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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
This module implement a generic plugin container facility.
import sys
import os
import glob
import inspect
from invenio.config import CFG_PYLIBDIR
class InvenioPluginContainerError(Exception):
Exception raised when some error happens during plugin loading.
class PluginContainer(object):
This class implements a I{plugin container}.
This class implements part of the dict interface with the condition
that only correctly enabled plugins can be retrieved by their plugin_name.
>>> ## Loading all the plugin within a directory.
>>> websubmit_functions = PluginContainer(
... os.path.join(CFG_PYLIBDIR,
... 'invenio', 'websubmit_functions', '*.py')
... )
>>> ## Loading an explicit plugin.
>>> case_eds = websubmit_functions['CaseEDS']
@param plugin_pathnames: zero or more plugins_pathnames from where to load
the plugins.
@type plugin_pathnames: string/list
@param plugin_builder: a callable with the signature
C{plugin_builder(plugin_name, plugin_code)} that will be called
to extract the actual plugin from the module stored in plugin_code.
@type plugin_builder: callable
@param api_version: the API version of the plugin. If specified, plugins
which specify different versions will fail to be loaded. Default value
is C{None} which turns off the version checking.
@type api_version: integer
@param plugin_signature: a stub to be used in order to check if a loaded
plugin respect a particular signature or not.
@type plugin_signature: class/function
@ivar _plugin_map: a map between plugin_name and a dict with keys
"error", "plugin", "plugin_path", "enabled", "api_version"
@type _plugin_map: dict
@ivar _plugin_pathnames: the list of normalized plugin pathnames
corresponding to the plugins to be loaded.
@type _plugin_pathnames: list
@ivar _cached_modules: map of the current loaded modules, to be used
in order to refresh Python cashed modules.
@type _cached_modules: dict
@ivar _plugin_builder: the plugin builder as passed to the constructor.
@type plugin_builder: function
@ivar api_version: the version as provided to the constructor.
@type api_version: integer
@group Mapping interface: __contains__,__getitem__,get,has_key,items,
@group Main API: __init__,add_plugin_pathnames,get_enabled_plugins,
def __init__(self,
self._plugin_map = {}
self._cached_modules = {}
self._plugin_pathnames = []
self.api_version = api_version
if plugin_builder is None:
self._plugin_builder = self.default_plugin_builder
self._plugin_builder = plugin_builder
self._plugin_signature = plugin_signature
if plugin_pathnames:
def default_plugin_builder(plugin_name, plugin_code):
Default plugin builder used to extract the plugin from the module
that contains it.
@note: By default it will look for a class or function with the same
name of the plugin.
@param plugin_name: the name of the plugin.
@type plugin_name: string
@param plugin_code: the code of the module as just read from
@type plugin_code: module
@return: the plugin
return getattr(plugin_code, plugin_name)
default_plugin_builder = staticmethod(default_plugin_builder)
def add_plugin_pathnames(self, plugin_pathnames):
Add a one or more plugin pathnames, i.e. full plugin path exploiting
wildcards, e.g. "bibformat_elements/bfe_*.py".
@note: these plugins_pathnames will be added to the current list of
plugin_pathnames, and all the plugins will be reloaded.
@param plugin_pathnames: one or more plugins_pathnames
@type plugin_pathnames: string/list
if type(plugin_pathnames) is str:
def enable_plugin(self, plugin_name):
Enable plugin_name.
@param plugin_name: the plugin name.
@type plugin_name: string
@raise KeyError: if the plugin does not exists.
self._plugin_map[plugin_name]['enabled'] = True
def disable_plugin(self, plugin_name):
Disable plugin_name.
@param plugin_name: the plugin name.
@type plugin_name: string
@raise KeyError: if the plugin does not exists.
self._plugin_map[plugin_name]['enabled'] = False
def plugin_enabled_p(self, plugin_name):
Returns True if the plugin is correctly enabled.
@param plugin_name: the plugin name.
@type plugin_name: string
@return: True if the plugin is correctly enabled..
@rtype: bool
@raise KeyError: if the plugin does not exists.
return self._plugin_map[plugin_name]['enabled']
def get_plugin_filesystem_path(self, plugin_name):
Returns the filesystem path from where the plugin was loaded.
@param plugin_name: the plugin name.
@type plugin_name: string
@return: the filesystem path.
@rtype: string
@raise KeyError: if the plugin does not exists.
return self._plugin_map[plugin_name]['plugin_path']
def get_plugin(self, plugin_name):
Returns the plugin corresponding to plugin_name.
@param plugin_name: the plugin name,
@type plugin_name: string
@return: the plugin
@raise KeyError: if the plugin does not exists or is not enabled.
if self._plugin_map[plugin_name]['enabled']:
return self._plugin_map[plugin_name]['plugin']
raise KeyError('"%s" is not enabled' % plugin_name)
def get_broken_plugins(self):
Returns a map between plugin names and errors, in the form of
C{sys.exc_info} structure.
@return: plugin_name -> sys.exc_info().
@rtype: dict
ret = {}
for plugin_name, plugin in self._plugin_map.iteritems():
if plugin['error']:
ret[plugin_name] = plugin['error']
return ret
def reload_plugins(self):
For the plugins found through iterating in the plugin_pathnames, loads
and working plugin.
@note: if a plugin has the same plugin_name of an already loaded
plugin, the former will override the latter (provided that the
former had a compatible signature to the latter).
@note: any plugin that fails to load will be added to the plugin
map as disabled and the sys.exc_info() captured during the
Exception will be stored. (if the failed plugin was supposed to
override an existing one, the latter will be overridden by
the failed former).
for plugin_path in self._plugin_pathnames_iterator():
def normalize_plugin_path(plugin_path):
Returns a normalized plugin_path.
@param plugin_path: the plugin path.
@type plugin_path: string
@return: the normalized plugin path.
@rtype: string
@raise ValueError: if the path is not under CFG_PYLIBDIR/invenio
invenio_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CFG_PYLIBDIR, 'invenio'))
plugin_path = os.path.abspath(plugin_path)
if not os.path.abspath(plugin_path).startswith(invenio_path):
raise ValueError('A plugin should be stored under "%s" ("%s" was'
' specified)' % (invenio_path, plugin_path))
return plugin_path
normalize_plugin_path = staticmethod(normalize_plugin_path)
def _plugin_pathnames_iterator(self):
Returns an iterator over all the normalized plugin path.
@note: older plugin_pathnames are considered first, and newer
plugin_pathnames later, so that plugin overriding is possible.
@return: the iterator over plugin paths.
@rtype: iterator
for plugin_pathname in self._plugin_pathnames:
for plugin_path in glob.glob(plugin_pathname):
yield self.normalize_plugin_path(plugin_path)
def get_plugin_name(plugin_path):
Returns the name of the plugin after the plugin_path.
@param plugin_path: the filesystem path to the plugin code.
@type plugin_path: string
@return: the plugin name.
@rtype: string
plugin_name = os.path.basename(plugin_path)
if plugin_name.endswith('.py'):
plugin_name = plugin_name[:-len('.py')]
return plugin_name
get_plugin_name = staticmethod(get_plugin_name)
def _load_plugin(self, plugin_path):
Load a plugin in the plugin map.
@note: if the plugin_name calculated from plugin_path corresponds to
an already existing plugin, the old plugin will be overridden and
if the old plugin was correctly loaded but disabled also the
new plugin will be disabled.
@param plugin_path: the plugin path.
@type plugin_path: string
api_version = None
plugin_name = self.get_plugin_name(plugin_path)
plugin_import_path = plugin_path[
len(CFG_PYLIBDIR) + 1:-len('.py')
].replace('/', '.')
## Let's refresh Python's own cache.
if plugin_import_path in self._cached_modules:
## Let's load the plugin module.
plugin = __import__(plugin_import_path)
self._cached_modules[plugin_import_path] = plugin
components = plugin_import_path.split(".")
for component in components[1:]:
## Let's reach *the* plugin module
plugin = getattr(plugin, component)
## Let's check for API version.
api_version = getattr(plugin, '__plugin_version__', None)
if self.api_version and api_version != self.api_version:
raise InvenioPluginContainerError("Plugin version mismatch."
" Expected %s, found %s" % (self.api_version, api_version))
## Let's load the actual plugin
plugin = self._plugin_builder(plugin_name, plugin)
## Are we overriding an already loaded plugin?
enabled = True
if plugin_name in self._plugin_map:
old_plugin = self._plugin_map[plugin_name]
if old_plugin['error'] is None:
enabled = old_plugin['enabled']
check_signature(plugin_name, old_plugin['plugin'], plugin)
## Let's check the plugin signature.
if self._plugin_signature:
check_signature(plugin_name, self._plugin_signature, plugin)
self._plugin_map[plugin_name] = {
'plugin' : plugin,
'error' : None,
'plugin_path' : plugin_path,
'enabled' : enabled,
'api_version' : api_version,
except Exception:
self._plugin_map[plugin_name] = {
'plugin' : None,
'error' : sys.exc_info(),
'plugin_path' : plugin_path,
'enabled' : False,
'api_version' : api_version,
def __getitem__(self, plugin_name):
As in C{dict.__getitem__} but apply plugin name normalization and check
if the plugin is correctly enabled.
@param plugin_name: the name of the plugin
@type plugin_name: string
@return: the plugin.
@raise KeyError: if the corresponding plugin is not enabled or there
were some errors.
plugin_name = self.get_plugin_name(plugin_name)
if plugin_name in self._plugin_map and \
self._plugin_map[plugin_name]['enabled'] is True:
return self._plugin_map[plugin_name]['plugin']
raise KeyError('"%s" does not exists or is not correctly enabled')
def __contains__(self, plugin_name):
As in C{dict.__contains__} but apply plugin name normalization and
check if the plugin is correctly enabled.
@param plugin_name: the name of the plugin
@type plugin_name: string
@return: True if plugin_name is correctly there.
@rtype: bool
plugin_name = self.get_plugin_name(plugin_name)
return plugin_name in self._plugin_map and \
self._plugin_map[plugin_name]['enabled'] is True
def __len__(self):
As in C{dict.__len__} but consider only correctly enabled plugins.
@return: the total number of plugins correctly enabled.
@rtype: integer
count = 0
for plugin in self._plugin_map.values():
if plugin['enabled']:
count += 1
return count
def get(self, plugin_name, default=None):
As in C{dict.get} but consider only correctly enabled plugins.
@param plugin_name: the name of the plugin
@type plugin_name: string
@param default: the default value to return if plugin_name does not
correspond to a correctly enabled plugin.
@return: the total number of plugins correctly enabled.
@rtype: integer
return self.__getitem__(plugin_name)
except KeyError:
return default
def has_key(self, plugin_name):
As in C{dict.has_key} but apply plugin name normalization and check
if the plugin is correctly enabled.
@param plugin_name: the name of the plugin
@type plugin_name: string
@return: True if plugin_name is correctly there.
@rtype: bool
return self.__contains__(plugin_name)
def items(self):
As in C{dict.items} but checks if the plugin are correctly enabled.
@return: list of (plugin_name, plugin).
@rtype: [(plugin_name, plugin), ...]
ret = []
for plugin_name, plugin in self._plugin_map.iteritems():
if plugin['enabled']:
ret.append((plugin_name, plugin['plugin']))
return ret
def iteritems(self):
As in C{dict.iteritems} but checks if the plugin are correctly enabled.
@return: an iterator over the (plugin_name, plugin) items.
for plugin_name, plugin in self._plugin_map.iteritems():
if plugin['enabled']:
yield (plugin_name, plugin['plugin'])
def iterkeys(self):
As in C{dict.iterkeys} but checks if the plugin are correctly enabled.
@return: an iterator over the plugin_names.
for plugin_name, plugin in self._plugin_map.iteritems():
if plugin['enabled']:
yield plugin_name
def itervalues(self):
As in C{dict.itervalues} but checks if the plugin are correctly
@return: an iterator over the plugins.
for plugin in self._plugin_map.itervalues():
if plugin['enabled']:
yield plugin['plugin']
def keys(self):
As in C{dict.keys} but checks if the plugin are correctly enabled.
@return: the list of enabled plugin_names.
@rtype: list of strings
ret = []
for plugin_name, plugin in self._plugin_map.iteritems():
if plugin['enabled']:
return ret
def values(self):
As in C{dict.values} but checks if the plugin are correctly enabled.
@return: the list of enabled plugin codes.
return [plugin['plugin'] \
for plugin in self._plugin_map.values() if plugin['enabled']]
def get_enabled_plugins(self):
Return a map of the correctly enabled plugins.
@return: a map plugin_name -> plugin
@rtype: dict
ret = {}
for plugin_name, plugin in self._plugin_map.iteritems():
if plugin['enabled']:
ret[plugin_name] = plugin['plugin']
return ret
def check_signature(object_name, reference_object, other_object):
Given a reference class or function check if an other class or function
could be substituted without causing any instantiation/usage issues.
@param object_name: the name of the object being checked.
@type object_name: string
@param reference_object: the reference class or function.
@type reference_object: class/function
@param other_object: the other class or function to be checked.
@type other_object: class/function
@raise InvenioPluginContainerError: in case the other object is not
compatible with the reference object.
if inspect.isclass(reference_object):
## if the reference_object is a class
if inspect.isclass(other_object):
## if the other_object is a class
if issubclass(other_object, reference_object):
## if the other_object is derived from the reference we
## should check for all the method in the former that
## exists in the the latter, wethever they recursively have
## the same signature.
reference_object_map = dict(
inspect.getmembers(reference_object, inspect.isroutine)
for other_method_name, other_method_code in \
other_object, inspect.isroutine
if other_method_name in reference_object_map:
## if the other_object is not derived from the
## reference_object then all the method declared in the
## latter should exist in the former and they should
## recursively have the same signature.
other_object_map = dict(
inspect.getmembers(other_object, inspect.isroutine)
for reference_method_name, reference_method_code in \
reference_object, inspect.isroutine
if reference_method_name in other_object_map:
object_name, reference_method_code,
raise InvenioPluginContainerError('"%s", which'
' exists in the reference class, does not'
' exist in the other class, and the reference'
' class is not an anchestor of the other' %
## We are comparing apples and oranges!
raise InvenioPluginContainerError("%s (the reference object)"
" is a class while %s (the other object) is not a class" %
(reference_object, other_object))
elif inspect.isroutine(reference_object):
## if the reference_object is a function
if inspect.isroutine(other_object):
## if the other_object is a function we will compare the
## reference_object and other_object function signautre i.e.
## their parameters.
reference_args, reference_varargs, reference_varkw, \
reference_defaults = inspect.getargspec(reference_object)
other_args, other_varargs, other_varkw, \
other_defaults = inspect.getargspec(other_object)
## We normalize the reference_defaults to be a list
if reference_defaults is not None:
reference_defaults = list(reference_defaults)
reference_defaults = []
## We normalize the other_defaults to be a list
if other_defaults is not None:
other_defaults = list(other_defaults)
other_defaults = []
## Check for presence of missing parameters in other function
if not (other_varargs or other_varkw):
for reference_arg in reference_args:
if reference_arg not in other_args:
raise InvenioPluginContainerError('Argument "%s"'
' in reference function %s does not exist in'
' the other function %s' % (reference_arg,
reference_object, other_object))
## Check for presence of additional parameters in other
## function
if not (reference_varargs or reference_varkw):
for other_arg in other_args:
if other_arg not in reference_args:
raise InvenioPluginContainerError('Argument "%s"'
' in other function %s does not exist in the'
' reference function %s' % (other_arg,
other_object, reference_object))
## Check sorting of arguments
for reference_arg, other_arg in map(
None, reference_args, other_args):
if not((reference_arg == other_arg) or
(reference_arg is None and
(reference_varargs or reference_varkw)) or
(other_arg is None and
(other_args or other_varargs))):
raise InvenioPluginContainerError('Argument "%s" in'
' the other function is in the position of'
' argument "%s" in the reference function, i.e.'
' the order of arguments is not respected' %
(other_arg, reference_arg))
if len(reference_defaults) != len(other_defaults) and \
not (reference_args or reference_varargs
or other_args or other_varargs):
raise InvenioPluginContainerError("Default parameters in"
" the other function are not corresponding to the"
" default of parameters of the reference function")
## We are comparing apples and oranges!
raise InvenioPluginContainerError('%s (the reference object)'
' is a function while %s (the other object) is not a'
' function' % (reference_object, other_object))
except InvenioPluginContainerError, err:
sourcefile = inspect.getsourcefile(other_object)
sourceline = inspect.getsourcelines(other_object)[1]
except IOError:
## other_object is not loaded from a real file
sourcefile = 'N/A'
sourceline = 'N/A'
raise InvenioPluginContainerError('Error in checking signature for'
' "%s" as defined at "%s" (line %s): %s' %
(object_name, sourcefile, sourceline, err))

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