
+ "<cds.AUTHetal>" \
+ tmp_output_line \
+ add_to_misc \
+ output_line[end:]
elif not (m['ed_start'] or m['ed_end'] or dump_in_misc):
# Insert the std (standard) tag
output_line = output_line[:start] \
+ "<cds.AUTHstnd>" \
+ tmp_output_line \
+ add_to_misc \
+ output_line[end:]
# Apply the 'include in $h' method to author groups marked as editors
elif m['ed_start'] or m['ed_end']:
ed_notation = " (eds.)"
# Standardize et al. notation
tmp_output_line = re.sub(re_etal, 'et al.',
m['author_names'], re.IGNORECASE)
# remove any characters which denote this author group
# to be editors, just take the
# author names, and append '(ed.)'
output_line = output_line[:start] \
+ "<cds.AUTHincl>" \
+ tmp_output_line.strip(",:;- [](") \
+ ed_notation \
+ add_to_misc \
+ output_line[end:]
return output_line
def sum_2_dictionaries(dicta, dictb):
"""Given two dictionaries of totals, where each total refers to a key
in the dictionary, add the totals.
E.g.: dicta = { 'a' : 3, 'b' : 1 }
dictb = { 'a' : 1, 'c' : 5 }
dicta + dictb = { 'a' : 4, 'b' : 1, 'c' : 5 }
@param dicta: (dictionary)
@param dictb: (dictionary)
@return: (dictionary) - the sum of the 2 dictionaries
dict_out = dicta.copy()
for key in dictb.keys():
if 'key' in dict_out:
# Add the sum for key in dictb to that of dict_out:
dict_out[key] += dictb[key]
# the key is not in the first dictionary - add it directly:
dict_out[key] = dictb[key]
return dict_out
def identify_ibids(line):
"""Find IBIDs within the line, record their position and length,
and replace them with underscores.
@param line: (string) the working reference line
@return: (tuple) containing 2 dictionaries and a string:
Dictionary: matched IBID text: (Key: position of IBID in
line; Value: matched IBID text)
String: working line with matched IBIDs removed
ibid_match_txt = {}
# Record details of each matched ibid:
for m_ibid in re_ibid.finditer(line):
ibid_match_txt[m_ibid.start()] =
# Replace matched text in line with underscores:
line = line[0:m_ibid.start()] + \
"_" * len( + \
return ibid_match_txt, line
def find_all(string, sub):
listindex = []
offset = 0
i = string.find(sub, offset)
while i >= 0:
i = string.find(sub, i + 1)
return listindex
def find_numeration(line):
"""Given a reference line, attempt to locate instances of citation
'numeration' in the line.
@param line: (string) the reference line.
@return: (string) the reference line after numeration has been checked
and possibly recognized/marked-up.
patterns = (
# vol,page,year
# With sub volume
# vol,year,page
# vol,page,year
# year,vol,page
for pattern in patterns:
match = pattern.match(line)
if match:
info = match.groupdict()
series = info.get('series', None)
if not series:
series = extract_series_from_volume(info['vol'])
if not info['vol_num']:
info['vol_num'] = info['vol_num_alt']
if not info['vol_num']:
info['vol_num'] = info['vol_num_alt2']
return {'year': info.get('year', None),
'series': series,
'volume': info['vol_num'],
'page': info['page'],
'len': match.end()}
return None
def identify_journals(line, kb_journals):
"""Attempt to identify all periodical titles in a reference line.
Titles will be identified, their information (location in line,
length in line, and non-standardised version) will be recorded,
and they will be replaced in the working line by underscores.
@param line: (string) - the working reference line.
@param periodical_title_search_kb: (dictionary) - contains the
regexp patterns used to search for a non-standard TITLE in the
working reference line. Keyed by the TITLE string itself.
@param periodical_title_search_keys: (list) - contains the non-
standard periodical TITLEs to be searched for in the line. This
list of titles has already been ordered and is used to force
the order of searching.
@return: (tuple) containing 4 elements:
+ (dictionary) - the lengths of all titles
matched at each given index
within the line.
+ (dictionary) - the text actually matched for
each title at each given
index within the line.
+ (string) - the working line, with the
titles removed from it and
replaced by underscores.
+ (dictionary) - the totals for each bad-title
found in the line.
periodical_title_search_kb = kb_journals[0]
periodical_title_search_keys = kb_journals[2]
title_matches = {} # the text matched at the given line
# location (i.e. the title itself)
titles_count = {} # sum totals of each 'bad title found in
# line.
# Begin searching:
for title in periodical_title_search_keys:
# search for all instances of the current periodical title
# in the line:
# for each matched periodical title:
for title_match in periodical_title_search_kb[title].finditer(line):
if title not in titles_count:
# Add this title into the titles_count dictionary:
titles_count[title] = 1
# Add 1 to the count for the given title:
titles_count[title] += 1
# record the details of this title match:
# record the match length:
title_matches[title_match.start()] = title
len_to_replace = len(title)
# replace the matched title text in the line it n * '_',
# where n is the length of the matched title:
line = u"".join((line[:title_match.start()],
u"_" * len_to_replace,
line[title_match.start() + len_to_replace:]))
# return recorded information about matched periodical titles,
# along with the newly changed working line:
return title_matches, line, titles_count
def identify_report_numbers(line, kb_reports):
"""Attempt to identify all preprint report numbers in a reference
Report numbers will be identified, their information (location
in line, length in line, and standardised replacement version)
will be recorded, and they will be replaced in the working-line
by underscores.
@param line: (string) - the working reference line.
@param preprint_repnum_search_kb: (dictionary) - contains the
regexp patterns used to identify preprint report numbers.
@param preprint_repnum_standardised_categs: (dictionary) -
contains the standardised 'category' of a given preprint report
@return: (tuple) - 3 elements:
* a dictionary containing the lengths in the line of the
matched preprint report numbers, keyed by the index at
which each match was found in the line.
* a dictionary containing the replacement strings (standardised
versions) of preprint report numbers that were matched in
the line.
* a string, that is the new version of the working reference
line, in which any matched preprint report numbers have been
replaced by underscores.
Returned tuple is therefore in the following order:
(matched-reportnum-lengths, matched-reportnum-replacements,
def _by_len(a, b):
"""Comparison function used to sort a list by the length of the
strings in each element of the list.
if len(a[1]) < len(b[1]):
return 1
elif len(a[1]) == len(b[1]):
return 0
return -1
repnum_matches_matchlen = {} # info about lengths of report numbers
# matched at given locations in line
repnum_matches_repl_str = {} # standardised report numbers matched
# at given locations in line
preprint_repnum_search_kb, preprint_repnum_standardised_categs = kb_reports
preprint_repnum_categs = preprint_repnum_standardised_categs.keys()
# Handle CERN/LHCC/98-013
line = line.replace('/', ' ')
# try to match preprint report numbers in the line:
for categ in preprint_repnum_categs:
# search for all instances of the current report
# numbering style in the line:
repnum_matches_iter = preprint_repnum_search_kb[categ].finditer(line)
# for each matched report number of this style:
for repnum_match in repnum_matches_iter:
# Get the matched text for the numeration part of the
# preprint report number:
numeration_match ='numn')
# clean/standardise this numeration text:
numeration_match = numeration_match.replace(" ", "-")
numeration_match = re_multiple_hyphens.sub("-", numeration_match)
numeration_match = numeration_match.replace("/-", "/")
numeration_match = numeration_match.replace("-/", "/")
numeration_match = numeration_match.replace("-/-", "/")
# replace the found preprint report number in the
# string with underscores
# (this will replace chars in the lower-cased line):
line = line[0:repnum_match.start(1)] \
+ "_"*len( + line[repnum_match.end(1):]
# record the information about the matched preprint report number:
# total length in the line of the matched preprint report number:
repnum_matches_matchlen[repnum_match.start(1)] = \
# standardised replacement for the matched preprint report number:
repnum_matches_repl_str[repnum_match.start(1)] = \
preprint_repnum_standardised_categs[categ] \
+ numeration_match
# return recorded information about matched report numbers, along with
# the newly changed working line:
return repnum_matches_matchlen, repnum_matches_repl_str, line
def identify_publishers(line, kb_publishers):
matches_repl = {} # standardised report numbers matched
# at given locations in line
for abbrev, info in kb_publishers.iteritems():
for match in info['pattern'].finditer(line):
# record the matched non-standard version of the publisher:
matches_repl[match.start(0)] = abbrev
return matches_repl
def identify_and_tag_URLs(line):
"""Given a reference line, identify URLs in the line, record the
information about them, and replace them with a "<cds.URL />" tag.
URLs are identified in 2 forms:
+ Raw:
+ HTML marked-up: <a href="">CERN Document
Server Software Consortium</a>
These URLs are considered to have 2 components: The URL itself
(url string); and the URL description. The description is effectively
the text used for the created Hyperlink when the URL is marked-up
in HTML. When an HTML marked-up URL has been recognised, the text
between the anchor tags is therefore taken as the URL description.
In the case of a raw URL recognition, however, the URL itself will
also be used as the URL description.
For example, in the following reference line:
[1] See <a href="">CERN Document Server
Software Consortium</a>.
...the URL string will be "" and the URL
description will be
"CERN Document Server Software Consortium".
The line returned from this function will be:
[1] See <cds.URL />
In the following line, however:
[1] See http // for more details.
...the URL string will be "" and the URL
description will also be "".
The line returned will be:
[1] See <cds.URL /> for more details.
@param line: (string) the reference line in which to search for URLs.
@return: (tuple) - containing 2 items:
+ the line after URLs have been recognised and removed;
+ a list of 2-item tuples where each tuple represents a recognised URL
and its description:
[(url, url-description), (url, url-description), ... ]
@Exceptions raised:
+ an IndexError if there is a problem with the number of URLs
recognised (this should not happen.)
# Take a copy of the line:
line_pre_url_check = line
# Dictionaries to record details of matched URLs:
found_url_full_matchlen = {}
found_url_urlstring = {}
found_url_urldescr = {}
# List to contain details of all matched URLs:
identified_urls = []
# Attempt to identify and tag all HTML-MARKED-UP URLs in the line:
m_tagged_url_iter = re_html_tagged_url.finditer(line)
for m_tagged_url in m_tagged_url_iter:
startposn = m_tagged_url.start() # start position of matched URL
endposn = m_tagged_url.end() # end position of matched URL
matchlen = len( # total length of URL match
found_url_full_matchlen[startposn] = matchlen
found_url_urlstring[startposn] ='url')
found_url_urldescr[startposn] ='desc')
# temporarily replace the URL match with underscores so that
# it won't be re-found
line = line[0:startposn] + u"_"*matchlen + line[endposn:]
# Attempt to identify and tag all RAW (i.e. not
# HTML-marked-up) URLs in the line:
m_raw_url_iter = re_raw_url.finditer(line)
for m_raw_url in m_raw_url_iter:
startposn = m_raw_url.start() # start position of matched URL
endposn = m_raw_url.end() # end position of matched URL
matchlen = len( # total length of URL match
matched_url ='url')
if len(matched_url) > 0 and matched_url[-1] in (".", ","):
# Strip the full-stop or comma from the end of the url:
matched_url = matched_url[:-1]
found_url_full_matchlen[startposn] = matchlen
found_url_urlstring[startposn] = matched_url
found_url_urldescr[startposn] = matched_url
# temporarily replace the URL match with underscores
# so that it won't be re-found
line = line[0:startposn] + u"_"*matchlen + line[endposn:]
# Now that all URLs have been identified, insert them
# back into the line, tagged:
found_url_positions = found_url_urlstring.keys()
for url_position in found_url_positions:
line = line[0:url_position] + "<cds.URL />" \
+ line[url_position + found_url_full_matchlen[url_position]:]
# The line has been rebuilt. Now record the information about the
# matched URLs:
found_url_positions = found_url_urlstring.keys()
for url_position in found_url_positions:
identified_urls.append((found_url_urlstring[url_position], \
# Somehow the number of URLs found doesn't match the number of
# URLs recorded in "identified_urls". Raise an IndexError.
msg = """Error: The number of URLs found in the reference line """ \
"""does not match the number of URLs recorded in the """ \
"""list of identified URLs!\nLine pre-URL checking: %s\n""" \
"""Line post-URL checking: %s\n""" \
% (line_pre_url_check, line)
assert len(identified_urls) == len(found_url_positions), msg
# return the line containing the tagged URLs:
return line, identified_urls
def identify_and_tag_DOI(line):
"""takes a single citation line and attempts to locate any DOI references.
DOI references are recognised in both http (url) format and also the
standard DOI notation (DOI: ...)
@param line: (string) the reference line in which to search for DOI's.
@return: the tagged line and a list of DOI strings (if any)
# Used to hold the DOI strings in the citation line
doi_strings = []
# Run the DOI pattern on the line, returning the re.match objects
matched_doi = re_doi.finditer(line)
# For each match found in the line
for match in reversed(list(matched_doi)):
# Store the start and end position
start = match.start()
end = match.end()
# Get the actual DOI string (remove the url part of the doi string)
doi_phrase =
# Replace the entire matched doi with a tag
line = line[0:start] + "<cds.DOI />" + line[end:]
# Add the single DOI string to the list of DOI strings
return line, doi_strings

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