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Sun, Sep 1, 08:00

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
EPFL templates.
Webstyle handles header, general page design and main navigation.
import os
import urllib, cgi
from datetime import datetime
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
from invenio.urlutils import make_canonical_urlargd, create_html_link
from invenio.webuser import collect_user_info
from invenio import webstyle_templates
from xml.sax import saxutils
class Template(webstyle_templates.Template):
"""EPFL template"""
def tmpl_pageheader(self, req, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, headertitle="",
description="", keywords="", userinfobox="",
useractivities_menu="", adminactivities_menu="",
navtrailbox="", pageheaderadd="", uid=0,
secure_page_p=0, navmenuid="admin", metaheaderadd="",
rssurl='', body_css_classes=None):
if secure_page_p:
external_scripts = """
<link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>"""
# secure_page_p seems to be empty all the time... Therefore, we
# return https all the time.
external_scripts = """
<link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>"""
rss = ''
if rssurl:
rss = '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="%s RSS" href="%s" />' % (CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL.get(ln, CFG_SITE_NAME), rssurl)
out = """\
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-/W3C/DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional/EN"
<html xmlns="" lang="%(ln)s" xml:lang="%(ln)s">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rev="made" href="mailto:%(sitesupportemail)s" />
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="%(siteurl)s/opensearchdescription" title="%(sitename)s" />
<link rel="unapi-server" type="application/xml" title="unAPI" href="%(unAPIurl)s" />
<link href="/media/css/invenio_epfl.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/media/js/invenio-epfl.js"></script>
<body%(body_css_classes)s lang="%(ln)s">
<div id="main-content">
<div class="clear"></div>
<p class="h1"><a href="/?ln=%(ln)s">Infoscience</a><!-- Publications <acronym title="École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne" class="local-color-text">EPFL</acronym>--></p>
""" % {'signature': epfl_header_sig,
'body_css_classes' : body_css_classes and ' class="%s"' % ' '.join(body_css_classes) or '',
'ln' : ln,
'sitename': CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL.get(ln, CFG_SITE_NAME),
'sitesupportemail': CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL,
'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL,
'rss': rss,
'unAPIurl': '%s/unapi' % CFG_SITE_URL,
'metaheaderadd': metaheaderadd,
'header': epfl_header_html_fr if ln == 'fr' else epfl_header_html_en,
'title': saxutils.unescape(headertitle),
'breadcrumbs': navtrailbox,
'language': self.tmpl_language_selection_box(req, ln),
'navigation': self.get_navigation(req, useractivities_menu, adminactivities_menu, navmenuid, ln),
'external_scripts': external_scripts,
'message': '' #self.maintenance_warning(ln),
return out
def maintenance_warning(self, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
return """
<div style="padding: 8px;border: 1px solid #ddcccc; font-size:1.1em; margin-bottom: 8px;" >
<img src="/media/img/warning.png" height="64" width="64" style="float: left; margin-right:8px;">
<h3>%(warning)s</h3><p>%(message)s</p></div>""" % {
'warning': ln=='en' and 'Maintenance notice' or 'Avis de maintenance',
'message': ln=='en' and "Due to the moving of its main server, Infoscience will be set in read-only mode from Wednesday, 20th at 18:00 to Friday 22nd at 9:00. We apologize for the inconvenience. Exports of publication lists on your web sites will not be affected." or "Infoscience ne sera accessible qu'en lecture entre le mercredi 20 à 18h et le vendredi 22 à 9h à cause d'un déplacement de serveur. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour les désagréments. Les exports de listes de publications vers vos sites web continueront de fonctionner."}
def tmpl_pagefooter(self, req=None, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, lastupdated=None, pagefooteradd="", ):
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="footer">
<li><a href="">%(about_label)s</a></li>
<li><a href="">%(contact_label)s</a></li>
<li><a href="">%(accessibility_label)s</a></li>
<li class="copyright">&copy; 2004-%(year)s EPFL tous droits réservés</li>
<li>Powered by <a href="">Invenio</a></li>
<li class="login">%(login_link)s</li>
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-1830336-6', '');
ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);
ga('send', 'pageview');
""" % {
'about': ln=='fr' and 'a-propos' or 'about',
'about_label': _("About Infoscience"),
'contact_label': _("Contact"),
'accessibility_label': _("Accessibility"),
'login_link': self.get_login_link(req, ln),
'ln': ln,
'pagefooteradd': pagefooteradd,
'version': CFG_VERSION,
return out
def get_login_link(self, req, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if req:
if req.subprocess_env.has_key('HTTPS') \
and req.subprocess_env['HTTPS'] == 'on':
url_referer = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + req.unparsed_uri
url_referer = CFG_SITE_URL + req.unparsed_uri
if '/youraccount/logout' in url_referer:
url_referer = ''
url_referer = CFG_SITE_URL
user_info = collect_user_info(req)
if int(user_info.get('guest', '1')):
login_link = '<a href="%(sitesecureurl)s/youraccount/login?ln=%(ln)s%(referer)s">%(login)s</a>' % {
'sitesecureurl': CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL,
'ln' : ln,
'referer' : url_referer and ('&amp;referer=%s' % urllib.quote(url_referer)) or '',
'login' : _('Login')
login_link = """<a href="/youraccount/logout?ln=%(ln)s">%(logout)s</a>""" % {'ln' : ln,
'logout' : _("Logout (%(username)s)") % {'username': user_info.get('external_uid', [None])[0] or user_info.get('email')}
return login_link
def tmpl_page(self, req=None, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, description="",
keywords="", userinfobox="", useractivities_menu="",
adminactivities_menu="", navtrailbox="",
pageheaderadd="", boxlefttop="", boxlefttopadd="",
boxleftbottom="", boxleftbottomadd="",
boxrighttop="", boxrighttopadd="",
boxrightbottom="", boxrightbottomadd="",
titleprologue="", title="", titleepilogue="",
body="", lastupdated=None, pagefooteradd="", uid=0,
secure_page_p=0, navmenuid="", metaheaderadd="",
show_title_p=True, body_css_classes=None):
"""Creates a complete page
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display
- 'description' *string* - description goes to the metadata in the header of the HTML page
- 'keywords' *string* - keywords goes to the metadata in the header of the HTML page
- 'userinfobox' *string* - the HTML code for the user information box
- 'useractivities_menu' *string* - the HTML code for the user activities menu
- 'adminactivities_menu' *string* - the HTML code for the admin activities menu
- 'navtrailbox' *string* - the HTML code for the navigation trail box
- 'pageheaderadd' *string* - additional page header HTML code
- 'boxlefttop' *string* - left-top box HTML code
- 'boxlefttopadd' *string* - additional left-top box HTML code
- 'boxleftbottom' *string* - left-bottom box HTML code
- 'boxleftbottomadd' *string* - additional left-bottom box HTML code
- 'boxrighttop' *string* - right-top box HTML code
- 'boxrighttopadd' *string* - additional right-top box HTML code
- 'boxrightbottom' *string* - right-bottom box HTML code
- 'boxrightbottomadd' *string* - additional right-bottom box HTML code
- 'title' *string* - the title of the page
- 'titleprologue' *string* - what to print before page title
- 'titleepilogue' *string* - what to print after page title
- 'body' *string* - the body of the page
- 'lastupdated' *string* - when the page was last updated
- 'uid' *int* - user ID
- 'pagefooteradd' *string* - additional page footer HTML code
- 'secure_page_p' *int* (0 or 1) - are we to use HTTPS friendly page elements or not?
- 'navmenuid' *string* - the id of the navigation item to highlight for this page
- 'metaheaderadd' *string* - list of further tags to add to the <HEAD></HEAD> part of the page
- 'rssurl' *string* - the url of the RSS feed for this page
- 'show_title_p' *int* (0 or 1) - do we display the page title in the body of the page?
- 'body_css_classes' *list* - list of classes to add to the body tag
- HTML code of the page
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if title == CFG_SITE_NAME:
title = _("Infoscience: Scientific publications of EPFL")
title = title + ' - Infoscience'
header = self.tmpl_pageheader(req,
ln = ln,
headertitle = title,
description = description,
keywords = keywords,
metaheaderadd = metaheaderadd,
userinfobox = userinfobox,
navtrailbox = navtrailbox,
pageheaderadd = pageheaderadd,
secure_page_p = secure_page_p,
footer = self.tmpl_pagefooter(req, ln=ln, lastupdated=lastupdated, pagefooteradd=pagefooteradd)
if navmenuid == 'search':
#IDEE: trouver un moyen de reconnaitre webcoll: navmenuid=search; délégation de content, right col
# search: navmenuid=search; délégation de content et right-col
body = body
elif navmenuid == 'yourbaskets':
body = body
elif navmenuid == 'youralerts':
body = body
elif navmenuid == '503':
body = body
elif boxlefttop or boxlefttopadd or boxleftbottom or boxleftbottomadd or \
boxrighttop or boxrighttopadd or boxrightbottom or boxrightbottomadd:
body = """
<div id="content" class="content">
<div class="right-col">
<div class="clear"></div>""" % {'title': title, 'body': body, 'navmenuid':navmenuid,
'blt': boxlefttop, 'blta': boxlefttopadd,
'blb': boxleftbottom, 'blba': boxleftbottomadd,
'brt': boxrighttop, 'brta': boxrighttopadd,
'brb': boxrightbottom, 'brba': boxrightbottomadd }
body = """
<div id="content" class="content fullpage-content">
""" % {'title': title, 'body': body, 'navmenuid':navmenuid}
out = """
""" % {'header': header,
'title': title,
'navigation': self.get_navigation(req, useractivities_menu, adminactivities_menu, navmenuid, ln),
'body': body,
'footer': footer,
return out
def tmpl_language_selection_box(self, req, language=CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Take URLARGS and LANGUAGE and return textual language
selection box for the given page.
- 'req' - The mod_python request object
- 'language' *string* - The selected language
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
argd = {}
if req and req.args:
if language == 'en':
out = """
<ul id="languages" title="%s">
<li class="current">English</li>
<li><a href="%s">français</a></li>
argd['ln'] = 'fr'
out = """
<ul id="languages" title="%s">
<li><a href="%s">English</a></li>
<li class="current">français</li>
argd['ln'] = 'en'
return out % (_("Choose your language"),
urllib.quote(req.uri, '/:?') + make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {}))
def get_navigation(self, req, useractivities_menu='', adminactivities_menu='', navmenuid='', ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
search_menu_cls = ''
browse_menu_cls = ''
account_menu_cls = ''
admin_menu_cls = ''
if req.uri.strip() == '/' :
search_menu_cls = ''
elif req.uri.startswith('/collection/'):
browse_menu_cls = 'current'
elif navmenuid == 'search':
search_menu_cls = 'current'
elif navmenuid.startswith('your') or navmenuid == 'personalize':
account_menu_cls = 'current'
elif navmenuid in ['stats', 'collection population', 'search frequency', 'search type distribution', 'download frequency', 'custom event', 'custom event help', 'export', 'batchuploader', 'admin']:
admin_menu_cls = 'current'
if adminactivities_menu:
admin_menu = """
<li class="dropdown %(admin_menu_cls)s">
<a href="">Admin</a>
</li>""" % {'admin_menu_cls': admin_menu_cls,
'admin_menu': adminactivities_menu,
'ln': ln}
admin_menu = ''
if useractivities_menu:
account_menu = """
<li class="dropdown %(account_menu_cls)s">
<a href="%(site_url)s/curator/my_account/profile/?ln=%(ln)s">%(label1)s</a>
""" % {'label1': _("My account"),
'site_url' : CFG_SITE_URL,
'account_menu_cls': account_menu_cls,
'account_menu': useractivities_menu,
'ln': ln}
account_menu = ''
out = """
<div id="main-navigation" class="navigation-bar">
<ul class="topnav">
<li class="dropdown %(search_menu_cls)s">
<a href="/?ln=%(ln)s">%(search_label)s</a>
<li class="dropdown %(browse_menu_cls)s">
<a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research?ln=%(ln)s">%(browse_label)s</a>
<ul class="menu hidden">
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research?ln=%(ln)s">%(by_school)s</a>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research/ENAC?ln=%(ln)s">%(ENAC)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research/IC?ln=%(ln)s">%(IC)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research/SB?ln=%(ln)s">%(SB)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research/STI?ln=%(ln)s">%(STI)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research/SV?ln=%(ln)s">%(SV)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research/CDM?ln=%(ln)s">%(CDM)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research/CDH?ln=%(ln)s">%(CDH)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Research/ENT?ln=%(ln)s">%(ENT)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/search?ln=%(ln)s&as=1">%(by_doctype)s</a>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Article?ln=%(ln)s">%(ARTICLE)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Conference?ln=%(ln)s">%(CONF)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Thesis?ln=%(ln)s">%(THESIS)s</a></li>
<li><a href="/collection/Infoscience/Reports?ln=%(ln)s">%(REPORT)s</a></li>
<li class="dropdown">
<a href="%(secure_domain)s/curator/submit?ln=%(ln)s">%(submit_label)s</a>
<li class="dropdown">
<a href="">%(help_label)s</a>
<ul class="menu hidden">
<li><a href="">%(about)s</a></li>
<li><a href="">%(openaccess)s</a></li>
<a href="">%(submit_label)s</a>
<!-- <li><a href="">%(start)s</a></li>-->
<li><a href="">%(add)s</a></li>
<li><a href="">%(doctypes)s</a></li>
<li><a href="">%(status)s</a></li>
<li><a href="">%(search_label)s</a></li>
<a href="">%(manage)s</a>
<li><a href="">%(edit)s</a></li>
<li><a href="">%(remove)s</a></li>
<li><a href="">%(export)s</a></li>
<a href="">%(manage_a)s</a>
<li><a href="">%(basket)s</a></li>
<li><a href="">%(people)s</a></li>
<div class="clear"></div>
return out % {
'secure_domain': CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL,
'search_menu_cls': search_menu_cls,
'browse_menu_cls': browse_menu_cls,
'account_menu_cls': account_menu_cls,
'admin_menu': admin_menu,
'account_menu': account_menu,
'ln': ln,
'search_label': _("Search"),
'browse_label': _("Browse"),
'by_school': _("Publications by school"),
'ENAC': _("ENAC - Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering"),
'IC': _("I&amp;C - Computer &amp; Communication Sciences"),
'SB': _("SB - Basic Sciences"),
'STI': _("STI - Engineering"),
'SV': _("SV - Life Sciences"),
'CDM': _("CDM - Management of Technology"),
'CDH': _("CDH - College of Humanities"),
'ENT': _("ENT - Transdisciplinary Entities"),
'by_doctype': _("Publications by document type"),
'ARTICLE': _("Journal Articles"),
'CONF': _("Conference Papers"),
'THESIS': _("Theses"),
'REPORT': _("Reports"),
'submit_label': _("Deposit / Publish"),
'help_label': _("Help"),
'about': _('About Infoscience'),
'openaccess': _('Open Access &amp; Copyright'),
'start': _('Start using Infoscience'),
'add': _('Add a document'),
'doctypes': _("Document types"),
'status': _("Publication status"),
'manage': _("Manage publications"),
'edit': _("Edit a publication"),
'remove': _("Remove a publication"),
'export': _('Export a publication list'),
'manage_a': _("Manage my account"),
'basket': _("Create a personal collection"),
'people': _('Display my publications in people@EPFL'),
'about_p': ln=='fr' and 'a-propos' or 'about',
'openaccess_p': ln=='fr' and 'libre-acces' or 'open-access',
'deposit_p': ln=='fr' and 'deposer' or 'deposit',
'start_p': ln=='fr' and 'deposer/demarrer' or 'deposit/start',
'add_p': ln=='fr' and 'deposer/nouveau' or 'deposit/new',
'doctypes_p': ln=='fr' and 'deposer/types-de-documents' or 'deposit/document-types',
'status_p': ln=='fr' and 'deposer/statut' or 'deposit/status',
'search_p': ln=='fr' and 'rechercher' or 'search',
'manage_p': ln=='fr' and 'gerer-les-publications' or 'manage-publications',
'edit_p': ln=='fr' and 'gerer-les-publications/editer' or 'manage-publications/edit',
'remove_p': ln=='fr' and 'gerer-les-publications/supprimer' or 'manage-publications/remove',
'export_p': ln=='fr' and 'gerer-les-publications/exporter' or 'manage-publications/export',
'manage_a_p': ln=='fr' and 'gerer-mon-compte' or 'manage-my-account',
'basket_p': ln=='fr' and 'gerer-mon-compte/collections' or 'manage-my-account/collections',
'people_p': ln=='fr' and 'gerer-les-publications/people' or 'manage-publications/people',
def tmpl_navtrailbox_body(self, ln, title, previous_links, separator, prolog, epilog):
"""Create navigation trail box body
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display
- 'title' *string* - page title;
- 'previous_links' *string* - the trail content from site title until current page (both ends exclusive)
- 'prolog' *string* - HTML code to prefix the navtrail item with
- 'epilog' *string* - HTML code to suffix the navtrail item with
- 'separator' *string* - HTML code that separates two navtrail items
- text containing the navtrail
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
previous_links = previous_links.strip()
title = title.strip()
if title == CFG_SITE_NAME:
# Homepage
return """
<ul id="breadcrumbs">
<li class="last">Infoscience</li>
</ul>""" % create_html_link('', {}, 'EPFL', {'title': _("EPFL Homepage")})
if previous_links and not previous_links.startswith('<li'):
previous_links = '<li>%s</li>' % previous_links
if title and not title.startswith('<li'):
title = '<li class="last">%s</li>' % saxutils.unescape(title)
out = """
<ul id="breadcrumbs">
return out % (create_html_link('', {}, 'EPFL', {'title': _("EPFL Homepage")}),
create_html_link('/', {'ln': ln}, 'Infoscience', {'title': _("Infoscience Homepage")}),
def detailed_record_container_top(self, recid, tabs, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG,
modificationdate=None, show_short_rec_p=True,
citationnum=-1, referencenum=-1):
"""Prints the box displayed in detailed records pages, with tabs at the top.
Returns content as it is if the number of tabs for this record
is smaller than 2 => EPFL: no tabs!"""
return ''
def detailed_record_container_bottom(self, recid, tabs, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG,
modificationdate=None, show_short_rec_p=True):
"""Prints the box displayed in detailed records pages, with tabs at the top.
Returns content as it is if the number of tabs for this record
is smaller than 2 => EPFL: no tabs
# If no tabs, returns nothing
return ''
def detailed_record_mini_panel(self, recid, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG,
"""Displays the actions dock at the bottom of the detailed record
pages. => EFL: no minipane"""
return ''
def epfl_header(template_file):
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
'r') as my_file:
epfl_header_html_fr = epfl_header('')
epfl_header_html_en = epfl_header('header-no-local-search.en.html')
epfl_header_sig = epfl_header('header.sig.html')

Event Timeline