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## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
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#include "cdspage.wml" \
title="WebSearch Admin Guide" \
navtrail_previous_links="<a class=navtrail href=<WEBURL>/admin/<lang:star: index.*.html>><MSG_ADMIN_AREA></a> &gt; <a class=navtrail href=<WEBURL>/admin/websearch/>WebSearch Admin</a>" \
navbar_name="admin" \
<p><table class="errorbox">
<th class="errorboxheader">
<td class="errorboxbody">
This Admin Guide is not yet completed. Moreover, some
admin-level functionality for this module exists only in the form of
manual recipes. We are in the process of developing both the
guide as well as the web admin interface. If you are interested
in seeing some specific things implemented with high priority,
please contact us at <SUPPORTEMAIL>. Thanks for your interest!
<strong>1. <a href="#1">Overview</a></strong><br>
<strong>2. <a href="#2">Edit Collection Tree</a></strong><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2.1 <a href="#2.1">Add new collection</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2.2 <a href="#2.2">Add collection to tree</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2.3 <a href="#2.3">Modify existing tree</a><br>
<strong>3. <a href="#3">Edit Collection Parameters</a></strong><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.1. <a href="#3.1">Modify collection query</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.2. <a href="#3.2">Modify access restrictions</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.3. <a href="#3.3">Modify translations</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.4. <a href="#3.4">Delete collection</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.5. <a href="#3.5">Modify portalboxes</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.6. <a href="#3.6">Modify search fields</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.7. <a href="#3.7">Modify search options</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.8. <a href="#3.8">Modify sort options</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.9. <a href="#3.9">Modify rank options</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.10.<a href="#3.10">Modify output formats</a><br>
<strong>4. <a href="#4">Run WebColl Daemon</a></strong><br>
<strong>5. <a href="#5">Edit Search Engine Parameters</a></strong><br>
<strong>6. <a href="#6">Search Engine Cache</a></strong><br>
<strong>7. <a href="#7">Additional Information</a></strong><br>
<a name="1"></a><h2>1. Overview</h2>
WebSearch Admin interface will help you to configure the search
collections that the end-users see. The WebSearch Admin functionality
can be basically separated into several parts: (i) how to organize
collections into <a href="#2">collection tree</a>; (ii) how to define
and edit <a href="#3">collection parameters</a>; (iii) how to update
collection cache via the <a href="#3">webcoll daemon</a>; and (iv) how
to influence the search engine behaviour and set various <a
href="#5">search engine parameters</a>. These issues will be
subsequently described in the rest of this guide.
<a name="2"></a><h2>2. Edit Collection Tree</h2>
<p>Metadata corpus in CDSware is organized into collections. The
collections are organized in a tree. The collection tree is what the
end-users see when they start to navigate at <a
href="<WEBURL>"><CDSNAME></a>. The collection tree is similar to what
other sites call Web Directories that organize Web into topical
categories, such as <a href="">Google
<p>Note that CDSware permits every collection in the tree to have
either "regular" or "virtual" sons. In other words, every node in the
collection tree may see either regular or virtual branches growing out
of it. This permits to create a tree with very complex, multi-level,
nested structures of regular and virtual branches, if needed, with the
aim to ease navigation to end-users from one branch to another. The
difference between a regular and a virtual branch will be explained in
detail further below in the <a href="#2.2">section 2.2</a>.
<a name="2.1"></a><h3>2.1 Add new collection</h3>
<p>To add a new collection, enter its default name in the default
language of the installation (<CDSLANG>) and click on the ADD button
to add it. There are two important actions that you have to perform
after adding a collection:
<li>You have to define the set of records that belong to this
collection. This is done by defining a search engine query
that would return all records belonging to this collection.
See hints on <a href="#3.1">modify collection query</a> below.
<li>In order for the collection to appear in the collection
navigation tree, you will have to attach it to some existing
collection in the tree. See hints on <a href="#2.2">add
collection to tree</a> below.
<p>After you edit these two things, the collection is fully usable for
the search interface. It will appear in the search interface after
the next run of the <a href="#5">WebColl Daemon</a>.
<p>However, you will probably want to customize further things, like
define collection name translation in various languages, define
collection web page portalboxes, define search options, etc, as
explained in this guide under the section <a href="#3">Edit
Collection Parameters</a>.
<a name="2.2"></a><h3>2.2 Add collection to tree</h3>
<p>To attach a collection to the tree, choose first which collection
do you want to attach, then choose the father collection to attach to,
and then choose the fathership relation type between them (regular,
<p>The difference between the regular and the virtual relationship
goes as follows:
<li><strong>regular relationship</strong>: If collection A is
composed of B and C, in a way that every document belonging to
A is either B or C, then this schema corresponds to the
regular type of relationship. For example, let A equals to
"Multimedia" and B and C to "Photos" and "Videos",
respectively. The latter collections would then be declared
as regular sons of "Multimedia" and they would appear in the
left-hand-side regular navigation tree entitled "Narrow by
Collection" in the collection tree.
<li><strong>virtual relationship</strong>: In addition to the
regular decomposition of "Multimedia" into "Photos" and
"Videos", it may be advantageous to present a different,
orthogonal point of view on "Multimedia", based not on the
document type as seen above, but rather on the document
creator information. Let us consider that some (large) part
of the multimedia material was created by the "University
Multimedia Service" and some (small) part by an external TV
company such as BBC. It may be advantageous to advertize this
point of view to the end users too, so they they would be able
to easily navigate down to the kind of multimedia material
they are looking for. We can create two more collections
named "University Multimedia Service" and "BBC Pictures and
Videos" and declare them as virtual sons of the "Multimedia"
collection. These collections would then appear in the
right-hand-side virtual navigation tree entitled "Focus on" in
the collection tree.
The example presented above would then give us the following picture:
M u l t i m e d i a
Narrow by Collection: Focus on:
-------------------- ---------
[ ] Photos University Multimedia Service
[ ] Videos BBC Pictures and Videos
<p>It is important to note that if a collection A is composed of B and
C as its regular sons, and offers X and Y as its virtual sons, then
every document belonging to A must also belong to either B or C. This
requirement does not apply for X and Y, because X and Y offer only a
"focus-on" orthogonal view on a (possibly small) part of the document
corpus of A. If end-users search the collection A, then they are
actually searching inside B and C, not X and Y. If they want to
search inside X or Y, they have to click upon X or Y first. One can
consider virtual branches as a sort of non-essential searching aid to
the end-user that is activated only when users are interested in a
particular "focus-on" relationship, provided that this "virtual" point
of view on A interests her.
<a name="2.3"></a><h3>2.3 Modify existing tree</h3>
<p>To modify existing tree by WebSearch Admin Interface, click on
icons displayed next to collections. The meaning of icons is as
<table border="1">
<img border="0" src="<weburl>/img/iconcross.gif">
Remove chosen collection with its subcollections from the collection tree,
but do not delete the collection itself.
(For full deletion of a collection, see <a href="#3.4">section 3.4</a>.)
<img border="0" src="<weburl>/img/arrow_up.gif"> &nbsp;
<img border="0" src="<weburl>/img/arrow_down.gif">
Move chosen collection up or down among its brothers and sisters, i.e.
change the order of collections inside the same level of the tree.
<img border="0" src="<weburl>/img/move_from.gif">
<img border="0" src="<weburl>/img/move_to.gif">
Move chosen collection among branches of the tree.
Press the first icon (<img border="0" src="<weburl>/img/move_from.gif">)
to choose a collection to move, and the second icon
(<img border="0" src="<weburl>/img/move_to.gif">)
to select a new father collection that the chosen collection should be attached to.
<a name="3"></a><h2>3. Edit Collection Parameters</h2>
<a name="3.1"></a><h3>3.1 Modify collection query</h3>
<a name="3.2"></a><h3>3.2 Modify access restrictions</h3>
<a name="3.3"></a><h3>3.3 Modify translations</h3>
To enable internalization support for the collections, the translations must be added here. If a translation does not exist, the default cdsware language for this installation will be used.
<a name="3.4"></a><h3>3.4 Delete collection</h3>
To be able to delete a collection, it must first be removed from the collection tree. Any data associated with the collection will be lost. As an example, if a collection uses several portalboxes, you will loose the association information, but not the portalboxes itself. Similarily, this will also happen regarding output formats, translations, search options, sort options, search fields, ranking, collection query and access restriction.
<a name="3.5"></a><h3>3.5 Modify portalboxes</h3>
Portalboxes are used to show various kind of information to the user when a collection is selected. It can be anything from a textbox to a picture. To create a new portalbox, a title and a body must be given. The body can contain html if necessary.
To add a portalbox to the collection, you must choose an existing portalbox, which language it should be valid for and the position on the screen. Since a portalbox is not bound to one language, one portalbox can be used for all languages.
<a name="3.6"></a><h3>3.6 Modify search fields</h3>
If you want to enable only searching in certain fields for a collection, this can be done here, including selecting the order of which they may appear. Management of the fields are done from the BibIndex interface.
<a name="3.7"></a><h3>3.7 Modify search options</h3>
<a name="3.8"></a><h3>3.8 Modify sort options</h3>
If you want to enable only sorting on certain fields for a collection, this can be done here, including selecting the order of which they may appear in the 'Advanced Search' interface. Management of the fields are done from the BibIndex interface.
<a name="3.9"></a><h3>3.9 Modify rank options</h3>
To enable a certain rank method for a collection, select the method and add it. The documents in this collection will then be included in the ranking the next time the BibRank is running the added rank method. For configuration of the rank method, see the BibRank interface.
<a name="3.10"></a><h3>3.10 Modify output formats</h3>
Here you can add the output formats that should be available for the chosen collection. This enables various kind of output of a document or a search.
<a name="4"></a><h2>4. Run WebColl Daemon</h2>
<a name="5"></a><h2>5. Edit Search Engine Parameters</h2>
<a name="6"></a><h2>6. Search Engine Cache</h2>
<a name="7"></a><h2>7. Additional Information</h2>
<a href="<WEBURL>/hacking/websearch/">WebSearch Internals</a>

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