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## $Id$
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" Templating for webbasket module """
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import cgi
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
from invenio.webbasket_config import \
from invenio.webmessage_mailutils import email_quoted_txt2html, email_quote_txt
from invenio.config import weburl, sweburl, cdslang
from invenio.textutils import indent_text
from invenio.webuser import get_user_info
from invenio.dateutils import convert_datetext_to_dategui
class Template:
"""Templating class for webbasket module"""
######################## General interface ################################
def tmpl_display(self,
"""Generic display. takes already formatted baskets (list of formatted
baskets), infobox and topicsbox, add tabs and returns complete
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if type(baskets) not in (list, tuple):
baskets = [baskets]
tabs = self.__create_tabs(selected_category,
nb_groups, nb_external_baskets, ln)
out = """
<div id="bskcontainer">
<div id="bsktabs">%s
<div id="bskcontent">""" % indent_text(tabs, 2)
if topicsbox:
out += indent_text(topicsbox, 6)
out += """
<div id="bskbaskets">"""
if baskets_infobox:
out += """
<div id="bskinfos">%s
</div>""" % indent_text(baskets_infobox, 5)
for basket in baskets:
out += basket
out += """
return out
def __create_tabs(self,
"""Private function, display tabs
(private baskets, group baskets, others' basket)."""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
selected = ' id="bsktab_selected"'
tab = """
<div class="bsktab"%(selected)s>
<img src="%(url)s/img/%(img)s" alt="%(label)s" />
<a href="%(url)s/yourbaskets/display?category=%(cat)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s">%(label)s</a>
out = tab % {'selected': selected_category == private and selected or '',
'url': weburl,
'img': 'webbasket_us.png',
'label': _("Personal baskets"),
'cat': private,
'ln': ln}
if nb_groups:
out += tab % {'selected': selected_category == group and selected or '',
'url': weburl,
'img': 'webbasket_ugs.png',
'label': _("Group baskets"),
'cat': group,
'ln': ln}
if nb_external_baskets:
out += tab % {'selected': selected_category == external and selected or '',
'url': weburl,
'img': 'webbasket_ws.png',
'label': _("Others' baskets"),
'cat': external,
'ln': ln}
return out
def tmpl_topic_selection(self,
"""Display the topics selection area.
@param topics_list: list of (topic name, number of baskets) tuples
@param selected_topic: # of selected topic in topics_list"""
if len(topics_list):
if selected_topic not in range(0, len(topics_list) + 1):
selected_topic = 0
i = 0
out = ''
for (topic, number_of_baskets) in topics_list:
out += '<span class="bsktopic">'
topic_label = topic + ' (' + str(number_of_baskets) + ')'
if i != selected_topic:
topic_link = '%s/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&amp;'\
topic_link %= (weburl, category, i, ln)
out += '<a href="%s">' % topic_link
out += cgi.escape(topic_label) + '</a>'
out += cgi.escape(topic_label)
out += '</span> '
i += 1
out = """
<table id="bsktopics">
</table>""" % out
out = self.tmpl_create_basket(ln=ln)
return out
def tmpl_group_selection(self,
"""Display the group selection area which appears on the top of group
baskets category.
@param groups_list: list of (group id, group name, number of baskets)
@param selected_group id: id of group selected
out = ''
if len(groups_list):
for (group_id, group_name, number_of_baskets) in groups_list:
out += '<span class="bsktopic">'
group_label = group_name + ' (' + str(number_of_baskets) + ')'
if group_id != selected_group_id:
group_link = '%s/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&amp;'\
group_link %= (weburl, category, group_id, ln)
out += '<a href="%s">' % group_link
out += group_label + '</a>'
out += group_label
out += '</span>'
out = """
<table id="bsktopics">
</table>""" % out
return out
def tmpl_baskets_infobox(self, basket_infos=[], create_link='',
displays infos about baskets.
@param basket_infos: list of (bskid, bsk_name, bsk_last_update)
@param create_link: link for the creation of basket
(will appear next to descriptions)
@param ln: language
@return html as string
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
label = _("There are %i baskets") % len(basket_infos)
basket_list = ''
if len(basket_infos):
basket_list += '<ul>\n'
for (bskid, name, last_update) in basket_infos:
last_update = convert_datetext_to_dategui(last_update)
basket_list += '<li><a href="#bsk%i">%s</a> - ' % \
(bskid, cgi.escape(name))
basket_list += _("updated on") + ' ' + last_update + '</li>\n'
basket_list += '</ul>'
if len(basket_infos) < 2:
label = ''
basket_list = ''
out = """
<table style="vertical-align: top;">
<td style="vertical-align: top">%s</td>
<td style="vertical-align: top; padding-left: 80px; text-align: right">%s</td>
</table>""" % (label, basket_list, create_link)
return out
def tmpl_display_public(self,
Display public basketwith link to subscribe to it.
@param basket_infos:
(bskid, bsk_name, bsk_date_modification, bsk_nb_views,
bsk_id_owner, bsk_owner_nickname, public rights on basket)
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
(bskid, bsk_name, bsk_date_modification, dummy,
bsk_id_owner, bsk_owner_nickname, dummy) = basket_infos
items_html = ''
if not(len(bsk_items)):
items_html = """
<td colspan="3" style="text-align:center; height:100px">
</tr>""" % _("Basket is empty")
for item in bsk_items:
items_html += self.__tmpl_basket_item(bskid=bskid,
item=item, ln=ln)
if bsk_owner_nickname:
display = bsk_owner_nickname
(bsk_id_owner, bsk_owner_nickname, display) = get_user_info(\
messaging_link = self.__create_messaging_link(bsk_owner_nickname,
display, ln)
link_subscribe = '<a href="%s/yourbaskets/subscribe?'\
'bskid=%i&amp;ln=%s">' % (weburl, bskid, ln)
general_label = _("This basket belongs to %(x_name)s. You can freely "\
"%(x_url_open)ssubscribe%(x_url_close)s to it") % \
{'x_name': messaging_link,
'x_url_open': link_subscribe,
'x_url_close': '</a>'}
out = """
<table class="bskbasket">
<thead class="bskbasketheader">
<img src="%(weburl)s/img/webbasket_world.png" alt="%(image_label)s"/>
<td class="bsktitle">
%(nb_items)i %(records_label)s - %(last_update_label)s: %(last_update)s
<td class="bskcmtcol">
</table>""" % {'general_label': general_label,
'weburl': weburl,
'image_label': _("Public basket"),
'name': cgi.escape(bsk_name),
'nb_items': len(bsk_items),
'records_label': _("records"),
'last_update_label': _("last update"),
'last_update': convert_datetext_to_dategui(\
'bskid': bskid,
'ln': ln,
'link_subscribe': link_subscribe,
'subscribe_label': _("Subscribe to this basket"),
'items': items_html}
return out
def tmpl_display_list_public_baskets(self, baskets, inf_limit,
total_baskets, order, asc,
"""Display list of public baskets.
@param baskets: list of (bskid, name, nb_views,
owner_id, owner_nickname)
@param inf limit: inferior limit
@param total baskets: nb of baskets in total (>len(baskets) generally)
@param order: 1: order by name,
2: order by nb of views,
3: order by owner
@param asc: 1 for ascending, 0 for descending
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
name_label = _("Basket's name")
nb_views_label = _("Number of views")
owner_label = _("Owner")
base_url = weburl + \
'/yourbaskets/list_public_baskets?order=%i&amp;asc=%i&amp;ln=' +\
asc_image = '<img src="' + weburl + '/img/webbasket_' + \
(asc and 'down.png' or 'up.png') + \
'" style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px;" alt="Reorder basket" />'
if order == 1:
name_label = '<a href="' + base_url % (1, int(not(asc))) + '">' + \
cgi.escape(name_label) + ' ' + asc_image + '</a>'
nb_views_label = '<a href="' + base_url % (2, 1) + '">' + \
nb_views_label + '</a>'
owner_label = '<a href="' + base_url % (3, 1) + '">' + \
owner_label + '</a>'
elif order == 2:
name_label = '<a href="' + base_url % (1, 1) + '">' + \
cgi.escape(name_label) + '</a>'
nb_views_label = '<a href="' + base_url % (2, int(not(asc))) + \
'">' + nb_views_label + ' ' + asc_image + '</a>'
owner_label = '<a href="' + base_url % (3, 1) + '">' + \
owner_label + '</a>'
name_label = '<a href="' + base_url % (1, 1) + '">' + \
cgi.escape(name_label) + '</a>'
nb_views_label = '<a href="' + base_url % (2, 1) + '">' + \
nb_views_label + '</a>'
owner_label = '<a href="' + base_url % (3, int(not(asc))) + '">' + \
owner_label + ' ' + asc_image + '</a>'
baskets_html = ''
for (bskid, name, nb_views, owner_id, owner_nickname) in baskets:
if owner_nickname:
display = owner_nickname
(owner_id, owner_nickname, display) = get_user_info(owner_id)
messaging_link = self.__create_messaging_link(owner_nickname,
display, ln)
form_view = """
<form action="%(weburl)s/yourbaskets/display_public" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="bskid" value="%(bskid)i" />
<input type="submit" value="%(display_public_label)s" class="formbutton" />
</form>""" % {'weburl': weburl,
'ln': ln,
'bskid': bskid,
'display_public_label': _("View")}
form_subscribe = """
<form action="%(weburl)s/yourbaskets/subscribe" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="bskid" value="%(bskid)i" />
<input type="submit" value="%(subscribe_label)s" class="formbutton"/>
</form>""" % {'weburl': weburl,
'ln': ln,
'bskid': bskid,
'subscribe_label': _("Subscribe")}
baskets_html += """
<td style="text-align:center">%i</td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align:center;">%s</td>
<td style="vertical-align: middle">%s</td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(name), nb_views,
messaging_link, form_view, form_subscribe)
if not(len(baskets_html)):
baskets_html = '<tr><td colspan="5">' + \
_("There is currently no publicly accessible basket") + \
change_page = '<a href="' + weburl + '/yourbaskets/list_public_baskets?'\
'inf_limit=%i&amp;order=' + str(order)
change_page += '&amp;asc=' + str(asc) + '&amp;ln=' + str(ln) + '">'\
'<img src="%(public_basket)s" style="border: 0px;" alt="%(public_basket)s"/></a> ' % {'public_basket' : _("Public basket")}
footer = ''
footer += change_page % (0, weburl + '/img/sb.gif')
if inf_limit > 0:
footer += change_page % (inf_limit - CFG_WEBBASKET_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DISPLAYED_BASKETS,
weburl + '/img/sp.gif')
footer += ' ' + _("Displaying baskets %(x_nb_begin)i-%(x_nb_end)i out of %(x_nb_total)i baskets in total.") %\
{'x_nb_begin': total_baskets!=0 and inf_limit+1 or 0,
'x_nb_end': inf_limit + len(baskets),
'x_nb_total': total_baskets}
footer += ' '
if inf_limit + len(baskets) < total_baskets:
footer += change_page % (inf_limit + CFG_WEBBASKET_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DISPLAYED_BASKETS,
weburl + '/img/sn.gif')
if inf_limit + len(baskets) < total_baskets - CFG_WEBBASKET_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DISPLAYED_BASKETS:
footer += change_page % (total_baskets - CFG_WEBBASKET_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DISPLAYED_BASKETS,
weburl + '/img/se.gif')
out = """
<thead class="bskbasketheader">
<td style="vertical-align:middle; padding: 0 20 0 20"><span class="bsktopic">%(name)s</span></td>
<td style="vertical-align:middle; padding: 0 20 0 20"><span class="bsktopic">%(nb_views)s</span></td>
<td style="vertical-align:middle; padding: 0 20 0 20"><span class="bsktopic">%(user)s</span></td>
<td colspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle; padding: 0 20 0 20"><span class="bsktopic" style="text-weight:normal;">%(actions)s</span></td>
<td colspan="5" class="bskbasketfooter" style="text-align:center">%(footer)s</td>
</table>""" % {'name': name_label,
'nb_views': nb_views_label,
'user': owner_label,
'actions': _("Actions"),
'baskets': baskets_html,
'footer': footer}
return out
############################ Baskets ###################################
def tmpl_basket(self, bskid,
nb_items, last_added,
(user_can_view_content, user_can_edit_basket,
user_can_view_comments, user_can_add_item, user_can_delete_item),
nb_comments, last_comment,
selected_topic=0, selected_group=0,
display a basket.
@param group_sharing_level: Indicate to which level a basket is shared
(None for nobody, 0 for everybody, any other positive int for group)
@param items: list of (record id, nb of comments, last comment (date), body to display, score (int)) tuples
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
items_html = ''
actions = '<table class="bskbasketheaderactions"><tr>'
if group_sharing_level is None:
group_img_name = 'webbasket_user.png'
group_alt = _("Non-shared basket")
elif group_sharing_level == 0:
group_img_name = 'webbasket_world.png'
group_alt = _("Shared basket")
group_img_name = 'webbasket_usergroup.png'
group_alt = _("Group-shared basket")
logo = "<img src=\"%s/img/%s\" alt=\"%s\" />" % (weburl, group_img_name, group_alt)
if user_can_edit_basket:
url = weburl + '/yourbaskets/edit?bskid=%i&amp;topic=%i&amp;ln=%s'
url %= (bskid, selected_topic, ln)
logo = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, logo + '<br />' + _("Edit basket"))
actions += "<td>" + logo + "</td>"
actions += "</tr></table>"
if user_can_view_content:
if not(len(items)):
items_html = """
<td colspan="3" style="text-align:center; height:100px">
</tr>""" % _("Basket is empty")
for item in items:
copy = 1
go_up = go_down = delete = 0
if user_can_add_item:
go_up = go_down = 1
if item == items[0]:
go_up = 0
if item == items[-1]:
go_down = 0
if user_can_delete_item:
delete = 1
items_html += self.__tmpl_basket_item(
bskid=bskid, item=item,
items_html = """
<td colspan="3" style="text-align:center; height:100px">
</tr>""" % _("You do not have sufficient rights to view this basket's content.")
content = ''
if selected_category == CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES['EXTERNAL']:
url = "%s/yourbaskets/unsubscribe?bskid=%i&amp;ln=%s" % (weburl, bskid, ln)
action = "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
action %= (url, _("Unsubscribe from this basket"))
content += action
footer = self.tmpl_basket_footer(bskid,
comments_field = ''
if nb_comments:
comments_field = """
%i %s<br/>
%s %s""" % (nb_comments, _("comments"), _("last comment:"), last_comment)
out = """
<table class="bskbasket">
<thead class="bskbasketheader">
<td class="bsktitle">
<a name="bsk%(bskid)i"><b>%(name)s</b></a><br />
%(nb_items)i %(records_label)s - %(last_update_label)s: %(last_update)s
<td class="bskcmtcol">
out %= {'actions': actions,
'name': cgi.escape(name),
'bskid': bskid,
'nb_items': nb_items,
'records_label': _('records'),
'last_update_label': _("last update"),
'last_update': date_modification,
'comments_field': user_can_view_comments and comments_field or '',
'items': items_html,
'footer': footer}
return out
def __tmpl_basket_item(self,
uparrow=0, downarrow=0, copy_item=0, delete_item=0,
selected_topic=0, selected_group=0,
display a row in a basket (row is item description and actions).
@param bskid: basket id (int)
@param item: (record id, nb of comments, last comment date,
body to display, score) tuple
@param uparrow,
view_comments: actions. set to 1 to display these actions.
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
(recid, nb_cmt, last_cmt, val, score) = item
actions = ''
if uparrow:
url = "%s/yourbaskets/modify?action=moveup&amp;bskid=%i&amp;recid=%i" % \
(weburl, bskid, recid)
url += "&amp;category=%s&amp;topic=%i&amp;group=%i&amp;ln=%s" % \
(selected_category, selected_topic, selected_group, ln)
img = "%s/img/webbasket_up.png" % weburl
actions += '<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" /></a>' % \
(url, img, _("Move item up"))
if downarrow:
url = "%s/yourbaskets/modify?action=movedown&amp;bskid=%i&amp;recid=%i" % \
(weburl, bskid, recid)
url += "&amp;category=%s&amp;topic=%i&amp;group=%i&amp;ln=%s" % \
(selected_category, selected_topic, selected_group, ln)
img = "%s/img/webbasket_down.png" % weburl
actions += '<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" /></a>' % \
(url, img, _("Move item down"))
if copy_item:
url = "%s/yourbaskets/modify?action=copy&amp;bskid=%i&amp;recid=%i" % \
(weburl, bskid, recid)
url += "&amp;category=%s&amp;topic=%i&amp;group_id=%i&amp;ln=%s" % \
(selected_category, selected_topic, selected_group, ln)
img = "%s/img/webbasket_move.png" % weburl
actions += '<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" /></a>' % \
(url, img, _("Copy item"))
if delete_item:
url = "%s/yourbaskets/modify?action=delete&amp;bskid=%i&amp;recid=%i" % \
(weburl, bskid, recid)
url += "&amp;category=%s&amp;topic=%i&amp;group=%i&amp;ln=%s" % \
(selected_category, selected_topic, selected_group, ln)
img = "%s/img/webbasket_delete.png" % weburl
actions += "<a href=\"%s\"><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" /></a>" % \
(url, img, _("Remove item"))
if recid < 0:
actions += '<img src="%s/img/webbasket_extern.png" alt="%s" />' % \
(weburl, _("External record"))
# Uncomment when external records are available
# pass
# #actions += "<img src=\"%s/img/webbasket_intern.png\" alt=\"%s\" />"
# #actions = actions % (weburl, _("Internal record"))
out = """
<td class="bskactions">%(actions)s</td>
<td class="bskcontentcol" colspan="2">
<hr />"""
if view_comments:
if nb_cmt > 0:
out += """
%(nb_cmts)i %(cmts_label)s; %(last_cmt_label)s: %(last_cmt)s<br />
out += '\n<a href="%(weburl)s/yourbaskets/display_item?'\
out += """
out = out % {'actions': actions,
'content': val,
'nb_cmts': nb_cmt,
'last_cmt': last_cmt,
'weburl': weburl,
'bskid': bskid,
'recid': recid,
'cmts_label': _("comments"),
'last_cmt_label': _("last"),
'detailed_label': _("Details and comments"),
'category': selected_category,
'topic': selected_topic,
'group': selected_group,
'ln': ln}
return out
def tmpl_basket_footer(self,
"""display footer of a basket.
@param group sharing level: None: basket is not shared,
0: basket is publcly accessible,
any positive int: basket is shared to groups"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
public_infos = ''
if group_sharing_level == 0:
public_url = weburl + '/yourbaskets/display_public?bskid=' + str(bskid)
public_link = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (public_url, public_url)
public_infos = _("This basket is publicly accessible at the following address:") + ' ' + public_link
if content:
content += '<br />'
if not(content) and not(public_infos):
content += '<br />'
out = """
<td colspan="3" class="bskbasketfooter">
<!-- Commented. Ready for next release
<form name="bsk_sort_%(bskid)i" action="%(weburl)s/yourbaskets/display" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="bsk_to_sort" value="%(bskid)i" />
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="%(category)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value="%(topic)i" />
<input type="hidden" name="group" value="%(group_id)i" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="submit" name="sort_by_title" value="%(title_label)s" class="nonsubmitbutton" />
<input type="submit" name="sort_by_date" value="%(date_label)s" class="nonsubmitbutton" />
out %= {'weburl': weburl,
'bskid': int(bskid),
'category': selected_category,
'topic': int(selected_topic),
'group_id': int(selected_group),
'ln': ln,
'sort_label': _("Sort by:"),
'title_label': _("Title"),
'date_label': _("Date"),
'content': content,
'public_infos': public_infos
return out
######################## Display of items and commenting ###################
def tmpl_item(self,
recid, record, comments,
group_sharing_level, rights_on_item,
selected_topic=0, selected_group_id=0, ln=cdslang):
"""display a specific item inside a basket.
@param basket_infos: (bskid, bsk_name, bsk_date_modification,
nb_views, bsk_nb_records, id_owner)
as returned from db_layer: get_basket_general_infos
@param group sharing level: None: basket is not shared,
0: basket is publcly accessible,
any positive int: basket is shared to groups
@param rights_on_item: tuple of booleans expressing capabilities :
(view comments, add comment, delete comments)
@param comments: list of comments as string
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
(bskid, bsk_name, bsk_date_modification,
dummy, bsk_nb_records, dummy) = basket_infos
user_can_delete_comment) = rights_on_item
total_comments = len(comments)
action = weburl + '/yourbaskets/write_comment?bskid=%i&amp;recid=%i'
action += '&amp;category=%s&amp;topic=%i&amp;group=%i&amp;ln=%s'
action %= (bskid, recid, selected_category, selected_topic, selected_group_id, ln)
back_url = weburl + '/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&amp;topic=%i&amp;group=%i'
back_url %= (selected_category, selected_topic, selected_group_id)
def list_to_str(elt1, elt2):
"""return elt1 <br /> elt2"""
return elt1 + "<br />\n" + elt2
if comments and user_can_view_comments:
comments = [self.__tmpl_display_comment(bskid, recid, comment,
(user_can_add_comment, user_can_delete_comment),
selected_category, selected_topic, selected_group_id,
for comment in comments]
comments = reduce(list_to_str, comments)
comments = ''
record_text = ''
if record:
record_text = record[-1]
body = """
<hr /><br />"""
if user_can_view_comments:
body += """
%(total_label)s<br />"""
if user_can_add_comment:
body += """
<form name="write_comment" method="POST" action="%(action)s">
<input type="submit" value="%(button_label)s" style="margin: 10px;" class="formbutton" />
if user_can_view_comments:
body += """
<br />
body %= {'record': record_text,
'comments_label': _("Comments"),
'total_label': _("There is a total of %i comments") % total_comments,
'action': action,
'button_label': _("Write a comment"),
'comments': comments}
if group_sharing_level is None:
img = '<img src="%s/img/webbasket_user.png" alt="%s" />' % (weburl, _("Non-shared basket"))
elif group_sharing_level == 0:
img = '<img src="%s/img/webbasket_world.png" alt="%s" />' % (weburl, _("Shared basket"))
img = '<img src="%s/img/webbasket_usergroup.png" alt="%s" />' % (weburl, _("Group-shared basket"))
content = ''
if selected_category == CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES['EXTERNAL']:
url = "%s/yourbaskets/unsubscribe?bskid=%i&amp;ln=%s" % (weburl, bskid, ln)
action = "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
action %= (url, _("Unsubscribe from this basket"))
content += action
footer = self.tmpl_basket_footer(bskid,
out = """
<table class="bskbasket">
<thead class="bskbasketheader">
<td class="bsktitle" style="height: 65px">
<b><a href="%(weburl)s/yourbaskets/display?bskid=%(bskid)s&amp;category=%(category)s&amp;topic=%(topic)i&amp;group=%(group)i&amp;ln=%(ln)s">%(name)s</a></b><br />
%(nb_items)i %(records_label)s - %(last_update_label)s: %(last_update)s
<td class="bskcmtcol"></td>
<td colspan="3" style="padding: 5px;">
</table>""" % {'img': img,
'weburl': weburl,
'bskid': bskid,
'category': selected_category,
'topic': selected_topic,
'group': selected_group_id,
'ln': ln,
'name': cgi.escape(bsk_name),
'nb_items': bsk_nb_records,
'records_label': _("records"),
'last_update_label': _("last update"),
'last_update': convert_datetext_to_dategui(bsk_date_modification),
'body': body,
'footer': footer}
out += """
<a href="%s">%s</a>""" % (back_url, _("Back to baskets"))
return out
def __tmpl_display_comment(self, bskid, recid,
(cmt_uid, cmt_nickname, cmt_title, cmt_body, cmt_date, cmt_priority, cmtid),
(user_can_add_comment, user_can_delete_comment),
selected_topic=0, selected_group_id=0, ln=cdslang):
"""Display a given comment. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<div class="bskcomment">
<b>%(title)s</b>, %(label_author)s <a href="%(url)s/yourmessages/write?msg_to=%(user)s">%(user_display)s</a> %(label_date)s <i>%(date)s</i><br/><br/>
<br />"""
if user_can_add_comment:
out += '\n<a href="%(url)s/yourbaskets/write_comment?bskid=%(bskid)i'\
if user_can_delete_comment:
out += '\n| <a href="%(url)s/yourbaskets/delete_comment?'\
out += """
out %= {'title': cmt_title,
'url': weburl,
'label_author': _("by"),
'label_date': _("on"),
'user': cmt_nickname or cmt_uid,
'user_display': cmt_nickname or get_user_info(cmt_uid)[2],
'date': convert_datetext_to_dategui(cmt_date),
'body': email_quoted_txt2html(cmt_body),
'bskid': bskid,
'recid': recid,
'cmtid': cmtid,
'category': selected_category,
'topic': selected_topic,
'group_id': selected_group_id,
'ln': ln,
'reply_label': _("Reply"),
'delete_label': _("Delete comment")}
return out
def tmpl_quote_comment(self, title, uid, nickname, date, body, ln=cdslang):
"""Return a comment in a quoted form (i.e. with '>' signs before each line)
@param title: title of comment to quote
@param uid: user id of user who posted comment to quote
@param nickname: nickname of user who posted comment to quote
@param date: date of post of comment to quote
@param body: body of comment to quote
@param ln: language"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if not(nickname):
nickname = get_user_info(uid)[2]
out = title + ', ' + _("by") + ' ' + nickname + ' ' + _("on") + ' ' + date + '\n' + body
return email_quote_txt(out)
def tmpl_write_comment(self, bskid, recid,
selected_topic=0, selected_group_id=0,
"""Display interface to write a comment.
@param bskid: basket id (int)
@param recid: record id (int)
@param record: text of the record (str)
@param selected_category: CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES
@param selected_topic: # of topic
@param selected_group_id: in case of category: group, id of selected group
@param ln: language
@param warnings: list of warnings"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
action = '%s/yourbaskets/save_comment?bskid=%i&amp;recid=%i' % (weburl, bskid, recid)
action += '&amp;category=%s&amp;topic=%i&amp;group=%i&amp;ln=%s' % ( selected_category, selected_topic, selected_group_id, ln)
if warnings:
warnings_box = self.tmpl_warnings(warnings, ln)
warnings_box = ''
out = """
<div style="width:100%%">%(warnings)s
<hr />
<form name="write_comment" method="POST" action="%(action)s">
<p class="bsklabel">%(title_label)s:</p>
<input type="text" name="title" size="80" />
<p class="bsklabel">%(comment_label)s:</p>
<textarea name="text" rows="20" cols="80">%(cmt_body)s</textarea><br />
<input type="submit" class="formbutton" value="%(button_label)s" />
</div>""" % {'warnings': warnings_box,
'record': record and record[-1] or '',
'write_label': _("Add Comment"),
'title_label': _("Title"),
'comment_label': _("Comment"),
'action': action,
'cmt_body': cmt_body,
'button_label': _("Add Comment")
return out
############################ Basket creation ###################################
def tmpl_create_basket_link(self, selected_topic=0, ln=cdslang):
""" Create link to basket creation """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
url = weburl + '/yourbaskets/create_basket?topic_number=%i&amp;ln=%s'
url %= (selected_topic, ln)
image = '<img src="%s/img/webbasket_create_small.png" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 5px" alt="Create basket"/>' % weburl
out = """
<div class="bsk_create_link">
<a href="%s">%s%s</a>
</div>""" % (url, image, _("Create new basket"))
return out
def __tmpl_basket_box(self, img='', title='&nbsp;', subtitle='&nbsp;', body=''):
""" private function, display a basket/topic selection box """
out = """
<table class="bskbasket">
<thead class="bskbasketheader">
<td class="bskactions">
<img src="%(logo)s" alt="%(label)s" />
<td class="bsktitle">
<b>%(label)s</b><br />
<td colspan="2">
out %= {'logo': img,
'label': title, 'count': subtitle,
'basket_list': body}
return out
def tmpl_create_box(self, new_basket_name='', new_topic_name='',
topics=[], selected_topic=None,
"""Display a HTML box for creation of a new basket
@param new_basket_name: prefilled value (string)
@param new_topic_name: prefilled value (string)
@param topics: list of topics (list of strings)
@param selected_topic: preselected value for topic selection
@param ln: language"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
topics_html = ''
if selected_topic:
selected_topic = topics.index(selected_topic)
selected_topic = None
if len(topics):
topics = zip(range(len(topics)), topics)
topics.insert(0, (-1, _("Select topic")))
topics_html = self.__create_select_menu('create_in_topic', topics, selected_topic)
create_html = """
<td style="padding: 10 5 0 5;">%s</td>
<td style="padding: 10 5 0 0;">
<input type="text" name="new_basket_name" value="%s"/>
<td style="padding: 10 5 0 5;">%s</td>
<td style="padding: 10 5 0 0;">%s</td>
<td style="padding: 10 5 0 5;">%s</td>
<td style="padding: 10 5 0 0;"><input type="text" name="new_topic_name" value="%s"/></td>
</tr>""" % (_("Basket's name"), new_basket_name,
topics_html != '' and _("Choose topic") or '', topics_html,
topics_html != '' and _("or create a new one") or _("Create new topic"), new_topic_name)
return self.__tmpl_basket_box(img=weburl + '/img/webbasket_create.png',
title=_("Create a new basket"),
def tmpl_create_basket(self, new_basket_name='',
new_topic_name='', create_in_topic=None, topics=[],
"""Template for basket creation
@param new_basket_name: prefilled value (string)
@param new_topic_name: prefilled value (string)
@param topics: list of topics (list of strings)
@param create_in_topic: preselected value for topic selection
@param ln: language"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<form name="create_basket" action="%(action)s" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<div style="padding:10px;">
<input type="submit" value="%(label)s" class="formbutton"/>
</form>""" % {'action': weburl + '/yourbaskets/create_basket',
'ln': ln,
'create_box': self.tmpl_create_box(new_basket_name=new_basket_name,
'label': _("Create new basket")}
return out
########################## functions on baskets #########################
def tmpl_add(self, recids,
referer, ln=cdslang):
""" returns HTML for the basket selection form when adding new records
@param recids: list of record ids
@param personal_baskets: list of (basket id, basket name, topic) tuples
@param group_baskets: list of (bskid, bsk_name, group_name) tuples
@param external_baskets: list of (bskid, bsk_name) tuples
@param topics: list of all the topics the user owns
@param referer: url from where this page has been reached
@param ln: language"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
personal = ''
group = ''
external = ''
if personal_baskets:
topic_names = {}
map(topic_names.setdefault, [row[2] for row in personal_baskets])
topic_names = topic_names.keys()
personal_html = ''
for topic_name in topic_names:
baskets = map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]),
filter(lambda x: x[2]==topic_name,
baskets.insert(0, (-1, _("Select basket")))
personal_html += """<tr>
personal_html %= (topic_name,
self.__create_select_menu('bskids', baskets))
personal = self.__tmpl_basket_box(weburl + '/img/webbasket_user.png',
_("Add to a personal basket"),
_("%i baskets") % len(personal_baskets),
if group_baskets:
group_names = {}
map(group_names.setdefault, [row[2] for row in group_baskets])
group_names = group_names.keys()
groups_html = ''
for group_name in group_names:
baskets = map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]),
filter(lambda x: x[2]==group_name,
baskets.insert(0, (-1, _("Select basket")))
groups_html += """<tr>
groups_html %= (group_name,
self.__create_select_menu('bskids', baskets))
group = self.__tmpl_basket_box(weburl + '/img/webbasket_usergroup.png',
_("Add to a group-shared basket"),
_("%i baskets") % len(group_baskets),
if external_baskets:
external_html = """
<select name="bskids">
<option value="-1">%s</option>""" % _("Select basket")
for basket in external_baskets:
value = int(basket[0])
label = basket[1]
external_html += indent_text('<option value="%i">%s</option>'% (value, label), 3)
external_html += """
external = self.__tmpl_basket_box(weburl + '/img/webbasket_world.png',
_("Add to a public basket"),
_("%i baskets") % len(external_baskets),
create = self.tmpl_create_box(topics=topics, ln=ln)
out_hidden_recids = ""
for recid in recids:
out_hidden_recids += """<input type="hidden" name="recid" value="%s" />""" % recid
fields = filter(lambda x: x != '', [personal, group, external, create])
while (len(fields) != 4):
out = """
<form name="add_to_basket" action="%(action)s" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="referer" value="%(referer)s" />
<table style="width:100%%;">
<td style="width:50%%;vertical-align:top;">%(field1)s</td>
<td style="width: 50%%;vertical-align:top;">%(field2)s</td>
<td style="vertical-align:top;">%(field3)s</td>
<td style="vertical-align:top;">%(field4)s</td>
<td colspan="2">
<input name="submit" type="submit" class="formbutton" value="%(submit_label)s" />
</form>""" % {'action': weburl + '/yourbaskets/add?ln=' + ln,
'referer': referer,
'out_hidden_recids': out_hidden_recids,
'label': _("Adding %i records to these baskets") % len(recids),
'field1': fields[0],
'field2': fields[1],
'field3': fields[2],
'field4': fields[3],
'submit_label': _("Add to baskets")}
return out
def tmpl_added_to_basket(self, nb_baskets_modified=0, ln=cdslang):
"""Display message for addition of records to baskets"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if nb_baskets_modified:
out = _("The selected records have been successfully added to %i baskets.")
out %= nb_baskets_modified
out = _("No records were added to the selected baskets.")
return '<p>' + out + '</p>'
def tmpl_confirm_delete(self, bskid,
(nb_users, nb_groups, nb_alerts),
selected_topic=0, selected_group_id=0,
display a confirm message
@param bskid: basket id
@param nb*: nb of users/groups/alerts linked to this basket
@param category: private, group or external baskets are selected
@param selected_topic: if private baskets, topic nb
@param selected_group_id: if group: group to display baskets of
@param ln: language
@return html output
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
message = _("Are you sure you want to delete this basket?")
if nb_users:
message += '<p>' + _("%i users are subscribed to this basket.")% nb_users + '</p>'
if nb_groups:
message += '<p>' + _("%i user groups are subscribed to this basket.")% nb_groups + '</p>'
if nb_alerts:
message += '<p>' + _("You have set %i alerts on this basket.")% nb_alerts + '</p>'
out = """
<table class="confirmoperation">
<td colspan="2" class="confirmmessage">
<form name="validate" action="%(url_ok)s" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="%(category)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="group" value="%(group)i" />
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value="%(topic)i" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="bskid" value="%(bskid)i" />
<input type="submit" value="%(yes_label)s" class="formbutton" />
<form name="cancel" action="%(url_cancel)s" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="%(category)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="group" value="%(group)i" />
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value="%(topic)i" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="submit" value="%(no_label)s" class="formbutton" />
</table>"""% {'message': message,
'bskid': bskid,
'url_ok': 'delete',
'url_cancel': 'display',
'category': category,
'topic': selected_topic,
'group': selected_group_id,
'yes_label': _("Yes"),
'no_label': _("Cancel")}
return out
def tmpl_edit(self, bskid, bsk_name, topic, topics, groups_rights, external_rights,
display_general=0, display_sharing=0, display_delete=0, ln=cdslang):
"""Display interface for rights management over the given basket
@param group_rights: list of (group id, name, rights) tuples
@param external_rights: rights as defined in CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS for public access.
@param display_general: display fields name and topic, used with personal baskets
@param display_sharing: display sharing possibilities
@param display_delete: display delete basket button
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
general_body = ''
if display_general:
general_body = """
<td class="bskcontentcol">%s</td>
<td class="bskcontentcol"><input type="text" name="new_name" value="%s"/></td>
</tr>""" % (_("Basket's name"), cgi.escape(bsk_name,1))
topics_selection = zip(range(len(topics)), topics)
topics_selection.insert(0, (-1, _("Choose topic")))
topics_body = """
<td style="padding: 10 5 0 5;">%s</td>
<td style="padding: 10 5 0 0;">%s</td>
<td style="padding: 0 5 10 5;">%s</td>
<td style="padding: 0 5 10 0;"><input type="text" name="new_topic_name" />
</tr>""" % (_("Choose topic"),
indent_text(self.__create_select_menu('new_topic', topics_selection, topic), 2),
_("or create a new one"))
general_body += topics_body
general_box = self.__tmpl_basket_box(img=weburl + '/img/webbasket_user.png',
title=_("General settings"),
body = general_body)
groups_body = ''
if display_sharing:
for (group_id, name, rights) in groups_rights:
groups_body += """
</tr>""" % (name, self.__create_group_rights_selection_menu(group_id, rights, ln))
groups_body += """
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" name="add_group" class="nonsubmitbutton" value="%s"/>
</tr>""" % _("Add group")
groups_body = '<tr><td colspan="2">%s</td></tr>'
groups_body %= self.tmpl_create_guest_forbidden_box(ln)
groups_box = self.__tmpl_basket_box(img=weburl + '/img/webbasket_usergroup.png',
title=_("Manage group rights"),
if display_sharing:
external_body = """
</tr>""" % self.__create_rights_selection_menu('external', external_rights, ln)
external_body = '<tr><td colspan="2">%s</td></tr>'
external_body %= self.tmpl_create_guest_forbidden_box(ln)
external_box = self.__tmpl_basket_box(img=weburl + '/img/webbasket_world.png',
title=_("Manage global sharing rights"),
delete_button = ''
if display_delete:
delete_button = '<input type="submit" class="nonsubmitbutton" name="delete" value="%s" />'
delete_button %= _("Delete basket")
out = """
<form name="edit" action="%(action)s" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="bskid" value="%(bskid)i" />
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value ="%(topic)i" />
<td colspan="3">%(general)s</td>
<td colspan="3">%(groups)s</td>
<td colspan="3">%(external)s</td>
<td><input type="submit" class="formbutton" name="submit" value="%(submit_label)s" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" class="nonsubmitbutton" name="cancel" value="%(cancel_label)s" /></td>
</form>""" % {'label': _('Editing basket') + ' ' + cgi.escape(bsk_name),
'action': weburl + '/yourbaskets/edit',
'ln': ln,
'topic': topic,
'bskid': bskid,
'general': indent_text(general_box, 1),
'groups': indent_text(groups_box, 1),
'external': indent_text(external_box, 1),
'submit_label': _("Save changes"),
'cancel_label': _("Cancel"),
'delete_button': delete_button}
return out
def __create_rights_selection_menu(self, name, current_rights, ln=cdslang):
"""Private function. create a drop down menu for selection of rights
@param name: name of menu (for HTML name attribute)
@param current_rights: rights as defined in CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS
@param ln: language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
elements = [('NO', _("No rights")),
_("View records")),
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("view comments")),
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("add comments")),
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("add records")),
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("delete comments")),
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("remove records")),
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("manage sharing rights"))
return self.__create_select_menu(name, elements, current_rights)
def __create_group_rights_selection_menu(self, group_id, current_rights, ln=cdslang):
"""Private function. create a drop down menu for selection of rights
@param current_rights: rights as defined in CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS
@param ln: language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
elements = [(str(group_id) + '_' + 'NO', _("No rights")),
(str(group_id) + '_' + CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS['READITM'],
_("View records")),
(str(group_id) + '_' + CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS['READCMT'],
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("view comments")),
(str(group_id) + '_' + CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS['ADDCMT'],
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("add comments")),
(str(group_id) + '_' + CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS['ADDITM'],
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("add records")),
(str(group_id) + '_' + CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS['DELCMT'],
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("delete comments")),
(str(group_id) + '_' + CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS['DELITM'],
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("remove records")),
(str(group_id) + '_' + CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS['MANAGE'],
'... ' + _("and") + ' ' + _("manage sharing rights"))
return self.__create_select_menu('groups', elements, str(group_id) + '_' + current_rights)
def tmpl_add_group(self, bskid, selected_topic, groups=[], ln=cdslang):
return form for selection of groups.
@param bskid: basket id (int)
@param selected_topic: topic currently displayed (int)
@param groups: list of tuples (group id, group name)
@param ln: language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if len(groups):
groups_body = """
</tr>""" % self.__create_select_menu('new_group', groups, selected_key=None)
groups_body = """
</tr>""" % _("You are not a member of a group.")
groups_box = self.__tmpl_basket_box(img=weburl + '/img/webbasket_usergroup.png',
title=_("Add group"),
out = """
<form name="add_group" action="%(action)s" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="bskid" value="%(bskid)i" />
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value ="%(topic)i" />
<table style="width:100%%;">
<td style="width:50%%;vertical-align:top;">%(groups)s</td>
<td style="width:50%%;vertical-align:top;"></td>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" class="formbutton" name="group_cancel" value="%(cancel_label)s" />
<input type="submit" class="formbutton" name="add_group" value="%(submit_label)s" />
</form>""" % {'label': _('Sharing basket to a new group'),
'action': weburl + '/yourbaskets/edit',
'ln': ln,
'topic': selected_topic,
'bskid': bskid,
'groups': indent_text(groups_box, 4),
'cancel_label': _("Cancel"),
'submit_label': _("Add group")}
return out
def tmpl_personal_baskets_selection_box(self,
"""return an HTML popupmenu
@param baskets: list of (bskid, bsk_name, bsk_topic) tuples
@param select_box_name: name that will be used for the control
@param selected_bskid: id of the selcte basket, use None for no selection
@param ln: language"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
elements = [(0, '- ' + _("no basket") + ' -')]
for (bskid, bsk_name, bsk_topic) in baskets:
elements.append((bskid, bsk_topic + ' > ' + bsk_name))
return self.__create_select_menu(select_box_name, elements, selected_bskid)
def tmpl_create_guest_warning_box(self, ln=cdslang):
"""return html warning box for non registered users"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
message = _("You are logged in as a guest user, so your baskets will disappear at the end of the current session.") + ' '
message += _("If you wish you can %(x_url_open)slogin or register here%(x_url_close)s.") %\
{'x_url_open': '<a href="' + sweburl + '/youraccount/login?ln=' + ln + '">',
'x_url_close': '</a>'}
out = """
<table class="errorbox">
<th class="errorboxheader">%s</th>
return out % message
def tmpl_create_guest_forbidden_box(self, ln=cdslang):
"""return html warning box for non registered users"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
message = _("This functionality is forbidden to guest users.") + ' '
message += _("If you wish you can %(x_url_open)slogin or register here%(x_url_close)s.") %\
{'x_url_open': '<a href="' + sweburl + '/youraccount/login?ln=' + ln + '">',
'x_url_close': '</a>'}
out = """
<table class="errorbox">
<th class="errorboxheader">%s</th>
return out % message
############################ Utilities ###################################
def __create_select_menu(self, name, elements, selected_key=None):
""" private function, returns a popup menu
@param name: name of HTML control
@param elements: list of (key, value)
@param selected_key: item that should be selected (key of elements tuple)
out = '<select name="%s">' % name
for (key, label) in elements:
selected = ''
if key == selected_key:
selected = ' selected="selected"'
out += indent_text('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>'% (key, selected, cgi.escape(label)), 1)
out += '</select>'
return out
def tmpl_warnings(self, warnings=[], ln=cdslang):
""" returns HTML for warnings """
from invenio.errorlib import get_msgs_for_code_list
out = ''
if type(warnings) is not list:
warnings = [warnings]
if len(warnings):
warnings_parsed = get_msgs_for_code_list(warnings, 'warning', ln)
for (warning_code, warning_text) in warnings_parsed:
out += '<div class="important" style="padding: 10px;">%s</div>' % warning_text
return out
def tmpl_create_infobox(self, infos = []):
""" returns html for general informations
@param infos: list of strings to display"""
out = ''
if len(infos):
out += '<div>'
for info in infos:
out += info + '<br />'
out += '</div>'
return out
def tmpl_back_link(self, link, ln=cdslang):
""" returns HTML for a link whose label should be
'Back to search results'
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
label = _("Back to search results")
out = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (link, label)
return out
def __create_messaging_link(self, to, display_name, ln=cdslang):
"""prints a link to the messaging system"""
link = "%s/yourmessages/write?msg_to=%s&amp;ln=%s" % (weburl, to, ln)
if to:
return '<a href="%s" class="maillink">%s</a>' % (link, display_name)
return display_name
def tmpl_xml_basket(self, items=[]):
"""Template for XML output of basket
@param items: XML version of each item (list)"""
items_xml = ''
for item in items:
items_xml += ' ' + item + '\n'
return """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
""" % items_xml

Event Timeline