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Wed, May 22, 06:07

## $Id$
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""CDSware Web Page Functions"""
from config import *
from messages import gettext_set_language
from webuser import create_userinfobox_body
import re
import string
import sys
import time
import traceback
import urllib
from errorlib import get_msgs_for_code_list, register_errors
import template
webstyle_templates = template.load('webstyle')
def create_navtrailbox_body(title,
separator=""" > """,
"""Create navigation trail box body
input: title = page title;
previous_links = the trail content from site title until current page (both ends exlusive).
output: text containing the navtrail
return webstyle_templates.tmpl_navtrailbox_body(weburl = weburl,
ln = language,
title = title,
previous_links = previous_links,
separator = separator,
prolog = prolog,
epilog = epilog)
def page(title, body, navtrail="", description="", keywords="", uid=0, cdspageheaderadd="", cdspageboxlefttopadd="", cdspageboxleftbottomadd="", cdspageboxrighttopadd="", cdspageboxrightbottomadd="", cdspagefooteradd="", lastupdated="", language=cdslang, urlargs="", verbose=1, titleprologue="", titleepilogue="", req=None, errors=[], warnings=[]):
"""page(): display CDS web page
input: title of the page
body of the page in html format
description goes to the metadata in the header of the HTML page
keywords goes to the metadata in the header of the html page
cdspageheaderadd is a message to be displayed just under the page header
cdspageboxlefttopadd is a message to be displayed in the page body on left top
cdspageboxleftbottomadd is a message to be displayed in the page body on left bottom
cdspageboxrighttopadd is a message to be displayed in the page body on right top
cdspageboxrightbottomadd is a message to be displayed in the page body on right bottom
cdspagefooteradd is a message to be displayed on the top of the page footer
lastupdated is a text containing the info on last update (optional)
language is the language version of the page
urlargs are the URL arguments of the page to display (useful to affect languages)
verbose is verbosity of the page (useful for debugging)
titleprologue is to be printed right before page title
titleepilogue is to be printed right after page title
req is the mod_python request
errors is the list of error codes as defined in the file of the calling module
log is the string of data that should be appended to the log file (errors automatically logged)
output: the final cds page with header, footer, etc.
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
if title == cdsnameintl[language]:
headerstitle = _("Home")
headerstitle = title
# if there are event
if warnings:
warnings = get_msgs_for_code_list(warnings, 'warning', language)
register_errors(warnings, 'warning')
# if there are errors
if errors:
errors = get_msgs_for_code_list(errors, 'error', language)
register_errors(errors, 'error', req)
body = create_error_box(req, errors=errors, ln=language)
return webstyle_templates.tmpl_page(weburl = weburl,
ln = language,
headertitle = headerstitle,
sitename = cdsnameintl[language],
supportemail = supportemail,
description = description,
keywords = keywords,
userinfobox = create_userinfobox_body(uid, language),
navtrailbox = create_navtrailbox_body(title, navtrail, language=language),
uid = uid,
# pageheader = cdspageheader,
pageheaderadd = cdspageheaderadd,
boxlefttop = cdspageboxlefttop,
boxlefttopadd = cdspageboxlefttopadd,
boxleftbottomadd = cdspageboxleftbottomadd,
boxleftbottom = cdspageboxleftbottom,
boxrighttop = cdspageboxrighttop,
boxrighttopadd = cdspageboxrighttopadd,
boxrightbottomadd = cdspageboxrightbottomadd,
boxrightbottom = cdspageboxrightbottom,
titleprologue = titleprologue,
title = title,
titleepilogue = titleepilogue,
body = body,
# pagefooter = cdspagefooter,
languagebox = webstyle_templates.tmpl_language_selection_box(urlargs, language),
version = version,
lastupdated = lastupdated,
pagefooteradd = cdspagefooteradd)
def pageheaderonly(title, navtrail="", description="", keywords="", uid=0, cdspageheaderadd="", language=cdslang, urlargs="", verbose=1):
"""Return just the beginning of page(), with full headers.
Suitable for the search results page and any long-taking scripts."""
return webstyle_templates.tmpl_pageheader(weburl = weburl,
ln = language,
headertitle = title,
sitename = cdsnameintl[language],
supportemail = supportemail,
description = description,
keywords = keywords,
userinfobox = create_userinfobox_body(uid, language),
navtrailbox = create_navtrailbox_body(title, navtrail, language=language),
uid = uid,
# pageheader = cdspageheader,
pageheaderadd = cdspageheaderadd,
languagebox = webstyle_templates.tmpl_language_selection_box(urlargs, language))
def pagefooteronly(cdspagefooteradd="", lastupdated="", language=cdslang, urlargs="", verbose=1):
"""Return just the ending of page(), with full footer.
Suitable for the search results page and any long-taking scripts."""
return webstyle_templates.tmpl_pagefooter(weburl = weburl,
ln = language,
sitename = cdsnameintl[language],
supportemail = supportemail,
# pagefooter = cdspagefooter,
languagebox = webstyle_templates.tmpl_language_selection_box(urlargs, language),
version = version,
lastupdated = lastupdated,
pagefooteradd = cdspagefooteradd)
def create_error_box(req, title=None, verbose=1, ln=cdslang, errors=None):
"""Analyse the req object and the sys traceback and return a text
message box with internal information that would be suitful to
display when something bad has happened.
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return webstyle_templates.tmpl_error_box(title = title,
ln = ln,
verbose = verbose,
req = req,
supportemail = supportemail,
errors = errors)

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