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## $Id$
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "cdspage.wml" \
title="<MSG_SEARCH_TIPS>" \
navbar_name="search-new" \
navtrail_previous_links="<a class=navtrail href=<WEBURL>/help/<lang:star: index.*.html>><MSG_HELP_CENTRAL></a> &gt; <a class=navtrail href=<WEBURL>/help/search/<lang:star: index.*.html>><MSG_SEARCH_HELP></a>" \
<h5>How to find any value in any field:</h5>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Empty search box returns all records in the database.
<h5>How to find documents in a particular collection:</h5>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
Narrow by collection:
<input type="checkbox" name="c" value="Preprints" checked>&nbsp;<a href="<WEBURL>/?c=Preprints">Preprints</a>
<input type="checkbox" name="c" value="Theses" checked>&nbsp;<a href="<WEBURL>/?c=Theses">Theses</a>
<td width="50%">
Click on a link below the search box to see and select subcollections
such as Preprints or Theses, or select/deselect the tick boxes next to a
particular collection before doing the search.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="NA60">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
Narrow by collection:
<input type="checkbox" name="c" value="Preprints" checked>&nbsp;<a href="<WEBURL>/?c=Preprints">Preprints</a>
<input type="checkbox" name="c" value="Theses" checked>&nbsp;<a href="<WEBURL>/?c=Theses">Theses</a>
<td width="50%">
If you want documents from a 'collection' not proposed by default,
such as NA60 documents, then enter it as a search term.
<div align="right"><small><a href="<lang:star: guide.*.html#howto-choose-terms>">more on how to wisely choose your search terms...</a></small></div>
<h5>How to search for words/phrases (within titles, abstracts, etc):</h5>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="higgs boson">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Returns records containing words <em>higgs</em> and <em>boson</em>.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="'higgs boson'">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option selected>title<option>author</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Returns records containing phrase <em>'higgs boson'</em> in title.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="&quot;higgs boson&quot;">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option selected>title<option>author</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Returns records entitled exactly <em>"Higgs boson"</em> but not records such as
<em>"Overview of Higgs boson production"</em>.
<div align="right"><small><a href="<lang:star: guide.*.html#words-vs-phrases>">more on word and phrase searches...</a></small></div>
<h5>How to use truncation:</h5>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="muon*">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Returns records containing words <em>muon</em>, <em>muons</em>, <em>muonic</em>, etc.
<div align="right"><small><a href="<lang:star: guide.*.html#wildcard>">more on truncation...</a></small></div>
<h5>How to use boolean operators:</h5>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="muon kaon">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="muon AND kaon">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Returns records containing both <em>muon</em> and <em>kaon</em>.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="muon OR kaon">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Returns records containing either <em>muon</em> or <em>kaon</em>.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="muon NOT kaon">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Returns records containing <em>muon</em> but not <em>kaon</em>.
<div align="right"><small><a href="<lang:star: guide.*.html#boolean>">more on Boolean queries...</a></small></div>
<h5>How to find documents from a certain period:</h5>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="2003">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author<option selected>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Type 2003 and select the year field.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="year:2003">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Alternatively, type field name colon value.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="year:2003->2004">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
You can enter specific year range.
<div align="right"><small><a href="<lang:star: guide.*.html#span>">more on span queries...</a></small></div>
<h5>How to search for authors:</h5>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="Ellis">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Some authors have unique names and
their publications can be retrieved by searching for
the surname in any field.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="Ellis, J R">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option selected>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
For better results, type surname comma initial(s) and select the author field.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="Ellis, John Rolfe">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option selected>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Sometimes authors are indexed with their full name.
<td width="50%" nowrap>
<form action="<WEBURL>/" method="get">
<input size=20 type="text" name="p" value="author:&quot;Ellis, J*&quot; year:1990->1993">
<select name="f"><option value="">any field<option>title<option>author<option>year</select>
<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SEARCH">
<td width="50%">
Find papers by J.Ellis written from 1990 until 1993, using truncation
to match all first names beginning with J.
<div align="right"><small><a href="<lang:star: guide.*.html#howto-search-for-author>">more on author searches...</a></small></div>
<h5>More information:</h5>
Special characters, fulltext searching, citation searching, and other
capabilities are fully explained in the complete <a href="<lang:star:
guide.*.html>">Search Guide</a>.

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