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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## $Id$
## handles rendering of webmessage module
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# CDS imports
from cdsware.webmessage_mailutils import email_quoted_txt2html, email_quote_txt
from cdsware.webmessage_config import cfg_webmessage_status_code, \
cfg_webmessage_separator, \
from cdsware.textutils import indent_text
from cdsware.dateutils import get_i18n_dbdatetext, \
create_day_selectbox, \
create_month_selectbox, \
from cdsware.config import weburl, cdslang
from cdsware.messages import gettext_set_language
class Template:
def tmpl_display_inbox(self, messages, infos=[], warnings=[], nb_messages=0, ln=cdslang):
Displays a list of messages, with the appropriate links and buttons
@param messages: a list of tuples:
@param infos: a list of informations to print on top of page
@param ln: language of the page.
@return the list in HTML format
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
junk = 0
inbox = self.tmpl_warning(warnings, ln)
inbox += self.tmpl_infobox(infos, ln)
inbox += self.tmpl_quota(nb_messages, ln)
inbox += """
<table class="mailbox">
<thead class="mailboxheader">
<tr style="height:0px;">
<tbody class="mailboxbody">""" %(_("Subject"), _("Sender"), _("Date"))
if len(messages) == 0:
inbox += """
<tr class="mailboxrecords" style="height: 100px;">
<td colspan="4" style="text-align: center;">
</tr>""" %(_("No new mail"),)
for (msgid, junk, user_from_nick, subject, sent_date, status) in messages:
subject_link = '<a href="display_msg?msgid=%i&amp;ln=%s">%s</a>'% (msgid, ln, subject)
from_link = '<a href="write?msg_to=%s&amp;ln=%s">%s</a>'% (user_from_nick, ln, user_from_nick)
action_link = '<a href="delete?msgid=%i&amp;ln=%s">%s</a>'% (msgid, ln, _("Delete"))
s_date = get_i18n_dbdatetext(sent_date, ln)
stat_style = ''
if (status == cfg_webmessage_status_code['NEW']):
stat_style = ' style="font-weight:bold"'
inbox += """
<tr class="mailboxrecords">
</tr>""" %(stat_style, subject_link, from_link, s_date, action_link)
inbox += """
<tr class="mailboxfoot">
<td colspan="2">
<form name="newMessage" action="write?ln=%(ln)s" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="del_all" value="%(write_label)s" class="formbutton" />
<form name="deleteAll" action="delete_all?ln=%(ln)s" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="del_all" value="%(delete_all_label)s" class="formbutton" />
</table>""" % {'ln': ln,
'write_label': _("New message"),
'delete_all_label': _("Delete All")}
return indent_text(inbox, 2)
def tmpl_write(self,
Displays a writing message form with optional prefilled fields
@param msg_to: nick of the user (prefills the To: field)
@param msg_subject: subject of the message (prefills the Subject: field)
@param msg_body: body of the message (prefills the Message: field)
@param msg_send_year: prefills to year field
@param msg_send_month: prefills the month field
@param msg_send_day: prefills the day field
@param warnings: display warnings on top of page
@param users_to_add: list to select users
@param groups_to_add: list to select groups
@param user_search_pattern: prefills this field!
@param group_search_pattern: idem
@param display_users_to_add: 1: display user search box, 0: group...
@param ln: language of the form
@return the form in HTML format
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
write_box = self.tmpl_warning(warnings)
# escape forbidden character
msg_to = msg_to.replace('"', '&quot;')
msg_to_group = msg_to_group.replace('"', '&quot;')
msg_subject = msg_subject.replace('"', '&quot;')
user_search_pattern = user_search_pattern.replace('"','&quot;')
group_search_pattern = group_search_pattern.replace('"','&quot;')
if display_users_to_add:
to_select = self.tmpl_user_or_group_search(users_to_add,
to_select = self.tmpl_user_or_group_search(groups_to_add,
if (msg_id != 0):
msg_subject = _("Re: ") + msg_subject
msg_body = email_quote_txt(msg_body)
msg_body = msg_body.replace('>', '&gt;')
write_box += """
<form name="write_message" action="send" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s"/>
<table style="width:100%%; ">
<td style="width:70%%; vertical-align:text-top; padding:5px;">
<table class="mailbox">
<thead class="mailboxheader">
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(to_label)s</td>
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(users_label)s</td>
<input class="mailboxinput" type="text" name="msg_to_user" value="%(to_users)s"/>
<td class="mailboxlabel">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(groups_label)s</td>
<input class="mailboxinput" type="text" name="msg_to_group" value="%(to_groups)s"/>
<td class="mailboxlabel">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(subject_label)s</td>
<td colspan="2">
<input class="mailboxinput" type="text" name="msg_subject" value="%(subject)s"/>
<td style="height:0px" colspan="3"></td>
<tbody class="mailboxbody">
<td class="mailboxlabel">%(message_label)s</td>
<td colspan="2" class="mailboxrecords">
<textarea name="msg_body" rows="10" cols="50">"""
write_box = indent_text(write_box, 2)
write_box_part2 = """
<td class="mailboxlabel">
<td colspan="2" class="mailbox_records">
<!-- This should normally go in a tfoot tag. Old browsers have problems with it
as order must be: thead, tfoot, tbody.
Tfoot is thus empty :(
<tr class="mailboxfoot">
<td colspan="3" class="mailboxfoot">
<input type="submit" name="send_button" value="%(send_label)s" class="formbutton"/>
<td style="width:30%%; vertical-align:top;padding:5px;">
write_box_part2 = indent_text(write_box_part2, 2)
write_box += "%(body)s" "</textarea>"+ write_box_part2
day_field = create_day_selectbox('msg_send_day', msg_send_day, ln)
month_field = create_month_selectbox('msg_send_month', msg_send_month, ln)
year_field = create_year_selectbox('msg_send_year', -1, 10, msg_send_year, ln)
write_box = write_box % {'to_users' : msg_to,
'to_groups': msg_to_group,
'subject' : msg_subject,
'body' : msg_body,
'ln': ln,
'day_field': day_field,
'month_field': month_field,
'year_field': year_field,
'to_select': to_select,
'send_later_label': _("Send Later:"),
'to_label': _("To:"),
'users_label': _("Users"),
'groups_label': _("Groups"),
'subject_label': _("Subject:"),
'message_label': _("Message:"),
'send_label': _("SEND")}
return write_box
def tmpl_display_msg(self,
msg_received_date="0000-00-00 00:00:00",
Displays a given message
@param msg_id: id of the message
@param msg_from_id: id of user who sent the message
@param msg_from_nickname: nickname of the user who sent the message
@param msg_sent_to: list of users who received the message
(comma separated string)
@param msg_sent_to_group: list of groups who received the message
(comma separated string)
@param msg_subject: subject of the message
@param msg_body: body of the message
@param msg_sent_date: date at which the message was sent
@param msg_received_date: date at which the message had to be received
(if this argument != 0000-00-00 => reminder
@param ln: language of the page
@return the message in HTML format
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
sent_to_link = ""
tos = msg_sent_to.split(cfg_webmessage_separator)
if (tos):
for to in tos[0:-1]:
sent_to_link += '<a href="write?msg_to=%s&amp;ln=%s">'% (to, ln)
sent_to_link += '%s</a>%s '% (to, cfg_webmessage_separator)
sent_to_link += '<a href="write?msg_to=%s&amp;ln=%s">%s</a>'% (tos[-1], ln, tos[-1])
group_to_link = ""
groups = msg_sent_to_group.split(cfg_webmessage_separator)
if (groups):
for group in groups[0:-1]:
group_to_link += '<a href="write?msg_to_group=%s&amp;ln=%s">'% (group, ln)
group_to_link += '%s</a>%s '% (group, cfg_webmessage_separator)
group_to_link += '<a href="write?msg_to_group=%s&amp;ln=%s">%s</a>'% (groups[-1], ln, groups[-1])
# format the msg so that the '>>' chars give vertical lines
final_body = email_quoted_txt2html(msg_body)
out = """
<table class="mailbox">
<thead class="mailboxheader">
<td class="mailboxlabel">From:</td>
<td><a href="write?msg_to=%(from)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s">%(from)s</a></td>
<td class="mailboxlabel">Subject:</td>
<td class="mailboxlabel">Sent:</td>
if (msg_received_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'):
out += """
<td class="mailboxlabel">Received:</td>
out += """
<td class="mailboxlabel">CC:</td>
if (msg_sent_to_group != ""):
out += """
<td class="mailboxlabel">Groups:</td>
out += """
<tbody class="mailboxbody">
<td colspan="2" class="mailboxrecords">%(body)s</td>
<tr class="mailboxfoot">
<form name="reply" action="write?msg_reply_id=%(msg_id)s" method="post">
<input class="formbutton" name="reply" value="%(reply_txt)s" type="submit" />
<form name="deletemsg" action="delete?msgid=%(msg_id)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s" method="post">
<input class="formbutton" name="delete" value="%(delete_txt)s" type="submit" />
out = out % {'from' : msg_from_nickname,
'sent_date' : get_i18n_dbdatetext(msg_sent_date, ln),
'received_date': get_i18n_dbdatetext(msg_received_date, ln),
'sent_to': sent_to_link,
'sent_to_group': group_to_link,
'subject' : msg_subject,
'body' : final_body,
'reply_to': msg_from_id,
'msg_id': msg_id,
'ln': ln,
'delete_txt': _("DELETE")}
return indent_text(out, 2)
def tmpl_navtrail(self, ln=cdslang, title=""):
display the navtrail, e.g.:
Your account > Your messages > title
@param title: the last part of the navtrail. Is not a link
@param ln: language
return html formatted navtrail
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
nav_h1 = '<a class="navtrail" href="%s/">%s</a>'
nav_h2 = ""
if (title != ""):
nav_h2 = ' &gt; <a class="navtrail" href="%s/">%s</a>'
nav_h2 = nav_h2 % (weburl, _("Your Messages"))
return nav_h1% (weburl,_("Your Account")) + nav_h2
def tmpl_confirm_delete(self, ln=cdslang):
display a confirm message
@param ln: language
@return html output
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<table class="confirmoperation">
<td colspan="2" class="confirmmessage">
<form name="validate" action="delete_all" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="submit" value="%(yes_label)s" class="formbutton" />
<form name="cancel" action="display" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="ln" value="%(ln)s" />
<input type="submit" value="%(no_label)s" class="formbutton" />
</table>"""% {'message': _("Are your sure you want to empty your whole mailbox?"),
'yes_label': _("Yes"),
'no_label': _("No")}
return indent_text(out, 2)
def tmpl_infobox(self, infos, ln=cdslang):
"""Display len(infos) information fields
@param infos: list of strings
@param ln=language
@return html output
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if not((type(infos) is list) or (type(infos) is tuple)):
infos = [infos]
infobox = ""
for info in infos:
infobox += "<div class=\"infobox\">"
lines = info.split("\n")
for line in lines[0:-1]:
infobox += line + "<br/>\n"
infobox += lines[-1] + "</div><br/>\n"
return infobox
def tmpl_warning(self, warnings, ln=cdslang):
Display len(warnings) warning fields
@param infos: list of strings
@param ln=language
@return html output
if not((type(warnings) is list) or (type(warnings) is tuple)):
warnings = [warnings]
warningbox = ""
if warnings != []:
warningbox = "<div class=\"warningbox\">\n <b>Warning:</b>\n"
for warning in warnings:
lines = warning.split("\n")
warningbox += " <p>"
for line in lines[0:-1]:
warningbox += line + " <br/>\n"
warningbox += lines[-1] + " </p>"
warningbox += "</div><br/>\n"
return warningbox
def tmpl_quota(self, nb_messages=0, ln=cdslang):
Display a quota bar.
@nb_messages: number of messages in inbox.
@return html output
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
quota = float(cfg_webmessage_max_nb_of_messages)
ratio = float(nb_messages) / quota
out = """
<div class="quotabox">
<div class="quotabar" style="width:%(width)ipx"></div>
</div>""" %{'quota_label' : _("Quota: %.1f%%")%(ratio * 100.0),
'width' : int(ratio * 200)
return out
def tmpl_multiple_select(self, select_name, tuples_list, ln=cdslang):
"""displays a multiple select environment
@param tuples_list: a list of (value, isSelected) tuples
@return HTML output
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if not((type(tuples_list) is list) or (type(tuples_list) is tuple)):
tuples_list = [tuples_list]
out = """
<select name="%s" multiple="multiple" style="width:100%%">
<option value="" disabled="disabled">%s</option>
""" % (select_name,_("Please select value(s)"))
for (value, is_selected) in tuples_list:
out += " <option value=\"%s\""% value
if is_selected:
out += " selected=\"selected\""
out += ">%s</option>\n"% value
out += "</select>\n"
return out
def tmpl_user_or_group_search(self,
Display a box for user searching
@param tuples_list: list of (value, is_selected) tuples
@param search_pattern: text to display in this field
@param display_user: 1 for user 0 for group
@param ln: language
@return html output
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if display_user:
header = """
<thead class="mailboxheader">
<input type="submit" name="switch_to_group_button" value="%(search_group_label)s" class="nonsubmitbutton" />
search_field_name = "user_search_pattern"
search_button_name = "search_user_button"
multiple_select = self.tmpl_multiple_select('users_to_add', tuples_list)
add_button = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add_to_user_button\" value=\"%s\" class=\"nonsubmitbutton\" />"
add_button = add_button % _("Add to users")
header = """
<thead class="mailboxheader">
<input type="submit" name="switch_to_user_button" value="%(search_user_label)s" class="nonsubmitbutton" />
search_field_name = "group_search_pattern"
search_button_name = "search_group_button"
multiple_select = self.tmpl_multiple_select('groups_to_add', tuples_list)
add_button = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add_to_group_button\" value=\"%s\" class=\"nonsubmitbutton\" />"
add_button = add_button % _("Add to groups")
out = "<table class=\"mailbox\">\n" + header
out += """
<tbody class="mailboxbody">
<td style="text-align:center;">
<input type="text" name="%(search_field_name)s" value="%(search_pattern)s" />
<td style="text-align:center">
<input type="submit" name="%(search_button_name)s" value="%(search_button_label)s" class="nonsubmitbutton" />
out = out% {'search_user_label' : _("Find a user"),
'search_group_label' : _("Find a group"),
'search_button_label': _("Search"),
'search_field_name' : search_field_name,
'search_pattern' : search_pattern,
'search_button_name' : search_button_name,
'multiple_select' : multiple_select,
'add_button' : add_button}
return out
def tmpl_account_new_mail(self, nb_new_mail=0, ln=cdslang):
display infos about inbox (used by
@param nb_new_mail: number of new mails
@param ln: language
retourn: html output.
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = _("You got <b>%i</b> new messages.<br/>\n")% nb_new_mail
out += _("You can see all your messages in your <a href=\"/\">inbox</a>")% ln
return out

Event Timeline