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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" -- helper functions for URL related problems such as
argument washing, redirection, etc.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import time
import base64
import hmac
import re
import sys
import inspect
from urllib import urlencode, quote_plus, quote
from urlparse import urlparse
from cgi import parse_qs, escape
from hashlib import sha256, sha1
except ImportError:
from invenio import webinterface_handler_config as apache
from invenio.config import \
def wash_url_argument(var, new_type):
Wash argument into 'new_type', that can be 'list', 'str',
'int', 'tuple' or 'dict'.
If needed, the check 'type(var) is not None' should be done before
calling this function.
@param var: variable value
@param new_type: variable type, 'list', 'str', 'int', 'tuple' or 'dict'
@return: as much as possible, value var as type new_type
If var is a list, will change first element into new_type.
If int check unsuccessful, returns 0
out = []
if new_type == 'list': # return lst
if isinstance(var, list):
out = var
out = [var]
elif new_type == 'str': # return str
if isinstance(var, list):
out = "%s" % var[0]
out = ""
elif isinstance(var, str):
out = var
out = "%s" % var
elif new_type == 'int': # return int
if isinstance(var, list):
out = int(var[0])
out = 0
elif isinstance(var, (int, long)):
out = var
elif isinstance(var, str):
out = int(var)
out = 0
out = 0
elif new_type == 'tuple': # return tuple
if isinstance(var, tuple):
out = var
out = (var, )
elif new_type == 'dict': # return dictionary
if isinstance(var, dict):
out = var
out = {0: var}
return out
def redirect_to_url(req, url, redirection_type=None, norobot=False):
Redirect current page to url.
@param req: request as received from apache
@param url: url to redirect to
@param redirection_type: what kind of redirection is required:
e.g.: apache.HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300
apache.HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303
apache.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 304
apache.HTTP_USE_PROXY = 305
The default is apache.HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT
@param norobot: wether to instruct crawlers and robots such as GoogleBot
not to index past this point.
if redirection_type is None:
redirection_type = apache.HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY
del req.headers_out["Cache-Control"]
req.headers_out["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, private, no-store, " \
"must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0"
req.headers_out["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
if norobot:
req.headers_out["X-Robots-Tag"] = "noarchive, nosnippet, noindex, nocache"
user_agent = req.headers_in.get('User-Agent')
if 'Microsoft Office Existence Discovery' in user_agent or 'ms-office' in user_agent:
## HACK: this is to workaround Microsoft Office trying to be smart
## when users click on URLs in Office documents that require
## authentication. Office will check the validity of the URL
## but will pass the browser the redirected URL rather than
## the original one. This is incompatible with e.g. Shibboleth
## based SSO since the referer would be lost.
## See:
req.status = 200
req.content_type = 'text/html'
if req.method != 'HEAD':
<title>Intermediate page for URLs clicked on MS Office Documents</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="5;url=%(url)s"></meta>
<p>You are going to be redirected to the desired content within 5 seconds. If the redirection does not happen automatically please click on <a href="%(url)s">%(url_ok)s</a>.</p>
</html>""" % {
'url': escape(req.unparsed_uri, True),
'url_ok': escape(req.unparsed_uri)
raise apache.SERVER_RETURN(apache.DONE)
req.headers_out["Location"] = url
if req.response_sent_p:
raise IOError("Cannot redirect after headers have already been sent.")
req.status = redirection_type
req.write('<p>Please go to <a href="%s">here</a></p>\n' % url)
raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.DONE
def get_referer(req, replace_ampersands=False):
""" Return the referring page of a request.
Referer (wikipedia): Referer is a common misspelling of the word
"referrer"; so common, in fact, that it made it into the official
specification of HTTP. When visiting a webpage, the referer or
referring page is the URL of the previous webpage from which a link was
@param req: request
@param replace_ampersands: if 1, replace & by &amp; in url
(correct HTML cannot contain & characters alone)
referer = req.headers_in['Referer']
if replace_ampersands == 1:
return referer.replace('&', '&amp;')
return referer
except KeyError:
return ''
def drop_default_urlargd(urlargd, default_urlargd):
lndefault = {}
## Commented out. An Invenio URL now should always specify the desired
## language, in order not to raise the automatic language discovery
## (client browser language can be used now in place of CFG_SITE_LANG)
# lndefault['ln'] = (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)
canonical = {}
for k, v in urlargd.items():
d = lndefault[k]
if d[1] == v:
del canonical[k]
except KeyError:
return canonical
def make_canonical_urlargd(urlargd, default_urlargd):
""" Build up the query part of an URL from the arguments passed in
the 'urlargd' dictionary. 'default_urlargd' is a secondary dictionary which
contains tuples of the form (type, default value) for the query
arguments (this is the same dictionary as the one you can pass to
When a query element has its default value, it is discarded, so
that the simplest (canonical) url query is returned.
The result contains the initial '?' if there are actual query
items remaining.
canonical = drop_default_urlargd(urlargd, default_urlargd)
if canonical:
return '?' + urlencode(canonical, doseq=True).replace('&', '&amp;')
return ''
def create_html_link(urlbase, urlargd, link_label, linkattrd=None,
escape_urlargd=True, escape_linkattrd=True):
"""Creates a W3C compliant link.
@param urlbase: base url (e.g. invenio.config.CFG_SITE_URL/search)
@param urlargd: dictionary of parameters. (e.g. p={'recid':3, 'of'='hb'})
@param link_label: text displayed in a browser (has to be already escaped)
@param linkattrd: dictionary of attributes (e.g. a={'class': 'img'})
@param escape_urlargd: boolean indicating if the function should escape
arguments (e.g. < becomes &lt; or " becomes &quot;)
@param escape_linkattrd: boolean indicating if the function should escape
attributes (e.g. < becomes &lt; or " becomes &quot;)
attributes_separator = ' '
output = '<a href="' + \
create_url(urlbase, urlargd, escape_urlargd) + '"'
if linkattrd:
output += ' '
if escape_linkattrd:
attributes = [escape(str(key), quote=True) + '="' + \
escape(str(linkattrd[key]), quote=True) + '"'
for key in linkattrd.keys()]
attributes = [str(key) + '="' + str(linkattrd[key]) + '"'
for key in linkattrd.keys()]
output += attributes_separator.join(attributes)
output += '>' + link_label + '</a>'
return output
def create_html_mailto(email, subject=None, body=None, cc=None, bcc=None,
link_label="%(email)s", linkattrd=None,
escape_urlargd=True, escape_linkattrd=True,
"""Creates a W3C compliant 'mailto' link.
Encode/encrypt given email to reduce undesired automated email
harvesting when embedded in a web page.
NOTE: there is no ultimate solution to protect against email
harvesting. All have drawbacks and can more or less be
circumvented. There are other techniques to protect email
adresses. We implement the less annoying one for users.
@param email: the recipient of the email
@param subject: a default subject for the email (must not contain
line feeds)
@param body: a default body for the email
@param cc: the co-recipient(s) of the email
@param bcc: the hidden co-recpient(s) of the email
@param link_label: the label of this mailto link. String
replacement is performed on key %(email)s with
the email address if needed.
@param linkattrd: dictionary of attributes (e.g. a={'class': 'img'})
@param escape_urlargd: boolean indicating if the function should escape
arguments (e.g. < becomes &lt; or " becomes &quot;)
@param escape_linkattrd: boolean indicating if the function should escape
attributes (e.g. < becomes &lt; or " becomes &quot;)
@param email_obfuscation_mode: the protection mode. See below:
You can choose among several modes to protect emails. It is
advised to keep the default
possible for an admin to change the policy globally.
Available modes ([t] means "transparent" for the user):
-1: hide all emails, excepted CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL and
[t] 0 : no protection, email returned as is. =>
1 : basic email munging: replaces @ by [at] and . by [dot] => foo [at] example [dot] com
[t] 2 : transparent name mangling: characters are replaced by
equivalent HTML entities. => &#102;&#111;&#111;&#64;&#101;&#120;&#97;&#109;&#112;&#108;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;
[t] 3 : javascript insertion. Requires Javascript enabled on client side.
4 : replaces @ and . characters by gif equivalents. => foo<img src="at.gif" alt=" [at] ">example<img src="dot.gif" alt=" [dot] ">com
# TODO: implement other protection modes to encode/encript email:
## [t] 5 : form submission. User is redirected to a form that he can
## fills in to send the email (??Use webmessage??).
## Depending on WebAccess, ask to answer a question.
## [t] 6 : if user can see (controlled by WebAccess), display. Else
## ask to login to see email. If user cannot see, display
## form submission.
if linkattrd is None:
linkattrd = {}
parameters = {}
if subject:
parameters["subject"] = subject
if body:
parameters["body"] = body.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\n', '\r\n')
if cc:
parameters["cc"] = cc
if bcc:
parameters["bcc"] = bcc
# Preprocessing values for some modes
if email_obfuscation_mode == 1:
# Basic Munging
email = email.replace("@", " [at] ").replace(".", " [dot] ")
elif email_obfuscation_mode == 2:
# Transparent name mangling
email = string_to_numeric_char_reference(email)
if '%(email)s' in link_label:
link_label = link_label % {'email': email}
mailto_link = create_html_link('mailto:' + email, parameters,
link_label, linkattrd,
escape_urlargd, escape_linkattrd)
if email_obfuscation_mode == 0:
# Return "as is"
return mailto_link
elif email_obfuscation_mode == 1:
# Basic Munging
return mailto_link
elif email_obfuscation_mode == 2:
# Transparent name mangling
return mailto_link
elif email_obfuscation_mode == 3:
# Javascript-based
return '''<script language="JavaScript" ''' \
'''type="text/javascript">''' \
'''document.write('%s'.split("").reverse().join(""))''' \
'''</script>''' % \
mailto_link[::-1].replace("'", "\\'")
elif email_obfuscation_mode == 4:
# GIFs-based
email = email.replace('.',
'<img src="%s/img/dot.gif" alt=" [dot] " '
'style="vertical-align:bottom" />' % CFG_SITE_URL)
email = email.replace('@',
'<img src="%s/img/at.gif" alt=" [at] " '
'style="vertical-align:baseline" />' % CFG_SITE_URL)
return email
# All other cases, including mode -1:
return ""
def string_to_numeric_char_reference(string):
Encode a string to HTML-compatible numeric character reference.
Eg: encode_html_entities("abc") == '&#97;&#98;&#99;'
out = ""
for char in string:
out += "&#" + str(ord(char)) + ";"
return out
def create_url(urlbase, urlargd, escape_urlargd=True):
"""Creates a W3C compliant URL. Output will look like this:
@param urlbase: base url (e.g. invenio.config.CFG_SITE_URL/search)
@param urlargd: dictionary of parameters. (e.g. p={'recid':3, 'of'='hb'}
@param escape_urlargd: boolean indicating if the function should escape
arguments (e.g. < becomes &lt; or " becomes &quot;)
separator = '&amp;'
output = urlbase
if urlargd:
output += '?'
if escape_urlargd:
arguments = [escape(quote(str(key)), quote=True) + '=' + \
escape(quote(str(urlargd[key])), quote=True)
for key in urlargd.keys()]
arguments = [str(key) + '=' + str(urlargd[key])
for key in urlargd.keys()]
output += separator.join(arguments)
return output
def same_urls_p(a, b):
""" Compare two URLs, ignoring reorganizing of query arguments """
ua = list(urlparse(a))
ub = list(urlparse(b))
ua[4] = parse_qs(ua[4])
ub[4] = parse_qs(ub[4])
return ua == ub
def urlargs_replace_text_in_arg(urlargs, regexp_argname, text_old, text_new):
"""Analyze `urlargs' (URL CGI GET query arguments in string form)
and for each occurrence of argument matching `regexp_argname'
replace every substring `text_old' by `text_new'. Return the
resulting new URL.
Used to be used for search engine's create_nearest_terms_box,
now it is not used there anymore. It is left here in case it
will become possibly useful later.
out = ""
# parse URL arguments into a dictionary:
urlargsdict = parse_qs(urlargs)
## construct new URL arguments:
urlargsdictnew = {}
for key in urlargsdict.keys():
if re.match(regexp_argname, key): # replace `arg' by new values
urlargsdictnew[key] = []
for parg in urlargsdict[key]:
urlargsdictnew[key].append(parg.replace(text_old, text_new))
else: # keep old values
urlargsdictnew[key] = urlargsdict[key]
# build new URL for this word:
for key in urlargsdictnew.keys():
for val in urlargsdictnew[key]:
out += "&amp;" + key + "=" + quote_plus(val, '')
if out.startswith("&amp;"):
out = out[5:]
return out
def create_AWS_request_url(base_url, argd, _amazon_secret_access_key,
Create a signed AWS (Amazon Web Service) request URL corresponding
to the given parameters.
>> create_AWS_request_url("",
{'AWSAccessKeyID': '0000000000',
'Service': 'AWSECommerceService',
'Operation': 'ItemLookup',
'ItemID': '0679722769',
'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes,Offers,Images,Review'},
@param base_url: Service URL of the Amazon store to query
@param argd: dictionary of arguments defining the query
@param _amazon_secret_access_key: your Amazon secret key
@param _timestamp: for testing purpose only (default: current timestamp)
@type base_url: string
@type argd: dict
@type _amazon_secret_access_key: string
@type _timestamp: string
@return signed URL of the request (string)
## First define a few util functions
def get_AWS_signature(argd, _amazon_secret_access_key,
method="GET", request_host="",
Returns the signature of an Amazon request, based on the
arguments of the request.
@param argd: dictionary of arguments defining the query
@param _amazon_secret_access_key: your Amazon secret key
@param method: method of the request POST or GET
@param request_host: host contacted for the query. To embed in the signature.
@param request_uri: uri contacted at 'request_host'. To embed in the signature.
@param _timestamp: for testing purpose only (default: current timestamp)
@type argd: dict
@type _amazon_secret_access_key: string
@type method: string
@type host_header: string
@type http_request_uri: string
@type _timestamp: string
@return signature of the request (string)
# Add timestamp
if not _timestamp:
argd["Timestamp"] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",
argd["Timestamp"] = _timestamp
# Order parameter keys by byte value
parameter_keys = argd.keys()
# Encode arguments, according to RFC 3986. Make sure we
# generate a list which is ordered by byte value of the keys
arguments = [quote(str(key), safe="~/") + "=" + \
quote(str(argd[key]), safe="~/") \
for key in parameter_keys]
# Join
parameters_string = "&".join(arguments)
# Prefix
parameters_string = method.upper() + "\n" + \
request_host.lower() + "\n" + \
(request_uri or "/") + "\n" + \
# Sign and return
return calculate_RFC2104_HMAC(parameters_string,
def calculate_RFC2104_HMAC(data, _amazon_secret_access_key):
Computes a RFC 2104 compliant HMAC Signature and then Base64
encodes it.
Module hashlib must be installed if Python < 2.5
@param data: data to sign
@param _amazon_secret_access_key: your Amazon secret key
@type data: string
@type _amazon_secret_access_key: string. Empty if hashlib module not installed
raise Exception("Module hashlib not installed. Please install it.")
from invenio.errorlib import register_exception
register_exception(stream='warning', alert_admin=True, subject='Cannot create AWS signature')
return ""
if sys.version_info < (2, 5):
# compatibility mode for Python < 2.5 and hashlib
my_digest_algo = _MySHA256(sha256())
my_digest_algo = sha256
return base64.encodestring(,
data, my_digest_algo).digest()).strip()
## End util functions
parsed_url = urlparse(base_url)
signature = get_AWS_signature(argd, _amazon_secret_access_key,
if signature:
argd["Signature"] = signature
return base_url + "?" + urlencode(argd)
def create_Indico_request_url(base_url, indico_what, indico_loc, indico_id, indico_type, indico_params, indico_key, indico_sig, _timestamp=None):
Create a signed Indico request URL to access Indico HTTP Export APIs.
See U{} for more
>> create_Indico_request_url("",
[1, 7],
{'onlypublic': 'yes',
'order': 'title',
'from': 'today',
'to': 'tomorrow'},
@param base_url: Service base URL of the Indico instance to query
@param indico_what: element to export
@type indico_what: one of the strings: C{categ}, C{event}, C{room}, C{reservation}
@param indico_loc: location of the element(s) specified by ID (only used for some elements)
@param indico_id: ID of the element to be exported
@type indico_id: a string or a list/tuple of strings
@param indico_type: output format
@type indico_type: one of the strings: C{json}, C{jsonp}, C{xml}, C{html}, C{ics}, C{atom}
@param indico_params: parameters of the query. See U{}
@param indico_key: API key provided for the given Indico instance
@param indico_sig: API secret key (signature) provided for the given Indico instance
@param _timestamp: for testing purpose only (default: current timestamp)
@return signed URL of the request (string)
url = '/export/' + indico_what + '/'
if indico_loc:
url += indico_loc + '/'
if type(indico_id) in (list, tuple):
# dash separated list of values
indico_id = '-'.join([str(x) for x in indico_id])
url += indico_id + '.' + str(indico_type)
if hasattr(indico_params, 'items'):
items = indico_params.items()
items = list(indico_params)
if indico_key:
items.append(('apikey', indico_key))
if indico_sig and HASHLIB_IMPORTED:
if _timestamp:
items.append(('timestamp', str(_timestamp)))
items.append(('timestamp', str(int(time.time()))))
items = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x[0].lower())
url_to_sign = '%s?%s' % (url, urlencode(items))
if sys.version_info < (2, 5):
# compatibility mode for Python < 2.5 and hashlib
my_digest_algo = _MySHA1(sha1())
my_digest_algo = sha1
signature =, url_to_sign, my_digest_algo).hexdigest()
items.append(('signature', signature))
raise Exception("Module hashlib not installed. Please install it.")
from invenio.errorlib import register_exception
register_exception(stream='warning', alert_admin=True, subject='Cannot create AWS signature')
if not items:
return url
url = '%s%s?%s' % (base_url.strip('/'), url, urlencode(items))
return url
class _MyHashlibAlgo(object):
Define a subclass of any hashlib algorithm class, with an additional "new()"
function, to work with the Python < 2.5 version of the hmac module.
(This class is more complex than it should, but it is not
possible to subclass haslib algorithm)
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Set the wrapped object."""
super(_MyHashlibAlgo, self).__setattr__('_obj', obj)
methods = []
for name_value in inspect.getmembers(obj, inspect.ismethod):
super(_MyHashlibAlgo, self).__setattr__('__methods__', methods)
def isnotmethod(object_):
"Opposite of ismethod(..)"
return not inspect.ismethod(object_)
members = []
for name_value in inspect.getmembers(obj, isnotmethod):
super(_MyHashlibAlgo, self).__setattr__('__members__', members)
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Redirect unhandled get attribute to self._obj."""
if not hasattr(self._obj, name):
raise AttributeError, ("'%s' has no attribute %s" %
(self.__class__.__name__, name))
return getattr(self._obj, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
"""Redirect set attribute to self._obj if necessary."""
self_has_attr = True
super(_MyHashlibAlgo, self).__getattribute__(name)
except AttributeError:
self_has_attr = False
if (name == "_obj" or not hasattr(self, "_obj") or
not hasattr(self._obj, name) or self_has_attr):
return super(_MyHashlibAlgo, self).__setattr__(name, value)
return setattr(self._obj, name, value)
class _MySHA256(_MyHashlibAlgo):
"A _MyHashlibAlgo subsclass for sha256"
new = lambda d = '': sha256()
class _MySHA1(_MyHashlibAlgo):
"A _MyHashlibAlgo subsclass for sha1"
new = lambda d = '': sha1()

Event Timeline